THE CAPITAL ETEXIXG JOURNAL. m CAPITAL J011RML. How the Whipping Post Works. "Our whipping post doesn't seem to take very well with your people up here," said Governor Biggs of Delaware, shortly after he had made his great "short t-.1V' at the Tam many coiitennia'. I toll him that there did seem to be something of a feeling in New York against the whipping post and other methods of lGth century punishment. "Well," coiitinue.l the old gentle man, "we are old fashioned people down it) Delaware, and I presume w e are way behind the times in a good many things, and rather set in our ways, and that method of deal ing with certain classes of criminals is out of our ways. Now I am not nn apologist for the whipping post, because I don't believe that Dela ware needs any an ilogies to be made fur her pernio or h;v ccN, and if I did they wouldn't come with very goud grace from her exesutlve; but I cau tell you some facts. "There is not in the state of Dela ware to-day a single penitentiary. If a man beats his wife or sets lire to a neighbor's barn, or brvuks iuto a bouse, he isn't shut up with a lot of other crimiuais with full time and opportunity to learn all their tricks of deviltry that he did not know. be fore. As a preventive of crime the whipping past lias a much greater terror than a term in the penitentiary, and I have never known of a man that came back for the second dose. Ho simply leaves the state. Maybe he comes to New York; I don't know. At any rate he seeks another home, and you may rest assured that if he stays in Delaware ho lives a very quiet life. To be sure it is a relic of barbarism, but it is our way." Deainess Can't Be Cured By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There Is only ono way to cure deafness, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness Is caused by nn Inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the eustachian tube. When this tube gets Inflamed you have a rumbling sound or Imperlcct hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is the result, and unless the lufiamatlon can be taken out and this tube restored to Its nor mal condition, hearing will bo destroyed forever; ulno cases outof ten nre caused by catarrh,whlch Is nothing but an Inflamed condition of the mucus surf ices. We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. Price 73c. per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. F.J.Cheney A Co.. proprietors, Toledo, O: pOYAl V (.. ROYAL KSWJ J First National Bank New Liven1 Stable. SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. li.nUK, -Oil. J. IIKYXOLUS. JOHN MOI1S, - . - 'President. Vice President. - - Cashier. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength nnd wholesomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight nlum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. Hoval Baking PowDEnCo..lOt)Wall.N.Y. fespF Tho BUTEES' GUIDE it issuad March and Sept., each year. It la an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clotho you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, cat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fail estimate ot tho value of the BUYERS' OUIDE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents o pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago, 111. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, Ban Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, Couuty and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to deposit wud transact bulucs with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops nnd other prupert) nt reasonable rates. 