f0mwimKmum?m ., THE CAPITAL EYENDTG JOURNAL. IT v THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. PUliLIHHEDAILY,KXCKPT8lNDAY, JIV TltK Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Kntercd at the postofllco at Halem,Or.,a necond-clftM mutter. CLARE B.IRVINE, Mantgtr. Seo fourtli page for terms of subscrlp- 1 Advertisement to Insure Insertion (for the wtme dny) should lie handed In by I Correspondence conlnlnlne now; of In tercut and Importance 1h desired Irom all part" of tho stale. No attention will be paid to anonymous "KSSfiiaiilri the CAI'ITAI. JOURNAI. nerved niiiicir lions ram "-";1! "i ?' i mrii rfMimvt. or bv word leu at tn ial card request, or by word left at bin ottlce. Hneclmcn numbers i!iit freeonappllcn- Ofiic, corner Court and Liberty Streets. THURSDAY- AUGUST 1, 1680 TiTk telegraph iiiinoiineeH tlmt at KIlenHbunr (i few diiyH niro a uuh well was Hcr.oiisly Mint l.V a body of workin-n who wuso Heiireinuj,' r black tllnniomR Amohninh PV" I .Ualottft be cnUHO ihi JoUHNAii advotaU'H the mntnr line. You wont niiiko any thing by railing people fool during your little ruge. Keep e.iol. hcuii logo'H advice to Othello. A CONI'I.MPOItAHY llHS IM'IOIIIU ho ogofHtlcal that people are fools "unwise" utiles they uK it wnai thev rIiiiII nay anil when they t-hall hiiv It. Pull', itnll"! What next? Squelch 'em, we HtippoHc. The re portcrHofthatHhei.'t would bent read Top'n FahleH. Thk Idea of nuvur Milling the lands of Wellington, but keeping them awn perputunl fund lor com mon hoIiooIh, groWH Upon the pop ular mind rntildlv. and It Ih now qulto certain that a nyHtein of leaw Ing lands will be adopted and kt- puluatud. Thk newnpajn-r In properly the dally norinonl.eH as well as gossip and Informer. It advises and re proves and ought to do no. Not that the writer thinks hhnwlf or herself exempt from the very faults denounced by the paper any more than the preacher assumes he Is any better than other sinners, "(iod holp and bless us all my dear hearers," said a good old reverend. "I need this sermon as much as any of you," and ho went on preaching to himself as well as to the rest. And the true news-writer as well as tho true preacher addresses himself on all occasions, especially when delivering homlletlcs. Till'! Dallas Itcmier Insists that the fanners of that county shall assist In the construction of a rail road from Halein to Dallas and to the heavy body of timber that lies In the Coast rmigo to the west of that town. No doubt this Is a good scheme for Dallas, and the country now needs such roads to develop local resources. The time hasconiu when lumber Is high and timber be coming scarce. The IhH of llr that bordered the streams and occupied prairie stretches, arc used up and thu supply for the future must come from tho mountains where It U seemlsgly Inexhaustible. While It may not be advlsublu for farmers to tnko stock In great corporatlons,lt Is to their pemoiml Interest to develop thu resources of their Immediate neighborhoods and they should aid home enterprlM's of that nature, says the Oregonlau. You lmvo troubles, your feelings are Injured, your himbaud Is unkind, your wife frets, your friends do not treat you fairly, and things In gen eral move unpleasantly--well, what of UV Keep It to yourself, A smoul dering tire can b found and extin guished; but when coals are scatter ed you can't plok them uii. Ilury your sorrow. Tho place for sad things and disgusting tiling W un derground. A cut linger will not bo boiK'lltted by pulling oil' the plaster and oxxwlng It to everybody's eyes. Charity eovereth a multitude of sins. Thing thus covered arw cured with out a war; but ouco published and coutlduil to meddling friends, there