THE CAPITAL EVENING JOURNAL. THE CAPITAL JODRML. thi: citv iiaiiv TKIt.MH OK MUUfCItllTION. DAILY. One year by mall..... ......... ......!' 00 Hlx months 1)' innll 2 CO Three montliH ! tnll. .. 1 2" 1'cr week, delivered by carrier. . 15 WKEKI.Y. One yenr by mall... ........... 51 fi Hlx month by mall . ... 7i One year. If tmld In advnnce........ 1 0 Mix months, If paid In ndvnncc... 6 For advertising rntedjnpply nt this office AIIMiibdcrlljerHtoTiiKCAriTAl.JouiiNAi. who do not sccurt their paper regularly will notify thin ofllce, giving address, nnd t ho matter will be attended to at once. Ofllce, corner Court nnd liberty Htrcctn An Order nt the Court. Tho county Judge yesterday even ing made the fol lowing order, which Ih, to Hiiy the leant, restrictive: In the matter of the examina tion of the public records of Marion county, and the making copies of the same: On this day it uppo.iriiig to the court that there nre copies of public records of Marion countv, Oregon, being made in vioiatlan of section 270, page 10!), I Mil's Code, by persons not parties at nilcruit i n the matter sought to be examined; it is there fore nrdeiod by the coin t, that the clerk mid lecoider of Marion county be directed to furnish copies of their respective lecordt duly ceitllied, t' parties allowed to ex imluusald rec ords who are not parties at in tercet or properly appointed attirneys for the same, and fuither it is oidcivd that the custodian of the couit house le required to notify the par ties using the court room of tin court us mi olllcc, to vacate the same. T. t Siiaw. County .Indue Mllllull'n Mllldcidim. County Assessor Hlackerby is now at work on the assessment rolls and Is assisted by an able corps of copy ists. The books will not be completed before the last of next week, but enough has uliv.uly been done to Indicate that the valuation this year will be much above that of last. The total assessment of the seventy nine men of Marlon county whose assessment Is above $10,0tM Is $1,8:18,--t'17. Of this number three pay on miiiih of over (100,000. They are as follews: .Southern l'aelllo It. It. Co., K'OU.-M; Lmld & Jiusb, (1 10,8111; Win. Btewart estate, $108,1)10. Aiming th flint. The outlook for the Capital busi ness college Is encouraging. Theie Is at this tliuean active dcslrcamnng the future patrons of that school to be known as one of the llrst students who attended. Thecollego will open on Monday next with a large enrollment. DOING. the Tux (lixid Words fir Us. The Nebraska edltora, having re turned home from the press excur sion through Oregon, now write in glowing terms of the valley, l'lenty of fruit, in all the perfection of tlavor gained from ripening on the trees In the llnely tempered climate, was rather a novelty to them. IFlllUrluli hurt leva. There will bo services at Unltari rimi Hall next Habbath at 10:30. .Subject, Our Work. Miss Leona Willis will sing next Bubbuth and regularly thereafter, thereby m'cui ing to the church and choir, already good, as lino talent as the country allbrds. All welcome. Tim llli)i)l OrilliiiiuvD. The gentlemen who ride bleyeles uro vigorously discussing the pre pared ordinance to keep them oil" the sidewalks. They are glad to take the road on business streets, but declare It will work a hardship on them timing the winter scaion. They think bicycle and tiro limits should bo the same. .Street Itnlhiay 1'ranclilne mill Levy for 18SII. Last Might the city council met in adjourned session. The committee on wuvs nnd means presented their report, lixlng! Mi the tux levy at eight mills. The re port was adopted and was as follews: "rour committee to whom was referred the assessment roll, for the purposo of making the tax levy for the year 1890,begto rejwrt as follews: "The debt of the city, with inter est to tlate, Is about $13,f00. This includes mi indebtedness carried from last yearjof (4507.00. "The amount necessary to carry