Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 09, 1889, Image 4

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rjsilF 'f?'
One year ly mall J2
Hlx montliH liy mall .- - 2 J
Throe months by mull ..... 1 a
Per week, delivered by carrier.... . lu
One year by mnll ..--. .I M
Hlx montlm by mnll...
One year, If ixild In ndvnncc J 0)
Hlx months, If mld In advance 61
For advertising rales apply at thin offlec
who do not secure their paper regularly
will notify this ofllee, giving address, and
the matter will bo attended to at once.
O ftl cc, corner Court and Liberty Streets
This Year's Hop Crop.
A WasliIiiKtoii Territory exchange
naya though the lioi crop Ih a large
one little rain would certainly do
no liunn. A peculiarity of hops thin
Hcnhon Ih that hi come platt-H the
old yurdH look well and the new
ouch poor. In other platen the new
yards look well and the old ones
poor. Thin peculiarity m noticed in
yards that llo iilonghiilo each other.
The growers are at a Ions to account
for this peculiarity, unks It he that
the coll Is heavier In npolH, and
therefore retains the moisture and
pro'lueex n better crop than where
the hoII Is lighter and where the
moisture evaporates Homier. Hops
can ho delivered aboard the c.us at
u cost to the producer of fiom 8 to
0J cents per pound. At the prrnent
time they are being contracted Col
by wholesale at from lit to K cents
per pound. This leaves a fair mar
gin of profit to the grower.
i -
Oregon Wheat N.linplin.
The Oregon land company Is pre
paring 10,000 nacks of wheat to be
sent to the Milwaukee O. A. It. en
campment. These sacks eacli liolu
thrco ounces anil are neatly labeled.
The wheat Is plump and nice, weigh
ing slxty-llvu pounds. This will be
a lino advertisement for Oregon.
Tho reverse side of the sack hems
an engraving of the state capltol.
Tim Prlnelpiil Tutor.
Prof. M. O. Lane of this city, his
many friends will pe pleased to
learn, has received his appointment
as principal Instructor ut the Indian
tralulngschool at Uhemiiwa. Prof.
Lane's well known abilities are an
assurance that tho management of
the school will bo a success. Prof.
Latio Is a resident of Salem and is
receiving tho hcartyeougratulatlons
of his friends upon Ills appointment.
An Injury In Newport,
Returning tourists uro all register
ing complaints against the out
rageous charges assessed against
them by tho shark management of
tho steamer Itlchardsou, They de
clare that such actions are certain to
do Newport a .'great Injury. Many
persons declare that they will novor
return there so long as such a scheme
of robbery is countenanced by tho
resldouts of tho Hay.
A lime Cuimnt,
A sensational nuws Item read
after this fashien: "Yesterday morn
ing near Salem two men In a hack,
in broad daylight, near Lewis Petty
John's tarm residence, stolo several
sacks of wheat and drove oil' with
them." Tho whole business Is a
base canard, bearing no semblance
to tho truth.
rim III Mm Momituliin.
Parties who left Soleni i-ovoral
days ago for Silver Clock Fulls have
boon unablo to reach that resort on
account of the prevalence of tiro lu
the mountains. They could go bin
a fuw miles beyond Whiteaker and
had to stop to await tho will of the
Ilium. Mrs. W. II. Cook of this
city Is en route to tho Falls.
Th Vvvt llulmU4 College,
The now Capital business college
of Salem will ohui up soon, Their
rooms In tho bank block am being
made lu readiness for the com
mencement of the school year. This
new enterprise promises much for
Salem. It will bo llrst class In every
particular, embracing an extensive
course of study.
Thi' Smoky V).
