THE CAPITAL EVENING JOtJUlTAI. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL PUBLISHED DAILY, EXCEPT SUNDAY, jir THE Caoital Journal Publishing Company. (Incono rated.) Entered nt tho poMolIlce nt .Snlem,Or.,ns sccond-dnss mutter. CLARE O.IRVINE, Manager. Bco fourtli page for terms of subscrlp- Advertisements to Insure Insertion (for the mime duy) should bo handed In by 1 o'clock. Correspondence containing Hewn of In terest nnd Importance Is desired from nil parts of tho state. Mo attention will bo pnld tonnonymous communication. Persons desiring the Cai-itai. .JmntNAt. erved nt their houses ciiii (secure II by ihjh jul card request, or by word left at this otllce. Hpcclmcn numbers scut free on appllcn Hon. Odleo, corner Court nnd Liberty Streets. MONDAY, SEITJ5MHEK '2, 1880 Boonkh or Inter tins man wlio cu ries largo Hums of money about with him will be i-dummI. Aftri wards lie is n wlner but nitch Htiddor num. Tho liifurinitlfiii, however, proven valuable, If expensive. No treasury in tho world ever eon. ialned eo vast, u miiii of ninin.-y as that or the UniUd .Suites. Tho lust statement shown that there Is in the treasury nulU our six hundred millions in gold and silver coin and bullion. It is a laet worth I hi. kin:,' about In all its b K.r'iiuH Uncover i2,0fK),i()'l acres of the-o United ri tales are own ed by citizens of European countries Tills vast acreage owned by aliens is equal to nine states of the size of Massachusetts. Tin' nlk-n Enulish landlords in Ireland do not own half as many acres there as alien Euro peans own In IIiIh country. Tim nomination of General Ma hone by the Virginia republicans lias created much interest. It Is gener ally bulloved by republicans thai the brainy little man will win, and the most sanguine democrats admit that the result is doubtful. When the tact is remcmbeied that these same democrats are in a habit of claiming everything this iiliiilstloi Is not without iiiciiiiluir. A London Newspaper. The newspaper of London is a great Institution. Each daily runs up its news In a big card placed in a public position around tho city a new placard for each edition all posted over the city like circus bills. Tho London Times has one queer custom. It costs six cents per num ber, tho otliqrs but one or two cents. Largo numbers subscribe only to the tending of the Times a certain hour dally. A carrier delivers to his reader at a certain hour, and then takes It back and delivers it to another reader. This costs but two cents, and begins at six ami ends at twelve, noon. Bo one paper serves six persons, and the carrier gets twelve cents and bus the paper left. A carrier with twelve patrons makes a good living. Audthlsls oneoftlie many thousands of ways of making a living in a great city, anil shows that cities must grow greater so It tig as a port lni of their people are nrinnerotH creators of wealth. They will need the other.- to serve them in somo way. IIo saw won derful things in tho Times ollice. Among olherthluH a man sits with n telephone to his ear receiving tho dilntcH of paill.iment ami petting up with a typesetter, played like a l.ipowilter; It is jtislllied by hand, pio,f read, locked, sent to the btero typj room for a paper-macho im pression and carried to one of the mittricc presses constantly run ning. In like manlier all the news Is gathered from the street anil tele phoned with editorials to the p Inter. "Ilorft I'rmliico Watrti." LO, THE POOR INDIAN. (Strength of tho Various Indian Tribe and Locution or Their Agencies. Over one-fourth of tho Indian now liv ing arc Included in what nro known as tho "five