on the city government from date to Jan. 1st, 1890, will be about f 1833.00. This amount added to the present debt would make n total liability of $10,333.00 "The income of the city up to Jan. 1st, 1890, from licenses, etc., will be about $3000. The assessment roll shows a net amount of taxable pro erty of $1,045,140. A levy of eight (8) mills on the dollar would produce $l.'l,''ll.l!). Added to this, the $3000 deprived from licences, would pro duce a total of $10,211.19. This amount deducted fiom the liability of $19,333.00 would leave a debt of $3,091.01, a reduction from the debt of Jan. 1st, 1880 of $1, 113.10. "ft must not bo ovei looked that the city has Incurred heavy expenses on account of the lire department, additional electiic lights, building of bridges and relaying of innumer able sidewalks this year, audas It is the Intention of building several cisterns next year or sooner, we do not think it advisable to make a less levy than eight (8) mills. I Jespt'ct fully submitted, (Ji:oiiK Collins, Ki JIiuhcii, A. N. lkiHii." The committee on streets anil pub lic property reported in favor of ulley sewers through blocks 7 and 71 and recommended a survey of tho same mid the Inviting of bids for the con struction of the same. The report was adopted. Tho same committee reported in favor of establishing an electric.llght at the corner of Commercial and Kerry streets. Tho report was adopted. Tho same committee reported in favor of establishing an electric light at tho corner of Cottago and Marion streets. Tho report was adopted. Tho same committee reported in favor of granting the prlvileu-es prayed for by M. L. Chamberlln and 1. 8. Knight for street railway franchise for tho Capital City rail way company, and presented an ordinance governing tho same. Tho report was adopted. Tho ordinance was presented and amended to include electric power in running tho cars, and making the duration of the franchise thirty years, and making a license of $15 a year for each car. The question carried unanimously, all members voting for it. The ordinance committee was In structed to draft an ordinance giv ing tlu tiro companies the right of way on the streets without damage at all times Incases of tire. The committed on health mid police was instructed to Investigate tho stench In Chinatown and have PDREIiY MIms Millie PERSONAL F. V. Native Oregon FrnitH. Hustings came up, l v uneon oi venison, iex., on the morning train from Seattle, j B'" ueufc m u,e paracni oi ..,.., ... . agriculture, and C. L. Hopkins, a.- -Uncie m. Hunter of Browns-! n t porno! ogist of the department vllle was In the clt to-day. , lu?r,llllllrp. , wuM,,nn n Hullle J'nrrlsh returned i,uvu ust returned east from a y from her vI-U to Van-! tour through Oreiron. These uontle- men have spent several wcel.s on this oast, and their special buslnc; has been to ascertain all the facts home to-da, couvcr. Win, Munch came down to-day from Jeflcr&nn, where lie has been for the past week and reports every thing in that section lively. MlCAh SUMMARY. Don'c neglect to read T. Holver son's advertisement in this issue. W. I,. Uradsiiaw of The Dalles and Wm. Hathaway of Portland were appointed notary public by the Governor to-day. Mrs.O.S. PoIIock,who arrived in Salem yesterday from Jacksonville, accompanied by the daughters of Judge .Day who will attend the uni versity, lost her purse, which con tained about 100. It may have been stolen on the train. Heniember that the Uon Ton restaurant i the place to get u good meal for twenty-live cents. -The Salem milling company Is busy buying wheat. In a great many places wheat Is Milling at 03c, but the .Salem mills arc paying 65c. A new tank is being built for the poor farm. A huge wind mill will nlso be constructed, and then the farm will have plenty of water. Kou Sam: That desirable resi dence on Church street opposite M. E. church parsonage, with all the furniture, oil