"VKf SUBSCRIBE roit a id v ic r r i sub THE CAPITAL JOURNAL 1- I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Tim UE8T PAPER IN SALEM. ir win. iik JLo A GOOD INVESTMENT. -You will be well pleaded with lt.-S 03-Tlie Terms nro .Most Hcoonablc-KlJ VOL. 2. SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, AUGUST 20, 1SS9. 3StO. 146. CAPITAL T "vx W "V"W" "T "v- A "VT k A ; J V7 11U JL jl Livery Stable. J. Macey has lately purchased the Liv ery and Feed Stable formerly owned by Wagner&Qerman.nndnow conducts A FIRST-CLASS STABLE! He has some of the best rigs In the city. Give him a call and It will bo filled with great promptness. HORSES FOR SALE. One heavy geldinjr, one young mare with young colt, English shire; oi.'j mare with foal by Sasshaw, Junior; one two-year-old colt, Johnny Hall, line trotter. Call on .. .,.. A- STUAIN, 6-29W3 Eola. Polk county, dr. A numbei of tcn-acro tracts of desirable nnd within one and a half miles of Salem, nt prices ranging from SoJ to 8100 per acre. Apply to WILLIS CHAMllERLIN, H!9 Im Opeiu House lllock KSTABLISIIEI) II Y NATIONAL ACTIIOUITY mi n i i 'I'linl'niiitii VI, IHllUMtt New SALEM OREGON. Capital Paid op, - - - $75,000 Surplus, ...... 10,000 H. S. WALLACE, - - resident. W. W. MAHTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALHEHT, .... Cashier. OIRtCTOnSs W. T. Oruy, W. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, H. g. Wullace. Dr. W. A.Cuslek, J. H. Albert, T. MeF. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat nnd other market able produce, consigned or in store. produce, consigned or in st( ifther In private gnuinriejor euner in privn public warehouses. Stale and County Wai rants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on New Yoik, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Purls, Ilerlin Hong Kong and Calcutta. i i Mill K SALE Jf. OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, J President. DR. J. REYNOLDS, . Vice President, JOHN MOIR, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING, Excnange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially invited to deposit trad transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property at reasonnnio rates. Insurance on buch se curity can be obtained at the bank In most reliable companies. W. S. MOTT, M. D. (Formerly of Williams Grove, Pn.) Oitlce for the present at - RESIDENCE, No. 470 Commercial Street! Calls In the city or from the country promptly responded to. 8-lftlwim Hop Pickers Wanted. Frank Klein, at Ankeny, Marlon county, Oregon, will want from ISO to 100 hop pick ere at his yards near Uuena Vista. PIck Ing will begin In about two weeks. Hecan be found on Tuesdays and Fridays at the Chemeketo nnd is now ready to contract for pickers. See him. 8-lWw2w Music! Music! Tho best pianos in the market for sale cheap for cash or on the Installment plan. AUo u good piano to rent. Call upon WM. ARNOLD, 307 Winter St. J. H.. HAAS, coMMERCAbSTREET. ', First-class work guaranteed. Give him u call and you will not regret it. 7-31ml i Proposals Invited. inilE Board of Trustees of the Oregon State ' 1 Insane Asvlum hereby Invite wiled nro- Insane Asylum hereby invite seled pro- p. xwaU tor the building of a wing to. tho Stale insane Asylum pursuant loplns nu :1 andsi nee mentions to bets-en ut the office of A. ltobert. urchltect. rialem Oregon. The right to reject any and all bids u reterved. Bids wlU be opened at two o'clock, p. in., on 3Ionday,beptember 'A 1Ss9. bvia'estku l'ennovke, Geo 31. McUuide, O. W. Wkbb. lioard of Trutv, yyx, a, jJesusy, CltrH orUourU. Firs a Ban Milk Shakes ! When you are walking down the street stop In at Benson's Fruit Stand, 97 STATE STREET And trV one of those wholesome and most invigorating Milk shakes. 