ES BfeiWWiEggggr! & THE CAPITAL EVENING JOUBNAL. TnE CAPITAL JOURNAL TEHMH OK HUllKCKIPTION. One ye nr by mall.. ..two Hlx month by mull....... .- 2 fio Three months by mall . ........ 1 2.1 Per week, delivered by carrier...... 15 vrr.r.KVY. Ono car by mull.. ....-.. Hlx month by mnll One your. Ifiuld In advance Hlx months, If lld In advance.. 1 S) 7 1 0 i 5J "For advertising rates apply at thin ofllce AllHubcrlberstoTllKCAi-lTAl..IoUK!Ak who do not secure tbclr paper regularly will notify this olllcc, giving address, and tho matter will be nttende'd to at once. Office, corner Court andjLlberty HtrectH SATURDAY AUGUST 3, 1S8U A Oolilen Opportunity. To bo euro vou will wish to hear from Salem every day while you are nt the neap iile or lu tilts inouiitnuiH and If you wll leave you roVder here tlio daily Capital Jouknal will be furnished you at ouly 11 fly ent per month. Jlemember this and before Hturtlng to the coast leave your order. At ii Hmruicr Itcnort. Seenu Yaqulua Hay. Time Arrival of hU ainer Klchurd won at Newport. I'usHengerrt are hurrying U) and fro, eager to land. In his hurry one man shoulders his tent and, grip in hand, starts for the gang planlt, when the Captain forcibly detain him to extort an additional two bits for tho privilege of landing his bag gage. The pleasure seeker imtuially objects, and while unwinding- his wallet, by way of Information, nskf of the Captain tho time of day and course of the wind. That w rthy makes reply, at the same time say ing: "four bits." Again the stranger rebels, but Is informed that ho must piyforthe time the Captain de voted to him In conversation. And of such lstlefatoof the tourist at tho Hay. Wlui 'limy Arc, Considerable interest Is being taken In tho young culprits now in tho county Jail with gloomy pros pects before them, on account of their rash act in tampering with a Hwltch that caused tho loss of a hu man life, says thu Democrat. Tho Itolfo bovs aro sons of J. A. Itolfe of Sweet Home. Fred Is twenty-two years of ago and was married about a mouth ago; Herbert, tho princi pal criminal in the matter, isslxtewn years of ago. Their father says Her bert Is a good boy and tho pride of his mother. Hill claims to bo from Astoria. Ho Is about twenty-four years of age, and many think he was most to blame. Tho three to gether being lu thu same boat stand u good chance of sinking or swim ming together. Why Not ii Taper Mill, Farmers complain of having to bundle too much straw with their grain. And when it is considered that nothing makes liutter paper than straw, the (jostlon arises why would not a paper mill bo a paying investment lu Salem? Tons upon tons of wrapping and tho co.irsor grades of paper are used In tho val ley every day, and thorn Is no mill lu this region. 'Huoli au enterprise would bo an assured success, and no better location for such a mill could bo found than right hero lu Halum. " ' A Colin lileurn, Many years ago, at his home lu New Uedfoid, Mass., Wash. Sthnp son, who has made Salem his homo for a number of years, heard tho wonderful story of Mr. Holden's captivity and suffering among the barbarous Islanders. Upon his ar rival In Salem at au early day he chanced to hear Mr. Holden narrat ing his story and ho then know he was In tho presence of the hero of thu Massachusetts tale. .Mr. Sthnp .sou is now nailing the story as nuli lishcd In thu JnriiNAi, and finds it deeply Interesting. An Attromimlriil DUcoivr), A new star has been discovered lu thu firmament. It was seen last nlghl by parties at liutt'ktudouc-c, and was located lu tho northcaat heaven and appeared to bo nearly uIk)vu Salem. Tho discovery sovins to bo of a star of thu second magni tude which Is of a peculiarly bright hue. Thosu who saw it wonder what It could have boon; as (ho twltik- ler varied Its position by it few de gree while tho discoverers watched it. Tho same sight was witnessed on Thursday evening, by parties In Halvm who loouto It to tho northeast. Wheat Coining In, Fanners aro beginning to bring their wheat to the mill. About i'y (KM bushels per day ore now being brought