Mack Montelth and Fred (loss
have returned from a trip of several
weeks to the Sulphur Springs, be
yond Uatosville. They reinirt forest
11 res hcvoud (latcsvillo In Marion
county, covering considerable terri
tory. Home of our superabundance
of smoko came from there, and Mime
of It from further north, oven from
tho Columbia. Democrat,
I'wuglu 1" Ihe I'lrf,
Tlio Uoorglo Wood thorp company,
which will Ui lu Haleui during fair
week, Miltered to the extent ufabout
fiMOO by tho Spokane lire. The 'oiip-mww t work und tho mills
ihiinet destroyed cvoiy piece of their I will bo lilted, with new machinery
HthoKrapli-audotln.'rialutliigM1andiroUBhout. The Jotlerson wute
ull their Kvnery, lho wunlrolw hoiiso U taking In a vast nmount of
an ni veil. I
Jackson's melons aro well known
- I i
...... .. .. .. . - . . ., ... ..V .. -- ; , --; aim -Jirnaco I'aintin
miuuirrii uirgun virions. i rrri. ill injuries. .Oianca pullo wore coining- jiu iimwn wouia only lake Sign WritlU", Piper lianin I
(liorgoA. JucHxon, tlio great wa ' J antra Tucker, thcold gcntleinan klonwl o-div us follews: Alvln JANZ.-M tho liomeof hispjirvnts Jr. Herw uoiden iiedicai Discovery 'decorating, Wall tintiuc'aull kill BarR- nam.. .. ...
termeion man, has shipped (h,m who was .truck by the train Wc rhoj- f Til'auiook; mlen.t, S&l nlJT M In te FOS, S9EN ONLY.
BoutliernOgoua carliwd of llneuxlay, I lmpMliig rtuwlj'. Io Itovduf I'ortlaud; J. W. lric ntul ilUroiof thoktmleyjs Uumavo A. rbi.x and nuke ,tpUrv, ' DKmKrpi" rH!!l
iiicioiis lor mo .-uieiu iiiarKei, .mt, , uvi r.unir oro nun ununti up, mil v. i iiuraey oi utviWii viiy; i. Jam:, asctt iwouty-niuo years. .aaiM DwmuDn, mmMned of dUa.
through this section aid texHV-( bothcwl him, ho uut U'lui able to
tl rHUyi iVtulU B,v fHHl op it.
TIip Clly Coiuicll Disposes of the Motor
The city council met in adjourned
hcsslon lust night, for thepurose of
granting tho Salem and SUverton
motor lino the right of way into the
The committee on streets and pub
lic property reported in favor of
granting tho prayer of the petition
of the Marlon county Improvement
company, except as to Chemckctfl
stseet, and also in favor of adopting,
with amendments, a resolution of
fered by Counclhnun Skinner at the
previous meeting. This resolution
as amended, and conforming to tho
petition of the motor company reads
as follews:
Resolved, That tho prayer of th,
petition of tho Marlon county Im
provcinent company for the right of
way for its steam motor line over
certain streets of the city be and the
Mime is hereby granted, and the
said company Is hereby granted the
light of way for said motor line
over Trade street, Front street and
Commercial street south from Trade
Provided, That the track of said
motor line shall belaid in such man
ner as to obstruct or hinder the pas
sage of vehicles as little as possible,
and the street commissioner shall
supervise the construction of said
The report of the committee was
This gives to the Improvement
company right of way for their
untor line for the full length of
Front and Trude streets, and also
that pait of Commercial south of
Trade. Tills will give tho motor
lino cntranco the clly easily, and
all that now remains for them to do
Is to obtain right of way across the
University grounds and the woolen
mill site.
The committee on ordinances re
potted recommending that tho chief
engineer and the committee on lire
and water bo directed to consider
and report on complaints that might
bo made to Iheiu of tho existence
within the city of Injured buildings
that may bedangerous-and oll'onsive.
Report adopted.
A MUplurrd Honor.
The following quoted paragraph
Is from tho Huston Glebe: "The
oldest living Odd Fellow in the
United Stales is .lames S. Irwin of
lluliiilo, who has been an active
member of Niagara Lodge, No. 125,
lor forty-live years, and has been Its
secretary for forty years." Tho
JouitNAti has long known that a
Salem gentleman was entitled to
this honor and to satisfy tho world
that the Boston paper was at fault,
hunted up Father Armstrong, who
Is the genuine oldest Odd Follow of
tho United States. Ho beciuno a
member of the fourteenth I. O. ().
F. lodge that was organized Sept. I),
18JII, In Ooncssco county, New York.
