fl J TILE CAPITAL EVENING JOURNAL. .- -' ntpf -HBrtP-a-w !W(il"IIi ".ll" IDE CAPITAL JOl'IIML TKHM.S OK Hl'HSttUITION. IiAfl.V. Sffffl!l?mTiinrnrn:rfg9 zi'izax" M.ssrv,vsi5rr: k , CI nvvn, ..w... -- WKKKLV. One year by mail " 5? Nix month lr mull... . , One year, If tmld l advance j Blx month, If pnl'l In advance . For advertising rale apply nt this office AHHubHcrlbcrxtoTllKCAi-lTAl.JoUKNAI. who do not necuru tliclr pnper regularly will notify this office, giving address, nnd the matter will he attended to at once. Offlce, corner Court and Liberty HtrtctH lie In Demented. That young man, James Murray, who was found asleep lying in the nun yesterday afternoon and lodged In the cnluhoose, Is undoubtedly In sane and he will jerhaps lie. given an examination tills evening. Jle has been working around Halem for about a month. A part ot that tlmo he was doing chores at the Cook house. Then he wits working at the fair grounds. His condition isan unfortunate one, as he Is with out friends here. ly puiers on his person It is learned that his home Is In WooiiHOcket, Dakota. He has iiroitHcd from his sleep and talks a little now, but refill to eat, saying ho gets subsistence from another source. His age is about thirty. Counterfeit Miter Dollar. There are a few counteifeit silver dollars In circulation in Portland and the valley. Most of them are so poorly executed as to be easily de tected by anyone who ever has a dollar or two; but one was picked up at a bank a day or two since, which presents almost every appear ance of a genuine coin, the weight, ring, "feel" anil execution being very good. There Is one infallible method for detecting u eumterfeit dollar, and this Is by the milling on the edge. No counterfeit has yet liven made which can stand com parison in this resect. lly looking along the edges of a roll of dollars it is easily seen Iftheie Is a counterfeit among them. The milling on the genuine coin Is done by a powerful die press, which makes the edges of the coin and the milling clear, sharp and tiuein every particular. No counterfeiter can hiivufesuch a press, and the edges of I lie coin is rounded and ragged-looking. Tliu Mmuilitlii lliiinii Stock Uump.iiij. Articles of Incorporation of the Mountain Home stock company were to-day Hied with the county clerk and secretary of state. I. N., E. It. and H. I Miles are the in corporators. Their bmlncss will Iw that of buying and selling real estate and livo stock and also do gen eral fanning and fiult-iaislng. The principal place of business will bo at their stock ranch thirteen miles east of Sllverton and the capital stock Is ? lO.lXX), divided Into UK) equal shares. Hounilng Tim im The little city of Mack-ay Is tak ing quite a boom. The armory hall la now about completed and cost ftXXl. A new church is now icady for the shingles, also several dwell ing houses tinder conjunction. All the small towns In the county aie booming. A gentleman from Wood hum stated that about twenty-live eanieiitcrsaruat work In Woodburn. Turner has one new dwelling now under headway, Mug built for Dr. J. 8. Bmlth. formerly of Salem but now of that place, nervals will id so boom when that new bilek build ing starts up. llmt I'iiIU (Ml) Itmid. The Dallas Observer suggested a new Idea when It said it was rumored that the railroad from Kails City to Balem would leave Dallas out In the cold, by running to Mon mouth and then striking direct for Balein. Hut Kulem must "get a move" If she would not have tho road leave her out In the cold also. Our city Is not largo enough to sit back and say to these reads: "Come." Salem must encourage them and help build the lines. What slmll wo do? ! ".""; TT" I ItrgUtrKlliiii ul schuluri. Public school begins on Monday next, and this week Clerk David i Simpson's ollleo Is doing a rushing business in the registration of school children. Many more are icgUter- lug this year than last, and the In dications are that school will oirmi with a largo attendance. A lout tho llUrr The Modoc came up yesterday I from Portland, and started