Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, August 01, 1889, Image 4

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One year by moll -.........?" to
Six montlii by mull . 2 f0
Three month by mnll .. .... 1 '!
Per week, delivered by carrier........ 15
One year by mnll ..... li BO
Hlz months bjr mnll .................. 75
One year. If txild In advance.... - 1 0)
Six months, If nld In advance...... M
JJe'or advertising rules npply nt this ofllco
who do not secure tbclr paper regularly
will notify till" olllce, giving address, and
the mutter will bn nttended to nt once.
Office, corner Court nnd JMberty Htrccts
TiIUH8DAY-...AUaUBT 1, 1889
A (loldrii Opportunity.
To be sure yon will wIhIi to lienr
from Balum every luy while you are
ut the seaside or In Hie mountains
and If you will leave your order hero
tho dally Capital Jouknal will
ho furnished you at only llfty renin
per month. Kemomlier this and
iefore start Itig to the count leave
your ord-T.
Mrr,'y u SnggiiNtlnn.
A new-comer, meeting a man of
thoJomtNAii at thu mturpuutioii of
two HtreolH of Salem yititerday even
ing, Inquired thu names of I he
ntreotn upon which the meeting oc
curred. It wuHliiiposxIhlii toatiHUe."
Hint nlmple Inteirog.itlnu, as then1
aro no boards at the street corners to
Inform the wayfarer what streets h
is traveling. This ineiduut wll!
serve to remind those win mo duty it
Is to keep these guides in place that
such duty lm been utterly neglect
ed. The names of Kulem's streets
should bo familiar to all, and as the
city has been to the expense of hav
ing a (uautlty of these bo.trds paint
ed, such boards should bu placed
where they will do good instead of
being destroyed as they now are.
Oregon Lead n Uninl. :
Profcaor McHlroy wtys Oregon's'
I display nt the National teachers' as
jsoclatlon atNnshvllle was n grand
one and succeeded In attracting gen
eral attention as well as bringing
forth volumes nf Intrrmrr.'itlniiH. j
People were nstouuded to think that
such could bo the product of Oregon,
which In generally looked upon by
eastern people as so far out west that
the jumping ofl" place Is distant but
a brief span. He thinks the adver
tisement has been worth thousands
of dollars, in so much as it will no
doubt be the means of Inducing
many people to come here to at least
inquire for homes. Prof. McKlroy
gives it as his opinion that the dis
play Oregon Is preparing for the Na
tional encampment of tho 0. A. li.
at Milwaukee will be a great
feather in tho cap of tho leading
state of the Pad lie northwest. Tills
exhibit is to be a grand one and on
an Immense scale.
1Ii1m.T Claim Taken Up.
Iteeent advices from the Bautlam
country are to the effect that all ot
the available surveyed lands lying
between Mills City and Quartzvlllu
and between the two forks of the
Santlum have been taken up and are
held as timber claims. Home have
been taken as school land, some
homesteaded and not a few pre
empted. These claims It Is gener
ally understood have been taken up
In the Interest of an eastern syndi
cate which gives $800 (besides ex
pauses of securing title) for each
mi trier section, rnesc lamis aro
among the most desirable, and some
interesting developments may bo
looked for at no distant day.
License to lVeil.
A marriage license was this after
noon granted to Itebecca A. Pickens
and Jacob F. Johnson, both of Ma
rion county.
Notary 1'ulillr.
It. M. Davlsson of Corvullls and
"Win. Farley of Portland were at
pointed notaries public by the gov
ernor to-day.
Anion); lliu Crippled.
James Hatchelor, who has been
laid up for some time with catarrh
of the hand, Is Improving. Charles
ltensou, who ran a splinter into his
hand lust week and had blood pois
on to set In, is Improving to-day.
Mr. George, the gentleman who fell
from the mute school building Tues
day evening and broke his arm, is
Improvelng slowly. Tho convict
who cut his hand oil' to keep fiom
working is improving. Ifu will lw
sot to work Immediately after his
arm is well. Win. Claggett, who
was thrown from a wagon a few
weeks ago, Is able to be around.
IdiiuIiI a llhirk.
