THE CAPITAL EVENING- JOURNAL. TIIF .CAPITAL JOURNAL SDAY- JULY 17, l.SS'J. at; Yr yrest Daughter I mm the funij t dream liibt nigbt. Do yon know, I dreamed about Jumco, the coachman. Fond Mother AI y dear, you will have to di-charge Jamc; he is getting cnUrely too familiar. Tnuglne ii:s allowing 3Inmiu to dream about him Sueh presumption! Gen. Xeal Dow lias an Invalid daughter who has been confined to her chair for yen. She has de voted herself to the study of lan guages, and is now perfectly eon vessant with Latin, Greek, German, Spnnish, French and llus-ian. A I.TJCKY THLVL. Tlie Good Fortuno Whlcli Followed. It affords mo great pleasure to send to you thU voluntary statement of my expertenco In testing tho merits of Joy's Vegetable Sarsa parllla. For tho past flvo years I have been troubled with an exceedingly sluggish liver, Including loss of appetlto and distress after eating, pains in tho back and kidneys, and bolls around my neck and face. I tried many Ih cr remedies, only getting temporary relief. I was recommended to try o bottlo of "Tho California Remedy" Joy's Vegetable Sarsa jmrllla as n test, and whilo taking the first bottlo I became convinced of its merits, for I could feel it was working a chango in me. I took five bottles, and during that timo my troubles left me. Everything is working full and regular, in fact it has cleansed, purified and braced mo up generally. I feel like an other man. You aro at liberty to uso this as jou see fit, or can refer whom you please to g2 With Beamish, corner Third and Market streets, San Francisco. Caller Doctor, Mr. Divine, the muscle reader, fell into a sort of trance a little while ago and wo can not arouse blm. Is it catalepsy or death? Doctor (a great scientist) IJrlng me his head an'd I'll soou tell you. It should be generally known that Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic iu sures a hearty appetite and increased digestion, dispels nervous depression and low spirits, overcomes lack of energy and wakefulness aud will'in fuse new life and strength into the wnnlrnaf Invnlirl Knlrf liv T) W jMathewa. Tlie lady took her time: The fol lowing quaint epitaph ou husband and wife tho husband having died first is to be seen in one of the Parisian cemeteries: "I am anx iously awaitiUK you A. D. 1827." "Here I am A. P. 1SG7." This is the season of tho year when the raw, cold winds create sad bavQC with tho hands and complex ion. Soft white hands and a clear "peachy" complexion can bo as suredly preserved by the frequent application of Dutard's Specific. If rubbed into the skin well it leaves no greasy surface. The skin absorbs it. Sold by D. "V. Mathews. Bessie So this is a sawmill. I wonder what they do with the tim ber that is full of knotholes? Jen nie From my own experience, I should say they used it to build bathing-houses. Oregon is one of the most produc tive states in tlie Union. Its' vat mineral regions contains gold, silver, copper, iron, and coal. Its immense tracts of grazing lands support thou sands of cattle and sheep, and its extensive agricultural regions pro duce all tlie cereals in abundance, the yield per acre being, in some in stances, the largest in the world. Among tho useful and valuable prod ucts of the Web Foot State may be mentioned Oregon Kidney Tea, which has proved a boon to thou sands afflicted with pain in the back aud kidney difficulties. It is purely of vegetable composition and never fails. Sold by D. W. Mathews. An army officer living at Orchard, Neb., is said to liaye discovered a plant common to the country which has the property of converting milk into butter one pound of tho former making bne pound of the latter. A mob at Gravity, Io., broke into the jail there tho other night and took poMession of an Indian who had been arrested for assault. He was dragged out of his cell and hung light iu the center of