Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 16, 1889, Image 2

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Capital Journal Publishing Company.
Knlored nt the Ktofllcc nt Hiilem, Or.,as
iiconnd-clfiM matter.
Sco fourth page for term of ubncrlp-
IM v i . .. ,,
Ailverllwncmn to Insure lnxcrtlnti (for
tliu name day) should bo handed In by 1
Correspondence containing news of In
terest nml Importance In denlred from nil
parts of tliOHUitc.
'o attention will bo pnld toimonymoiiK
Person de-drlng the Uai'ital Jombnai.
nerved nt their Iiouhok ran ticcuro It by -isit
card request, or by word left at this
Hpcclmcn numbers cent frctionnppllca-
Ofllco, corner Court and Liberty HtrectH.
AUOUST 10, 1881)
Tin: celebration of Hie 80tli birth
day of Alfred Tennyson, tho poet
laureate of Ktifrltmil, recalls to iiilntl
that iiiuiiy of the literary men of
America have passed the throe Hcorc
yearn anil ten mllo-Htone. fj'eorge
lluncroft, the hlntorIuii,vlll be 8'J In
October, Whlttler 82 In December
nml Holmes 8') on the Ullth of title
month. TIichu men have all been
honored by their fellow cltlzeiiH, and
have lived to a K)"od and noble purpose.
IN March, 1801, Benator Kenyan
of Texan was it)polnted postmaster
fjenural under the provisional ov
ernineiit, and the next year he was
reappointed to the name olllce under
tho permanent government, lie
was also acting Heeretary of the
treasury for u short time near the
close of tho war. lie was the only
cabinet ofllcor that was captured
with .lell'erHon Davis, and was con
fined for many months In J'ort
Tin: least learned are aware that
there are many languaKCH lit the
woild, but the actual number Is
probably beyond the dreams of or
dinary people. Tho geographer
Bulbl enumerated eight hundred
and sixty, which are entitled to be
considered as distinct languages,
and live thousand which may ho re
garded as dialects. Adulguns, an
other modern writer on this subject,
reckons up three thousand and Hlxty
fotir languages and dialects, exist
ing, and which havo existed.
J)r. Farr, an English scientist, :
says that If one could watch the i
march of 1,000,000 people through
life the following result would be
ob-icrvnblc: Nearly Jo0,000 would
die tho first year, 63,000 the Hecond
year, 28,000 In the third year, and
less than four thousand in the
thirteenth year. At the end of
forty-llvo years 500,000 will have
died. At tho end of sixty years
370,000 will be still living, at the
end of eighty years, 07,000; at eigh-ty-Jlvo
years, 31,000 and at ninety
live years. 2.100. At the end of
100 years there will be 223, and at
the end of 108 years there will be
but one survivor.
The great audibility of souuds du
ring the niirht Is a phenomenon of
considerable interest, undone which
has been observed even by the an
cients. In crowded cities, or in
their vicinity, the eli'ect was gener
ally ascribed to the rest of animated
beings, while in localities where
such an explanation was inapplica
ble, It was suppoaed to arise from a
favorable direction of the prevailing
Home authors ascribe this fact to
the cessation of the humming of
Insects, the singing of birds, and
and the action of the wind on the
leaves of tho trees; but Huron Hum
boldt Justly maintains that this can
not be the cause of It on tho Orinoco
where tho buzz of insects is much
louder in the night than in the day,
and where the breeze never rises
until after sunset. Hence lie was
led to ascribe the phenomenon to
the perfect transparency and uni
form density of the idr.
Tlie Wayside Inn.
I halted nt a pleasant Inn,
An I my way win wending
A golden apple wan the sign,
From knotty bough depending,
Mine hot It wa nn npple tree
Ho smilingly received me,
And spread hi choicest, sweetest fruit,
To strengthen and relieve m'c.
Full many a leathered guest
Came through Its branches springing;
They hopped and tlewfrom spray to spray
Their notes of gladness singing.
