MiiftirgsH3a THE CAPITAIi EVENING J5bllN"AIi. )- l IF I'IMH.IHHKI) DAILY, KXOKITHUMJAY, II V TIIK Capital Journal Publishing Company. (IncorKinilP(1.) Knlorcd nt the iHixloffice nt Hnlciii,Or.,iin necotiil clnifl mutter. CURE B.IRVINE, .Manager, Sto fourth page, for tcrnm of MibxiTl- Ai'hcrllncincnln to Insure Insertion (for tin- h.'iiiiu tiny) Nhoulil lie 1m ruled In liy I o'clock. CorrcHixnicleiico containing new of In tercut and linixirluiiru l dcMred from nil p.irlHcif thoxlnli'. No attention will Ik piild (onniiniiioiin communication. I'ernoin dinlrlnj; the ("Ai'iTAi. .Ioi'iinaj. MTVI'll nt llK-lr llOIIM"4 enn Mvuro H .v HW liil Mini riiiet, or liy won! led at this olIU'P. Specimen number sent ficoon iiiipllcui- Olllci), corner Court and Liberty Streets. WKDNKSDAY . .MIL V 1M, 18!) Hll.ll.l, 'l! MIII'.T Atl.lIM Tho following Ih out' of (la- inot hrlllliinl iittMc wiitli'ii hy (ho liimeiiti'd (h-nrgo I). I'rcnthr: Tlio liat of nature ta Inc-xoriihle. Thure In no njipwil for relief fiorn tllOgK'Ut Inw wllll'll lloiMIIS (OlIllHt. We llotu'rih mill ailo km tlio Ii'uvihoI Ihe rort-Ht, utitl tliolloweiH.tlmt lilooiii mill wither in a day have no friiilur liolil upon llfo than tin.1 inlghtiexl monarch (lint over nhook (houiirih with his footsteps. Ooni'iatloiiH o ini'ii will appear anil disappear iik fnntxlupi on (ho whole. Moii wliloin Ihlnl; of (ho gient event of death until the mIiiiiIuw fidls ,nern. h their own pathway, hiding from ihelroyes (ho fai-t-Hof lovi'il oniN, uhuyu living runllcH wan tho winllghtof their ex iHtencc. Death ih tho niititgonlut of llfo ami (ho eold thought of tho ton lit Ih Iho Kkeleton of all IoiihIh. We do not want (o go through tho dark valley, although IU ilark pan H.igo may loud to l'aindlwe; wo ilo not want to Ilo down in Iho damp giuve, even with princes nc hedfel Iowh. In (ho beautiful drama ol "lon,"MIo hopo of iminoitalily ut tered hy (he death devilled flroek HihIh deep response in every thoughtful Hold, When ahoul lo ylold IiIh young oxlntonee a1 a naerl lice to fate, his Claiiianllia asked II tlioy could meet again, to which he lepllOH: "I have linked (hat dread ful ipjeHllun of the IiIIIh that look eternal of tho Htars among whine Hold of a .lire my xplrit has walked In glory. All woio tliimli; hut an I gn.o on thy living faee, I feel (hero iHHomethluglu tho love thatnmnllos through Kh heiuity that cannot wholly perish. We shall meet again, Clamaiitliii." In view of tho almost Inercdlhloj progrcHH of (he ImhI two generatioiiH i it Is not tho hent Judgment which proiioiinoeHthopos(ilectrlony,steiuof iraiiHportnllou tho dream of an In-' veutlvo umnliie. There !h a fri'.sh-' liens ahont Iho propiwKiou (hat wo! hIuiII yet wild 'etlern iieioM Ihe enu- i (liirnt hetween (ho dawns of kiio- . ees.slvo duyn that taken tho averago breath away, and tho suggestion that passengers are to lie lushed through space til (ho rale of '.1)0 miles per hour Is apt (o alarm (lie apprehensive. Hut the .lopoMltlon Is not beyond (ho lhulljnf possibility for all that. A few days ago an experimental train upon a ralhoad In Pennsyl vania made a run of about, ninety odd miles In about sixty minutes, some portion of the Journey being at a rate of nearly two miles per min ute. If steam can uccompllsh such marvelous lesiills as this, why not that greater power, eleelilclty, eollpso (lilsstupendous record? The truth Is that wo live In a phenomen al age. All the ancient faiths con cerning the development of material things am being rudely Jostled by tho pushing shoulders of science. It i .,, i., !.... i ..r .. .. t . t that wo shall converse w llh persons a IhoUNUid miles away. Marked prugiVM has been inmle inwnni solving ine piooiem oi aerial navigation, mid although IP In yd Impossible to pusllet