civilized tribes," which live In the In dian Territory, and whoso names and num bers nre, according to tho Chicago liter Octan, ns follews: Clierokecs, 23,OU0; Choc taws, 19,000; Clilclrasatvs, 0,000; Creeks, 11,000; Hemlnolos, 3,000. Tho other tribes nro oil small and distributed under tho vari ous agents on reservations In twenty-thrco Htntes and Territories. In Arizona thcro nro thrco agencies tho Colorado Itlvcr Agency, under which aro tho following In i. ": MjIuvcs, 7C9; Chlmchuevis, 202; Y ttnos, n tho Pima Agency, which has I ruas, -I,I0J; ilnricopas, 310, and 1'apagos, 1 ii; tho Han Cntlos Agency, with 1,07 '..'hito Mountain Apaches, and of Apaches of six other tribes, 3,599. Thcro aro also In Arizona of Indians not under an agent, 1,312, of tho Mohave and other tribes. In California tho tribes nro distributed as fol fel fol eows: Hoopa Vnlloy Agency, Hoopas, 4C0; Kiatnaths, 213; Mission Agency, Hcrranos, W; Diegucnos, 872; Coahulla, 697, and San Luis Hey Indians, 1,153; Hound Valley Agency, 531 Indians belonging to the Ukio and other Klamath tribes; Tulo Ilivcr Agency, of tho King's Itlvcr and other bauds, (579; also of Indians scattered throughout tho Btato and not under on agent a total of about 0,355. In Colorado thcro nro at tho Southern Uto Agency, of tho Moacho and other Utes, 995, and Jacarilla Apachos, 7S5. Dakota has at tho Cheycnno Itlvcr Agency, of Black fcot and other Sioux, 2,783; mixed bloods, 153; Crow Crock and Lower Brulo Agency, Sioux, 2,252; Dovil's Lake Agency, Sioux, 92S; Chippowas, 1,120; Fort llcrthold Agency, Arickarecs, 501; Oros Ventres, 602; Maudaus, 260; Pine Itldgo Agency. Oirnlalla Sioux, 4,197; Choyennes, 323; mixed bloods, 402; Hoscbud Agency, Urulo nnd other Sioux, 7,100; Slsscton Agency, Sioux, 1,579; Standing Rock Agency, Uncapapa and other Sioux, with a fow of mixed blood, 4,5-15; Yankton Agency, Yankton Sioux, 1,777. Idaho has at tho Fort Hall Agency, Ilanuacks, 490; Sho shoncs, 1,010; nt Lemhi Agency, about 551 of I V.ll. II .!1 T.-A- T." 4 Congicssman "IlHIy" Mason tells, """ "". '" "By, . i i . . i .i i I Ncz Perccs, 1,192, and of Indians not in- uili considerable zest his tlrst ex- ciudedin thongcncles, tho Pend d'Orcilles p rienco at speech making. It wis and Kootenais tribes, numbering about GOO. hts maiden ed'ort at tho bar, and Ado from tho civilized tribes, thcro aro In ., . , . ,, ,, Indian Territory, at tho Choyonno and Ara- Icnowhig that ho was to address tho, . AKeCychcvoiine9. 2.053: Arana- Jury a week before baud, he prepar- hoes, 1,072. Kiowa, Comancho nnd Wichita ed Ids speech carefully and conimlt- ci.iue, and ho delivered ills speech according to program. Then draw- Tiii:iii:1s likely to bu some delay In tho building of tho live war ves sels provided for at tho last session of congress owing to tho fact that tho bids received were largely in ex cess of the amount appropriated to pay for them. Tho Navy depart ment has Issued new proposals In which Hoiui) modifications are made which It is hoped will enable the nhlp builders to get inside of tho ap propriations with their bids, lloat naval oilleers say that the appropri ations are ton small lo obtain vessels of tho claas wanted. rilMiLAi'iTY of names brings about somo queer things. For in stance, a shoit tlmo ago Amirow .1. Whllakorof Illinois, who wasfonu crly a clerk in the fourth auditor's ollice, was appointed deputy fourth auditor. Saturday tho limit Ii audi tor received a letter from Andrew J. Whltakor of C'arpenlersvllle, 1111 nolri, stating that ho had scon a notice of his appointment as deputy fourtli auditor, and that ho accepted tho appointment. Ah posslon is nine points of the law tho Hist named gentleman will probably re tain the olllco while Ills Illinois immcsako will ho allowed (o keep the disappointment. Agency Kiowas, 1,179; Comnnchcs, 1,010; led it to memory. 