TILE CAPITAL EVENING JOTJItNAIi. THE CAPITAL JQUHUL PUBM8HKI) DAILY, KXCKITHUNDAY, V T1IK Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorjx'ratcd.) Kntml nt the pnstofllco nt Hnlciii,Or.,a iiccand-clnFH matter. tcnijK'rnte or torrid clltnutc. The ! fort-new?'' If not you cannot l.c fact of theee indications remnlnlfig' served. Let It be known that u so plain to-day, notwithstanding the I cominon person, si nolKuly, Is perved CLARE B.IRVINE, Manager. Hpo fourtli pK for terms of aulicrli- tlon. . . ... AdverllM-mcntH to Insure liwrtlon (for the name day) should bo linnded In by 1 o'clock. Corronpondcncc containing newt m In Uml nd liitportnnn! In drxlrcd from fill parts of tbo ntfttc No intention will be paid to anonymous communication. l'crwms desiring the CAITTAt. .Iook.vai, nerved nt their Iioiihi-s can M-ciire It by ihis liil card request, or by word lea nt IIiIm Olllec. Hnc-cltiipn n limber will free, on nppllcn- Ofllco, corner Court and Liberty Street. TUESDAY- JULY .'!), 1881) KQUAMTY. Whatever limy Iks the case ni to p illtlcal equality, then- If, in nature, no social equality. If the savage or wild man ho tho natural man we find no ouch thing an that equality illIllMHlllipluilltl lltiOll". TlK'MIIX- rlor man taken IiIh place at the head of tho Hlonx proccj-sion and in nil counsels; the Inferior as naturally NtniitlH hack. The ne.uer wo n -proauh the natural state the more do wo find native superiority at the head. In the more artificial soch tlcH there Ih more likelihood of w me nymbols or aceidenlM being mistaken for tho reality, and line clothing rlchcH and decorations assumed by Inferiors; but after all bratiiM will coiiio to tho front us noon hh they Assert themselves, and everybody acquiesces. Boeial e(iiallty In tin sense of Inferiority having tho hiiiiii inHuonoeaslts opposite Is linposlblo. MKTAI. ANI 1'AI'Klt .MONKV. When werellect on It there can be no dill'crcnco between metal and paper money (or money representa tives). Tho bill rendu "good for five dollars;" tho gold piece rends "live dollarH," meaning tho name. In each ease the government Ifwtil.ig Htaniln good for It. If by chance the metal becomes worthless as It might mid tho Infinite vicissitudes of life It would bo Just iih If a bill became worthier, tho claim against the government would bo tho hmiiio. Suppose by hoiuo sudden revolution of oplnloiiH no one would take gold pieces, you would go to government to gel what would answer your pur poses. So with puHjr. And thus wo see there can be no dlllerencw between paper money and metal money. lleeausu tho things wo use and call money are not the money, hut are representatives of money. Money Itself Is a form of credit in circulation. We give tho conllilunco (trust or credit) to the bill or metal wo use. Each Is it promise to pay, and our coulldoueo arises from our trust In tho authority that Issued it. Till: KAUI'H'N Tlllltl) MOTION. A scientist of Eugene, Oregon, Marshal Wheeler, lias delved deep Into the study of the earth's move ments, and advanced a theory that, If true, will prove to bo a discovery of paramount Importance to tho world at largo, oven eclipsing In Im portance those of (lallleo and N'uwton. In advancing his theory he says: That tho earth Is subject to a third periodical motion, which consists In the earth's turning upon Its own center In a direction at right angles with the planes of Its known mic tions. Thatimlil third motion requires tho laiso of ages to produce It. That tho momentum of tho eaith will cause an oscillating motion, alternating In tho direct and reverse direction of Its central turning, which will gradually die away and cvnso altogether during a certain period. That tho earth will come to a rest ut ninety degrees from Its starling point, reversing tho present position of tho polos and equator. That after wild tbliil motion Is ful ly accomplished the earth's revolu. tlouson Its new o.ls wlllbo rhythm ical, and Itsorhliul path serKntlui' in u direction to ana irom tno sun destructive action of the element, supplemented by the obliterating hand of man for hundreds of thou sands of years, gives rise to the Im Imprcssions above expressed. That this third motion of the earth lias been of repeated occur rence, during tho lapse of ages un numbered, is evidenced by the find ing, at certain distances below its surface, different layers of water worn gravel, marine shells, etc., in both the American and European