v SUBSCRIBE FOK ADVBRTISU IS THE CAPITAL JOURNALJ CAPITAL JOURNAL THE CAPITAL JOURNAL) i us BEST PAPER IN SALEM. CYou will bo well pleaded with lt.Tp IT WILT. BR A GOOD INVESTMENT. a-Tho Terms nro .Most Kcasonnblc-81 Fir-- VOIi'. 2. SALEM, OT?EGON, TUESDAY, ATJG-TJST 0, 1880. NO. 134. mmm New Livciy Stable. J. Mocey has lately purchased. theLlv-j ery nnd Seed Stable formerly owned by Wagner t German, nnd now conducts A FIRST-CLASS STABLE! He lias some of the best rigs in the city. Give him , call and It will b" tilled with great promptness. Small Fans for Sale, A numbei of tcn-acro tracts of desirable nnti wimin one una n Hair miles of Salem, at prices ranging from KW to .-1U0 perncre. Apply to WILLIS & CIIAMIJERLIN, 6-29-Im Opera House Mock HORSES FOR SALE. Ono heavy gelding, one j oung mnrc with young colt, English shire; on; mare with foal by Sasshaw, Junior; one two-vea."KId colt, Johnny Hall, flno trotter. C ill on A. SritAlN, lW)V3 Eola, Polls county, Or. J. H. HAAS, Watchmaker and hveler, CPMMEROIAI. STREET. First-class work guaranteed. Give him n call nnd you will not ivgrct 't. '-."llml J. J. CULVER, County Surveyo JAMES WALTON, Topographer, W. H.13YARS. Civil Engineer. Bj ok, Culver & Walton Surveyors & Topographers, Surveys, drafts, plats mans and descrlutlous of hinds, townlots, and ro.ids ditches, streets, hewers, allers, etc. etc., made and furnished nt reasonable prices. Old corners and Hues re-es Light Sour Trahut. K.1LE. OURLir mor, . r. tablished fiomorlginal field notes. Grades lor ditches, roads, streets or sew ors, with estimates furnished on applica tion. Address County Snrvejor'H office. Selem, Oregon. JtSTAHLtSUED BY NATIONAL AUTHOWTY SALEM OREGON. $75,000 i0,000 Surplus, It. 8. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MAIITIN, - Vice-President. .1. II. ALBERT, I- Cashier. DIRECTORS! W. T. Gray, W. W. Martin, J, M. Martin, II. S. AVallace. Dr. W. A.CusIck, J. II. Albert, T. McF. 1'atton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in storo, either In private granarlesor public warehouses. State and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct on Now Vork, Chicago, San Francisco, Portland, London, Paris, Berlin Hong Kong and Calcutta. First National Bank SALEM. OREGON. WSI. K. LADUE, J President. DIt. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President. JOHN MOIK, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, Jxindon und Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants nought. Farmers nro cordially Invited to deiJOsit und transact business with us. Liberal ndvances made on wheat, wool, hops and othor property at reasonatiie rates. Insurance on buch se curity can be obtained n the bank In most reliable companies. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Ferry and Liberty street, N. K. cor from L'hcmoKete hotel, Salem, Or. Good accommodations for commercial travelers. Flrst-clau rtes always on hand Charge reasonable. F J. LARSEN, AVagon and Carriage Repairer Is prepared to do all work in the line of innkliir or repairing wagons, buggtu or carriage in ilrt-cUi;siv l and nt reason nblo prices Shop 45 ?lal Mrtet, nir fTj)t KlSafl ThcCapital NationalBank 01-' ! ft Sha When you are walking down the street stop In at Benson's Fruit Stand, 97 STATE STREET And try one of those wholesome and most invigorating jiiik snakes, i -.11ml Kansas House, Corner ot Court and High Sts. E. M. LAW, Proprietor. Wo haVO fjlkrn n rtnw tinTna hiil will conllnuc to ?ere our patrons withthe ji-ii. nil.