I lie ultimate outcome, it is not Uis.vnlty to believe that ,lr ships nmy yet U, run counter to the winds, Tho turning of a key illum inates a populous city, and now ex plosives flintier In an Instant oli hlacles which wetv deemed Immov able. There are Impiovomeiits In thu telegraph which would have astounded Morse had he lived lo sec them. Tin: demand furarllllclal fettilucr :it tho east has ted to tho scouring of prairies for the Imuics of bitllalo and l other animals. ( irvat heiqis of these ! lenmlns, which Include a No the boiusi of many an unfortunate pro poi'tor and ranchman, an' piled along tho hue of railroad near Helena niuly for shipment to the east, whero thoy a.v ground up. If ' any of tho men who hunted Imtlalo on (hem' plains thirty ,ors ago had Iki'I. told that It. thivedeeiulallve (ill Halo would lca imiM'Uiu cut itvify mid that tlio bmu of (he di.d blsn would bo eollectctl to make nrn ami wheat grow on woroout wimoiu land, lie would huvo iciited It as all Insult to lii Intelligence. The t lias llvisl n rapl'd Hie, ami tho survt-t sign of it Isiheiotal exilno flop of the hulllilo, A nhw aristocracy Ih being found- ed In Xt-w York. Antonio Ante, an Italian, started businexH iih n boot- black at live years of age. Ho has long been n boss shiner, owns sever - al stands nnd a number of buildings well rented, all earned with the brush, lie was married recently luj uitra lasiiionablo s(yle, (he bride wearing cream silk and real old late, and they have taken a bridal tour to Kurope. Who knows but what al tho second centennial ball the Astes and the Astors will bo dancing In the same set. In one placo UOOninl In another 175 eoplo weredotibled up by Icecream. In Adair, Iowa, every physician in (ho place partook of the tyrotoxlca- tlng dl.sh, and when pangs seixed (ho 17 aching stomachs the hands that sliould have worked tho stomach-pump were In agony clasped over the howling abdomens of their owner", and could not he disengaged for public use. Ico cream is rapidly taking a place alongside of rougli-oil-rals as an internal devastator. Hijnatou Hiwock in Ids Wood stock Fourth of.lulyiiratiousaid that "so fong as there are merchants who cheat, inanufacturerH who deceive, contractors who defraud, bankers wlio cmbe..le, and preachers who are hypooillCH, (hole will be bad politicians." Yes, and so long as one oluus quotes (lie crimes of tho other (o condone lis own, there will bo neither public virtue or political mor.ils. .Mas. Oaki'ikm) will return to Washington this winter, and Mrs. Chandler, widow of tho Kcnalor, is aheady Ihcie building a costly house on Sixteen' h stieet. She is tho molher-ln-law of Senator Jfalo of Maine, and is a good one, for she pays him putielually tlio froO.OOO for eaeh child which her husband promised when he married into tho family. Views uf I lie Xiirtliiioli' Prof. J. H. Tromhly of Talent, who Is deeply Interested in selcutillc researches, sends the Iteeord tho fol lowing, taken from Brick I'omcroy's Advance Thought. A year ago Just fall an Ameileau inventor and scientist, Mr. tieorge A. I'reailweil, formerly of Oakland, Cal., hut at present in London, and who Ih how associated In scleutilh: matters with Kir John Lubbock, a Follow of tho Koyal .Society of Lon don, and also M. P., conceived an original and lugenlusmoiloof deter mination in tho character of tho country around the Xoitli Polo without physical inspection. Know ing fiom dala now on tlio in tho (,'alifornh Aeadamy of Seionets, that wild gece annually navigate interpreter, iho .irtl-l hade liim liud to and I'iiiiii (ho North Pole, ami 'out of tli head mm of (ho Tarter fnrtliorinoiv, thai In returning to" pmty what ihese extrmr Unary an- California from tho Arctic circle, thoy unquestionably come to that where