LTfUiirtrra 1 THE CAPITAL EVENING JOUBNAL. M mE CAPITAL JOURNAL TKKMH OP HUIWCHIPTION. DAILY, One year by moll ......... $5 00 Hlx month by mail --.. 2 M Throe month by mull. ,.... .. 1 & J'rr week, ilelhrred by carrier.......... 15 WI.PK1.Y. One year by mail. .......- M CO Hlx months bjr mnll . 75 Ono year, If imld In advance I OJ jii months.lf paid lnodance.r.... ft) Kor adcrtllnit rates apply at thin office AllHubtcrllierstoTllKOAl'lTALJoUKKAl, who do not secur their paper regularly will notify this office, giving address, ami the matter will be attended to at onio. Office, corner Court and ;LIIcrty Htretts FRIDAY AUGUST 2, 1889 A flolrien Opportunity. To be Hurc you will wish to hear from Balura every day whllo you arc nttho wiftHltle or In tho mountains and If you will leave your order here the dally Capital Journal will bo furnlnhed you at only fifty cent per month. Jlcini'iubur this and Ixiforo (darting to the tosiit kave your order, Iliinlueii Looking Up. In combination with a well known htiHlnuHrf man of Salem thin morning n Journal reporter wiih given the gratifying Itifonliatlon that already the Indications polnte?! to the commencement of a good, lively lull trade In all liroH. He Huld that within two uvw he ex pected bii8lnenn to be better here than It wiih two week n later lost year. The rcaxoiiH uuMgni'd are good. One Ih t hat harvest wiih eai ly and another In that It wiih liountlful In all viops and In eer,v direction. The laruieix will have much to wll and their products will biing Hiiug llguix'H. Taking thin wjnciblo view of the situation, the pivMiiit (pilet la fur easier withstood. Where, Oil, When.? Once upon a time them was an oMbrt made to connect the Luckla imilu country, DallaH, and 8alem by a line of CoinmlttceH Were appointed to look into the mutter and there the great mibject tchIh. Where IhIIiIh cominltteo andwhutare they about? This railroad HchunieHhotild not bo allowed to paw Into the great beyond and Join tlioarnryof might-have-beeiiH, among which may bo mentioned Ico woikH, fourth of Ju ly celebration, exeolnlor factory, etcetera. Mimltully Jiii'llnnl. Itlw almoHtiidtHgrace, with such fine band liirfliinuulH and bo many good fflrfomud'H, that the eltleiiH of Oiiluin bhoulif not be tieated to occa sional opori air mimical concertH. There Ih iv fine baud Htaud In the purk and a good mini of money ul- leady HiibHcribed to eucouragu the band do.vh in their labor. PerhapH If the baud would give a wimple en tvrtainment Home evening hoou the required money could be cattily rais ed. It Ih a wonder they do not try t ho experiment. About Heady to Hturt, Tho fruit evaporator Ih ithiiut ready to begin work for the HcaMm of 1881). Kverythlng ha boon made In readlneoH for the rapid handling and dlnptwltlon of IminouHo qitantl ties of ft tilt this HoaHon and a laigo number of haudn will Ihi employed at tho evaporator. The capacity of tho plant Ih nearly double that of last year and a elder department hits been added tut well. The llrnt work will bo with prunes and appleH and the first of those fruits u 111 bo ivady to handle next week. . A Virlil or .Spurt. This bcawiu tho young folkH aro Indulging In the great game of lawn tennis to an extent not before known hen'. There aro'nlooly ar ruuuvd anil well kept courts In both Marlon and Wilson squares, besides many on pilvate gummls, Tho uoIIoh anil beaux of tho capital city are thus atlhrded admirable oppor tunlty for developing their talants In this most exciting and healtlUttl or outdoor guinea. Already Salem has a number of artistic, not to say scientific, wlelders of the rackets. 