Gravity. There is still on the statute books in IUiode Island a law forbidding the smoking of a cigar on tho street of any state, and iu Vermont the smoking of a cigar on tho street on Sunday is made a nnsdemeauor. Michael Angelo, Leonardo da Vin ci, Titian, Rubens, passed fiom the chisel to the pou or the brush. The chango rested them from tho preced ing work; and thus, during loutr life, they accomplished marvelous works. Young Husband My dear, after a year of unremitting labor and closest econemy wo have, I And, succeeded iu wiving about $300. What shall we do with it? Young Wife Well, my dear, we both need a rest. Let's go to a summer resort for a week. Ts Consumption Incurable Read the follow iujr: Mr. U. II. Morris, Kewark, Aik., e.i.vs: "Win down with AliSL-vtsS of Lungs, and iriunds ami )iliy.U-I.ins iinuiuiiuctd , mean Incurable llnllllltUv. Hi- , " gan taking Dr.'s ?.' Ubfov ery for L'ousuiiijjIIj.j, uiu uit w third battle, and ulle in nvofntv ilie I Ar Work on iny larill. 1 i tli ll-lt ' medicine vur limde. ' . jem .UKMiew iu't, iA.iiiui., 01 , . H3V W. "flml It not iK-en lor lir. King's-New Discovery for Omsump-' tionlwould have died of Lut.g. Trouble." Try it. rJimpIo Itottle' free pf Daniel J, Fry drugstore, ' ftOYAl POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of put I'y, strength and wholcsomcness. More tho ordinary kinds, and fan not be sold In competition with the in iltttudeoflow test. short weight nlum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cans. KOVAL liAKlJfD l0WDERC0..1WVnllr.Y. . ...., , . , Trucks and Drays. MORGAN & MEAD Aic now provided with fine new drays and trucks nndnre prepared to no all busi ness In thnt lino in the best of shape. They gle their personal supervlson to ill work. CmnerHtate land Commelrclal streets. The B CryEHS GUIDE is iusujd LIvrch and Sept., each yoar. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the necessitios of life. Wo oan clothe, you and furniBh you with all the necessary and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sloep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to church, or stay at homo, and in various sizes, stylos and quantities. Just figure out what is required vo do all these things COMFORTABLY, and yu can make a fait astimato of tho value of tho BTJYERB' QTJIDE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents vo pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenuo. Chicago, IU. Call and See T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIR NEW QUARTERS IN THE State Insurance llulldlmr, Tor. Com mercial and Cheinekete streets 'O-ltf For the Public Good. It Is an indisputable fact that tho hand somest vestibule trulnH that nio now run on the American continent tiro thoo on tho lliulinytou route, leaving from Union depot In Denver, also 8t. Paul, Immediate ly ou arrival of nil through trains from the west. The flit and second class coaches aro magnificent, tho rcc'lnliig chair cars suburb, tho Pullman sleepers extremely luxuriant, aud as for theme.ils that arc served In thoso palace lluilinston dining errs yum yum. The next tlmo you ro east to Kansas City, Chicago or St. IaiuIp, Ifyou mention to the ticket agent that you want your ticket to irom Denver or St. Paul over tho liurlington loute, you will get It, and you will always bo glad of If you go via the Northern or Canadian Pacltlc, the elegant vestibule trains, of The turllugton Houto, between St. Paul and Chicago, or St. Louis, will carry you along tho eastern bliorool the Mississippi river lor n distance of MO miles, amidst scenery tliateannot bo surpassed; or, Ifyou go via the Oregon Short Lino or Southern Pacific, nnd vnur ticket, leads via The Burlington Route from Clieyenno or Den ver, vmi 111 miss throusn all tho thriving cities and towns located In what Is popu larly lcnownas tno lleaiioi me continent. For further