f THE CAPITAL EVENING JOURNAL. W II a ft R riv THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. FUUMHIIED DAILY, KXCEIT8UNDAY, y tiik Capital Journal Publishing Company. (incorporated.) KnUrrd at the postofllcc fit Hnlcrn, Or.,a KCcondcliiHs matter. cnt-Ieather boots, tall hats and frock coatH as marks of progre&s aud civilization. CLARE B.IRVINE, Manager. Keo fourth page for terms of subscript AiUertlHrmentR to limine Insertion (for the viiine i!ny) should hu handed In by 1 o'clock Uorrenjfoiidencc containing new of In terest mid lniM)rtaii(c Is desired from all p.uUof thustutc. No iitlontlonwlll ho p.ild to anonymous eoimiitiulcalWin. renxiiH ilfxlring Hie Capita f. .louitXAi. nerved at their houses mim secure It by ikw 11 card request, or hy word left at thin oilier. Hpeclmen numbers sent free on applica tion, omeo, corner Court and Liberty Htrccts. WEDNESDAY-A U i UKT7, 1889 It Inn been imIciiIuImI tluiL the railroads of lliu world are woilli Hourly .'500,oat,oo,000, or aloiil ono tonth of tho we. I li of tho civillcd nations, or more th.in a iii. trior or tho invented capital. At I Ills rale a I the ready money I i tho world would buy only one-third of Ilium. Tin; Inventive gcnlim of in n finds) no end to lit apiilictilo'i. IS Mclally Wthls t!ieeiu in a Iw.i.vap pllam.es. The r. Mway A Kiys thai anotlicr revo'uli m. try loroniot'vi. him been dovK'd. 1 1 'h In have Iwi hollers, ono above the other, and en glut1 and tender aie to he Incased in a shell of tin Iron tapering ofl to u point In front of the whole machine being 76 feet long and weighing in working order 1)1 tons. Thus it will bo 122 feet, longer and IU to is he ivier than tliu biggest Kiiropenn loeoino tlvo yet turned out. This engine linf licun patented in Kronen by a linn grirlau engineer named A a lleslliy. SI. 'IVmui", one of ihe engineers on the Salu.ra railroad, now being cou nt 'iieted by Krance, reports a curious discovery of great archaeological value. Coming upon a mound of sand he had It dug into and found a dome which proved to hu (hu lop o" a lower. On dlugin,; deeper the tower piovcd lo belong ton mo(mu untlicly embedded in die hand. Con tinuing his reseaicheshc i asa .ewly uncovered nluii houses anil a water coin co. The water eoui'M! Is of ;i cat value and will be used for li'igajoii. This d!s"overy eonllnns tliu Inipres slo t iii..t the Bahaia was oueu a iionu. ouh ) it. ay no means a wiulo or tie. o Floated Two Days at Sea. I was hi a crow's net, or lookout, on board the New England whaler Yankee Land, and we were bearing up for Valparaiso from the Juan Fernandez Islands, when I caught sight of a floating human body on the lee bow and half a mile away. Wo had only a light breee and the sea was scarcely disturbed, and from my perch aloft I could even tee ths fish as they played about us. I had scarcely hailed the deck when the floater raised his head, kicked his feet under the surface, and, after waving Ids arm as a sig nal, he begun swimming down to us. The sight of a man out at sea, provided with nothing whatever to float lilin, was queer enough; but there was something much queerer In store for u. have seen the natives of almost every country in the water, hut never saw an.v thing like the speed this lloater made rs hu came down to us. He just smoked through wa'jr like a yawl with hersi'M set to a sl'i'l breeze. All the men mustered forwntd to get a sight of him, and lis lie came alongside he checked his way, took a long survey of our craft and coolly called eut: "What sb pis that?" "The Amu lean whaler Yankee it nil." answered tho mate. Watilany hands?" "Yes, we will ship you," lephed the captain. "VeHy well, sir; I'll come aboard." They threw him a rope and he ".oon stood on deck, tho only eon cciTod person on tliu ship. Ho asked for a chow of tobacco, wrung the waicrout of his clothes, and when tliu cook brought him some grub he did notappearovcr-hungry. He re fined dry clothiM, saying ho felt bet ter when damp, ami when hu had llmshcd eal'ug lie exclaimed: ".My name Is Tom Kineh. I quit no Kngilsh hl' .Saxon two days it'o. I can steer a boat or fasten to a whalu Willi thu best of you. (live mo a lay and letnie turn to." " i'ou quit the Saxon two days A Pleasing