. j . SUBSCRIBE -i FOR THE CAPITAL JOURNAL,! advbr risic IX THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT Wll.l. UK A GOOD INVESTMENT. SKl'lio Terms nro .Most UeasonablcTO II i itu. CAPITAL TIIK- BEST PAPER IN SALEM. aYouwill bo well pleased with H.-h r 1' TOL. 2. SAIiETH, OREGON, ITBTDAY, JTXLY 20, 1889. NO. 125. e it JOURNAL. DIRECT C Z o 4 U T.. v . i ni r . H' v ivr niu i.mnni L I'lUIII iUH .1UIJV (Hill UIIIWlU tut nssr cms a m bit. - DItESd And trinimlnso of all kinds mings, Plaid, Stripe-ami plain Surahs, Braids, Plushes, mi-., uu:. RIBBONS, KID GLOVES AND GLOVES OF ALL KINDS SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS. Oo Full and Complete Lines of Embroideries mid Lutes in All Widths. Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel- hH ties in Scarfs, yJ FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. U- Curtains, Poles, Portiers. fiST"A full and complete stock of Men's Furnishing Goods. No. 239 Corner Slafe IAJNN & ,. New Livery Stable. J. Mncey has lately purchased the Liv ery and Feed Stable Jormerly owned by Wagner & German, and now conducts A FIRST-CLASS STABLE! Ho has somo of the best rigs In the city. Olve him a call and It will bp tilled with great promptness. DAVID T, WILLIAMS, Proprietor of Salem Steam Laundry. SALEM,' OUEGOX. 3-Orders left at Stelner's grocery store will receive prompt attention George II. Hayes has been appointed special agent lor the above laundry and any washing left wltk him will be prompt ly attended to. -Prlces reasonable and work guaran teed. J. J. CULVER, County Surveyor JAMES WALTON, Topographer. W. H.1BYARS. Civil Engineer. Byars, Culver & Walton Surveyor! & Topographers, Cni.vnri itrnftH. nlntR monan.lH .lwOrl 111 IfMIR of lands, townlots, and roads, ditches, streets, sewers, alleys, etc. etc.. made and furnished at Uoht Sola TramiT. corners nnd lines rics- W. A U I.W"' laOUSUCU jniIHUIllii tot, . r. field notes. Grades for ditches, roads, streets or sew ers, with estimates-furnished on implica tion. Address County Surveyor's otllce. Selem, Oregon. ESTAHMSHED UV NATIONAL AUTHORITY mi-ru nun SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital Paid op, - - - - $75,000 Sorplas, ... - - -10,000 it. S. WALLACE, . - l'naWent. W. W. MAMTX. Vice-President. J. IL ALBERT, r - - Cashier. DIRtCTORSl W. T. b ray, TV. W. Martin, J. M. Martin. It. B. Wallace. I)r. W, A.Cuslck, J. II. Albert. T. McF. Patton. t tOAS MADE To termers on wheat- and other market able produce, consigned or in store, either In private granarlesor public warehouse Stile ud foiEly Warrants BngM at Far. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted l wasonable rate. Drafts drawn Alt oa New York, Chlearo, Ban Krauetfco, ItwItand.Indon.I'aris.KerllB, j . in 1 iiieuapiiiuiiauuudiuauiv UK ..c - 2 an trim T GOODS to match in Persian PETS, b and Commercial Streets. BROWN.. SALEM, OREGON. Wit. N. IjADUE, ; President. nit. J. UEYNOLOS, Vice President, IOHN MOIK, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially invited to deposit tmd transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the bank in most reliable companies. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Ferry and Liberty stseets, N. E. cor from Chcmoketo bjitel, Salem, Or. Good accommodations for commercial travelers. First-class rigs always on hand Charges reasonable. P. J. LARSEN, Wagon and Carriage Repairer Is prepared to do all work In the lino of making or repairing wueons, uugKira u, carriages in llrst-classstyle and at rensdn able pi Ices Shop Suite street, near Front Kansas House, Corner of Court and High Sis. E. M. LAW, Proprietor. We have taken a new name but will continue to serve ourpatrons with the best the market allords, give them a cordial welcome to Our Home. Terms reasonable. Give u a call and we will do you nod. Nq Chinese employed. DO YOU EAT? Jf. you do, call at the