Ho has lived through many chang
ing years, and witnessed tho accom
plishment of many things that In
tho beginning of tho century were
looked upon as Utopian dreams, Im
possible of realization. This aged
Odd Fellow ciinio upon thu stage of
action on tho llrst day of January,
1K02, and Is consequently nearly
eighty-eight years of age. He has
been an active member of tho order
for llfty-llvo years, thus distancing
tho Now York man by ten years.
Mr. Armstrong says hols well ac
quainted with tho other old Odd
Fellow, Mr. lrwlu of RullHlo, and
has sat lu lodge umuy times with
A Noliln need's lttmurd,
Tho management of tho Southern
Pucltlu railroad company last even
ing presented to Hussell Coleman,
I ho llftoon-your-old lad who discov
ered a railroad bridge on Uro and
tlagged tho train, a handsome silver
watch us a token of appreciation.
On the watch was engraved the fol fel fol
eowing: "Presented to Russell Cole
man by Southern Parlllc company
In appreciation of his services notify
ing the company of the burning of
bridge No. 148 on July :Mth, 1KS0."
llrlrkl)lug 1 1 in Commenced.
llrleklaylugou tho now Commer
cial street, west bide, blocks com
menced this morning, and all will
Ik- bustle In that vicinity until ihe
buildings are completed. These will
bo Hue buildings, substantial, lire
proof, and an ornament to the city
as well as a monument to her bust
iicks acumen,
Thi JvflVrtou MIIU,
Work has commenced lu the re
pairing of tho Jetlerson (louring
mills. Theroaront prcM-nt twelve
wheat this year.
will recover, Yesterday hU stomach
(Iroim Steadily.
The Oregoiilau, under "Note und
Comment," has the following re
garding .S.ilem: The Mountaineer
alludes to the prosperity of Salem In
the year past. Jt is true that our
capital city has made very decided
progress which appears to any on
looker by the aspect of tho place
compared with the past. Every
where are new buildings. On the
business streets many new fireproof
blocks have gone up and literally
hundreds of new residences are
scattered through the old town and
in what lately were considered "sub
urbs." No effort has been made to
attract population by advertising,
and the growth of the city is natu
ral and permanent. Oregon has
many such towns that are making
healthy and positive growth. Wc
receive into Western Oregon many
people who possess some means and
are anxious to improve their circum
stances. These were originally bill
ed to Washington, and when they
reached there and louml no way of
Investing in productive land they
came on to Western Oregon and in
mimv Instances found what they
wanted. Washington Riis "wonder
ful resources," but they are beyond
the present reach of the laboring
man, and the people who came
there on representations made find
they mean future development and
not present income. The best of
people can't live on undeveloped
"resources," and most of them have
no inclination to try to do so.
County nurt Proceeding.
Ill matter of the location of a
county road from the west end of
the Green bridge to the county road
leading from Marion to Salem, re
port of viewers read.
In mutter of the location of a
county road forty feet wide from the
center of the county road lending
from Len. Foil's to Salem and from
the northeast corner of lot 0'! of the
Oregon land company's Capital City
fruit farm, F. R. .Smith, John
MlntoundT. If. Molntlre appoint
ed viewers to assess damages; view
to be made August 11.
In mutter of the application of R.
S. Wallace, etui, for the perpetual
right to lay and maintain water
mains through county roads of
Marion county; denied.
In matter of tho extension of
Winter street Into North Salem to
the North Salem school house, Wil
liam Waldo, Sampson Jones and J.
I. Thompson appointed viewers and
W. J. Culver county surveyor to
meet at place of beginning Tuesday,
Aug. 1!), and make survey.
Articles of Inroi purullon,
Articles of incorporation were filed
with tho secretary of state to-day
us follews: The Grants Pass and
coast railroad Comp.iny, with Harry
Young, Arthur Conklln, and F. T.
Flynn as Incorporators. Tho capi
tal stock Is $1,000,000. Tho Unptlst
church of North Powder, with the
trustees us Incorporators. The
amount of capital on hand Is $3000
and tho source of revenue Is the
contribution of tho members.
Ilolli Very HI.
As the Journal goes to press this
evening the condition of Postmaster
Richard II. Dearborn is considered
dangerous. Ho has been HI for
Mime days.
