vw"r-W"' ,- inr THE CAPITAL EVENING JOURNAI o TilEJAPlTAl JQPBML FKIDAY AUGUST 9, 1SS9 A Tickling Contest. Two young niutint Echo hail a tickling contest until one was almost tickled Into eternity. Tluy poked one another in the ribs with nntrh amusement, until one nolicjd with ( alarm that his eoinpanion'a eyes were fixed ami staring and his limbs rigid, like those of a corpse. He was horrified beyond measure, and hastily alarmed the neighbor.. Mentis were at once taken to resus citate the young man. but it was ouly nfter a libcr.il ue of water and much rubbing that he regained consciousness and opened his eyes. When a father in Madagascar gets the uotiou that His daughter ought to marry he puts a ropy around her neck and leads her foith, uml the first young man he offers Iter to has got to ta'je her or pay a forfeit. Deafness Can't Be Cured 15y local applications, nstheyu.innot reach tlie diseased portion of the lar. There Is only one way to euro de:ifue, and that Is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is caused by tm lullamcd condition of the mucus lining of the eustachian tube. When this tubo gets iutlnmcd you luivo a rumbling sound or Imparled hearing, and when It Is entirely closed, deafness Is the result, and unless thu lntlimntlnn can be taken out and this tube restored to its nor mal condition, hairing will bo destroyed forever; nine cases ouiof ten are caused by catarrh,which Is nothing but an lullamcd condition of the mucus surfaces. We offer One Hundred Dollars reward for any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. l'rico 75c. per bottle. Sold by all drug gists. F. J. Cheney & Co.. proprietors, Toledo, 0: A specimen of fire opal ljxlj In size, evidently a water-worn frag ment, was found near John Day river, in Orook county, Oregon. It is trans parent, grayish white in color, with red, green and yellow llamcs. The play of colors equals in beauty that of any Mexican material, and it Is the first opal found in the United States that exhibits color. Undoubt edly, better material of the kind ex ists where this was found. Scien tific American. Uuckleii's Arnica Salve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns aud all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 23 cents per box. For sale by Daniel J. l'ry, drug gist. The fruit growers of California, finding that peach stones make an excellent fuel, are now selling them at the rate of ?(J a ton. A sack of stones will weigh about eighty pounds, and is said to last as long as an equal number of pounds of coal and givo an even greater heat. The extraordinary growth of Vol upuk in popularity is evidenced by the fact that its adherents are now supporting 32 monthly journals, while twice as m ny newspapers devote departments to the "uni versal" tongue. This is the season of the year when the raw, cold winds create sad havoc with the hands and complex ion. Soft white hands and a clear "peachy" complexion can be as suredly preserved by the frequent application of Dutard's Specific. If rubbed into the skin well it leaves no greasy surface. The skin absorbs it. Sold by D. W. Matnews. Onion bouquets are the latest fad in the shape of iloral offerings to musical talent. Ouo of tho popular bass singers received a basketful and picked them up with as great nonchalance as if they had been the choicest roses. , Oregon is one of the most produc tive states in tho Union. Its vast mineral regions contains gold, silver, copper, iron, and coal. Its immense tracts of grazing lands support thou sands