Iteneath his shade I laid mo down,
And slumber sweet possessed mc;
The soft wind blowing through the leaves,
Willi whispers lowcarescd me;
And when I lose, and would have paid
My host so open-hearted,
lleonly shook his lofty head
I blessed him and departed.
From tho German.
Tin: census of 181)0 will
many wonderful changes.
central lino of population will be
much nearer the Mississippi river
than It was ten years ago. Over
sixteen million acres of laud were
sold In the last fiscal year under the
operation of tho homestead and
timber culture laws. More than
124,000,000 acres or laud have been
settled in the last eight years. Tho
greatest changes have taken place in
tho northwestern groupo of states
and territories, where nearly sixty
million acres have boon settled
within tho piiHt eight years. On
tho Paelllo coast lD.tXHI.OOO acres
have been settled and UI.OOO.IXH)
acres must bo added for the southern
states on botli sides of tho Missis
sippi. Along the l'aelllo railroads
18,000,000 acres have boon oonod
since tho last census. In other
words, tlto government and tho
Paelllo railroads have opened for
settlement In tlto last eight years a
territory larger than tho Now Kng
lnud, Middle States and South
Unroll mi combined larger thunder
many or Kraneo and about twice as
largo as (ireat liritalii untl Ireland
J'hkvioijh to tho wedding day
tho Chinese brldo lias her eyebrows
pulled out, sothatsho is recognized
over afterwards as a married wo
man. With tho Japanese tho priest
blackens tho pearly teeth of tho
bride, using for tills purpose the
same Indelible lacquer applied to
coal-scuttles and otherslmilar Japan
waru; and this serves from this
time to her death to notify that she
has entered tho marriage state.
Tin: deceased David H. Terry was
at nno thno chief Justice of tho su
premo court of Callornla, and
has always Ix'ou a prominent
figure in tho political history of the
state. Tho killing of l S. 'senator
llroderlek In the early days of Cali
fornia, caused at the time a deep
personal resentment against Terry
by a portion of the coplo of the
state which tluvutoucd to termin
ate his carver in California,
hut lie always had a number of ad
herents, ami ho remained. He was
married to Sarah Aithca Hill, who
claimed to bo tho wife of ex-Senator
Sharon, while prosecuting her claim
against the Sliiuon eMato. Tills
brought him into a ii vent fill atti
tude toward Justice Filed, who last
year rendered a decision In the
I'liltod States circuit court denying
her claim to 1st the wife of Sharon.
M i-s. Terry created a scene In the
court during the muling of tho de
lta Missed (ho Train.
To Governor Iwry of Mississippi:
The governor sat In his easy chair,
a spyglass at his eye "Has any ono
seen 3,000 men on a train of cars go
by? A pilot train with tho bad
men on, one more, and another one
still; with ruttlo of wheels and clang
of bell, nml shriek of whistle shrill'
They travel not its tho Hying skip,
in silence ami In fear: they whoop
and holler and howl and yell for
all the world to hear. They have
advertised tho place of the light, for
six long weeks or more, and I fear
that 1 cannot llnd the place till that
brutal tight is o'er. Oil rally and
squander, my men at arms, and
look If you may see where three
railway train and three thousand
men have hidden away from me.
They rallied and squandered,
those men at arms, they searched
tho country through; and another
governor caino along and Joined the
searchers, too. They looked in tho
clock anil under the stairs, and un
der the bed they peered, and out In
tho kitchen and every where, but
tlie Uaiiis had disappeared. They
felt In their pockets and looked In
their hats and lowered a man down
hi tho well, but where all those
sluggers had disappeared to, there
wasn't nobody could tell. They
asked a boy at Lowry's store, and
the blind man down by the hall,
ami the woman who keeps tho can
dy shop, but they hadn't seen noth
ing at all. They dragged the pond
at Sawyer's mill, and they ques
tioned the tollgatu man, mid all
through tho let at tho back of hit
house, tho governor raced and ran.
Hut all In vain for wherever he
looked, went, tho people lie sought
were gone, and the only place where
he didn't look, was where tlie light
was on. And ho never knew there
had been a tight, until a week and
ii day, then lie sent a constable
after the men, 4,000 miles away.
hong lives tho State of Mussaslp!