Mr. K. Strung, tho aged father
of A mas Strong, is tilo very low
this afternoon and his recovery is a
matter of serious doubt.
Looking at tlio llrldge.
County Judge Shaw anil Commis
sioner Glmiii are up on Pudding
river to-day Inspecting tho bridge
ust completed by Contractor Royal,
and for which tho bill has already
been presented before the court.
It Won't Hakk IIiikaii. In other wonU
Hood's Snrtiitirlllu will not do liuos.l
hUttlcs. lu propilctnr tell plainly what
It has done, submit proof from sources of
limine Honed reliability, iitul nik jou
frankly If jou ate sutlcrlng from imy dU
en o or ultW'tlon emiM'd or promoted by
Impm-p blood or low Mute of thosystcm, to
try Hood's ivionparllln. The experience
of others Im MimVleut ns.umuce Unit jou
will not lKMlUiippolnt.il in the ivmiH,
There came near being a dlwis
trous lire thoothereveitlngout on the
Cross farm, about four utiles couth,
on the Turner ro.ul. It Is thought
the grto-H was set tiro to by u couple
of Uiys, who nuulo their escape.
The nelghliorsMiecoedid in putting
tho lire out before much damage
was done.
There will lu meeting at Ma
rion Squrroiuwt Sunday at 10:110 a.
m, and at : o'clock p. m. Eldor M.
M. Morton will conduct Unervlccs.
All are cordially Invited to attend
- Foit S.VMi The new cottage of1
K. T, Mouroo on Church tivet is
for Kile. Kor particulars apply on
the piciiils-eH opjmito the M. K.
church, liy biiylm of lltvt hands
the ageul'ti evinuiKloti in Mtvcd.
Notaries piHllo were comttiU.-
M. I,butt of Maury; J, T. Maulstv
of Tillamook and Win. lioMcn of
Gnu Valley
Chas. Piper took the morning '
overland for Portland. !
Fs-Gov. Chadwick left this
morning for Portland. i
J. J. Murphy left this morning
for Vuquina.
Miss Schott left this morning
for a trip to Sublimity.
S. A. Starling of Douglas coun
ty is in the city on business.
Commissioner Cornelius retu ru
ed to his home last evening.
W. T. RIgdon returned home
from Jeirereon this aftetnoon.
Hurvey Hinkle returned home
yerterday from his mountain trip.
A. P. Armstrong of the Capital
business college is in Salem to-day.
Mrs. F. C. Perrine is dunger
ously ill at her home on Piety hill.
Mrs. E. M. Plamondon and '
children left this afternoon for
Mrs. Clay Starr and daughter
returned homo this afternoon from
F. J. Bolter of Brooks Is in the
city and reports everything in that
locality doing will.
Mrs. W. H. Waters and daugh
ter Leila returned home from Ya
quina this afternoon.
Services will be resumed in tho
M. E. church Sunday, morning and
evening, as usual, Rev. W. Rollins
having returned from his vacation.
Painless dental operations at Dr.
T. C. Smith's, 02 State street.
The city dads are not going to
give the motor line an opportunity
to compete with the street railway
for business in the main part of
Epicurean tea, paints, ' oils,
varnish, window glass and n fine
lino of general groceries at Gilbert
it Patterson's. tf.
Several dozen sUite exchanges
say that the state reform school at
Salem will be built next spring, but
work is being commenced to put
every thing in readiness for the work.
It is indeed pleasurable to deal
with a reliable business house. That
is the general verdict of those who
purchase their groceries, etc., of the
old-cstrtblishcd and well-stocked
grocery "house of Squire Farrar &, Co.
They have all goods in their line
fresh and pure. tf.
The contractor for the woolen
mill buildings proposes haying them
completed and ready for tho com
pany by the first of December. Tho
woolen mill site has been cleared
and everything Is ready foi the
commencement of work on tho
DStnibnnees of the petiecful summer
Mich us Dlnrihoea, dysentery nnd cholera
Infantum, promptly evicted liy Wright's
blackberry cordial. Sold by nil druggists.
It hns been proven thnt Wright's JUed
Cross Cough Cure cures throat und lung
troubles of long Klnndlng, when nil other
remedies full! Sold by till druggists.
nu eim't ull'ord to hnvo nn offensive,
breath and decayed teeth. Wright's
Myrrh Tooth Sonp prevents bolh. Try It.