is no end to the trouble they may cause. Troubles are transient and when a borrow Is honied what a com fort It Is t say: "No one ever know It till It was oyer." thk vtoiti.it-UANtit'Aiii:. Hardly any phllusophlo linguist, dejhmau philosopher, attempts to forevaat the future without Munodls cuaslounf tho dtstlny of KuglUh; and Do Caudollo calculate-, tint within UK) yarn KuglUh will be upokon by 80o,tiX,0V of men. At present thupopulatlous,olllur poak lug thu EnglUlt language, or under tho domination of Kugllsh-spcitkliig people, liumhcr inoiv ih.iu SIs.vMS,. 000, or one-fourth th Hpulutlui of tho globe. Tho KugllidiiiMwIiiii,, raw occupy one-fourth of the dr, laud of tho earth, and own nitri.. two-thlrxlsof the touuuge of ship They live in alt rvgl"iKthcy handle all articles of tntde; l Ik pleach tj hII nation; they couiiiisiml onchulf ufthe world V gold and r-llver, and distribute more than two-thirds of the bibles and testaments. More (linn nnciinlf of tlin letters mailed and carried by postal service, of the ' ...1 ... .i .1 by tho Engludl-Hpcaklng population. i -r TDK KUXIH Ut' LIFK. fjurcly nothing in Pandora's box could equal tho concoction recently Invented and known am the elixir or life. And despite the sarcasms, gen eral and professional, with which tho recent experiment made by Brown Bequard were greeted, there Hccms to be, after all, some eflicacy in tiie ugly elixir vibe Invented by tho aged and respected physiologist. A young physician, Dr. Varlot, who has already been successful in re moving tattoo marks from the skins of several civilized savages, has been induced to test the eflicacy ot the "life mixture." He pestled together portions of the flesh tissues of rab bits und and guinea pigs, diluted them with water, and injected the compound thus obtained Into the bodies of the three paupers, aged re spectively Til, 50 and 08. Tho men had never heard of fieipiard's solu tion, und were merely told that they were to be injected with strengthen ing fluid. Wo have Varlot's word for it that his three patients, who, iKjfore being subjected to the won derful remedy were weak, worn, emaciated and melancholy,suddenly becamo strong, fresh and cheerful, look new views of life, and, alto gether, felt as If thev had receiv.-d a now lease of existence. The experi ments failed, however, on two other subjects; but tho Indefatigable Varlot Is not to be defeated, and he intends to outiuue his trials, which, in time, will be communicated In all their precision of technical detail to the biological society. ft Didn't VVopk'wpll. A Winnipeg correspondent tells of a neighbor, one l-'armer Drown, who is not well educated. Ills (laughter li ih ntti'tidt'il a hoardlneschool. and Intnl.. tlw.v rimnlviut In IlllVi. II lllirtV I ...l.J.J .v .....-..-.. , of tho neighboring farmers mill I ". their wives. Previous to thu party hIio Instructed her father that when speaking of anything, for fear of oflendlng, hesbould add: "The pres ent company always excepted." Ho was late for dinner, so Jane In vited the guests to begin operations. "Why are you so lato papa?" asked Jane. "Tho Tact Is, Jane, I've been visit nl' neighbor .Smith's pigs, and they aro tho finest lot of of pigs I ever seed, tho present company alius ex cepted." With an Obvious Moral. Ouco iii)on a Time a l.argo and Haughty Kpoon met a Humble and Three-pronged steel Fork on a Din ner Table. "What arc you doing here?" said tho spoon with great Arrogance. "Nothing to speak or," replied tho Fork with exceeding Dlllldonco. "Then you aro in no way llko My self," continued tho Olllelous and Haughty Spoon with a very largo manner, "No," said tho Fork sympathet ically, "for I do not get Into tho