- uiuriici nnorus, give tnem h cordial welcome to Our Home. Terms reasonable. Give us a call and we will do you ,ood. No Chinese employed. DYSPEPSIA. IS that misery experienced when wo sud denly become awaro that wo possess a diabolical arrangement called a stomach. Tho stomach Is tho reservoir from which every flbro nnd tissue must bo nourished, andany trouble with It Is soon feltthrou"h out tho whole system. Among a, dozen dyspeptics no two will hnvo tho samo pre- uuiiiinuni symptom, uyspppitcsotnetlve mental power and a bllfoustemperumeut are subject to Sick Headache; those, fleshynndphlcgniiitic havo Constipation, while the thin and nervous arn nbandoucd togloomy forebodings. Somodvspeptlcs oro wonderfully forgetful; others have gii-Hi. immunity oi Lemper. Whatever form Dvsnensln may take, ono thing Is ccrtulu, The underlying cause is in the JLIfEIt, and ono thing moro Is equally certain, no uuu itAii. itmmu uoicLIU ilO Will xc will correct Acidity or tho Stomach, Expel foul gases, Allay Irritation, Assist Digestion, and, at tho samo tlruo Start the IAvcr to worhing, when all other troubles soon disappear. "Mywife'wai a confirmed dyspeptic. Some three years ago by the advice of Dr. Steiner, ot Augusta, she was induced to try Simmons Liver Regulator. I teel grateful for the relief it has gien her, and may all who read this and are afflicted in any way, hether chronic or other wise, use Simmons Liver Regulator and I feel confident health will he restored to all who will be advised." Wm. M. Kf.ksii, Fort Valley, Ga. Sec that you get the Genuine, with red 2 on front of Wrapper, lnpi'Afn.n nvi v nv J. H. ZETLIN & CO., riUludelphla, Pa. FOUND. tfOUND-A pair of lady's new light kid gloves tine Call at this office, nrovo property, pay for notice and get goods 11 ANTED. WANTED A situation by a boy 14 years ' old, on farm or stock raucho. A good .t-swI.A. no . h1a. m.nnl sfnnlr .nil n. . 1 t .i jwi, iau piui. ui ivuu niuvn. lilll ttk 111C office of the Cai'Jtai. .iouunai. for"D." o-3tf Wl WANTED A gentleman of Ave years ex ' ' ncrleneo la commission business want a position indoors where he can put In nil his time. Hits had bcmecxperlcnce In real estate and Insurance; Is a good hand In n waiehousc; Is a good mathematician nnd can keep books nnd mnke himself general ly useful nnd Is not afraid of work. Ucst of references given. Address "It.," Jouit- NAI. UFFICK. Mill roil SALE 170 U SALE A Jersoy heifer calf, For 1 particulars call at tills oihce. 7-31U1 llOK MALB.-A FARjr OF itM ACHIM II nil iinrlni. IVm nn n tirl ntll I 4 f rn l tlin best rango country of litstern 6regon. The bel chance ever offered for a man to engage In stock raising. For particulars call on or address . H. IJYAHS.Saiern, Oregon. SOCIETY NOTICES. OLIVE LODGE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets In Odd Felluwi." Hall un stairs. Cornei Uotnmerci.il and Ferry streets, every Sat urday at 7:;u.ni. J.T,UHt.UU. JjW, iauu.i, becrctnry. N. ' A. it. Sedgwick Pos-t, No. 10,' uepart u. mrnt of Oregon, meets every Monday cvenliigut tho hall ocr tho Oregon Land company's office. Visiting comrades an cordially Invited to attend. A. v. jjkayukk, 1UM ijomniauer. U; F. Soutiiwick. Adjutaut. PKOFES'sIONAL CAHDS. TTsTIaW, attorney STTirw,"SaleriT7o"r5. con. UIH'.o tip-btnlrb In the Patton UIOCK I J. JENNINOS D. D. . DKXlini J Olllco in tho New Hunk lilock. Com merclal street, .uein. oigu oi mo "'s tooth. ?w nHYSltl.V.