T, c I I- t SUDSCKIDK ron ' THE CAPITAL JOURNAL-! A.DVISR riSE IN CAPITAL JOURNAL THE CAPITAL JOURNAU I -fin- REST PAPER IN SALEM. 5-Vim will bo writ plened with It.-Jt IT Wll.f. I1K A GOOD INVESTMENT. ar-Tho Terms nro Most Reasonable- YOL. 2. SALEM, OREGON TUESDAY, JTJIAr 10, 18S9. 3STO. 116. rr-jrr Prnin Niw YfiK n.ni fliipAirn iivisi L t l. 1 1 lAll l Villi V IIVU'CIW l 1 roe FiNRsr DRES.-J Gp.ODfl ' Ami trimmings f all kind to match in Persian trim mings, Plaid, Shlpeand plain Kurnhs, Rr.ilds, Phwhes, etc., etc. RIBBONS. Kl!) GLOVES AMI GLOVES OF ALL KINDS ' SUNSHADES' AND PARASOLS, Full iui;l Complclo Line? of Embroideries mill Luces in All Widths. Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel ties in Scarfs, FULL LINK OF DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. fJ eg z. D a n n r t o y 1 S Li O z Curtains, Poles, Por tiers. fcST"A full and complete stock of Men's Furnishing floods. ' - v No. 239 Corner Slate ami H-J LUNN & New Livery. Stable. J. Maccy ha lately purchased tho Liv ery and Feed Stable loimerly owned by Wagner German, nnd now' conducts A FIRST-CLASS STABLE! Helms home, of the best rigs lntlioclty. (Jlxehlm u call mid It will be tilled with great promptness. DAVID T. WILLIAMS, SALEM, OREO-OX. VwOrders left nt Rtelncr'sgioccry store will receh e prompt attention Oeorgo 11. Hayes has been appointed special ngent lor the nbovo laundry nnd any washing left with him will bo prompt ly attended to. .Si-Prices reasonable and work guaran teed. J. J. CULVER, County Surveyor, JAMES WALTON, Topographer. W. H.IBYARS. Civil Engineer. Byais, Culver 4 Walton Surveyors 4. Topographers, Ciift'iivc flnlftH. nltits .....-o nrwl .lnsi.rlntl.lllR of land., toivnlots, and roads, ditches, streets, sowers, alleys, etc. etc., made and furnished at .Ai.nnnlllA nrifs. (ml Light Sour TxT. corners and Hues ro-es-v.tUE. ourut tabllshed from original Tor, s. r. Held notes. Grade for ditches, roads. Mrects or sow ers, with estimates furnUlied on appl ca tion. Address County Surveyors oftlce. Solem, Oregon, ESTAJlLIHItKIl "V NATIOXAI. AUTJtOHITV TlicCapifal National Bank SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, - - $75,000! SanluL ...- 10,000! It. 3. WALLACE, - - President. W. W. MAHTIN. - Vice-President. J. II. ALHKKT. .- - - Cashier. DIRlCTORSl V. T Gray. TV. "W. Mnrtin, 7 Proprietor of Salem Stain link iBm0W J. M.'Mnrtiu, U. H. Wallace. Dr. W. A-Cnslck, J. II. Albert, "T. AteF. l'attou. LOANS MADE To torment on wheat nnd other market able produce, cou.igned or in store, either in private grauarlwor public warehouses. Slate and My Warrants Bought at 1'ar. COMMERCIAL PAPER DlsoouliteJ M r.vfl:wbl rate. 1'rnfti Kraui-M l..rtlinil I. 'i'd''. W '"In. JlOUi Kt i.,-..lllll'HlCUIM. ROODS IN Tllli CITY. T Till? (MTV J Commercial Streels. BROWN, SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. L.YDUE. -I)K. J. REYNOLDS, JOHN MOIK, - - President. Vice President. - - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exennngoon Portland, Han Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrant bought. Farmers are coidlally Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances mado on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonable, rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the hank In most reliable companies. