Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 20, 1889, Image 4

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w-grew iltffgwnnili nym jyii w. w mm
iaart aMMTferV
On year by mall.. .....' 00
Hlx inontlit by mail .- ... 2 CO
Three months by mail 1 2r
Per week, delivered by carrier..... 15
One year I)' mnll... .... SI ft)
Hlx months by infill.. .... ''
One year. If irild In advance..... 1 0)
Hlx inoiil ii, If paid In advance . fi
1'or advertising rates apply nt till office.
who do not eccuro their paper regularly
will notify this oillce, giving aildretn, and
the mutter will bo nttended to fit once.
Olllce, corner Court find Liberty Streets
Hint to Hop (Irowers,
Muokurn' circular to hop growurn
coiiUiImh tliu following good advice:
Tho reports Jiit lit liund iiro to tliu
olluct Unit we may look for u koocI
crop yield of both foreign and do
mestic yunlH whatever the outcome
of qualities may he, and thai we
will be hro'ight f.iee to face with a
Htroiif; competition in the markets
of the world, it theielore behoove
tlio grower, more thai) ever before
to look well to IiIh quality, iw ellecl
ed by the "liuiiillmtf," or "nianil
fiieturing" of IiIh growth.
After pro)ereultiv.itiiiganil bring
Iiij; forward the erop to healthy ma
turity, which can only Iw done by
thorough cultivation end close
pruning to prevent cxechslve growth
of foliage, five thing are necemary
to complete (lie procctw to make
strictly choice hops.
Firnl To pick them free from
largo Htums and le.iven. Heeond
To sure them thoroughly and at a
low temperature. Tliiid To prop
erly Hiilphur. Fourth To preserve
the hops as near whole as may be.
Fifth To bale before the lups have
absorbed moisture, and not too com
pact. J Jilt little need be said as lo
the Hist proposltiou,as all are keenly
alive to tliu importance of cleanly
picked hops. Nothing short of per
severance, and ti constant strife with
pickers will aeeompllsh tills.
Till) lllll lllll'IKKl,
(leorgo V. Hubbard, the veteran
hop buyer of Tuslin City, Cal., ar
rived in Salem this morning and
will make tills city his headquarters
until the crop of 1881) is all disposed
of and shipped. Jlo has great faith
in Oregon hops and says all Indica
tions point to u good harvest this
fall, Khould tliu weather continue
iih at pri'KViil picking will not commence-
before the Ilrst of September.
Kveu then he fears many yards will
liu picked before the hops are thor
oughly ripe, i.ast year, ho says,
many hops were lost by late picking,
but that is a mistake of uiifrcqticiit
occurrence. This year tliu tendency
Is in thu opposite direction. To ob
tain the best results hops should be
most carefully picked and baled,
Hops thus cared for ulwaya com
mand thu top of the market.
Creameries In Orrgnn.
The Astorian thus neriously deals
with the creamery questien: "As
toria people have often ol late ycare
eaten nicely tasting butter In wood
en palls from Iowa, and Illinois,
made in the creameries In these
states, and the natural Inquiry has
been, 'Why, with ourgenlal climate,
in this natural dairy country,
wouldn't it pay to have a creamery
here?' Other communities have
evidently asked the wane question,
for in several places In Oregon and
Washington creameries have ueen
established. It Is with surprise we
have from time to time noted that
creameries so established have been
abandoned, because they 'didn't
pay.' Just why they don't
pay is the question. One would
think n creamery would be a good
paying Institution in western
Oregon, where cows don't havo to
be wintered, and where A 1 butter
brings fortv cents u pound the year
round. If Iowa, and Illinois, where
the people had to work hard seven
mouths in the year to keep from
freezing tlie other 11 ve,can manufac
ture good butler and sell it. hcreata
prolit at thirty cents a pound, It looks
a little singular that creamery in
western Oregon should be a failure."
Tln.Iouu.VAf. lias studied over tills
question considerably and has ar
rived at the conclusion that a judi
ciously managed creamery here in
Salem would Iks a paying
Investment. Such an institution
could not fail to succeed. Iteccutly
there- was an experienced creamery
inin here from Ohio, looking over
the Held and his opinion agreed with
Unit of the writer. He bus Ills eye
upon this city for the location of u
creamery and It Is trusted that he
may soon so arrange ins anuirs us
to stort the enterprise.
