1 THE CAPITAL EVENING JOURNAL. """ J J-,w'v y's,?7t'i"'i- tv-nty TflE Wmi JOCRML. termh of huiwuiition. daily. Onejtnr by mall.-.- K Hix month by mall-- j Three month by mall ' ? For week, dcllcred by currier l WLKKLY. One year by mnll ........... SI ? Hlx months by mull , ' One year, If paid In advance J Hlx months, lr paid InndNaneo. u For ndNertlsIng ralcs'apply nt tlil-i ofllcf AIIHtibHcrlbcrHtoTHKl'Al'lTAJ.JotfUNAl whii do not Kocuru their paper regularly will notify this oflleo, giving address and the matter w 111 be attended to nt once. OIHcc, corner Court find Liberty HtrcrlM A Truimparent rrmid, "Mister, jileas-e won't yon buy u boquet anil mwlst a nick ImlyV" Is the appeal that u little girl has been milking to citlens of Salem for the p-istfcw days. 'J'he Hyinpathles of the charitably Inclined were at once enlisted and they listened to the htory. The sick lady was dying of consumption npd lived at number lt'J Summer street. The Utile girl was getting money to aist her by selling tissue paper Ixxpi'etsf.ir thirty cents each. In her rounds tin- little (lower girl Milleilcd llev. Hollinwol the M. K. cliuich to buy her lloweis. He IiiiiiiIilmI into tins case and said lftlielady w.is ic.illy in need of assistance that he would call and see that'iild was lendeied her. I Jut it was In vain that he hearclnd for the number designated or lor the sick woman. As neither could bo found It Is safe to say the little boquet girl Is a fraud and is lorced to olitnli mouov falsely by Home dii-honest superior. honing Hid ht'i-il, Advertlfcuieuts in the Journal are like bread cast upon the water they bring their returns surely. TIiIh is Hliictly a home lnstllution. It Is owned heie and spends nil its money here. Its owners and em ployes spend largo sums of inone.v In Salem and they always consult the Jouunal'h advertising columns befoio makingany puichases. Now Is a good time to place your ads. Kulr time will soon be heie and the fall trade is opening up nicely. Some .Minn l'tlii(.''. Thu owners of Yew Talk addition contemplate the early construction of a half doeu collages theie. These cottages arc built to be sold on the Installment plan, including the lot. The sale for such houses is good and the six will no doubt be sold almost as soon as thelreonstiuc tion Is completed. My this plan homes are secured on easy teiins and the labeling man lluds little trouble In making the payments He soon liana nice little home paid for. At th 1'itlr iiiniiiil. Work Is progiessing uipldly at the fairgrounds. Stables for the hoises are about completed and carpeuterH aio now busy building the sheep sheds. A new booth him been built and the truck is In very good order for this time of year and is woikcd on dally and by the Kith of Septem ber It will bo in excellent condition. Thu street car line runs to the grounds and visllois ate visiting It daily. A number of horses tue theio for training and others are a peeted soon. Iloti It llixiiuo. It Isa matter of cousldetablu grat ification for tho Jot'HNAi, to state that Its weekly circulation for the past few months has been inetvas- luiriitii rinilil rate, llundieds of new minion have been added. Tho paper grows In popular favor and many aiv beginning to ircbi;iili It as a family necessity. It is It bout doubt the best and cheapest paper published on this coast or any other coast for that matter. Send and gel a sample copy, free. - - Apptiialu Anliliig. The (lold Mountain mining com pany of lids city are. now rc.elvlng their ussayer's apparatus and will soon bo prepaied to assay mineral brought to them. Alteady they have received several samples of orea from the Santlaui country. They will soon make a test of some of that rotten quart, and see what It rcallv does contain. 