-5liW.CK. M. E. MCCOY 1 physician and surgeon, has located und taken rooms over SUlre larrars .....' klnrp I'hrnnlc diseases a SPCC falty. Consultation free. 12-21dw W V. WILLIAMS, STENOUllAfJlH W, and Typewriter Copyist. Will make reports of trials, etc.; copying on type, writeraccurntely and neatly done. Olllco oer A. T Yeaton' furnllure store, Com mercial street, Half m. FRUIT WANTED BY THE Willamette Valley Fruit Co., AT SAL, EM. Prunes ofallklndsnt full value, provided they are fully Mpe. Tbero is no danger or h" vlng Ihein too ripe. No greeiuprunw n'.SuWriUoenDrop.nd Wuxl-n. Light Mrtyvurtetiw not nied. It l not mMir' to he them fuil Pwri of all vnn'tU that art ft Jne - thf Hurtlf tt. 0 YasrfS Capi to "We are preparing to receive a lnrgo Invoice of goods. To mnko room for this enormous stock, wo must have room. To make room, we must (lispo&e of our goods. To dispose of our goods we cannot do better than give them away to our customers. Nov,Jthen, if you want dry goods, clothing, boots, shoes, notions, etc.y just drop around to the Opera Iloti'-e corner and interview us. Our prices are 'down so low that we could not dispose of them liny lower without giving the goods awny. Now is your chance, for tho next thirty days wo will bo just slaughtering go-v's. This is the depot from which to lay in your supplies. Watch tho faces of cur customers, as they leave the store; notice their contented looks, for they are satisfied that they could not wive money faster than by trading with u. Capitoi Adventure" Company, OPERA HOTJSB CORNER, Salem, A. EX STRANG, No. S0.1 Commercial Htrcet, SALT3M, - - OREGON. DKAI.KU IN STOVESand RANGES PiiiEiljiiie, Gas and Steam Fittinz. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. W Agent for tho RICHARDSON t I30YNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished In 1S49 New Butcher Shop AT NO. llO STATE ST. ANOEVINE & JEFFERSON. Iliiveonpncdim atlrst-clfii-s butcher shop nt tho nbovo location, where they will bn ptcusea to serve mo pcopio wiin mo CHOICEST AND 11E.ST MEATS of nil kinds that tho marketaffords. Olve them a call and bo convinced or me supTlority of their meats. 4Tuoous ucueri'u iwv. WHEN YOU ARE HUNGRY no TO TIIK Star Lie! Counter, 210 Commercial Streel, Where vou can eet a flrft-clnfs lunch for any price from anlckel up. No Chinamen nreemploed. History of Oregon From the EurlloMt lDeriod to the Present Tirno JIY HUI1EHT HOWE 1LVNC1MIFT. Just published, complete in two vols, with Index. A mugnhlcent ivnlrllmtlon to know ledge. Tho pride oi u jwople who are proud of their rord. A houechold necew.lty; a national oenellL Agents Wauled &TE&C&,? ed can at oil compare with llns In Interest .....i tmimrtanceia the neonle of Orrcon. and ! nil oilier interested In thu wellaro of their country. It contains u. record of bravo doing", of grand cmlgra'lon nnd permanent organlwitlon. It Istiiolifo of in linnnrtunt part of the nation. N true Oregotilan, uolrne Amcrlmn will (all id secure inm worn, i'v " i.mr iimum fered ejerately from the full wtof Mr Ilancnifl'marelIoiw lilsUirteal ktIcs In Ki vols, f Earnet, actlvo worker siiould .-citre exclusive territory Immediate!), or they will lore a mm opportunity to mknefor themtela or m, One needs nooxixrleneeorrnpllulluthls bu.lnti, for Ifproperlyprawrniedjhework sells ltkclf, und we give ourAetuts.il da time In which to drllvei and collect twtore It)lnxus. Address THE HIKTOBV Co., IM Warket.St, Hn Krond m',lV, ft I ( A ( uuu Adventure Company Oregon. Gmmlflry of Music (i'thc Wtll'imotte Untvcr Ity Salem, On' j ill, thnmost hu(ii.k(u1 Jlusle School on the Noil Invest Coii'.t. Couiscs In mi'siecrc equal to Eastern inuslo m-1i'oIk. Yeaily at tcniluiicc.tnniily utic Imndicd mid fifty The iibli) i nrpK m l -hers fi r tho coming chijol j car w ill be t'n't. ',. M. Parvln, .MIm. Fnmklu P. .tones, JllnEva l.'cx; iissislaut tea. Ii'-i-s, Miss Luiu.M. hinllh, MIkS Hall i-i: lr-Iit ami M1..S Jl.unlo P.ii v'n. llrjiiii lies taught tuo Vocal t'nlture, Piano, Organ, Violin, PIpo