Information njiply to A. C. Sheldon, (ienernl Agcnl, M First street, Portland, Oiegon. MOdAwtt $50. HORSES. $50. Ono hundred head of brood marcs nnd young horses for sale. Forty or fifty colts expected in tho spring Two fine horses, Clyde and Pereheon stock, weight sixteen and seventeen bundled; have been with the band for tlio past three years. Original stock from the best quality of mares. For particulars addrecs orseo V If. 11YAKS. wit. Salem, Or. OREGOM RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CHAS. X SCOTT, - - Receiver. On nndnfterJunoSl 1859 and until further notice trains will run dally (except Sun day) as follews: EAST SIDE. Coburg Mall ,1'ortl'd Mall From Port land bTATIONS. Tow'rd Port land l,v. 8.00 am i-oitTLANiiiMW Foot of F street I.v !Uiilii i iiay s uinunig, iu.00 ' St. Puid'n, Ar 2JW i'JO 10 ! Woodburn, " 1.40 ll.Oj ' Townsend, " 1.13 11.10 McKee, '.' 1.10 11.25 Mt. Angel, ! " !'igj 1U5 I DownV, , " 132 12.10 I rlllvertou. " li-M Johnston's Mill' " 11.1.1 .1.85 Switzerland, " 11.40 LL41 1 KistbldoJunct., fS7 JB " u.ii " 10.49 " 10J8 " 10.10 ," iaoo vsn " 11.02 ' &M - 8-1(1 " 7.12 " ejo " (too I.v in oent per Ing Hccnti. , iaciiy. ISA j Au'iiMVillc, fiAJ Ale 2.21 OP Crossing, 2.41 WestScIo, 3.13 Cmbirve, . 3.4.i Kpicvl, 3U Tnilnuin, 4S11 Plalnvtow. 37 ilrr.wiuvllie, &V Kow land, foSO Oohuri p in AH J.V oumnqtlan TV-Uet at two mlleon Mleut tauon ha r,non Qt , Aueei Wtu auig. r mifrom Wilholt Mlntrul fcprings aud at vvoodburnwiihSouthern lyMocoiupjuy train forand from Portlanavpr , Qejofflc,S'vV Cor. WBfl Pl, wt"wtK,orV. l Notice of Cancellation of County "Warrants. Stnte of Oregon, County of Marlon, SS: Notice Is hereby glcn that In nrenrd- nnee with "An Act to require county m nr- rniltA In lip -t n tt I nt finprunvnn vpni-c fViim the date of Issuance," approved February 35, IMA, thcfollowlne county warrant will be cairn-lied If not presented for payment Within sixty days from this date, July 1, i kkw, ami luyiueni inereoi win ooreiusea. 1 IUI.A1)V.WJ. I.UULIIJ .llll, lly D C SiititMAK, Deputy. 27l O. A. Cone 9 CO 27M C. n. Dnrnett 12 00 2U19 0. 11. Conu-llus It 00 105 LoalsDelor 2 M K.7 W. 3. Ilerren 4 00 517 It. 0. Oecr 4 00 li'JJ S. L. McGliee 00 119 Jack Pulllliis 8 00 SI6 J. S. Vanghn 2 00 605 John Smttb 4 08 702 R. M. Wade 6 00 943 Hour. Pratt 2 00 10C4 Loo Willis 1 00 1MW Chs. Vinible 150 1"05 J. B. Jones 2 00 2057 II. K. Hmuiker 2 00 2114 Il.F. 0er 2 00 2117 A. L. Gates 4 00 22J0 J. 8. Stevi-na 1 00 2207 Ellslu Strong 4 00 2439 trregon Statesman 4 00 2503 J. A. Richardson, 3 00 3459 0. B. Moorea 5 00 42J8 Samuel Lewis... .'. 1 50 4290 A. K. Stephen 100 4294 O. Srlgnet 190 4293E.DOWI16 190 46j E.Tyrel 2 00 Jtu a. u. try 2 uu 5765 Robt. CIofBn 170 0098 Augustas Gleason 1 90 6188 R. S. lllanchanl 1 CO 6119 A. Love Joy 100 6133 Edward Farley 1 60 31 J. W. Brendle 170 161 E. Uunsukor 3 90 165 J. II. Cottle 10 20 269 Daniel Pace 2 00 276 P. S. Fisher 2 00 399 Wur.B. Kinney 1 50 665 P.J. Kewburg 1 50 680 J. D Haw 4 CO 799 D. noldridgo 1 CO 849 R. M. Wade k Co 14 00 857 11.0 Cnelimau 3 00 995 Thos. J Itzgerald 4 00 1104 F. H. Sruitli 2(10 1199 Da M Oooilocll 2 00 1303 M. Smith : 2 50 1312 Geo. Lefley 2 SO 1415 G. W. Whitney 2 00 1533 M. Crocker 150 1541 Ctias. Neilson 1 SO 1746 E. S. Brooks 2 00 1852 James Coleman, Sr 2 50 1977 S. L Pardi 8 00 1991 A. MoKeuzIe 160 1999 G. Rlttenauer 1 60 20U1 J. H. Powell 1 60 2013 Peter Curdy. 