Sight. Who's fairer than a lllly, And she's sweeter than n roe; And she knocks tho neighbor silly ' When sb wields the garden hose. Blic lifts her skirts from danger With her left hand while bcr right Grasps tho nozzle, and the stranger Gets a wry pleasing sight. The neighbors eyes nil twlnklo And their Intercut dally grows, For they like to see her sprinkle And they like to see tho liosc. bomervlllo Journal. Pretention Hotter TJiaii Cure. I Mas slttltu beside My destined bride, One still sentimental day: "Howl long." said I, Uut to make you cry, And I'd kiss tho bright tears iiwaj I" Fair Cecily blushed, Her Milce grew hush'd, I thought she would ery to be sure; Hut she lisped tome, Touting prettily, "Pretention Is betlcr than eurel" sen A PS." to thu and been I'AhT AND I'lSC-.IlM'. To lovluw all old tliu of newspa pers Is almost as good for us its to ic view our own past life. How many causes for seilous relleellou, for won iler at our own stupidity, for resolu tion to iiieml our ways, tirNo as we tin n page after page causes appli cable In thu Individual levtcwlng his own past; to thu eoiiuiiuiiily tc newlng the old tiles. How many hopesillsappoliited, aspirations with cied, Our eye was Hist caught by a pie lure In u paper of I ail), Illustrating thu life and ways of thu Kngllsh sparrow, Just then Introduced In sev eral parks nl New York City. A beautiful house Is madu for them and thousands of people aru gath ered to look at thu "pielty Innocent birds." How they shall hu fed Is carefully set foith;aud how pioteet etl from nest robbing boys. The ar ticle onils with a suggestien: "It Is not best to feed them so regularly In summer!!" rowi:it or cii.viom. That iliU'erent manners and no tions picvnll lndlliercut parts of thu gloU N, of couroo, known to iw all. In somu patts of thu world tho Hps am breught together In token of lovoor aireetiun, In other thu tips of the i it wt, I u sonic places lo un cover thu head Is a mark of iv.pwt. In others to tuep It covered. Allium; somu nations nlaek clothes are worn as a nlgn of mourning, and others white. In somu lands tho dead inv burled hoilir.ontully, in others they imi buried uptight. In weteiu tmunirleshlek people iay their phy sicians as long as they arv rick, but In China and other Oriental uiun IiIch, physlolans are paid by (heir clients so long as tho latl.u" e.ijoyj good btvilth, In l'arli, doiues(luMi- viuilM are eneotiragetl to marry, as they aie olnHfrviil to k muru settled and inoiv active In their duty than when baoholois. In London Mieh lunrrlngtM aii discouraged, as ivu tiering ervauts moro atteuthu to their own families than to tlie.n of their mauler's. (Jieat Is the)H)uerof lis'.d eiintom, and If we taKe any of the prluelml events of life, ouch ax death rnd uiarilae, wo llml the iinvnioiiUv coiimvtisl with them dilteriuv nnvsi curiously 111 dllleieut lamU; tut grtsiter still U the Hiuer of fashion, and Ihe human i. uiUy i rapidly and t'luviiully Mibuuttluy: to lis tymu iilctUwaydlips ell d liental 'hs plooa-jcrli adopting xuteru habits. In lre.niinl inauiur. tho I'lilucoc, iijOV" quciied the captain. "Yes, sK" "Where was sheV" "A ina.'ierof lift v miles no.i'nwest, .ilr." "At se.V' ' es, sir." "How dlil you quit?" "ri. Id good-by to my watch Jutnpud ovciboud, and havu Ilo.tlir; ever since." Thuio wasn't a man In thu slilp who believed his sto y. udeeil, what Intelligent 'man would be'ieve It? And ye,, It wsm the gospc (ruth, as we discovered when we ie. died W.lpi "I'lsa. 'I"e Haxou was there, ami half a do.uu of her crew saw him gu overhoaut as s i.te I. Hom I'lir Perrinui'. (huher the ro-e leaves In dr. weathei, 'emove thu petals, and to thu propo"ilou of half a peek fresh leaves mrew in a good handful of salt. Let this leiuulu live days, stirring up the leaves every day. When they appear moist add three ounces of biulsed allspice aud one ounce of cinnamon stick bruised. Lot this renu 'u on the leaves a week-, Hjrrl.iiheni dally from tho bottom. Then put Into a permanent Jar one (ounce of allspice, and add the stock layer by layer. Sprinkle between tho follewing: One ounce each of cloves and cinnamon, two nutmegs mil coarstey powdered, some ginger root sliced thlu, half an ounce of aniseed