of cattle aud sheep, and Its extensive agricultural regions pro duce all tho cereals in abundance, the yield per aero being, in some in stances, tho largest in tho world. Among tho useful and valuable prod ucts of tho Web Foot State may be mentioned Oregon Kidney Tea, which has proved a boon to thou sands afflicted with pain in tho back and kidney difficulties. It is purelv of vegetable composition and never fails. Sold by D. W. Mathews. While Israel Stoops of Los Ange les, Cal., lay on his deathbed ho nald to his wife: "When my soul leaves my body and enters the other world I will let-xpu know by crossing my hands ou my broast." He kept his word aud died Imme diately after gl lug the sign. It should bo generally known that Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic iu- Bureaa hearty appetite and increased digestion, dispels nervous depression and low tpirits, overcomes lack of energy and wakefulness aud will lu fuso new life and strength into the! weakest invalid. Sold by D. W. Mat hewn. Tl'ils is a wry practical age. The venerable motto, "Trust iu God and I keep your powder dry," has been translated thus by an old Iowa farmer: "IJoys, don't touch these' melons, for they are given and God j ah you." The grandmother of the Emperor of China U .SJ years old, blind, deaf and u vriiinle, aim luu inner nay hit loving KWliiUou Iirall Uer lih .500 HUBlUtf liirua, iOU fcllk ilaws . Hd 160 Bltilcal iuMrumHt. 1 11 OWDER utely Pure- luispawdcr never varies, a marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical thnn the ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in competition with the multitude, of low test, shoi .. welcht nlum or phosphate powders. Sold onlv in cans. IIoyal Baking PowDEuCo..loaWaII.N.Y. Trucks and Drays. MORGAN & MEAD Are now provided with fine new drays aud trucks nndnre prepared to aoall busi ness In that lino in the best of shape. They five their personal supervison to all work. Corne'btnte land Commelrclal streets. Th'j J3 OTrSlKS' OTJIDE la iscuod IilM-ch and Sept., o.ich year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur chase tho luxuries or the necessities of life. Wo can clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, donee, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, ko to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, stylos and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all those things COMFORTABLY, and you con make a fair estimate of tho valuo of tho BTJYEBS QUIDS, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents Vu pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue, Chicago, 111. Call and So T. J. CRON IS E. Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT IIIR NEW QUARTERS IN THE State Insurance Ilulldlntr. Cor. Com- 'mcrclnl and Chemekete streets 'O-ltf For the Public Good. It Is nn indisputable fact that the hand somest vestibule trains that nro now run ou tho American continent aro those on the Hurlinglon route, leaving from Union dcpotlti Denver, nlso St. Paul, Immediate ly on urrivnioi niitnrougn trains irom me west. The first nnd second class coaches nro magnificent, tho reclining chair cars suburb, the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuriant, and ns for the meals that are served in those palace Darlington dining errs yum yum. " Tho next time you go cast to Kansas City, Chicago or St. Louis, if you mention to the ticket ngent that you want your ticket to lead Irom Denver or St. Paul over the llurllngton route, you will get It, and you will