'Hie Orvat Pot Nlngnr, James 0. Clark,tho nuet ooinjuiher, was In Haleni to-day, and called at tho Journal ollliv. He will give one ot his entertainment in the Christian church next Tuesday oven lug, and will slug a solo In the niiuo church at Huuday morning sorvhv. Mr, Clark, thoHweet dinger, is ell known the world over, notalono for his delightful voleo but for hU grand vert hs well. ll.mulit NolUf I41U, K. Mi Lafoiv has purclm-sod of Mr. Harey his lots on Ulorty street. This Is a beautiful piece of proiH'rty and litis 41) foot front. The aero. prlooimld win iW0. Mr. Uforv owns tho iruH!rty this Mile of theo and (lie one ho has Junt purchased, thus making it line piece of proorty. ( llrltrr. Mr. E. Strong, futher of Ahum j Strong, 1 Improving slowly from his HcrioUH Ulnc-N. He is near eighty years of ago ami u his . new relate to the hturt his condition l 3)rlderod prvVHrloii, ' il IrnoM tiik valict to tub sev Doc .Snlem Want the Alitor la Road, or Don't She CaroT Every day the preliminary sur veys of tho Albany and Astoria rail way lino arc being pushed along tho projected route from the valley to the sea. Salem Is not Interesting herself, seeming to rest comfortably, satisfied to see the road make con nection with tho great Willamette valley at Albany. Salem acts as If sho did not care whether the road was ever built or not. But really the sentiment of the cltl7uns of the capital city Is unanimous In a dc slro to have tho road come hero. Tho advantages offered by Salem arc many, but unless backed by a spirit of enterprise and gct-ln-and-work they will not amount to much when placed In competition with tho rustle and go-aheadatlveness of her neighboring cities. The Salem, Tillamook & Astoria railroad company wax duly incor porated and an effort made to have tho lines of survey run. Here the matter was dropped. Tho estimated cost of the surveys was reiorted and a public meeting was held, and for a time tho public exacted to hear of something being done. Hut it was not done. No more meetings 'were held, and the matter would have been forgotten but for the fact that Albany shortly afterwards organized a company with a similar purpose as Us object, and already has the survey about completed. This recital of a few plain facts it is hoped may serve to stimulate those who really have tho welfare of Salem at heart to do something in legard to the securing of this Astoiia lailioad before It Is everlast ingly too late. Was to Hung To-Day. Hut for the friendly Intervention of a doubtless very much appreciat ed respite, Clinton Pennington, tho young Mlssouii lad who at present occupies tho murderer's cell in the Baker county Jail, would have been hanged to-day. For, according to tho sentence pronounced upon Iilm In open court, this was tho day set for the expiation of his crime on the gallows. It dawned upon tho minds of Home of the legal lights that It would not bo " doing justice bv Hamm, Jointly Indicted with Pennington and charged with the Hame offense, to remove in such haste one of principal witnesses to tho nllnlr before lie dlumnri could Hoeuro a hearing and tho bonefit of his testimony. "This polnt,"tho Ba ker City Itovelllosays, "had more to do with Pennington's respite than anything elso brought to bear on tho powors that be, and whatever hopes tho condemned man, now reaping the short live benefits arising from tho Hame, may build upon. It will bo as though founded upon the shift ing sands of tho seashore." Not (Imitirally Know, Thoro recently died at Salem a man who had been identified with Salem for many years, before which time he served several terms In the army, "jimniy Biierhlau" wiu llkod and respected and lived to a good old age. He was married twice, and became tho father of twenty-four children, nearly all of whom aro living. His family aro living there now, and a lengthy cortege followed his remains. Ho claimed to bo a cousin of Phil Sheridan, and IiIh children re member seeing the groat captain when ho visited their father on oo- ewioiiH when ho came to Oregon. Jimmy told with prldo of tho time when ho used to put "Cousin Phil" through his regular dilll, which mint have been when ho was learn ing tho trade of war. Orcgoulan. Damaulng l'ret liri Up on the Crooked Finger prairie, about fifteen miles east of Sllverton, damaging and dangerous forest fires are raging. Dr. II. J. .Mlnthorn htw a ranch up In that region and wont today to look after his Interests. Heforo leaving hero ho received ln formation that one mllo of his fence had ixvn consumed and tho llro wiih dangerously near his barn and Ini provemouts. Every etlbrt Is being made to