W. C. T. U. RESTAURANT In the opera house block, where you can get a good clean meal at any tlmeof day or C Thi"Srestaunnt U under new manage ment and satisfaction is guaranteed, hv-e-ylhlng Is in ttrst-class shape. Mr.andMrs.H.E HOWAltD, The New Managers. DK. H. SMITH, DENTIST, Has a new proceM by which he can flt plates of artlnclal teeth m perfectly ttot they are Inserted. Those wearing Ie platcwjrattllns around In the mouth -he eating, U Hit? great annoyantwof 4hei" tlvcsand umipany, sboufd call ou I)r. H. HiiiltUandgetM!l with wbleb they will enjoy comfort. Dr. Smith's oltlce U novr ffi5"3 ll wSrk 'warranted to KefTrtth filled or extracted wllUout i7 Ilemeaiber the place. oer Dear ftorn's harness shop, Commercial "' t irst Nationa Bank Biem,urrji'B. - GREAT --3SIB m m ll W VII iill IliiiiP KBIflir vm IH& l-S jSj5 Kis jyjjS5 lilsjMbF7' "KJHr0ailHk IS all BE SlttBfljSlCjwSSSy (US We have just received a large invoice of new goods, itieludiix; ninny novelties iu summer clothing. "Wo will sell these very cheap. Nice lines of white goods will bo sold at prices far below their r.ctu d value. We have new and elegant light-weight coats nnd vests which we will sell for less than other dealers pay for them. We have cotton Ihm nels, twelve yards for $1; while goods, fourteen1 yards for?l; dies. buttons, Gc per dozen; dress goods, usual price 12, now 81c; houelinlng, ,'!e per yard; lawns 4c a yard. We will sell all kinds of goods at the Mime relative figures. Cull and be convinced that we have the bct gjodu, ind sell the cheapest. Capitol Adventure Company, OPERA HOTJS1S CORN BR, Salem, ------- Oregon. A. K. STRANG, No. 303 Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. SKALKR IS STOVESandRANGES riHtnliing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. S- Agent for the rtlCHAHDSON A. BOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Ks tabllshed in 1849 New Butcher Shop AT NO. llO STATE ST. ANGEVINE & HANSOME. Have opened up a. first-class butcher shop at the above location, where they will bo pleased to serve the people with the CHOICEST AND 1IEST MEATS of all kinds that tho market affords. Ulvo them a call and bo convinced of the superiority or their meats. OrGooqs delivered free. WIIENT YOU ARE HUNGRY- go ro Tin; Star kncli tan ' I 210 Coiiiinci'cinl Street, Where you can get a Urst-olas lunch for any price from a nickel up. No Chinamen are employed. Bids for Wood, Hid will bo recehednt my otflci? In the opera houso block. Com t street, balcui.Or,, uptoJulya5th.lHb3.nt3 p, m., for six ( cords of body oak or large grub oak wood and seven (7) rds of Unly llr, to bo de- lueredat the Norm w.iein scnooi iiuukcj also six (C) cords of body oak.or large grub oak wood, and sevon (7) cords of largo Rn,iv iir m h delivered utlhuSoiith Sa lem school house; also foily ilU) cords of largebody or grub oak wood, thirty i.TOi cords jif tKxly ash and tlftv-flve (') cords onargo body ttr, to bo dellveied at the liisl Miieni scihkji iiousc. n iu wood to le delivered at the placos deslg noted on or before the 1st day of Septem ber next. ., , , . The board of Irustcw reserve the right to rejeel any and all bid. JAVIfSlMsrfif. Clerk or School Dint. So. 31. 8l.KJf. Or.,Julyia,WS dMd : ATTENTION FARN4ERS! Single lots and acres. One lulfinllu Wast ofrUlem P.O. OcmhI soil, all elir and In line tondlthin. All ready ler lantlng fruit and shrubbry at nw. liich plcoi fronts on a nice street, nnd no pity tax. THOMAS & PAYNE 07 STATB ST. SAUISM. Don't cou;h any lons-r, Wright's Hed Cro Cornell Cure wilt rout your annoy- BDceand leave' you free nnd wll. Sold by J1 rtrtiiKiM. SALE! FOUND, LVJUNI) A pjlr "f ludyV new light Jvid gloves fine Call at this olflcc, proo property, pay lor notice and got goods ' ANTKI). "IT'ANTKl) A situation by a boy 1 1 ye s ' old, on furiii or stock ranche A pood uwiLgi", can plow or tend Htnvk. lull at iho o(l'-r of the t'Arirvi. .iouhinai. tot ' .' MtfWI ' NTITJ gentleman of live Ji"t rt ivi-Ieiiio 1 . romniNslim business Mains fipusllioii In Jj.ii-s uheiu he can put In all Ills time Ho." bad oineexperleiif"' n rcil estate and lusunince; Is a good hand In a warobouse; Is nsood matlicmatlrlaiknnd can Keep oooies anu inane luniyeii general' ly iisetul and Is not afraid of work. liest of iefircnces glxcn. Address "H.," .loint- 5-ntr .N.U. UfTlCF. ron i:knt. IX)It ltl'.'T.