a THE CAPITAL JOBBML MONDAY AUGUST 5, 1889. Stammering and Deafness. Stammering baa hitherto been supposed to be purely a nervous de fect. Somo experiences recently ac quired by the surgaons connected with the Eur Hospital, Soho Square, tend to call this view more or less in question. In carrying out certain operations to cure children of deaf ness, it was found that in several successful cases the operatiou had also simultaneously cured the pa tients of stammering. This fact at tracted special attention and study, and the outcomo has been the firm conviction that stammering, in the majority of cases, does not proceed from a nervous iiialudy, but from some obstruction or defect connected with the organs of hearing. In a number of cases selected purposely from the publlcschools this fact has, it is said, been abuudautly demonstrated. THE CAPITAL EVENING JOURNAL. ROttl V LROYAL ?,! J L!v4ltJurriwrVj AKlH! It should be generally Known that Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic in sures a nearty appetite and Increased digestion, dispels nervous depression and low spirits, overcomes lack of energy and wakefulness and will in fuse new life and strength into the weakest invalid. Sold by D. W. Mathews. Notoriety. It is human nature to desire no toriety, and the brain of man is con tinually taxed for means of being known. Tanner fasted, Sullivan fought, Edison Invented, Kelly mo tored. In Salem they amputate a hand; in Corvallis they run a foot race; in Portland they murder a neighbor; in Seattle they fire a city; in Itoseburg they run for congress; in Albany well, that's where we are, and it won't do to make any re marks. Democrat. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A mnrvel of purity, strength nnd wholesomcncss. Store economical than the ordluary kinds, and cannot bo sold in competition with the multitude oflow test, short weleht alum or phosphate powders. Bold only In cans. uoyal Baking Powder Co.. 100 Wnll.N.Y. ti , ., 'llu. " Cur,0", rBct .. . Notice of rnucollation of County That the body in now more susceptible to -.., , , ' benefit from medicine than at any other " fll'fliuS. season. Hence tho importance or taklmj ' s.lUo,,r)rvpui,n.hty .OlarUn.s--: Hood's 8arRaparllln now, when It rllldn sMw j4 herol.y glvui that In am.rd- j ou me most good. It Is really wondcrim nticowit' "An Art lo ro.uiic eomit uut I TH YAOUINA ROUTE. for purifying and enriching the blood, cio. ntlng an appetite, nnd giving n healthy tone to the whole system, lie euro to get Hood's iSiirsaparltlii, which Is peculiar to Itself. This is the season of the year when the raw, cold winds create sad havoc with the hands and complex ion. Soft white hands and a clear "peachy" complexion can be as suredly preserved by the frequent application of Dufard's Specific. If rubbed into the skin well it leaves no greasy surface. The skin absorbs it. Sold by D. W. Matnews. Something New. Ihe Pasco Headlight is responsi- Die sor tne lonewing: "We are in formed that the experiment of graft ing peach stock into sagebrush roots tried lust year by L. D. Pattie, has proved a decided success. Although the tree externally resembles the sagebrush, beautiful and delicious peaches can now be seen thereon, very much to tho astonishment of the skeptical immigrant. It is con fidently delieved by parties inter, ested, that two crops a yar may be raised and an attempt will be made to have ripe peaches on the trees this fall." Oregon is one of the most produc tive states in the Union. Its vast mineral regions containsgold, silver, copper, iron, and coal. Its immense tracts of grazing lands support thou sands of cattle and sheep, and its