1 50 2027 J. II. Powell 3 75 2127 Lewis Miller 2 00 2189 J.L. Riddle 1 50 2209 W. F. Drown 2 50 2J12 David Long 1 70 2381 John DecaBfey 2 30 2420 8.R. Jessup 1 50 2076 Cella Limlsey 3 30 2783 John Moore 2 80 2863 F.M.lIall 2 00 2878 D. Robblna 2 00 2909 O. II. Ilall. a 10 3100 J. W. Dickens 0 00 3131 C.N. Churchill 1 60 3142 John Osbotn 100 3143 Jas. W.Cook 100 3219 Alex. Kegle 150 3301 James Fisher 2 20 3J82 Wm. Graves 13 00 3609 W.T. Cleaver 1 50 3749 II. II. Savage 6 20 3913 Mart. Chamberlln 2 00 3910 P. O. Johnson 5 60 3907E. Tajlor 4 60 4032 M.Skalfe 7 20 1003 Lorenzo Elliott 2 00 1079 M.SIrainoHB 2 00 408S McCully Gilbert 4 25 4226 Mrs. J. A. Wanlcss 1 50 4316 J.O. Bachanau 4 00 5973 J.J. Ryan 7 00 5726 J. II. Harriett 2 00 1323 N.R.Doty 4 CO Ordered that this list be published as by law required. Dono by June term, 18S!). T. C. SHAW. County Judge. If you liavo n discharge irom the nose, otlenslvo or otherwise, partial loss of tlie senso of smell, taste or hearing, yeH wa tering or weak, feel dull 6r debilitated, palu or pressure in tho bead; take cold easily, you 'may rest assured that you have ca tarrh. Thousands of oases annually, with out manifesting half of tho above symp toms terminate In eousumpilou and end In Uie grave. No disease Is so common, more deceptive, less understood or more unsuccessfully treated by physicians. The manufacturers of Dr. Sage' Catarrh Iteni- nly have, ;for many yearn, onercd a stand ing reward of $500 for a caso of Nasal Ca tarrh, no matter how bad or of how long standing, which they cannot cure. Hem edy sold by druggist at 50 cents. EPOCH. Tlie transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health marks an epoch in the life of tlie in dividual. .Such a remarkable event is treasured in tlie memory and the agency whereby the good health has been attained is greatiuuy messed. Hence it is that so much is heard in praise of Electric Bitters. So many reel they owe their restoration to health, to the use of tlie Great Al terative and Tonic. If you are troubled with any dtseaso of Kid neys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing you will surely find relief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at ftOc. and $1 per bottlo at Dan iel J. Fry's Drugstore. A. Fortunate Druggist. Mr. Edwin W. Joy for many yean anil now a prosperous drngglit on tho comer of Stockton and Market streets in Ban Franciaco, probably neTcr dreamed of rivaling In wealth the xnedl. cine kings of the country. Bat various rumors having been floating around to the effect that he has struck It big, an Ezanintr reporter was detailed to unearth the canae, and after ranch difficulty unraveled the following atery: It seemi that about seven years ago an Engliih physician, a great atndent of botany, located. In thla city, nia practice waa not eitcnalTe, and yet the few cues that came to him attracted no little attention. Ills success seemed to bo In the treatment of liver and kidney disorders, and vitiated blood. In fact hli ability to cope with these common complaints was marVelom. He seemed almost infallible, and bis qnlet modest methods and his well-kept secret waa u much a mystery as himself. After Ma de. partore about a year later Mr, Joy determined to fathom the secret, and copying all the pres cription! he had filled for the emtio doctor he began a syitematio analysis. lb his exam, (nation he discovered running all through tho prescriptions for liver and kidney trouble, j Titfated blood and stomach disorders a couple of vegetable eifracta indigenous to California, ' so simple and so well known under homely every day names to every school boy aa to en- , tlrely dissipate the suspicion that tbey were I the active principle involved. Bo certain, however was Ur. Joy that be had discovered f the secret, that be embodied the new clemanU Is a preparation of BarsaparilU to dliguia the taste, and put It before bis customers under the ' modest name of Joy's Vfetble Baruparllla. Immediately the same marvelous stories came back of IU astonishing effects, and the mjsUry waa solved, and the talk it has created has already caaaed it to step into prominence, and order poor In dally rom all over the coast. And tho another California indutry leap int MliUae. 3, T, Zxamlntr, I 'Hffht'a TtiH fVoas Puro Ulifvillltlcd fiir 1 reoeat nd chroalc, pouha and colds, mid i j?" IMHWiy 9t Urlrtf. 