Oig.in, Harmony, Counterpoint, unil t'lnss Teaching. DllloiuuK given on completion of course tfend forc.italoguoand circular. .. M PAKVIN 7-a5dam-wlm. Board of Equalization, fflO tlieTiix)ayersof Marlon County ,Oro L gen: Tho lio.ird of isuiallzatlon will meet at the com t houso In Hilem, Marlon county, Oregon, tho lust Monday In Au gust, ls8i, to-wlt: the Wthduynt Oo'clocl, a m., ami publicly commence tliooxam. (nation of tho asschsment as returned bj the assessor lor tho year lWsll, correcting nil errors in valuation, description orqiial itlcsof land, lot or other property. Bald board will remain In session I mm day to diyforono week only, therefore all tax payers or pen-ons on nlng property In snid .Million county nro hereby notified to Ik nnd appear ut tho time and place nbovt mentioned nnd show cause, If any thej have, why their assessments should nut remain as taken by tho assessor. A. F HLACICEHIIY, Assessor Marion County, Oregon. Dated this not It day of July, lss'j. 7-lldw I)l. If. S3I1TJI, DENTIST, i ll'is u new process by which ho can fit . plates of artificial teeth so jierfcctly that one can cat with them well tho llrst da I they arc Inserted. Thoso wearing Ioom I plates.lratlllug around in tho mouth whilt I eating, to the gient nuuoyancoof them M'lvcs and coinnanv. should call on Dr.il hmlthnud get a set with which they will enjoy comiort. i.r. ciniiua oiuce is now moved across tho street over Dearborn' hurness Mori'. work warranted to pleabe. Teeth fllltd or extracted without juln. Itcmember the pluce, over Dar horn's harness shop, Commercial street, Salem, Oregon. 6-2Srtf State Treasurer's Tnirty-Fourth Notices HTA'flU)F OHKOON, 1 TltEA.suuisK'HOrKiCK.tialoiii, July ill. Notice Is hereby given that there are fund i on hand to pity the following war rants drawn on the Knuinp IjiikI Fund, and tbutthebume will bepildon prescnta tloniitthlsotllcc: Wiirr.intK .No,.'H, Issued In la.Vi; I1M, KM, 8i'J2, sill. fflO, oVJl. Issued in ItW): Mi, 6173, '., lWi, lv, !.'., IWH. WSI. Interest on tho above wurnints will notlM allowed from and nfh-r date of this ,notlc. (I. W.Wkiiii, 7-'J'w Blato Treusurer DO YOU EAT? If you do, call nt the W. C. T. U. RESTAURANT In the opera house block, where you can get a good clean meal at any timeof day or evening. This restaurant Is under new manage ment and satUfactlon Is guaranteed. Ev. e-ythlng I In flmt-tUs nhupe. Mr.andMrs.H.K HOWA11D, The New Managers. NOTICE. VlUilWAUa INVITED. The Hoard of Public Ilulldlng Conunls tloners hereby Invite sealed proposal for rhe erection of a water lower and tank at the penitentiary. Pl.iniuiiili-cJnitlons may b seen ui the office of w. D, 1'ugli, aruhlleut, mhiii.or. Itlght to rti-ct any und all bids U rtMtn'id. HliU will be otvsieil at 11 tf dork. n. In , TUedity. Aug. (ino.W.MCllUlDK. (J. W. Wtuu, . Hjin,mllon,' x A Hvst,Ctrie t iuinit ; flood Way to liny Sponges. "Say, how much is this sponge?" called a man in a tlrui? storo to the cleric, at the sivtno time holding up a good-sied sponge, which he had picked out of a basketful. The clerk was behind tho counter, busying himself with something, and ho sur veyed tho sponge critically from a distance ami then answered: "Seven ty-flvo cents." The man dived into tho basket again, and pretty soon held up a smaller sponge tor the clerk to see. "How much Is this one?" he asked. "Oh, GO cents," said the clerk. Again tho man tished around in tho basket. In a few minutes ho held up a sponge smaller thiin either of tho other ones. 