at o.uv1 on tho return. She brought a good cargo of general merchandise and will continue on the route all easou. ' Tho Three Sisters Is lalsirlng on the lower river, currvlui: wheat to Port- land. .. -,. f v t'Uliig l'i Meet). Extensive Improvement are U hl made, nt tho penitentiary In the wavof mlutliit: and eleauliii; tin. Tho wall and cIIIiik are bciiiy BcrajKHl Htul treated to imi i paint. This will add materially t.., lbppruw oftu litltutlou A Iltmlncio C1innge. Tlie Commercial street Candy Kitchen, owned by Dotiavln fc Nolf, was tills morning purchased by lvl. X. Kdes, who will conduct It In n flut-clow manner. He will n 'i" urtamii bUHiiiu,ucin popular and of good business ability, He has many friends to wish him success in the venture, and they will assist in turning the trade to his counters. The retiring proprietors will engage in some other lines of business here soon. Will Soon Open Up. E. I,. Wiley, late of Ohio, will be in charge of the business department of the Capital business college; Miss Athalla Terrell of Iowa will have charge of the shorthand and tyiKJwritlng department, and J. M Peebles will be in charge of the 13 ng lish department. The college will open a week from next Monday, and this will bo public. The rooms for tho college,' In the third story of the First National bank building, are nearly ready. It Would li(! Ill") Thing. There will be lots of life in North Salem In the vicinity or the Capitol mills if the Salem mill company are successful in negotiations for the lease of the big mill. They will then have a place in which to store oats. As it is now, the Salem oats market Is not the best in the world, simply because there Is so much wheat to handle thai the mills have no room or time fur oats. When the big mill is in operation then a change will bo felt. i m - Curfew Ordinandi. The city marshal of Ashland laps the flrc-bell every evening at H:H0 o'clock, as a signal to the boys that they are required by the city ordi nance to keepoH' the streets till next morning, which is a verv good plan. Salem has a curfew ordinance and It is even said that sometimes an at tempt is made to get the small boys off the street at ordinance hours. MjMrrloiiH Dliappnmim'ii. ('corgo Ilurton of (iervalscame to Salem Sunday evening and Monday morning suddenly disappeared un der jK'oulhir circumstances. lie came up fioni (Jervais Sunday, bringing a race horse with him. Tho hoise was put in Fisher's stable, telling John Knight to take the animal and shoe it Monday morning and he would get It. Sunday night he lodged at the Chemekete and early Monday morn ing was shaved at Paul ltonco's. He next exhibited a purse containing over $l!(K) at the sa loon of J. Fontaine. He left tho saloon after a few minutes and has not been seen since. The man is described as -follews: aged 1M, dark complexion, short hair, cut pnmpadnur, mustache; live feet six indies in height and woie brown pants, cutaway coat and soft felt hat. He Is unmarried and lived in (iervnis. Marshal Scott Taylor of (Jervaisls m the city to-day in search of him. A liberal rewaid Is ottered for any Informa tion regarding him. -.. . i:t!lt' In I'roliutn. In matter of the estate of John ()tten,.l. II. Marchbank.adinlnlstra tor, llles final account, and Oct. 7th, Is set for hearing of same. I'UltKliY l'KKSOXAIi. Wm. Galllher left to-day for a tiip south. Miss Lulu Martin of Turner is In the city on a visit. Wm. llenson ami rtlfo left this morning forMchama. Geo. Watt anil wife left this afternoon for Portland, Uev. .1. Ij. Parrlsh icturned homo to-day from Portland. Mix. C. A. l.eabo and Mr. Cor nell and wife left to-day for a tiip to Yuqutua. Mls-s Stella Sherman has re turned home from her visit In the Waldo hills. Miss Tressa Acres of Junction Is visiting at the residence of Mr. Vttndyneof this city. -A. J. Hasey returned home to- dav from Mehauia.w heie he went to hi lug home Mr. Gabilelson's family n - Alvm Itowman, pressman in the Journal olllcc, returned heme this afternoon from Philomath, S. V. Smith ami