'byftrffiH I It Is n Curious Voct That the body Is now more tisc-ptlh!' to benefit i,om medicine ihtn it inj other season. Hence the linpoi.Mict' nl t.iMng Hood's bnrxitiurUlu now, l,eti It v 111 do you the most koihI. Kisirally wonderful fur purifying and iiulclilm; the blood, cre ating an Appetite, and giving a healtliy tono to the wlinlo Ostein, lie sure to get Hood'Ktrsupnrllln, which Is peculiar to Itself. I.ITTLK H0MK.N aro us i rule, jiosscssed of happy disposi tions but when these sweet dlsjKisltlons,be coino soured and Irritable, In consequence of the long train of distressing features peculiar to femnte complaints, they are then not conipnnlonnblc to say the least. It Is theduty, not only of little women, but of all women so afflicted, to bring about the subjection, and Immediate removal, of these painful maladies. This Is easily accomplished by tlio ue of Dr. Plerco's Favorite Prescription, the great specific for "female weakness." It is a positive cure Tor the most llowlng, palnnil menstruation, unnatural suppressions prolapsus or falling of the womb, weak back, "female weak ness," nntevcrslon, ietrocrslon, bearing down sensations, chronic congestion, In flammation nnd ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness In ovaries, aud kindred ailment. All drug gists. THKIK UUSINESS B00M1M1. Tr1,ul,l. tin mm tlitlliv lina p'llt&cd such a great revival of trade at Dan iel J. jyry'S urugsiorens incir giving away to their customers so many free trial bottles of Ur. King's New Discovery for Cqnstimption. Their trade te simply enormous in this very t..i1ii,,lil.i iirttflf frnin tlio fnnt. tlinr. It. always euros and never disappoints. Coughs, Cold9, Asthma, Bronchitis, Prnnn. mill all tliroat aud huiir dis eases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bot tle free, large size ?1. Every bottle warranted. LOS IN THE STORM. One of our local editors clipped' from a leading magazine extrsoU from a vivid description of a western blizzard which we have taken the liberty to publish and at the same tirae suggest to H. H. "Warner & Co., the proprietors of the celebrated War ner's Safe Cure, the feasibility of talc ing therefrom an extract for the intra duction of one of their telling adver tisomontg. The following ia the des cription : "At the close of a dark day in January a solitary horseman wenda his way across the open prairie in one of our western territories.. Ho puses at long intervals tho lone cabin of the hardy frontiersman. Two or three old settlers, of whom ho has inquired tho way, have warned him that a storm is approaching, and cne of them, with true western bocpltality, urges him to find shelter in his cabin for the night. But he dpclinaa the proffered kindness and urges his tired liorso forward. The sky grows suddenly dark'. He deoidos to seek shelter. Tb, storm in creases in its fury. ' Tho rider dismounts to warm his fast o'.illling limbs. Oan scarcely breathe. Blindness comes on. Drowsiness steals over him. The end is near. He is lost in tho blizzard." There is no doubt that the terror which seizes the bewildered traveler is similar to that which overcomes one when he learns that he is suffer ing from an advanced Kidney Dis ease, and is informed that he is in the last stages of Bright's disease. At first he is informed that he has a slight kidney affection. Later be begins to feel tired. Slight hoadache. Fickle appetite. Failure of the eye-sight. Cramp in the calf of the legs. Wake fulness. Distressing nervousness. Rheumatic and neuralgic pains. Oc casionally pain in the back. Scanty, dark colored fluids, with scalding sensation. Gradual failure of strength . Any of the above symptoms signify Kidney Affection, but be is told that he is ail right. His physician treats him for symptoms and calls it a dis ease, when in roality it is but a