paintings, etc., is for sale. This house is supplied with hydrant water anil gas, built in the most substantial manner, a large basement for wood and is centrally located. Call at the house for terms. Leave your money with Squire Farrur fc Co. for groteiies, fruits, vegetables, canned goods, etc. They will not rob you but give you more forthcdollui and better L'oods than can be found elsewhere. po-slblo to obtain about the native fruits growing here and classify theiii under their proper botonicul headings. In addition to the tine fcccnery they enjoyed, much of in terest was found on the trip, and they left loaded down with flue specimens for future use. It is the purpose of tho government at the earliest practicable date to Issue :i comprehensive work with illustra tions true to nature In size and coloring, showing every species of, wild fruit growing within tboi boundaries of the United States. ' RESIDENT LOTS IN NOB HILL The whole plat Is In a fine state of cultivation, seeded in clover, with a good turf. No grubs, no stumps, no rocks or gravel, soil good, elevated and level, has a fine view of the citj', surrounding country, the mountain ranges and snow-capped peaks. Pure cold well water. Is twelve blocks south of the Chemekete hotel and postofilce blocks, on Commercial and Liberty streets. These lots are offered by George H. Jones on monthly and quarterly installments, without interest until paid. They are now actually worth In cash more than the prices named for them on long time without interest. If j'ou want lots call on him at his real estate ofllce No, 200 Commercial street, Salem. A FULL LINE -OK Crockery and Glassware! L FALLS CITY NOTES. No excuse for idleness around here, men are calling for laborers in every direction. JJusincssis rapidly increasing and prosper! tv reigns supremo at tills beautiful little hamlet. Hop raisers find it very dilllcult to procure white labor sufficient to gather their crops, which are many and gootl in this vicinity. Wo ure glad to note the fact that Salem is looking toward Falls City for lumber supply. Salem realizes that u very small outlay of capital will not only facilitate these necessi ties but bring a great deal of other tralllc and travel over tho road, we moan the railroad from here to Salem which will bo built sooner or later as sure us time lasts. tho nuisance abated. Nvliiiul Luw. A largo number of books con tuning the school laws and their amendments made by the fifteenth legislative lusombly, have been printed by State Printer F. C. Baker mill will bo sent to the various officers through tho state. tloiinty "mirl I'roi'ttedlngs. In matter of the improvement of county road reading from county road from Turner to Auimvlllo, $80 was appropriated. In mutter of the claim of John Prouett for damages sustained by falling through the Eseu bridge across Pudding river, warrant was ordered drawn him forfi'iO in full of claim foi Injuries sustained. . Ho lor Ymiulim. i Chas. Kllngcr, Mrs. Anna Kllng ,i'r, MKs Annie Kllnger, Mr. Jolm i Fergerson.Mr. U. 11. Miller and wife, i Mr. Hort Miller and H. ( Miller j were passengers for Vaqnlua to-day. i I Nihvh u( tli Itltrr. , The Modoo came up from Port- laud hi.-t night and returned this morning. She had about fifteen JmirimlLm In AtturU, The tlend Chinaman was planted at Clatsop this inornliig.Tran-script. Tun Mum I'ntlfiit. The asylum for Insane last even ing received two more imtlents. One was Mrs. Saline llrowerof llose burg who has reached herhovontleth j. ..... i ... ...... . i jenr, ami mis oeeu iu uusouu-i nunc! , f mwni flvKlt for yaUnl for fifteen years. This Is her eo- olid commitment. The other was Mary llrown from Portland, the crazy woman who attempted suicide ut Portland by lumping into the river. .Spurting liny, A.itiu.HWM)-.U'.iUont, i To-morrow is the sorting day at Sheriff-Crolsau and W. H. tlouiet ' Gervais.and a number of Falem peo of Woodburn were thrown from pie mv going to attend. A few their buggy while out riding yoster-1 giHl horso ruwa will lm run mid the day afternoon mid weivMlghtly in-1 people of (lorvals will have a good Jured. The buggy was demolished. ' tune. Mr fl.iiili.t utnii.L .... lit.. ..I. I.. .fl " ... .. ... ...V CT...U J Ills head injuring him couxldcruhly, Mr. Crolsan was scratched i.