Sotii')." Thereupon tho Spoon was very sorry It had traduced the Fork and sadly and silently waited for the first Course. l,oiuloafi Ancient Wall. Another portion of tho old city wall by which London was sur rounded has Just been brought to light in the neighborhood of Lud gate Hill. It stands at tho Juncture of Little l$rldgo street, Pilgrim street and tho Hroadway, very near an other portion whloh was laid baro and taken down about live or six years since at tho corner of Little Bridge street. If not actually of Itoman construction, It Is largely constructed of Itoman materials and It prohably formed a part of a bas- I tlou or tower at nn angle of tho city wall. It Is about tou feet high and twelve feet in length; Its depth and thickness will bo scon when tho adjoining wall Is romood, as will shortly lo tho case. A WIIIIru Mal.1. "Darling," said a young clerk to a pretty girl who.-o waNt his arm onelrelo'l, "what do you think your dear iapa would say If I wore- to ask him for your hand'.'" "I don't think he'd like It, Har ry," she llHH'd. ".ii. h.'niihiii iiniuiv, mi m- (bought ho Win Very iIoiim' with the1 ' old uelltleinall. "WllV not?" It.iMtiM. dear," she Miillisl, "he , . , . , , ,. 1 . WHUlilll'l want Ills only daughter mutilated III tlmt Planner. Ask for( all of III., Harry, and I VOlV vague! . ..I lV..l' I. . . ..I.I I.. .11. ....... ... I... N.i.l. .'(.Ill V.lll'll L'l't lll IIIVIIV ' illdek." Harry g.tvo hor a MiueeAO that made her think fho wuk onclrx'liM ny .1 P.d.ir tn'ar, and kw her lather, iif ditv, In a must MiCiVjfiil man-u.-i". -i.e. In tho art doo) DUIii't tho o'oi I. m,v, Jim, that them two people on that l hoie pitcher wow I'aulaiul Virginia" He I don't rvineiubor, ....... t Kllettll, whether h Ndd VlrglnlR or, Vet VlrKlilht, Westward. "l'mifoInK west," a mere lad boasted, Looking proudly at Ills friend, "Gom west to make a fortune,' You'l see mc rich sir In tliecni me," i end. - rmgoliiK west "n young man whispered, .................. -j "Oolnjf west to seek a fortun:!, -inen my love .,.-,... "I'm KOlng west to try my fortune TheBpeakcroneln middle life "Here I scareo can gain ubnlntence For my children and my wife." "I'm going west to mend my fortune," Hlghcd a man with lionry head Tho' lire's winds are well nigh numbered, And I'll soon idecp with the dead. Westward hoi they all are going, HstlcK youth and white-haired Hire, Kindling, ever, where the Kunnct Uathe tho earth with liquid Arc. "SC11APS." Austria docs not propose to be caught napping, and has raised her Infantry force to a war footing. "How long do mosquitoes live?" asks a correspondent. That de pends a good deal on tho kind of a fellow they light on, At school Now my little dears, can you tell me the plural of child? Youngster (frantically raising his hand) Yes, sir, I can. Twins. What is more pathetic than to see tho simple faith with which a bald headed man will buy an infalllblo hair restorative from a bald-headed barber. Mrs. Parvenu No I don't like sea bathing. It always gets my hair so wet. Mrs. Quieklyrich Why don't you leave it in tho dressing room? Omaha parent Well, my son how are yon getting on at college? Omaha youth Just spleudldly. I've only made one error In the last three games. Bride George, dear, when we reach town let us try to avoid leav- ing t ho Impress on that we are new - ly married. A right. Maude; you j cuii lug tho valise. j Smith bay, Jones, your wile is a I I....... ..! f I,,.,IUI..M grauiuiiu ui vuaiui, mu iuv. Jones .. . ... - i... . Yes rjinitn J low many tongues Is she mistress of? Only one, but by Judas that's a rustler! A Kausai man paid ten dollars to the fund to buy old John Brown's rlllo for tho State Historical Associa