biulsed, ten grains of line;, musk, half a pound of fi Chilly di'ed lavender (lowers, two ouiicim of powdered onis root and ad lloUum colonge, nwu or orange (lower water, orange or lemon peel. Kreshly dried violets, tuberoe, clove pinks, or any other scouted (lowers may bo added. Flue extract of any kind will enhance the f ii grout odor, while ilvsli rose leaves, salt and allspice, made as at llrst, may I hi added when convenient, ytlr the Jar occasionally, leaving it closed except when the torfuino Is Nhed to odorlo the room. Well-bred people are not always the upper crust. The proper repast to Isj served af ter a card party a game supper. When the poet said that man was made to mourn he printed the news. The love of sympathy exists in tliu most dcg.adcd of human crea ture:!. A gus syndicate has been formed in Ontario. It will be easy to bust this trust. A man of settled convictions Is one who has been HJiitcuccd to life ser vices in a penitentiary. Farm bifu in China. A farmer may be hired by the year from f S to $14, with food, cloth ing, head shaving and tobacco. Those who work by the day receive eight to ten cents, with a noon day meal. At the planting and harvest ing of rice, wages are from ten to twenty cents a day, with live meals, or thirty cents a day without food. Kew land owners bile hands, except for a few days during the planting aud harvesting of rice. Those who have more land than they aud their sons can till, lcatcs It to their neigh bors. Much land is held on lins.'s given by ancient proprietors to clansmen whose descendants now till it, p lying from $.7 lo$l 1 worth of rice anuually for Its use. Kood aver ages l!i ilu uioie than a dollar a mouth for each member of a farm er's family. Oeo who buys, cooks and cats h's meals alone, spends from fifty cents to &1 a mouth tipon the raw material and fuel. Two pounds of .''to, eo-liig V, cents, wit ti relishc'i of salt tlsh, pickled cabbage, cheat) egetables and fruits, costing 1 cents, is the odinay allowance to each luboicr for c.ich lnj. Abe"--1 iiclhy'unih'iculn;) lux ui ions pd lent, ! "Live nn ii ..pence a day and cam j it," is followed by nearly every I Oulnama.i. Olio or tun dependent rcla.lvcs .'icquuutly share with him the sixpence. VKfc The Chief Reiuon for me great raft cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In Uu article Itself. It is merit that wins, and tht (act that flood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what is claimed for It, Is whaf has given to tills medicine a popularity and tale greater than that of any other sarsapa- IViWit Wine rllla or blood purt' IVIfcJril, VVIIlb ner before the publla flood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt rtlicmn and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Ueadache, Ulllousness, overcomes Thai Tired reeling, creates an Appetite, strength, ins the Nerves, builds up the 'Whole Systen Hood Miiriiiuril!a Is soldbyall dru rfsts. Jf, slxforfO. 1'reparedbyC. I. Hoof i'j.. Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass. Much damage has resulted re cently from forest fires. Tins should have the effect of making people more careful to prcvont the starting of such fires. liOMM In I'alllornia. Krom a single rose Held In Almcda county thlr y ihotKuid ro'C-bushea hitt'eUvu sold dining the proem win.er, Most of these have Uvn shlpiH'd, Ten thoiiNiml oi'tlie whole iiilintHr were shlpissl to Seattle, That town ought to be ruse-embowered a few mouths hence. Thou- Miiilt of nves have been shlpiK'd from the smaller garden, and other thousands have been sold for plant ing nearer homo; for while the aina turn gardeaiefs te'l nothing, row plaining hai in'ooine a piMllt.ible IhnIih'. Toeei may W mvii lu bliKiui ltitheoKii gerdom at the liud-wiuier mMsoIK but thuso otlervd 111 (he m.trUet anddKplaytsl In win tlowaoi llo.lstsal thai mvioii do not grow In tho op.ni air. It I not m much frosty weather that Uivp tlit'ui Uteltuj the ln.T ralntornts l,i-S.il lluli.la.s.' There is conslderahiu dlHcreneu as to legal holidays, ,ln the dlH'erent states, aud for the buiietU of those who always improvo u holiday the following bul'etlu is issued: July 4th and December 523th aru legal holidays in every itatu and ter ritory