j th SUBSCRIBE FOR ADVKR riSIS IS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CAPITAL JOURNAL. THE CAPITAL JOURNAU ti IE BEST PAPER IN SALEM. IT WILL IIK A GOOD INVESTMENT. ea-Thc Terms nro Most Uensonablo-t 3-Vou will be well pleased with lt.-tt VOL. 2. SALEM, OREGON. SATURDAY, AUGUST 31, 1SS0. NO. 1G0. -j"asv " FOR SALE J;iOR SALE. A FARM OK 320 AGKKM ' all under fence mid cultivation, In the est range country of Eastern Uregon. The best chance ever ollered for a man to engage In stock raising. For particulars call on or address W . H. B YA US, Salem, Oregon. SOCIETY NOTICLX. OLIVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets In Odd Fellows' Hall upstairs. Cornei Commercial and Ferry streets, every Sat urday at 7:30 p. m. J. T. GREGG. JAS. WALTON, Secretary. J. GA. R. Sedgwlcfc Post, No. 10, Depart- ment of Oregon, meets every Monday ovenlngatthe hall over thoOicgon Land company's office. Visiting comrades an cordially Invited to attend. A. w. jjbayoek, I'osi iximmnucr. B. F. 80UTHWICK, Adjuta it. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. J J. SHAW, attorney at law, Salem, Ore- gon. Office up-stalrs In the Patton block. J. JENNINGS D. D. 8. DENTIST Office lu the New Bank Block. Com merclal street,, Salem. Sign ot the big tooth. dw PHYSICIAN. MRS. DR. M. E. McCOY physician and surgeon, lias located and taken rooms over Squlie Farrar's grocery store. Chronic diseases n spec laity, Consultation fiee. 12-21dw P. WILLIAMS, STENOGRAPHER . and Typewriter Copyist. Will make reports of trials, etc.; copying on type writer accurately and neatly done. Office over A. T. Ycaton's furuiluic store, Com mercial street, Kalcm. Store Enlarged Having enlarged my store I am nowaule to supply you ilth all let .dsof groceries, feed, cigars, tobacco, crockerj" and glas. ware. Country produce of all kinds always on hand. If you liavo not tiaded with tnc bo fore, I respectfully solicit a trial believing I can suit you both lu prices and quality. THOMAS BURROWS, Coramerolal Street, Salem, Or Kansas House, Corner ot Court and High Sts. E. M. LAW, Proprietor. We have taken a new name but will continue to servo ourpatrous with the best tho market aftords, give them u cordial welcome to Our Home. Terms reasonable. Give us a cnll.and wo will do you ood. No Chinese employed. WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY OO TO THE r, 21G Commercial Street, Where yon can get a flrst-class lunch for nny price from a nickel up. No Chinamen nro employed. Board of Equalization. TO the Taxpayers of Marlon County.Oro gon: The board of equalization will meet at the court house In Salem, Marlon county, Oregon, the last Monday In Au gust, 1889, to-wlt: the 20th day at 9 o'clock a m., ana publicly commence the exam ination of tho assessment as returned by the assessor tor tho year 18S9, correcting nil errors In valuation, description or qual ities of land, lot or other properly. Bald board will remain In session from day to day for one week only, therefore nil tax nnversomersons owning nronertr In salt Marlon county nre hereby notified to be and appear at the time and place above mentioned ana snow cause, 11 any uiey have, why their assessments should not remain us taken by tho assessor. A. F. BLACKERBY, Assessor Marlon County, uregon. Dated this SOth day of July, 1889. 7-Udw Conservatory of Music Of the Willamette Unlver Ity Salem, Ore gon, the most successful Music School on tho Northwest Coast. Course. In music are equal toEastern music schools. Yearly at tendance of nearly one hundred and fifty. The able corp. or teachers for the coming school year will be Prof. Z. M. I'arvln, Leona Willis, Miss Eva Cex: assistant teachers. Miss Lulu M. Smith, Miss llully Parish, and Mlsx Manilo 1'arvln. BranchesUughtnro Vocal Culture, Piano, Organ, Violin, Pipe Organ. Harmony, Counterpoint, and Class Teaching. Diplomas given on completion of courso Wend for catalogue and circular. Z.M PARVIN. 