Article ot Incorporation. Pms dXyXOTfcS.
Articles of incorixiratlon were tiled ' f
with the secretary of state to-day as J J'"! fishing is fine, and pleasure
follows: The Oswego Grange asso- 80c'kt,rf' ro all made to feel at home
elation, S. II. Carter, I,. M. David-j wl,IIe rusticating here.
Honnnd A. H.KlilpIey, incorporators, i There were live lots sold to-day,
The capital stock Is fcCOO, divided ' thieu ton gentleman from Lebanon
into 000 shares. Their business is to d two to panics in Monmouth.
convey or dispose of real or personal
property, and to loan nionev. The
principal olllce U In Oswego. The
Oswego Grange number 175, A. It.
Shipley, A. J. Thompson, C. T.
Dickens, uctliigolllcersas incorpora
tors. The object of this incorpora
tion shall be the mutual benefit and
developing of Its members. The
principal olllce shall belli Oswego.
A Narrow Ksciipe.
The north bound freight train
came near claiming some victims at
the fair grounds crossing this morn
ing. Mr. York, with his wife and
children, were in their heavy lum
ber wagon driving in from Silver
ton. They were coming slowly
along and were crossing the railroad
when they were startled to hear
the shrill und. continued whistling
of the locomotive. The driver
shouted at the horses, quickly slap
ping them with the lines. The
horses jumped und the rear end of
the wagon passed over the track
Justus thu freight train whizzed by.
.Mr. Charles Hcllcnbraud was pres
ent at the time and says tfie escape
was miraculous, tor if the wagon
had been one second later In getting
oll'tiie track it would havo been
knocked to smithereens. The
Yorks are neighbors of James
Tucker, who was injured at the
same crossing a few days ago.
Tim (Ireat IiolVItt Tuliuagu.
Mr. Tahnagc, whoso sermons are
published by over :1000 newspapers
every week, will speak at the ojiera
house in Salem on Friday, Aug. ".'Id.
Of him thu Union Era says: Mr.
Talmauo has proved that he can
gathei a regular Sabbath congrega
tion of five thousand hearers, and
that he can make himself effectively
heaid by that number of peeple.
llu Is one of those preachers who
ically belong to mankind at large.
Most people who try to discrlbe Dr.
Tahnagu begin by saying hu Is like
somebody, or unlike somebody
else. Now, the fact Is ho is not like
any other person at all. Ho is just
"Tahnagc" all over, with as much
marked individuality as ever was
concentrated in anyone man.
SiiIoiii'k rriigrix.
The city of Salem has always been
a nourishing city, but thoacliiuvc
iiiunU of thu past year havo at
tracted to It wldu attuntlon because
they htivu placed it beyond thu
merely plodding growth of older
towns of thu west. Factories havo
been built and put in operation, Im
provements in water works and
eleetrlo plants havo been made, a
street railway company was or
ganized and over four miles of track
huvs been constructed and placed
in operation this year, warehouses,
business blocks and residences havu
Ih'cii constructed mid uvery part of
thu city has taken on an air of
progress entirely beyond anything
It has known before. West Shore.
lliillxm I in- Hunt.
Thu cry from every direction Is for
residence houses for rent. Heal
Cbtatu men say they are seaue and
ti visit over thu city proves the truth
of thu assertion, Thu demand far
exceeds the supply and yet dozens
of nuw houses are under course of
construction. Hut they aio all en
gaged long before they are com
pleted. More housesl that Is the
Tliruu New Product.
Thu statu weather bureau em
bodies the following in its weekly
bulletin: It Is reported from Salem
thata two-year-old llg treu has this
year produced Hue llgs. At Pendle
ton sorghum presents a line appear
ance. Home cotton is being success
fully raised in the northeastern part
of Umatilla county. Practical tests
may demonstrate thu fuel that figs',
sorghum and cotton can Iw prolit
ablv grown In certain sections of the
state, thus adding three more
products to thu already long list and
Death ol n Ploneor.
Joshua Hrown, a wealthy resident
of Polk county, u pioneer of 185,
died at his home, near Independ
ence yesterday morning. Ho leaves
an estate worth $100,000. Ho leaves
two sons here. Hu came to Oregon,
from Indiana, where, It is said lie
has other children living.