limy sillier the least (. . molestation, ami which they fiv ipieuted tho Immediate preceding winter, It appeared at onco (o Mr. Tie.ulwell (o make tho wlldgooM- 'a messenger of civilization mid a bearer of "tidings of great Joy." to that end ho bent all the energies ! ot his being, and' last fall sent ton farmer in Llvormoro Valley, Ala-1, medii county. his plans. In London he had eighty small camera olwcu ran made, provided each witlLchem Ically prepared plates, and a dark chemical treating department, and of each apparatus was seen hy clock work, or nit her hy wateh-woik, so that a scene or picture could bo per niaiitMltly llxcd every twenty-four hours. Tho whole process was after the manner and mode of photographv. 1 lie directed Iho farmer of Liver- ' , .... .... . '.uvonllugly done, and many of the , i. ..".;,. ,..,... ' Tho photographic machine and 1 process was attached under tho right I wlngofcach bird. Last spring the birds woixt turned louse, ami while ""' .r.i.iKW, am. w. ,.o ilu ?r,"K t""11 )w w,,m "' lilrus weiv spwdlug toward the ,N'oith Pole at the mto.ifBlxty miU' an hour, This fall ouo of the same gceoie- turned to tho wheal Held at Liver-' more, and tho fanner thorn succihsI In capturing him. What wa hU surprise and wonder, on exa.uiulug him, to llnd (ho identical apparatus attaclied to him that ho hud placed under hU wing. Asstatodlioforo, thoapp,uitttis was so arranged that it was os'rtisl by Watch-work, and onco In tweot.v four hours It tinik a plciuiv ot ilm country over wlili'li (no g.KkM- w . (mvollug, or In whlel.lt lutppciiol to be. Theivtoiv, on opening it ll. et's'hty plates wvro fuiuul; iln weieeut to iri'iutueil, ill ull.l .n, lllld the llnlj-lllng tuUch.n of ph t.rophy wen uppllod I.. Hunt felr John. LuhhooU, IMI. lli'iir.v TllU.llpMiU ami many dUtlnniUhed nivliibeis of Iho 15oy.il SiH'lety i.f LmiiiUhi, IhUm Hie faculty of iho U.uvi'itliy of London, wvro p.iviH'nt, Hi'Ivium was ktiirtliil and iilmott voufoiiudisl wlion, ou by one Mr. Trcadwcll presented the picture of the Xorth Polo nnd Intermediate. regions. There wuh some f-eenes In I Oregon, JX.kotn, Canada, Lake Su-I 1 pcribr and ALska, and there Mere three plates that imllcatul nothing, ! probably owing to there being no sunlight, which Ih necessary to pho- tograiiliy Then came what millions of money and sncraflce of noble Uvea liave failed to attain a view of tlio Xorlh Pole. There were pictures of ice, miles In height; (hen (hero gradually came a change, tlntli'at last the change showed n beautiful fairyland, full of temperate zone vogclatlon. There were ani mals dial HCi'niL'fl to bo neither tho reindeer or tho nn,se. There was a huge animal much like tho mastL don, but jet difl'crent. There were pictures ol curious people grouped together looking up, as if toward tho winged carriers. These people dlil not appear to bo either Caticau siaus or Indians, and they were of giant proportions; they wore gar ments evidently made from the skins of wild beasts, and yet there were .some who appeared as leaders and were dressed in raiment indica ting civilization. One photoshouod a Held of coral, not unlike Egyptian com, and yet another plate had a grand view of a city, though it seems somewhat obscured by the liae wliieh overhangs a metropolis. 