lu and the pricv lias ml vancvd ono ivnl per buxhii, It Is now bought at ttt cents, ThU Is a hotter prio than has been tnitl for mouths and Indications now are that tho list will continue. N nl i lllirr. The 'Ihrvo Sister arrived this I morning from 1'ortlaud and went on up tho river. Shu brought a good lotul ofKi'iu.nil fU'lKlu, una muiio noon t;niuti to Irwlu S. liivrniul' Portjamli galjfij unit nthw jwJaU, " vrisui-l it'b Koodtluw In jilte ot the low Mk .MI Belle Url, both of Marlon In comiunywltli tfirItiHmlv, ijvinanViui. Venter. U"ty. ,'wwnvWn; ' ' " " ' .?jfSSg!5f July Weather Report. During July, 1889, there was no rain. There were 10 clear, 1 fair and 2 cloudy nnd 5 smoky days. Tho highest temperature for the mouth was 01 on the 10th; tho lowest tem perature for the month was 6(5 on the 1st; mean temperature for the month 00.0. The average mean temperature for July in twenty years Is Co.-!0. The. average precipi tation for the month in the same time Is .45 Inches. Tho difference in the averago precipitation since Jan 1 Is 1J.30 inches. The prevail ing winds for the mouth were from the north during 27 days, south 4 days. T. Peakck. Eoi.a, Aug. 1, 1889. Albany anil Astoria Hurveyor. The Sheridan Courier says: "The surveying party of the Albany & Astoria railroad company arc run ning lines In different directions from here, to And a practical route through the mountains to the coust. As Is usually the case, no definite information could be obtained from tho .engineer, but In answer to tho ques tion whether Sheridan would get the road, ho said: 'J can't tell what may occur, but It seems to mo that the indications are favorable for the road to strike somewhere in tills vicinity.' H states that the route between here and Albany Is an ex cellent one." Ihn Stanley Propel ty hold. This afternoon F. Levy, executor of the estate of James Stanley, de ceased, disposed of tho Stanley farm at public sale. This farm consists of,'l!20 acres and lies cast of tho asy lum. The property was bid In by P.J. D'Aicy,for tho state of Oregon, ut HI per aero ami it is understood tlie same will be converted to tho use of the asylum, and as there is considerable of it, tho reform school may bo located there. This is the same tract that was sold at public silo a few weeks ago to Itreyman Uros. at $.3.r, but which salo Judge Shaw would not accept and ordered it to bo re-sold. It Is quite certain the present sale will stand approved. A JHImiiiiiiiigt'il Pintnllleii. Tills writer knows from personal experience that tho postofllco at Newport Is badly mismanaged perhaps as badly as any in tho great state. Complaint is general among tho strangers there. Asido from be ing inaccurate, hois cross, and un accominodating. Iihrors lie may make, but his snapping replies to Inquiries and his failure to give out mail when called for can bo assigned to nothing but wilfulness in one case and carelessness in tho other. Iluriott imil (iruln Hunting. Harvest Is rapidly passing by and farmers have begun hauling wheat to the mills. On Salem lmurio a large amount of threshing has al ready been done, and there aro a few crops that aro not cut and the farmers report them ro ripe that tho grain shatters out. Polk county's harvest is rapidly passing and harvest will be through early this year. Coming to Salem, The MoMinnvlllo Reporter says: Thefjrmof Bishop A- Kay has dis solved, Chas. Bishop retiring. Mr. Bishop lias long lieeu Identified with tho business Interest of the city and has at all times proven himself a reliable, eoucleutious business man, and wo regret to learn that ho will make his homo In Salem, mov ing from hero about Christmas, un til which tlmo he will clerk In tho stole." Tillering lh i'lly Wiitur. The pile driver v. Ill bo ready In a few days, when tho workmen will commence driving piles around tho suction of tho Salem water company In tho river. They w ill put one row of piles around thu suction and about ton foot from this, they will place another row. Between those rows of piles they will place gravel and charcoal. This will servo as a filter and add much to the purity of tho water. Muro Nuiv lloiita. Several of thu river boats of tho 0. 