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Ferry nnd Liberty streets, N. E. cor from Chcmckete hotel, Snlcm, Or. Good accommodations for commercial travelers. First-class rlga always on hand Charges reasonable. P. J. LARSEN, Wagon anil Carriage Repairer Is prepared to do all work In tho line of making or repairing, wagons, buggies or carriages In llrst-claasjstyle and nt reason able prices .Shop to Male street, near I'xont DO YOU JSAT? If you do, call at the W. C. T. U. RESTAURANT in tho opera house block, where you can get n good clqan mealat any tlmoor day or evening. Tills restaurant Is under new manage, went and satisfaction is guaranteed, hv. e-ythlng Is In tirst-clnss shape. Mr.nwl Mrs. H. I! IIOWAIU), The New Managers. Kansas House, Corner ot Court anil Hlgli Sis. ; E. M. LAW, Proprietor. ' V have taken a new name but will continue to serve ourutrnn with the ' bt the market nllords, glvo them u w.rdlal welcome to our Home. Jf"1" re .sonable. XJh is n a ill and we will do you jood. No Chinese employed. z 1 First National Bank 1)11. H. S311TH, DENTIST, H'tsu new procex by which he tan tit lAatosof artlilclal teeth wi erfectly that oneeTin cat with Iheiii well the rift day .hi- irw inserted. Thoe wuirlug loose . .uu- Et UlnVarounrt lu the n.oulfi while atlng. to the groat anuojneeof llij fin let vm uud cuiuiuny, should call on Dr. II. ?roltnnndsetBe Twlth wUUU they will CiUoy wmlCru IT. wnlilrt otiice U now mo?iil aoroSr he street oyer Iarhorn I Lrniis store. ll work wairuuled to kSTnUi filled or extracted without louT ItemeuUH-r the place, over Uwr lSrn: hrue ho,,, Cmmerrtal tret, a.ilem,Orf-.'on I f GREAT UJ BM pflBfl h KH B4I Bb I HnTXflM91$M filj Hi 1 BHnlaBlHBVHBHHllBlBB Wo lmve just received u litrgo invoicoof new goods, Including ninny novelties In summer clothing. Wo will boII these very cheap. Nice lines of white goods will bo sold nt prices far below their actual value. We have new nnd elegnnt light-weight coats nnd vests which we will sell for less tlinn other denlcrs pay for them. Wo have cotton flan nels, twelve yards for ?1; white goods, fourteen yards for $1; dress buttons, Co per dozeu;dres goods, usual price 12J, now 81c; houeliniug, lie per yard; lawns41ei ynrd. Wo will sell all kinds of goods at the same relative llgurcR. f'nll and be convinced that wo have tho best goods, and sell the cheapest, Capitol Adventure Company, OPERA HOUSE CORNER, S&lem, - A. E..STRANG, No. 'Ja Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. -DKALKU IN- STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. S-Agent for tho niCHAllDSON HOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es- tabllshed In 1849 New Butcher Shop AT NO. llO STATE ST. ANGKVfNE & HANSOME. Have opened up a llrst-class butcher shop at the ubovo location, where they will bo pleased to serve the people with tho CHOICEST AND llEHt MHATH of all kinds that tho market nflbrds. (Jive thomn call and bo convinced of tho superiority of their meats. SGoods delivered free. WHEN YOU ARE.IIUXGRY HO TO THIS Star Liincli Coimtei 210 Commercial Street, Where you can get'u first-class Inuch filr any price irom anlckcLui. No Chluami-n areemplfiyed. Proposals for Rutier. IlIIK I10AIID of Trustees or tho Oregon slate liisani) asylum hereby invite sealed proiKwilsforruriil-lilngat thoas,vliim,(i(XX) pounds, more or less, of hutu-r of best quill Ity. to ite nirnlsheil In Mich iuiantitlc and at such times us required, for one year. The right to reject any and all bldt I re served. illds will l oC!itl at H o'clock a. m. Tuesday, JUiy 10. ivsi'. (iM. VV, MrllitlDE, ' (I. W.W lillli. i Hoard olTrjstf en. Wm. ili'Sl.v, Clerk of Hoird. 