extensive agricultural regions pro duce all the cereals in abundance, the yield per acre being, in some in stances, the largest in the world. Among the useful and valuable prod ucts of the Web Foot State may be mentioned Oregon Kidney Tea, which has proved a boon to thou sands atliicted with pain in the back and kidney difficulties. It is purely of vegetable composition and never fails. Sold by D. W. Mathews. A Strange Death. A curious accident, which unhap pily has since proved fatal, befell M. Boutet, an artist, residing in the Avenue Victor Hugo. M. Houtet was working iu his studio, when, inconvenienced by the sun, he asked his bonne to get on the roof and pass a light linen covering over the glass. As the woman was ar ranging this awning she slipped, and, falling through the glas?, alighted on the table at which her master was seated. Oddly enough Bhe sustulued no injury worth mentioning. M. Boutet, however, was not so fortunate. A piece of the broken glass struck him on tho neck, severing the artery. He tried to standi the blood, aud failing, he ran out of the house in the direction of a neighboring druggist's shop; but he fell ere he reached tho place, and .wo hours afterwards he breath ed his lust. "How's This? We offer One Hundred Hollars reward for 'any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. Cheney t Co.. proprietors, Toledo, O: We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for tho last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable In all business transactions, and financially able to carry out any obligations made by this Arm. it est iTruan, wholesale druggists.Toledo, Ohio. E. U. Van Iloesen, Cashier, Toledo Nat ional llank, Toledo, O. Walding, Klnnan & Marvin, wholesale druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, uctlng directly upon the blood aud mucus surfaces of tho system. Testimonials sent Irve. Price 75c per bottle. Bold by ull druggist. An astute member of the legal profession, looking over some ojd documents recently, so far forgot himself as tn uaUisko the "will" for tho -"deed." Trucks and Drays. MORGAN & MEAD Are now nrovided with Ann n iimm nuu uuriis uuuurepreparea lo aonu ousi noss In that lino In the best of sliane. auuj Knu meir personal supervison lo uii ur&. i;ornG suue uinu ijommpirniui streets. LITTLE WOMEN are as a rule, possessed of happy disposi tions but when these sweet dlsposlllons.be como soured and Irritable, In cons'equeuco of the long train of dlstrcsslHg features peculiar to female complaints, they are then not companionable to say the least. It ts the duty, not only of little women, but of all women so nfUicted, to bring n bo ut the, subjection, nnd immedlato removal, of these painful maladies. This Is easily accomplished by tho use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Inscription, the great specific (or "female weakness," Ittsn positive cure for the most flowing, painful menstruation. unnatural suppressions prolapsus or falling of the womb, weak back, "femalo weak ness," anteverslon, retroversion, bearing- down sensations, chronic congestion, In flammation nnd ulceration of the womb. Inflammation, pain and tenderness In ovaries, and kindred ailments. All druggists. THEIR IUS1NESS BOOIIIMI. Probably no one thing has caused sucli a great revival of trade at Dan iel J. Fry's Drugstore as their giving away to their customers so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous iu this very valuable article from the fact that it always euros and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, croup, ami all throat auu iuiik dis eases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bot tle free, largo size $1. Every bottle warranted. O! Tho BTjrESS' GUIDE Is issuod M.