1'iMimnco on such se curity can be obtained nt the hank In most reliable companies. ESTABLISHED HY NATIONAL AUTIIOMTY 1 III? lyajllldl LNclLlUUtll Dallli SALEM OREGON. P, Surplus, 75,000 10,000 TUo following affidavit te publish ed in the last issue of the liuseburg Review, and is probably about the flrst instance of the kind on recerd: "We, James M. Keaton and Pan uio P., residents of Pass Creek, Douglas county, Oregon, being duly sworu each for himself aud herself aud not one for the other, say that wo are both unmar ried and that tho relation that we bear to each other is that of a brother and sister-in-law. This affidavit is made for the benefit of the public in general." The affidavit is made be fore the clerk of that county. liuckleii's Arnica Salve. Tho best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to givo perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Daniel J. 1 ry, drug gist. Stage Robber Captured. Chicago, Sept. 1. A telegram from Marquette, Mich., states that the Gogebic stago robber was arrest ed at Republic, Mich. The robber's name is Raymond Holzhoy, and will bo taken to Bessemer to answer for the killing of A. Fleischbeiu, at Gogebic. When searched at the jail three revolvers, three gold watches, four pocket books and various other articles were fouud on his person. He confessed being the perpetrator of tho robbery of tho Milwaukeo & Northern train at Ellis junction lust May and at Lake Gogebic last Mon day. Among tho effects found on him was the pocket book of Fleisch bein. Oregon is one of the most produc tive suites in tho Union. Its vast mineral regions containsgold, silver, copper, irou, and coal. Its immense tracts of grazing lauds support thou sands .of cattle and sheep, and its extensive agricultural regions pro duce all the cereals hi abundance, the yield per acre being, in sonio in stances, tho largest in tho world. Among the useful and valuable prod ucts of the Web Foot State may bo mentioned Oregon Kidney Tea, which has proved a boon to thou sands ufillctcd with pain in tho back and kidney difficulties. It is purely of vegetable composition and never fails. Sold by D. W. Mathews. Trucks and Drays. MORGAN & MEAD Are now provided with fine new drays nnd trucks andare prepared to no nil busl nrs in that lino In the best of shape. They give their personal supervison to all work. CorneiStato 'and Commclrclal xticets. Call and See T. T. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIS NEW QUAHTEKS IN THE Stato Insurance llulldlng, Cor. Com mercial and Chemcketo streets 'O-ltf For the Public Good. "The seal of the state of Wash ington," encircles a seal with tiie iiguWlSSO," beneath, for the new state which will boon be made out of. Washington Territory. It should bo neutrally known that Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic In sures a hearty appetite aud incraited digestion, dispels nervous depression and low spirits, overcome lack of euenry and wakefulness and will lu- fube new life and strength into the weakest Invalid. Sold by 1. W. Mathews. It is an indisputable fact that the hand somest vestibule trains that nre now run on the American continent are thoso on tho lluiltngton route, leaving from Union depot In Denver, also tit. Puul, Immediate ly on arrival oi an inrougu irains iroiu ine west, tuo nrannu seconu ciass coaencs aro magnificent, the reclining chair cars suburb, the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuriant, nnd as for the meals that nre served In thoso pr.Inco lturlington dining errs yum yum. The next time you go east to Kansas City, Chicago or Ht. Louis, If you mention to the ticket agent that you want your ticket to lead Jrom Denver or Ht. Paul over tho lturlington route, you will get It, nnd you will always bo glad of If you go via tho Northern or Canadian Pacific, tho elegant vestibule trains of Tho lturlington lloute, between St. Paul and Chicago, or St. Louis, will carry you along tho eastern shore of tho Mississippi river for a dlstnnco of 330 miles, amidst scenery that cannot bo surpassed; or. If you fo via tho Oregon Short Line or Southern 'aclflc, una your tlcicei rends via The iiurllngton Houtofrom Cheyenne, or Den ver, you will pass tnrnugn nil tho thriving cities nnd towns located in what is popu lai ly known ns tho Heart