0-awl-w. ATTENTION FARMERS!1 Wnglvilotijuiidiiritvi. Ono liulf nille Vet .f H.ilcin I'. O. (J)d Mill, nil cl.wraiul I" tlno rondltloii. All r1y fcr planting fruit and shrubbry at inn, i-eh pliiv fronts i.1i niilioutcl, and n-il Ihv. i TI-TOMAS PAYNE OT STATIC 3T. SALCM. Hort't cons li r.ay lopsfr. Wright' iled e4 CiomiCoukIi Cure, will rout your annoy- 1 8iic and leave y.m frfr (iul well. Hold by ll druifll. - V SALE! Oregon. uuanrovransvnz9 rou.S'u. WOUND A pair of lady's now light kid 1 gloves fine &.1I at this ottlce, prove property, pay for notice and got goods MANTi:i. WANTKD A situation by a boy U yours old, on firm or stock mnoho. A good worker, can plow or tend stock. Call nt tho ofllcoot tho UAi'lTAl. .toimxAi, for"D." MtfWl WANTED A gentleman of live yeius ex perience 1 1 commission business wants a position Indoors wheio ho am put In all his time. Has had somooxpcrlence In real citato and Insurance; Is a good hand In a warehouse; Is a good mathematician nnd can keep books und make himself general ly useful and is not afraid or work. Host of references given. Address "It.," Jouit nai. OrKlcn. 5-1 llf roil iu:nt. ixm KENT.-In a tlno locality, several A nicely furnished looms, either with or without board. Kor particulars call upon Wm. . Arnold, 3U7 Winter street. roii sam: 1,-lOlt HAliE. A KAil.M OK 3-JO ACIIEH 1' all under fenco and cultivation. In the best rango country of Kustern Oregon. Tho best chancoevoroireied for a man to engago In stock raising. Kor particulars call on or addross Vt . II. HYAItS, Salem, Oregon. SOCIKTY NOTIUKS. fVliIVKlX)DOK No. IS, I. O. O. K., meels JU In Odd Kellows' Hull upstairs. Coruei commercial nnu I'erry siiecis, every rsat urdnvat7:'10p. m. .1 '!' miRfio. JAS. AVAI.TON, becretuiy. i GA. II. Sedgwick Post, No. lo, Depart- ment of Oregon, meets every Monday I ovenlngaltho hall over the Oregon lund I company's otllce. Visiting comrades an , cordially invited to attend. ' A. W. Dhayokii, Post Comiuuder II. K, HOUTM WICK, AdJUtll 11. PltOI'ESSIONAI. CAItllH. T "T, PHANf. attorney nt law, Salem, Ore ' iron. Olllco uisstalrs In the Patton L block. f J. JU.N'.S7NUH I. "'!), ' rt. liUNTIHT J Otllce In tho Now Hank Hlock. Com merclal street, Halem. Hlgn of tho big tooth. dw ' I)IIYHIor.T.N.-.MItH.IJlt. M. R". M"tOY I I physicliin and surgeon, has located ' and taken rooms over Hipilre Karnir's I grocery store. Chionlo diseases a spec 'laity, Consnltatlon fiH-. lU-iihtw i -nr-ir-wra ja. wrKNonifAi'irMii 1 W , and TyiH'wrlter Copyist. Will matte rcpolts Ot tnais, vii; m ijing on ij'iiw writer accurately and neatly done. Olllco with I A Mnunlmr. Commercial Hi., Up stairs, New Dank Hlock, Oregon House I Corner Mill ami Summer Sts., Three Blocks West of Ilejiot. Salem, Or. PLEASANT ROOMS ANU GOOD TABLE. Board and Lodging Per Day, $1, Kr- lninirti.lliiii of rtuengent and UinjiC to mill tnmt deriot liroill Utrinjl. II. 4. HllAItl', Proprietor. . GEORGE WILKINS' NKW nUTOHER SHOP On Liberty street. acio.s the bridge lu North leiii. All kind .f meats kept 00 hand, JWAl Kor burning feet bat lie the tect night and morning with tepid wa ter, to which a little soap has been added. When nearly dry, dust free ly over them a powder composed of salicylic acid and sixteen parts of powdered alum. If the burning is especially troublesome at niuht, dip in liotwttr for fifteen minutes be fore applying the ptiwder. A jug tilled with cold water is a good pal liative. I le: I wonder which of those two young ladies is hisslster? She: why, the brunette, of course. Didn't you notice that she had to put on her wrap herself? Ni:W TO-DAY. REED'S OPERA IIOPSE. OXE NIGHT, Snturdny, July 20, 188!). KARL GARDNER I (.OUR KARL) The gieat Ueiman Comedian and Sweet Singer, IN 1118 NEW HO.MANTIC PI.AY, Fatherland Under management of SIDNEY R. lSIvLISl Mr. Gardner will sing tho following new sengs: "Sliut lour lyesiignuy ami upon lour .Mouth". "Gorman Swell." "l'ietty Hebo- llnk," and the greatest of all successes, "Tho I.lloch." lti'ervc seats now on sale at Put ton's. Bids for Wood. Mils will bo received at my olllco lu tho opera house block, Com t stieel, Salem.Or,, up lojmy .2)111, moif, in t p. in., nr ma iij iMirdsof bodv oak or lariroirruh oak wood. and seven (7) i-ords of body