symptom 01 Kidney trouble. He may be treated for Rheumatic or Neuralgic Sains, heart affection, or any other isease which he is most susceptible to. Finally the patient has puffing under the eyes, slight bloating of tho ankles and legs. His physician may inform him that it is but the accumu lation of blood in his ankles for want of proper exercise. Tho bloat continues and roaches his body. Then he is informed he has dropsi cal troubloi, and is tapped once or twice. He notices it is difficult to breathe owing to irregular action of tho heart, nnd finally is informed that he has a slight attack of Bri-ht's Dis ease. Soon his friends are notified that his is an advanced oaBe of Bright's Disease, and that he can live but a short time. His honorable and dignified physician asks for counsel. It is too late. Still he stioks to the old family physician, and the physi cian knows and has known Irom the beginning that the patient has been stricken with death for months, for he knows full well that the profession acknowledge they have no remedies for the cure of Kidney Disease. At last the patient suffo.ates Is smothorcd ana dies from dropsical trouble Or perhaps tho disease may not take tho form of a dropsical ten dency, and the patient dies from aiioplexv, paralysis, pneumonia or heart trouble. Or it may take the form of blood jtoisoning. In each form the end is the same. And yet he and his friends were warned by the proprietors of the celebrated remedy kuown as Warner's Safe Cure, of the lurking dangers of a slight Kid ney affection. Tlio n wspapers have published the dangers. Columns of facts have been printed of men dying from advanced Kidney Disease or Bright's Disease. His friends and physician look around with horror and regret for seeming neglect, but ha is lost. He did not hoed the warning that a storm was approaching. He declinod tho prof fered hospitality, and recklcs " went forward into danger. He struggled manfully for a time, but his strength Jed, he grew gradually weaker and lost to the world. Not in a but from the terrible malady Imost daily occurring In unity, and which is doc- mptom in.tead of what' af dims unlet ftof rn T fee Capita J i Has Been iiid Greatly Improved and Now Is Tlie A PINT YflrW' D THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER i IN MARION COUNTY Read Our Reduced Terms! WKKKlV, one year, U,0. Now Renil Our WEEKLY, one year, $1.00. WAS. THERE EVER ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAC1K OK OUR ONE-"'HIRI) OFF FOR C'ABH. Our Old Subscribers Now in nm-ur nro urged to Luke udvuntuge of our big dlwouut, by hcU tliug old luroiintK unit Joining the grand Huong of ono dollar mihwrlberhj THIS IS NOT A Kill mhIiI. M'riniiiwiit reduction. We have come to tuy TO ONE AND ALL Wekty, Mmd tin your nauitf. If you want to take advantage of our "one third ..11' for cjhIi," und are not whiTi' you can get Kxrtal notes of other convenient method of remitting, wild ut your name nnd itat thatlyou will remit at tlrxt oMirtuulty, Till dollar list. oorna! fnla.rged j nuu VEKKLY,hIx months 0,76 Discount fur ('ash,' WEEKLY, six months ffl.GO. SPECIAL OFFER will tfiMure your tains; plaefdjoq.tln TH YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD Anil Orepon Development company Mrnmalilp lino. ii" miles shorter, 20 hours lesitmio Minn by nny otlici lonte. 'First clnss through pnveiiKcr nnil freight line Ironi Portland nnd nil points In the Wil lamette vallov to nnil from Bun Francisco. TIME SCHEDULE, (Hxeept Bunflnya): l.cnvo Albany ........ l.-ooPif Lvc CorvuilN -1:401 M Arrive Ynqiitnn S:301 M LiCftVO Ynqulna ...... .6:13 AM Lenvo ComillU ....... lftaiAM Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. A C. tmlus connect nt Albnny and OorvulllR. Tho nboe trains connect nt YAQUINA with the OrcKon Development Con I.lns jrntwmislilps between Yiuuilnn nnd Ban Fnmclsco. Id S.VIMNQ PATHS. 