always be glad'of it. If you go via the Northern or Canadian Pacific, the elegant vestibule trains of The llurllngton Koute, between St. Paul und Chicago, or St. Louis, will carry you iiIiiU'.' the eastern shore of the Mississippi river lor n distance of 350 miles, amidst scenery that cannot bo surpassed; or, If you go via the Oregon Slm:t Line or Southern Pacific, and your tlCKSl reads vlu The llurllngton Ilouto from Uheyenno or Den ver, you will pass througn all tho thriving cities nnd towns located In what Is popu larly kuownus the llcaitot the Continent. For further information apply to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, So First street, Portland, Oregon. MOd&wtl $50. HORSES. $50. Ane hundred head of brood marcs nnd J young horses for sale. Forty or fllty nectea in tne spring iwo nne horses, Clyde and Perohcon stock, weigh! sixteen and teventeen hundred; have been with the band for ttie past thrco years. Original stock from the best quality ol mares. For particulars addrecs or see W. H. HYAIIS. wit. Balem, Or. OREGdAN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CIIAS. X SCOTT, - - Receiver. On andnrterJune23 18S9 and until further notice trains will run dally (except Sun day) as follews: EAST SIDE. Coburg Mall' il'orti'd Mall From Port- j land STATIONS. Tow'rd Port land Lv. 8.00 n iu Lv ft&ipm " 10.0U l'O UT LA N D IM W V Ar, 3.15.pm, Foot of F Street", Ilay's Landing, St. Paul's, Ar 2.38 2.23 Mil 11.05 11.10 11.25 11.35 12.10 liCO ll.SJ lin I.0S 1.S6 Woodburn, Townsend, McKtc, ML Angel, Down's, Sllverton. Johnston's Mill' Switzerland. 1.40 1.15 1.10 12.65 12J2 12.U) 11.15 11.46 11.88 1LH 10.13 HUM Eukt Side JuncU, Macleuy, Aumavllle, Ale 001 2.43 3.13 a 15 165 4SI1 fr07 OP Crossing, West Bclo, Crabtree, Kplcci, Tullinun, Plalnvlew. Jlrown.vlIIe, J lowland, 10.10 10.00 9.30 11.02 8-16 7.42 &33 fcM Coburg. All Ar p m LV Lv am Commutloii Ticket at two. cent per mile on salefut stations havj lag agent. r...... .!.. ., Uf Anffl with StACCS fOf i .... m'iiim.i'l Mluerul hDrllMt and at i woodburn wHtifeoui" tmsu w..,., trutn, "J'jJJSJrCMrtw. General Omees ,N W Cor. Klnt Bd P1b, PertlaBd, Orrgos The Oreioii Froit Dryer. It is Easy to Operate and Eco nomical in Fuel. Awarded flrst omnium nt the Oregon Mate Fair in ISSi. 'M. '83. jifl. 'i ST. SS, and at the California Mate Fair In 1S.S7, and tho San Joaquin county Fair in 1SS7; awarded Grand Silver Medal at tho Portland Mo- cnanics hair in isss. Manufactured in seven sizes, l or circular and price list nd dress II. S. JOKY A SON, Halem, Or. PostolllcoboxiNJ. LITTLE WOMEN" aro as a rule, possessed of happy disposi tions but when theso sweet dlsposltlons,be come soured and Irritable, In consequence uf the long train of distressing features peculiar to female complaluts, they are then not companionable to say tho least. It Is tho duty, not only of little women, but ofall women to aflllcled, to bring about the subjection, and Immediate removal, of these painful maladies. This is easily accomplished by tho use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the great specific for "femalo weakness." It is a positive cure for the most flowing, paluftil menstruation, unnatural suppressions prolapsus or falling of tho womb, weak back, "female weak. ncss," nntevcrslon, retroversion, bearing- down rensattons, chronic congestion, In flammation and ulceration of the womb. Inflammation, pain nnd tenderness In ovaries, and kindred ailments. All drug gists. TI1EIII MISINKSS IKIOIIIMI. Probably no one tiling lias cained