Mr, to bu de livered nt tno Noith Bi.lem school housa; also six (II) cuius oi potty tunc, or lingo grub onlc wood, and seven (7) cords or largo body tlr to bo dellveied atthoHouth Hu lcm school house; also forty (10) cords or largo bodv or grub oak Mood, tlility (.TO) coids ot body ash and flfty-llvo (55) cords of largo body fir, to bo delivered at tho East Salem school -house. All this wood to bo dellveied nt tho places cleslg noted on or befoio tho 1st day or Septem ber next. Tho board or trustees reserves tho right to reject any and all bids. David Simpson1, Clerk or School Dlsl. N. it. Saixm. Or., July in, 1W dw-td JOHN HUGHES, Dealer in Groceries, l'niiit.s,Oiis ami Window Glass, "Wall Pu ller and Ilorder, Artists' .Ma terials, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fenco Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, Small Fans for Sale. A number or tcn-ncro tracts or desirable land within one and a hair miles orKuloiit, at prices ranging from S-'O to J100 per aero. A,'P J '" WILMS A OIIAMIIKRI.IN, O-'JO-Im Opem House Hlock NOTICE. PROPOSALS INVITBIJ. The Hoard or Public Hulldlng Commls rloners hereby Invito sealed jiroposals ror the erection or a water tower and tank at tho penitentiary. Plaiisaud Hpcclllcatlous may he seen at tho olllco or W. I). Pugh, architect, Halem,Or. Hlght to icjcct 11113 and all bids Is reserved. Illds will be owned at 11 o'clock, a. m , Tuesday, Aug. II, IhSll. SVi.VKrtrKIt I'KN.NOJ I'.ll, ((1:0 V. Mclliiini:, O. W. Wkhii. Commissioners. Wit. A. MUNl.V.CIerltor Hoard, EXECUTOR'S SALE. Notice Is her.) by given lo whom It may toncern, that tho undersigned executor or 'theestalo of James Stanley deceased, by virtue or an order and license mado by the Ilou. County Court ror .Marlon coiinlylOrc con. on the Villi, dayor .May IM(i feinpow crlng and dlrcUIng tho linderslgneil as such executor to sell tho real estate or tho said .lames HlimliJ deceased, will sell at publleauctloti 111 lioiilorthoouniy nairt Iioiipu iloor, lu tin- city nf K.1I1-111, .iiirlun ciiiiniy, Oregon, on tlio.'lrd, day of August, IMlnt tho hourorouuo'iliH'kl). in. or said day lo the highest and best bidder ror null In hand, all tin-right tllln and Inter ml af thefcaldJaiues Stanley deceased. In mid to the following descnbr-il real estate to-ult: ll.u.lnnl I .lift ,lrllll IL'i.1 IViMtfir lf iHUIIIIlll.)..1. ... ..-'.... ...... ..... ... tlio il'iiuillim land (lulliiot Thomiis hlan ley and wife No. iuflowtiHlilp H, soutli rilUKO BW.t1 'l III" . limiii uu flit 1 liimu. und ruiiniiig tlieiic.'oullHI" IV cast lis.ltl chains aioiii 1110 souui wesi oouiiunry 01 (liilin.So if lo 1. Mule In ilnliu No. 10 on iii)rllilM)iiiidiir'niii)doiiatliiii laiidclalm or Win II. Itiior, No, .', 'I hence south 7ji-afct, ll.'i'i chains 10 the south u rat corn- .... ..... It. ST. lit llii.iu... Ii.irtli I70 IS'.hiu. SLIbrlinlns; Ih'ttiiiu norlli lla I.V west 1071 cuains 10 ineiiiiriii wcsifsfiinui.ry iiii'iaiin O. I'l; llll'lll.. soillll ..' in w-ij.i.-iihiiii lolho plure of beginning; lielng it part of the donutloirMantl i-laliu of I'homas Hlniiley ...... ...If.. V,. 111 ftf.d.iiliilnir .-Ml -. fi. r.i .if laud moi'o or lets mid situateil In .Marlon county tiicgon. . . . ., Imtt-d nt Rili'in. Oregon, July .Int.lfchW. P. l-vy, r.xiH-utorof said estate 7-Owtl HORSES FOR SALE. One heavy gelding, one young inure with young con, ivpgnsii sniri, . ni wiiu f.sil by KiusIiHWtiiiulor; ouu two- ear-old i-oll, Jolinuy 111.11, nuotroiuT. tiuon A. STRAIN. (f-'iW3 h'l. I'flk diiiniy, Ofi A RAILROAD DISASTER. A Passenger Train Wrecked Near Spokane Falls. D110WXKI) NEAR HRAXT'S PASS, OR. A lhnvy TlmiultM' Storm r'ni;ht Train Wreokotl. Pussoiiger Train Wrecked. Spekani: Falls, July IB. At Otis, sixteen