-.,i ...i i ...t ...... ...i.. ixirllln nccoiiiilllir ciirx wlwrv oilier nrulMHl, but nut m ervly. iirvimruiiimfttti. ivuiUirlalUKvHWuimo til homo, wliioli u u "toiivr nl trvutlli Origin of tlreat NVnrks. It Is not the tools that mako the workman, but the trained skill and perseverance of tho man himself. Some one asked Oplc by whut won derful process he mixed his colors. "I nils- them with my brains, sir," was the reply. It is the biuno with every workman who could excel. Ferguson made marvelous tilings such as ids wooden dock, that actually measured the hours, by means of a common penknife, a tool In everybody's bund, but then everybody is not a Ferguson. A burnt stick and a burn door served Wilkie In lieu of pencil and canvas. Herwiek llrst practiced drawing on the cottage walls of his native village, which lie covered with his sketches in chalk; and Hcujumlu West made ids first brushes out of the cat's tail. Ferguson laid himself down in the fields at night In a blanket, and made a map of the heavenly bodies, by means of a thread with small beads on It, stretched between his eyes and the stars. Franklin first robbed the thundr cloud of Its lightning by means of a kite with two cra-s -ticks and a silk haudkerclietf. A company has beeii formed in i Georgia to scrupe the entire bed of the Chestattee Itiver with dredges. It has always been known that the bed of this river is wonderfully rich In loose gold. Just atter the -war another company attempted to ac complish the same purpose by ilum lug the river, but it cost so much that the enterprise was abandoned. Tho present company will build an expensive dredging boat, capable of removing 500 tons a day. Not the one she wanted: Daler "What kind of a novel would you like? Here Is one that has been well received by tho critics, and they ull say that it is a book that every one ought to read." Young lady "That is just tho thing Idon't want. Have you any that the public is ad vised not to read?" George E. Waring says there are four requisites for putting houses, cities mid villages in good sanitary condition. They are, pure water, cllective ventilation, the regular re moval of garbage and other ofieu sive mutter, and free watei carriage for hoube drainage. Loyd Erycc, the new editor of Tho North American IJeview, is a Democrat. Thorndiko Jtice was a firm Republican, but tho two were warm friends, and JJrice will en deavor to follow in the footsteps of the dead editor us much us possible. Dude Are you waiting for some body, Miss? Lady Yes, I expect to meet my husband here. "I didn't know you were married." "Of course I ain't. Didn't I tell you that J expected to meet my husband here?" There is evidently something in dreams after all. A Walla Walla woman dreamed of finding n pot of gold in the cellar, and next day she went down and nosed around and found a keg of beer which her old man was keepiug on the sly. "I realy don't see what is tho matter with my razor to-day. Ilisso dull that it don't cut at all," said Johnny's pa. "Why, pa," said Johnny, "it was sharp when I used it to make a ship with." D. That's a very funny old cane that you have there. I'd like to buy it from you. E. Can't sell it. It is mi old family heirloom. L wouldn't sell It for the world. My great-grandfather used to maul my great-grandmother with it. There is always room at tho top mid when a aniall man gets there ho only serves to set off tho surround' ing vacancy. The pedagogue keeps school until the heated term, and then ho keeps cool some where else. There is a