'Hie Unwilling Laughing Match. Mr. Frost, tho artist who went with Mr. George Ken nan on his perilous journey to see tho llfo of the Biboiian exiles, has told some amusing experlnces, among which was tho one of an unwilling laugh lug match: Ho was engaged ouo blustering day, somewhere on the outskirts of Tartary in making a sketch of a group of picturesque Taitars. Still other Tartars gathered around him as ho was at work, gazing curiously al his sketch and walking about. As tho Taitars were armed to the teeth tho artist thought It best to be amiable, ami smiled a broad smile upon tho (tarty. Wheieupon tho endro party smiled broadly in return and showed great interest in iiiur. ho smiled again, more broadly stlli. Whereupon tlio Tartars came around in front of him and began to go through the most extraordi nary antics, laughing still. The artist gathered mhucIiow that he was expected to laugh, too, and pro ceeded to gratiy their evident wish. Tho moio ho laughed tho nine lliey laught'd, and suveral big Tar tars came mound In fiout of him and lay down on tin' ground, roll lug and tumbling. Tho artist laughed until Iil-t law.s almost cracked. The thing Dually became a little alarming, and calling his lie were all about. "Ills excellency," said thoT.irlor in explanation, "smiled upon us and showed us s uuethiug wlilch we nevifMiw before teeth made part ly ol gold. And as the men of my llibesiw th.it hlsirnldon teeth were, only.,, bo seen when ho Miuy took all po-slble ways lo makei him laugh: and when they rolled on tho ground before htm it was Ml y the better to see Into liNmouth, and la hold, too, (he golden teeth." I A largo number of rich quartz and A rreshlv arrived Norwegian girl I l,1,R'01' c,n,,,w ,mvo Uy b secured a homo in New York Citv. ,Maked out near aki.na, and many As she was utterly green, her niis-!coal dail,H M?" 1,, C(ml u (ros found It hard toac.pialut horiuithraeiteandof tho llnest .juality. with tho simplest usages of her new ! 'I''"-' value of teohnleal knowledge home, l'imilly, in dispair of her uudei taking, the lady exclaimed: ! "Well, what can you do'.'" Ah, hero wasa ipastlou she could answer. With illuminated face tho girl respended: "I e.ui mllkt tho it'lmUvr, nia'ain!" 'i'i.. m,ui j.iMn,, c.oi.,... .r i I lie most striking feature of tho I-MI-"" xliH.lt at Pari, is a series of 100 charts and diaijiiimsllluMrat- i.Mi.mi .,v mi.it t p,ipIj l .. ..hi.w lug tho growth and development of all (hcroal eleCr.olan's Inven- thins. i rhoadvooatos of prohibition claim ' . . , . , i , , , , ' " 1 1 T. ."" " ' " .. ? l In foriv tstch man has a little pilvatojugofhlsown. lto--ton helre.vi--l am afraid It Is not for mo, but for my money, that vou wmu here to often. Ardent wooer--ion aiv cruel to wiy mi. How eat i I get ,our money wrthout Kt-lliugyou? A WO.IIA.N'.S WAY. A Klu-llliitf lluliii'a l'ruiilllou. Wliou Mrs. t'oivlpr. n( SST llllh tnt, tov ssl In nt Uskdliivtrtly druniUl't lo ai. w but ctUs-t "Tim Caltftirula Iti'iiul ,' Joy' Wse- tblO lNtl'nrlllil, MlMlliI llllXD III CK'l o( d)V)Uuiii lfW liraliirtii,, 1h wni .ur isllt Mimll ri'llovlwlli Sliaio Itu-rvHl-ulviut that Iho ilnisiil't tnw tier a tttli not oU 11 (or uulfn It oiUkIi-vI cure. Tho (olIowtuK ltho iMli lu Ins i-uiirliitloit. han J-"rucIs V'Unir- S, ivA Dxah Sik Nu(u liliuitdlitg my tul-vt live. Jo' Visrvtl,lo St.1lIlll ill,I all that yoa j.nulst 1 l.l trUil m miiy iwwrlj 'k'u thai I had is-mo tu UJloo nothtiiic ouM wiuw wy jiita vi rfw ha. BC i u.ueV I iu ,rutlj-mtvd. YiHi)iaviu)-rmluloulowaVotbluMi(t, w rucay ihi utll i-uratI).iU t wUI iw l wolb " ty fflit ftf, t-HU'-i ST Kill, nrxvl The Chief Itrnaon for tno great sn cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla la found In thl irtlcto Itself. It is merit that wins, and tbt ract that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for It, Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and lain greater than that of any other sarsapa- Mfn-it Wine rllIa or blood purl" IVieri I VV I lib fler before tho public. Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength- ins the Nerves, hulldi up tho Wholo System Hool'HnrnipnrIllnl3 sold by all drug dsts. $tjslxfor55. I'rcpared by C. I. Ho(X V (Jo., Apothecaries. Lowell. Mass. . Keats Sam Jones Nebraska has produced an "evan gelist" who is likely to eclipse Sam Jones. Tliis is what he recently said, as recorded in the Nebraska State Jeurnal: Yes (biting a large chew from a plug of black tobacco and expector ating with marvellous accuracy in tho eye of u slumbering dog), I've been getting there witli both feet lately. The last town I stopped at I raked In twenty converts in one night; and you bet that's big work. I get right down to 'em and lot 'em know that If they don't waltz up to the mourners' bench and get religion they'll bo everlastingly In the soup, and I generally fetch 'em. Tho Age of Modern Man. People arc fond of saying that ".Mankind Is growing wiser and weaker." But is it really so? Let us glance at tho facts. According to (ho latest statistics there are more centenarians now living than at any previous time in tue mstory ot tno world. Why? Because of the great discoveries in medical science which aflbrd him immunity from diseases that formerly devastated mankind. Greatest of litem all is Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery, tho best blood-purifier and roiiovator of the' ago, bcroiuia, iever-sores, tumors, unsightly ulcers and eruptions van ish like magic beneath itsbenollcient lnlluemv. Win. Atideison, a fugitive from , justice, has been ohied acro-s tho British line. Tlio crime for which he had lo II , th. c inntry was com mitted at Ad. mis, this ft do. Ho ob tained goods on credit, s ,! out at a big discount and nude go id his c c.ipo with about foOOO in Ids pocket. iSiii'MiMt's Arnica Salve. , 1 110 OCSl S.UVO 111 IHO WOritl lor, I cuts, uriiUv, sore-, ulcers, salt rheum, lever sores, tetter eiiapiK'U hands, chilblain corns and all skin ; tof,lV(J perfect satisfaelion, or money tefunded. Price !i" cents nor box. I 1'or sale by Uauiol J. lry, drug- yi(,t U illustrated by tho faot thatunles a di.imatlst is a playwright his drama iapt to be a play loft. Electric Bitters. This remedy Is becoming so well know n and mi popular as to need no special mciuion. All who have l"cd Kleetrio Jlittew sing tho same ., ,lf ,irilr A ....., ,111i,1.iMO ,.."..... i. '....... .... ..:'.; iioes not lixi-t and It U guaranteed (o do all that is claimed. Klectrio llit- t'r Illciire nil dtswisisof the Llv-, K''lSlim'and0 S& ulleetlons onlKed hv inmuro blood. I alleetions caused by impure blood ....,. r i Y V 1 W ill drive Malaria from iho sys- ll'lll llllll llleVlMll MS Well IIS flin llll u.m an.l pu-venl , well as euro alii 'rKl '''Vs.-Kor ct.ro of Head- ache, t'oi.Mimptlon and Indigestion! ..... I.'l.... ..... IF,,, ,ivi l.-...l.kt.l.t.... L iij i'.Tiiiii imiviB j'uiiiu Ntnim.- uoii giiar.iineeo.ormuiiey iviuiuieu. i I'rieooOeis. mill $l.tH) per bottle, at D.iiilelJ. Fry's drugxtore. . 7 " . ., Miiart attornoy-od say the; uveiung woro on. What did you. wear on (hat particular occasion?' Wi.ne,T-Tho ohvse of the day, I prmunie. The watering-placo girl wants three Mpmro meals u day and round duuvsai night. How's This? W utter Ouo Hundred imIIhm rvwunl ' 1-1 tiu iiim ut rtitnrrli Dial umiuit Ik . .! i. iikinc llairUitiirrtiCun. I J li-mi . IV., inirlclor, Totoito, O: . . ihr iui,li-rl)!iHHl, have kuown K, J, ia in hirtho list liljrtir, aiid ls-lloo li 1 irftvtl houoniblo lu all lnuliu-Kt irius.iius ud financially able to nirry . o .tllalln imido by tliUtlrm. ..tAlr.mii. .iultlodrnn:Ut,1Ksio. ",,!u- I 1 Vuit ll.ikk I V. kilter 1!vl(k Vnt. - , . n.. ..-i r. . ,.-.... . , .