tulles east of this eity, at two o'clock thi morning, the East bound passenger train wr?s wrecked, four coaches being derailed and badly smashed. The high wind prevailing Sunday night blow sev eral cars from t lie switch to the main line, and the passenger train dashed into them. Engineer Rums and Fireman Fletcher jumped just before the col lision. Rums escaped unhurt, but Fletcher received injuries which will probably prove fatal. IIu was brought to the hospital in tills city, where ho is In an unconscious con dition. A Terrific Thunderstorm. Rhndlkton. Or. July 15. Tho most terrific thunderstorm over ex perienced lu this section passed over this city last night. One tree was struck within tho city limits. 'An other bolt struck a sidehill, and made the dust fly many feet. A frleght train Jumped tho track thirty miles east of heie to-day. Six cars and tliu caboose were burn ed. Nobody was killed. It is sup posed that a tank of oil tipped while the train was turning a curve and took lire. Tho passenger train was delayed nine hours. Two llrothors Drowned. , Git ant's PAf.s,.0r., July 15. Two brothers, Charles and Fred Thorn ton, were drowned in Rogue river last evening, while bathing. They stink without a struggle, right in sight of their little brother who had accompanied them. Tho bodies have not yet been recovered. They were proprietors of tho Grant's l'ass soda works, and were most exemp lary men. A Hold Mine Sold. JlAKint Citv, July 15. Tho larg est mining sale ever made In Oregon was consummated hero to-day by the sale of the Rasiloy mine to Col. R. F. Looney of Memphis, Judgo R. IS. Reese and O. Bzontagh of Ban Francisco. Tho other members of the company are Eastern capitalists. This mine is one of tho finest gold properties of the Northwest. Tho company will put a largo force of men to work ul once. The Hume Divorce Cuhc. San Fhancihco, July 15. Lizzie Hunio. was granted a dlvorco to-dny from Joseph Hume, tho Berkeley capitalist, and formerly of Oregon, on the ground of cruelty. Tho testi mony was taken behind closed doors, and no opposition made to the de cree, The findings In tho case wero waived, as tho division of tho prop erty was amicably arranged. Hume will give Ills ex-wlfe $17,500 and their Uerkclcy homo. A Horrible Find. Johnstown, Vn July 10. It Is reported that a diver who examined (he foundation of the Pennsylvania railroad bridge discovered that the bottom of tlin Coiiemaugli river near tho bridge Is covered with hundreds of bodies lying one upon another anil held down by it mnss of twisted wire. Cllcnsliiirg lit Work. Elllnkiujiki, W. T., July 15. Men were engaged tills afternoon shooting down standing brick walls through burned districts, which have been menacing the sufety of workmen and icdcsirliins. There Is great activity all over the district removing debris, excavating cellars and laying fotiniltitlons. The Ohio Sturm. Cincinnati, July 15. RejsirtH from Princeton to-dny concerning the storm of yesterday Indicate that there Is no loss of life. Tho loss of property is estimated to not exceed 110.000. The damage to crotis, fences, etc., was very great lu the pathway of tho storm, which was about a (Uiarter of u mile wide. Dined Willi the Queen. London, July 15. Mr. Lincoln, the United States minister, and his wife and Mr. Russell R. Harrison,' son of President Harrison, dined with thequrcii at Windsor tlilHCVen- ''ft I Crcighton the Embezzler., San FitANciKco.Jtily 15. Richard J. Crcighton, who with Frank Northeyund J. T. Gammcrson. was convicted In October, 1887, of em bracery in tho dnniago suit brought by Widow Wright against the Gcary Street railroad company, but who lied from tho city before sentenco was passed on him, returned from Victoria, JJ. C, on