'I ho eventful day ToVilcomCfl) nnd boionginB t0 tboW waro, Ivecchio and Waco tribes, a total of 188 souls. Tlioro aro also at tho Osago Agency, in tho Bamo Territory (isnges, 1,- awneo and one as, 623; haunted mv time, and I leave tho Otoes and Missouris, S55; Tonkuwa and eiirt.- in your hands, gentlemen,'' and Llpau Indians 85 Quapaw Agency-Shaw- sat down. Tho watch did noLliao nl. 'Voo'riaSi i5l. rjunpaws, W; Seneca; any worls hi It, and the case had, 247; Wyandottcs, 207. Tho Sac and Fox linr n wnteb from bis Docket he said ' AL'cy' ln tUo Bamo lorrltory ( lug a wattn iiom ms pocKct, nt wuu m. KuW9) m. Qu!,1)au.g 7, 1a Impressively, "nut 1 see I have ex- otoo Agency -Pawnees, 918; Poi been knocked about tho houo for years, hut as tho speech had been marked at this place, "hero produce watch," ho Hashed thu caso on tho Jurv so Impressively that ho won his suit. A Convert. Maine boasts of having a genuine native-born Mohammedan. IIo Ua queer follow, who dually became nat lulled that the best religion in tiio world was that of tho Arabian prophet. IIo Is true to his convic tions, prays (h reo times a day in a prostrate position, facing tho cast Agency in Iowa is occupied by 360 descend ants of theso onco famous allied tribes. Tho agency of tho samo imino In Indian Terri tory has 52S Sao nnd Fox Indians; nlso, Shawneos.TJ; Pottawatomlos, 418; Kickn 1)003, 323; Iowas, 89, nud of other tribes, 150. Tho 1'ottawatomles and Great Ncmnha Agency, in Kansas, has Kickapoos, 233; Iowas, 115; PottawatonAos, 471, with about J50 Chippowas nud othors. Michigan lias, at Mackinac Agency, of tho various Chip powa tribes, including somo Ottawas, 7,210, and Pottaw atomies, 70; nnd Minnesota, at tho Whito Earth Agency, of Chip powos, 4,533, and Pillager Indians, 1,551, In Montana thcro aro nt tho Ulnckfeot Agency, including IUaek feet, Illood nnd Piegnn Indians, 1, V27; nt Crow Agenoy, Crows, 2,450; nt Flathead Agency, Pcnd d'Oriollcs, 600; Kootenais, 4S2, and Flatheads, 728; Fort llclkiiap Agency, Gros Vontros, 901; Assin- At Htinrlso ho rises from his bed, .1.. . I. .....I r...i ,..,,1 I.,, .,.,.1 , '"'l' JiKUi"-y. u" uiuru, wh; jittsm- bathes head, reel and hands, and i lbo,lie8;8W. VoJri icclt AKcney, Yankton Imiwh to tho cast. This he repeats sioux, UI5; Asslulbolncs, 827; Tonguo Ittvor at midday and sunhct. KromSatur-1 Agouey, Choyennos, 810. Nebraska lias at liiv nli'bt till Mondav bo fasts and l"" u'"""" """ iuuKu JUjeuey, uunv ln ntni mi ii)m aj nt lasts, imu ,m8i um. WInncbngos, 1,210; at Santcc at times eats but twko a day. Ilrigiii nf Smith. Itayard Taylor one night at a pirty was greatly bored by tho per Santce and Fluudrcau Agency, Poncns, 208; Santeo Sioux, 1,091. In Nevada, at tho Nevada Agency, thoro nro Pah-Utos, 891; Pi-Utes, 150, and at tho Wostorn Shoshono Agency, Hhoshoues, 29il; Pi-Utes, lib; while of In- si-dent nttomnts ofa irtiet to discus ' lua,m wauueniiK jioiu uio rosorves m Misttnt aneinpiH oia hum to tustus U0 K(ut0 U01.o n tota, of nl)OUtor)00i ,u sun myths, o matter whom the Now Mexico tho Moscalaro Agency onmn convei'tiallon st raved, this uidivlilii-i crates Mesualaros, 437; tho Navajoo Agon al was sure to drag it back to sun ' 4,y'1,,lv"1J,oc?N "l833' JIoq,VU1Vuobi0.?.U-,'-T' ' , ,.,,,. .,,,,,. and tho Pueblo Agency, Pueblos, 8,337. In myths. "Did you ever think that Now York thoio aro still somo remnants of the name Smith, so common ill all, tho old historic tribes, scattored on Bovornl countries, is derived from Mm waall reservations In dlfTerent parts of tho ., ,, , i ,,. i iii , State, a total of -I.OoOIndiaas, divided thus i myths'.'" asked laylor mlM-heivous- HliM' ..,-,,-... Onondairas. :0; Cayucas. ly. "No, Indeed," was tho reply. 