Mr. Henamin, a well-to-do farmer
of French prairie, yesteiday pur
chased, through Duncan &. llooth,
u full block In Yew park. This gen
tleman will at once make extensive
Improvements on his propcity by
building a line reslduuce, and when
thu Improvements aro completed ho
will remove his family to this city
for residence. Ho comes here that
ho may be permitted to give his
children a good education. Halem
Is proud of her schools, and those
do well who take cognizance of tho
udvantages ottered.
At lb n l'alr tlrimmts.
Work Is progressing rapidly at tho
fair grounds. There aro now about
forty stalls built and a number of
fhio horses are aheady there for
training. Tho giouuds aro In a poor
condition, but tho work of improv
ing them will soon commence. Tho
track is also in a poor condition but
will bo woiked well before tho meet
lug of the Htato fair association dur
ing tho week ot September 111.
Another Hummer Itumirl.
II, A. Thomas returned last even
Injr frou Bodavlllo, wheio ho had
uccompanled his family. They will
remiti it camped there a mouth or
longer. At Soilnvlllo aio inilto a
number of Salem people who praise
that village as a resort. Mr. Thomas
thinks there are nt least ouo hun
dred campers there and all seem to bo
enjoying thonisolven In a thorough
A Tjpleul Hioort.
With tho summer tourist all goes
swimmingly until ho reaches the
NowHirt wharf, where tho vampires
extraoLfrom him iwonty-llvo cents
whurfugo for every piece of baggage.
In other words, ho ays his faro and
for tho transportation of his effects,
and then when his destination is
reached an extortion Is made for
permitting him to laud.
Home, "ookery Wanted,
Tho Jouh.vai. Is asked why there
aro not to be obtained in Kalcm
home-made bread, pie, etc. Tho
inquirer sayH that there are doens
upon dozens of families that would
bo glad to purchase such dellcaclc'i
dally if they could be had fresh
and nice. During tho heated term
there are many housewives who are
not anxious to do much linking,
neither do they like to use bakers'
bread continuously. Perhaps a
venture as suggested would ha suc
cessful. .Someone might make the
Niih I.lvery Mulile,
.Specifications aro under consider
ation for the construction of a new
barn to ho occupied by Miuto &
Lowe. They have obtained a ten
years' lease, with privilege to pur
chased at tho expiration of lease,
tho quarter block (1(16x1(15 feet) cor
ner Coint and High streets and
there their new building will bo
elected. Tho contracts for con
struction will soon bo let and the
building will bo completed without
delay. It will bo twostory and eon
tain one hundred stalls.
rjultc ill at Prenent.
Old Mr. Strong, father of Amos
Stronir, Is very 111 and not expected
to live, at the home of his son in
South Siilem. His illness Is heart
Kstate In Probate.
In matter of the estate of John
Hughes, deceased, David Simpson,
administrator, files final account,
heiarng of which is set for Mon
day, September Ud.
An lnnuiiu (llrl,
Miss Jessie Donley arrived at the
asylum forinsano last evening. She
Is but. thirteen years of age und came
from Portland. Her insanity Is
herldltary und her case is u most sad
one, she being an orphan.
J'or Yaqulna.
Tho people still continue to go to
Yaqulna, the following are tho
passengers for to-day: Mi's. Mag
gie Orchard, KdwSn Morrison, Mary
Miles, Emma K. Hello ami F.d.
A Griming Itnrg,
Surveyor A. (Jesiier has just re
turned from Mills City, up on the
Oregon Pacific, where ho has been
laying off Fliabclh addition to
Mills City. This addition is the
property of Mrs. S. K. Rice and
consists of three blocks.
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem.-
An Immense. 1'iimp,
Tho Salem water company have
decided to replace their old pumps
with ouo of Improved pattern and
Immense capacity. They will pur
chase a ten million gallon pump
and late in tho full It will arrive
hero and bo placed In ixisitlon. This
pump Is as large as those used In
some eastern cities of live times the
population of Salem.
lllll of Inceptions Tiled.
In matter of the ease ot tho State
of Oregon vs. W. 13. Hawkins, at
torneys for tho defendant this after
noon filed with the county clerk hill
of exceptions. 1'his action is taken
preparatory to tho appeal to be taken
to tho supremo court.
Articles ol lneoiporalloii I
Articles of Incorporation weie to-j
day filed with the sccietary of state,
as follews: Theltoblsonville gold and
sliver mining compiny, with
Franklin Claion, W. I). Canard, L.