statue of lMsmark nt Cologne, and It makes tho eyes of Cologne water to look at it, hois so homely. Lunn &, Brown, 239 Corner State and Commercial Sts, Call Special Attention to their Fine Lines of Ladies', Misses' and Children's CIvOAKS. REMEMBER WE ARE THE ONLY ONES HANDLING Springer Bros.' Cloaks, Morper Dernlmrger & Cos.' Cloaks, Philadelphia Cloak and Suit Cos.' Cloaks. Our stoclcs of these reliable makes are large and well select ed of the very latest patterns and styles. They will please you in style, fit and price. Come and see them. So also make specialties of DRESS GOODS, Staple and. Fancy Dry Goods, and VIth specialties in Valerian China Tea Sets, French China Dinner Sets. ItlDGWAY'S FAMOUS Buckingham Pattern -OF- ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN Of which we constantly kepp a full line nncl open stock, enabling us to make up Dinner and Tea sets of any size, or sell bv the single piece. The finest assortment dl CHAMBER SETS Ever shown In Salem. A PULL STOCK 01 the latest and handsomest patterns In Glassware. call ana examine our stock. WELLER BROS., 201 Commercial Street, Farmers Ik names AND CARPETS 239 Corner State and Commercial Streets Wm." Brown & Co, SPECULATORS. Your attention Is respectfully called to the special advantages of Wm. R. While's Patent Gate, Which received the highest honors nvpr glyen to gates nt New Orleans World's Fair Call and ask to see Its wonderful and sim ile mechanism, which, in the words of the ury on awards. "Is a wondernil romhinn. tlon of simplicity." Also the Lone Star Hay Press, The price of which, S10O, puts It within the reach of the ordinary farmer. Theodore Palm, agent. County rights farsale. On exhibition at corner Liberty and State streets, Salem, Or. fMAl mmvv of , DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, Leather and Findings. A GOOD CU1' OK COHKKE. Is a great attraction for u restaurant. Thw cutlVo drawn from llrlltmbrnnd's Pat etit Collet' rivoptaelo Is one of I ho many Oivat Attractions of his eating parlors. Thousjudtofcupsor hU excellent coilee nroMila every wk. And as for oysters and meaU ho cannot bo equaled lu the state. - u. Peculiar " In UuimlltMtUm,imHrtlou it ml rvw UIHl trillion of lu InwrxslU'iiU, llixKl'm tvir-. Mill tl Slow bul Suiv. Tliuold liuly who thought her thui(,'htor, lu playing slow ami mnjrtlc pltvo of music, "was long whllis about It," was of that "enjw lilo" iiatiiro wlneh brooks no ilelav. Thoro arw others of tho anio illsosi. tlou. During u balloonNt't. rvceut exhl tlou in Scotland, a native was in-teiit-vly watching tho slow demvnt of tho parachute. "Dvar ine," ho exclaimed, "how long ho Is coining tloou!" "Yes, liulaile, anil ho Is.," obsorv- tl in 1 riliiimii tlwi ivtw k.tiii.llin . ,., J ..... ' b THUU UlMNtSS IIOUBIMI. I near, ucu.ui, . cou.t . c. mo uown i.niUallly no ou ,,,,. ,M MU!wl quicker than that incsllf!" Mich a jrreat revival of trrnto at r:m. Afl..r II.;. ' fln.t kiss! A..lrtt'i:!A,,I).n,88t0w,?'' 8VllB ' With fatal pccd Impure blood courses through thesy.tein ultluteuth lulls wake. Wright's Compound Kxtnict of Sarsua rllla cures all blood ille;iM-i. Sold by II. W. Cox audi) J. Kry Dlsturtmmi's ol the ivaccful summer such as Diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera Infantum, promptly evicted bv Wrlglit's blackberry cordial. Sold by all druggists. Painless ilontal operations at Dr. T. C. Sinlth's. 02 State street. IMl to Kllghl Xervoiuness nnd Indlges tlon by Wright's Hop Celery and Chamo mile Hitters. A healthful stimulus, and strengthening nud luvlgoruUug. Bold by II. W.Cox. It 1ih,s Ixvn proeu that Wright's lied Crv Cough Cure curea tlmwt and lung trouble of long standing, when all ether: MimklLu A.ih 1.. .... .... .. . - ! . lu.ii cuiu vj mi uruggisis. it W WOOL, CASH PAID FOR HIDES, PELTS, AND PURS. This house carries a largo stock of first class goods from the best manufacturers in the world, and