cheek tho fire and inert ad ditional damage. Sonm Omul AtvruKv. Unins. Scott of South Pralrtohas Just finished harvesting ami thresh lug afield of white winter wheat that yielded forty.five bushels to tho aero, lllclitinl Swire of South Pralrlo alo had a forty-two-acro field of tho sumo, counting five acres which was knocked down, that yielded thlrtv-ono biisbols. ir P ! Walker of Kaloni Pralrlo had ntlftv-!u,ul hor " who will arrive aero lleltl of barley that rave tho on- ormoiu yield of tlfty bufOiela to tho t HuriMl NvarlvOrr. Tho hnrvtwt of the Ktnlu uil for uvk will iluil the tluhh nil sunuwl. Thrwihliijr In itrvKiHlliiK rajtWIv,! nml in nniutlrallv ull beliiir iv ,,.... .,w..a v -H U4IVIIItiM . .. Mount K)wr. Is The Kind tlillutr v-otmt frutn Dal In, llmt the burnt ilUtriit will bo ! - oIiI rebuilt ulimxt nt imuv h.v mlmi. j They Imvcult pnvU In thylr utu7A:sSiS nT nA l'rit?H. fret rerpetual Motion Crank. Men who think they have dls- covered perpetual motion can bo found in every little city through- out the civilized world, and while many of them arc not enthusiastic enough to waste their lime and money experimenting, yet they be- Hove lu the certainty of the future soiuuon oi una most ausiruso proo - lem.oi a material naure mai .as presented Itself to the human mind , 1 ... 1 i 1. oh they do in their existence. Port land has two or three such characters, and, according to tho Telegram, Sa lem has ene: "There is an old mechanist in Salem, I think his name lsj'owcrs, who has been at work on perpetual motion for twen ty years, during his spare time. He is worth some money now, and does nothing elso but experiment, although he is nearly 70, and feels as confident as the other cranks." Article of incorporation. Articles of incorporation were filed with the secretary of state to day as follews: Wurtsburg and Leb anon flume and water company. The business Is to build a Hume from Wurtsburg, Linn county, to Lebanon in said county. Tho capi tal stock Is $20,0(X)( divided into shares ot the value of twenty dollars, each; wlthO. Jennings, M. II. Mc Pherson and J. B. Walt as Incorpo rators. The supplemental articles of the India packing company, in creasing capital stock from $15,000 to .10,000; Ira B. Sturges, Eugene D. White and H. M. Cake as di rectors. Eclipse manufacturing com pany, with Ira B. Stuiges, It. H. Thompson, Chits. II. Woodard and Eugene White us incorporators. The capital stock is $5000 and is divided into 100 shares of tho value of J50 each. Tho principal place of busi ness Ih In Portland. Motor I.lncx. Corrcopoiulentoof tho Capital Journal. Hurrah for Court street and the motor lltial Hurrah for the people of Court street. They dnti't oppose Improvements. Hurrah for any poi son who is willing to make a small sacrifice for tho good of tho whole people. Some claim that it will be a direct benefit to Court street and tho avenue. Wo don't hurrah for such, for they want the lino for sel fish purpeses: of such is tho under signed. Give us tho motor lino on Court street, with a transfer boat to connect with the Salem, Dallas and LVtl- OIs. it..., fpi, iwi iiri,i(r will come with tho Salem, Sheridan and Nestucca line. You can't stop it. Very truly yours, Si.tii II. Hamm Kit. Notary I'nlille. James Barron of Portland, Wm. Smith of Baker City and J. A. Applegate of Salem were to-day ap pointed n6taries of public by the Governor. l'or Va (j u I mi. Dr. Henderson and .wife, T. B. Walt and J. II. Cook left to-day for Yaqulna nnd will spend a few days down by tho sea. I'UKKIiY PERSONAL. Miss Bush went to Portland this morning. Miss G. Gelsy left this morning for Wilholt. J. B, Starr took tho morning train for Yaqulna. Mrs. Wlro and two children left this morning for Portland. J. 1. Thompson returned homo from Portland this morning. Dr. Henderson and his wile left thlH morning lor Yaqulna. -Miss Ethel Crane loft for her home in Portland this morning. Mrs. Bunco returned homo from her trip up tho this alter noon. B. S. Cook of the Oregon land company returned home from Eu gene this morning. Miss Mai- MoFaddoii of Penn sylvania h in the city, tho gue-t of