such a great revival of trade ut Dan iel J. Fry's Drugstore as their giving away to their customers so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article iromtnc tact tnat it. always cures and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, aud all throat and lung dis eases quickly cured. You can tct it before buying by getting a trial bot tle free, large size SI. livery bottle warrauted. M HOUSEHOLD SHOULD BE WITHOU The majority of the Ills of the hnman feody nrlae from a dlieased Liver. Sim' mona Liver Regulator has been tho meant f restoring more people to health and kapplneu by glvlne them a health liver than any other agency on earth. 4 jQf, XBAT YOU GET THE GENUIOTi VIVID WRITINO. A little dessriptivo p'eco entitled "Over tlio Guns," from tho Detroit Free Pje. of which wo givo a para graph, reminds us that great adver tisers, like H. II. AVamorifc Co., pro prietory of AVurner's celebrated Safe Cure, mi'ht get a hint from it. II010 iti tho par.iuraph : "fchoot to tho right or left, over the guna or uuder them. Strike wliero you will, but strike to destroy. Now the hell surges down, even to the windows of tho old farm-house now back under the apple trees and be yond them. Dead men aro under the ponderous wheels of tho guns, mad devils are slashing and shooting across the barrels. Xo ono seems to know friend from foe. Shoot, slash, kill and "But the hell is dissolved. The smoke Is lifting, shrieks and screams prow fainter, and twenty or thirty living men pull the dead bodies away from the guns. Three hundred dead and wounded on the singlo aero. They tell of war and glory. Look over this hell's aero and lind the lat ter." And in just as deadly a strife, though noiseleiis, aro men falling at ! our right and left to-day. Is it war? Yes. war of thu blood. Wood loaded Q MM.m.i.rr.irfi'rV.-nriSiMrii.ilffi t 1 H RESTLESSNESS. EI B MULTLCSS fAMILT MEDICINE. tMl PHILADELPHIA. Wjj! U I Price. ONE Dollar IIE r with poison through imperfect kidney if you have n diiwnarge irom then. action And is there no Power to i otlcnlve or ot nervine, iwrllul !n. of the action, auu ih uieru iiij I"" " MMirfiof nell, laMeor buurtnif. -ye wn etop this awful slaughter? qh, !unnKorweaif,rreldullordebiirtaud,ilii Warner's Safe Cure, a tried specific, a , or pn-wure in the head; take cold eaully, Danacea that has brought life and .youlmny ret on.itred that you huve i-u. CSU hundr'eSs of thousands 01 dying men and women. tout tcrmlnum In nauutupilnn nnd end IJe enliiited therefore, in the great , In the grave .No duruw. t f. . aiinmrni, army of living men and worn, who ' ruSUd.B.'7hrc have been reicneil from illseaw and uiunubcturent iif in Phki- iturrh item premature death, and ba tterniliy rdy,,ttVr,itIV,iyu"Ai05,iJrK.til,i Erauful Uiat the riean. of lite chu & , " i$ffilX2&S, "Sv'io Uilr be yourt, .itanalcf, which they oinnot cur, Item Notice of Cancellation of County nrnnns. stnt. tit I It refill, f ', ill Til V nf Torlrt,, s.. -...,.. ... v-..".-, . -.-. j Nollro is hereby given that In tutord-1 .iiui'Vi:' "All Act tu ivt,u. i utility war-, i .nits H be iiiiuviiiHiiiiivi cn can mini thftliiteof issuaniv," ni'pi-oved lVbruiirv i l!sy, tholollowlug eoiint. Warrants will be caniflled If not pri'fcnted for p.ivment within sixty days irom this date, Jalv 1, lssy.nnd payment thereof will by refas'ed. h" J 11A11COCK, County Clerk, l?y D CSilKiiMAN, Depfity. 2713 Q. A. Cone f 9 00 27'J-i O. M. llnrnctt vj m .'.US II. 1). C'orut-llcs H oo 105 Ixiulsl'elcr a 90 lb? W. J. Ilcrrcn 4 a) J17 It.O. (Hrr 4 00 2ti5 S. L. McGbee i 00 419 Jack Phillip S 00 516 J. S. Vanglm 2 00 ('.'