11. A N. aro so old and their hulls so much rotted that they will have to bu laid on the shelf by next sea son. Thu Occident is one and the Champion another. Those aro both upper river boats aud It Is not tin- prolmblo new voels will lw built to take their places. Nut Much Danger. The water works jit Salem aro to have a ten million gallon pump. If It should burst homu day (hero would boa Johnstown at tho Capi tal, Albany thinks It U "oonio punUhis" with a two million gallon pump. Democrat. Sold at MierltTs Sal. J j) thu matter of sate of thu Davis proiwrtv ! SliorilfB Mlo thin After.! noon, tho limil wsj IkmiIU tty J. Itatrlii'llor for JiiSO. i Tim Miiitui Kut. . A itmrrltvs) Ikvnee was thh nftuf ' racking Hummer Fruit. Squire Farrar & Co. will begin i packing fruit nt their wareheuse: in this city next Monday for ship ment. This firm packs every year nnd sends some flue fruit east. The Uartlctte pear Is ready for packing and there will baagoodcropofthem. The yield in fruit this year will be large. The evaporators also will soon start up. m Ho I'or Yaqulna The following were passengers for Yaqulna on the morning train: T. B. Walt, Mrs. Knte Frazier, J. G. Wright and wife, Mies Ada Urey man, II. B. Holland, S. W. Church and wife, Miss Lena Nubcrt, Mrs. H. Ellis, Mrs.SIattcn.WileyMoores, Jno. B. Phillips, C. A. Itobert, Dr. Cuslck, "W. E. Burk, Frank Baker, Miss Francis Jones, Mrs. John West nnd Miss Oiblctt. rUKEhY PEKSUXAI,. Cleneral Odell Is in the city after a visit in Portland. Hal Patton returned home from Yaquinn this afternoon. Richard Dearborn is able to be around after a few weeks sickness. Prof. E. B. McElroy returned home this morning from up the road. Miss Halite Parrish went to Chcniawa this morning on a brief visit. F. J. Strnycr returned home this afternoon, from Southern Ore gon. Wm. Brown returned homo from his trip to Yaquina, this after noon. Mr. Brodie and family returned to their home in Poitland this morning. Tho Misses McNaiy returned homo this morning from their Ya qulna trip. Mrs. Frank Cooper returned homo from Stayton on the after noon train. Mrs. Biisto returned to her home at Chcmawa this morning after a few days' visit in the city. Q. O. Bingham and wife return ed home last evening, after a Tew days spent on the Nestucca beach. Mrs. Judge McConnell and .daughter of Fargo, Dakota, are in thu city, visiting at tho residence of Mrs. K. N. Cook. Mrs. J. D. McCully has arrived safely at Joseph. Mr. McCully is en gaged in business there and she has gone to Join him. E. C. Wright arrived In this city tills morning from Roodhouse, 111. Mrs. Wright a sis ter of J. L. Mitchell of this city. Miss Oer'trudo Bryant of Bea vervillo left this afternoon for Port- laud. Miss Bryant has been visit ing in this city for some time past, IiOUAIj SUMJ1 KY. John II. Smith of Astorl.ii was to-day appointed notary public. Independence is putting on metropolitan airs and will open up a new saloon Monday. James G. Clark, who is to favor Salem with his preenco next week, Is tho author of some of the most beautiful poems in (lie Kuglish lan guage. Foil Sam:. Tho new cottage of F. T. Monroe on Church street is for sale. For particulars apply on tho promises opposite tho M. K. church. By buying of tlrst hands tho agent's commission is saved. C. CI. Royal, while engaged In working ou thu jetty at Newport, Tuesday, had the misfortune to fall a distance of twenty-three feet. Ho received severe Injuries, causing him to be paralyzed from thu waist down. His recovery is doubtful. The wreckers arrived at New port from San Francisco Thursday and' they will proceed at once to blow away the old wreck of the Ya qulna Bay with dynamite. The Oregon land company aro having u well sunk In the ever pop ular Highland park aud plonstiro re sort. A well of good water there will bu a groat convenience and of Incstlmnblo value to the public. It Is Indeed pleasurable to deal with a reliable husiucis house. That Is thu general verdict