tion, and then mortgaged his team to raise money to pay Ills taxes. Typewriter agent 1 called to see you hi reference to your lyposvrlter. Would you exchange If you could get some Improvements. Mer chant I can't; I'm engaged to Her. "What dlil you save from the fire at the hotel?" was asked of a drum mer. "Anytningoi value. -wen, 1 should sav so." with a wink. "I ' i saved paying a two viek board 'bill." All the people now living in the world, say l,4r0,iKI0,iMK, could find ' standing room within the limits of a Held 100 miles square. In a Held 200 miles square they could all tie comfortably seated. Photographe My dear sir, can't you assume a more smiling counten-1 auco and tlirow oil tliat jaucu iookv naeisoi gracing uuius mipiiuii. 1 n Rev. V. V. Helh.on-Takemo as , j Xy am. 1 need a vacation this sum-1 lllR.0 M tho certfals ia abundance, mer, and these pictures are for dls- the yield per acre being, in sonio in tribution among my parishioners, 'stances, tho largest In the world. , Among the useful and valuable pnnl- A young woman said she was, uetsof the Web Foot Stato may be born to be a farmer's wife because she , mentioned Oa-gou Kidney Tea, 1. I... , e . which has proved a boon to tliou- o-igaged in milking when an infant, , mlUl U11ct,w, wUll pain iu tho baCk aud took to cradling early. Later, un,i ;Iduev dilllcultles. It is purely she often cut up and shocked her parents and tilled her erlb. At an early age she learned to sow, and had cultivated her acquaintance with a young agriculturist and as sHUi as she placed her allectlons she intended to "make hay while tho sun was shining." This was too much for an liuproslblo'tlllcr of the soil, so he gathered her up Into his arms and garnered he. Ex. A ForCunato Druirulil. 1 Mr, Kdwtn W. J07 for mmjr jf r and now pnproui druggltl on tho corner of Stockton ud Muket trli tn Bui FrmrUco, probtblj aw Jruifil of rivaling In vrcalth tho medl. cine king of tho ixmulrj. l)ut tartoui rumor haTlng own IloaUng uvtu.l to the effect tbat lie bu (truck It bl(, an foimintr rviwrlcr detailed to unearth the cause, and after lui'Ch dlfacnltr unraveU-d the followlDj etorr IteeeiutthttalvutaertnjranasoanEvijllih hrlclan, a great student of botany, located In, thU city, lilt practice ai not citecalve, and yet the few run that came to htm attracted no little attention. Ilia anccrai aecmed to be In the treatment of liver and kidney dlaorvten, and vlUited blood. In fact hit ability to coie with theae common compltlnta w marvetout He rm.l almoet Infallible, and hit ante! T til a. t aa iiilkila eit.l ktel a11 -V ift a4 vrm a " .. M. .- -m., -, - - . M much a myalery aa hlmaelf. Aftcrhl.de- parture about a year later Mr. Joy determined wf.lhom the eert, and copying all the pre. criptiont h. hu mw i ib. doctct he began a tyatemaUc asalyala. Ih hie eiam. ,nUon he diapered running all through the rrcrlptloni for liver and kidney troubles, vltiateu blood and stomach disorder a couiJe if Bda.l.klaailMali ln.llK.nAna t, i 1 1 .trtil k v " " . ..mv- ,v....-.-. so simple and so well known under homely every day ns nice to evtry school boy aa to en tirely dissipate the saaptclon that they vere the active principle Involved, So certain, however was llr. Joy thai he bad discovered the secret, that he eaj bodied the new elements In a prrpareUoo of Rereapaillla to disguise the Usle.andpot It before his customer under the modest name of Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla. Immediately the name marvelous storlM came lack of It utonUhtng effects, and the mystery was solved, and the talk It ha created has Jt eusea it to step mw ,"&. ar.4 v1h In .lallw fvallM atl Ask thai rrtkt ""- '7- IZLrLZ:. "ZZ Aa4 thus sjiotan CkUferaUladatt7 lp laU sjilee,-, f, Vifrr, fc&S. UXV kA)X9 The Chief Itrnaon (or U10 great SB tess of Hood's Sarsaparilla Is found In thl article Itself. IMs merit that wins, and thl fact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for It, Is what bas glTcn to tills medicine a popularity and lale greater than that of any otner saraapa. I !..: 4. li:nl rllla or blood purl Merit WlilS ner before the public. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofola, Sail Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sic Headache, Biliousness, overcomes Thai Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ins tho Nerves, builds up tho "Whole System 0ol'i Hnrunpnrilla Is sold by all dm tlsts. Jt; six for S3. Prepared by C. I. Hoo Co.. Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass. Ono of tho severest cyclones ever experienced visited a portion of the West the other day, but no property vas destroyed. Eastern men hold such heavy mortgages on all the farms In the neighborhood that tho cyclone couldn't budge em. It should be generally known that Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic in sures a hearty appetite and increased digestion, dispels nervous depression and low spirits, overcomes lack of energy and wakefulness and will in fuse new life and strength into tho weakest invalid. Sold by I). "W. Mathews. U)e tmMe q wlmt naUoimlItIe8 ttrc C0M(IU(.ling K1ioons in Seattle. It is fm1(i tbat out of ono bundled and twenty-live license Issued previous to tho fire, three-fifths of the num ber are German, tho remainder be ing made up from Swedes, Norwe gians, and Irish, whlio there is ono Scotchman, one Welshman and but two or three Americans. This is tlio season of the year when the raw, cold winds create sad bavoo with tho hands and complex ion. Soft white hands and a clear "neaehv" comnlexion can be as suredly preserved oy tho frequent amilieation of Dutard's Specific. II LO. 11 leaves rubbed into tho skin well it no trrensy suriaco. The skin p. win J rbs it. lUHor Sold by D. W. Matnows. Do you realize, sir," said the g-hahvil p.is-o:igor, "that there lon is one who wo smd hear.-, all tliat wo do, who cm wilvu our inmost thoughts, and bei'i ru whom wo are but crushed and bruNel worms?" "(live us your hand, stranger," re plied tho other, "1 know just how you feel. I'm married uivself." Oregon is one of tho most produc- llo.i uKild In rlti. IT.itn.i Ttu VtlMt ,iuri ivuious contain uold. silver. copper, iron, and coal, its iniineni J of vegetable composition and never falls. Sold by 1). W. Mathews. Sydney Smith said of Maeauly: "Ho Is a book Iu breeches. Hols eertalnlv moro agreeable since his return from India. Ills enemies may have said before, though I nev j or did so, that ho talked rather too j much; but now ho has occasional 1 Hashes ot sllonco that makes his I conversation perfectly delightful. How's This? We oiror 'One Hundred Dolliirs rowarA for auy mso of oitnrrli tlmt cunnot Imi ruml by taklnc UuU'h Catarrh Cure. K J.Chi'tioy ACo.. proprietors, Toledo, O: Wo, the uuderxlKiieil, lmvo known K. J, I'lieaoy lor the Inst 1ft years, nutl believe Mm ivrfivtly hoaomlile lu all bunlnrt. Iriiit'ietlons and ttimnclallynblo to carry nit any olill-atloim timito by this tlriu. ' . et A Tritnu, wholeialn ilniKKl"t',iTole(lo, Ohio. K. II. Vim 1Iihmmi, Ltuhltr, IVIeilo Mat. luuui iuiiik, iiueuo, ii, . Wttldlng, Klnmin A Murvln, wholi-Kile j ilrnssUK.Toleilo, O. lliiU's Oitnrrli 1'nro U taken lnteruMly, iiollin illtvctly uH)ii tlio blood und tnuciu nrf.icM of tlio yhtem. TvotlmonlaU aent fni'. lVIco T.V. jht bottle. Sold by nil druggists, Tluf W.ti an DncBtDj;. "I have lust completeil a collegiate tnlucatl ut and dodn