. Jcliu Siultb.,.1 ,.,,. 4 00 70-J It. M. Waile fi W 913 lloK-a Tr.itt.... 3 00 li'.Ol Leowillla 1 00 IS93 Clias. Vmablo. 1 60 1003 J. II. .tones 2 00 '.'03) II. K. Hutisakcr 2 ) 2114 11. P. Over 2 0O 2117 A. L. Uatrs 4 00 2230 J. S. Stevens 2 CO 221.7 i:illi Strong 4 00 2439 Oregon Stnti'sraau 4 00 2S0J J. A. lllchanlou a 00 3459 C. 11. Miwrca B P0 I'.'JS S.tmuel Lewis 1 W 1590 A. 11 Stcjihins 1 po 4291 C Splgnot... 1 90 429.1 K. Downs 190 4SS.I K.'lyrel 2 Oil 49S0 X. I). Fry 2 00 57 Uolit. CKilUn 170 C 4 Ainiastns flleawu 190 61-8 11. S. Ulanvliard 1 CO 0119 A. Lou-joy 1 l C13J Iklnara Parley 1 00 31 J. W. llri'iulle 170 1C1 V. llunsnkcr 3 90 1CS .1.11. Cottle 10 20 263 Daniel race 200 270 F. S. Hither 2 Oo 399 W111.S. Kinney 1 60 C0J 1. J, Newburg 1 60 Ceo J. D Ilaws 4 CO 799 D. IloUlrldge 1 CO 815 R. M. Waile&Co 14 00 8A7D.O Cuhiuan 3 00 993 Th06. Fitzgerald 4 00 1104 F. It. Smltli 2 00 1199 DaililAoodfcol! 2 00 1308 M. Smith 2 60 1312 Geo. Lelley 2 SO 1415 O. W. Wbltuey , 2 00 16A1 M. Crocker : 1 6U 1S41 Cliaa. Neilnon 1 60 174(1 K. S. Drooks 2 00 1832 James Coleman, Sr 2 60 1977 8. Ii Pardl 8 00 1991 A. SlcKcuzie 1 60 1999 U. ltlttenaucr. 1 60 20U1 J. II. Powell 1 50 2013 Peter Curdy 1 60 2027 J. H.Fowell 3 75 2127 Lewis Miller 2 00 2169 J. L. ItldiUe 1 60 2209 W. F. Brown 2 60 2342 Dnv 111 Lour 1 70 2JS4 J0U11 DeeitBsey 2 30 2i;t) 8. It. Jenstip 1 60 2070 Cella IJu.lscy 3 30 27W John Mooro 2 80 2SC5 P. M. Hall 2 00 5878 D. IlobbitiB 2 00 29U9 O. II. Hall 2 10 3100 J. W. Illckeni II 00 3131 O N. Clmrchlll 1 CO 3142 John (Inborn 1 00 3113 Jtia. W. Cook 100 1J40 Alex. Negla 1 60 3301 James FihUir 2 20 3J8J Wm. GraveH 15 00 3CC9 W. T. Cleaver 1 60 3749 II. II. 8a age 5 20 3913 Mart. Cuamberlin 2 00 394(1 I O. Jolinaon SCO 3907 E. Taylor 4 CO 4052 M.Hkaire 7 20 Klfll Lorenzo Klllott 2 00 4079 M. Siminoiis 2 00 4088 McCiillyfc Gilbert 4 25 4220 Mra. J. A. Wattless 1 50 4.110 J. C. Ilaclianau 4 00 597J J.J. llatt 7 00 5720 J. II. Harriott 2 00 102S N.II.Uoty 4 00 Ordered thatthis list bo published ashy law required. Done by Juno term, 18MI. T. C. SHAW. County Judeo. A FAMOUS BATTLE-GROUND. On tho banks of tho Tippccanoo, a small stream which enters the Wa bash Kivorin Indiana, was fought the tenific battle of Tippccanoo. In this groat struggle of frontier times, the allied western Indians un dor the chi"'tainship of Elskwatawa, tho "Prophet" wero defeated in No vember, 1811, by tho Americans tin der tho command of Gen. Wm. II. Harrison. It was a desperato, hard-fought battle, and much depended upon tho result. Had tho Indians been successful, all barriers of defence for tho early settlers w uld have been overthrown and the eadly tomahawk would have been active in tlio rapid extermina tion of tho remaining pioneers. On the othor haud tho fortunato termin ation of the contest put an end to fur ther attempts' at open warfare by tho Indians. The rich territory, so' long overrun by hostile savages, was tit town open for settlement, which rapidly occurred as soon as thu news of tlio great victory becau. wide spread. Naturally great praise was rendered to the success and intrepid bravery of Gen. Harrison and ho was honored in many ways. He afterwards Reived as Commander of tlio Army of the Northwest, and when Indiana was ad mitted to Statoliood, ho was ntdectod to represent tho Slate in the IJniied States Senate. In 184U ho was elected President and ids unfortunate demUe occurred shortly after being inaugu rated. Tho