-irch and Sept., each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur chaso the luxuries or the necessities of life. We oan clothe you and furnish you with all the necessary and unnecessary' appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just rirruro out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate of the value of the BTJYEH8' GUIDE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents W pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago, I1L Call and See T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIS NEW QUARTERS IN THE State Insurance Building, Cor. Com mercial and Chemekete streets 'O-ltf Fop the Public Good. It is an Indisputable fact that the hand somest vellbnle trains that nrc now run on the American continent nre those on tho Burlington route, leaving from Union depot In Denver, also St. Paul, Immediate ly on arrival of all through trains from the west. The first and second class coaches are magnificent, tho reclining chair cars suburb, the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuriant, nnd as for the meals that are pervea in iuoso p.-.ince iiurungion aining errs yum yum. The next time you go east to Kansas City, Chicago or St. Louis, I f you mention to the ticket ngent that you want your ticket to read Jroni Denver or at. Paul over the Burlington route, you will get it, and you will always be glua of If you go via the Northern or Canadian Pacific, tho elegant vestibule trains of The Burlington uoute, between tit. Paul and Chicago, or St. Louis, will carry you along the eastern shore of tho Mississippi river for a distance of 350 miles, amidst scenery thateannot be surpassed; or, If you go via the Oregon Short Lino or Southern Pacific, and your ttcicet rends via The Burlington Route from Cheyenne or Den ver, vou will nabs throuzn ail the thriving; cities nnd towns located in what is popu- inny Known as tne ueari of me uonuncni. For further information apply to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, 8o First street, Portland, Oregon. 4-19d&wtl M IDDSEHOLD SHOULD BE WIRf J;jj3 M j tRfiSTXESSNESS... fpSl a STKICTLY VtQCTABll KwKl D MULTLttS SAMILY MEDICINE. KM1 I acqm,sa:) iu L PHILADELPHIA. jflHj l ranis to bo in hit lied ulle. m i-u j mr., l'rmii tlieuulcoi itAiiancv, upprmeu reurunrv JS, list', thelollowlnjj county warrants Mill beiuccllcd If not prccentid lor payment within sixty days mini this date, July 1, issi'tnnupyi.'"nviu in uerenisea. K J BABCOCK, County Clerk, By D CSltKUMAN, Deputy. 3719 O. A. Cone $ 0 00 27M C. 0. Burnett 13 01 '.ml 9 0. 13. Corutllu It 00 10S LcalsDelor 2 (X) 1CT W. J. Ucrren 4 CO 747 It. C.Orer 4 00 295 S. L. McOhee t 00 419 JackFbllllps 8 00 H6 J. 8. VsURhn J 00 005 JobnSmltb 4 00 wan.M.wnie 6M1 S43 Hose Pratt... a 00 1U54 Leo Willis 1 00 1893 Ubii. Vtnable...., 1 so 1905 J. 11. Jones 2 00 3037 II. K. Huusikcr 2 00 2114 11. F, Over 2 00 2117 A.L. Ustes 4 00 2230 J. S. StoTcns 2 00 22C7 ElUbs Strong 4 00 2439 Oregon Statesman 4 CO 2503 J. A. Klchardsou 3 00 34S9 C. 1). Moore S 00 4238 Samuel Lewis 1 50 4290 A. It. Stephens 1 00 4294 O. Splgnot 190 4293 E. Downs 1 90 456J E.Tytel 2 00 4980 N. 1). Fry 2 00 8763 Itobt. CJoffln 170 C09S Augustas Oleaton 1 90 C1K8 It. S. II line-hard 1 00 6119 A. Lovejoy 1 00 6133 Kdward Farley 1 60 .11 J. W. Urrndle 170 161 E. Uunsaker 3 90 163 J. II. Cottle 10 V'O 269 Daniel Para 2 00 274 F. S. FMier 3 00 399 Wm.S. Kinney 1 50 663 1. J. Newburg 1 60 680 J. D Haws 4 60 799 D. Holdrldge 1 CO 849 It. M. WacleS IX) 11 00 857 D. O Cusbman 3 00 995 Tbos. Fitzgerald 4 00 1104 F. K. Smith 2 00 1199 Da :d Ooodsell 2 00 1308 M. Smith 2 50 1312 Cleo. Lefley 2 SO 1413 O. W. bltnej 2 00 1533 M. Crocker 1 60 1541 Ubas.Nellson 1 60 1748 E S.DrookS 2 00 1832 JatncB Coleman, Sr 2 60 1977 S. L Pardls 8 00 199) A. McKeuzie 1 50 1999 a. Ilittenauer. 