continents. That the ancients, of a later period, must have possessed it legendary knowledge of the most recent recur rence of the earth's third motion, is evidenced fiom tho Noahan account of the old Testament. How much was lost of this awful history, through the destruction of tho Alex andrian history, tho world can never know, and later on, this name knowledge may have mused tho building of tho pyramids, to stand as a pcrnctiitii assertion tnat the race of man antedates tho awful shock of a i oversell world, for it hardly seems probable that they should be but the monuments of human vanity. When It is understood that, upon a recurrence of said third motion, every nation and kingdom of the globe will 1)0 swept out of existence, to remain In that desolate condition then for ages to come, and that, at best, but a small remnant of the liuniai family will be left In posses" slon of the new earth, It would seem of the highest Importance to know of the uccuracy of tho propesitions: given above. If they should prove true, the whole world should bo in formed of the fact, and means taken to forever pcrpetuato that knowl edge, so that when that dread event transpires, mankind should not lapse again into prehistoric harlmr- Ihiii. hut. Instead, the rhythm of man's existence bo raised to a higher plane of action. YoiJNd men looking over the pub lished account of the spring com mencements In tho various colleges and high schools, to which their sisters have been admitted ulth equal privileges, will. doubtless fake noto of tho fact chat more than two thirds of all class medals mid honors have been captured by the young women. If they see no lesson In it, It is all tho more to their discredit. Ileforo twenty years pass young women In tho United States will have equal opportunities for higher education with young men. There Is no doubting tho fact that unless they settle down to old-fashioned methods of study the male t-cx will have to take back seats. Hose-ball and foot ball and skill at the oar are all well enough, but they will not take tho place of mathematical problems ami digging among tiivck roots. Tho gicat evil of to-day and it is especially true of tho young men In Eastern universities is the young men have boon given too much spending money. Old .Simon Cameron never tittered a more ex pressive sentence than when, speak ing of his son's and his opportuni ties, ho remarked: "Yes, Don has grand opportunities that I did not have; but I had poverty, which Don has not." l'ovoity has made a hun dred great men to every single one uiailo by wealth. The father that lllls tho pocket-book of his hoy In college oilers a premium for "wild oiils," ami miio times In ten will bo disappointed when harvest thuo is reached. I uter-Ocean. by one of thc-o West End shopsnnd tho business is ruined. Strange as this may sound It Is literally true. And at the hotels you must conform jto the rules about drcs, etc, The ('inner hour is from 8 to 0 p. m. Tho amount of drinking done is fearful and that too of strong or In-1 tox'catina drinks. Liquor is dis- pontcd mostly by bar maids and is drank by women almost as much ns by men. It is common to sec men and women go Into bar rooms and drink at the counter. Women are very often seen drinking and gam bling quite as often as men are so seen in the United States, of cotin-e this is among tho poorer class, but public wlno drinking by women Is very cominon at the West End. In London there is a vast deal among the taverns to remind us of the past, in such names as Boar's Head, I ted Lion, Elephant and Castle Klcelng Horse. As a clty,Lon don, on tho whole, Is very common, looking dingy nnd dirty. Luckily it has a vast number of little parks as breathing holes. Every fire place or fctove has a t-eperate flue and con- ftcqtiently tho roofs are crowded with chimneys. The writer counted thirty-six on one houe. Tho newspaper of London is a great institution. Each daily runs up its news In a big card placed iTfii public position around the city a new placard for eacli edition all posted over the city like circus bills. The London Times has one queer custom. It costs six cents per num ber, tho others but ono or two cents. Large numbers subscribe only to the sending of tho Times a certain hour dally. A carrier delivers to ids reader at a certain hour, then takes It back and delivers it to another reader. This costs hut two cents, and begins at six and ends at twelve, noon. So one