oi the Continent. For further information njiply to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, 8o First street, Portland, Oregon. -l-lOd&wtt $50. HORSES. $50. Ono hundred head of brood marcs nnd young horses for sale. Forty or litty colts expected in the spring Two lino horses, Clyde and I'er-jheon stock, weight sixteen nnd seventeen hundred; bnvo been with the band for the past three years. Original stock from the best quality ol mares. For particulars address orsee V. If. IIYAHS, w4t. Salem, Or. OREGONIAN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) C1IAS. X SCOTT, - - Receiver. On nnd after Juno i! ISSOnnd until further notice trains will run dally (except Hun day) us follews: EAST SIDE. Coburg Mall: From Portland Portl'd Mall STATIONS. fTow'rd Port land Lv. 8.00am Portland ivtw v ifrooi or r nireei Lv 9Jnm IIhv'h Landing. Ar 2.33 1U.UI Ht, paurs, t.Ji Ar 10.Su 11.0o 11.10 11.25 11.35 RIO liSO 11.35 12.41 1.03 1.S6 WO 2L21 2.13 3.13 3.1S VA &07 53S fcM V m Woodburn, Townsend, McKec, ML Angel, Down's, Mllvcrton. Johnston's Mill' Hwltzerland. KiutHldeJnncL, Macieny, Aumivllle, Ale O P Crossing, WestBclo, Crnbtree, Kplcei, Tullman, Ilatnview. Hrownivllle, Rowland, Coburg. AH LVI.v 1.10 1.15 1.10 1ZM 1&32 12.20 11.15 11.41 11.34 11.11 10.48 KUaJ 10.10 10.00 O30 HMi 8-10 7.42 CL39 C.-CO a m Commutlmi (Ticket at twoeents per mile oa Mle'at stations hav Ing agent. Connection at ML Angel with stage for and from Wilbolt Mineral hpring and at Woodburn with Southern Pitclac ooiiiuy train for and from Portland, Or , UUAS. N. BCOTT, HCMTtr. I Garal 0, N W Ow. Pint ana Pint, I fwn Wj unyn IL S. 'WALLACE, - - President. V. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALUURT, - - - - Cashier. DIRtCTORSl W.T.Gray, W. V. Martin, J. M. Mnrtln, R. S. Wallace. Dr. W. A.Cusick, J. II. Albert. T. McF. Pntton. LOANS MAD1S To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store. euner in private grnnnnesor public warehouses. Sialc and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted nt reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on Now York, Chicago, Snn Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin Hong Kong nnd Calcutta. The Oregon Frail Dryer. mmmWB ljyrtrJlAiJffWrPM'J s& It is Easy to Operate ami Eco nomical in Fuel. Awaided flrst premium nt (lie Oiegon Stato Fair In 1&S3, '81, '85, '80, '87. 8S, nnd nt the California Stalo Fair In 18S7, and the S.m Joaquin county Fair In 1887; awarded Grand Silver Medal nt tho Portland Me chanic's Fair In lbS8. Manulactured in seven sIzch. For clrculnr and price lift ad dress II. K. JOKY & SON, Kalein, Or. Postofuco box Uhfl. mOUSEnOLD SHOUIiD BE WITIMI T rSt Wmm o smm m & jrn mmwm?. mSBR OirSFJEPSIA -" 1 M , IiM r ifl MMtMW' mm jtj RESTLE9SNESS. a f.nipriT vinmiif MULTLCSS FAMILY MEDICINE. EA63?5, SA.. PHILADELPHIA. Price. ONE Dolhr FiwS Thn mnlnrltr of tho Ills of the hnmU fcody arlt o from a diseased Liver. Him Bona Uver Regulator haa been the meant 4 restoring more people to health an4J happlneu by giving them a health liver than any other agency on earth, j m THAT YOU GET TIIE GENtmOi WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Graduuten Ktudcnti In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Huslne&s, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. J. Mdcp.v ha lately pv.rch '-nl thellv-l ery nnd Kivd Stable lormerly owned by Wagner . German, nnd now conducts A FIRST-CLASS STABLE! lie has some of the bet rigs In the city. Give htm n call nud it will bo filled with great promptness J. J. CULVER, County Surveyo JAMES WALTON, Topographer. W. H.IBYARS. Civil Engineer. Byars, Culver i Walton Surveyors k Topographers, Su r vey s, d ra ft , plats maps and descriptions of lniuU, townlots, nnd nxid, ditcher, streets, sewers, alleys, etc. etc., mado and furnished at muntinhlA ,irlive. (lid bOHT Solar Tbnit. comers nnd lines rc-e-w. l. e. curliy tnbllshed fromorlglnnl nor, k. t. ncld