Making Mirmy,
j geiiueuiaii wno lias just re-1
turned from thu mountains in the
region or tho Santlam says that
surveyors of the 0. P. started out
yesterday on the survey of a branch
Hue to run from Hock Creek to
Gatcsvillo and on to Meadows.
Thu object of this brunch, husays,
Is to reach the heavy timber.
Will llflii Monday.
F.d. Dove, at his hop yard near
Kola, will begin picking Monday.
Ho Is hi Salem to-day trying to
tirraugo for pickers. Ho says hops
am looking well and tho crop Is go
ing to boa big one. Hu has heard
of some picking going on this week,
but says It was rather early.
.k for Hid Again.
Thu statu board of public building
commissioners accepted none of thu
bids for thu construction of thu
water tower and tank at thu tieul-
tentlary and will re-adverttsu for
bids, tho tower this tlnio to bo con
structed of brick,
-A. T. Yeaton left tills ntoruiuir.
for Portland.
A. Sedgwick left this afternoon
for a trip to Portland.
John G. Wright left this morn
ing, for a trip to Tacoma.
Mr. Al. Wilson, formerly or the
Salem water works, Is In the city.
Mrs. M. E. Hackus and Mrs. M.
II. Sherman are at Wllhoit Springs.
Mrs. Captain Smith and son left
on the morning train for Corvallis.
O. A. Krnuae left last night for
Upper Soda Springs on a pleasure
Geo. H. Jones and wife left this
morning for their farm above Me
hama to be gone a few days.
Stella and Lotta Sherman,
daughters of Dep. Clerk Sherman,
left to-day for tho Waldo hills.
Gen. Odell is in the city, look
ing up the Interests of tho projected
Sllverton and Salem motor line.
11. S. Cook and wife arc enroute
to Milwaukee, where they will at
tend tliu U. A. 15. encunipnieut.
Steve Chadwick, formerly of
Salem, but now of Washington Ter
ritory, is in the city visiting at the
home of his parents on Capitol
Mrs. C. Gnurlolson and chil
dren and Miss Maud Martin left to
day via Hasey's hack for Mehanui,
Mr. Gabrlelson and J lev. 1 H. Post
by private conveyance for a point
fifteen miles beyond.
II. H. Duncan has returned from
Denver, Colorado, where he has
been, on business. He finds the
gonial climate of this valley quite to
Ills liking upon descending from thu
snowy heights of tho Heckles.
Tho hotel proprietor told us that
he was compelled to lodge about
twenty of his boarders In a new
barn near by, as he had that many
more boarders than he could lodge.
Hut two sawmills now In operation
will set this difllculty aside.
Tho school directors Informed us
that they Intend to build a large
school house as soon as material
could be procured, there being near
ninety scholars in the district und
new arrivals every week, making it
absolutely necessary to build.
Farmers weur a broad smile as
thelr-crops are being cared for, their
hay and straw nicely housed and
stacked and all things seemingly lu
readiness to greet the fall showeis,
which will put their summer fallow
in order for planting.
Your correspondent was very
much pleased Monday while stroll
Ing through the new but busy little
town of Falls City to sec the many
new features of improvement made
during the last week, also to meet
with many strangers and a few ac
quaintances who were making their
first visit to the place.
F. S. Harzee, wife and daughter,
Miss Victoria, made the nlace a
Hying visit. They were hero in
specting the new building to be oc
cupied jus a hardware store of which
company Mr. Harzee is president.
They met A. It. Cyrus, wife and
family of Salem. They expressed
thenibclvcs as being delighted with
the place and Its future prospects.
Taken to Portland.
D. P. Thompson came up from
Portland this morning to take his
brother, A. M. Thompson, who was
stricken by paralysis last week, to
the Good Samaritan hospital at Port
land for treatment. Mr. Thomgsonis
improving slowly and by taking
him to Portland it is thought that
he will recover soon.
Somn Largo Pears.
Chas. Strain left at this olllco
three Hartlette pears and tho three
weighed two pounds and live ounces.