-.... ...... iIMl lUllk. lKst, O. hiatus. KmiiHii ,t .Mnrxin. wimU-Milti truei:ii. Toledo, 11. Hall . itilurrh euro U taken Intenially, , itclluc dlrxvlty iiimii tlioblotKl and niucui uifceonr ihe i.yteiii. iwtl.uonUU kui 1 rrv. I'rtw .. jr botilo. MM hy all ' uriKio, r The Best Beside In (ie city of Portland nnd other prosperous (owns are those owned by men or corporations who have tlio disposition and ability to improve them. I"! I n n I i I 111 IIlMl-lLfllili Till? ii i tj r Me it i ne To tho city of Salem scarcely lieguii. I land additions an THE KIM EST DRIVE IN THE STATE ' Of Oregon. The line of the Salem Street Hallway Company itins through the middle of this addition, and no lots will be more than two blocks distant from (he lino. Highland Park will In the near hit tiro bo THK iVlOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THH CITY OF SALEM. ,ols ill Highland Ailditon arc 1 ho Mill is black and rich. From all points a line view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for tho location of two churches in tills addition, and a numberof residences are soon to bn built. Biiilditms only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots within the limits of (lie city of Salem are woi tli on an averago over 1000. We can sell you better lots In High land addition for one-third of (he money, and being directly on the line of the street railwvy they are practi cay not hall so far from the public buildings and the business' part of the town as the majority of the so called "inside loty." J Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, Anil let some other fellow pay $1000 for an inferior lot not so u ell located. With the dill'erence of $700 you can build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a lateof interest that will buy vou nearly two thousand streetcar tickets every year, lir oveh B.OGli.OOD iupiu Leliete tutt it of tno largut tad maet reliable house, and they use Ferry's Seeds '. M, FEIlRr A CO. are ai'juiuwietigea to La tbe largest Seedsmen n the world. D M.FEitnYiCo's i Illustrated, Descrtp- ure sua iTicea SEED ANNUAL Par inno Will ho mnllfwl mrr to all applicanta, and y to laat year's customer without ordering it. lnralu. .....rr-aJ'.ioVLKvenpSrSnnsln !. I gSS1 ind iZ&TfiSSP I Q.M. FERRY & CO., Detroit. Mich. A PUBLIC BENEFACTOR "Who Is II. H. Warner, of Rocho or, N. Y whoso Safo Remodios, es pecially Warner's Safe Cure, have at tained such success and celebrity st homo and abroad?" The question Is inspired as much bj affoctlon as curiosity, Binco through his Instrumentality hundreds of thou sands, in both hemispheres, have beon restored to health and happi ness. Hon. H. II. Warner,- then, is i leading and honored resident ol Rochester, not only, but a prominent and influential citizen of the United States. On several ocp-isionn olinsnn by his party as a National dolegate to nominato a President of tho Republic, he has beon a niombor of the Repub can Stato Committeo and of its Exe cutive Committeo. He is a member of tho American Institution for tho Advancement of Science; President of tho Rochester Chambor of Com merce; a successful and upright busi ness man. He has given away for tunes in charities. The celebrated and costly Warner Obsorvatory of Jtocnester was conceived, endowed, and is maintained bv him. Hin """ '" unuiuillicu uy mm. ins munitlcont prizes for tho discovery of onmala k.il,... ... -.. .1.. Vi con e 'is hk lion "a once the Wdc and dellgM of the scientific world The yellow fever scourace in the t? ... 1 tt r. , .a ".. ouuiii, me unto iioous. tne tiro uls- asters oi uochester and other cities awakened his profoundest sympathies and in each instance hia check for irom jouo to fd.uoo awe led t lie soveral roHof fuiu!s; Vhere other wealthy men give tens and hundreds, he gives 1-unilrcih and thousands. JD "8ifl "a"" A!?"