7-31ml Kansas House, Corner ot Court ami High Sts. E, M. LAW, Proprietor. ve nave taken a new name but will continue to serve ourpatrons with the cordial welcome to Our Home. Terms reasonable. Give us a call and we will dn ".! uiu iimrKt'i. iiiinrnu (ru-n .limn you ,ood. No Chinese employed. DYSPEPSIA. IB that misery experienced when wo sud J. 2e?'y.lecomellwnro that we possess diabolical arrangement called a stomach. Tho stomach is tho reservoir from which every flbro nnd tissuo must bo nourished, and any trouble with It Is soon felt through' out tho vholo system. Among a dozen dyspeptics no two will hnvo tho eamo pre dominantsymptoms. Dyspepticsolacflvo mental power und a bllioustemperament are subject to Sick Headache those, fleshynndphlegmutio hnvo Constipation! while tho thin and nervousaro abandoned togloomy forebodings. Somo dyspeptics nro wonderfully forgetful; others have great irritability of temperl Whatever form Dyspepsia may taka. ono thing Is certain, r The underlying cause is i tn tlic Z.IVER, and one thing moro is equally certain, no ono will remain a dyspeptic who will Qa it will correct Acidity of the Stomach, Expel foul gases. Allay Irritation, Assist Digestion, and, at tho samt ilmo Start the Liver to working, . tcicn all other troubles soon disappear. "My wife was a confirmed dyspeptic. Some three years ago by the advice of Dr. Stelner, of Augusta, she was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator. I leel grateful for the relief it has given her, and may all who read this and are afflicted in apy way, whether chronic or other wise, use Simmons Liver Regulator and I feel confident health will be restored to all who will be advised." Wsi. M. Kkrsh, Fort Valley, Ga. See that you get the Genuine, with red 2 on front of Wrapper, . -J""'"' A,,,1D ONLY BY J, n. ZETLIN & CO., Philadelphia, V. of HTf nr I' t I I Of the Willamette University Salem, Ore gon, the most successful Muslo School on the Northwest Coast. Courses in muslo nro equal to Eastern music schools. Yearly at tendance of nearly one hundred and flny. Thenblo corps of teachers for the coming school year will bo Prof. Z. 31. Parvln, Jliss FronkioP. Jones. Miss Eva Cex: assistant teachers. Miss Lulu 31. Smith, Miss Htilly Parish, und Ml 3Inmie Purvln. II ranches tnughtnro Vocal Culture.I'iano, Organ, Violin, Pipe Organ, Harmony, Counterpoint, nnd Class Teaching. Diplomas given on completion of course Send lor catalogue and circular. Z. 31 PAltVJN. 7-ld3m-wlm. Board of Equalization. mo Iho Taxpayers of .Marlon County.Oro 1 gen: The board of equalization will meet at the court house In Salem, .Marion county, Oregon, the last Monday In Au gust, IsS'J, to-wlt: the iitlth day at 0 o'clock u m., and publicly commence the exam ination of the assessment as returned by the assessor lor the year ISM), correcting oil errors in valuation, description or qual ities of land, lot or other property. Said board will remain in session from day to day for ono week only, therefore all tax payersor persons owning property In said Marlon county are hereby notified to be and appear at the time and place above mentioned and show cause, If any they have, why their assessments should not remain ns taken by the assessor. A. F. ULACKERHY, Assessor Marion County, Oregon. Dated this 30th day of July, 1SS9. 7-31dw New Butcher Shop AT NO. llO STATE ST. ANGEVJNE & JEFFERSON. Have opened up s first-class butcher shop at tho ubovo locution, where they will be pleased to serve the people with the CHOICEST AND 11EST 3IEAT8 or all kinds that the market affords. Give, them a call und be convinced of the superiority of their meats. 3Uoods delivered free. FRUIT WANTED 11VTIIE Willamette Valley Fruit Co. AT S A. 1. E M . i.nnu, .fn vtn.ia.it full value, nrovld rovlded tlinvarafullvriiie. There Is no danger of I baring them too ripe. No green prune will Doroceivea at any prira I ... ... .1... .. jw..flrk .'U'S.". i"?'?:.".'." .! ..... . --,----- ----. ir,Ali. nmnnnrt lieme cuiuub ' ""i,---",7i ,, lvr'".-""t? r:'" ,ZZAXZ with the ..ClTJr .t.7HiS..ti Tnot nunted. ,"",""', iA.lLrv to have them fully .iu..u...j-.