7-25USm-wlm. New Butcher Shop AT NO. llO STATE ST. AXGBVINE & JEFFERSON. Have opened up a nrst-clfis butcher shop at the above location, where they will be pleased to serve the people with the CHOICEST AND BEST MEATS of all kinds that the market affords. (live them a call and be convinced of the superiority of their meats. i-Goods delivered free. FRUIT WANTED Willamette Valley Fruit Co., Prima nfall klndint full value. nrOVided they nre fully rl. There Is no danger of liavinc went too ripe. o grreu ihtiuc will be received at nny price. Plum of the Egg, LWiOolden Prop and Brine Claude varieties only, wunteO. Apple, all kind, beginning with the Waxen. Light early varied not wanted. It la not neeetatry to hau them fully lw.Mnr11 v1La tint an. At Iflrve U Stai Lunch Connie llifHartiett. ( THE PEOPLE'S STORE. Capitol Adventure Company OPERA HOUSE CORNER, Salem, Do You Wear Clothing? We will sell you n good suit from ?5 lo 20, according to ((Utility. Competition defied. Shirts, Collars, Cuffs, lints, Caps and Umbrellas, a good assortment, and cheap for Cash. Jewelry, Gold and Plated, of the latest designs, fifty per cent, lower than you buy elsewhere. Underwear, The host and cheapest Flannels, linlbrlggau, Lamb's wool and Merino. Prices to suit. Dress Goods. Nice, new, clean goods, OUR MOTTO : alike. o AS & f&r S ?"- A.T x lh vr M Jriy M S m m A m ss ) A snr m a jn CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE, In First National bank building. A. P, ARMSTRONG, Manager. E. L, WILEY, Principal. Will open for the Reception of Students, Monday, September J). BUSINESS COURSE Includes Spelling, Grammar, Writing, Ar ithmetic, Correspondence, Commercial Ijiw, Single and Doublo Entry Book keeping, Hanking and Business Forms, Business and Ofllce Practice. ENGLISH COURSE Includes Reading, Writing, Mental and Written Arithmetic, fipelliiif: Grammar, Correspondence, Geography, History and Commercial Law. Day and evening sessions. Students admitted at any time. Principal for Catalogue. THE RELIABLE GROCERS, KELLER Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. (j Specialties in Table Luxuries, Fine Tea, and. Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. 0 WE LEAD m CANNED GOODS. Remember the Place and Call. m TO SUCCESS ! IIW FOUND! Succtw lu Iluhliit-sa rwjulres prejiaratlou J Tlierefon. thoroughly nmtttcr dence llook-kecplnir by both Single and D-iublf J-.ntr', the naturo mid correct um of Coimuerclal I'ttiww, Commercial Imw and Iluslntiimclkv. Leant aUo, Shorthand mid Typo-wrltlng, .Mitnifttld, iiml Dictation work. AUtbM are needed In bu.ineM and are ;onrtihly Uuglit I" Jenced teachere at the HALfcJJ HUSI.N tek COl JKOK Oregon. suitable for the season. Courteous treatment and fair dealing to all 'J is THIS SHORTHAND COURSE Includes Shorthand, Typewriting (2 hours dally practice) Penmanship, Spelling, Grammar, Correspondence, Mani folding, Letter Copying, Business Forms, Business nnd Oflhe Practice. Addrers tho jrwwvtn iii'a,t innii, yjivni, These Cool Mornings Are gentle reminders that winter l njv proacning ami iorciuiy suggest warm wearing apparel. Are you going to buy yours at tho popu lar cush store of If not, why not? My line of good Just In demand attention. Foreign and .Domestic Dress Goods A specially. XcwRhades pleasing designs, perfect combinations, with trimmings to match. To fully uppieclato this line you mustseelt. In k:id i GLOVES I carry the following well kmiwn'nnd pop- mtr. uniuux: iioimjnini, .apoican nun Alexander. AKonfiilr kid gloM-rorWcls., and a good one forSl. Most complctelltutoi In Salem. Don't fall lo sco my slock of underwear before purchasing. Aro ready to be shown. Myjslock Is loo largo lo go Into details about, but I want you to See It! And I will shnw you through It with pride, because It Is WELL SRLBCTfiD AND CHBA1' And with pleasure, becauso I know you m 111 iippieclutu my ollbrls