H. Jlowmtm and W. J. Wolfe as in
corporators; capital stock $lfi,0(K),
divided into shares in the value of
ire. each.
Tim School Apportionment.
County school superintendent
Yoder will make his annual appor
tionment of county school funds
on August 10th. Jy the enumera
tion there aro ";t(ll persons of school
age and the amount of the appor
tionment will bo til) I per scholar
Of this sum M 10 Is drawn from the
state fund and ffi cents count v. Tho
total apportionment will amount
to 1.14,810.30.
Onngrmnit Mountain l'lre,
Up Silver Creek and only about
threonines south of Sllvertou flics
aro raging In tho timber and are too
near not to bo dangerous. In clear
ing for a now roail tho timber was
slashed and fired, and as a result
there Is considerable blao and a sea
of smoke. The greatest caro should
bo used at this season of the year,
else damaging lliesmay result.
A lllg N.iw Mill,
Thoro aro forty-flvo men employed
In tho logging camp of tho Mills
City saw mill. This mill luuiita
paelty of iSfiW feet of lumber per
day, and Its facilities aro soon to lie
doubled to twice their prm inca
pacity. They have no supply of
lumber on hand, tho demand being
equal to the output.
To AdtertUo Salem Abroad.
Tho August West Shore will eon
tain bountiful Illustrations of Salem,
together with an elaborate write-up
of the city and surroundings. The
Salem board of trado have contract
ed with tho publishers for an edition
of lfi.OOO pamphlets to bo compiled
from tho illustrations appearing in
tho ni.nga.lne. Alo ;ho Oregon
land company aro preparing subject
matter for a similar edition of 10,
000. Inthe-o pamphlets will also
appear tho best Illustrations that
weie In tho January (Salem) num
ber of tho West Shore.
F. I J. Somers of Knt Portland
is in the city.
Geo. Starr returned home from
Dr. McAfee returned homo from
aqtilnu yesterday afternoin. This new plat Just put on tho market Is tho most desirable now offered
Deputy Sheriff Doug Mtnto; in Salem for building lots. They have no equal. The whole plat is in a
came up from Portland last evening, j Hue tte of cultivation, seeded in clover, with a good turf. No grubs, no
-Benson Starr returned home to- 8turnn no rocks or grave, "" B00' elevatedand level, has a fine view of
day from his ranch in Kenton the city, surrounding counto the mountain ranges and snow-capped
countv. peaks. Pure cold well water. Is twelve blocks south of the Chemekete
' ' ,,.,,.,, j hotel and postofllce blocks. These lots are offered by Jones & "Watson on
. .VH' ., , . ;V, r!" Installments, one-tenth cash and one-tenth In quarter yearly payments
the city visiting her sister, Mrs. Dr. j w,thout Mcrmt mm loam qqw actually worth ,n 1,
' i more than the prices named for them on long time without interest. Gev
Win, O. Dcneif, deputy sheriff eral lots have already been sold ou which fine residences -will be erected,
of Jackson county was in the city nmj a nuraber more have been optioned. If you want one or more lots
yesterday. ca on jQNES 4 WATSON, win will show you the plat and the lots.
Miss Mac Boise left this after
noon for Hubbard on a visit to Mlas
Mrs. Wm. Sargent and daugh
ter Lulu returned home from Smla
vllle to-day.
Dr. Jennlng and daughters re
turned home from the const on tho
afternoon train.
J. H. Howe and wife and Mrs.
J. M. Howe lef this morning on a
visit to Portland.
Prof. Crawford of Portland
passed through tho city this morn
ing, on his way to Jacksonville
Vaness Gardner and Charlie
Glllingham, of this city and Fred.
Plperand Claud Strahan, of Albany,
started yesterday for a week's plea-
suie trip to tho coast.
Mrs. M. J. Dorrance arrived In
Salem last evening from Ohio, ac
companied by her son .1. B., and is
tho guest of her sons. Her future
home will be made in Salem.
11. 11, Northup and a lawyer
named Perry,both of Portland, went
up to Albany this morning to asslst
in prosecuting the harvest hands
who displaced the switch, causing
tho railroad accident Sunday evening.