170; Ouoldas, 301, Tuscarorns, 451, and St. In rortli Larolina and States thoro nro spnttorod iihont. ed, ami the piK't had been sticcosstul , in Oregon thoro aroatdraad Hondo Agenoy In banishing tho threadbare subject. "f tho Umpuuns and other tribes, !tu); at - , Klamath Agency, of Klamuth, Jlotloo nnd Tho DluVl'MU'P. I Snako Indians, 925; Siletz Agency, rem- Small Hov I'u, what Is tho dif- aunts of a largo number of tribes, amount- r...... iu..v .. .,.wJ,iut ...i ,... ' KA ,v la all; nt Umatilla Agency, of .,.,..., ........,..-. ,v I AValla Wallas nud others. IWI: Warm ly, io, iiiiieiu, im iu ivpiy. lie; uaeuuis, ,idi, lusciruru; "Undoubtedly. Sun-nivth.Sumytli, ltegU Indians, tttt. la North ts ...ii. u... iii. in i'. i,....i. I Tonnesseo and adjoining St Smyth, builtli!" Every one laugh- ,, sono am Chomlt0l?a 8C optimist? I'u Well, let mo see If 1 can Illus trate the matter. You ItN not for iih to teach eliarlty to our Christian brethren, hut when wo hear one denomination denounce another wo feel that tho denunci ators might bo doing better. Wo dislike to hear good people who In tend well demean themselves In this way. Wo cannot all think alike, and so lie who spake ns never man npako left a hroad creed In which all could agree and cry amen, vU.: "Do as ye would bo done by;'1 'Love thliu) enemiesthy neighbors iih thjelf." "This Is all." How thou call a follower of Ills, an Ajuxs- "tie, denounce well-ineanlng, good citizens who dlsagiee with him on minor points',' Lately we heard of a1 dcrstand tho dlllereneo K'tween a Kulispols, Spokano, Nei Porco nnd other minister denouncing Christian pessimist and an optimist" Springs Agency, of different tribes, 857, and roaming on Columbia rlvor, somo 800 In. I'llow I'm l,",lla ul iiiuureui inues, jor wuoiu no i nwilin I1114 birtll tm-ivlilnil Tliorrt nnl nr often discouraged and things don't! Indian ngoncios In T-nns, but thoro aro a look to mo as If they'd over go light, fow Alabama, Cushattas and Muskokoos Well; at such times I can be wild to tv,red "'el tho State uiaklng a total ,',,,,. I of about 300. la Utah tho Uintah and boa pessimist. Hut years ago, 0urnv Agonoy provldos for 2,011 Utes of when I was a young num. every-, different hands, but thoro aro somo 40O or thing looked bright and rosy and I uoro '" wuilug bands through tho Tor- , ... ,, i .. . rltory, not under ngiuicy jur sdietion. la was hopeful. 'I lion I was an op., Wtt.liinBton Torrito?y tho Colvill Agenev tiiuist. Now, my son, can you un- has tho oversight of 3,0S3 Imiuns of tho BeloutistH, SplrltuallsiHand Unltarl- Small Hoy Oh, yes; one Is nmr aim as lutldels, etc. Was this light'.' ried and tho othci Isn't. lie (.elected somo characters, , T-. r . , , ,, , , ,, , , ,, , ' Age cannot expect to be honoieil HomofooMsh fanatics, and describing ,,.., . 4 ,,. ., , , ... .. , i , ,i i i , f t tres to act ko glided youth. tliulr to idt o , t he r cr nus, made an " Indictment against the whole body. What a weak, lllogled discount ho made. It Is folly to charge a whole community with nllVufCs done by a few. As to ChiNtlau Science and Spiritual phenomena one would naturally think a true Udlevor would rejoice to ceo the miracles (Milled absurd and impossible actually performed and credited by :lcntlllc nica to-day. . M:.;;iors xihVzitMvi. .. ..:u5y nvly rvorto.t ' I'ateiu 31cdltutc. 