-"-"7,-1 ,,,,.. Jl is not neco-ary w "" 'P - .. ....as- .u..ia. 9! VHTOUCT "v - .. the iou can i auuru -" -- " .1" ' ' breath and decayd teeth. Wright . -mm-. i w l,ira an offensive MyrrlrToolli Soap prevent! win. iryu. (SoldbyjillilrunrUti. i Ho We are preparing to receive a largo invoice of good. To make room for this cuorinoiiB stock, we must have room. To make room, we must dispose of our goods. To dispose of our goods we cannot do butter than give them away to our customers. Now, then, if you want dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, notions, etc., Just drop around to the Opera Home corner and interview us. Our prices are down so low that wo could not dispose of them any lower without giving the goods away. Now is your chance, for the next thirty days we will bo just slaughtering goods. This is the depot from which to lay In your supplies. Watch the faces of our customers a,s they leave the store; notice their contented looks, for they are satisfied that they with us. uould not' stive Capitol Adventure Company., OPERA HOUSE CORNER, Salem, wsaamaAm -A'! Tl-ilC- CAPITAL BUSINESS COLLEGE. In First National hank building J A, P. ARMSTRONG, Manager. E. L. WILEY, Principal. Will open for the Reception of Students, Monday, .September I). BUSINESS COURSE Im hides Spelling, Grammar, Writing, Ar ithmetic, Correspondence, Comnicrcli.l Iiw.rilnglo nnd Doublo Entry Ilnel: keeping, Hanking nnd Ilusiness Forms, Ilustness nud Ofllee Practice. ENGLISH COURSE Includes Reading, Writing, Mental and Written Arithmetic, Spelling, Grammar, Correspondence, Geography, Hihtory and Commercial Law. Day and evening sessions. Students Principal for WANTKO. WANTED-To rent a farm. Any onn having unimproved farm to rent will find n desirable renter by inquiring at the Jouknai. eirice for "W." I'Oll SALE tM)R SALE Two spans of large horses good ons, well broken for sale cheap. Cull on JI. C. hTAltll. IX)R SALE A Jersey heifer calf, For r particulars call ut this oir.ee. 7-11 Ul liOH HALE.-A FAlbrOFaJOACItErt I all under fence und cultlvutlon, In the best range country of Iutern Oregon. The bst chance ever offered for a man to engugo In stock raising. For particulars cull on or address W.H. llYAUS.Kalcm, Oregon. SOCIETY NOXIOUS. OLIVE 1-ODOE No. 1, I. O. O. l' meets in Odd Fellows' Hull upstairs. Cornet Commorclal und Kerry strctU, oery Kat urdayat7'J0p.m. J.T.UREtio. JAH. WALTON, Secretary. N. A7lt.-edgwlck Post, No. 10, Depart- . ment of Oregon, meets etcry Monday evening at the bull over the Oregon Land company's office. Visiting comrades uri cordially inviu-d to attend. A. W. Dkayokh. Post Commader. II. F, SOUTH WICK, AdJutaUU 1'UOl-KV.IONAL CAKDH. f J. HIIAW. attorney at law. KuIein.Ore- u . gon. Office up-talr lu the t'uttun bloc k. I T J. JENNINGS D. 11. H.-IKNTIrrr fl UJJJOT )U .li. ..ei. ..... .."w, w-'.u merclal street, itaiem. nijn oi me nig tooth. OW tooth. .. irtlYiniT.i5.Mun.iiii.. anxXtl .- hv.MMn tia lootted J.iT'k ,rn over H. ulra Varrar'.. 1 physlcUn and surgeon. Im wwrv ktnn t:tirf)iile Aimic m. mlhju m ";i,fllT(7' 7. ,-,frt w II . und Tyiwr.lerlto,'jrfU Wiiliuaicc Tixx- Sports of trUU, elc C-mylng on ty,. wJ7yeI.BCCUratelyund ncily lune. oaitv over A. T iu"v mri. Hire miot, knii. (sMtWlWtljNWi Adventure tapany money faster than by trading r -t - Oreson. enact msmxxaa vsdC?Rff; "ur arxxxcKiAf rm mviah SHORTHAND COURSE Includes Hbo'thand, Typewriting (2 hours dally pructlec) Penmanship, Spelling, Giammar, Correspondence, .Mani folding, Letter Copying, lijisln ess Forms, liuslness and Oftlce Practice. admitted at any time. Catalogue. Address the A.. E. STRANG, No. 3UI CommcielulHtreet, SALEM, - - ORICGON. UKAI.F.l: IK STOVESand RANGES Plumbk, Gas awl Steam Filtinsr. Tinware and Artistic Metal WorkJ a Specialty. mr Airent for tho KKMIAKDHON A IlOYNTON COMPANY'H I'urnnnii, 1- tablUbwllnlHlD WHEN YOU AKB HDXGIIY OO 10 TIIK 210 Coininereial Street, Where you can get a flinU-Iaiui lunch fur any price from u nickel up. NoChliiitinen fiMiiiiinlftvud. i . ' Star Lunc Umi ATTENTION iurved tuu i m n i i i-ii i iwn (leutroludiiiUsloii ulUTy).