'Hit. Itiitlioad .NiiiiinW-lim. The Senate's IkuuiI of commission ers, which Is now the only recog nized buunl, Is in session today. There is not much Iiiimiiom Is-foiv them olbcr than concxpondeii.e, which has again glow u to bo quite extensive. Tho Intor-Mato commis sion Is having t bem consilium plan of unlveiv.il ivjsirts to be adopted by all of tho slates. Wlic.tl Mill I Inn. Thu price of w heal has fallen from ulxty-tlvo iviiU per bushel to sixty tlint) ivuts at the Turner mills, but I ho prlu at S.ilem Is at pru-Hint slsl.i live cents, A iiumberot farmers are belling tit this prnv. 'lilt' N IIUlllllll. The miiMins tuv now at work on the Drcyiiiau mid Hush blocks, and tho eurKntors are fniiinng the new MlutnA lowo llery btable, Thii thrvu bulldliiKB will now bo hurrlnl V completed, a, SZtX or J bourn of trusted of the Willamette I rniverxlty, held In June last, ti com mittee of live of its members, who were also members of the Idaho, ' I'uget Sound, Columbia Jtlvcr and Oregon conference, was appointed , to present the matter of a theological, department before the annual con Terences for their co-operation In organizing, and as there is no Insti tution oflearnlng in tho entire Pa cific Northwest for the training of persons preparing for tho Christian ministry, and as there U an urgent and ever-necessary demand for such a school it was the sense of the conference in session at Portland yesterday, that tho time Is now fully j rome i niii, turn a uiiui inr-ni m connection with the Willamette rniversity should be commenced. The following resolution was accor dingly pasnt'd: Ile-olvcd, That we recommend to the tiusteiH of said university, to fake the noccwiry measures for the tslnbllshmcnt of such a school, by the election of an adequate number of professors for the same, whoso duty It shall lie to di cido upon a ciiniculum of study, and procure theiequisitc inatciial for the same, so that the school inn begin at the laillest icasonable dale after tho commend ment of the school year. Ilnlil l)iitl';bl Rnlilii'ry. Sneaking thlovts enten d the rall- mail Chiiiamen's hoii"e just south orthoSaletn depot yesterday, and stole clothes, lice, socks, etc. The K.bbcry was not discovered until Section Iioss Prunfy came in from woik with his crew of Chinamen. This is the second railroad Chinese cimp broken into within tho last I line days. 'J'he citiens of this place should take warning and fast en their doors and windows so the outlaws cannot make an entrance. The Chinamen who were tobbed weieat work on tho railroad when the lobbery occuired. 1 bit Siilnni C'aiiN.ii.i. The icquircd amount of stock is now subscribed for the new cannery and woik will commence in the preparation of buildings in a few days. This will be a great help to Salem and the sin loiiniUug country. Mr. Cm pouter, the gentleman lately Horn Canada, is still in the city, and will icuiniu and take the manage meiit of this now and Impoitaut en terprise. AppiiliilmeiiU lor ISKO-liil. Tho Oiegon M. K. Confrenee, which concluded its labors at Port land yesterday, icporlnthe following appointments for the ensuing year: Dallas, T. J.oyd; Stayton, W. Iliulbiirt; Turner, ltobeit Uooth; Amity, A. C. Kaiicliiln; Itrooks, .1. W. Mtlk-i; Hubbard, V. M. Itrynn; Salem, Win. Itollius. 'lllll 'lllHI'l Clllltllllt, It was to-day decided by the peni tentiary board that tho tank for the water tower would not bo con sltueled until next spring. It was to bo built of brick but as the sca-ou is so far advanced they could not be made leadily and the tower will go over until next spiing, when per haps now bids will bo solicited and a wooden stiuctiire elected. It would iequiie.r)l),(00 brick. I'r.'li'i i i'il lln I'tilti. Kilday, when .