Mrs. K. 11. McElroy. U.S. Simon left this moinlng for Portland to visit hb. father, who has Ju-t returned from a trip to Paris. -Ml h. J . PurrM. wlfoot Ch ef lolU.olurii-l.of Portluntl Islnlhe city. Hio w, nccon.p.Hilcjl by n ton ami dutiBlttor of Clnts. ,Turrlsli. ni, ihmuiro ww ono of tho ninnbor that loft Unlay for Ne jwrt. lie will Join hit. family thoro uiul ronutin on tho twist for tun oeks. J. li. Mitchell wont to Portluntl to-lay ami will thoro moot his sNtor mm "w tutlay to inako Salem their future home. ItVlI l.l.ltAlll, atll I SUMJUKY. -Tli., M t iilI "lui,.l i.. l.... ' i .a TV V ":",eiCoilh)mv.uiclUon of the many K IlKtiReil to AirilUlt imislo for thv.ure.ti AttntetUnu of hl eatln.' iwrlors.' - m lA" ,wxl mUUu u l,,t,ec, lliraWetotll with a reliable busline 1uhi-h. Tlmt A the ueneml veiMIoi of thtuo w lu . ! minOiiN.1 ,rr.wsrl.w .t.. ..f ii,.. I . ... - ..... ...... .-" ....-,. ,.-., ... .1..' - cmIaMUIiisI uiul wclt-atocketl I i htMJ MWUVVMI ItlllV t'illltlt fc V ji mirl uj. If. "Sunset" Cox, who Is DOW In Portland, has a high honor which unit few aro aware of. He Is the only hiving man in public life who voted f0e u,e admission of Oregon as a state on February 1-i. 1859. He , Knlned the soubriquet of "Sun&et" by writing n georgeous description jofau ocean sunset. , ..... R ,.,. ,,(1i ,.,,, fif 1 " . -'W a.v .. ,0- F T Mouno on c,jurch 8treet ,g , . -, .,,. nnnIv on the promises opposite the M. E, church. By buying of first hands the agent's commission is saved. t-D. 1). Prcttyman, who has been oruiepasiiew weens worKing ,n I the interests of the Oregon land! company In collecting sjKjeimens of fruits, grains and graces and hns traveled considerably over tho coun ties of Polk, Linn, Benton and Marlon, says that he has not yet this year seen a threshing machine propelled by horse power. Steam Is the universal motor. Painless dental operations at Dr. T. C. Smith's, 02 State street. Epicurean tea, paints, oils, varnish, window glass and a flne Hue of general groceries at Gilbert & Patterson's. tf. OCCIDENTAL JOTTINGS. A rich ledge of silver ore has been discovered near Cottage Grove. Albany's street car line will bo in operation by tho middle of August. Astoria says let the sacrillglous vagabonds of the Salvation army be driven from the city. Sixteen miles south of Kalama has been discovered a mountain of solid iron. Tho Hlllsboro papers are urging tho necessity of raising a subsidy for the Astoria & South Coast rail road, so that tho company will miiko that place their valley ter minus. If the constitutional convention at Olympia keeps on it will soon do away with the necessity of having a legislature. There is scarcely any subject, however small and insig nificant, but what that body has provided for. The ratio of school children to the total population in Oregon Is one to five. The total number of school children in tho state is 03,098, which on the live to oue basis, would make tho population of Oregon 405,499, an Increase of 210,278 over 1M5 and 200,72.1 oyer I860. Swindlers. Fruit treo swindlers mo again iu- festing tbe country. Tho scheme now lu hand is to furnish a farmer with so many dollars' worth of trees say $o00 freo of charge. The farmer is to plant and take proper euro of these tices and to deliver to tho agent one-half their profits for ten or twelve years. But if tho farm Is sold during this time, tho trees are JLt? Ixaidfor at the price agreed vjjon; aud as ovidonco of good faJibAlie farmer gives his bond to thlswect for the amount. So far there Is ho fraud, but in u short time a man c pcaranc viien along, admires tho ap of tho farm and tries to buy It. Priie price is finally agreed upon, a d the farmer is to furnish a olear titto to the land. Of courso tho bond has been recorded, mid to j secure the sale is promptly paid. And alter tho fruit treo agent has been dispensed with, tho fanner turns to his supposed purchaser, but, alas! tho bird has flown, and ho goes homo a sadder if not a wiser man. Willamette Farmer. A story Is being told of a very close citizen of Washington that he wanted to go to Lynchburg recent ly. At