Sold by nil druggists.
Put to l'llght Nervousness und Indiges
tion by Wright's Hop Celery nnd Chamo
mile Hitters. A healthful btlmulus, nnd
strengthening nnd Invigorating. Hold by
II. W.Cox.
With fntnl spoed impure, blood courses
through thcKystem with death in Its wake.
Wright's Compound Extract of Sarsnpa
rllla cures nil blood diseases. Sold by
11. V. Cox nnd D. J. Kry.
lit n great nttmctlon for u restaurant.
Tho coil'ee drawn from Ilellcntinind's lYit
cut Coll'eo receptacle Is one of tho many
limit Attractions of hU cattni; parlors.
Thousands of cups of his excellent coffee
nresoUieery week. And as for oysters
nnd meals he cannot he equaled In the
Mate. if.
Its Last Warning.
The Spokane Falls Hevlow, Sun.
day morning before tho big lire, ut
tered a warning note that should bo
heeded by everybody. Beferrlng
to a slight blaze that had occurred,
it said: "Tlio fact of a tiro origina
ting In a pile of rubbish, endanger
ing a great amount of property,
would suggest the advisability and
necessity of removing all such com
bustible matter from the alleys and
other places, where even a small lire
would bo apt to cause a disastrous
conllagratlon." Twenty-four hours
Inter and Siwktiuo Kails was a sea of
Tho Seattle Times Kiys it is rum
oroil that by lmying frL'.oOO to the
ruvtiuuo ottkvrti any one can catch
seals In tho Hchriug sea.
"1 want whibky.aml I want it
bail," exclaimed tho knight of tho
llcVt'0i excitedly
"Wei1, you can have it Just aa bad
as you can etaud It," replied the bar
tender, pa!i.-.lti( him tho worst in the
Tho fuiieral will bo coudueteil at
ivm t aiiti w-v .i-i ni'MiuuM n
.. ' .
Salem, for building lots, have no equal. The whole plat is in a fine
state of cultivation, seeded in clover, with a good turf. No grubs, no
stumps, no rocks or gravel, soil good, elevated and level, has a fine view of
tho city, surrounding country i the mountain ranges and snow-capped
peaks. Pure cold well water. Is twelve blocks south of the Chemeketc
hotel and postofilco blocks, on Commercial and Liberty streets These
lots are offered by .Ionc3 & "Watson on installments, without interest
until paid. They are now actually worth in cash more than the prices
named for them on long time without interest. (Several lots have been
sold on which fine residences will be erected. If you want one or more
lots call on J0NES 4 WATSON, wli j will show you the plat and the lots.
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem.
Specialties in Table Luxuries,
Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery
Butter, Cream Cheese, etc.
Remember trie
Success in Business requires preparation ! Therefore, thoroughly Muster
Commercial Arithmetic, Business Pennuinship and Business Correspon
dence, Book-keeping by both Single and Double Entry, the nature and
Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing, Manifold, and Dictation work.
A1J these are needed in business, and are thoroughly taught bv exper
ienced teachers at the SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE
Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon.
ym j"iiJl'i,JggJMU, -
Real Estate
Having removed my office to U5 State
street, I am now better prepared than ever
to do a nulling
Fire and Accident Insurance
Written In thu best companies doing busi
ness, lu Oregon. Cull on me at once.
Isaac A. llanoing,
5 Statu Street.
(Iraduates Students m
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Normal, business, Law,
It is Ihe oldet, largest nnd leat expen
sive Institution of Irarniuir in the North.
School opens llrst Monday In September
Send for catalogue to
, lresldenU
Salem, Oregon.
"Miss llrown would be a charming girl,"
I heard a young man say,
"if she had a good complexion and thoe
spot would gu awn)-;
Hut ihey spoil her looks completely."' If
!W llrowu would only take
ihw. be very sure.
Thu medicine i the great puier or the.