-'rank Allmugh, who was robbed of $11 IK), called at thoSllveiton bank to get his cheeks cashed tho cashier insisted upon giv ing him a certltle.ito of deposit or a draft on Salem, as the bank was running low on gold, there being so many farmers drawing pay for their whe.it. Hut Alhaiigh preferre I to lake the glltteilug coin. Of coin-so It Is too Into to cry over poured out milk, but the unfortunate gentle man e.iu only say with tho poet, "If." '1 tin AsjIiiiii WIiik. ltids for the const motion of the new wliigut the tisyluui were con sidered by tho board of usyluni com missioners to-d.iy. Jackson t Hutch ins of Salem were tho lowest bidder, l$..0,.i7l) but withdrew their bid, and tho contract was awarded to A. W. Scott of Portland for $;Ul,;U.I. A Cltll Action. Justice Chase's couit yesterday and to-day has tvon occupied with a civil action, J. U Skinner v. Otto Malison. Tho nlalntlU' brought suit for damages, tho dofeinlaiit having built a house for him which after having been paid for in lull was never cotnpletid. Damages worn awardtHl pluintlll' In the sum of f:.M. J. A. Carson appeared for plalulltl and Tiluiou I'onl for defense. Slipil'IIIO I'llllll. J. M, How or, rvsp., vs. Hen Holla day; Joseph llolladay, executor of tho will of Hon llolladay, app.; appeal from Multnomah county; argue! and biibnilttodj (roluiirlug.) Win. Church, Jr., upp., vs. the city of I'ortl.uid, rwp.; appoaltHl fiMtu Mir.tiiom.ih county; argmil and siibiiilttcd. (iiHiruo I). YouniE wasailmlUed to praotiiv In all thecoiirt of thU t lie uH)ii eertitleatoa from the sapi. .iu courts of Indiana mid Washington A NEW .STKnr.TIlAIMVAY. The CHpllut Cllj Railway ('nnipiiiiy In . nrp'imted. Uiif. ... Lnnr.llrl btl-r.,,1 P.illlVllvl ., ,..., i ... .., ,r ,rai..ri nn,,vi, ,, befcin active opera-' .. llu . ,ill.,.,lllfcirilp,t,,n f the brie. Jjfh k,iIiii, j. K. Knight an(1M h Cinlllbcrn re the in- corporators and the articles of incor poration are a follews: I. Tills corporation jliall be named and known us "The Capital City railway compiuy, of Salem, Ore gon," and the duration of the incor poration shall lie perpetual. II. Tho object of the corporation shall bo to construct, equip and operate street railway lines in the city of Salem and adjoining suburbs; to own necessary rolling stock for transporting paisongeis over said lines; to own all necessary grounds and constiucl shopi, bains and all other necessary buildings; to buy, Bull or improve re.il estate adjacent I to said lines and to perform all j nllii.i-iii.Hiii.ni.si.ilvtoi!irrv Oltt the ..i.i u..ri. r.mr,,tii.. lfUJV.Viin IIIK' ,iijiinm'ni nr. The mineiiMl olllce of this cor poration sliali be located in Salem, Or. IV. The capital stock of this incorpor ation shall lie JjlTi.OOO, divided Into ii'jO shares of 5-100 each. The company will appear before the city council very s ion and ask a frailchbo over tho streets which they propose Using. The line will run from Commercial street to the penitentiary and asylum, via Che mekete and State streets. rimiXY rr.usuN.Ui. Miss Carrie Koyal c.une up from Portland this moiniug. Mrs. llollou, sister of J. II. Al. belt, left to-day for her home in (ialesburg, Illinois. She lias been visiting her btother for some time past. MICAh SI!.MMU. The joiingmaii robbed at Silver ton of -180 Sunday night was named Peter Frank. There is still no clue. Or. Waters of Eugene w ill ex hibit a tine held of pure hied stock at the coming stale fair. Mr. Woodworm of South Salem, who was injuied in a runaway acci dent v-'unday evening, is still con fined to bis bed. Don't, neglect to read T. Holver son's adveitisenient In this issue. Ottoniar Lultieli has this day tiled with tho county clerk his dec laration of Intention to Income a cltien of the Culled States. He was formerly a Herman subject. Sinllh & Hamilton will not do a real estate business, but will devote thelrattentlon to lo.tnsand abstracts. The Academy of I he Saoied I leal t opened yesterday with it satis factory enrollment of scholais. Remember that the Hon Ton restaurant is the place to get a good meal for twenty-live cents. Salem has borrowed an Astoiia sheet car to bo ii-'cd on the fair grounds route during fail week. The geneio.