to dovoto my Mlf to woiirnallsm," iemnrkel Uie pile, Intellectual man, ns ho stopped Into thciHlltori.il prvsonet without a tremor, "Haw you an opening of which 1 might tako atlviuitagoV" "Coit.vily, tvrtaliilv," qtioth the busy etlltor. "The- oiHUiiug U right behind you, whorv jou in.o in. Please shut tho door tn you Kiut. A Title of l)Utluetl..ii. lYuohor Now, Hetty ean you toH me the meaning of iirnfxsor? Hetty Oh, I yeum. froii-jsaor! i inem w 1 a. . .!... nueoii iur m.e . in v. and foe uilu hl'om I The Best Residence Localities n the city of Portland and other DrosneroiiB towns are tjoso oed by men or corporations who have the disposition and ability to impi ore tuein. HLAND ADDITION m H n jj And 1 T ,18 u in Make m u ,,.coinm rpi,vi.vnt tbla time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated Improvements ihaye SrceK ff His iSSed Jo maknearivleailing Commercial street through Riverside and High land additions and around Highland Park THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE - ...... . , -r. .i s-. .... i,,.,.l. 41, mtlillnnr tlita nddlttnn. and no Of Oregon. The Hue of tlie Salem lots will be more tnan two diocks uisiuui, irum iuc uuc """ - " - THK MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Luis in Highland Alton arc lligli and Dry and Well Located; Host Excellent Drainage HiTuXf residences are soon to'be built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots w thhi tho Imlta of the city of Salem are worth on an average over 000. We can sell you better lots In HHgh Ian d add E for one-tbird of the money, and being directly on the line of the street railway they are practi eally not half ho far from the public buildings aud the business part of tho town as the majority of Uie so called "Inside lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay $1000 for an inferior lot not so well located. With the diflbrence of $700 011 can build a beautiful cottage, or put it out tickets every year. ovnn H,000,000 $& '& of tne largest and1 moet isliable houie, and they nae Ferry's Seeds acknowledged to be the Largest Seedsmen in tne won a. DH.FebbtACo'i ninstntedjPeecrtp. tire ana raoea SEED ANNUAL rnr IBM 'wm be mailed Hit to all aDDlicanta. and to last Tear's customers without orderins! it. J.rolu. larll.rt OanlUnrsr I Oarden.lld or Flower Seeds tn sxliteace. I should send for it. Address O. M. FERnYS. CO., Detroit. Mich. A PUBLIC BENEFACTOrV "Who is H. H. Warner, ef Rocke sr, N. Y whose Safe Remerllea, pecially Warner'; Safe Core, have at tained such success and celebrity al homo and abroad?" The question is inspired as much by affection as curiosity, since through his instrumentality hundreds of thou sands, in both hemispheres, have been restored to health and happi noss. Hon. H. H. Warner, then, is s leading and honored resident ol Rochester, not only, but a prominent and influential citizen of the United States. On several occasions chosen by hia party as a National delegate to nominate a President of the Republic, he has been a member of the Repub can State Committee and of its Exe cutive Committee. He is a member of the American Institution for the Advancement of Science; President of the Rochester Chamber of Com merce; a successful and upright busi ness man. He has given away for tunes in charities. The celebrated and costly Warner Obsorvatory ol Rochester was conceived, endowed, and is maintained by him. His munificent prizes for the discovery ot comets has boon at once the wonder and delight of the scientific world. The yellow fever scourage in the South, the Ohio floods, the fire dis asters of Rochester and othor cities awakened his profoundest sympathies and in each instance his chock for