15. K. Cook went to Eugene this
afternoon on business connected
with the Oregon laud company.
Thu railroad company has pur
chased eighty cords of wood for use
on special trains during tho State
Puiulesi dental operations at Dr.
T. C. Smith's, S)2 State street. j
The llat boat built for the Salem
water works Is nearly completed,
and will bo u-.od as a pile driver for
tho water company. It will start to
work in a lew days.
Epicurean tea, paints, oils,
varnish, window glass and a flno
lino of general groceries at Gilbert
it Patterson's.
Specialties in Table Luxuries,
Pine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery
Butter, Cream Cheese, etc.
Crockery and Glassware!
With specialties In
Valerian China Tea Sets,
French China Dinner Sets.
Buckingham Pattern
Of which wo constantly keep a full line
nnd open stock, ennbllng ns to make up
Dinner nnd Tea sets of nny Blze, or sell bv
the slnglo piece. The finest assortment dl
Ever shown In Salem.
Ol thelntest Jnd handsomest patterns In
Wl'lease call and examine our stock.
201 Commercial Street.
the Place and Call. f 1
. - Here imm
11L.U IVJJl J. U UUVUJUU I Salem, Oregon, have received direct
From Eastern Factories
Kwry !) Nuu.
My a now arntinjeniont tin tbo
jmrtof the Oregon Paellle railway
CHiinimny, oxmirolou tickets aro now
Kooil for na.sai;e to Yaqulna every
Clu'llickele CliniiKta t'lelKn,
With August 1st Mr. Ira Atlanm
of thin city tiMiinies tint tlntlcs of
tlay clerknlilji at the Cliemekete
hotel. Ho takes the position form
etly tilled by Harry Well. Mr.
AiltmiH has had fonxlilornblo expo
ileneo In this eapaolty, anil will aild
not a little to the ixipularlty of the
Work ut tliv Woolen .Mill.,
Work li proinoKHlnir rapidly nt
the woolen mill site. Men ami
day, InsUail of bolng oonlhied to teams are busy at work K'radliiK and
W...I..... .1...... lu.i i . I . . . " . ."....
,, r.mnUI,iim rMiiiniiiyH it lorm-1 clearing a pnuv lor uio luitMlm; and
erly. This will tend to Inerea ' In a short time Salem will have her
travel from Hnlein, iw partly eun , woolen mill. UUU for the construe-
now loavu ami rviurn at their own tlonof tho tnilldtnsatm' to bo opened
tweet will, at two li. in.oiiMouilii' Viii'iisi Ml.
, " .'I- O" .".
Ol'l'IDKNTAIi JOl'l'INtlS.
Albany Lsgolii"; to have a patent
inedlelne faetory.
Hpokane Kails will build a union
depot at a cost of f."i(H,0()0.
Tho eatehea of the Ul British and
American sealing pchooners in Heh
rliix sea, thus far Is SSI'. skln.
The Yamilna deep sea llsltlui:
stenner, Geo. 11. Chanee, Inw been
lilted out anil provided with a crow
of thiiteen llshermeu, and hits stared
out on a month's cm No along the
A doctor at Tho Dalles removed
from the eye ot a patient a strip of
tin one Inch long and half as wide.
Of courxj tho eye was destroyed.
Tho curious part of tho story Is that
tho tin was not diseoveiod until six
weeks after tho accident.
S. Siuecd, it hop grower of l.-tno
county, already thNyear hasshlppcd
one bale of hops raided on hN place.
Tho hops were of tho Kentish (Jolli
ed variety, and w civ of good tjnality.
This Is probably the llrxt shipment
of ISM) hops irom Oregon this ku.iii.
MitkrtftUe lives oinmny isiimIo mUrull-.
uml iinea IimiU In eir-tctriititlu. u
know of no ivimtly Kir ilyiH'il
limn IIihhI'ii s.irwvirlll. It iu'I.h K'Milli,
)etiirlj ami eltli'lenily, him, the tom.
hcIi aild nther nrunii. riune the faint
avltint.nwiioMi KtkHVHpiH.ttto.MirtH hivul
iiche, tout teftvtn lit Imrxleneit mliuU
llhe HikHl'n S.irv.i.irtll h Jnlr trtrtl. I
Mill iloou Kxl
Frank Gamble Imbibed of red
eye too generously, and in conse
quence will not gambol for four days,
that being the time for which he
was sentenced to the city jail.