- In a lino locality, several I nicely furnished looms, either with or without board. For paitlculurs call upon Wm. S. Arnold, U7 Winter stieet. ron SAi.u LIUUtsALk:. A l'AHM OF aJUACKRH II all under fence and cultivation. In the best rango country of Eastern Oregon. Thobest chnn(oeernireied for a man to cngugo In stock raising. For particulars call on or address W. JI. 11YA11S, Salem, Oregon. 8ocii:tv NOTICUS. 0UVi:i,OlK!K No. 18, I. 1). O. I'., meets In Odd lVllows' Hall upstairs, ('ornc, Coininerclal and Ferry streets, every Sat urday nt 7:. 10 p. in. J.T.OHIillO. JAS. WAI-TON, Secretary. N. l A it5edgMlck Post, Js'oT 10, DcparU ' incut of Ongon, meets every Monday evening at the hall over the Oregon Land i company's olllce. Visiting comrades an cordially ln Ited to attend, A. W. DitAYUKit, Fust CoinnuidLr. . it. F. south wick, Ailjuftnt. I'ltOFllSSlONAI. CAltDS. i l m I J. SflAW. attoi my nt law, Kilem, Ore '. gon. OfiUe ujsstalrs In the Pattou UIOCK ,r"J..Jf:S'Nl.S(Jsi DTI). S.-DKNTIST l Onico In the Now JJank lllock, Com inercliil stieet, Salem. Sign of tho big t(K)th. dw MllYKlrjAis'.-SlHS.jTU. M. 1. McCOY I. physician and surgeon, has located and taken rooms over Sulre Pamir's grocery store. Chronic, distune a spec laity. Consultation free, li'Jldw u "1. WftxrAMS, KTKNtKlfiAl'JlRn , and Tyiwwrlter Copyist. Wlllmalto resrts of trials, etc.; ctnylng on lyiw w riter accurately and neatly done. (Jlluo with I A Manning, Coliimerclul St., I'p stairs, New Itank lllock. Oregon House! Corner Mill anil Summor Sts,, Three Blocks Wtsl of I)riot,Salein, Or. PLEASANT ROOMS AND GOOD TABLE. Board and Lodging Per Day, $1, Frc trnnsjrUitUin of Kisictugers and iMiggsgetoanilfromdeit. II. J'. HllAltP. PropiK tor. GEORGE WILKINS' N R NV UUTCMBK SHOP j0 y nM, ncros th lirtdgti Iu sonh ?slwn ArTklnds of uiMikept on " " xmv TO-IAY. Conservatory of Music Of the Wlllninetto fnlvcMty Salem, Ore- f on, the most successful Mif-le School on ho Northwest Coat. Courses In music are equal to Eastern music sehooN. Yearly at tendance of nearly one hundred nnd fifty. The able corps of teachers ftr the coming -rhiwl year will be Prof. X..M. lMrvliiiMIsM Frunklo P. Jones, Miss l'.ui Ce: a-ststnnt te.iehois, MNsLulu M. Sinllh, Miss lli.lly IMrlh, and Miss Mnmle Parvln. llniHches taught are Vocal Culture, Piano, Oigan, Violin, Pipe Orenn. Harmony, Counterpoint. "1 Class To.icnlng. Diplomas given on completion of course tfond Toi c-iliilosuenud circular. .. M PAKVIN 7-iVKlm-wllu. ilistoiy of Oregon From tlto Erllest forlod to tlio lTBaentTlmo ltY IlLMlEUTllOWi: ItANCKObT. Ju-t published, complete In two voN, with Index. A mitgnilleent eoulriblltlou tn knowledge. The prldo ot u people who aiepiMiid cf tlicir iccord. A lioiiM'hold necessity; a national uencllt. Agents Waiiteil ".,11 ed can at all compare with this In Intel est and Importance to the people, of Oirgon, and to all others Interested In tho welfare of their country It contains a record or brave doings, of grand emigrations and permanent orgnnlrntlons. It Is the life of an Itnixirtnnt part of tho nation. No truo Orekonlnn, no true American Ull fall to secure. this win k, now for tho llrst time ol lured seperatelv from tho full set of .Mr. ltancroU's marvellous historical series in SU vols. Earnest, active workeis should sneuio exclusive territory Immediately, or they wllllO"ciu mix1 opportunity to mkiie lor theniselvas $500 or $1,000. Ono needs noexperlcncoorenpllallnthls business, for Ifpropeily picented thework sells Itself, and we glv o our Agents ISO dnj s' time In which todellvci uudcsiUisa befoio paying us. Address TUP. IIISTOUY to., Til Mai ket St. San Fraud eo, Ca' JOHN HUGHES, Doalor in Groceries, I'nints, Oils una Window Glass, "Wall Ta ller and Jlorder, Artists' Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails nnd Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, Small Parms for Sale. A numbei of tcn-acro tmctitof desirable laud wltlilnononnda lnlt iiillosofHaleiii, at prices tanging lrom fOO toSlUOperacrc. Apply to WILMS A CHAMllKUMN, (siO-Ini Opera House lllock EXECUTOR'S SALE. Notice Is heio by given to whom It may concern, that the undersigned executor of thocstato of .lanicK Mauley deceased, by vlrtuoofan order nnd llieiise made by llio Hon. County Ikiurt fur Mm Ion isunt !Or-' gon, ou tho Ittli, clay of May lb.SU, eiiipow erlng and dliectlng tho undersigned as such executor to sell the teal estate of the said .lames Stanley deceased, wll sill at public auction In trouloftlio county csiurt house door, In the city or Salem, ..ailou county, Oicgnn, mi tlioJIrd, day of August, lss!) at the hour of one o'clock p. m. of sulci day lo tho highest and best bidder for cash in hand, all tho right tltlo nnd Inter est nftliosalil.Iaiiies Stanley deceased. In and to the following described ical estate to-wlt: llegluiilngnt tho north west corner of the donation laud claim ol Thomas Stan Icy and wlfu. No. Ill, township 8, south rango 2 west of tho Willamette meridian, and running tlieniosoutlHI0 -IVc-ast Wittl chains along the south west boundary (' claim No IU to nnglo In claim No. Ill 01 north boundnrv oflhi) donation landclalin ol Wm. II. Hector, No. -ij. Thenci, south 7y easi, ii.iiciniMis loiiiusouiu wcsicorn rrof claim No. Ill; thence north 17 IS' cast St. W chains; thence north 11 IV west 107.011 chains to the Ulii th w est boundary of claim No. I; thence south 17" lb'westau.'.'lclialns to the place of beginning; being a inert of the donntliin'laiid claim ofTliomasHtaliley and wife, No. 4(1. containing :Ui."l acres of land iiioio or less and situated 111 Marlon county Oregon. Dilliil III Kiiciu,ircgou, j my ,iro, iito. F. Levy, Ilxcciltorof sulci cstalo 7)w5t HORSES FOR SALE. Ono heavy gelding, one jniing mare with voniiL' ioltKiiul!sli shire, nny muni with foal by Siissbaw. Junior; ouo Iwo-yeiiHild coll, Johnny Hull, line trotter. Cull on v, n 1 1 m i ;. , C-20WS Ifela, Polk oiunly, ()r. NOTICE PIIOPOHAI.S INVlTi:i. TIim Hoard of PubHe Iliilldlug Coiiiiuls- Inner hereby Invito kculod pioK,wits for tlieerclionof u water lower mid lank at the penitentiary. PJauxiiiids'xcl'Icatloiis may bu seen ut the olllce of v . 1). Piigh, rfrriillisit. Kilom.Or. Itlght to reject any and all bid Is reserved, (litis A'lll m otM-'iied at il o'cliK-k. a, in , 'luesda), Aug ii.lcx;!. svi.vtMri.it Pkx.mh i:ii, ijui W. McWiiiik, l. W. Wkuii, t'ominlssloiirrs v it. A Ml'."I.Y,(.1iirk of iloHid, A sen -ip or nun hivw un urr.. Itwiisjitfct an orilliinry ttcrup or writing papiT, but it wived lior JITu. Kliuwi-s 1u tliu lust Hinge ofecm Hiiinptlon, tcjlil by i-tiytaicIaiiM that Hlii' wtiM inciirublo mid could hvo on ly u hhort time; lie wflglicd Ivah tliuu mveiity jkiuikIh. On u iiltco of wmpjiliijf iuiH.T hlio rwul of Dr. KInjj'uXew Discovery, uinl uot I.. I.lll.. U 1...I.....1 liii. ulir. Ixiu'litu InrKO iKitlle, ft lit'lpeil her more, bought itnotlier nnd grew bet ter fuHt. coutimiei It i use mid U now trtroiii,', heulthy.roriy, phiiup, weigh hit: 140 pouiulu, l'or lulier jmrtlcii- rluw fiend htiimii to W. JI. Cole, Drucglst, Fort binlth. Trlul lwttlo of tlila wonderful dlheovery frr.