4 .H li.f ... i. .. .. -
, cnipnoiu ana
wrtti niu-tvm.hvUeauu.w.work. ""r
h b a 3 a
Place and
JUL VI V IllV J 111 V
i t I t H K I . i l wui.vjiiyjji.u w x uuuij
UUvUlifJU e
1 i IS I B 'II 11 H
fgaKrjiijKxi'i"' - 'Jj'i..iwTnrrTTiii
Hill ! 1
iror bargains
Family Groceries Provisions, Fruits Etc.,
Commercial Street, Salem, Or
Country produce of nil kinds always on
hand. If you hnvo not traded with mo be
fore, I respectfully solicit a trial believing
I can suit you both In prices and quality
On Liberty street, ncross tho bridge In
North Vjalcm. AH kinds of meats kept on
hand. sjotf
Com pany .
Fire and Ma
rlne. - Salem, Oregon
DR. JORDAN & Co.'s
.51 Market st. San Francisco
Admission S3 cents.
Ro and learn how to avoid
disenj.e. Consultation and
treatment personally or by
letter, on spermnterrhoe.i
orgeuital weakness, and all
diswisse of mea. end lor n
KMIf. Iriv.ita rt... ,. .
tienry street. Consultation free. I
Paint Shop
No.254J Commercial St.
txneripnrerl Wnrlmon rt j
r-"..".."" """"' "-mpiuveu,
aausiaction Guaranteed.
um ami soe iw iwinm ,.n i.
! JOS. AL11KUT. Agent,
j 1 fc
Crockery nod Glassware!
With specialties In
Valerian China Tea Sels,
French China Dinner Sets.
Buckingham Pattern
Of which wc constantly keep n full line
nnd open stock, enabling us to makeup
Dinner nnd Ten sets of any size, or sell by
the single piece. The finest assortment 6
Ever shown in Salem.
Ol tholntest pnd handsomest patterns In
S-lleaso call and examine our stock.
201 Cohimercial Street.
MR (6
, Oregon, have r
Salem, Oregon, have received direct
From Eastern Factories
The Finest Line or
which will bo sold at
Prices and Terms to Suit All !
These goods 'are llrst-clnss nnd as their
stock Is very large a person can find what
t hey may wfsh. Their warehouse on State
street is completely tilled, and they have
another car load en routo now. Look out
for them; something fine
Only Genuine System of Memory Training
Four Books Learned In one reading.
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adult greatly benefited,
Great Inducements in mrminnnHpiiM
Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A.
IlamitlOnd. tlin WnrlH.f,iinl UnnMnll.t In
Mind Diseases, Daniel Greenlenf Thomp
son, the creat Psychologist, J. il, Buckly
P.- P.i editor of the Christian Advocate
t!; ,;iIllcua''(llro.'tor,thescientlst, lions.
. . Astor, Judah I', llenjaman, and
others, sent post free hy
Prof. A. LOISETTK, S37 Fitly Ave., NY
Je-1M. dw
menu In the state. Lower rates than
Port and. Largest stock Legal Blanks in
the State, a -d biggest discount. Sendfifi
price list of Joh printing, and ratalogue oj
legal hlanks. . II. WAITE,
Steam Printer Sa'.em Oregon.
JlnVO movfri In JT jn C7n .aa
I hero they are now ready for work. All
; our old patrons nnd friends are Invited to
I can and see us in our new location. We
are better prepared for work now than
; eer having secured more room. 10-I-U.
., ; B'n. has removed his shop to
I i?JL??rner.of Commercial and Chemekete
' SfMiJ?' She.re ne u iy " '
iKir..-Ile.,4 nmv Prepared better than
,?5f.i?do "JIklndsofagon nnd carriage
Imi.i iB nnd "JTolrlng; all kinds of black
.smttmug and repairing, nnd a general
uorse shoeing business. Hehas all kinds
' S,?m s,r-,Mrottlng, hand made,i.,and
1 J!t,V ' ,n a "'entlflo manner. Speclat
attention given to the construction of wag
' 5?n.d "Triages. Itemember the place
opposite btate Iasurance building.
'""" .otui ud Htmn doti
f 1TTT?TC VctatofBi,4i4tMo
tiZJZ:7Z7 "?. ut unn
saarjj Va.Mff3Tya
Call. FT Tl 1. .
HMU P.VflPfl