'How much for this one?" ho In quired. "You can have that ono lor forty flvo. conts," said the clerk, ai ho sized it up. Then there was a roar of laughter from tho would-bo sponge purchaser and two men who lintl been watch ing him. Tho clerk looked mysti fied for a moment. Then ho dis covered what they wcro laughing at. The man had been holding up ttit. same sponge each time. By squeez ing it ho had diminished its Mx 1 1 lie had had enough btrength In his hand and could havo kept ins fuie straight he would havo run tho price of that same sponge down to fifteen cen Is. Tho Oldest Living Mason. Robert I. Chester is tho oldest liv ing mason. Chester, who was born in Carlisle, Pennsylvania, July 81, 170,3, is a great-great-grandfather, flo was taken to East Tennessee In December, 1700, and Is unquestion ably the oldest inhabitant of the state. In July 181(1 ho removed to Middle Tennessee, and in May, 1823, to West Tennessee, where he now resides, at Jackson, Madison county. Mr. Chester joined the Masonic order in 1814, when ho wns twenty one yeans of ago. Ho is still au en thusiastic member. ThointPiestlng old man served In tho war of 1812. rn 1884 ho carried the presidential voto of Tennessee to the .senate at Washington. He is six feet high and weighs from 170 to 180 pounds. Still erect In person, healthy and of vigorous understanding, tho old est mason In tho world will probably live to be moro than a century old. A Very Neat Hetort. The late Peleg YV. Chandler, who was hard of hearing, was onu of the best of war-time speakers. Every occasion illustrated his eloquence, and one demonstrated the quickness of ids repartee. At ono meeting lie was frequently interrupted by a blackguard at tho rear of tho hall; who kept sheuting: "Why don't you go yourself?" For a time Mr. Chandler's deaf uess prevented him from catching tho exact nature of the interruption of which ho had been for some time conscious. At last Mr. Chandler ciuglit tho words of tho disturber. Then, In the mildest accents, which emphasized the forco of the words, ho said: 'Young man, if my ears was as good as yours and as long as yours I shouldn't be here to night." After n slrujrglo of eighty years tho French law has sanctioned cre mation. The advocates of this method for disposing of tho dead held a congress on tho 1th of August. At this meeting a solution of many still unsolved problems In tho methods wan undertaken. The congress will In addition con sider plans for increasing the popu lar interest in cremation. JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, I'aiiils,0ils and Window Glass, Wall Pa- Mir and Jlordcr, Artists' Jla leriais, Lilne, Hair. .Nails and Shingles, Hay, Toed and Fence I'osto, Gross Seeds, Uc, NEW TO-DAY. ATTENTION FARMERS! Hlngle loUiiml acre. One halfinlle Went ofKalem P.O. Mood toll, nil clear und In line condition. All ready fir planting fruit and nhrubbry at once. I'Jith piece front on u ulca irt t, and no city tax. THOMAS & PAYNE OT MTATB ST. HAI.KM. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. TIIK t'lSHKWKS Ul'KSTIOX. Congress Must Shoulder the llchriit!; Seizure Matter. "Washington, Aug. 5. Acting Secretary Wharton was asked this morning if tho state department had anything to say In regard to tho escape of tho lhitlsh bark Black Diamond. "The department, "' Wharton said, "has not been advised of tho seizure of tho Ulnck Diamond or any other vessel. 