-o nt D.uiM J. Fry'h driiy t-tore. STRUCK BY LIGHTNING Ouo. Killed nnd Five Rendered Insensible. THE OKKUOX PACIFIC 1!AII,1MIAI). A liUi'so Humility of llimhvnoil I.uiii Iter lliu-iieil. The Wrcrkod Hark Safe. Astoiua, Or., July 2."i.As sur mised, the vessel sighted oft" Kaster brtHik's Inst owning was the ltrltish bark Janet Ferguson, from Vietotia in ballast. The vessel arrived iu all right this morning, in tow of tlto Eseort. Cantnin leOlbbon says he left Victoria last Saturday for the Colum bia river. When ho got down to tho straits, the weather shut In very thick, and It was so foggy that he could not make out bin nosition At beven yesterday morning ho found tho current was carrying tho vessel toward shore, and canto to anchor, not knowing what part of tho coaM ho was on. During tho day ho tried to laud In a small boat, but though tho sea was smooth where tho vessel lay, there was too much suif. At 12:;t0 this morning the tug came alongside, and tho vessel arrived at eight tills morning. The vessel was not on her beam ends, and was not in trouble at any time. Tmiiins Driven Out. Ahi.inuton, Or., July W. About fifteen or twenty tramps struck town this morning and commenced a systematic course of working the people for food, old clothes and money. Tho citizens put up with their presence, until this evening, when a number of young men, headed by Marshal Ardcry waited on them and asked them to leave. Seven or eight started west without any wouls, and the others scattered along tho river claiming thoy were east bnu ml. Two of those fellows acknowledged to having been hero llvo years ago, when the town was burned, but they dually all left. It Is supposed that this is tho satno gang that was driven out of Spokane Falls some days ago. A fn liner named II. CI. Hurlbuit, living near town, was arrested and brought into town to-day for mak ing an assault on a 10-year-old boy named Helms with a pitchfork. Ho waived examination and was held Iu ball iu tbosdm of $7r0. Struck hy Iiilitiiin. Hutti:, July lil. .lolui Mortality, a section foiemau on the Montana Central railroad, while nt work ou his section about five miles from Elk I'ark station, was struck by light ning about noon to-day ami instant ly killed. Ho had a spike maul iu his hand and was standing about ten feet from his men when the stroke descended. All of his men, five In number, were severely shock ed, ono or two lieing thrown violent ly to tho ground and rendered In sensible, but thoy soon recovered. Mortality was struck near tholieatt. Tho electrical current followed down his left leg and tore his shoes and stockings into fchicds. Ills watch chain was burned In two and tin ease of his watch was melted, Tli Oregon l'jicillc. A.ii.NY,Or., July 'S. -Antonello it Dee, coiitractois ou tho Oicgou I'aclllc railroad, state that there Is no truth In the rcpoit that work had lieoii Htopped on the eiiftwiird extension of the toud, A gang of Chinamen engaged In surfacing up tho end of tho track have quit, that work being IIiiIhIikI, but Antonello it Dee havo li) white men at work ou their thirty-mile contract, and they will put on it foice of China men next week, white laboiers be ing scarce. Work on their contract will bo vigorously pu.ihcd until com pleted. A I'atkery Huriird. Coi.fax, W. T July iiV.-Tho huudoomo brick packing houso of the Colfax Packing Company wn alinoMt entirely destroyed by lire al nluo o'clock lut night. In tho building were 7000 pounds of bacon and several tons of lard, most of which is damaged. Tho brick walls remain Intact. It Is not known how tho Hie stinted, but was either In cendiary or caught from spark) from tho foundry, near by, Tho Iosh g fl-i.OOi); liifciiruiict), WW, Tho lire dupaitnieilt did excellent work, nnd saved much of tb meat. It will bo rebuilt. I To Secure Night ol Way. JU'tti:, July 2o. In order to ob tain right of way Into tho city, tho Northern Pacific and Molilalia rail road company will hnvo to fight for almost every Inch of tho ground. As soon as It became known defin itely, where tho courso