-. I U) w s -i - ri-N-n Ol' Heats on sale ui TIkm. M. Putlim's, com M L IV IY1 HIV C)' liienelnsr Tudny iiionilng ul tA), (or " ------?---' ulciibers. (Jeiiiinil side ooiiiiiiaiiHliitf at 11. Hevure your ticket at opcu. b-ll) It Hlngle loU and acre. One half mile West ' ofHafeiu 1. O. Ootid sol), ull clear unit In " "" ' " tine condition All ready fer planting i i ViO ivilf Ill-'VP fruit und thrubbry at out. Eauh piece l-A.MJn 1 WJI II lull. Ironu on a nice irti, una no euy tax. S&PAYNE 5 a I hAWJM THOMAS MX- 3TATI Origin of Postage Stamps. The origin of tho postage stamp Inula tinge of romance in it. It was thirty-seven years ago that How laud Hill, while crossing a district In the north of England, arrived at the dour of an Inn where u postman had stopped to deliver a letter. A young girl came out to receive it; she turned it over and over in her hand and asked the price flf postage. This was a large sum, and evidently tho girl was poor, for the postmaster demanded a shilling. .She sighed sadly and said the letter was lrom her brother, but that she had no money, and so sho returned tho let ter to the postman. Touched with pity, Mr. Hill paid the postage and gave tho letter to tho girl, who seemed very much embarrassed. Scarcely had (ho postman turned his back, when the young inn-keeper's daughter confessed that it was a trick between her and her brother. Some signs, on tho envelope told her all she wanted to know, but the let tor contained, no writing. "We are both so poor," she added, "that wo invented tills mode of corres ponding without paying for the let ters." The traveler, continuing his road, asked himself if a system giving rise to such frauds was not a visciotis one. Itefore sunset Row land had planned to organize the postal service upon a now basis with what success is known to the world. Sho Would (Jo. Miss Gotham- "You'll join our theater party to-night, of course, Miss Wabash?'' Miss Wabash (of Chicago) "What Is the play?" "Miss Gotham "Pygmalion, " Miss Wabash "Yes, indeed, with pleasure! yon know papa is in the pork business." NINE MILLION WITCHeTbURNEO. Sprenger compute (hat during the Christian era no fewer than nine million witches were immola ted. In England, tho. last execu tion forwitchcrafUook pliicoin 1710, but in Illinois as late as 1780 to 171)0, peveral unfortunates were put to death. This a terrible reJIeetiou on the boasted enlightenment of the age; bul wo must not lie ovor-cens.-rlous, whilo wo dally see friends go ing down to death, Ignorance or prejudice preventing the use of rem edies which might save them. .Many a cold runs into consuinytion. while indigestion And impure blood deliilltles thosysUjni, inviting fatal attacks, wlien thoiiso of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical ONeovcry would have ensured health and happiness. it is now stated that Mrs. O.ivid S. Terry will go on the stage, as she tins long wanted to do so, as soon as liur period of mourning Is ovr. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, Paints, Oils anil Window Glass, Wall Pa per mill Ponler, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Mtc, xj:vto-day. DEED'S OPKRA HOUSE Friday Kvt'iiing, An;?. Slid. ONE NIGHT ONLY The Celebrated Divine, KEV. Oil. T. I)B WITT AU1AGE, Will dellvur lilHfaiiioiiHlccturc, TT v u I' JU1 my Over 3joO newsimrrs publlnh li's r. inoneery week In Atiierloi. Ormt Ilrlt- uln, Ital Italy, und over ID) million oipi nro tint iii'miiui iiiii.hii rnni.iii i iiii.lt. I...I...... K.'