forty-second anniversary of tlio Cattle of Tippecanoo found tho gal lant grand-son of "Old Tip" leading ids forces to a great political victory which resulted in the selection of Gen. Ben. Harrison as President of the United States. The Harrisons havo been a hardy raco of men, sprung from old log cabin stock, which is a suflicient guaranteo of its genuineness wherovar (ound. Realizing tho truth of this, great ofibrt has been made to re-discover some of the secrets contained in tho old log cabin stock of useful articles, and as the result, tho famous Old Log Cabin Saraparilla, univer sally regarded as tho best Spring tonic and blood cleancer has been found. Not satisfied rritii tho world wide esteem which is held for War ner's Safe Cure, tho only cure for kidney diccases, tho proprietor is willing to do all that is possible to es tablish Warner's lag Cabin fcarsap arilla as foremost anion;,' household articles on account of Us purity and ellcctivenoES. After ail, each individual has, at all time?, the f reat battle of llfo or death to tight, and for se.urity attention must necessarily bo given to tho best wraions which fcieii'-n van offer hu manity In til groAt contest. J fee dj Cap Has Been liid Greatly Improved and Now Is Tie CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN OREGON ! THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN MARION COUNTY', Read Our Reduced Termsl WEEKLY, oue year, Jl.fiO. Now Read Our WEEKLY, one year, $1.00. WAH THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGIS OK OUR ONK""'HIRI OFT FOR CASH. Our Old Subscribers Now In arrears are urged to take advantage of our big discount, by Bot tling "Id accounts and Joining the grand throng of one dollar subscribers THIS IS NOT A But a solid. M;ni'ati;iit reduotlou. TO ONE AND ALL We wiy, aend us your nauit-H, If you want to tnke advantage of our "one third oil" for wish," and are not vrlicro convenient method of remitting, aend will remit at fint ojijmrt unity, ThU (loiter Urt, ital Joorna 1 1 Enlarged r if WEEKLY, six months,- ..$0.76 Discount for Tush WEEKLY, six mniitlis, $0.50 SPECIAL OFFER We Iiave come to tay you can get iottal notes of other us your name und state that you will ensure your U4ug plw on the TH YAOUINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's steninihlp lino. B mllei shorter, 20 hours Iets tune thtin by nny othei louto. First eltm through passenger nnd freight lln from Portland nnd all points In tho Wil lamette vnllov to nnd from Sun Francisco. TIME SCHEDULE, (Exoopt Hundays): ttfavo Albany 1:00 I'M Iuro Corvnllls l;io 1 M Arrive, laqtitna &S0PM Leave. Ynqulnn - -6:45 AM Leave Corvnllls ....... 10;S5 A M Arrlvo Albany 11:10 AM O. C. trains connect nt Albany and Corvnllls. The above trains connect nt YAQUINA with tho Oregon Development' Co's Lino irHten'.mhlps between Ynqulnn and San Francisco. SA1I.IXU DATKS. , STKAMKIW. FROM YAQUINA W lllumptto Vnllov Saturday Aug. 3 lllametto Vnlley ..Tuesday " IS Willamette Vnlley, Thursday " 22 Willamette Valley Saturday " si STRAMKKS, Flt(lt SAN FltANCISCO Willamette Vnlley Tuesday, July 30 W'lllanietto Vnlley Thursday Aug. 8 lllumctto Vnlley Hundnv " IS lllametto Valley Saturday " 17 This company reserves tho right to ohango sailing dates without notice. N. 11. Fassengers mini Portland nnd nil lllametto Vnlley olnts can make close connection with tho trains of tha YAOUINA KOUTKat Albany or Corvnllls, nnd If destined to Rin Fnmclsco, Rltotild nrrango to arrive nt Yntiulna tho evening uviiiru utiiu oi sailing. iVismgfr and Krrlcht Ilatfs Alwsrs tlf !'