'mivwTVuovnluttwWwtwB !' ': t . I wb a t"''"' ' nVnr for u wlih l:i I 'o-osii .:; !(!. STinkwIthl'iov--l i"'u! ; ii . 'jJ 'Vi5e'Wc8a.ii. ' i - i eaUi.lo. T!w On MM. ' l I . I1 ,iuUmir intll'o tWuSRliHhr-u-j.--' .t A t'. o 1 Hi'lu Nnarrl"ii ; i uvuJ Utikl purt.1i, ibo ctllvl i t . V plj'lttjut lisilUoot lNMuth IliluukHMiui '- 1 u'.vudy do!lito m dUmtrvm-. h miMt irvHtmttu; titT bctiirtlJoiiilul.oiu- trlbos; tho Noah Hay Ageucy has 793 i Makahs nud Qulllohutcs; tho Qutiialclt Agiicy tuts tribo roauuints belonging to tho groat Sollsh family mainly; ttttj tho Nlsijunlly nud S'Kokomish Agouey, 1 ,003; tho Tulalip Agency, 1 ,278; tho Yakauin Agency, l,7U, besides somo 2,000 Yakamas not kept oa any reserve. Wisconsin has uador tho Oreoa Hay Agouey Ouuidas, 1,733; Menominee, 1,810, and Stockbndgo Indians, 131; uador Lu Pointo Agouey, Cliippowus, 1,013; Pottawatomlos, UXV, bo idos somo IWk) Wtauobagxis and 2S) lVtta watomlos outsKloof agency control. Thcro aro la Wyetulu at tho Shoshono Agency, Arraimhoes, tt.i; Shoshoaoi, 810, Aud, tlunlly, tlnsre nro lu Indiana aud Florida somo Mutmios and St-mlimlos, with total number estimated at lJ, and ta Mumo atKHit 410 Old l)vn Indian. Tho above summary U condeascd from tho tables of population given la tho rciort ot tho Coai uiUsloucr oa Indian affairs for 18)7. DmiBT In Lvml l'lt. It U elahuotl to be proven, beyond Ml doubt, that waters which circulate or staud - n ..i...ur.i ..i.,ui ........ i... 1.,,.-r ratified, PUo thon catted upon Mis. KVwW-r. VV phicanl placed on a window of m MwU wlw0 MBW BUU4lg utthiH-niaker's simp near I rlplcgate, ' ,.a ,.ur.Hj ,y 0v WwtaUo sartuiMirti; Iiondon, many years ago, Is said to Mm. lmlor mM ii wmwuo that Ii had cutv-t ,l( lortj0'.uloi pr vool, not only take up have rend as fellews: "Surgery iKir-' 'vala tvaHurvl. the iwuliU rum ,rtlelo of lead throuRh mcvlmtucaUctwn rnrnuvl on lived HiKit . and SIkhu 1' w nt lor nd bocu. ll.o scuta d , fnouon ,Uut attack the metal, tho re- formed on tiHi i, k m h n M8n o , u.uvuWo ,,, UWl , Mt o h u; etull,. ,oaa wrbolmt0. bltiuvii Leg hetttiiid Isutud upright, vtduc- ud ditho orvu, ud l-s Aiwnbag lo the most caduout uulhontw dlsordcrxd feet repaired the wi ut d- worm tomarh ionic, were tho ery tblujs iu tt,i Ime uilnu to ouan title of load thus p.l lieu'vd. The whole Coiiidltuilou iledi ud tho Usaa Uuproiliuj aud m Uiroduid lute und uccumuUiuuB In tho ,.....i..',i ,.ii.l th.. h .le hiiiuu l.v IwtoM ! wltUlo loriuifiUU ThU wuudj ,ytcw, tautt mule oag the eauc ot jiionded and he b I upju.rtvd. bf Va Cc,l(JU m , ,,,, fVxU glwu ftud dffwUTf BUtrlUon ta lurgc (HjewBt', I y l It" i JJWWarf.-VoaffffaflfwS V The Chief Hrmon for UIO great 5U9. ecss of Hood's Sarsaparllla is found In th4 article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and tin fact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what is claimed for It, Is what bas given to this medicine a popularity and lalo greater than that of any other sarsapa. Mi-i A!i-e rllla or blood PUri ei I X VV 1115 neT ,etoie tho public flood's Sarsaparllla cures 8crofula, Ball rtlicum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sic Headache, lllllousness, overcomes Thai Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ins the Nerves, builds up tho Whole System Hood'H Siir-.i-.parilla is soldbyalldruf lists. $1 j six for f 5. PreparedbyC. I. Hoc4 (U).. Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass. A writer has noticed that nothing makes a woman laugh so much as a new set of teeth. Six women can talk all nt oucc nnd get along first rate, and no two men can do that. A woman can throw a stone with a curve that would be a fortune to a ball player. Woman's greatest glory is her hair, and she should be very economical of it, bays a cynic, when she Is cooking. But the women do not always come oil' sec ond best. A ludy stood hanging on to the strap of a tram car, when n workman iu tho far corner nrose and politely offered his frcat: "I thank vou," she bald in a very sweet tone, "but I dislike to deprive the only gentleman iu the car of his scat." "Tlicio was n frog that lived In a spring Ho caught such a cold that be could not king." Poor, unfortunate, Hatrachaiii! In what a mil plight he must have been. And yet his misfortune was one that often befalls singers. Many a once tuneful voice among those who be long to the "genius homo" is utter ly spoiled by "cold in tho head," or on tho lungs, or both combined. For tho nb'jve mentioned "croaker" we aro not aware that any remedy was ever devised; but wo rejoice to know that all human singers may keep their heads clear and throats In tunc by a timely use of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itemedy and Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, both of which arc bold by druggists. A girl who was persecuted by a beau who cair.o often and stayed late and was completely im pervious to hints, recently hit upon tho following ingenious plan to rid herself of an obnoxious swain. She gave him a pencil and paper and said: "Now make u row of eleven ciphers; now make a perpen dicular mark downward on tho richt side of tho llrst cipher; upward on the light of the fourth; downward on the right of tho fifth; upward on tho right of the seventh and eighth; downward on tho Unlit of the tenth." She then asked hlin what ho had written. The clt'ect was electrical. A M05U.YS lUSl'OVEUV. "Another wonderful discovery ha been made and that too by a lady in this country. Dibcaso fastened its clutches upon her and for seven years slio withstood its bevcret tests. tint her vital organs were under mined aud deatli seemed imminent, l'or three months she coughed Inces santly aud could not sleep. She bought of us a bottlb of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was m much relieved on taking tlrt do-o that she slept all night and with one bottle has been miracu lously cured. Her nnmo Is Mrs. Luther hut.." Thus write W. U. llamriek .t Co., of Sliolby, N. C. (Jet a free trial bottle at Daniel Fry's druir store. J.obbs Did the old gentleman leave much when he died? llobbs He left tho earth. What more could 1 expect? MAIilT IvT.NsI Wo desire to Kiy to our citizens Unit for yearn wo have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, Dr. Klng'sNew Life Tills, Hueklen'n Arnica Salvo and Electric Hitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given Mich universal (satisfac tion. Wo do not hesitate to guar antee them every time, aud wobtand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not lollow their iih', These remedied have won their great popularity purely on their merits. Sold bv Daniel J. Fry, druggist. A lady joking anout her nose, slid: "1 had nothing to do about shaping It: It was a birthday pre.