?S S public spirit are boundless. Tho world has need of more such men. Ail incident led him into the manu fac(uro ot medicine. Seized some twelve years ago with what the ablest physicians termed (atal kidney dis ease, he was miraculously restored to health by what is now known as U arner'a Safe Cure. At onco he re solved to make known the merits of so potent a remedy, and the consequence is that (o-day ho has iuinwnso labora tories and warehouses in th linitn.! JMates, Canada, England, Germany,! of hU bafa Kemedles are enormous and their power over disease simply inii'i1rtMj -" , .-lUMruuitnnu ourraan. tialea . V4VUO TllO net keep proauce man I honest abundantly men! eflica xW3KSjKp GPSri mwmm swn:s! yjp-, ,?.&r T MB ' " V t 1 JT" J liK4 vl IDIT-A IJTV IMB HI'll- -"-- in -4 , wvviVjr merit of a Production U In -r. ' T. In 0Kn v month .-.i.u-iumU ' i;.-,.V1 i.... ... .. .: i.i. ;i. . -1. . .: '- .-.r v v tou wrK'uirriru . .un - . .r,r., ,;'. . :'?.'?". .'n ' ius "imiiio nmracter 01 lis piiiwt! win ii nirril.li ii....'-,,.i ."'.V " " a. m. r. An honest and relUble c'.?'wwMtlmtoiliei,a.ni.v ..,.;,: i:.V;v,?.rJLy;H' '"'. to 1: 1 mull f i- . 1 miMiieuiiua innn.nii.i.iv.,i,i.j . ., -, . : iint Kan in ana li !i.S "o",'" raA"!i.!ipriBd-i-."ii:K c V ''.7'u5iV " .. - attested 7v TAp n. NV "- W Mmn "' "'"". !... Wwejhuw I aidVf mia'.aand xr and ixmnUritv. I ?.. J-.-Wafand bu.tueM ex-1 T, V...l:V' " : A-.- nee IS OWNED HY- ID And this Corporation is determined us cm. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have It is Intended to make tho drive leading from Commercial street through Riverside and High d aiouud Highland Park High and Dry ami Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage ijTwr 4K2nk3ixrES3ufsencc SEE HERE If there is anyone in the whole state of Oregon who wants to return to the east he should read this advertisement: I A Bargain For Somebody!! EASTERN PROPERTY! -To Kxohange for- :0IW LAND A G0OD GRANCE CW-ter iMrtloiiUivrallNt l!il i.nUv. , 1 -. L. - - - 1 irrirnrM "v. . i.,it..i .. t. ... ... 1 : j t 1 m. .iiwiii. i--i x irwi ui " - UmDfurrply. M.K.J.ACC, WMumi , ii, 'V " f "and. OnCB. ( r .... vv, mui, j., oi,..r JlrlBdU wrttu, . . ..--. .- vl Mlllll MLHIlll. kllllllli It . .: ..-:'"". T I ' I ' Localities TION to JOHN F. STRATT0N & SON Importers nnd Wholesale dealers In MUSTG'AI, MEHCHANDIHE. New York. 4.1 and 43 Walker St John F. Strnttpn'J Celebrated Ku M.in Gut Violin strings, the Klnt-st In tlio World. ' Our Uuurantee If a dealer receives a compiuint, (which he believes to be honest) from any musician to whom hn hn old from any musician to whom he has sold auyoftheie Btriiiffs, he Is authorized by 118 tO tzi'C llllll nnntlipr Etrlncr wlthmtt. i'harKQ,andall such loss will be made good by us to our customers, without quibble or luclon. (Ilewureol Imitation.) Dealers will please send tor descriptive catalogue. Trad j supplied at lowest price. ST, PAUL'S L, Boys and Girls. Tho school will open nn the Ulb oi September. Thorough lnsl Thorough lnstruc- uon in the primary and mi v., ncea English Branches. LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSI lu courhe. '1 rfllMH unit further Information may be ritJ on application to ItKV. J-'. II. POST, Cor. Oliemeketn and Slate Sis. two-tr Northern Pacific Railroad. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. TWO FAST TRAINS DAIIA"! NOUHAQEOK CANS SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And al points Kast via ;N. PAUL and SIINNEAPOUS. TUe Northern PaclHc railroad U the only IltlO rilllllllli?' I'lUkOmrurtMliia Uiuvtndlac kMvepeni (free or charge) Luxurious Day I ejvuhm., Pullman Ihiliu-e Sleeping Cam. i"iTjiuiagi;ani, (meals Vie) from fori- " ' H'i1 ?our tlckel " va the Northern llicltle rutlroad und avoid the change of rum. I.Jif?,,J ,,1,lUinilat8a.iii.and 8: p. m, U.illj .,rriio ,u Minneapolis or Ht. Paul al at re Front and eao 111 and OdfiDulll Sleeping (n. aiDiDC Ktwltk CHARLTON cw, MM I atop Mil if 4n f li iVI v" 1 ' . v 3!