wife, who have been visiting at the residence of Mr. Vandyneoit Court street, re tutned to their home In Wattsburg to-day. TiioAi. stiuMvitYT -' A' i'el of Kaiu l"y ' silver a couple of lectu nisi- IVs hi micui hi an cany uii. - Woik N ayaln progivtlngon the llieyumn and Itu-h bilekson Com merclul street. -The city arssiuuiil mil has not yet Ihsjii returned, but I ItHikctl for now most any day. Marlon county hnsMWrnl hop I . -i. I i mi by I'hluaiueii mi leased H- d. They have wtilto plover, rihI pay Humility cords per box. It l not otten joumvu white man' uurl,tufforwic - tH , LcwcMiriwrnV Hack baby boy nilii-trcls will iivrlioiH be at the Sa- lem opera hou-c on Wednesday and Thursday of next week James Murrav, the insane young man, 1 being examined before Judge Shaw, as the paiwr goes to pie-. He will Ikj committed to the asylum beyond doubt. Guy McCully had two fingers cutoff while playing around the i machinery at the Capital mill yes terday. Geo. P. Crowell of Hood River, Wasco county, T. L. Wallace of I Albany, and Sol Frledciithal of ' Portland, were appointed notaries public to-day by the Governor. J Epicurean tea, paints, oils, varnish, window glass and a fine Hue of general groceries at Gilbert , &. Patterson's. tf. I Miss H. O. Moore of Ohio, a platform temperance worker, will be In Salem on October ".dand 3d. t There will be a state conference of "reform forces" in Salem on Sept. 14th. Another survey is being made, but the shortest and best route is found to lead direct to the grocery store of Squire Farr.tr it Co. Ther i you will find what you want at I prices to suit ami goods of a quality 1 that is bound to please. Go now. The establishment or a demo cratic dally in Portbnl is a again being talked of. Country cotempor raries say it will be started and one of them, the Portland Telegram, says: In the meantime, these grave uncertainties are giving iw much uneasiness and Senator Hearst, or anyone el-e who can speak with authority, would do a kind act by raising these annoying doubts. Dr. W. T. Freeman of Walla Walla, Washington Teiritory, a gentleman who has visited many Insane asylums in the various states, visited the Oieon asylum and ex presses himself surprised at tliei thorouuhness of Dr. Lane's im- provements, and ictu.iikid thel gieat change for the better since bis last visit of two years ago. Dr. Fiee mau thinks our asyluni;the best, un der the present management, of any that ho has visited. Dr. Freeman lias been visiting his sister-in-law, Mrs. Iiiivell, and returned to Walia Walla this morning. OCCIIlKNTAb A railroad is to JMTIXUS. be built from a point near Ashland, on the Southern Pacific railroad, to Llnkville, Or. Hoquiani will soon have a $25,000 hotel. It will consist of three and one-half stories and contain fifty sleeping rooms. Five Portugese families have set tled near Aberdeen. If they like the country 200 more people of that nationality will locate there The instruments of the Oiegon state weather bureau have been re ceived at the central ofllce in Poit land. They will be exhibited at the state fair. What is Clatsop county going to send to the state fair? We can make a splendid show i tig and should bo properly represented at Salem next niotith. Astorlau. A baud of 1000 head ot sheep which were on their way to cross the Columbia at Fliensburg last week were watered at a cold spring on tho central feiry road and lltty of them died from the effects of the cold water. The aulm.tls had been with out water for some time previous. lie I'aiil His Fare. It was In the early days of rail roading In Arizona, when the fes tive cowboy had just begun to enjoy the sport of "running tho train" in that rough region, ami at one of the stations a formidable specimen of that tough human boarded the caw. The conductor came along punching the tickets, ami this cowboy didn't pay any attention to him. At lust the conductor laid his hand on the cowboy's shoulder mid said, "Ticket, please." The fellow tin net I In true cowlHiy style, pulled out hN revol ver and pointed it at