1 60 20U1 J. II. Powell 1 50 2013 Peter Curdy 1 50 2017 J. U. Powell 3 76 2127 Lewis Miller 2 00 2189 J. L. IllilJle 1 60 2209 W. F. Drown 2 60 2342 David Long 1 70 2381 John Dccassi'y 2 30 2120 S.lt. JeMiup 1 60 207G Calla Liudsey 3 30 !7b3 John Mooro 2 80 2865 F. M.Hall 200 2878 D. Itobblns 2 00 2909 O. II. Hall . IU 3100 J. W. Dickens 0 00 3131 O N. Chtircblll 1 Id 3112 JohnOaborn 1 00 3143 Jas.W. Cook 100 3249 Alox. Negle 1 60 3J01 James fibber 2 20 3382 'Wm. Graves 11 00 3609 W.T. Cleaver 1 60 3749 H. II. Saago 6 20 3913 Mart. Chauiberlln 2 00 3940 P, O. Johnson 6 60 39C7 E.Taylor 4 CO 4U.vj ai. kalle...i 7 20 4065 Lorenzo Elliott 2 00 4079 Jt. Simmons 2 00 4088 McCully& Gilbert 4 25 4226 Mrs. J. A. Wanlcss 1 CO 4316 J. 0. Oachauau 4 00 8973 J.J. Ityai 7 CO 6728 J. H. Harriett 2 CO 4328 N.ll.Doty 4 00 Ordered thatthls list bo published as by law required. Bono by Juno term, 18. T. C. SHAW. County Judge. fee (lj Capital Journal . innnnnxT inni? Has Been Enlarged OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company's steamship line. ZSi miles shorter, 20 hours less time than by any othei imiie. First class through passenger and freight line from Portland and all points In the Wil ....... nV ,,wiu iu uii inim cmiu rrancisco. TIME SCHEDULT. (Kxcent Hiintin vol- icnvc Albany -Leave Corvallis Arrive Yaqulna l.eave Yaqulna Leave Corvallis . Arrive Albany . 1.-00PM -1:10 PM - 5:30 PM -6:45 AM lftMA M 11:10 AM trains connect at Albany and O. A C, Corvallis. The nbovp trains connect at YAOUINA with the Oregon Development Cofs Lino jrHtenMshlps between Yaqulna nnd Ban e ranclsco. SAII.IXQ DATES. STKAMKlLS. Willamette- Vnllov, FllOJf YAQUINA .Saturday Aug. 3 liid Greatly Improved and Now fs The CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN OREGON! TIE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER Tho majority of the Ills of the hnmma fcody arise from diseased. Liver. Sim ions Liver Regulator has been the means af restoring more peoplo to health an kftpplneu by giving- them a health Uver than any other agency on earth. ,; im THAT TOU GET THE OEMUimi $50. HORSES. $50. One hundred bead of brood mares and young horses for sale. Forty or fltty colts expected in the spring Two tine horses, Clyde nnd PcrWieon stock, weight sixteen and seventeen hundred; have been with the band for the past three years. Original stock from the best quality ot mares. For particulars address or see W. If. UYARS, wit. Balem, Or. OREGONIAN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Lino.) CHAS. N SCOTT, - - Receiver. On and after June23 18S9 nnd until further notice trains will run dally (except Sun day) as follews: BAST SIDE, The olik-tft Jipup. tup ou rvcjfd The Coburg Malli From Port-1 land STATIONS. 8.00 am ii-obtlandpaw v Foot of r Mtrect lluv's Landing. St. Paul's, U.Mpm 10.00 I Ar 10.5u 11.05 11.1'J 11.25 11.35 liiu li30 j 1.0.) liii L(M sa Ul 2.13 3.13 3.45 35 tl &07 &S5 fcSO pm Commutlnu jnlleon said Woodburn, Townsend, McKee, Mt. Angel, Down's, Hllverlon. Johnston's Mill' Switzerland, KastSldeJunct., jiucieay, Aumsvllle, Ale 0 1 Crossing, West Bcio, Crabtree, Hplcei, Tullmun, Plalnview. UrovrnsTllle, Rowland, Coburz. Alt LV Tickets ut two at sutlons bav Portl'd Mail iTow'rd Port land Ar. 3.45. pm. Ar 28 2.21 1.40 1.15 1.10 12.55 visa 12.2J 11.15 11.10 11..W 1U1I 10.4S laus laio 10.00 9J0 v.ai 8A! 8-18 7.42 &3) LV 0.