-ent." This is the season of tho year u hen the raw, cold winds crvatusad havoc- with the hands aud complex ion. Soft white hands and a clear "peachy" complexion can bo as suredly preserved by the frequent application of Dutard's SiKvlllo. If rutibetl Into the tklu well it leaved no givany surface. The akin ulworiw It. Sold by D. W. Mat Hews. "Well, Hi iivne, how do you tlnd yourself?" "Never lose myself. If I did I aujipose I'd udvtU," The Best Residence Localities Tn tlie city of Portland and other prosperous towns nro those owned by men or corporations who have the disposition and ability to improve them. HIGHLAND ADDITION -IS OWNED BY UumDd MM And this Corporation is determined to lab It is Awie m i i To the city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have scarcely begun. It is intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through Riverside nnd High land additions and around Highland Park TUB FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE Of Oregon. The line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no lots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the near future be TP-IH MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lots in Highland Additon are High and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage The soil is black and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings aud our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches in this addition, and a number of residences are soon to bo built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots within tho limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over $1000. "We can sell you better lots iu High land addition for ono-third of the money, and being directly on the line of the street railway they are practi cally not half so far from the public buildings aud the business part of the town as the majority of the so called "Inside lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay 51000 for an inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 you can build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of iuterest that- will buy you nearly two thousaud street car tickets every year. .... IWIJJI1 ! gJMILH.UyMJWWllHmJO'JLJMr.a Oregon State Fair Twenty-ninth annual exhibition nt Sntem, Oregon, Commencing Monday, Sept. 16, Contlnaln; one week under tho innnoge- lnent of tho Oiegon Htnte Hoard of Agriculture. OVER $1,500 ii Cash Premiums ONered for Agricultural stock, dairy nnd meiiinulcal exhibits, for works of art, fancy work, and for trlnls of speed. Running and Trotting Races EVERY DAY, Inieortmit ImprovemenlH have been lundola tho premium list. Iteduced rates for fares nnd freights on all transportation lines to nnd from the fair. HtlCES OK ADMISSION: W. S. M0TT, M. D. (Kormorly of Williams Grove, l'a.) OIUco for the present nt RESIDENCE, No. 470 Commercial Street! Cnlls In the city or from tho country promptly responded to. 8-lGdv2m BLACKSMITII1NG aud MGOXMAKING. JOHN HOLM, THE RELIABLE BLACK smith, has removed his shop to tho corner of Commercial und Chemekete streets, where ho Is rendy ,to serve the public Ho Is now prepared better than ever to do ull kinds of wagon nnd carriage making und repairing; nil kinds of black smithing and repairing, nnd n general horse shoeing business. Helms all kinds ofshoes,stecl,trottlng, hnnd made, etc., and tits them ln a scientific manner. Special attention given to the construction of wag ons nnd cnrrlages. Remember the place opposlto State Insurance building. .Men's day ticket Women's day ticket Men's sensou ticket ... Women's season ticket oO 25 $2 M . 1 00 Send to tho secretary nt Salem for n pre mium list. J.T.AH'KRSON. l'resldeut J. T. GIUXJC., Secretary. grrrza G.OOO.OQia iJ UJfc ! ot lnltrnmjaJinotrBlubidho(u.nd tnerma Ferry's Seeds &FKRRT loam DOledd ta b Um Margest Seedsmen & in ina wona. D 1LFxxyCo'i UlaitntM, DMcitn. Uw4naVricd SEE0 ANNUAL rnr incto ffin K na.-i rirr tA ftil tudiinla mwtA La I TlA- -.Tr!