notes. Grades tor ditches, roads, streets or sew ers, with estlmntcs furnished on nppllcn llon. Address County 8ureyor's office. Selcm, Oregon. History of Oregon Prom tlie Earliest Period to trie PresentTlme IJY I1UUERT HOWE BANCROFT. Just published, complcto In two vols, with Index. A mnmilticcut contribution to knowledge. The prldo ot a pcoplo who aroprouu ui incir rrctiru. a. nousenom neccAslty; a national bcnellt. Agents WaiitelSbitS:; ed can at all compare wllh this In lntciest and Importance to the pcoplo of Oregon, and to all others interested In tho weliare of their country. It contains n record of bravo doings, of grand emigrations and permanent organizations. It is the life of an important pnriui mo nation, imo true Oregonlan, no truo American will lull to ccuro this work, now lor tho first time of fi'icdsepcrntely from tho full sot (if .Mr llancrolt's niarvellou hlhtoilcal series In Si vols. Earnest, nctlvo workers should (.octtro exclustvo territory Immediately, or they willlopoa raro opportunity to mkne for thcmsclvas ffeeldy Capital Journa or Ono needs nooxpcrlcucoorcnpltallnthls business, for lfproperly presented thouork ells Itself, and wo glvo our Agents M) days' tlmo in which todellvci nud collect liefnra paying us. Address THE HISTORY Co., 72J Market SI. Kan Francl co, Oil. SEE HERE I If there is anyone in the whole stato of Oregon who wants to return to the oust he should read this advertisement: A Bargain For Somebody ! ! nunmnmT nnnnuwr n.u.N n.n' r -ToExchango for- Has Been Enlarged and Greauy Improved ami Now Is The CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN OREGON ! THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN MARION COUNTY! Read Our Reduced Terms! OREGON LAND! A GOOD CHANCE 49-For particulars call at tlilx of lice. K M the olde.t, lurgent and leant expert elve In.tltutlon of learning in Ilia North- Kcbool openi flrt Monday In 8f jiteinUr 8""lfOra'Ull?0H.VA.VKCOV. J'nsideut. )7: Kalem, On-Kun. You can't atlord to have an onViulte breath and dtcaytd ttttli. Wright' Myrrh Tooth Soup prevent loth. Try 1U 89M Wf all OrmUU. fl"7C i- dricfl AMONTIIcanboinude vPO 10 vOZOU worklne foru.. Ai'euu preferrel who ran furnUh a itonte and Kive their hole time Ui the bualnt, Hjiure iimmi-nu may be profllably employed alo. A few aeuncle In town and cltlwi. II. K. Jphnon A Co., low Main t Itlcliinond, H , I1eae iUte agttand buklneaa ex perlencf. tr mind about wmdlnif nUtmpforrtply. 11. KJAO. 4-fl-flnvut FOR MEN ONLY! a nciTiuc f -' ' iUir kakhmidi AFUdlllVCoMlaa4 Vcrro-t IXUltTI WEEKLY, one year, $1.C0. WEEKLY, six inontliH,. ..$0.75 Now Read Our Discount for Cash WEEKLY, one yeur, f 1.00. WEEKLY, nix inontliH, fJ.ftO. WAH THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OK OUR ONE-mHIRD OFF FOR CAHH. UfcMLIaXl IukM4IliJMu(t. wrwiwww . t. r.j .u.. Ui.oa Traal -! H rtlal A Aaf. mmtMWlU MptvVV wirwff Our Old. Subscribers Now In urrtars uro urged to take udviinUigu of our lilj,' dixcount, ly hcU tliiiK old acoountH und Joining the grand throng of ono dollar HtilmcrllHjrbf THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER Rut a aoilil, jeru)ttiioiit reduotiou, Wu have coino to tuy TO ONE AND ALL Wc bay, Bend ut your iiuiiu-h. 1( you wunt to take advantage of our "ono third off for auih'iuid aro not wlaro you can uvt ixtnl note, nfmiw convouluntmethcxlofrcmlttlinr, widI im your numo and tut that you will rmlt t flrtt opportunity. TbU will eimuru your U4ng plM ou the THE YAOUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And OroKnn Dcvolopnictit comiviny'a .otoiuuslilp lino. 'JZ'i inllc shorter, Su hours lowtimo tliiin by nny nthet mute. First clns tlirointli imtsciurer nud frelRlit lino from l'ortlnud nnd nil potnu In thoWil lmnutto vnllcv 16 nnd iroiu fcnti l''riiueisci. TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxeoptautulnys): IjOnvoAlbnny I.