8TKAMKIIM. KUOM YAQUINA JVIIIiiinetto Viillcv Tuesday July l VVijtiimctto Valley Tluirmlay July illniuetto Valley, Tuefilny July 6 STKAMKItS, KKOM SAN FRANCISCO jyillninette Valley Thursday, July n Illniuetto Valley Kiindny 21 Illniuetto Valley Wednesday, " ;u This i-oinimny reserve!) tho right to clmnire willliiK dates without notice. J-1- laitonarer rrxa lortIna und all Willamette Valley points enn make close and if di'stlnod to Kan Francisco, hIiouIu niiiwisu iiiiuiivuiu i milium mo evcnine before date of willing. I'usrnerr and Freight Katu Alwajs tkr iimhMr,"Sl,",,plr '" lV8,w AeentA IXklntiit -AM Vmnt u iv..,ih.i t.. ofto " ,uUl"" O.C. HoaUK, Ao't Gcn'l FrU A Puss. Agt.,Orecon I'ncttlclt.K. Co., O II. HA8WEL1,. Jr. aenU0Fr?:,",0r I'ass. AgU Oregon Development Co., 3WI Montgomery Ft.; San Francisco, CnlJ Itnmnmhor tlw. (lmn inAi.d Mnin. Biimmcr cxcurHioiiH to Yaqulnn. Ijw rate tickets aro now on sale, good every Corvallls nnd l'hllomatli. on rs truly, C. C. IIOUTJK, A, O. I. Agent Overland io California -VIA- Soiitlioni Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time Ifftween S.ilfni and Kan Frairlstoi Ttilrtr-tlx Hours. CAI.UOIINIA K.XI-ltlWi TltAIN ItUN DAII.1. llirrWKKN rOKTI.AKIl ANIIH. r. 4.00 n. in, I.v. Tort land Ar. 10:45 a, m. 0:11 p. 111. 7.-15 a. in. i.v. Haiein l.v, Ar. Hun Fran. I.v, 7:5.1 a, in. 7:00 p. in. I.OCAI. 1-AS.SKMIKll THAIN ( DAILY KX I'KIT HUN1IAY). 800 11.111. 11:10 II. Ill 2:40 p. in. I.v. Portland Ar. I :i:IS p. in. I.v Salem I.v. lli.52 p. in. Ar. l.llKcnii i.v. 11.00 n. iu. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For iiiH-omiiioiliitioii tit second clasa IMiHkcngi'iH ntlnclied to oxpresM tmlus, TlioH. 1'. vuiiiimny'H tcny makCH i-on nectlon with all tho regular trains ontli Kiut Klile Division from lootut h streo rortliiml. iVcst Side Division. Between Portland and Cervallis: 1IAI1.Y (KXCK1T HtlNIlAY). 7.:ir. iiTni.v. 1Z2, p. 111. I Ar. "I'ortlnncJ" L'orvallU Ar. I.v. 0:UO p. m, 1:.1Q p. in. At Albany and UorxallU connect with trains urori-gnn l'liclllo ltallrnad. Thitiugh tlt-kelHt.) all points Miuth and ciisl via Ciillfonilu KXI'lll-S-S II1A1.V (11AII.Y KXCKI-THUNUAV, 1:50 p. in. '17v. I'lirllaiiil Ar,' Ar.McMliiuvlllel.v, D.flOu. m'. 6:45 a, in. 8.U) p. 111. Through Tickets To all polutu SOUTH and EAST VIA California. ror lull iiiliirmiitinii regarding rules, niap, elc, apply to tho Company's ugent, Miilem, Oii-goii, 1C 1. HOdKUH, Amt. (j, F. and 1'ius, Ag't It. KUKlll.Klt.! Manager. Oregon Railway anil Navigation , COMPANY. "Columbia River Route.' 'IraliiH for the emit Uuvo t'ortlund ut7:iS tin and 0-;i0 pin dully. Tlo eU to andrroiD principal ixiintH In tin United Htutca.Cwn 4iuiaiid l,u rope. ELEGANT TULMANN PALACt CARS Emigrant Hleeftlni; Cur run througs on expreaa til Inn to OMAHA COUNCII. WAV1 ItUll HT. I'AUl r"re of Clmrgr and Wit ou Change. CoiinectlonNatl'ortlandforrlunrntr. tiKcoand l'uicet Hound polnu. For inrtlit-r purllculurn addrcM any auditor tho company, or A. L. MAXWEU, a. V. A T. A (J. J. HM1T1I, Cltu'l JlunaKor.I'ortUind. IOO KEWAKU. I00. TIih n-itdern of the Jouknai. Will b pU'iuiKi to learn that theru U tit leant one drtiidtd dUciiM) that aclence Inn been able Ui riire Iu all lu lint'ii mid that U cuturru, lluH'Kt'ntiirrali film In the only (kmUIv cure now known to the medical frulernl Catarrh lclni a countltlltluuul UUcuk re-iiilr.-H u i-oiiktltutlonul treutment. all'a (Aitarrli euro U taken Internally, uctlne dl. ruily iikiii thu lilood and nuicun aur fuii-H of the i-ynlem, therehy dcatniyinic the fouiidatloii of thu illae.u.o, And giving the putlcut atreugth, ty building up the oonatltutlon und uaaUtlug uuture In doing luworlc, 'lli proprletiira liuvt) o mueU fuitb In lt curntlve jHiwent, that tiny offer Onu Hundred Hollurn for any cute that It fell to euro, Huiid for lUt of tetlmnnl( WW finini,TV, ' ' . .L. JMUtfipC