to please you. 1 BUY FOR CASH and sell fur cash, buy cheap anil icll cheap: acknowledge no competition, and Muill ever have for my motte: "Alwaya I,end and Never Follow." T. Holverson, New Bank Block, Real Estate AND NSURANCE. Having removed my ofllce lo 03 Htato street, I am now better prepared Ihan over to do a rushing (LI LlO Id ALSO Fire and Accident Insurance Written In the best companies doluif bind ncs In Uregon. Call on me at once. Isaac A. Manning, 05 Sfato Street. A. E. STRANG, No. aai Commercial Htrect, BALEM, - - ORKCJON. -DKALKIt IN- STOVES and RANGES riumbiD Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. Airent for the HICHAHDSON A I JiOY.SlON OOMl'ANY'H Kunuu. E tabimiiea in ims ATTENTION FARMERS! Hlngle lotaand ocrc. One half mile Vet of Hale m 1. O, (Jwxl mI1,uII rtcur and In fliio condition. All ready fer planting fruit and lirnbbry at onoc, Yju-U l froiiu on a nice trret, and no city lax. THOMAS &PAYNE Of. UTATK T UAUKM. CITOTA NlICl An Ho Won llio l'rizo. A bushier man ntlvortlscd for nil ollk-o boy recently, anil, na usual, got n big bundle of nnswera, lie got fairly well tired reading the good things the young nspirants for the place had to ay of theni selvea. but llnally he struck a letter that really tested liltn. It was written on a very much soiled and crumpled piece of paper that had never been very white, and ran as follews: "I'm ISycraold. 1 hain't got no father nor nuither. I'm an orfan and I've got to hustel. It just betes hel how hard times is." Tho gentleman read no more of tho letters, but at once sent for tho writer of this one nnd gave him tho job. The boy has settled down to "hustling" in earnest, and doesn't complain nny more nbout the "hard tlmeo." The Canndian Paclllc railway ex tends farther east nnd west than any other road in the country. It runs from Quebec to the Pacific ocean. When a girl talks about the two strings to her beau, she doc not mean his suspenders. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, X'aiiii.s, Oils nnd Window Glass, Wall Pa per ami lloriloi, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and IVnco Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, NHWTO.DAY. Wliicli Way? NO. iMl COMMKHCIALSTHEKT. KRAUSSE k KLEIN Are otlci'liu; lilt; liarKalns In S! JU Wo will nave you money and KUanintcu the KOOdri, IJirKOrhlpmcntsarrlvIni; dally ami the hlock will hoou be complete. Call ami huu UH. KItAUSSK k KIiEIN, till C'oiiiiiiereial Street. re JUST OPJSN1313. Krch and kjiII water (Uh, lKHillry, kiiiiiii and oyHtcni in tbvlr HraMiii, On Court "t., opiKwflc tlio opera house, Ono hundred doen chlciccn wanted. UUKIKH, I'roprlclor. DIRT CHEAP. Any icr)u wUlilu? rixiiI black dirt for IIIIIhk, or to ho iimiI on lawn or In mak. Im; flower bcdH. nliould leave orderw at the JnuiiNAi.ofllcuforOcorKu I). Inn. TeniiK reasonable, by load or coiitrncl. k-24-iiii New Fish Market. Allen IlhodCH hancittabltxhcd a new I'lsli Market on Klatnktrect.and lick( cpnuKixid mi j inly of llli, niltry and kmiiui. (live him n mil and your order will bo promptly attended to. K-'H-lm C. M. L0CKW00D SAtrlCM, OWICOON. Heudiiuartent for tho Willamette Valley for tho celebrated foliiliilila bicycle and trliyclc. The (iIuimMiu are well known, ure the bent made, rirnl hae valuublelm. provcmciHH for the iraf Thine wanlliiL' machlucH will do well to cull on or corrc ixpikI with mo lfornpiirclmlni. Oliicx) at Ullbcrt llriM.' Iwnk, im (Join, mcrclul utrcet, ivilt-in. PIANOS FOR IlKXT. Twogood upright pluiioa for rent, alxi a nrlcluw orKuu forwilo clicup for cinli or on the Installment pl.m. Kor Inform itlon liioulreof l'riiftwwr I'arvln at tbiiOiutcr valoryyif inutlc oral hl rmldeure. -IC-lm Music! Music! Thelxl piano In the market for iwlu tneup lor cuu uroiiuio in.iaiiiiiuni plan. Alo H good piano lo rent. Cull uivi WM, AHN(Jx.D, w wlotw it. Shoe LATEST BY TBliEGlUPIL Conntrrfcitcrs Cnuslit. Kansas Citv, Aujr.oO. A special from St. Joseph says that a Marshal there arrested a farmer named l?ob tnson for disposing of countcifclt money. He confescd that ho was one of a gang of agents for the counterfeiters recently raided near Dayton, O. He states that $.")0,000 in counterfeit $10 bills had been dis tributed among agents around St. Josesph. Later in tho day a deputy arrested two other persons imnlleat- ed. More arrests are expected. "Ilrneo up Old Felltiw." San Fuancisco, Aug. :?