The largest one weighed thirteen
ounces and measured eleven inches
in circumference. They were raised
by John Vernon on his farm in Polk
t 1 I Boca nam I
Salem, for building lots, have no equal. The whole plat Is iu a flue
state of cultivation, seeded in clover, with a good turf. No grubs, no
stumps, no rocks or gravel, soil good, elevated and level, has a One view of
the city, surrounding country, the mountain ranges and snow-capped
peaks. Pure cold well water. Is twelve blocks south of the Chemekete
hotel and postofllce blocks, on Commercial and Liberty streets These
lots are offered by Jones & Watson on installments, without interest
until paid. They are now actually worth in cash more than the prices
named for them on long time without interest. Several lots have been
sold on which fine residences will be erected. If you want one or more
lots call on J8NES & WATSON, wh j will show you the plat and the lots.
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem.
Specialties in Table Luxuries,
Pine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery
Butter, Cream Cheese, etc.
Remember trie Place and Call.
uo s u i
i L 1 I w? 1
Svimtor Mitchell Coming,
His many Marlon county friends
will be pleased to learn that Senator
Mitchell will be lu Salem font few
days very soon. Ho will arrive on
Wednesday evening and remain
hero until Friday morning.
Tim Hlg Mutit I'nlr,
Half-faro rates havo lecn
A Coutvat.
lVputy County Clerk Sherniun to-
bceuivd day has been engaged lu taking tes-
over the railroads for tho State Fair, j tliuony lu a homestead contest case.
1'ivd 1). Knight Is the contestant vs.
August Johuson, v1iom claim Is
Win Feldt yestereay bought
through Thomas & Payne tho house
and lot situated at tho corner of
Church and Marlon streets forfHii").
Thu same city council that ier
mlts all sorts of advertising cases to
be at street corners very much to
tho Inconvenience of all refuses to
grant u minor uuu a iraneuiMi on
any but a street that lias neither be
ginning nor ending.
Tho ladles of the Astoria W. C,
T. U. have purchased and erected
two public drinking fountains on
the streets of Astoria. Salem has
nothing of this kind. Perhaps there
is a suggestion here.
Tho Slants boys of Independence
lot their line nice mare yesterday.
She Impaled herself upon a post and
died from thu results. She was a
valuable animal.
Kpleureun tea, mlnts, oils,
varnish, window glas ami a Hue
Hue of general groceries at Gilbert
it Patterson's. tf,
l'uinletvs dental operations at Dr.
T. C. Smith's, Hi State at roet.
Dr. Talmagu will deliver his
famous lecture on "Hig Plunders"
lu the oH.'ni houiio next Friday
evening at eight o'clock. Kveiy
tKHly should hear him. Sheet open
for subscribers. Tuesday SuSO a. in.,
for general mile, 11a.m. This will
be the treat of the season.
An Important Element
Of tlio biii'iTM of HooiI'h Siirbapurllln Is
tliu fact that ovcry purehuber receives a
fair equivalent for his money. The famil
iar headline "100 Doses One Dollar," stolen
by Imitators, IsoriKlnal with nnl true only
of HooiI'h Barviparllln. This can easily be
proven liy any one who desires to test the
mutter, for real economy, buy only
Hood's Sursnparllla. Hold by all druggists.
In n great attraction for a restaurant.
Tho coll'ee drawn from Hellcnbrnnd's l'nt
cnt Coll'eo reecptuclo Ik one of the many
Great Attractions of his cutlng parlors.
Thousands of cups of his excellent coffee
are sola every week. And as for oysters
ami meals he cannot be equaled lu the
state. tf,
With fatal speed Impure blood courses
through thesyslein with death lulls wake.
Wright's Compound ICxtnict of Sarnipa
rllla cures all blood diseases. Sold by
II. W. Cox and 1). J. Fry.
l'ut to night Nervousness mid Indiges
tion by Wright's Hop Celery und Chamo
mile Hitlers. A healthful stimulus, and
strengthening and Invigorating. Sold by
H. W.Cox.
Disturbances ot the peaceAU summer
such as Diarrhoea, dyteutcry nnd cholera
Infantum, promptly uvlcted by Wright's
blackberry cordial. Sold by nil druggists.
E. Halnbridge, Muuday Esq.,
County Atty., Clay Co., Tux. savs:
"Havo used Electric Hitters with
most happy results. My brother
was also very low with Malarial
Fever and Jaundice, but was cured
by timely use of this medicine. Am
satlslled Eleetrlo Hitters saved lias
Mr. D. I. Wileoxsou of Horse
Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony,
saying: Ho positively behoves ho
would nave died, had it not been
for Eleetrlo Hitters.