of those w ho purchase their groceries, etc., of jho uld'CKt.thllslieil and woll-ntocked grocery hou-eof Squlro A Co. They have all goods lu their line fresh aud pure, tf. Painless dental operation nt Dr. T. C. Smith's, V2 State treot. -At Corvallls this fall au effort will he niado to haw the kinder- j gartcn made a part of the public' school. A voto will have to ho tukvn i before this can lie done.' j Epicurean tea, plnt, oils, j varultih, window glass and ti flue mu Kwucnii Kiwenw hi i.iiiwi Jttcrs-oiK. tf. The flret tni!n ua the Orsn California, nunl arrival In Altrtu.v J JW0 ikiltvk, p. m., lVwmiirMh, 1S70. TJirw liiinlfwt ro)ft fha OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. Jt Is estimated that 12,000,000 grain bags will be used In harvesting thin year's crop In Oregon. 1 1 Is no longer a question of doubt that u gang of counterfeiters is at work hi Oregon. The country Is nflllcted with tho presence of a lot of men of questionable reputation, and many bogus twenty-five cent and half dollar silver pieces nd &5 gold coins have been put in circulation. The.McMInnvHlc Reporter has It from headquarters that the Astoria road will not come farther south than Forest Grove In crossing into tho valley; that it will connect with the P. & W. V. (narrow gauge) nt Dundee, and have its Portlaud depot at the foot of Jcirerson street. A party of engineers arc at present In the field surveying for a railroad from Eugene to the Siuslaw country , und before another year has elapsed construction will be well under way on this line. Thu Siuslaw harbor has just been surveyed and proved most satisfactory and the engineer In charge will recommend a liberal appropriation by congress to im prove it. It is the opinion of the state board of horticulture that tills mo&t de structive enemy of not ouly the fruit, but the ornamental aud forest trees as well, tlieSau Jose scale, has secured a hold lu some of the or chards in Southern Oregon, and it is feared that it will be found in other parts of the state. Careful in quiry, from parties with whom the scale Is found, develops the fact that they have been brought into Oregon on trees shipped from California. The Portland Mercury has tho fol fel fol eowing: Tho question of establish ing a dully Democratic paper in this city is again being agitated. It has been understood for several mouths past that young Mr. Hearst, propri etor of til San Francisco Examiner, has signified his willingness to pub lish a lirst-class daily in Portland, provided a reasonable subsidy was raised by the people to show that they were in earnest about the mat ter. If "Mr. Hearst were interesteo. in a paper here, lie would spend half a million to make it a success. A Conundrum. A young man seated at dinner, tho other day, said to his wife: "Ellen, if you are good at guess ing, here is ti conundrum for yeu: If the devil should loso his tail where would he go to get another one?" Aftersome time spent in guessing, she gave It up. ".Well," said ho, "where they re tail spirits." Eager to get it off, she hastened to n lady friend with: "Oh. Marian, I have such a nice conundrum! Joe just told me of it. I know you can't guess it. If the devil should lose his tall, where would ho go to get unother one?" Her friend Marian having given it up she said: "Wheio they sell liquor by tho glass." Marian didn't see the point of the joke. Early In tlio Field. A theatrical manager was one of tho first persons to visit Okluhoma, expecting to establish houses in the new towns of Guthrie and King fisher. Ho found tlio towns had grown In a day from nothing io fifteen thousand inhabitants, with but few of tlio necessaries and none of tlio conveniences. He at once built houses to fill, or rather, re lievo his great want, and, being eminently fitted to conduct them, was sure of success. Ten cents ad nttcsloii was charged, tho tako was very large; but on tho third day tho people demanded a reduction of rates, allowing at least three for a quarter. This being refused, the population roo as onijnan and ex pelled him from tho