......u Q.. u.l&.. I. printed every week Two good upright p:un for rent, uUi i VTr, luirei'i l'n.AM.i I'uMin at tbolVmser. y r: f mmkon. I. idewti, y-ltf-uu ' m J LATEST BY mitt! RAPH. liomlon llroatl Trust. Londox, Aug. IS. The failure tf the most important European wheat crops and the continuance or evil harvest weather In England, have led to steps for the formation of a gigantic bread trust In London. Four of the largest metropolitan bread companies, with a yearly profit of ?40,000, are already in the combination, and others are expect ed (u follow. Tho consolidation will bo known as tho "London llroad Union," and It Is announced that by a reduction of administrative expense and lessened competition, this new monopoly will bo able to lower tho price of bread. Wheal has gone up already in all the En glish provincial markets. r.U'clricily in Mining. Electricity is going to revolution ize mining, as It has already done somo other industries, and tho time will come when It will be the sole force used for bringing up gold and silver. Even now you can have an electric plant which will light up your tunnels, run your tramways, operate elevators In your shafts and Work your drills. Ten men with drills operated with electricity can take out as much ore and tunnel as far as KM) men with picks, shovels 'mil blasting material. The wages of ninety men would soon pay for an electric plant, lie sides, you can light your building and have Insurance and oil. Tho nxliiiiiliou Car. CmcAdo, Aug. ID. W. T. Hher man of Portland, Oregon, Is lu the city with a private exhibition con talking numerous sampler) of Oregon products. Thecal' leaves to-day for Williams' Grove, Pennsylvania, where It will bo on exhibition lrom August iiOth to tho .'list. It will bo at Jluilhlo on exhibition from Sep tember ttd to tho l.'Ith, and at De troll from Beptombor 17th (o 2"lh, and (hen It will bo brought here. Over twenty thousand half-pound bags of white wheat will bu distrib uted to farmers throughout the country. The Ti'leilioiu. Ciiic.uio, Aug. 18. Tlie operation of the llrst long-dlstaueo (eleplioiio system west of Now York was suc cessfully inaugurated here, the American telephone and telegraph company, a loug-dlstauco telephone company, formally opening its lines between Cnlcago and Milwaukee. Tho tests madoweioofa character to Illustrate the great Improvements that have been madu lu tho art of telephony, particularly in tho utili zation or metallic circuits. Tlic Johnstown 1'IoimI. PiTTHiiunu. Aug. 111. Tho so licitor of tho South Fork (billing and hunting club entered u plea of not guilty lu tho allegations made by the Johnstown HuH'crcis against tho club through a bill in equity Hied some weeks since, This plea litis the etl't'ctor placing tho case upon the Issue docket, and the cast will now come ou for Jury trial lu Its turn. The filing of tills plea was done voluntarily and shows thai t lio ! fondants aro anxious to have the matter settled. Albany 1'araniiih.s. Aliia.nv, Aug. lid. Jowph Wuber has leturued from Ills mines up lliu Bantlam, lie brought down forty pounds of dio ore taken from his claim, which will bo given a work lug test. W. 1$. Jlarr, chief eiigincor of thu Albany it Astoria railroad company, has returned from Xostucca, whore ,lho surveying parly Is now at work. Ho will t'o back In a d'iy or two to llnluli the survey to Astoria. ISetivcen Vnnioiivi'i' nuil Jajmu. Vancouviik, Jl. (.'., Aug. H'. A cable from LoimIeii.wivh: The house oI'coiiiuioiih has approved tho kill) sidy to tho lino beiweon Vancouver and .lapan, ICIIbrts will bo nmdo (o Inaiiguralo (ho now Hirvltc as (pilckly as possible. NpmIiitjj llehlioycil liv I'lie. PoitTLA.vi), Aug. If). A tiro oc curred at i'ovbirg on tho Portland fc Wlllametlo Valley rallroiul Kat unliiy, A hotel and H-verul biiHtnow) lioui'dH wero dostroved. Tho origin of tho tiro and tho loss resulting wore not learned. ARi'tl Singe Driver Droji Dead. I'OltTLAND.Allg. 18. J, H.Kiulth, an old m.iii who for jwhd has been driving wsl lge c-ju Ii from this oltyt l"'":'"..'"'!1 ',U".:1 H'"''"'"'-1 h'B IK'r t'ii Jud IikUbO, Whllo III tlio act of Intclilng up liU teunii I Another Week's Session. Olyjipia, Aug. II). The conven tion struck a snag this morning and the prospects for an adjournment be fore the end of the week are not llat- teiing. 