-lty of tho neighbor dow n by the sea is commendable. Dr. Jennings has employed as assistant Dr. H. Stephens, who lornierly practised dentistry at Lhniioc. Cal. This has been nccessi-i tatcd by his inoieascd pationage. lie will hold himself personally re sponsible for all dental work done at his otllco In the new bank block. Leave your money with Squire Karrar tV Co. for gioeeries, finits, vegetables, canned goods, etc. They w III not rob you but give you more for the dollar and better goods than cm bo found elsewhere. Kpleuro.iu tea, paints, oils, varnish, window glass and a fine lino of general groceries at (Jilbert A- Patterson V. tf. The school bells ring out with their old familiar and welcome sounds, the streets tue crowded at regular hours with students en louto to school, making it seem as If new life had Uen Infused Into the world. The committee on arrangements of the state fair have engaged the services of 1). D. Piettyiuan, who will gather and arningo the ex hibit of iiu it-. -The Modoc came up from Port land last night bringing about twe've tons for Salem among which was a large amount of furniture. C, 11. Monroe, proprietor of tho Chciiiekolo hotel, has had his buvs i lllllltist, lllith ad In to Its looks ' i very much. j ' CVok Patton had the misfortune to run the sharp point of a hill tile ihroiiKh the foretlnj;er of his right ' hum! -James llatehellorof thU city Is in rttvipt of a htter flom n friend In lllliiuis w ho Insists of having ralced u eueuuiUr this year which is three fivt and a half loitir, and asks "If Orvgon can Uat It." The Jovunal thlnU It can ami will bo glad to rw ivlvecucunibeuouie ullldavlt. Instates In Probate. In matter of the guardianship of Hnlph ,. PcoU, pale of real estate Is confirmed. Jn matter of estate of I" '' (JruIdH, JacobOde. executor, """' n,ou,lt alloucilnnt legatee tequired to fllo proof of identity, when order for distribution will bo made. Arllcli-s ot lnviirporntl'jii Articles of incorporations ere (lied with the secretary of state to-day as follews: The Willamette light rail road company; principal olllce in Portland; capital stock, 300,000, divided into .'5,000 shares of the value of $100 each; John Hale, J. C. More land and O. W. Bates incorporators. The Seller Work, 'I'lio Oipirnii iinMnrv eimiiiaiiv of Portland, which company has the! contract for the construction of thei Mai Ion and Ferry sticctseweis, will begin work on their eon tracts to-rrnr-' row. Mr. Rellwood, sccietary of the t company, Is here in person to-day i and will remain to see the work i commenced. ' a. ' Keaily Tor lluslne-H. ) ' Oold Mountain and Dry ! Gulch consolidated mi i puny opened up their stock books for business this ' morning. Their olllce is fitted up nicely and everything is in readi ness for a grand commencement. To-day parties are down from the vicinity of the mines. They came to get stock and give it as their opinion that all the Santiam country lacks is a little capital to develop It. This mining company is Incorpo rated for the object of developing the mines of tho Santiam and it is hoped they will do a big thing. rXIVKHSITY NOTES. Tho moat of the day yesterday Was taken up in registering and re ceipting for tuition. This morning the various classes were organized and the prospects are llattering fora heavy attendance and a piospcjnus year. Several moro students came in last night and this morning and more areexpicted on this evening's train. There are now about sixty young men at the boarding hall and nearly thirty young ladies at the Woman's college, which is more than in form er years at tho opening of school. Miss .loues of Kvanston, III., is expected in a few days, when she will take charge of the elocution elas'os In the university. Miss Jones comes with tho highest recom mendations from Prof. Comnock, profe-sor of elocution in the North western University, Evanston, 111. .lohn M. Peebles and V. T. ltlgby left on (he one o'clock train for Prlnovillc, whero they will bo en gaged in teaching tho young idea how to shoot. Prof. Clvde Cooke lias been en gaged to take charge of the art de pal tnient of the university. The discovery of llfty-two old Spanish coins In tho collar of a St Augustine house appears to have turned the heads of the dwelleis In that sleepy FIoi Ida city. Every ono wanted to have a hand in the treas ure hunt and to stake out claims. It is probable tho present find will prove to bo all thcro is of tho treasure and if further searches tiro