Tho governor, long live he! If over
tho moon should run away, may he
tie there to see! Should hostile ihiw-
ers invade Ills land at some far dis
tant day, may he llnd the foe that
wastes Ills state liefore It goes uwuy.
Anil great good medicine had It
been, for the land of the sunny
south, had the governor closed, his
smooth-bore eyes and looked with
his long ninue mouth. lturdottc.
"How glad I am, dearie, that our
tastes arc so very similar," said Mrs.
Honeyllp to her husband, when
they returned from their bridal
tour and were furnishing tlie Hat In
which they were to be "so perfectly
"Weagree about cverythiug,don't
we, darling?" she continued. "We
both wanted cardinal and gray to
bo tho prevailing tones in the par
lor, we agreed exactly about the
blue room and hall. Wo both like
tlie same kind of chairs. Oh, we
agree exactly, don't we, and how
nice it is! I'd feel dreadful if wo
main agree, particularly about any
any important tiling.
"So would I, darling," he said,
"It's lovely to live in such perfect'
harmony. Now, I guess I'll hang
this lovely little water-color your
aunt gave us right over tills cabinet,
shan't I?"
"I don't hardly know, dear.
Wouldn't it look better over that
bracket on tho opposite wall?"
"I hardly think so, love; tho light
is so much better here."
"Do you think so.George? Really,
now, I don't like it in that light."
"You don't? Why it's just the
light for it. It's entirely too dark
for a water-color on the other wall."
"I don't think so at all. Water-
colors don't want a great deal of
"They certainly don't want to bo
in tho shade."
"They certainly don't want to
hung in a perfect glare of llyht."
"I guess I've hung pictures before
to-day, and "
"Oh, George how cross you are!"
"I'm no closer than you are,
and "
"You are, too, and I I oh, iiow
can yon lie so cruel?"
"l'shaw, Helen, only said "
"Oil. I know what you said, and
it lias broken my heart!"
"There, there, "dear "
"Oil, It has! I I-O'oorge,
you really want me to go back
nianuna and papa?"
"Why, darling, you know- "
"He lit Ciiiinc, boo how, if you
d d o, boo, boo, I will. It would
bo better, boo lioo, than for me and
you to quarrel hi over everything,
"There, there, my dear, 1"
"Mamma was afraid we were too
unlike in disposition to get along
well, but J 1 I h, George, this
Is too perfectly dreadful!"
The Chief Kenton for tno great sua
cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In tbl
article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and tbl
tact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ao
complUhes what Is claimed for It, Is what
bas given to this medicine a popularity and
lalo greater than that of any other sarsapa-
Mprit Wint rlIla or bIood purt
I VIC I II VVIIO fler beforo the public,
flood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Ball
Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick
Headache, Biliousness, overcomes Thai
Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength
sns the Nerves, builds up tbo Whole System.
Hood's Mnrinpnrillu Is sold byalldruf
fists. $l;slxfor$3. Prepared byC. I. Hoo
I'm.. Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass.
Squire 11. li
was appointed
United States
years ago, and
of I'leasantvllle,
an agent of the
government some
ordered to South
western Minnesota, with instruc
tions to build a saw-mill and grist
mill for Mr. Lo, the poor Indian.
After a year or so had elapsed the
department sent out another agent
to look after things and report pro
gress. Tlie latter visited B. B 's
district, and found that tlie dam
only had been completed. He re
ported that he had examined things
in B. B 's agency, and found a
dam by a mill site, but didn't see
any mill by a dam site.
Sitting on the Safety Valve.
Many tiro they who have laughed
at the story of tho green steamboat
llreman who sat on the safety valve
to prevent it leaking. Yes thousands
are repeating his folly every day.