of the pro posed road was to be, a number of persons located claims directly on tho line of tho route, and tho com pany has mado repented cllorts to ellcct a settlement with these par tics and has failed Invariably. Hav ing become tired of these futile nt temps at an aniieablo adjustment, the company has begun condemna tion proceedings In the district court. The Tension llnreaii. Wash i.noton, July IK. The com mittee appointed by Secretary No ble to investigate and report upon tho manner of tho rating of pensions In tho pension bureau during tho last year Is busily engaged on tho case. A statement is being pre pared at tho pension olllco of thb number of eases made .special during tho four months of Tanner's ad mlnistmtion. Itlsstated that thep number no less than 1000. Wntep For McMimnille. McMtNNViiii.i:, July 125. Tho city council has finally decided to take Viunblll river water for city water works, and havo advertised for bids for a system of pumping complete, to cost not more than $L"0, 000, tho amount allowed by the last legislature. Tho work is to begin by August tho 20, and bo pushed to completion. i i A Sawmill lliirnetl. Jnrrnitso.v Or., July lil. Tho hardwood sawmill of J. C. Rounds, located near tho Santiam, In a big body of ash and maplo, burned 'very early this morning, with a large quantity of hardwood lumber. It was a well an imgcd mill, and the only ono or tho kind ou the Wil lamette. It Is reported that there is no Insurance. A L'nso of Siiinlliox at Seattle. SkattIii:, July 'St. ChurlcH Stan garden, a Norwegian recently from Minnesota, applied for admission to Province hospital this afternoon. His face was covered with smallpox pustules and ho was sent to tho pest ' houso. Ho contracted tho disease before coming west. A Wonderful Sight. On tho evening of, thu 11 of July Taconia saw a sight which probably the oldest inhabitant never wit nessed before, and It was ono of the most beautiful that human eye ever beheld. Tho snowy top of Mount Taeoma stood like a great mass of'' snowy white cloud above tho belt of smoke that lay along Its base; the last llngoilug rays of the mtti.ig sun glided tho summit as if with molten gold, and many bright and pilHiuatlo colors gleamed about the mountain sides. At tho moment when tho sun was sinking toward the surface of (ho Pacific, the upper edgeof tho full round moon peeped above old Tacoma's top and In a few iiiiinients tho big silver disc stood as If It rested with Its lower edge upon tho bank of the suu-llt snow that clowned this monarch of the Cas cades. Exclamations of delight was heaid on all hands from all; old ami tired men climbing tho terraces after their days woik tunied to see the glorious sight; children quit their plav to ga.o at the scent) with delight, and nil manner ufjieople, oven those who heed nature the least, halted to watch the bit of beauty,., tho moon and tho mountain In their lierlbellou so to sneak tlilx grand . touch of uatiiio Iu her grandest mood. The exquisite scene lasted hi tho height of its sublimity but a few moments and tho monarch of tho night and tho monarch of the mountains stood apart, the moon riding higher and higher in the clear sky, growing brighter ami brighter as alio ascended, leaving the mountains almost obscured In thu Kcmi-darkuisH and ghostly shad ows that veiled the hoil.on. Tho scene will live for over In the memories of all who saw It. Poets will slugof It; painters will endeavor to transfer it to canvuHjinauy will at tempt to describe It by the word of mouth, but only through the camera of remembrance- can It be perfectly scon again, and then only through the remembrance of those who ad mire the majesty of nature and who loves the beautiful therein. Jlrooklyn wallers mrucU lecnuto of a notice that warned ttustnmetu against overcharges. Their plniVH Were lUWil, ' ' I 'i t Si 4 rt' J 3 t v Mi 1 ?- ft 1 L il hi 1 :