lu tho Union; a man is per fectly safe to celebrate them any wheie. It is not to with January 1st or New Year's day; Ho can wlioop-lt-up lu any state or territory except Aikaiis-iM, Delawaie, Georgia, Kenluci;, Main, Massachusetts, New Hampshire and Norih and South Carolina. Kcbruary 525.M, or Washington's birthday, In all the states but Ala bama, Arkansas, Kloilda, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Maine, Mis souri, North Carolina, Ohio, Oiegon, Teniieusco and Texas. May HUtli, or Decoration Diy, also called Memorial Day, is a legal holi day on'y in Colorado, Connecticut, Maine, Michigan, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, lVnusyl vanla, It bode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin. Sitting on the Safety Valve. Many are they who have laughed at the etory of tlio green steamboat fireman who sat on the safety valve to pievent it leaking. Yes thousands are repeating bis folly every day. They are troubled with blotches, pimples, eruptions, salt rheum, boils carbuncles, ulcers and old sores, and are contenting themselves with sup pressing the symptoms without re moving the cause. They sit on these safety valves oy which nature is driving out blood inpuritles, in stead of using Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, which cures by cnioving the cause, which is in thu blood. It is a wonderful blood pu rifier and invigorating tonic. Do you think tho proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Itemeuv would ofl'erfas they have done for many years, a standing rewartl of J5U0 for a case of catarrh' which they cannot cure, if they did not positively know that tlio remedy will absolutely and permanently cure catarrh. Sold by druggists at only 50 cents. Science at Home. Grandmamma had been explain ing to tlio little girl how our earth is kept from (lying oil' into infinite space by the attraction of tlio sun which is constantly trying to draw the eaith toward IL-elf, while tlio latter always keeps its distance. "Grandma," said the little girl, "I should think the sun would gel die couraged after a while, and let it go." The immediate symptoms of Dys pepsia, or Indigestion, tiro a distres sing sense of weight, oppression and fullness in the stomach, heartburn, loss of appetite, foul breath, belch ing, flatulency, nausea nidus in the shoulders and breast. Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic promotes healthy digestion and removes all unhealthy symptoms. Sold by D. W. Mathews Tho latest reports from Johns town place the total loss of life at cooo. A man never knows what ho can do until ho tries; and then, after ward, he is often very sorry that ho found out. llirlnvny to Wealth, uo father "Houiile, you are nownltout to graduate, ami It Is time for you to select an occupation. To what do your tastes Incline?" Hen ule, who has not wasted liU tlmu lu study "Father, I cannot tell a Ho. 1 would like to to a millionaire." Father, oyousy "lllevs you, my sop; It Is the very trade I would have bolectcd for you. I will put .ton In that Hue at once." Apprentices i him to I'hrrd l'hrolllek, the humor itst of the KlukapooUl gl r. THE NEW DISCOVERY. You have heard your friends aud neighbors talking about It. You may yourself be one of tho niauy who know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever ti led it, you are one of Its staunch friends, because the won derful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Discovery ever after holds a place U tlio house. If you have never used it and should be alllicted with a cough, wld or any Throat, Lung or Chest trouble, secure a bottle at once and ulvu It a trial. It iscuanin- teed every time, or money refunded. Trial Unities Free at Daniel J. Fry'B drugstore. Arithmetic and Art. First Little Girl (at tho theatre) Ain't it nice to havu two of those funny dronuos? Second Little Girl Yes it's twice as ilinny as If there were only oue. The Best Residence Localities In the citv of Tortlnnd nnl other prosperous towns are tl19.se owned by men or corporations who have the disposition and anility to improve them. HIGHLAN ON mrrri lliU IS OWNED BY ORB Ui Culf PAN! And this Corporation is detennined to Mil! m ie I JUL A- mm Addition To