They are troubled with blotches,
pimples, eruptions, salt rheum, bolls
carbuncles, ulcers and old sores, and
tiro contenting themselves with sup
pressing the symptoms without re
moving the cause. They sit on
these safety valves oy which nature
is driving out blood inpurities, in
stead of using Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, which cures by
removing the cause, which is in the
blood. It is a wonderful blood pu
rifier and invigorating tonic.
Do you think tho proprietorsof
Dr. St'ge's Catarrh Jlemonv would
oiler, a they have dono for many
yearn, si standing reward of $.r00 for
a case of catarrh which they cannot
cure, if they did not positively know
that the remedy will absolutely nnd
permanently cure catarrh. Sold by
dluggistsat only CO cents.
Didn't You Have the $2fi?
Eighteen years ago wo were offer
ed the lots on which the Windsor
hotel block now stands' in Denver
for JjiS each. Tbo lots could noc be
bought to-day for ?o0,()00. Yaquina
clhlon by clmrelnir Justice Field
with U'lnir isirrunt. Hildas she nw "' well-known detection of
fused to remain quiet, Justice Kleld '". ' "Diplomacy," through the
directed that she K removed faun lH'rfinuo of it woman's glove, was re-
the court. When tlie deputy at- lfHliiml by a recent occurrence in
tempted to carry out the order of lrln. A man who found his room
tlie i-otiit, she Uviiuie Involved In a wbUnl of all his Jewelry jht-vIwhI a
pergonal quarrel with that oillclul locullur perfume, and a few days
and Judge Terry intorforrvd, draw- later noilivd It again while pacing
lug a dagger from his vest. He lwo welUliel women In tin
was disarmed and Uuli Terry tiuil "trxn-t. They were arrested and
hU wife were adjudged with eon- found to bo the thieves.
tempt and committed lojull. Korn Tlto women of Kgypt are not al-
long time the remark was current lowed to go out of doors us women
throughout California (hut if Judge In other countries are, and many or
Terry ever met JuMlco Kleld In them never get bovoiidtho walls of
pilbllo u tragic bvyno would tin- their housk. Tho cows sleep In tho
ijonbii ijiy follow, i,je (jt with tbo jRHiple,
Tho first live minutes at the Spo
kane Kails II iv cost about two mil
lion dollars a minute. Tliero wasn't
a breath of wind when the lire start
ed, a dead calm prevailed at tho
time and the spectators suoposed
tho firemen would speedily bring
tlie (lames under control. ThN
could have been dono if projier pre
cautions had been taken, but tho su
perintendent of tlto water works
was out of tho city, and for some
rctiMin the men In charge failed to
respond to the call for more pressure.
Tlie heat created a current of air
and In less than half an hour tho
eiiinu uiock oi inime snops was en
veloped In tlutnes, and burning
shingles and dobrb filled (he air,
Igniting several adjacent blocks at
the same time. Then tho town
went, solid brick and granite Iwlng
Inelfeetual. Proper work during
the tlrst two minutes would have
saved the town.
All the good republicans ut Deer
Park tlsh for trout in Lake Cleve
land. Private Sodrctury Halford's fa
vorite poet is Tennyson.
a Mi:mofH li?.ii:k.
A Laity JVenrly Prostrated l .
Tale ut Jloillcluo.
A lady vrrll-kuownlnthuWcjtem Ad.:;-..
luu tve u a Ktvut uuTcrvr Iorut wit', i.k!
KviltonnuditYtpcpita. firm' l h i ,o ,,
inoulab praising Joy'iVoyuittbto Ma -msj -:'.,.
be Km (or a botUc. TUo itrujgUt, u.4 I .