tho ticket office ho was told that tho fare was $1.80. "One eighty," he muttered. "Gif you 51.40." "Can't cut rates, sir. One eighty Is tho fare." "Glfyouono fifty." "Nope. One eighty." "Don I'llvalk." "That Is your privilege," answer ed tho tioket seller. So ho started oft" down tho track, and ho had made about half the dis tance when ho heard an engine toot- , whWIllg l(ehllld hlm Vou ni!Stlll,t vlBbtkV Mlt, ,w WftV, ,, linm, nVll Hot wme iwkti. Dvspcpsla Makes tho lles of litany peopln miserable, uud orteu leads to M'IMeMnietln. We know of no remedy for dyspepsia than UimhI'h SarupnrUtu. It acts tvntly, j et Kurcly nnd ettlrlently, tones the tom itch Htid other organ, rniot tho taint feillnj, crcutetfit good uppcttte, cures head acne, and refnties the burvleued mind. Clle Hood' Harjp.rllla a fair trial. I will do ) ou good A GOOD CUl' OF COFFEB. 1 tftVtlt llltrwM Ittll tl A rt intrant 'N"' "r lfwn from Ilelleubruud's Pat I liU tfvr..nit nmu' tire Ml,te ery wk. And w. for oy.Urs , and mraU he mnpot Ih equaled lit the utitle, it. gratt. uiUtake-rT .in ait , Inferior deif mniv. Writf lil'K. Mrrli f.t.ilti IktlUllI iKxiuuiui wane t.vth aud pure -.. -:"-" -. - .-... mkio gU. tld by all druirgWu, Krxwtu. !-.- ., - ..." '"' "" atr puusv. sd NOB HILL This new plat just put on the market is the most desirable now offered in Salem for building lots. Thf y have no equal. The whole plat is in a fi ne state of cultivation, seedc d in clover, with a good turf. No grubs, no stumps, no rocks or gravel, soil good, elevatedandlevel, has a fine view of the city, surrounding cuntry, the mountain ranges and snow-capped peaks. Pure cold well water. Is twelve blocks south of the Chemekete hotel and postofflce Kocks. These lots are offered by Jones fc Watson on installments, one-tenth cash and one-tenth in quarter yearly payments without interest until paid. These lots are now actually worth in cash more than the prices named for them eral lota have a,ready heeQ mlA.m . , . . and a number more have been optioned. If you want one or more lots call on JONES & WATSON, win will THE RELIABLE GROCERS KELLER Corner State and Specialties in Table Luxuries, Fine Tea, arid Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. WE LEAD IN Remember trie m i rM FOUND! Success In Business requires preparation ! Therefoie, thoroughly master Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship aud Business Correspon dence, Book-keeping by both Single and Double Entry, tho nature and correct use of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law and Business practice. Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing, Manifold, and Dictation work. All theso are needed in business, and are thoroughly taught by exper ienced teachers at the SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon. Fire! Fire! Look out for loss by Fire during the hot wenthci. Insure Apst Loss o ISAAC A. MANNING, BANK BLOCK (UP-STAIRS,) In the Pailtlcor Portland, Queen of Liv erpool, Northern of London, the (lerma nla or the Hamburg- .iBgdebui-g Fire lu Minuter companies, representing millions of dollars paid up enpltnl. I WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY Ummintcs student In Classical, Literary, Scientific, Normal, Business, Law, AM) MEDICAL COURSES. It l the oldest, largest and least expen sive Institution of learning in the North west. Hchool opens first Monday In September Send ror catalogue-to THUS. VAN 8COY, 17: iTviuenu Salem, Oregon. "U1 ,,rown w"l be a charming girl," " " man say, ""hawidaKood complexion and thc-e 'poisweuiugoaway: Hllt ,hy tpal her ,ook' completely." If I Ml Brown would nnl- b lr. Herre's Oolden lledical niseoery what a happy change 'twould make. It would drhe out all the humor from her blood and make It pure. And the blemishes complained of dUap. iwar, be very sure, TuU Btedielne U the great purifier of the Hood, nd dhjhjurlnf eruptloai and thM wjy -won -RUl wHen It It on long time without interest, bev- whIch flne residences will be erected, .. - T, j. ,, w show you the plat aud the lots. & Liberty Streets, Salem. CANNED GOODS. Place and