tho city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have scarcely begun. It is intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through Riverside and High land additions and around Highland Park THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE Of Oregon. The line of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no lots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the near future be THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lots in Highland Additon are High and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage The toll is black and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings aud our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches in this addition, and a number of residences are soon to be built. .Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots within the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over 1000. We can sell you better lots In High land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on the line of the street rallwiy they aro practi cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of the so called "inside lots." , Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay $1000 for an inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 you can build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand street car tickets every year. CESSaxxaa7G!3bE yUTEa B.OOO.OOC poop!" tdlere tnat It of tb largest and most reueblo house, and t&ey me Ferry's Seeds rinrvarfl7 u AjyspmA tt&tr'tta.rtzzjjm r, r&rvnVfUvTW iBUJ&TAPl'JP JPVi-J4 larllMt 0oll4owr Is uliUsca. '. II, FERRT A CO. an acuioiriedfM to M ins largest Seedsmen In the world. D M.FmbtACo' ninetratediPeacrip. ut ana rncea SEED ANNUAL For 1889 Will ba mailed FRri to all applicant, and lut TMra cnRtjunAr without nrderinv it. inmu. ahtatanjl Rntntwrwwnrin. Garden. Field or Flower SeeS ...i.i.i. . ., 1.11.... ..f ii... 11...1 .. 1 w I11CII tirtvrti lliu llliniuiiii'-; i nil' .111 1 it iue. lliiiiliMM noil 'I'nrl.u ur miivly gvtllii 1 hiiiviHiuilml and to bud" uu'1 t,ntlK "l,aul ilav the Oriental vouili. duivnlltiil """ -. , - W ,,--, ..---.-.,. g h rmtlon1 turn, look rapid ikVky. The deaf man Ili.iU hiiio ci uola ujKiU jt I tlou lu tho hope of here niter. j UK NKNT IT U.VST. I r a j oar ra iroublnl with lui In , lay Ucl aud aldo, ami headache. Ihe rvult of v r uud klducy InrnUe. I wm altnicnsl to Jo)- Vi'.-ftaWd tUrUparllla by thu Hart lliiX tctlruotill la the i-ivn aud xhlch Kvmoil u uraiilral I a Imluowl to try It, luoulntf that t tl wai )iurvly x-jvuhle, It vrouM at any rate da tut harm. It arttsl at a Ktutl laxalit? aud ntu-r tho uxoud Imttlo lay alui aud arhc dlap(varvxl and I kit III a utw tuau. It did t much for mo that I muI aorvral Ulttv4 to my family lu New JtfrHy, m hu alto tixO: It with th mot tatla-facUu- rtaultv , NUr Cular, to of Clay Hwt Ju ) siw-fc A SOUND LEGAL OPINION. K. Halnbrldge, Mutiday Est., County Attv., Clay Co.. 'lx. says: "Have iimmI Klecirlo lilttera with most happy results. My brother was nlsti very low with Malarial Fever and Jaundice, but wits cured by timely tiroof this medicine. Am MttMled FJcctrlo Hitters saved has life." Mr. I). I. Wllcuxsou of Horse Cave, Ky., adds a like twtimony, Kiylm:: tie iHtoltlvely belteven he would nave died, had It not been lor i-.iivine intiers. ahould aend tor It. AddreM O. M. FERRY CO., Datrell. Mlcb. A PUBLIC BENEFACTOrV "Who is H. II. Warner, of Koche er, N. Y., whote Safo Remediea, e pecially "Warner'a Safo Cure, havo at tained such success and celabrity at homo and abroad?" " The Question isiiiSDired as much hi affection aa curiosity, since through his instrumentality hundrods of thou, sands, in both hemispheres, have been restorod to health and happi noss. Hon. H. II. "Warner, then, is a leading and honored resident ol Rochester, not only, but a prominent and influential citizen of the United States. On several occasions chosen by his party as a National delegate to nominate a President of the Republic, he Iub been a member of the Kopub can State Committee and of its Exe cutive committee, lie is a member of the American Institution for the Advancement of Science; resident of the Rochester Chamber of Com merce; a successful and