1 he state school and granted lands article failed to pass. Tho lobbyists who have been hoveling around the convention fora week or ten days past, many or whom were seated on tho outside of tho railing, looking pleased as the vote was an nounced at the prospect of the fu ture legislature of (he stale having a ehanco to dispose of the school lands and tide lands of Washington. Mrs. (Ilo Hull. Si'oicaxk Falls. Autr. It). Mr. Ole Dull, wire or (lie renowned vlo Hnist, passed through tho oily en route to Alaska to-day. Mrs. ilull divides her time between her parents and friends In Wisconsin and tho family of lier distinguished husband in Kurope. Ono ot her brothers married a daughter of the poet Longfellow about two years ago. Talal Teetli PidTiiij-. Los Akoulin, Aug. li). H. H. Payno hadllfteen teethoxtracted. A proluso hemorrhage set In and In spllo of tho ellbrts of two physicians it is doubtful whether he will re cover. Tho (Iiilf Slrcam, There Is a river in tho ocean. In tho soveiest droughts it never fails, and In tho mightiest Jlood it never overllows. Its banks and the bot tom, nro of cold water, while Its cur rent Is oC warm. The Gulf or Mexi co is Its fountain, and its mouth Is tho Arctic Seas. It Is the Gulf Stream. There is In tho world no other so nmjeMiu a How of water. Its current is more swift (ban the Mississippi or tho Amazon, and Us volume more than a thousand times greater. Its waters, as far. as Caro lina coasts, aro of Indigo blue. These are so distinctly marked thai the common sea water can bo traced with tho eye. Onon one-half the vessel may be peroeived floating in I ho Gulf Stream Water, while the other hall Is lu (ho common water of tho sea, so sharp Is (ho line and tho want of alllnlly between (liet-e waters; and such, too, tho reluc lance, solo speak, on the part of those of the Gulf Slre.-im to mingle with (ho waters of tho sea. In ad dition to this, there Is another pecu liar fact. Tho fishermen ou tho coast of Norway are supplied with rood from tho tropics by tho Gulf Stream. Think of tho Arctic llsh eniieu burning upon their hearths the palms or irnytl, the mahogany or Honduras, and tho precious w.iods of the Amazon and the OM- IIOL'O. Two (luuil Srluiuls. - It Is with pleasure that the Joint N'Ah calls iiKeutlon to (ho adver tisement of tliu widely and favorably-known Portland business col lego, and Its associate school, (ho capital business college of Salem. Iloth (hoso schools art) perfectly eijiilpped for tho work lu hand, and oiler superior facilities to (hoso who desire to take cither a business couive or a shorthand cotirfru, Hun dreds ol" their former studunlH now occupy rrspoinilbli) positions lu varl oUHhoctloiisortho Northwest, both its hook-kchpurs and stunographeis. A. P. Armstrong, (ho manager of thiwo Institutions, Is an experienced and miuoiMMfiil educator, and Is do ing grand woik lu lilting (ho youth ol our laud for IhihIhiws careers. Wo copy tho following para graph from (ho Alameda Kucliial: Thu exposure of (ho manner of truiiDAOlliiK UiKiiiOiw by thu "Ameri ca u building and loun imtoeiatlou" of MlnuottpolUi, by lather Commls slouur Tobln of California Is begin ning to bear good fruit. Its Kant Oakland branch Iiiih cloned iUbookK. Thtt amount of ittock subscribed for wan in tho neighborhood of $.'''p0tMi, but tho likw to moiubois, wiyj the local manager, through the payment of utMOMmcuU and Initiation IWs, will not amount to moru than IbbO. Thoy get oil mwy. It Contumpnoi Incurable? Ituid thu follewing: Mr. ('. H. Morrn, Newark, Ark., yn; "Was iliavuuiiliA'wnt ui l.ungs, and frle.ids uml pli.i. hum prnunuuced inn mi I Mi-tii-itll.' 'iiiHiiii,)tive. 1 to gnn taking Dr. King's Now DUcov ory fur k'oiisuitipiloii, urn ou my tlilnl ii-itl.-, and abb' lo nvvivvu tho work on inv Una I' U the II nest modii'inu ever uuule." Jomu ftllditlewurt, lMtittir, Ohio, siivm: "iluil it not iMNtii for Dr. ICing'H New IjUcomtv for Contain V'" f ,;,,,UL,'"V '' ' ",f ' i'I roubles." 'l'i i. - ample bol freu ut Danluj J. i''i ' drugtloa', 'oiisump- j.mig buttle ( .l ii.Li-i.. .. JHMHH.IJ