paper serves six per sons, and tho currier gets twelve cents and has tho paper left. A carrier with twenty patrons makes a good living. And this is one of tho many thousands of ways of making a living In a great city, and shows that cities must irrow greater so long as a portion of their people aro prosperous creators of wealth. They will need the otheis to serve them In some way. He saw won derful things in the Times ofllec; Among other things a man sits witli a telephone to his ears receiving tlie debates of Parliament and set ting them up with a type setter, played like a typo writer; It is justi fied by hand, proof read, locked, rent to the stereotype room for a pa per macho impression and earned to ono oi iiioeigni nuiiier pro-es con stantly ruiii.lm.'. In like manner all the news Is gathered from the wtieet and telephoned with editorial to tho printer. Tho telephone, one sec, dors about all tho work formerly done by people running about here and there. Out of a Puritanical observance of Sunday uoSuuday p.ipois are issued, and consequently the news men have to work all day Sunday to get out Monday's paper. Their rest is on Saturday if at any time. And so practically the newspaper men ave Sabbatliarlaus. The Chief Rrnnon for MO great BUft eess of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In tht artlclo Itself. It Is merit that wins, and tht fact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for It, Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and lale creator than that of any other sarsapa- Mamt Wine rllla or blood putV IVierlL Wins flerjjeforo the public. Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum nnd all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Ucadachc, Biliousness, overcomes That rtrcd reeling, creates an Appetite, strength; ins the Nerves, bulld3 up the Whole System. Hootl'i Snrnpnrillalssoldbyalldru( ;lts. ftjslxforss. Prepared by C. I. IIoo v- Co.. Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass. All alligator and an English spar row were seen to engage in a battle near Darien the other day. Tho al ligator provoked the fight by snap ping at the bird, which in turn flew furiously nt its ugly antagonist, aim ing with precision at the saurian's eyes. The 'gator finally gave up the contest, and sought safety from the sparrow's attack by hiding it self under water. It should bo generally known that Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic in sures a hearty appetite and Increased digestion, dispels nervous depression and low spirits, overcomes lack of energy and wakefulness mid will in fuse new life and strength into the weakest invalid. Sold by D. W. Mathews. "What an awfully niall mouth Miss llagley has," remarked Jennie. "That Is only ii deceptive trick she has acquired," replied Miss Snyder. "You ought to see her out in the yard on wash day with five clothes pins in her mouth." Tills is tiio season of the year when tho raw, cold winds create sad havoc with the hands and complex ion. Soft white hands and a clear "peachy" complexion can bo as suredly preserved by the frequent application of Jnitard's Specific. If rubbed into the skin well it leaves no greasv surface. The skin absorbs it. Soldbv D. AV. Matliows. "I hear your papi has been ill, Miss Way st e." "Yes, Miss Leroy, in- has." "Anything serious'.'" "Oh, yes, indeed! AVhy, for two v hole weeks he was unable to sln a check." (In Peel ill llllglllllll. Krom a small volume entitled as above wo cull as follews: Just now itiral England is a para dise, tho whole country is nothing but gardens, parks, lawns In perfect cultivation, et now wnon wo Yankees would Ut going "Into tho kedentroy to see our coiinlng" tho Hrttlsh uro flocking Into Loudon. "It's the season" yon know It's th proppah thing to do "don' teher no?" Well, It certainly Is the fash- i Ion hero to leave the loveliest conn- until It Mini! have assumed Its im.i try In the w.nld, at Its best season, cut form again In oUiUomv to tho ! " K Into tho smoky, AK-y, nasty law of centrifugal fonv. i ' And now, June, all the then- That tho earth's third motion I "vt tfU'' l,v "lining, concerts. will bo caused hv tho onolrollniri lw"Ht Hras,aro all the ragx. We magnetic currents now controlling It, whono northern vortex (inngnetlo ut homo rvvex the order. In no country U uisto more rh:o- uorth) Is moving west wanl at the j n,,l!1 l-iuiiiuniine. n lias grown rate of ntoitt four iiilnutesofn degree I ,m t0 ""muuid everything and per per year. iwni. It was no Joke that Dickens And that said third motion ot tho ll ""U tlieiMid lu-nwr Mug re earth, and the action of lit. eoHtnilb , "''' " fdiiivo by tho kulier who lug Kiwr, Is In accordance with tho ws operating on a linker. "Hut universal rhythmical law governing '"" mv l"vln of that ore baker, vy tho unlviici mid all their entitle.. ,,", I ' "(Ve my pnxl filler! tho Til liritiif if lilv Union. I,., ..... ,i illl IIUS L'ut 111 tkxtriiu ill wllllKVnrs. - i'--- - ...vm . Ht-iin uiHI ..".......