The .Salem business college will
open a most successful term early In
.September. It.s namesake has
changed its name to the Capital
bushiest) college.
Hop Lung, u uiersimnt tailor of
Portland is in tho city. Jle has
rented a building on Liberty street
and will open up a merchant tailor
shop in thN city about the first of
next week.
Kim Sam:. Tho new cottage of
1-'. T. Monroe on Church street is
for sale. For particulars imply on
the pieinNes opposite the M. E.
church. Jly buying of llrst hands
tho agent's commission Is saved.
Fires in tho mountains far to
the north and lesser tires nearer anil
to the east have a tendency to ob
scure the sun. Thanlr is smoky In
tho valley.
hat, oh what has become of
tlioso projected band concerts for
which subscriptions were solicited'?
Surely the funds can bo raised.
Tho contract for building the
new Academy at Dallas has been let,
K. S. Cooper for brick work at 1,500,
and F. 11. Morrison ot Salem, the
bilanooat f2,7lH).
At Its meeting lit Nowort this
mouth the Oregon prc?s association
N going to make an annual settle
ment of the question of rates for
foreign advertising. This is a nice
ijuestlou todiscitsvs. Nothing will
bo accomplished and rates will re
mains as at present.
Success in Business requires preparation ! Therefore, thoroughly master
Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship and Business Correspon
dence, Book-keeping by both Single and Double Entry, tho nature and
correct use of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law antl Business practice.
Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing. Manifold, and Dictation work.
All these are needed in business, and are thoroughly taught by exper
ienced teachers at the HALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE
Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon.
ffl El
Ixxik out for lo-s by Klre during the hot
insure, igainst Loss
In tho 1'nclileof Portland, Queen of Liv
erpool, Northern of Loudon, the Genna
ula or the Hamburg;- .laedebun; Klre In
sitrnmv eompiiules, repre-entinf; million
ol dollars paid up capital.
Thcn-.u depressed languid feeling, loss
ot appetite and complexion. Now restor
ed to perfect health and vigor by Weight's
Hop Celery nnd Chamomile Hitters. Sold
by II. W. Cox.
Tho Finest Line of
which will be sold at
Prices and Tens to Suit AH!
A Life Preserver Wright's Blackberry
Cordial. Keep It In tho house for cholera
infantum, dysentery and summer disease.
Sold by all druggists.
Fire and Ma
JOS. ALBERT. Agent. - - Salem. Oregon
For Bargains
These goods "are first-class and as their
stock Is very largo a person can And what
they may w sh. Their warehouse on State
street is completely filled, nnd they have
another car load en route now. Look out
for them; something fine
Family Groceries Provisions, Fruits Etc.,
ao to
- !
, (imduates Students in
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Normal, Business, Law,
Commercial Street, Salem, Or
, Country produce of nil kinds iwvo
fXtS 1 .i:!J.r?iVeno.t truied with me be-
1 i !. ...iT . 't ""lien n inai bellevinn
I can suit you both In prices and nn.lit?
Henry street.
DR. JORDAN & Co.'s
.51 Market sLSan Francisco
Admlfelon 25 cents,
fioand learn how to avoid
disease. Consultation and
treatment perwmally or by
tetter, on snerm.itnrr(wu1r.
orgenltal weaknes, and all
dleas of men. Sena for a
hook. I'rtvate otliee 211
Consultation free.
Only Genuine System of Memory Training
Four Books Learned In one reading.
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adult greatly benefited.
Great Inducements to correspondence
Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Wm. A.
HnmmOnd. tlm Wnrlrl.fnmoH Hnnstlnllu In
f I 11 4 Tla An f Aa f"n t . ft -1 . rmm
... u.-ivooo, uamti ureenieai jnomp.
son, the great fsychologlst, J. M. Buckly
,v,'T,e.aLtorJSJ the Christian Advocate
& RlcJard Proctor, the scientist, Horn.
V. V. Astor, Judah P. Benjaman, and
others, sent post free by
Prof. A. I.OHETTK, 337 Fifty Ato., NY
Je-13-89. dir
menu in the State. Lower rates than
h.u. . "iTT81 81:k Legal Blanks l
1,.? w lf ' 'd jBigBest discount. Send for
C0? iSf J Pnnllnr, and catalocue ot
legal blanks. "e. m. WAITE,
Steam Printer Salem Oregon.