country. Police Judge "State how the trouble originated." Accused "Wo wus holdlu' a debatln' society and I had the tloor aud he called me a liar." Judge "What followed?" AeciiHHl "From that time until wo were anostod we both had tho tloor." Dyspepsia MnkiM the llcn of many people mUorable, uml ortoii KmiU to fctlfrlcotructln. We know of no remedy for d periila tlnui lliHHt'n S.irNtparlll:t. It nets gently, ) et surely iiud elUrleutly, tones the stom ach mid other organ, remove the fulut feeling, oreatesu good uripotlte, curva head none, and rcfrfthe the burdened mind. (ile IUhhI'h SarNirmrlllu a fair trial. I wilt do on glHHl To-morrow belnjr August 4th thocoloreil jHHiplo will generally cel ebrate tho declaration of tho procla mation of emancipation by Abr.i ham Lincoln. A liOOU CUr Of COFKKE. I a KtMt attraction for u restaurant. Tho coilcedruwu from Hcllenbrand' Pat ent Coffee receptacle U one of tho many Onxit Attructlou Of til fitting parlor. ThoiiyAiUiorciirwof hi excellent code nrolaewr) week. And nt fur oj:i'r and iiimU lie lannot bo eqiulrd lu the Vile. If. ' ' O ii i A sn o tuikt tike 1 um mt Inferior inn trirkv. rluNi ilyrrli tooth oaii eh htUUIlflll u lttli unit tuilt lirtli Sold by nil u,uflM, Cron Curt) uncxiuttle dfar ehroulcicoutlu and cold, mid M i nir, i',nx. rm NOB HILL This new plat just puton the market Is the most desirable nowofTcred in Salem for building lots. They have no equal. The whole plat is In a fine state of cultivation, seeded In clover, with a good turf. No grubs, no stumps, no rocks or gn vel, soil good, elevated and level, has n fine view of the city, surrounding country, the mountain ranges nnd snow-capped peaks. Pure cold well -water. Is twelve blocks south of the Chemeketc hotel and postofllco blocks. These lots aro ofTcred by Jones & "Watson ou Installments, one-tenth cash and one-tenth in quarter yearly payments without interest until paid. These lots are now actually worth in cash more than the prices named for them on long time without interest. Sev eral lots have already been sold on which fine residences will he erected, and a number more have been optioned. If you want one or more lots call on JONES & WATSON, wh j will show you the plat and the lots. THE RELIABLE GROCERS. KELLER Corner State and Specialties in Table Luxuries, Pine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. WE LEAD IN Remember the- 1 m i s FOUND! Success in Business requires preparation I Therefore, thoroughly master Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship and Business Correspon dence, Book-keeping by both Single and Double Entry, the nature and correct use of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law and Business practice. Learn, nlso, Shorthand aud Typewriting. Manifold, aud Dictation work. All these are needed In business, nnd are thoroughly taught by exper ienced teachers at the SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon. F H ire Fire! lAtok out for JohS by Fire during tho hot weather. WITH ISAAC A. MANNING, BANK BLOCK (UP-STAIRS,) In tho lMcltloof Portland, Queen of 'Liv erpool, Northern of London, the Germrt nla or tho llumburg-..nKcleburg Klro In- Biinuii-i'miiiiHiuies, representing minions of dollars pjld up capital. WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY t (iraauMtcs .Students in Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AND MEDICAL COURSES. It 1 the oldest, largest and least expen the Institution of learning In the North net. Hehool opens tlrst Monday In September Sen d for catalogue to TllOS. VAN SCOY, . lreldeut. Salem, Oregon. "MIm Itmwn would b a charming elrL" , Insure Against Loss I heard ayouug man say, 'Ifkhehadagood complexion and the' " spots would go away; J Hut they spoil her looks completely." If Houk nml CarriaM Palntlm? Mis.lirown would only take .Sign writlnjr. Paiicr hanginK ami Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical DUeovery litwratitlg, Wall tinttntr anil ka - what a happy change 'twould make, "soillllllng Cxev'UteU hi the Utit It would drho out all the humors from ftyle. l her blood