I us It, UlUxltbcw into UiiutfiusU" .-!
parlll. At tbo I.-udtue &ir4ivutll.i u .
inlueml Hood purKtoo, tho c4W ( tuv
ctnpo h'l et lixllOouf lVnh tutu & ttowpt :.
lrvdy dUtrvwlusly dellrute at dUuuaa,
rvctlflod. Sho tbcu called upon Mr. Wwlrr.
of X.7 i;uu trvt, wIkxo uuio vh uiuvu.
tbow curvl by Jn)' Vcvtabto KitnaiwrUU
Mr. Fouler wld ItMaitnSt that It bad cimsl
her Ajla tviuurvO, tbo trcculJo rua
lotmd wat mat tot and gotten Tlto ymK
action of Its M'cvttWo tttpiulunu upcu lb
llrc-r, lldocy ami illume ervatu, au4 lt
ranu ttotuach tonics, wrre tbo wry thlrq;
tuvded, and bo lvsu lapnnlns and wat
brroM clt within A (ortnigbu TbU touudt
lUe Ccllon, but tbo &amr ran bo ht (
' The immediate symptoms of Dys
I pepsin, or Indigestion, are a distres-
stngt-ouso oi weight, oppression and
fullness in tlie stolnacli, heartburn,
loss of appetite, foul breath, belch
ing, llatuleney, nalisea pains in die
shoulders and breast. Dr. Henley's
Dandejion Tonio promotes healthy
digestion and removes all unhealthy
symptoms. Sold by D. W. Mathews
Among tho higher classes in China
the married lady rises ea.rly, and
first sees that tea Is prepared for her
husband, as well aS some hot water
for his morning bath. The same at
tention is also exacted by the
inother-in-law; Indeed, during the
life of tho latter, ,tho wife has to be
a very drudge in tho house.
You have heardiyotir friends and
neighbors talking about it. Yen
may vourself lie que of the many
wlio know from personal experience
just how good a thing It Is. If you
nave ever tiled it, you are ono of Its
staunch friends, because tho won
derful thing about it i, that when
once given a trlah Dr. King's Tow
Discovery ever af(er holds a place in
tho house. If you have never used
it and should be! atlhetcd with a
cough, cold or anj- Throat, Lung or
Chest trouble, tcmv a bottle at
once and give It i trial. It is guaran
teed every (tine, or money refunded.
Trial Hot ties Freont Daniel J. Kry's
The terrible charge has K-en
brought against Mayor Fit lor of
Philadelphia, that he writes iootry.
F.. Riiiibrldgv, Monday Kq
County Atty., Clay Co.. Tex. says:
"Have used Klceirie llltters with
inofcl happy rcHilts. My brother
was al.so very low with Malarial
Fever and Jaundice, hut was cured
by timely use of this medicine Am
satUtied Kleotrio Bitters saved has
Mr. 1), I. YVllcoxsoii of Horse
Cave, Ky., adds a like testimony,
saylnc; lie positively believes he
would nave died, had. It not been
for Kkstrio Hitlers,
Th:sgaat remedy will ward ott",
oswill as euro all -Slalarial Diseases,
.ind ior.dl Kidney, Liver and Stem
aeh DiMinleni stands uuetiualed.
Prhv Vie. and 1. at D.utlel J. Fry's
It U nitorted that the lius-slau
mission I to booJlervd b
Hawley of tpuHwtleHL
The Best Residence Localities
In the city of Portland nnd other prosperous towns arc those owned hy men or corporations who
have tlie disposition and ability to improve them.
r o U I I 1 ri lil
And this Corporation is determined to
Attractive Addition
To tho city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have
scarcely begun. It is intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through -Riverside and High
land additions and around Highland Park
Of Oregon. The line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no
lots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the near future be
Lois in Highland Additon are High anil Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage
The soil is black and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildmg3 and our highest
mountain peaks. Arrangements arc already being made for the location of two churches in this addition, and
a number of .residences are soon to be built. Buildings ouly of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots
within tlie limits of tho city of Salem are worth on an averaire overSlOOO. We mil sell vmi liPttrrlnfa in wtcth.
land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on the line of the street railway they are practi
cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of the so
called "inside lots."
Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars,
And let some other fellow pay 51000 fur an inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 you can
build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand street car
tickets every year.
Oregon Sate Pair
Twciity-nlntlinnniinl exhibition nt ftilein,
Commencing Monday, Sept. 1(5,
Continuing ono week under tho tnuntige-
iiient or tho O OKon Ktnto lion nt
of Agrlcultuif.