-00 am cents per Ing ugenu. Omwictlon nt Mt. Angtl with staff for and from Wllholt Mineral springs and at Woodburn wltiirutbern i"acincoouipuny trains for and from Portland, Or .m m. v. mxivp. Itecelver. I Oeneral Offices, N WCor. FJntsna Pine, f xvriuiuu, urrf iih. POOR PEOPLE'S CHANCES. Soma years ago a city missionary was crossing ono of tho parks in Now York on the Sabbath day and said to a lad, "What are you doing here, breaking the Lord's da v? You ought to be at Church ana worshipping God instead of breaking the Sabbath in this way." The poor lad in bis rags looked up at the city missionary and said: "On, sir, it's very easy foi you to talk that way, but God knowi that we poor chaps ain't got no chance." The sentiment seems to be growing that in the United States the time has arrived when "tho poor chap- don't have no chance." There is some truth in it. The poor are not shut out from making a liveli hood, but the gulf between riches and poverty continually grows more diffi cult to cross. As the country becomes densely populated keen business com petition decreases the chances foi accumulating wealth by ordinary busi ness methods. But the same conditions vastly im prove tho chancea for great success to those who can strike out in new paths, can furnish something to ths world that others cannot. True merit, in commodity or ability. will win easily and with grand results in this country, if the masses can be induced to recognize it. This recogni tion can only be accomplished bv what are sometimes sneeringly al luded to as advertising methods. What a marvelous success has at tended the thorough introduction to the world of tho merits of that wonder ful remedy for kidney disease War ner's Safe Cure. lion. II. H. Warner first came to know of its curatiro power by being restored to health from what the doctors pronounced a fatal kidney trouble, lie concluded the world ought to know of it and in the ten years since he began its manufacture he has spent millions of dollars in advertising tho Safe Cure. His methods have been ingenious sometimes, perhaps, open to criti cism, but they had a purpose, which has been accomplished. But mark I he never would have secured a four fold return of tbe vaM sums thus expended if the real merit A FAMOUS BATTLE-GROUND. On the banks of the Tippecanoe, a small stream which enters tho Wa- hash River in Indiana, wan fought tho terrific battle of Tippecanoo. In this great struggle of frontier times, tho allied western Indians un der tho chi-'tninship of Elbkwatawn, tho "Prophet" wera defeated in No vember, 1811, by tho Americans un der tho command of Gen. Wm. II. Harrison. It was a desperate, hard-fought battlo, and much depended upon tho result. Had the Indians been successful, all harriers of defence for tho early settlors w uld have been overthrown and the eadly tomahawk would have been active in tho rupid extermina tion of tho remaining pioneers. On the other hand the fortnnato termin ation of the contest put an end to fur ther attempts at open warfare by the Indians. The rich territory, so long overrun by hostile savages, was thrown open for settlement, whicli rapidly occurred as soon as the news of the great victory becan. wide spread. Naturally great praise was rendered to tho success and intrepid bravery of Gen. Harrison and he was honored in many ways. He afterwards served as Commander of tho Army of the Northwest, and when Indiana was ad mitted to Statohood, ho was iwloctud to lepresont tho Stato in tiie United States benute. In 1840 he was elected President and his unfortunate demise occurred shortly after being inaugu rated. Tho forty-second anniversary of tho Battlo of Tippecanoe found the gal lant grand-son of "Old