1 1 has no news on the subject, and therefore has no statement to make in regard to its future action In the matter." "Havo you .seen tho statement that it was tho desire to let tho Black Diamond escape after the cap ture, and therefore but ono man was put aboard her from tho Jlush?" "No," said Wharton, "1 have not seen that statement, and havo no means of knowing that it is true. This whole matter of the seizure of these vessels, so far as it has gone, is under the control and direction ot tho treasury department. If them is any blame altogether, to these seizures, It must bo laid at tho door of congress. It passed a law tie maudlug the president to Issue a proclamation extending to the water of ilehring sea, samo protection to seals and other fur-bearing animals, as Is accorded tho fur-bearing in habitants of Alaska, and tho waters thereof, by the general act of fishers and tho law Is simply being enforc ed, und that Is what we are hero for, to carry out the laws that congress exacts. So far tills question has not become an international one. The state department has not been in formed ollleially of any sort of pro ceeding and therefore lias nothing to act upon." I'KNIHiKTON'S VISITATION. Fire llreuks Out in a Photograph Gallery-Total Loss 140,000. PLNDLirroN, Or., Aug. C Eire broke out in tho photograph gallery ofTennciyife Wheeler, in Thomp son & Uarnhart's brick block yester day all! p. m., but was gotten under control by tho prompt notion of tho lire department, beforo much dam- ago from the Humes was done. Ten uery A Wheeler lost all but others received only slight damage to goods through removal. Jtotliclnld & Bean's largo stock was badly dam aged by lire anil water. Tho total 1 ss will amount to probably $ 10,000, well covered by insuraneo. There was an abundant simply of water at the time of the lire. "Black Hart," tho liuudit. St. Loins, Aug. C It Is given out on tho authority of tho postolllce inspector, whoso headquarters are in tills city, that the famous baudll and tralurobber, "Black Bart," was In this city for the last ton days pri or to Friday and it is suspected that ho had something to do with the train robbery near Kansas City last night. "Bart" took his meals at the Hotol Hrunswlck restaurant while In tin city' and according to the state ments of the clerk ho hud "cords" of money which ho displayed osten tatiously and lost no opportunity ot surrounding himself with mystery. The Defeated Dcrvishrrs. Cairo, Aug. . (Jcncral Uronfoll, commander of tho Egyptian troops whodefealed the dervishes Satprday, wires that he hud iiiadoa reconuols sauce and found that tho buttle hud completely broken the dervish army. Out of a forco of fiOOa men which Wad El Jiiml tool. Into battle Sat urday, only a fuw rcinaln. Thesi are being pursued by tho Egyptian cavalry, and Colonel Woodehouse has gone to Abou-llel to head oil the retreating dervishers. Thirty Works m Ashes. BeeicANi: Fali, W. T., Aug. 6. -The entire business portion of the 'city was destroyed by last night's lire. Twenly-llvu blocks wcro re d U cod to ashes. Tho estimated loss is 1 14,000,000. The lire started In a lodging house on Railroad avenue. Thu lire department was on tho sceno quickly, but owing to luck of wuter, thollro quickly p proud to nn adjoining frame building, and was soon beyond control. Upturned Iroin the Congo, Bhuhhklh, Aug. (j. Lieutenant Dhauls has just returned here after a sojourn of three years In the Upper Congo ouniry. Ho reports that commerce is growing rapidly in that region und thai trading stations are prosperous. Nineteen steamors ply on the river. iwii jmmmi iimiiif n-.n .'iiiirpi iimn... .....a ; r?-yfm-riT''M' iiw"iwniw:itfir'.'!