This ercnt rtMiiciR' will u-nnl fP
as well as cure all Malarial Diseases,
and forall Kidney, Liver and Stom
ach Disorders stands iinemmled.
Price o0e. and $ 1. at Daniel J. Fry's
Tust received the finest line of Shotguns, Rifles and Pistols from
Chicago and more coming. We will sell lower than any other house in
Salem. AVe defy all competition, Portland not excepted. Also keep
The Best Sewing Machines
In the market from S3.) to $40 cash, and in connection will run the best
Gun Shop in the state. Come and see us before buying elsewhere.
Crockery and Glassware!
With specialties In
Valerian China Tea Sets,
French China Dinner Sets.
Buckingham Pattern
Of which we constantly keep a full line
und open stock, enabling us to make up
Dinner nnu Tea sets of any sle, or Bell by
the single piece. The finest assortment ol
Ever shown In Salem.
Ot the latest nnd handsomest patterns In
Glass ware.
3-Plense call ana examine our stock.
201 Commercial Street.
sra !
Salem, Oregon, have received direct
HAin npTAnn nnTmiififl
The Finest Line of
which will be sold at
Prices and Terms to Suit All!
These goods 'are first-cla:s and as their
stock is very lame u person can find what
they may wsh. Their warehouse on State
street Is completely tilled, nnd they have
another cur load en route now. Lookout
for them; something lino
Therefore, thoroughly master
Success iu Business requires preparation 1
denee, Iloolj
correct use oi commercial l'auers, Commercial Law and Business practice.
Learn, also. Shorthand and Tvne-wrltlnyr. Manifold, nml nintntinn ri.b-
All these are needed iu business, and are thoroughly taught by exper
ienced teachers at tho SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE "
Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon.
, ririnilOt in Itllu naaj kmvriii
- i.v..tin.nv, jjuim.i x uiuiuusuiu uuu uuiiit:sM i .( irnnnn.
keeping by both Sincle and Double Entrv. tlm nnhiw nnri
Real Estate
Having removed my olllce to HI State
street, 1 inn now bettor prepared than ever
to do a rushing
Real Estate B
You havo heard your friends and
neighbors talking about It. You
may yourseirbe one of the many
who know from jwrsonal experience
lus.t how good a thing It is. If you
nave ever tried it, you are one of its
staunch friends, because tho won-
derhil thing about It Is, that whou I
once given a trial, Dr. King's" New
DUxivery ever after holds u place iu
the lioifee. If you have never used ;
It and should ho ntlheted with a
cough, cold or any Throat, Lung or
Chest trouble, beeuro a bottle at
once and give It a trial. Itisguarau '
teed every time, or money refunded. '
Trial Hottles Free at D.uiielJ, Fry's '
which ooninieiiivH In Salem on Sept
lllth. Already about lltteen horses!
are on the track lu training and the ' ne.ir Silver Crook Falls.
race are tiuiv to Iki up to the stand-1
tint, while the various exhibits will , .r"! "II'i'i'm "T.. . .
f,ir mul nnvll I .., . .. I ' J. O. Dl'llll s of HiiI)1hii1 t lllXtilUHl
ruroAivl anything Iwfoio mvn here. , , .. , . ., . ,, ,
. i t.lx acres of fall wheat that yielded
in Die in jitii . tW hs'k'Is t the acrv. Al. Molsin
Frank Smith, Joe Kellv, 1 K. 'r "rooks averaged Xl bushels per
Johiibou, and Hurry Dunn weivar. ai'M hxanUdrty-three aei.
ivnicu iir 001111; iirmiK ami ni.nr. . ..... .v..i. ........ .i i.i v....... .i... .i.
. . , . . " , ! .li. , T-I, IIWIIV7 PIIUUIU HIIJ.VI I Hill, lilt- C. do , . ,.
il.trlv. Kmlili hiuI .i.iiiii.i.iii ...!.! -pi... m. ..!.... .i.i., 1..1... ... . .. . . .. oi-.AKo. At Albany.