from f500 to $5,000 swelled tho several relief funds. Vhero other wealthy men give tens and hundreds, he gives hundreds and thousands. His charities are as ready and magnificent as his enterprises and public spirit are boundless. Tho world has need of more such men. 411 incident led him into the manu facture ot medicine. Solzed some twelve years ago with what tho ablest physicians termed fatal kidney dia base, be was miraculously restored to health by what is now kuown as Warner's j?afe Cure. At once he re solved to make known the merits of so potent a remedy, and the consequence is that to-day he has immense labora tories and warehouses in the United Mates, Canada, England, Germany, .Austria, Australia and Burmah. Sales - . .. .. . . .... . rnt, J'.r; i. jmJ I 01 iu t-aie Kentedies are enormous, marvelous. The merit of a production ii in ex- act keeping with the character of ita producer, Ai honest .nd reliable ,)f f. w.... u- man himself, gatjagtv" JMfrfLrSS-imm m(&m Hll rl 1 1 rltf"mM. WAlUAi'im vM.'tv-.-v-rrj Sft S5M Si? .?l"&ffl""---;, sienal eflicacy and popolartty. ."Tr""""?1 -j fumv - xun&i finnrv and tvinnuwtv t V - -VCkJ IS OWNED BY- 111 0QHPANT ! this Corporation is determined Most Attractive Street iva.. way i.-- SSh at a rate 01 interest inai win uu.v SEE HERE I If thfi-e is anyone iu the whole tnte of Oreyon who wants tt return to the east he should read thl advertisement: A Bargain For Somebody ! ! -To Exchange for- mi A GO.0J3 CHANCE '..TTT tfVnr particulars call at this orrle. I C7R In fcOKn'-30" n be made I preferred who can furnish ' ujf J ill .11 .ill vnrv nv or us. Agents irrUbF8F womenumaybeproaubljreruployeaali.0. - nnrui ean i v n..itMiiuiM.N.nihuaina.. - 1 - r. z. - v.--- ".-r r --..- i Pelienc. Never mind about andi ling a! isuimprorrxfiy, r,r,j.uo, -xaa ill , to Addition ' rr tutuVe be juu nmny i. iuuU...v. D.. . IJOHNF.STRATTON&SON ! Importers nnd Wholesale dealers In , MUHICAI. MKItCitANDlSE. New York, 43 and 45 WnllcerSt. John F. Stratum's , Celebrated Bu -Mian Gut Violin strings, the ! Klnewt In the World. Our Guarantee If a dealer receives a . complaint, (which he believes to be honest) from any musician to whom he has sold any or these strings, he la authorized by us to give him another string without charge, nnd all such loss will be made good by us to our customers,, without quibble or question. (Beware ot imitation.) Dealers will please aend lor descriptive catalogue. Traa j supplied at lowest price. ST. PAUL'S i, -FOIt- Boys and. GrirJls. The school will open on sthe 131th of September. Thorough. Instruc tion in the primary Tind advanced ' English ranches. LATIN AND EEMLTS OTI In course. 1 'xERMS and further Information may be had on Application to KKV. K. H. POST. Cor. Cbemeketa and HUteHt. s-ao-tr Northern Pacific Kailroad. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. TWO FACT TRAINS DAILY ! NO CHANGE OK CARH SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And all points East via St. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS. The Northern Pacific railroad li the only line running PasMnxer trains, becondchua sleepers (free of charge) Luxurious Day coach, Pullman Puluee Sleeping Curs, falace Dlnlog Cars, (meals 75c) from Pon land to the easu e that your ticket read via the Northern lVcinc railroad and avoid the change of cars. Leave Portland at So. m.aud & p. in. URllVUrriV. at Mlnn..iv,ll. ip U Uui.l at ftOS p. m. ' i'aciiic mvisiox. Trains leave Front and U strin dully at HAS a. m. and 8:W . . a ... . ... VrSWX ihrouih lim-. .n is.i,..J: Njin. &.. irr.iSa'f.rr - !w? vfy .wi, irn 1 x- ?lirn', li. Agent, m First ku, ivr ashingtou iu l"ortUnd. Oregon. in mi, r riroinnau mreetf. B