- M Died of Thirst. San Fkani'isoo, Aug. 5. From Bono, Nov., comes tho follewing: From Louis Dean, who has arrived from ids Deep Hole stock rauch,a reporter learned that a man by the name 'of hong, into of Bosoourg, Or., who had been prospecting in tho vicinity of Rabbit Hole springs, pnd who had stinted with an emigrant for Granite Creek station, but who had left his traveling partner to take a shorter cut, was found about the middle of last month within a mile of tho ranch, where ho had evident ly perished for want of water, and where ho has lain for two weeks. This would make tho tlmo of his death the last of June. Tho manner in which ho had torn up tho ground where tho body was found showed that ho must, have died in terrible agony, Tho Cherokee 'strip! Tali:o.uah, 1. T., Aug. . The Cherokee commission in a commu nication to Chief Mays or the Chero kee nation, has tendered a formal oiler tor tho purchase of tho Chero kee strip at ?1.S1j per acre. Tho chief has adjourned tho session of tho executive council till next Thursday, at which tlmo ho will present the commissioners' communication to It. Sullivan lEeleused. Jackson, Miss., Aug. f. Sulll- van's friends obtained his release to-day. Ho was then taken to hii room nt tho Edward house, and re mained there until this morning, when a hearing was had before Judge Campbell of the supreme court, on a writ of habes corpus. Tho Judge ruled that Sullivan in'ust repair to Purvis, Marlon county, and give bond for his appearance August llith. Standing up a Train. Four WoitTii, Tex., Aug. 5. Six masked men stopped the Fort Worth & Denver mall and express train, south-bound, between Chey enne, Wyoming and Tuxe.wo early this morning. Two thousand dol lars were secured. Kilruiii Arrested. NoitKOLK, Va., Aug. 5. JakoKii rain was arrested this morning by Detective Norrls, at Ocean View watering place, seven miles from here. Kilruin's Arrest Denied. Baltimoki;, Aug. 5. A special to tho American says: Kllralu is at Hampton, Va and Ilitends staying chore somodays, and lie has not been urrested yet. A I'icturc. Largo piles of paper und other highly inlltimmablo rubbish lying In the alloy. A careless cigar smok er passes along nnd thoughtlessly casts tho short stub of his cigar in tho rubbish. Ignition lakes place. A regular Seattle or Spokuno Falls lire occurs. Great loss of property. Everybody knows then how tho (Ire might havo been averted, but no one seems to know now. A word to the wlso ought to bo sulllcleiit. Democrat. Romantic Spinster Excuho me, sir, but Is not this thu spot where the beautiful girl fell into tho water last summer and was so gallantly rescued by the gentleman who alter ward married Iter? Practical Bach elor (giving her a penetrating .rlauce) Yes, ma'am, but I can't swim. Undertaker What, kind of trim mings will you have on the casket? Whlow None whatever. A plain u iskct. It was trhiimlns that killed Hint. Undertaker What? Widow Yes. Delirium trliumiiis. A married woman should not ex pect her husband to stay at homo ivory night in tho week. She night to remember that the lodge has its rites. An eminent painter, on being isked what ho mixed ills colors with to give so lino an effect, answered, 'I mix them with brains, sir." Electric 13, tiers. Tills remedy is becoming bo well known and so popular as to need no 4pf:lul mention. All who have used Electriu Hitters sing tile same song of praise, A purer iiietlinlne docs not exist and It Is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed. Electric Bit ters will (aim all diseases oi Hie Liv er und Kidneys, will remove Pim ples, Rolls, hall Rheum and other uflectloiis caused by Impure blood, Will drive Malaria from iho sys tem und prevent as well as euro all Malaria fevers. For euro of Ilead ache, CoiiMtimption i.ui indigestion try Elestrlo Itinera- Entire satlsfius. tlon guaranteed, m money refunded. I,re60cls. and ki.uo per bottle Ht P'Mllcl J. J''ry's drugstore, Ml A .'d 1 BEmwmh t'j'f& '- jPBBgi-ZS3tt.1PMmi