-001'M IifnoCorvnllls 1:101" M Arrive Ynqulnn firm I'M lANtvo YiKiuInn (1:15 AM. Leave Corvnllls 10:33 AM Arrive. Albany 11:10 AM O. ,t C. tnilui connect nt Albany and Corvnllls. Tliontxnotniliti connect nt YAQUINA with tliu UrcKtiu Development om l.ius if SlenMihlps between Ynqulnn nud Snn Francisco. S.MI.I.Nd DATES. BTKAMl;ll. KIIOM YAQUIN VVIlluinetto Vnlloy Monday Sent. II Mlo alley Tuesday '' 17 SVIIIiiniet Wllluinelto Valley, STKVMKIW, Wlllninettn Vnllev iiimueue v.iiiey Friday Willamette Vnllevi Ritnnlnv Willamette Valley . Hunday This ivmpnny nserves tho right change siiIIIiik dates without notice. i. ii. iiisseiiKerH rroiii roitlanu and -Wednesday FIlOM SAN KUANCISCO .Weilnpsdiiy, Sept, I i.i 21 ai to all WlllamcttO Vallev nolntM fill! mnkn nlnn ronnectlnii Willi tho tmlni of tl o YAO U IN A lttlt'Tl.; at Albany or CorvnlllP, and if destined to S'lii ti uictsiti, Khoiilo. nrniiiKOtoiirrlvtint Ynquiiui tho uvcniui: heforo dale of s.illliijt, I'lisseiieor ami I'relght Hairs .ln thr WW1!1. J'rlalonnatliinniiply to Mesurtl IlLMiMAN ,t Co. FiclKht nnd Tickit Aleuts 'AM nnd 1M-.' Front ht.. Forlland.Oi. or to ' O.C. HOHUK, Ao't OenM Frt. A l'ass. Act., Uregou l"tcillo It. It. Co., 0 1I.HA8WKI.lWr.a.H,,Kl!U0r Pass. Agt. Oregon Uovclopment Co., sol Montgomery ct.; Han Francisco, Cat' Itemcmhor thn Oregn I'aeltlo'H populnr Kuminer excui-slons to Yiuiuliiii. Imw rato llt'Ki'lH am now on nle, good every Wednesday and Saturday Irani Albauy, Conalllsand l'hllomiith. Yours truly, (3. O. ilOGUK, a, (1. 1. Agent to -VIA rcia Soulliiirii Piicilic Company's Line, TUB MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE lime lii'tinm Salrni ami San l'rauclsio."; 'Illlll)-lil 11(11118. CAl.lKOItNIA l:.l'lir.H.M TltAI.V IlUN 1IAII.T, llMWI'KN I'Olin.AI'I) ANIIH. K. South. I T.CWli. m. "I.v. iNiitlanil 11:11 1. in. I I. V. Salem 7:l."ia. in. I Ar. Han Finn. I.OCAI "TJoith. Ar. I.v. I.v. 10: 1.1 a. m. 7:.rkl a. in. Mi p. in. 1'ASS1:.N(1KU tiiain ( iiaii.v"i:.. r.i-i nilillAl J. S.00 a. iii. ihUln.m '.':I0 p. m. I.v. I.v Ar. l'oilliiliil Malum ICugune Ar. I .".'I'l ii, in. i.v. I law p. in. I.V. ll.UO II. in. PULLMAN BUFFET SIME11S. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For aceomiiiodiitioii ot heeoml class piiKKcngerMiiltnched toeprinM lialns, 'J'hoH. 1'. fompany's ferry malics eon niH'tlnn wltl- all Iho legiiiar tinins ou 111 Mint Sido Division fiim fool of I- stico rorlliiiid. ircsl Side Division, Between Portland anil Cervallis: 1 IA I I.V ( I 'Xt'KVTJWSllAY). Xr. "TI:aop, iii. i: hi p. in. 7:!Wa. ii77TlAlVirlaira' I'-'.ii'i p. in, 1 Ar. Corvnllls I.v. At Allxiny anil CorvaTtls connect wliTi trnliiHifOii'gon I'aelllti Hallroad. Thmugh tleltelHtoall points south and (lutlvliijuilinii nla i:xlMiTwuAsr(iXTnFK.x'KiM7rwTiA"Yr "J:5(l p, ui. fT.v. lTor(lauri"Ar. I ti.OOn. in, H:0(J .. in. I Ar.Mii.Minuvlllnl.v, n:l5a. in. Through Ticket To all points "OUTII and KAST VIA Ca.likoiniA.. For lull inlnrination regarding rates, maps, clo apply to tho Compaiiy'n agent, Halein, Oregon, K. 1". lUKllTllH, Acst. (1. F, and I'iihs. Ag't It. KUi:ilI,i;it,l Manager, Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY. Columbia River Route.' Trains for tliu east Kuvu i'ortlaud at7:i& am and U.;K) pm dally,. Tin tin to nnd from principal iMilniM In tlu UiiilcilMliiKH. Uu; udiimid l.urope, Klcganl New Dining Cars. riilJiMAX PALICB SLHEim Fre Family HIiH-plug Cars run through on Kxpres tnillis In Minaha, Council lllullsaiid Kansas City wllhoutehangu; Connections at l'orlliind fiirHaii Franels. co and 1'iigut Hound hiius. For further nartlculars address anv ttgvut of tho iKiiiipaiiy, or A. I. MAXWELL, . 1'. T. A U.J. HMITil.dtl.'l .Manager, l'ortlnud. M. P. RANKIN'S Paint Shop Ko.U.rll Coiiimcrdiil Ht. IfmiHo nnd L'urrltiL'O riilntliiKi Hlgu wrllliiK. I'lijior IiiiiikIiik ami ilccorutiiiKi Wall tinting anil kill hoinliilng executed In tho latent ntylt). Experienced Workmen Employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cull ami wo u latoro you let your Wlrk, Jl .afarWxhgffc"1- '