made there will bo no reward to satisfy cupidity. The modern hunlersafter the hoards of pirates have had hard luck, tho most conspicuous instances being tho fellows who dug for days on Talk's island and brought up nothing but mud. "What's your name, Sis?" asked ('holly of tho pretty waiter girl. "Peail, sir." "Ah, you're tho pearl of great price, no doubt"."' "No, sir. I'm the pearl before swine." Peculiar In tluMMiiililnnttoii. proportion inul prop iinitlon of Us liierotlleiUH, tliioil's tn-sii-purlllik luvoniplUlies euros wlu-re other piviunitioul.tll. 1' euliur In lUKtxia inline ill liomc, Mhlvli Is it "lower ol klivnrtli uhroml, pccnlliirln the lilii'iionieiinl miiim It 1ms attained, Hool' sni.iirlllit tstlie nuitl MieiVM-rul iiu'itk-liiol'or purifying Hi" IiIimi.1. Khlni; Mronxtli and creating nn appetite. A OOOl) CUf OF COFFKB. Is a i; real nttnu-tlon for n reMminuiU Tim eiittVu itmvwi from Ilellt'illinuul'h Pat enl Coiteo reocptnclu U ono of tho initny tirent AUnictltMi of liU eating parlor. ThoiiKMiJs of enps of til excellent cotleo lire (Ailu every ueolc. And R for oysters mill nieitU lie cannot lo equaled In the t.ile. tt. with fatal speeii impure blood coures thmutih thui.yi.tcm wlthiloulh lulu nuke. Wright' Compound Kslnu-t of sirwipa. rlllu cure all IiIoakI dUrusrs. SoM by II. W. Cox luul I) J. Kry ItbturKiiuMi ol the peaceful miiuuier kiu-h at Ularluxxi, dy MUitery nnd cholera Inftiiitiiui, iHxmipily evlcuM bv Wrlshf bLiekWrry cardial. Sild by all druwltU. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith's, 9J State strvvt. inutoKilsht Norvouiiu and l inline wnsiu' Hop tviery and uiwmo. tulle Hitters. A hertlihful ktlmmiisand " " .. 1 1.... ...! I...l....'.,., LJ.I !, II. w.uiv. KvuhiuviMiib ..., .....ftv a "i , M.intii:i. imOWN --SKYMOUlt At .Mon. mouth, Sunday Sept. l! 1SS0, Mr. M. C Hrvw u. ageil M-vtityIlvo von, and Mrs, Seymour, iigvnl iifly years, both of Dallus. RESIDENT LOTS IN NOB Salem, for building lots, have no Hfate of cultivation, fcecded in clover, stumps, no rocks or gravel, soil good, elevatedand level, has a fine view of the city, surrounding country, the mountain ranges and snow-capped peaks. Pure cold well water. Is twelve blocks south of the Chemekete hotel and postofllee blocks, on Commercial and Liberty streets These lots are oflered by Jones & "Watson on installments, without interest until paid. They are lwy actually worth in cash more than the prices named for them on long time without interest. Several lots have been sold on which fine residences will be erected. If you want one or more lols cal1 on JGNES 4 WATSON, win Lunn & B ;":cr;'239 Corner State Call Special Attention to their Fine Lines of Ladies', Misses' ami Children's CIvOAKS. REMEMBER WE ARE THE ONLY ONES HANDLING Springer Bros.' Cloaks, Morper Dernlmrger & Cos.' Cloaks, Philadelphia Cloak and Suit Cos.' Cloaks. Our stocks of these reliable makes are large and well select ed of the very latest patterns and styles. They will please you in style, lit and price. Come and see them. We also make specialties of DRESS GOODS, ' Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, and CARPETS 239 Corner State and Wm. Brown L Co., DEALERS IN BOOTS AND SHOES, -"-""To. I Mb 1 1 T'iv.i.i,j''llBL!liiite 1 g-Pt I "VHHrilB Guns! Just rveoivetl tho finest Hue of Shotguns, Ilitlca nml Pistols from Cliicngo anil more coming. We will tsell lower than any other house in Ailein. Wo defy all competition, Portland not excepted. Also keep The Best Sewing Machines In the market from ?3o to 5-10 cash, fliui gimp in tlie htate. t'onio and Mrs. McGregor o i ... .. . 1 III. ....... . . "'".".VrL' ':...' V."i,0'"J",c "" ".