(). Dcmp sey received the following dispatch from Guy Tuthlll, hit backer, dated New Yerk: "Hrace up, old fellow. Anything I can do for yon I will do with pleasure. Challenge the Ma rino to light with skin gloves for $10, 000 a side." A Novel Proposal. Ni:w Yomc, Aug. 110. A striking suggestion concerning the proposed World's fair for 1802. was received to-dny. It was to liavo a licet sail from bpain, visit San Salvador and then New York, and then have the exhibition opened." by tho baby king of Spain. Uniting hogs nt Sea. San Fiiancikco, Aug. ;10. Tho Hobortson patent for tho construc tion of timber rafts has been pur chased for tho l'acillo coast by prom Incut business men of this city. A company is now being organized to carry out not only tho building nnd delivery of rafts,but also manufacture lumber on a very extensive scale lu San I'Ynnelsi'o. With an unlimited supply of raw material drawn from tho forests of Oregon, Wawhlngton and Ililtish Columbia, it is thought tho manufactured articles of lumber can bo placed on this market at very low prices. Piling will also bo an item in this trade. Americans not Wanted in (lliinii. London, Aug. .TO. A dispatch to tho Standard from Shanghai says: 1'ekiii advices say that a number of high Chinese ollleials have peti tioned I'riucu ('him to have all Americans employed in China ix pelled from tho' empire. It isie ported that 1'rliicoCliuii consents. Storms In the, Orient. London, Aug. !I0. Ad vices from Yokohuma state that disastrous storms liavo recently occurred In Walaynina. Ten thousand persons perished lu tho Hoods following tho storms, nnd 20,000 were rendered homeless. The loss of properly Is enormous. The .Mother HiiMiard. "How loose round my waist weio tho clothes of my childhood, us my doubled up corset reminds mo with pain, tho slips that I wore when I used to chop stove wood, had more real enjoyment than bustle or train. Tile bustle, I know, is a tiling highly treasured by ladies built on tho mocking bird style, but give me the garment with looseness un measured, tho old Mother Hubbard that weak men revile; tho dear Mother Hubbard, the looso Mother Hubbard, the honored old HuMmim! thut beats any style." Inspecting tliu .Icily. Ahtoiiia, Or., Auk. TJ. Senator Mitchell was taken on board the Winona to see the etty. Ho ex presses himself plc'.ssed and gratified to note the progress of woik, and to learn that I hero would soon bo thirty feet of water on tho bar. After din ner nt the Occident, KenatorMltehell hud an Informal reception, and wat then driven to Smith's point to note progress on the railroad bridge work. Protection I'roin Fire. Bi:atti.i:, W. T., Aug, :i(), The city council decided to-nlghl to es tablish a paid lire department ol nineteen limn, at annual cost of f88, 000. This Is exclusive of tho life boat, which will boas large and well ciilpcd as that of llostou. Two TraiiiH I'olllile. ItUTLAMl, VI., Aug. JJ0.