the conductor. "litre's my ticket." The conductor walked on and punched cverbtMy eNc's coupon, Then he disappeared. The little In cident had been forgotten by almost overylunly on the ear. The cow boy was in a quiscent state and the car was quite t till when the conductor came In. Ho walked leisurely up the aisle and siiddenl;. stopped fore the cowboy, phued a great knife dangerously contiguous to Ive blg his vital part and said, quietly: "l.cininenv that ticket again." The cowboy pal l his fart. IU i 111 of Ilia Atluullr I loom Tl e main theatic operations has teen of MitindiiiK the Atlantic Ocean, which frmi Its Matlon to tho IcadliiB wmmerclal nations, and for lntemmtlne.italteleKra,,ur.KVs, has been "on carefully .urveyeil than nnv oilier gnsit Lnnly of water. Oivu fn in iMlctonolc,rkirtlclvitlK In all conditions of climate, ivmmu- nlmitinx fnely with other nut, and iHiwiitijf StMX),iXX) Hiuare miles, It h IhIKvvM to rvjuvent gvnvrul witnlc conditions, and to contain depths nearlv, if not qui te, as great as the othqr ocean basins of the world, although but little is known, it it true, in this ricct of the In dian, Antartic, and Pacific seas. The general results of its soundings would indicate that the average depth of the Atlantic bed is not I much more than 12,000 feet, and that there seem to be few depressions deeper than 15,000 or 20,000 feet, a I little more than the height of Mount- JJIanc. ' The most gigantic irrigation scheme in the United States is that which the Rear Lake fe River canal company of Ogden, Utah, is carry ing out. The canal is to cent 4,000, 000, and will be 150 miles long, ten feet deep and forty feet wide. Its source will be the Rear Lake of Idaho territory, which Ls thirty miles lone and seven miles wide. I The water in the lake is as clear as a I crystal. The canal will go through t fnnfnnn twn tritlnu nf flip rntltn. through which territory it will pass through tho Rear canyon and cost $750,000. The capacity of the canal will be 17,500 gallons a second. In its course It will Irrigate half a million acres of tillable laud. Re sides the Irrigation the canal will supply the water works for Ogden and all the smaller towns In its course from Rear lake. "Work is to begin on the immense project In about ten days and must be com pleted and ready for use on April 1 The contractor is now busy getting material and men together for the work. Rear lake is fed largely by the snows and springs of the moun tains which surround it. Thus far all efforts to sound it have failed. The company which is to build the canal will, however, build up the present outlets of the lake to ten feet above their normal height. It is imposed to so arrange the How that it will go into this canal. The supply of water is inexhaustible. Uev Frederick Mayer, pastor of the Evangelical church at Lansing, Micli.,lsa liberal-minded gentleman but his congregation was shocked to hear that lie had been investing in lottery tickets, and dumbfounded when they learned he had bagged $5000 in a recent drawing. He says be bought the ticket just ns he would get married or take any other hazardous step and he was over whelmed when he discovered that be had won a big prize. He de clares that he can see nothing sinful in acquiring money in this way, and he has put the money in the bank until lie can Hud a suitable In vestment. On the other hand, the church society sees considerable barm m the transaction and there is likely to be an early vacancy in the pulpit. Mistress Why, Rrldget, what in the world are you doing witli my newdresson? Rridget Sure, mum, it's yourself what gave it to me. Mistress I gave it to you? Rridget vis; ye, said Ot cud have it as soon as ye wore it out, an' begorra yez wore it out yesterday afternoon. Vigor And Vitality. Are quickly Blcn to every part of the body by Hood's SursiiarUlii. That tired recline It entirely overcome. Thu blood Is purltlcd, enriched and vitalized, and car ries health Instead of dlxcaMi to every or gan. The stomach Is toued and Btrcngth cued, the appetlle