OVER $1,500
In Gash Piiiiiiitis
Offered for ngrlculturnl Mock, dnlrv und
ineclmnlcnl exhibits, for works of uit,
fancy work, uud for trials of sjH'ed.
and Trallin? Races
Tf there is anyone in tlie whole state
of Oregon who wants to return
to the east he should read
this advertisement:
Importers nnd Wholesale dealers In
I'J nnd -15 Wnlker St. John F. atratton's
Celebrnted Ilmslan Gut Violin strings, the
Kiuestln tho World. '
Bargain For
Importnut Improvements have been
mndoln tho premium llbt.
deduced rntes for fum. nnd fn'lirlits ri,
all transportation lines to nnd from tho
Men's day ticket
Women's day ticket...
Men's season ticket
$2 no
Women's keasoii ticket .... .... l w
Send to the secretary at Salem for n pre
mium list. J.T. AI'I'KKSON.
J. T. QIIKOG, &.XMVtary. ,,ro,,acnt-
c-" b, ooo.ooo i"i ben m tt
o(tM Urgut uul must rulutJalioiue, and They oau
Ferry's Seeds
ntnolWJ to be toa
largest Seedsmen
In the world.
D M.FxnBTJkCo'i
tin wid lnca
For I nno
Winh.m.iii rerr
ta all AnnliAnfs anl t
; taluirr,iratoiaNi ,
runout nnlMnvit ,.h.
D. M. FERRY A CO., Oatralt. Mich.
1 I Cirpn
YJV . Rtl.td &
Our Guarantee If a dealer receives a
complaint, (which he believes to be honest)
rrom any musician to whom he has sold
anyoftheso strings, ho Is authorized by
us to give him another string without
eunrg,andnll such loss will be made good
by us to our customers, without quibble or
question. (Uownreot imitation.) Dealers
win please send lor descriptive catalogue.
Trndj supplied nt lowest price.
To Exchange for-
Jr9&' ---. O A
Klbha V ', ' ;iAS
Boys and Girls.
The school will open on the 2h
of September. Thorough Instruc
tion In the primary and
English Branches.
-In course.-
'lEItMS nnd further Information may be
had on application to
Cor. Chemeketa nnd BtateSU.
Gaines Fisher, Proprietor.
IVrner Kerry and Ulxrty ttrecW, N. E. cor
from Cticmcketo hotel, slem, Or.
S-For particulars call at this ortlce.
Northern Pacific Railroad.
And all points East via
The Northern Pacific railroad Is the only
one running lWenj;ertrulne,fckxmdclaAj
sleepers (free of charge) Luxurious Day
SSii'! tollman l-atace Kleeping Can.
lt, , V.,n,ogCare.(nieal 5c) from Port
land to the east.
w tb ?Sur tlcket read via the Northern
Pacule railroad and avoid the
change of cars.
$75 to $250S27gr-ibAS5-:
cewiiw traveler
I CtM rMftMlf ,
HaLf?V0.,'Drllnndat,,a-m.nd & p. ru.
.1wr5,r;c ')yi3iojf.-Traln leave Front
and u strvci dally at UiS a. m. and KMQ
P.IU-; Arrn.atTiioonmat 7:10 p in and
Jla InaiTlVK-llll-'i. tr nn.llMin m
i.rouSh fullm Palac Weeping W,
SSai5Sajr wc A' nnet palace dining
cam between IVmhmri Tnmnigi KntH,
. . lu. ..... - "- f ..-......-'. ----
SfSSr " oo ,-a i vs1 rua fflff ssiisi S? ?. wi wxzr&t
TI21 1 Ua BhAnlB U m a . . - -i .mil IIIP1J1II h .. -j . -
r ivi AriJ.aux 4-6-iMi liivrr." .vf "" "T
ur commercial
i:teihetr whole time tothe builntv Tsrure
i A rew TKtinde m town and cinesTn. p
Johiuon icu, low ilaln u Hichmoud,
mueu,a, , j,rtlana. Orwys.
ivpui cortiir nut axw AmH,
, trrvu U