U u grttt attraction fur a restaunmt.
Tho collVo dmwn from Hellenbmnd' lht
out CotKv mvpluolo U ouo of the many . ," 'iVf.SH'r f51 ,,uia. ,l'"?, t?!10'
(Jrvat Attmetlons ,,f hU ulug parlor. I J.,M,W' onearnlng In the .North-
ThoiiKtuds ofcurui of his excellent cutlee , School oeni tlit Monday In September
arvkolae cry week. And as for oyters j ftrcntnloueo
uml inrals he nuiiint be equaled In the. Jresl4ent
if. : Solera. Oregon.
Have mnvfwl in jt , n oAA -
w.r. rfiney are now ready for work. All
our old patrons nnd friends are Invited to
call and see us In our new location. We
2L e.r PrePared for work now than
ever having secured mure room. 10-1-tf.
: "Mlrf Brown would be a charming girl,"
on nearu a s oung man my.
Xo. liM Commercial St.
8THA.Nl!. At tho rvtil.iirtt
I'llUroll xtflVt. TIltlrStlHl lllOrillllO I Ifhe had a nul mmnUilm. ... .... -0-
AllKUxt 1, ISS0, ilunill, thu Otllv ! would go nwaj-.
itlill.l ,f I .i .....II A 1.' ....?! II... . I. ........ II w -. . . .. - i . .
i I. ' viHiMvuuiHH . i mill j"i m-r uuu completely. If, UOUSC ailtl Cariiairrt PnlnHr,
Llllle Wn.UK. MU.Bnb would only take Biitn wrlthur. lpTif'f""?, I - -
Uttlo Harold was a iirlKlituiiiUn. l,r- " ttolden Medical DUeovery tlt-ooratltig, Wall tintiDK uml knl-
u UAi imtitir riiHniw 'mitni.i ... icAiitmiH.. .....&. . -----
-ould drlxe out all the humors from
her blood and make It nun
Ifhl.kUllil lit,. Aft it ihd Klaml.liu nn..btl ...
iaii.l nirl! u ,y,rw... ,.,., I...v.. .. I.. ...... ...." , ..'.." '. T """" ,-"" .v.m..vIm.,,j.v ..--.-,- w,,u..Dru or atp-
7 . . ' ... . . "i-'"" " , ' ivuH"Mij iiwim ii wiv iniiia. Illlllsc'II Ol tX)lltiIUI)l II) UH IIIIUUT Of IOIKI ami lOVltlir lUlXMUM Who will ptr, oc ver-surts.
urm. inwitniwmuv, iHiiMuiiT.ttcUouorbUiUu, Is uiKlorutood of lliii .VovmlH Imnk In Now Nidb' mUa hU wt
i,h. 'n, nas removed his shop to
itr?. Sf CoranwrcUl and Chemekete
everinrti Sii,l.no,w Prepared better than
1 mr?ltrSnndnrepalrlD;: " kiD ot bUei-
AdMiutlliig A Well, 1li rir Ml IImIU.
Ami Kre.it ninny of our uilli'iia! Itwtwfouiul tlint tho Dulliw iliv.
tukutttnvl mr riitiu to Vow uml wlih-li iliwlnnisl tho Kin 1.- nmnn.. A iii.nl ilou hit lour iHirimt s!iil,.'
,,,,,, , ... " . ' inrooi as ii iiriKttl unit in- - '
JIlKliluiul juirUn on hiiiiiluy after, other hu-lncr Iioiimw, tlltl no liJurv runnliiK through the trvt? of H- tulltKviit chllil JiM U'xIiuiIhk to
nouiw, tho tjuiatlon U u.kwl, hy ' to tho vault or IU tx.ntents. Vi Iwlscii. mko ,lomo t ,,u llMWttt . M '
tton t Home ouo iIIk a well ui HiK,. tenlay afternoon tho IwiikoiHuuil up ' Stephen W, IK)roy In piirvtl prattle, uiuHie was tho prMeauillov An
i SSfrSss.SRS
opposite SciiiTMUBBcrbSBSn P"C
) ir1ft ba to
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