restored. Tho kidneys and liver are aroused nnd Invigorated The brain ls reficatied. tho mind made clear and ready for work. Try It. A GOOD CUl OK COKFEK. Is n great attraction for n restaurant, Tho entice drawn from Uellcnbraud'h fat ent Cotlee receptacle U one of tho many Circat Attntct.ouM of his eating parlors. Thousands of cups of his excellent coffee are mill every week. And ns for oysters md meals he cunuot bo equaled In the state. tf. Disturbances ol the peaceful summer Mich as Diarrhoea, dysentery and cholera Infantum, promptly evicted liv Wright's blackbei ry cordial. Sold by nil druggUt.s. You can't allord to have an offensive breath unit deeajed leeth. Wright' Myrrh Tooth Soap prevents both. Try It. Sold by all drugglitn. l'ut to Flight Nervousnevs and Indlges lion by Wright's Hop Celery ami Chamo mile Hitters, A healthful stimulus, and strengthening and Invigorating. Sold by 11. W.Cox. With fatal sH?ed Impure blood courses through thesyttcm ulthdeath hilts wake, Wright's Compound Kxtruct of Sar-npa-rllla cures all bhxid diseases. Sold by 11. W.CoxandD J. Kry nii.ii. VAGN'KU.-On August 20th, in Baltimore, Maryland, Annie -M., widow of the late Jttts.lt Wagner, In the seventy-sixth year of her age. Mrs. Wagner was the mother of 1. F. Wagner of this place. The following children survive her, Henry C. Wagner, Rusll Wagner! and James Wagner of Raltlmore, nr. V.I1IUOU v atjner, late oi wiu l . S. army, and Homj Wagner of Col- . ,,,. . ... ,i - it orado and Charles K. WoBtier of Virginia. The father of Mrs. Wag- ner lstrtlchsitcil in thu l t:e of North Tolnt, Sept. 1U, 1SU, tw a member of the Columbia Hl.lea, raiit.Tlux. Shensinl.tJthHeglmeut Col. Wm. McDoualdof Genl. Strick' Icr's Hrlpule. Her mother was one of the yotni; girls who btrewed tlowerb U'foa' Washington at Men tor, X. Y., In April 1770. MaysUe r-ot In jhboj. RESIDENT LOTS IN Salem, for building lots, have no equal. The whole plat is in a fine state of cultivation, teeded in clover, with a good turf. No grubs, no stumps, no rocks or gravel, soil good, the city, surrounding country, the mountain ranges ami snow-capped peaks. Pure cold well wnter. Is twelve blocks feouth of the Chemekete hotel and postofflce blocks, on Commercial and Liberty streets These lots are offered by Jones & "Watson on installments, without interest until paid. They are now actually worth in cash more than the prices named for them on long time without interest. Geveral lots have been sold on which fine residences will lots call on JGNES & WATSON, wh i THE RELIABLE GROCERS KLLLlH Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem. Specialties in Table Luxuries, Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. WE LEAD EN Remember the Wm BOOTS AND SFIOKS, V I Cm I " ' ""-;SijtessgSsggggS Guns Just received the linest line of Shotguns, Itilles nnd Pistols from Chicago nnd more coming. "We will sell lower than tiny other house in Saleiih We defy all competition, Portland not excepted. Also keep The Best Sewing Machines In the market front $:to to $40 cash, and in connection will run the best Gun Shop in the Mate. Como nnd pee us before buying elsewhere. BEN m FOUND! Success in Husinesa requires preparation ! Therefore, thoroughly matter Commercial Arithmetic, business Penmanship and Htisine.s Correspoti dencc, Hook-keeping by both Single and Double Entry, the nature and correct tiso of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law anil IUteiiiusstirnctice. Learn, also, Shorthand ami Type-writing. Manifold, and Dictation work. All these are needed in business, and are thoroughly taught by epcr leneed teachers at the SALEM UUSINKHCOLLKUK Urinwold's HliH'k, Salem, Oregon. 