?Xf.,i ?r Information apply to Messrs HULMAN A Co., Freight nnd Ticket Agents aoo nnd 202 Front sL IVirtlnnd, Or. or to CO. HOOUK, Ao't Oen'l Frt. i Iass. AgU, Oregon niclfio It. II. Co., 0 1I.HA8WEM..Jr.a,TO,,i0r Pass. Agt. Oregon Development Co., XH .Montgomery St.; Ban Fnmclsco, Cal Komombor tho Oregn rnclflc's iopulnr summer excursions to Yamilna. Iajw rnto tickets nro now on wile, good every Wednesday nnd Stitarday Irom Albany, Corvnllls nnd Fhllomath. Yours truly, C. 0. flOdUK, A, Q. 1 Agent -VIA- Southern Pacific Company's Lino, THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time Iietwffti Knlftn ami San Francisco Tblrty-tlx Hours. CAI.IKOltNIA KXIMUCS.S T11A1N HUN DAII.7. 1IKTWKKN 1'OltTIAFU AN 11 8. V. "Houth. "NortuT" 4.UU p. in. U:llp. in. 7:15 a.m. Lv. l'ortland ArT Lv. Halem Lv. Ar. Han Frnn. Lv. 16:4. u. in'; 7:KI a. in. 7:00 p. in. i.ouai. I'ANSKNoTnrTTiATNTiJAnrTCx- CK1T HUN DAY). fcou u. m. 11:10 u. m 2:40 p. m. . Purtlnud Halem Kllgono Ar. I 3: IS .p. in. Lv. 12:&2 p. in. Lv. 1).(X) n. m. Lv. Ar. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS, For necoiiiuiotli.tion ot second chut passengers attached to ezprn.s trains, ThoH. 1. company's Jerry make wm auction with all tho regular trains on th Fast Shlo Division from footol h Btree I'ortlnnd. Ycst Side Division. Between Portland And Cervallis: IIAII.Y (KXCKIT HUN DAY). 7:M it. m 12.ffi p. rn rrzr. "T;Tri ir.'.rri in ir.Ni"jr--.T.- UK (.'orvallls Lv. li.'W p. in. At Albany und (,'urvnlllN eounect with trains ufOregou l'aclllo Itallrond. Thi-ough tickets to ull iioluts south and east via California KXpllK.-WTUAIN (DAILY KXCKITHUNUAyT iM p. m. 11 Poriliind ArT 8:00 p. hi. I Ar.McMlunvllleLv. Tortlantr TOO u. in. C:Un, in. Through Ticket I To all jHiluts "OUTII and EAST VIA C ALIFORN I A. . I'or lull information regarding rate, maps etc., apply to thu Company's agent, Halem, Oregon. K. I'. llOdl'ltH, Ahst. O. F. and Pass. Ag't It. KOKIILKIt.l Munuger. Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY, Columbia River Route,' Trains for tho cast liuvo l'ortland ut7:S tm and li:M prn dully. Tie its to and from principal jiolnW In tin (Jutted Htatvn, Can adu and Lurope. ELEGANT TULMANN PAHC. CARS Emigrant Hleeplng Cars run tbrou(s on express tn Ins to OMAHA COUNCIL IILVFF nntl bt. 1'aui Frep of Charge and Wit ou Change. Connections nt l'ortland for Han Frur iisoo nnd l'tifet Hound points. For lurther partlculur addrew any Huntof thu company, or A. I. MAXWELL, O. V. & T. A C.J.BMlTH,(ll.'l MatiHKur.l'ortlupil. ioa iteiVAKU. ioo. Tho readers of tho Jouiinal. will he pleasod loU'urn that them U ntleuat one dreaded dUetue thut sclcuro hn been ublo Ut euro In all Its statfc anil that Is catarrh. Hall's CaUirrah Curt: Is thu only xmIIIv euro now kuonn to the iiiedleal fruterr.l' Catarrh beliiK a coiutltutlouut iIImu e qulresu coimtltutlouul treatment, call's Cutarrh euro Is taken Internally, acting ill ruclly uon the blixxl und inucu sur face of the rystfiu, thereby ilcntniyliii: the foundutlou of thu dtseuMi, und glvluK the tktit streiiKth, by buPdliiK up thu coiutltutlou und untUtliiK nature In dolnc Its work, Thu proprietors liuvo so iiiueh faith In ItseuralUe (Kiwers, thut they olfer One Hundred Dollars for any ease thut It falls to car J. Keud fur list of testimonials,. .... . u ,tllLkfl M. Iil n...l.n t ,QUriM t, 4, Ullb.ll. v.U WirM"(W, lUld by PrniNliDJM. I Wi $ I i I i i I n 3 ij . . a . & . I taoa.A-Ji- m&mmt&fZrr' ww.iWftiswsjii)iai'jiiM i.rr miHi-i i i""r ' 't J