-Z iuwviiiukuuil jaimnk "i'm l OiaaM Mnd lor tt. Addraa D.M. FERRY CO.,Drirtt. Mcfc. 9dkBA.D. jRPfiiRB M?j&s$m 'wriirnivai w:iv.rL DR. JORDAN 4 Co.'s MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 751 Market st. San Francisco Admission 25 cents. Go nnd learn how to avoid dlseuso. Consultation nnd trentment personally or by letter, on spennaterrhoen orgcnltnl weiikness, nnd nil dlsensseof men. Send for n book. I'rlvnto olllco 211 Uenry street. Consultation free. JOHN F.STRATT0N& SON Importers nnd "Wholesale dealers in MUSICAL MERCHANDISE. New York. 13 and 45 Walker St. John F. Stratum's Celebrated Russian Gut Violin strings, the Finest in the World. Our Guarantee If a dealer receives a complaint, (which be believes to be honest) from any musician to whom he has sold any of theso strings, he Is authorized by us to give him another string without chart,'?, nnd ull such loss will bo made good by us to our customers, without quibble or question. (Beware ot Imitation.) Dealers will please send lor descriptive catalogue. Tract supplied at lowest price. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOI, -FOB- BLACKSMITHIXG and HORSESHOEING. SGEUBER ft POHLB K ( t Hiivo moved to -17 nnd State street, where they nre now ready for work. All our old patrons nnd friends nre invited to cnll nnd see us In onr new location. We Hre better prepared for work now thnn ever having secured inure room. 10-1-tf. NEW LIVERY STABLE. MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. ' UlOnly Gtnutoe Sjtem of Memory Training 1 Four Books Learned In one reading, Mind wandering cured. . Eery child and adult greatly benefited. I 0roat Inducements to rorrcspondencr I Classes. l'ro.pectus, with opinions of Dr. Wui. A. Hammond, tho world-fumed Spei-lallst In Mlud Dlteiocs, Daniel tirwulcuf Thomp son, the great l'syehologlst, J.M.Buckly ! hJ ; ll,lcnard,lYl 'ir,the scientist, lions. ...... ...I..,, juuuu i. neiunman, una others, sent post free by Prof. A. LOIsETTK. S37 Fifty Ave., NY Jc-i:ws. dw Boys and Girls. The school will open on the 2Uh of September. Thorough Instruc tion in the primary and navanced English Branches. LATIN AND EEMLNTS OF MUSI -In course.- 'i fUtMS nnd further Information may bo pad on application to REV. K. H. POST, Cor. Chemeketa and State Sis. 8-20-tf Northern Pacific Railroad. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. lmer Kerry and Liberty streets, N". K,cor from Cheiuffceio hotel, Salem, Or. ? I f I n.. .. . . ... . " TM Good arvutnmovUtloni for commercial Mhehute,d ulgret ilsoount. sBdRfe Uvler. KtrtU rl alvray. oa hand iJJb JwTotlBfcand Jaruo ol GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. TWO FAST TRAINS DAH.Y ! NO CHANGE OK CARS SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And ull points East via St. 1'AUL aud MINNEAPOLIS. 1 ho Northern racWc railroad ut the nljr line running lossenger Iralns.txxxmd clu sleepers (iree of charge) Luxurious Day couches i'ullman l"ulace Hleeping Osrs. l'ulaceDlulngCurs.lmeuU 75c) from Port land to the cost. PRINTING. ONE OK THE IVRGESST J5TAnLiaiI. J meats In tho Hlate. Lower rates than ; Soe that your ticket rend via the Northern -ucino railroad and avoid the change of curs. leElVe rorlland nt Un m niiH K-iH n Bl. dally uirive alMlnneupolU or UU Paul at tfcOj p. in. I'.vcu . Division. Trains leave Front undo dully at lli&J a. m. and &0 p. in.; A.. -fulTurunuint 7:10 p mand til h m an . i e.utli tlsfln in anilWSp. Bi through 1ui. tu I'uuce Hecping num t'l.-nm day tu urs, nno.1 paUce dlnlac irLtul" miid.lacoiiutaDdBMtUe dmci. l . m t.-. a. H. t-'JlA LTON .Wi.Mtu gtnt, 131 rut fcU OT. Vuhlugtt,j .(urtlaniLOrecoa. jvju v.vr Flri uuau Wtrw,