1 rs MCuiWF litis removed her mlllluery toro to the i,iiii mui'iuiui; uir v.,uiai. aut n..t. aud u now n.idy to do Alili MAIM W MUAAbMxl, Sheh nt rtwivet unewtockof the wtiijieituantniiciiijvrinnany uiher n!u unJ Vr ortier win te ' lAffli '!'A, jvu Wolktne iui for the aiu price of One IVillar aud Fifty Ceut. m J INsUILVHCK ' I I C o m p u y . lire and Mu rine. JIXS ALBEHT, AtAi 6ltsi, Ortroo elevated and level, has a fine viewof be erected. If you want one or more will show you the plat nnd the lots. CANNED GOODS. Place and Call. Leather and Findings. CASH PAID FOR WOOfi HIDES, PELTS, AND FURS. This house cariles a large stoelJ of flrst clas goods from the best innnufnctnrers In the world, and Is prepared to give satisfac tion, both In stye nnd ciinllfy, to every one who will purchase goods ot them, No. 23 1 Commercial Street, SALEM, ... OREGON. F0RSTNER & CO. CTt- J . !.. J ! n U ITSI1 Wide CIGARS, CANDY, NUTS, A iMl alt ktlHl tf MJsi at J MRS HftWl"S FRl'IT STU'I) ' mM.UA mill 0I.1.XU, , tKomwri-v.e4 hy Rmmm) t Mote sl GEORGE WILKINS NKW BUTOHUK SHOP On Ulwny trtat, urruNt the bridge lu North slnt. All klnd of nitnu kept Q btavl ijotf crtffcijjKTaTffrtyTxrj:3g'CTMaatfia j I LIS UVVII 3L- UUej DEALERS IN ! A FULL LINE -OF- Crockevy ami Glassware! With specialties In Valerian China Tea Sets, French China Dinner Sels. HIDG WAY'S FAMOUS Buckingham Pattern -OF- ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN Of which we constantly keep a full lino nnd open tick, enabling us to make up Dinner nnd Tea sets of any size, or sell by the single piece. The finest assortment ot CHAMBER SETS Ever shown in Salem. A KXJLL STOCK Ol the Infest ond handsomest patterns In Glassware. B-l'leae call ana examine our stock. WELLER BROS., 201 Commercial Street. J. H. HAAS, Watchmaker and Jeweler, COMMERCIAL STREET. Klrst-eliss work irunranteed. Ulvo him a call and you will not regret It. 7-31ml WESTACOTT k NYE. Feed and Boarding Stable. 3-IIay and oats sold and delivered. Stables on l'errv street, back of postofllce. ESTABLISHED BY XATIONAI, AUTHORITY mi no ill U(l o fr SALEM -Capital Paid up, -Surplus, - - OREGON. 175,000 10,000 U. S. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. ilAUTIX, - Vlce-1'resident. J. II. ALBERT. !- - - - Cashier. DIRhCTORSi W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, R. S. Wallace, Dr. W. A.CusIck. J. II. Alhert, T. MeF. l'.Uton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store, either In private granaries or public warehouses. Stale and Count; Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at rensonnulo rates. Draft drawn direct on Xew York, Chicago, Sau. Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin Hong Kong and Culcuttii. First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, -DR. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIR, - - - -; President. Vice President. - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Excliance on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought nud sold. Htate, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to depo-dt tuid transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonaoie rates. Insurance on such se curity ran bo obtained at tho bank in most reliable companies. Small Farms for Sale. A numbei of ten-acre tracts of deslrablo nnd within one and a half miles of Salem, at prices ranging from KOtoSlOOperacre. Apply to WILLIS A- CHAMBERLIN, ft-S-Im. Opera House Block Music! Music! The beet pianos In the mnrket for sale cheap for cash or on the installment plan. A1k a good piano to rent. Call upon WM. ARNOLD, 3o7 Winter Bt. i Jr"-: rilHE Rottrd of Trtihlnsof the Orf-gon State 1 Inline A.jluiu htrcbylnvltebeuledpro POsaU for the building of a wing to tho Mate Insane ajm m pursuant to plans andkitivldouiloni-1 Lekeenat theottfee ot C, A. Robert, tirehiu et, aalem Oregim. The right to rejeotany mid all bids is reserved, lltdsvrlll beowntslat two o'clock, p. in., on Monday, September 2, lsx9. Svt-VttiTER l'ESNOYEB, OtoM. MCliKIDE, O. W. Webb, Heard of Trustees. Wm. a. Muxlev, Clerk of Board. Hop Pickers Wanted. Krouk LlflH, at Ankeny, Marlon county, ito-guo, vriit want from ;U to too hop pick- hK -nUnour lluena Vtsta. rice uvwl. baciilnatut tMoweek. He can In -n t mi luesuUj-t and Fridays at tha t'beijii -! and U now ready to roatratt for pi v titm. 8-lM'rtT The Capital National Bank iit"ilHa-lwiw'aii' 'i wm ' w