tho steamer Citv- of Piicbla this atternoon, and sur rendered himself, and was placed In in the county Jail. A Strange Verdict. San Fhanclsco, July 15. Tho Jury in the case of John Saunders, charged with tho murder of his wife last April, returned a verdict of murder in tho first degree, but recommended Saunders to the mercy of the court. Saunders shot his wife bccaiuo she refused to live with him and support him, from the proceeds of tho Immoral life that he compelled her to live. Tcxns Fever. Kansas Citv, Mo., July 15. A dispatch from Wellington, Kansas, says. Arrivals from the Chcrokco strip to-day report that Texas is playing havoc with the cattlo there. Forty head were seen dead lu one pasture yesterday, and in others from seven to twenty-llvo carcasses wero lying around. Hundreds of cattle, they say, are dying in Okla homa, and they predict that not a hoof will bo taken from there to tho North for some months. A Dig Hotel Trust Projected. Philadelphia, July 15. Thos. H. Greene, a leading local hotel keeper, proposes tho formation of 11 hotel trust, embracing thirteen of tho largest hotel properties. He says that they aggregated $5,000,000 worth of business last year, and that a. '10 per cent saving of expellees will be effected by tho "combine" Sun Francisco's Indclitcdnexs. SaiJ Fhancihco, July 15. In ac cordance with tho law, the vnrlou.i municipal officers, llled their annual reports to-day for tho llscal year ending June IlOth, 1881). During the past year tho city's Indebtedness was decreased $75,517, leaving tho net bonded Indebtedness of the eity $887,578. Horribly Scared. "Not long after the war 11 circus, came to Montgomery. It was the first circus that had been thero lu n long time, and attracted an Immense crowd, especially of tho negroes. Tho most Interesting feature of the entertainment was tho balloon ascen sion. The negroes had never seen anything of that kind, and regarded the spectacle of n man sullllig up In Into the clouds very much as they would have looked upon Elijah going up in his chariot of fire. Tho balloon sailed away eight or ten miles, and came down lu a Held where some negroes Mere plowing. Terrified at tho spectacle of a chariot coming down from heaven, they verily believed that the last great day had come, and, remcmlieriugnll their short comings, fled away In terror at the approach of the awful Judge. "One gray headed and rheumatic old negro was unable to get away. He could follow the plow, but could not run, and the chariot came down Uwn him with terrible swiftness. In that awful moment his whole life rushed upon him, he thought of alt the petty sins he had committed, and tho ghosts of a hundred chick ens seemed to rise up in Judgment against him. Rut in that desperate emergency his mind did not desert him, and remembering that polite ness always counted with his earth ly master, he quickly decided to greot tho Lord of heaven and earth In becoming style. As tho uerouuul touched the e-irth and began to en tangle himself from the meshes about ills car the old darkey, with an air of profound obeisance remov ed the wool hat from lilt shiny pate, bowed low and said with pious unc unc teon: "Morning,' Mars Jesus; how you leP your pa'." " MUUT WINS. We desire to say to our cltiens that for years we huve lieen selling l)r. King's vw Discovery lor ton sumption, Dr. Klug'sNow Life Pills, Rucklen's Arnica Halve and Klectrlo Hitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satisfac tion. We do not hesitate to guar antee them every (line, und we stand ready to refund the purchuse price, if stlisfaetorv results do not follow their use. 'I Iicmj remedies have won their great popularity purely 011 tuelr merits. Kojd by Daniel J. Fry, drulnu 'I v?v.se?y