Tip" ieuding his forces to a great political victory whicli resulted in tho selection of Gen. lien. Harrison a.i l'rosidont of tho United States. Tiie Harrisons havo been a hardy race of men, sprung from old log cabin stock, which is a sufficient guarantee of its genuineness wherever found. Realizing the truth of this, groat effort has been made to ro-dis-cover some of the secrets contained in tho old log cabin fetock of useful jrtic'ea, and as the result, the famous Uld Iog C.ibin Sar.'aparilla, uuiver dullv regarded as tiie best Spring tonic and blood cleanser has beon 'ound. Not satisfied with tho world wide esteem which is held for War ner's Safe Cure, the only cure for k.dney difeas-s, tiie proprietor is willinix to do all that is iwssilile to es tablish Warner's Ig Cabin b'arsap ariila as foremost among household articles on account of its purity and irectiveners. After all, each individual has, at all Mine, the v'reat battlo of life or 'death J'Khti and for security attention IN, .MARION COUNTY', - ,w Read Our Reduced Terms! WEEKLY, one year,.-!., -?l.o0. WEEKLY, Hix uionllis,. 40.76 Now Read Our Discount for Cash WEEKLY, ono yeur, ..$1.00. WEEKLY, six months, -f0.60. WAM TIII2RE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IN TIIE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR, ONE-'"inRI) OKI-" FOR CASH. of the remedy bad not been fully ' "' neceefrarlly be given to the bent millions 01 people ",IHJ'"1 vn'iu" nicuu uuu uuoiiiu' proven to tbe reached bv his advertisements Ten yers of increasing success ol Warner's Safe Cure is due, first, tc intelligent and pleasing adverting, by which the people were made acquainted with the lemedy. Second, to the true worth of the remedy, firovod by actual expjriente, show in? t to be the only tptciftc for kidn.-y disease, and all disujTS gioving oi:i of kidney derangement. Mr. Warner lm something the people want, U--11 them so, then proves it to their i.iiUf4ctioniiu;r follows as a matter ut court. 5K 7 .mauity in the great contest. ti. ,f Ouir Old Subscribers Now in arreura are urged to tnl:o udvuntngu of our big discount, by net tling 1(1 accounts mid Joining the gtiind throng of one dollar HiibHcrlberut THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER liut a solid. pcrnuuKiMt redtictlou. Wo have come to tuy TO ONE AND ALL if yim hu n dlaclmrxe irom the note, olUn.Uc or otliervrlx;, iMtrllul loktnMlie vendor smell, nute or hearing, "ye wu terlnuorwtak.fwldullor debilitated, twin orprrMUrnln the liMid; take cold i-ully, fun 'may rot assured that you have ca arrn. Thousands of raM-s annually, with. out liianut-slins nan oi wis nwiyu symp-. . turn tennlnate.ln consumption and end ' more deceptive, l understood or more We nay, hciiiI ins your nciiu'ti. If you wuiit to take advantage of our "one can get ixtnl notes of other fn l"uraZTwVootttt eonvenluiit method of remitting, wn.l u-i your name and htato thnt you turrli stan edysol more deceptive, less unaersin'Ml or more i e kuj , nciiu ut juur uuiiirv. ii ju kuni ?XJ&i?&li2!i: , tlilnl oir for cwili." and are not where, you d'lc? wichr ihr nn0ort in rw?u ' wUI re,ult ut ,lrHt PItunlty. ThU will ensure your UjIdk placed on the sold by dmnrlits at M eeaUi, dollar list. NJIlliimetto Vnlloy Tiiesdny " l:i J 1 1 nmetto Valley, Thursday " 22 llliiiiietto Vnlloy Saturdny 31 STRAMKItS, KROM SAN mANCISCO Wjllamctto Valley Tuesday, July 30 1,me c -Thursday Aug. 8 I amctlo Valley Sunday is lllanietto Valley Saturday " 17 chanirc snlllinr dates without notice. ,....'