and make It pure, Andw u! wUT compUlntU ot dl" . Experienced, Workmen Employed. Thu medicine u the great puruier or the Satisfaction Guaranteed, tlood, aod dUflgurlng eruption, 'and , " Call anil w ti- boon von lot vnnr Wotehea wtllpwnTmBlihwneoUlsuMd work. ""NOUr k Liberty Streets, Salem. CANNED GOODS. Place and Call. Then..a depressed languid feeling, los ot appetite nnd complexion. Now restor ed to perfect health nnd vigor by Wright's Hop Celery nnd Chnmomllo Hitters. Sold by II. W. Cox. A Life Preserver Wright's Blackberry Cordial. Keep it In the liouso for cholera infantum, dysentery nnd summer disease. Sold by nil druggists. m INSUItANCE CoinpanjTi I Fire nnd Ma rine. Salem, Oregon JOS. ALBEItT, Agent, - For Bargains IN Family Groceries Provisions, Fruits Etc.. OO TO THOMAS BURROWS, Commercial Street, Salem, Or Country produce of nil kinds nlwnys on hand. If j ou have not trnded with mo be fore, 1 respectfully solicit u trial believing I can suit you both in prices and quality DR. JORDAN & Co.1 OF ANATOMY .51 MarketsUSan Kranclsco Admission a cents. Gonnd learn how to avoid disease. Consultation nmi treatment personally or by letter,. on biiermalerrhn.i orgeulUil weakness, and all book. I'rtvnte otllce 211 Consultation free. Geary street. H. F RANKIN'S Paint Shop No. 1254 j Commercial St. ffi! Bs4J A FULL LINE --OF 'V swan! dim Ul(l With specialties In Valerian China Tea Scfs, French China Dinner Sef& RIDG WAY'S FAMOUS Buckingham Pattern -OF- ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN Of which wo constantly keep a full lino nnd open stock, enabling us to make ut Dinner nnd Ten sets of nny size, or sell hv the Bluglc piece. The finest assortment 6 CHAMBER SETS Ever shown In Salem. A FULL STOCK Ot thelntct nnd hnndsomest patterns In Glassware. , 0-Plcae cnll nnd examine our stock. WELLES BROS,, 201 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon, have received direct Tho Finest Line of CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS,, STAGE COACHES, MOUNTAINWAGONS SKELETON WAGONS, DOG CARTS and OTHER VEHICLES which will bo sold at Prices and Terms to Suit All! These goods "are flrst-elnss nnd as their stock Is very huge u person can And what they may wfsh. Their wnrehouse on 8tato street Is comnlctelv filled, and thev have another enr load en route now. Lookout lortnem; something line XARYEL0US . EMORY DISC0YERY. Only Genuine System of Memory Training Four Books Learned in one reading. Mind wandering cured. Every child and adult greatly benefited. Great Inducements to correspondence Classes. Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A. Hammond, the world-famed Specialist in Mind Diseases, Daniel Gieonleaf Thomp. son, the crreat Psychologist, J.M.Buckly 5,,TCl'ltor of tno Christian Advocate N. . Y,, Itichard Pro -tor, tho scientist, Hons. w . . Astor, Judah 1. Ilenjnman, and others, sent post free by I'rof. A. LOISCTTK, 237 I'lfty Ave., NY Je-13-S9. dw ANE OV THE LAHGEsT ESTABLISH- Uments In the State. Portland. Lower rates than l-nnrftat Cttr Tjm.l IllnMlf. Iw thehtntc.n'd biggest discount. Send Mr price list of job printing, nnd catalogue ol legal blanks. ft. ji. WAITE, Steam Printer Sa'em Oregon. BLACKSMITIIING aod HORSESHOEING. 1 7 Havo moved to 47 ,w.e,heare now TeadT tor work. All our old patrons and friends nre Invited to call aud Eee us In our new location. We 2fL K.!tc,r PrePwl tor work now than eerhalng secured mure room. 10-1-tf. nt(H iO Cnn riMtAt jBUCKSJIITIIING and WAG0NJIAK1NG. I H0LJ.,,,?ti,IE.O,'D "ELIAHLE BLACK- ." smith, has removed nls shop to M,rnc.f Cmnerctal and Cheniekete ?verind1I,niliino.w llrcPared better than .?&.?? ''.''ti'i'l' "flagon and carriage i ;.i7 . S.""" Vi"a,ne; a kinds of blact "mains and repairing, nnd a irenaral ,rL,'"?e,ng business. Hehasafi kinds Imp.tai Here They Are scrber poll PRINTING. l"l l TV ATT T mm PHI ' atTantiAV; ;.r..Jr "V'emino manner, special ' orH Sn,VIVS1lfn to ,u.'? construction ofwag-,SmJiSdS?rfiafw- "emember the placo oppoithtnte Imuranee building. G f ONLY! ,"? I Ullj BMn. II.. U Uliwil tM4My. x,MWHl4Ml5Ail