-. v ..i.m .uv.wix. huu u uqw miuy ui uu 'I ALL KINDS OF MILLINERY,! Mie ha Jut rewlvetl a new Ux-k of the ' Utot tylisi and can kill cheaper than auy ot her hmiM lu the city. I Qio her a mil and your orders will be neatly and piompily nlled. HUtheunly jU-elu the city where you can purrha a Kelt WalklDK Hat tor the imall prloo of Una Dollar and ItrtCtan, H ML S B 1 Ian B equal. The whole plat Is in n fine with a good turf. No grubs, no will show you the plat and the lots IJJJM1 IIIIWL'M'W- rown and Commercial Sts, Commercial Streets. Leather and Findings. CASH PAID FOR WOOL, HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS. This, house carrier a lanre stock of first clnss eoods from tho best manufacturers In the world, unit Is prepared to elve satisfac tion, Doin in stye una quality, to every one wnu win purcnae. goous oi mum, No. S:H Commercial Street, SALEM, ... OREGON, Guns! nnd in connection will run tho best see tia before buying elsewhere. BENF0RSTNER&C0. Iteli Lemonade Wfc - S-m. & . .-m Ul(-xVl:t, CANDY, NUTS, And all kind of tobacco at JAMES COWMAN'S FRUIT STAND, Koniiedr owned hy Benton) on Stalest. A FULL LINE -OF -i Crockery and Glassware! With specialties In Valerian China Tea Sets, French China Dinner Sets. ItlDG WAY'S FAMOUS Buckingham Pattern OF- ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN Of which we constantly keep a full line and open stock, enabling us to make up Dinner nnd Tea sets of any size, or sell by the single piece. The finest assortment ot CHAMBER SETS Ever shown In Salem. A FULL STOCK Ol the latest and handsomest patterns in Glassware. 49-Plcase call ana examine our stock. WELLER BROS., 201 Commercial Street. SPECULATORS. Your attention is respectfully called to the special advantages of Wm. R. White's Patent Gate, Which received tle highest honors ever glren to gates at New Orleans World's Fair. Call and ask tosee its wonderful and sim ple mechanism, which, In the words of the Jury on awards, "Is a wonderful combina tion of simplicity." Alse the Lone Star hay press, the price, of which, 8100, puts It within the reach of the ordinary farmer. Theodore Palm, agent. County rights farsale. On exhibition at corner Liberty and State streets, Salem, Or. DORRANCE BROS. Dealers In every variety of OREGON LUMBER. DRESSED AND UNDRESSED I Lumber Delivered on Short Notice. Yard at the Agricultural works, Salem, Oregon. Mill located four and a half miles northeast from Salem, on the John Martin donation land claim. Slab Wood 50c Per Cord. Call and see us before purchasing else where. d-w J. H. HAAS, Watchmaker and Jeweler, COMMERCIAL STREBT. First-class work cuaranteed. Give him a call and you will not regret it. 7-31ml GEORGE WILKINS' NEW BUTOHKR SHOP On Liberty street, across the bridge in North ttalem. All kinds of meats kept ou hand. 6-30U N INSURANCE Company. Fire and Ma rine. JOS. ALBERT, Agent, - - Balem, Oregon Bids for Wood. BIDS will be received at my office In the opera house block, Court street, Balem, Oregon, up to September 3, 1S89, at 3 p. m., for six (6) cords of body oak or large grub oak wood and seven (7) cords of body lfr, to be delhered at the North Salem school houfce; also six (tf) cords of body oak, or large grub oak wood, and seven (7) cords of lame body fir to be delivered at the South Salem school hou-e; also forty (10) cords of large body or gru oak wood, thirty (30) cords of body ash and fifty-five (55) cords of largo body tlr, to bo dellered at the East Salem school house. All this wood to be delivered at the places designated on or be fore the 1st day of October next. The board of trustees reserves the right to reject any and all bids. DAVID SIMPSON. Clerk ol School District No. 21. dw-td WESTACOTT & NYE. Feed and Boarding Stable. 49-IIay and oats sold and delivered. Stables on Kern street, back of postofllee. Small Fans for Sale. A numbei of ten-acre tracts of desirable and within one and a half miles of Salem, at prices ranging from .X) to 1100 per acre. .vppiy 10 WILLIS A CHAMBERLIN, 6-2)-1 ni Opera House Block C. M. L0CKW00D, SAUKM, ... OREQCN, Hetutqnart for the Willamette Valley fur the celeb tied Columbia bicycles and trliyek-. The Columbia are well known, are the beat muue, and have valuable Im provement for liie year Those wanting machine will du h ell to call on or 'correa poi.d li n. i before purchasing, Oii.ce ui u iu-rt Uro bank, Vfl Ceiqt mere in l invt ulem, Fan Mechanics