. ' I'li''iiKers from Portland and all lllainctlo Valley points can mako close """""J"! ., 'o tmlns of tha AQIJINA 1WJUTK lit Albany or Corvallis, nnd If destined to San Francisco, should iirninKotnarrlvont Ynquluii tho evenlnir beroro date of sailing, IWnsfr snl h'rtlcM Itstn Aiwsys tkr !f ,wris ..?r inlt'rniatlnn apply tn Messrs IIU1.MAN A Co., KrclKht nnd Ticket ARentslM) and 'JUJ Front si., Portland, Or. C.C. HOOUK, Ae't Ocn'l Krt. A 1 ass. Agt,, OreRon laclflo It. It. Co., nil.HASWEI.b.Jr.aenW'S0' I'a'w. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 501 Monteninery St.; San Francisco, CnlJ Itemembcr the OrcRn l'nclllc's inipulnr sutiiincr excursions to Yaqulna. Ixjwmto llekcls nro now on sulo, pood every cdnesday and Saturday Irom Albany, Corvallis nnd Philomath. ' Yours truly, C. C. flOClUK, a, O. V. Agent Overland to California -VIA- Southiirn Pacific Company's Lino, TUB MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time lietwctn Kalem sod San Frsnclito. Thirty-six Hours. CALIFORNIA EXI'ltKSH TKAIN HUN DAILt. .ir.i ,, ,.r. niltll, -u AX411H. F. South. -1:00 p. in. (1:11 p. in. 7:15 a. in. I.v. Portland ArT I.v. Salem l.v. Ar. San Fran. l.v. 1Nertli: 10:15n. ill. :,i.i n, in. 7:W p. in. LOCAL 1'AHMKNUKH Til A I.N - CKIT BUNDAY). (l)AIl.V KX. 8.00 a. in. ii:iu a. in 'J: 10 p. in. I.vT Portland Ar. I llilA p. in. l.v Haleni i.v. lasa p. m. ' Ar. Kiik'cno I.v. U.OU a. m. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS' For iiocoiiimodutioii of second elius piiNscngerH attached In orprcs trnliiH. 'I'll,, M l ,w....,,,.f ......... uectlou with nil tho regular trains on th ..uFt, nwu uiviHiuu iruiu inoioi r siree Portland, iVcst Siilo Division, Between Poiilanii and Cervallis: DAILY (lUCCKIT HUWIIAY). 7SI0 a, iii. I Uv. Portland Ar." " :'J0 p. m. I2:l p. in. 1 Ar. Corvallis I.v. I:.l0i.in. At Albiiuy anil ComiUlx connect wllu trains nf Oregon Paclllo Railroad. TliroiiRli tickets to ull points south mid east via California ICXI'UKWfrnAIW (IIAILY KXCKITHUWIIArT TiSU P. in. I l.v. Portlunil Ar.' I ' MOTCm". :00 p. in. j Ar.MoMluuvllluI.v, C:M a. in. Through Tickets I To all points 'WM and EAST -VIA- OaliforniA. For lull inlonnntion regardim; rales, iiinpa, etc., apply to thu Coinpuny'M auvut, Salem, Oregon. F P. iU)(ll!ilH, Asst. O. K. und 1'iiss, Ait't II. KOKlll,Klt. ManiiKer. Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY. Columbia River Route' Trains for tho east Uuvo Portland ut7:t5 tin and UM nm dully. Tlo ets to aud from principal iMilnts In tin United States, Can Ida uud hurope, ELEGANT TULMANN PALC. CARS KiHlfc-riiht Hlceylnif Cars run through on express tn Ins to OMAHA COUNCIL- IlI.tKF 1111(1 BT. I'AUI Krep of Clmrgc ami Wit ou Cliange. Connections at Portland for Han Frar tisco and piiKct Hound points. For lurthur particular nddress any iigenlof the company, or A, L, MAXWELL, O. P. & T. A O.J. HMrrii.dfL'l Muuaiar, Portland. 1100 ItfcWAItl). 10U. The readers of thu Jouumal will be pleased to learn that there Is utleuKt ono dreaded disease, that science lius been ubla U euro In ull Its stages and tliut Is culurrii. i lull's Coturralt C'uru Is the only Kltlv euro now known to tho inedlcul frnterui' Cuturrh beiiiK u constitutional dlseus e iliilresu oonstltutlonul treatment. uaU's Catarrh cure Is taken Internally, uctlnif Ul metly iiki;i the blood and mucus sur facts of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and gtvlui; the patient strength, by bulidlut up thu constitution aud usslstiug nature In doing Its tork. The proprietors have so much fulth In ItscurtUUe jsiwers, thut they Oder One Hundred Dollars for uny cuso thut it fulls to cure, Heud for list of testimonial, AUUimii4iUHb.lf I VV 4USU, Vi Old by t)lHtUt,1tt, lj i! til v i v?i 1 VI 1 1 , '. m i vl I ll , .- ,. . . ..- . j laMMMMUMgMsLSMsMWsMMIsMsW