Is prepared to give satisfac tion, ikiiii in stye auu quautv, to every one who will purchase goods ol them, Of the Willamette University Salem, Ore gon, the most successful Music School on tho Northwest Coast. Courses In music nre equal to Eastern music schools. Yearly at tendance of nearly one hundred and hfty. The able corps of teachers for the coming school year will be Prof. Z. M. Parvln, Leona Willis, JIIss Eva Cex: assistant teachers, Miss Lulu M. Smith, Aliss Hally Parish, and Mtss JIamlo Parvln. Branches tauirht are Voenl Culture. Piano. Organ, Violin, Pipe Organ, Harmony, Counterpoint, nnd Class Teaching. Diplomas given on completion of course menu ior catalogue nncl circuinr, PAHVXN Z. M 7-a5d3m-wlm. DORRANCE BROS. Dealers in every variety of OREGON LUMBER. DRESSED AND UNDRESSED! Lumber Delivered on Short Notice. IIYnrd at the Agricultural! works, Salem, Oregon. AIM located four nnd a hair miles northeast from Salem, on the John Martin donation land claim. Slab Wood 50c Per Cord. Call nnd see US heft. rmrMinnlncr atcA where. d-w No. 231 Commercial Street, SAI.EM, - - - OREGON. Guns! Guns! Just received tho finest Hue of Shotguns, Rifles and Pistols from Chicago nnd moro coining. Wo will sell lower than any other house lu oaiem. o tieiy an competition, roruanu not excepted. Also keep The Best Sewing Machines In tho market from $35 to M0 cash, nud in connection will run tho best Gun Shop In the state. Come nnd see us before buying elsewhere. BEN F0RSTNER & CO. J. H. HAAS, Watchmaker and Jeweler, COMMERCIAIj strbet. First-class work B-uaranteed. Give him a call and you will not regret it. 7-31ml GEORGE WILKINS' NEW BUTOHBR SHOP On Liberty street, across the bridge In Itorth aleni. All kinds of meats kept on hand. 65otf UPS MflfilA(MP fiW. I Jn I i iuiu. muuiuui m i r, n , I - w v m v m. w INSURANCE Company. Fire and Marine. JOS. ALBEJIT, Agent. Salem, Oregon WESTAC0H & NYE. Feed and Boarding Stable, ?-Hay nnd oats sold and delivered. Stables on Ferrv street, back of potoflloe. Has removed her millinery store to the rvxmi adjoining the Cawtal Jovunal and Is now ready to do nwav in irioir inr.ti(iorM wji in.kii HultorOf what complaint did your free "trial bottles of Dr. Kimr'a New ,i.oiiirr ni.. Mau. "u"'i" ..",.lnr.l".,.1., J,.,'H.,."",Am'."A,' tlrxt liiKbaud die. my darlinu? Rich . "Ueovery for Consumption. Their K.S. Meeker of l'uyallup, V.h., nuMkumiriuHiMneronmriSV whlow-lle was frozen to death.l w'JMMljb,enoriiioiliithUvew ... ..VnQ n,, uititvddv iHluBdeiutolay Interviewing the W;u ' mit AiwptUullor-Jl m 1 lHvtiHlJS'nS L MMb b 3,,LI,Ifcl"i hop men of Marlon and l'oll; conn- Tll0 bl ,ar wm, , M Ut , ! m&s, Colds, Asthma, Unlilchitit &JZm$fcgi tlm. Ho couiimI lato pUklng- -Kplcurwm tea, lnt, oilb, u 1uh) Mon. aHer midnight askeil to Crxu,H Jl.uU throjlt u llm dbH Sho'uSfncitV. h M na inai is, no urges nop growers uono varulh, window gla ami a lino tw dlscli-trmtl bv tl tiuki on ibo j,i"iriureu, i ou caiuesi u . Give her call and your orderewUl be U-kIii Picking until hop, imMlu Uuo oVgvuend groevrk at OilUrt L.Mllllli ,, ,,,,, ,". LViils ?m lln !?.1: SiurS SSSSSL uimhlv lllH. . vV Patterson's. tf. ?or vr -xli- ? ' " Cri'.n'1' "P iw ww i.Wl. WWm Mm th, Timll HS f,W.ffligS,,l,vVtJiMW"W1 Small Faras for Sale. A uumbei of ten-arra trnrtx nf dpslrable auu wunin one and a hair tulles ofBaleni, atprleeu ranging from JM to S 100 per acre. Apply to WILLIS A CHAMBEItLIN, 6-2Im Opera House Block C. M. L0CKW00D, SA.U1SM, ... OREOCN. Ueadquar rs for the Willamette Valley fortheeeKi.r4ted Columbia bicycles and trkyclc. lliu CVlumbUu are well known, aretltebet made, and have valuable Im provement for I he year Tboe wanting inachiue u ill do u ell to call oa or corn- ltnd Uith tllAlM'fnMnnn-hi.liia CIGARS, CANDY, NUTS, And all kinds of tobacu at JAMES BOWMAN'S FRUIT STAND. r 7 I ' I ' ' " I"' l'" ,' ..mTm, JrWrly,nibr JWnn, . hui.9 ,, J W "" siyT-KTjnta-"