: r' . i-"" i mb .'iwiw. n,in iiniiii infilling iiMiv in uuy gnxvues is tu me. Amrust 11) l&sa tho infant bon of
their tliu, which amounted to ,7.Ml ! and returned to Portland. She ! corner grocery More ofS.ulre Farrar , O. W. Sea'rs f&inerly. of &deiu.
wnls each. Kelly was given four brought about four tons of freight & Co., where nil kinds of groceries i The body was brought to Salem
lluyn III HtnU) and Harry Puiin forSulvm. The river U still liovef ' mid seasonable fruit and v-gvtables to-day and given Interment In the
Will Iihvo lj triu!to.dy, iHiuwiHid Hi low water t)trH. , w t W Miipi. .RurMwuvtry.
Fair tune is coming and while'
every body Is preparing for a grand I
"Hv your leave, sir," as the laud-1
lord remarked when lie paid an un
desirable tenaut to vacate. '
Fire and Accident Insurance
Written In the best companies doing biml
ne lu Oregon. Call ou me nt oiuv.
Isaac A. Maniiing,
Do Slnto Street.
DR. JORDAN & Ce.'s
751 Murki t iit.P an Krandsco
.vuiiiiMion .j (fiua.
(toaud lesiru how to uotd
dt-uM. OiUkuluition audi
l rent men t irvoimlly or by
letter, on HHTHi:iirriiiw I
iircvultal MnUiue.vi, hihI all
dlMtuuofmen. Miultora
,Jx"k. ITlvata ottli-e HI
UiiKultatlon fnv.
(Imauutcs Students In
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Normal, Business, Law,
i.,ilFSU.'?.0l.de,,'lar8esl anA least expn
wet of learning In the North-
School opens tlrst Slonday In September
SendforcaUUosueto ' wr
Only Genuine System of Memory Training
Four Books teamed In one reading.
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adult greatly benefited1.
Great Inducements to correspondence1
Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A.
"nnlnal. the world-famed Specialist In
w t R'c'"rd Proctor, the scientist, Hons.
others, sent post free by
Prof. A, LOISETTE, S37 Fifty Ave., XT
Je-139. dw
Salem, Oregon.
MSSPiS ,n. the Btate- Lovrer tes than
.i?J1J?n.1, T?61 8,ock eat Blanks lp
the State, a-d bio-rout iiUnn,Tni u.,., r,t
n.AA ll .Tv. ? .." .v..,.. OCHU IU(
Ki!iri. l v JOU l'nniing, anc
legal blanks. nfc. m
Steam Printer Satem Oregon,
intlng, and catalogue ot
lM LhMAl
JOS. AUlKltT. Agent,
Hre nnd Marine.
Saleru, Oregon
For Bargains
'! V,leA to and 49 State street,
where they are now ready for work Alfi
Sill &,Jr?ns i,nd fr,en r Tnvlled to
nii ?o "8 ln ?ur ncw location.
JJSrlfi. prenred for work now than.
e er ha ing secured more room. 10-1-tf.
Otary ktnvl.
On UlHTtv street, irnvi il.a i.ri.i..
Monday, "h lm. Aiiktuduf uimu kept on
il liu un proxrn Uit Wrlghf IteU
roxOough Cure curt thrtut nnd lun
tniublftipf long nwndlng, whn all otbw
twl ii; H1 j- fM urum.
Family Groceries Prorisions, Fruits Etc.,
stiSSli ih Co?,nerclal and Chemekete
everi?;rtiIeii,i.D0.w Pretwred better than
f. ir.todo .11 klnds orwagon and carrlnee
smithing and repairing, and a ireneral
rfSMEiW buslne' llehasafiklni
SuThn ,,1',ro,"np.iand made, strand
attennAn '? -'enttflo manner.' Social
Sn 2ndnlif n to tbH nictlon ofwlie
oolZSt StSiFe' "emember the placS
opposite buite insurance building.
.. . . w .-
vmMwusn wre curt- thnit and lung i , Country nluv- of all kinds always on
...u. ,, ,uu iuivb i.oi iradtHi wiih .,.- k.
wre, I rnpeclfuUy koUcli h trUU IwllevinV
I wi tun rott ihi& m priw wa jwVf,
Mi mn ONLY!
CTTOT1 wkrBxlyuJvES
um traded wthT55 bS Tr?SSSL,Si5S.:
Comnwrolal Street, Sulem, Or