--A sK.clal piirhouger train and a live stock train collided uearMlddlehtiry, on the Central Vermont ro.id, to night. It Is reported that he vera I orhoiiH weie killed or injured. A wrecking train hits left for the scene of tile dlHiihter. Benntor Hummer unco wrote of Clara Hurteii: "Hlio Iiuh the talent of ft statesman, the command of a gcnerul, mid tho hand and heart ot n woinau." tUTlltnXTAh JOTTI.NdS. At Pendleton tho other day an Indian female stopped under tho shade of n tree, dismounted, and gave birth to a child, wrapped tho Infant in a piece of cloth, jumped on her pony and rode oil as If nothing extraordinary had happened, al though several spectators In neigh boring houses watched the perfor mance with great Interest and unbounded astonishment. News lias been received of a fatal and most shocking accident at Forest Grove about, noon Wednes day. A fatal accident occurred in the family of J. V. Kills of the Pacl llc University. While their young est daughter, aged nbout live years, was engaged dilvlngthc horses into tho barnyard, one of them suddenly kicked Iter In the head at the base of tho brain, killing bur almost in stantly. Concerning tho recent decision of Judge Deady In the case of Samuel Caso vs. the U. S. government to restrain the erection of tho govern ment tramway on the north beach at Yuqulna, the caso was simply brought to determine whether Cao or tho city of Newport owns certain rights to tho river front. Tho decis ion will not Interfere with the gov ernment work. Paternal Counsels. "Alexander," paid the parent, lu a voice sad, yet stern, "you are about lo go until Into tho wldo world to carve out your lortune. No doubt you havo beautiful dreams of what you will achieve. In your mind's eyo you see yourself coining homo a year from now clad In velvet and lino linen. I trust that you may como homo tlmt way, but I fear your gariuentn may bo compos ed of liurlnp. You conlldontly ex pect lodrlvo homeward down tho sunlit road in a gorgeous equipage with servants and retainers; I trust that you will not havo to walk homeward on tho lies and get tur nips from tho hired men to keep body and soul together. You send' at tho Idea, and you may scoll un til (ho clangor of braeu bells an nounces that the cows aro coming home. I liavo heard young men scoll' before at words that were spiced wltli wisdom, and I havo seen them in after years driving street cars and Hawing wood. "The foutor the matter Is, Alex ander, thai you haven rashly exag gerated idea of your own Importance in this dieary world. You nmlishly entertain the Idea that If you were to die to-ulght theearth would shud der and wheel backward. Hut It wouldn't. The sun would rise Just tlio same, tliu stars would gleam as brightly as over, (he creek would gurgle merrily on Its way, there would still be marriage and giving In marriage. You would bo laid carefully away lu a nicely fitting giave, my boy, and tho grass would grow over you, and tho cow would eat the grass, and there wouldn't bo a single Jolt lu the whole world be causu of your death. Ills unfortu nate that you liavo made up vour mind Hint you know it all. "I knew a man oueo who could eon verso fluently lu more languages I hall you could shake a cord of wood at; what he didn't know about astronomy wasn't worth knowing; there wasn't a science or an art on which ho was not an authority; his knowledge was simply sublime. Ho forgot more every day Hum you can over hope lo know. Vet this re markable man perished misera' ly in a creek leu feet wide liovuus,.' im Ibid never learned to swim, flo forth Into tho world, Alexander, but not with the Idea that you know Hall. "Try to convince yourself that other people may have heard a thing or two Hieinsolves and don't exiiect that tliey will herald you as the coming man. Tho prodigal sou was rather lly when lie left home, a id you have heard how he return ed, lie went back on his uppers, without enough wealth to buy a bowl of soup, and hundreds havo had u similar oxperlfiiee. Go An th unostentatious. If you aro not Immediately offered a Munition as president of a bank go to work hoeing corn, digging wells or feeding thrwhliig much I lies. Tito world Is full of 'olduu oppirtunltlus, but the young man who Is so mashed on his dignity that lie will not gmp thtui Is liable to ho loft." It is HiitheiitiiMlly (tlnuxl that the tin djpiHiUoftlio Muck I III ct ex ceed Hint of all the rest ol thd World-