Call. Then..n depressed languid feeling, loss ot uppetite and complexion. Now restor ed to perfect health nnd vigor by Wright's Hop Celery nnd Chamomile Hitters. Bold by II. W. Cox. A Life Preserver Wright's Blackberry Cordial. Keep it In the house for cholera Infantum, dysentery and summer disease. Sold by all druggists. INbURAHCE Company. Fire nnd Ma rine. JOS. ALBERT. Agent, - - Salem, Oregon For Bargains IN Family Groceries Provisions, Fruits Etc., ao to THOMAS BUBU0W8, Commercial Street, Salum, Or Country produce of all kinds alnays on hand. If you haonot traded with me be- t irajjccuuiiy solicit a trial believing I can suit you both In prices and qunlltj ,fiDR. JORDAN 4 Co.'s MUSEUM OF ANATOMY 731 Market st. San Francisco Admission 25 cents, no and leant how to avoid dUejse. ConsulUitlon aud treatment personally or by letter, on spermaterrhin-a or genital weakness, and all dlseasso of men. Send for a book. Private ortlce 211 Consultation free. (iearyutreet. H. P. RANKIN'S Paint Shop No. V554J Comniercial St. 1 ! H A w Hoik, and Carriage Painting, Sign writing laner hauging anii tleoomtlng, Wall itutlng and kal sonnnlng exwuted la the Iatet tftylo. Experienced Workmen Employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call and e us before vou let votir A FULL LINE -OK- Glassware! Valerian China Tea Seis," French China Dinner Sets. RIDG WAY'S FAMOUS Buckingham Pattern OK ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN Of which we constantly keep a full line and open stock, enabling ub to make up Dinner nnd Ten sets of nnv sire, or tell bv the single piece. The finest assortment ot CHAMBER SETS Ever shown In Salem. A FULL STOCK Ot thelntest pnd handsomest patterns in (Ilnsswnre. S-l'lene call ana examine our stock. WELLER BROS., 201 Commercial Street, Salem, Oregon, have received direct From Eastern Factories The Finest Line of CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, " SPIUNG WAGONS,, STAGE COACHES, MOUNTAINWAGONS SKELETON WAGONS, DOG CARTS and OTHER VEHICLES which w ill be sold at Prices and Terms to Suit All'! These goods "nte flrst-cluss nnd as their stock Is ery large a person can And what they may sh Their -n arehouse on State street Is completely filled, and they have another car load en route now. Look-out for them; something fine HABYEL0US MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System of Memory Training Four Books Learned In one reading. Mind wandering cured. Every child and adult greatly benefited. Great inducements to correspondence Clashes. Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A. ti?.,'?110' tne world-famed Specialist In & X;t R.lchard Proctor, the scientist, lions, w. w. Astor, Judah v. Benjaman, and others, sent post freo by Prot A. LOISETTK,' -337 Fifty Ave., N Y Je-lW. dw INTING. 0- Por NE OK TIIK LARGiWT ESTABLISH ments In the Stntn. Tnwi mt ih. 'Ortiand. IjUnrPnt HtrWlr Tlfml DlanUd I.. tho State, ad blecest discount. Send itt price iisi oi jod printing, and catalogue oi of Job printing, and catalogue oi .l(,.w uu.ukb. re. at. waite, Steam Printer Salem Oregon. BUCKSMITniNfr and HORSESHOEING. ie .moed lo nnd 19 State street, where they are now ready for work. All ourold patrons nnd friends are Invited to call and see us In our new location. We are better prepared for work now than e er ha Ing secured more room. 10-1-tf. and WAGONMAONG. JIOLJI, THE OLD RELIABLE BLACK liV hm,Ulv 'las remocd his shop to the. corner of Commercial and Chemekete ,,Kii- il" . " " reaay ,to sen-e the public. He Is now prepared better than etertodo all kinds ofwagon and carriage making and ronrttrimr. nil i.ina ki1-t. (smithing and repairing, and a general uurwi .iioeing Dusines, He has all kinds Sf as n'8,.ertl,rotfln?? han1 mad?. tc,od nu them In n sclentiflo manner. Special attention given to the construction ofwag- m MU ONLY! flTTTfR v.k. fsody m.aVfiia. T !T "!' l "!t'r Otfmm ul rifla IM), il-J.w. ..tuii., ii-.. imuHrt-twtu li v. Ciwei'Viiii With eScVlnnlp In v mwjm mm i ww, PR !1(6P0H " Vi M ''tj"I. - m"i' "' :JKSZZ alrWi'T"'nnrnrvii'tTnfTnrn,iiiiiiTiiit-fiiii-iiiiiiBijiiiiii i 4jlifafc .j.jltki.V