-, nvUI third motion has occurred dur ing ooiuimrotlvoly riven t jyo, 1 Indicated by tlitiso truces ot glaeM action to Iki found In certain po. tloiiHQf tho middle xmii, width must have occupied a pillion where the direct ruys of the sun could not reach them In order to form vast ilelds of hv, and' further, lu the existence of icrtalu Horn mid fautm lu the Arctic regions, which fOUld lily have Uvn produces!; In n rvloried the Imilk'r, It Uwi In Ku- gland and the itUluu,s ate intuitu eiiiule, l.uinlon in Wfet End and Eut K itl. Kni Etid b ltKu a tuuy, hie1 HIV, Aiiiciloon town, Hat in the West End all ta kkiIoI, Ltisln tv. !.. t UixtiH-M tliti Iff Hilt .f ki.ii, kbit;, untie, ., run mi n . Uitl. M . buy a o,,t, .ter it ml. ,et tili.v thing rui.v Whoinvyou'.'' Haw you any rvi "No Man's Land" Is situated be tween Kansas, Colorado, ,'ow Mexi co and Indian Territory. It revived this name because it liad no slalni out. On account of a mistake lu tho early survey it was not given to any particular tn(o or the territory. Tint boom at Kearney, Neb., is on to Mich u degree that oven the min isters liavo caught tho real estate fever. Jteeontly at Kernev a minis- tor announced that ho would take Ids text from lot 7, block fl, St. John's second addition, A Kortunntr I)ruj;j;ll. Mr. Edwin W, Joy far mny jrrr nnd now i prvrroui drglii on llio corner of Ktooktiin Mid Mulct limit lu 8tu FriucUco, probbly BtTvrdrcainrd of rhtllntflu wraith the lucdl. cine llui; of the country. Uut vnrloui r union hTlng Iwn deatlni: around to th effect that ha lu triKk It blj, an l'jmintr rrKrter waa doUlled to unearth tho caue, and alter mt'ch difficulty unrawlnl the followtDc tory ! It awma that aUiul ert n earn ago an Ergllth phyalclan, a RTfat atudeut of botauy, locate.1 lu lata city. 1IU praellca u not riterilvr, and yet the few run that rame to him attractrd uo little attention. Ida anew aectued to x in the treatment of liver and lldnty dUcrdrra, and vtUate.1 blood. In fact hta ability to cope with three comuion couipliInU waa uar eloui. lie teemed alu.oel lufalllble, and hit quiet tuodeat melhodt and hit wtll.krpt arent wat at much a myatrry at hlmitlf. After hit de. parture about a year later Mr. Joy determined to fathom the tecrtt, and copying all the prea erttlont he had filled for the erratic doctor he began a ayateuiatio analyala. In hit exam! InaUon he dUcorereJ running all through the preeorlpticnt for llvtr aud llduey UvuUie, vltlttea blvxxl and atomach dltordera a rottvle of vegetable ritractt tndlgenooa to California, ao tluiple and to well known under homely evrry day na met to every tchool boy aa to en tirely dlttlate th iuipltlon that they were U active prlnclde involved. So certain, however waa Mr. Joy that b had dtaoovrrvd the aecrct, that ha rmbodird the new clemeuta In a preparaUon of tUrvaparllla to dlagulae the Uale, and put It before hit cuttomrra under th uodrel nam of Joy Vegetable Banaparllla. ImmMlattly the aaue aurveloua ilcrleacawe Uct of Ut aakuilthlng eUXU, and the myatery oat aotvrd, and th talk It hat created bat aimJy caaaeU It to alep Into prominence, and order pour la dally from alt over the cct, lad thai another Calif orala tajattvy leapt tat Oregon is one ol the most produc tive states in the Union. Its vast mineral region" contains gold, silver, copper, Iron, and cunf. hsiinmene tracts of grazing lands supjKiri thou sands of cattle and slice)), aud its extensive agricultural regions pro duce all the cereals In abundance, tho yield per aero tielng, in some in stallers, the largest lu the world. Among the Useful ami valimole prod ucts of the Web Foot State may be mentioned Oregon Kidney Ten, which has pioved a boon to thou sands ntllicted with pain in the back ami kidney dllllcultics. It is purely of vegetable composition and never fails. Sold by D. W. Mathews. A cat owned by a farmer who lives near Norwich, Conn., has de veloped a fancy for stealing cloths pins. While the animal Is never known to touch clothes-pins of Its owner, it brings home all it can II ml lying around loose In tho neigh bors' yards. Within the last three months twenty-eight dozen have been brought home in this wav. Is Consumption Incurable? Head the follewing: Mr. 0. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., nays: "Was down with Abscess of Lungs, and friends ami physicians pronounced moan incumhle Consumptive. He gnu taking Dr. King's New Dl-eov-cry for Consumption, am on my third bottle, ami able to oversee the work on my fann. It is tho iluest medicine ever made." J e Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, st,s: "il..d it not been for Dr. Kind's New DNcmery tor Consump tion 1 Mi-iild haw died of Lung Tr.mW.n.' fry it. Sample bottle free at Diidet.l. Fry's drugstoie. The Best Residence Localities En tho city of Portland ami other prosperous towns are those owned tar men or corporations who have the disposition and ability to improve them. HIGHLAN ITION -IS OWNED BY TH II I M! And this Corporation is determined to lie It m 1st Attiitive iliii To the city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed nnd the contemplated improvements have scarcely begun. It is intonded to make the drive loading from Commercial street through Riverside and High land additions and around Highland Park THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE Of Oregon. The lino of the Salem Street Hallway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no lots will bo more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the near future be THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lois in Highland Aiidilon are High and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage The soil is black nnd rich. From, all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches hi this addition, and a nuniberof residences are soon Ut bo built. Buildings only of the best clabs will be permitted. Residence loU within the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over $1000. We can sell you better lota In High land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on the line of the street railwiy they are practi cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of the so called "inside lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And let some other fellow pay $1000 for an inferior lot not so well located, build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at n rate of interest tiint will buy tickets every year. With the difference of $700 you can you nearly two thousand street car Jill' YrvatyiM Ei'UJRlTAN' "WSiWU.'ttBS i?Htc v - m Five r hence tlntro will ltardlv be a place on this earth for the nib-J cliari i.. ....,.i ..i. .,.. magnificent ISVI, IIIMItll'IVI 111 IIIIJMIIIitlWI U IM'l Ui.-- tKt mid feel s.ifu. Treatise are Uing in .le .ii eveiy direction ran. (vrnitig them and their extradition. Kow's This? I Wfiulrr Uiw llutnlrxHt iMtlura rewurd i Uw uuy tuw i( cutnriii thit iiumot be ' viirtiltij laUui; lt;iirCnturrtiCutY. i J. iitvuFj t t.. proprietor, ToleUu, O: NW i.u uudt'nuititkt, tuiw known K. J. t tu.K'i turilio . i IK ycuro, ttuii bolloi ' a fii. Ii luutortiUfl In hll bualnrMi i.-iiim. tKtua. hkI nmonilly ubl ... i i ) ..n ki.oua iuij liy ll'l .' ,v Ti-u.tu. wIlwI0ruia(lti-,'rvlMo, ".. II. Vhii IUkmw, t.iahlvr, Tilwto .. -..h, futMhi,!). . . H . KitillHIl t Murvill, uIlolfMkl .til. i .'. . out W Ukcn lulerually, r, n. Ii.vil apau jh tttgiKl nml muciu ..-., i,t...i iu jrtMii. ltlmouUI aut i . Crlv Tn, mh Uitlle. rttlit by all tlrrj.i. of tna largest ana most reiUbla honae, and they oas Ferry's Seeds M, 1KKHY A uu. ara acknowledged to be tb Largest Seedsmen In tne wona. D M.ItaBT.loo'a' ninstrated.Detcrip. tire ana rncea SEED ANNUAL For 1880 win h mailed rprr ta mil aDDlic&nta. and to lat vear'a rastomen without 010611112 it. ifirafe- tarlltrt .oulllmr I aiSi laeilitcnu. I abould tend (or It. Addreu D. M. FERRY CO., Detroit. Mlcb. A PUBLIC BENEFACTOR, "Who is H. II. Warner, of Roche tor, N. Y whoso Safe Remedies, es pecially Warner's Safe Curo, have at tained such success and celebrity at homo and abroad?" The question is inspired as much by affection aa curiosity, since through his instrumentality hundreds of thou sands, in both hemispheres, have been restored to health and happi ness. Hon. H. II. "Warner, then, is a leading and honored resident ol Rochester, not