upright busi ness man. He has given away for tunes in charities. The celebrated and costly Warner Observatory of Rochester was conceived, endowed, and is maintained by him. His munificent prizes for the discovery of comets has been at once the wonder and delight of the scientific world. ine yellow lever scourage In the South, the Ohio floods, tba fire dis asters of Rochester and other cities awakened his profoundest sympathies and in each instance his check for from 500 to $5,000 swelled the several relief funds. Where other wealthy men give tens and hundreds, he gives hundreds and thousands. His charities are as ready and magnificent as his enterprises and public spirit are boundless. The world has need of more such men. jn incident led him into the manu facture of medicine. Seized some twelve vears a?o with what Hia ihi physicians termed fatal kidney dis ease, he was miraculously restored to health by what is now known as arner's Safe Cure. At nmn ha .. I solved to make known the merits of so SEE HERE I j JOHN F. STBATTON & SON . Importers nnil Wlioloialo dealers la I MOhlCAI. JIKKCIIANlJlftE. Now York. ! 1,1 niuU.'i Wnlkerbt. John F. Strntton's I Cclebrntfil Hit sl.tn Gut Violin ktrlngs. tho I Finest In the World. If there is anyone in the whole .state of Oregon who wants to return to the east he should read this advertisement: A Bargain For Somebody!! pi wivnn mi J! VrX ,ts mask; O 0 HliUrel S Our Ounr.inteu If a dealer receives a complaint, (w hteh ho uelleesto bo honest) lrom any musician to whom ho has bold unyoftlicM) striURs, ho Is authorized by us to give him nuothcr t-trlUB without elur(,",and all fcuch loss will bo made good by ii-. to our customers, without quibble or question. (Hewuroo! imitation.) Dealers will please send lor descrlotlve catalogue, fradj supplied at lowest price. To Exchange for- M . JO I ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL, FOlt Boys and. Girls. Tlio school will onen on tho 21th of September. Thorough Instruc tion In the primary and 11 a Vu need English Branches. LATIN' AND ELEMENTS OF MUSI -In couie.- '1 iCHMS and further Information may be pad on application to ItKV. F. II. POST, Cor. Chemeketn and BtateSts. b-20-tf A GOOD CHANGE Northern Pacific Railroad. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. TWO FAST TltAlxs DAII.V ! NO CHANGE OF aVRS I'hls grtNit renuHl v will ward off, ' Ylnt remedy, and the consequence .Malarial UImmisch. '" " i-uj ne uas immense labora- .s well as cure all md for all Kidney, J.lvcr nnd btom tories and warehouses in the United ncli DUinlew stands unequalcd. ' lae6.i Canada, England, Germany, Daulel J. Fry's A-Uf ' Australia and Uurmah. Sales tfFot prii wrsmf Aee. SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGC And all points East via St. PAUL aud MINNEAPOLIS. 11L S,,lcf? 'ciflc railroad is the only ii5?.2 U!?B Nwnsw tnilnn. coud claw f.!ifi? if";? of chnfW) Luxurious Day roachiM, 1'ulliuan ll.iw si..,n. rv. lilHisit Til. !.. .... , .. .... T. . landtotheeiut '5c) from Iorl- I'rkvotV and Sl.ntJ I'rugxtotw In a play bOu to lo produced lu New York there Will U no ttuik illkvl with re.il water, or a brace of bona tide burslaw, but rooster that Uujws when to crow, A com- ol his Safe Kemedies are enormous, J and their power over diteasa aimnl - marvelous. ' The merit of a production is in ex- $75 tn 90 v Mi,vi " l act keeping with the character of its r?r?rr!.? t,,vrriSli,".f ' producer. An honest and reliable s,,r-rb'iiiiau.ihruil man himself. Mr. Warner makes ' a V'1?1 vBtUyui honest and reliable medlcines-a fact AbJn4 TiS.oV'S 'S1 v "" " w; .hnftUll,,,,.,.,! h. kZ.u.. . u petonl CfiuiNiiiy ha Vl eagnjetl wfauAvaLtorim. - state andh( to u.iiHrt 1 be I IN. t , u- "m -ChlSvT i"?S. "SSS er uw'u? Aut .1.1 I pklt 5 1. ..I .. 1 1 1 . - X- 1'l.ll.CL. 1 " w ,lSJJSnr ,,.c.ket re v he Northern fuclnc rutlroad and avoid the change ofcar. dJjfri,,V,rt,3l1. t5 a. in. nnd K.-10 p. m. dull arrUo ntillnneapolU or SU 1'uul at S.m.' ki " ' "r, at UOi a. m. and &W JVil". A "' rouimat 7:10 p tn and through llu . n 1-alato Mttplng trt, -.u Un m .,, uet palitco dlnlnir j- tlwcir. .J.ad. fucouiund-altl lx-potu.,ivrKlr.taBilu 'tsU, - - - ." . . . I.IUI. tM- r--J.-. - ---! -.itlWWs fCUl-Ml