only, but a prominent and influential citizen of the United States. On several occasions chosen by his party as a National dolegate to nominate a President of the Republic, he has been a member of the Repub cun State Committeo and of its Exe cutive Committee. He is a member of the American Institution for the Advancement of Science; President of tho Rochester Chamber of Com merce; a successful and upright busi ness man. He has given away for tunes in charities. Tho celebrated and costly Warner Observatory of Rochestor wb conceived, endowed, and is maintained by him. His munificent prizes for the discovery of comets has noen at once the wonder and delight of th scientific world. The yellow fever scourag in the South, the Ohio floods, the fire dis asters of Rochester and other cities awakened his profoundeat sympathies and in each inntanco his check for from 1 500 to 15,000 swelled the several relief futids. Where other wealthy men give tens and hundreds, he gives hundicds and thousands. ins cliarities are as readv and as his entprnriswi ami puuuu spirit are oounuiess. i The world has need of more such j men. j -n incident led him into tho manu facture Ot llltvlil'in KiiTB.t anmm I twelve years ago with what tho ablest physicians termed fatal kldniv din- ease, he was miraculously restored to health by what is now known as ' Warner's Safe Cure. At once he re-! toivtHi to make known the merits of so SEE HERE I JOHN F.STRATTON& SON . Importers nnd Wliolpinlp dealers in MUHICAL MEItCHANDISK. New York, r'i nnd Walker St. John P. Stratton's Celebrated Ku slan Out Violin Htrlns. the I Flneit In llio World. If there if anyone in the whole state of Op.'gon who wants to return I to tho east ho should read tliNudvertir-einent: A Bargain For Somebody Our Guarantee If n dealer receives a complaint, (which ho believes to be bonest) from nny musician to whom ho has sold nny of these strings, ho Is nuthorlzrd by us to give him another string without charge, nnd all such lass will be made good by us to our customers, without quibble or question. (Bewnruot imitation.) Dealers win please send lor descriptive catalogue. Trad supplied nt lowest price. -To Exchange for- Ifii mm , JM ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL, roil Boys and. Girls. The school will open on the 21th of Keptember. Thorough, Instruc tion In tho primary and nav.inced English Branches, LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSI In courne. . 'i RHUS and further Information may, be rad on application to KEV. P. H. POST, Cor. Chemekeut and State St. 8-30-tf A 6O0JD -QHANOB . Northern Pacific Railroad. RE! '.l;teCdlr ! - P can ., ,H on,.. bu.lne toriea and warehouses in the United I to carry Mates, Canada, Kngland, Germany,! rm. Austria, Australia and Burmah. ales ui iiii c-oio Jiemeuies are enormous, ! mcir iower over msease simply niarvilniw The merit of a production is act keeping with the character producer. An honest and man himself. Mr. Warner lioaest and reliable medicines-a fact John?,' itii abundantly attested by their pheno- v. saenal tfHcAcy and Donnlaritv. t . -" ute agt , -a- w -vttSKV. ItUropfcH GKEAT OVERLAND ROUTE. TWO PAHT TIIAIN8 DAIIA' I NOCHA-NUEOP CARS SHORTEST LInTtO CHICAGO And nil points East via St. PAUL and MINT2APOLIS. ii JiT Nrttiern Paclnc railroad U the only line running I"asenjter trains, rVcond class Siflf l?ff ot 'barge) Luxurious Day i2iSrri'VUraan 1u'ace 'ePiDK Can. r - d"7C i rtrir t a iifivrti .. i... . iuex- J)UIU JiXOUworkii ;?.;;.":","""" . '.V' myisioN.-Trnlns leav of its iwfemst ubo n luSuL "' il'.fc",.T """V "i ly at I1A5 a. m. relish e K,volnlr"olUiulathebulntSurtv 'i' '"lunni Ttio p :"' uii.menuinavU.imifliahiv-Mr..V.Vri.'!y ' i?.8 M u.'!"-tllvSmn and inaKf.li . .. 7, .-". -j-.-.j himl iiiniiti.n i...i .H i..., ..... mii.. i. .. .7 -..... i muuc --....,.,-.. ivr. riittaniOJ - iiiciiniuuu, e tliat your ticket rad vU the Northern i"aclno railroad nnd avoid the change of can. h .'if"1 '""rtland at 8 a. m. and &) p. m. jj - -. - ..Mu,,a w, oi, a-u ita e Front and &40 i mind 9-J6n.m Hlteplng Oars. i r. iM-twe. ui.tvu al,y I.'II. IrfUli1 turfllinrl liiicln.w .v - .".r- ""... CJI .ever Blind ihu ..ji- ' i ..."" '"".'puu ui rini .umpfcr r.,ly. aV.ltt, (&'4EH " THlW.iWS iy c . tie, nnet ialace dining nl tlund.Tacomaand Hatu iyM-.U-e. A. I. CHARLTON r'Ksr.v.j-i."'" w ..,.-. --...-,,,., rtiiMli f- IT1 rrtta, f:-mmmmmmBsmV9iija- ' " " J jucia - 3t-jiT ir,3MByp.1