Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, July 05, 1889, Image 4

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One yrnrliy mall .
Hlx innntln liy mnll
Three monthi by twill
Pit nrt'k, iltllcrrd by carrlcr.-
... v m
.... 2tt
.... I 21
Onn voof n mnll.
...... i ro
HU months
ha by mnll - 75
,1,f,!?,,.l".H yTvancenr: M
One year,
Knr nihcrtUlnt, i.a. M,.ilynt tlili-nfTco
who do not secure their paper rcgulai y
will notify thin olllce, giving address, nnd
the matler will bo attended tout once.
Olllcc, corner Court nnd Liberty Wrcrts
Tlin IfTl-l Vlllnicn.
Buch 1h the title of u great poem
ondmich qulto fittingly lellHoftho
condition in which the proud capital
cltv found heielf yeilei day. The
stonj were cloned and mi ulr of
quietude willed over the city. .Many
of hcrcltl.eiiMhad gone to Albany,
Sllverton, Dalian, McMlniivllIo or
olwvlu're to celebrate and many ol
tliow who were unable lo go fiom
home, spent the day In Vow or
Highland park or betook tlieui
M'lveHand lamllles to the country.
Balem wan (pilot. Hut there In al
wayH a calm before a Htorm and on
thlH occawlon the calm wiw to hIiow
tlie people how vociferously Kiilcni
would pluck fcathetH from the tall
of the national blrl on then.ital day
or law).
I'rlly llnrglurle".
The Hiieak thieve look advantage
of the absence of houwholdeiH yes
terday, to get In their low down
work. Karly Thtirmlay morning
tho wilooii or Jack Ualliwcll wiib
entered by inembciM of their emit
They Hindu their way In by remov
ing a tin which wrvod as a window
gluHH. Jlut little of value w;ih taken,
uh they failed to try the wife, Hiip
lionlng ll of amino to be locked. Hut
In thti Ihey inlHHod It, an tho sale
could readily have been opened by
thcmitnd no leHHlhan $M been ta
ken. Several minor robberrlcn occur
red tlin wiinu mornlng.but no valua
IiIch were taken.
A ."tlhmr Ifitliht-ry.
Borne time during the llrnt ot the
wk Home unknown paity entered
tho hoiiMi of Win. .Barker at tho
corner of High mid Kerry streets,
and Htold 18 In money. Mrs.
.Murker had been out shopping and
upon returning homo put the- money
on her bed and communced to get
dinner. Dmlng tho evening she
Hilled the money. The front door
had been left open dining tho day
mid tho bold thief entered in broad
daylight and took the money.
An Olil NHIIri'n lli-timi,
Alex. Vaughn, late of .Marlon,
Iowa, Ih vIMtlng at the residence
of 0. V. Cluiy. Mr. Vaughn Ih an
old Hclioolmatu of AIih. (iray.
Thirty-three yearn ago ho was a real-
dent of Balcin, and left for the ciud-
eru Htaten to reside. During alt of
those yours ho ban traveled consld-
erably, and upon bin return to Ba-
leni glveH It us IiIh decision that the
Willamette Valley and Kiilem aie
tho best places on eaitb.
. . - -. .
'lli NeM I'lipcr.
Oeorgo Hogoix bus coumieuccd
wold oil tho Ill's! Issue ot his new
weekly ilemocratle paper, to bo cast
upon tho waters as bread for hun
gering democracy, lie has un
wisely named It the Capital Demo
crat, thus Infringing upon (lie
name, of tho Capita i. Jouknai,.
Mr. Uogern celebrated tho Fourth
by putting In typo his salutatory
anil leading editorial.
lilt, Touchers' Asiiii'IiiiIiiii.
Tho annual session of the state
teachem' association closed, after a
protltuhlo and plouuut three days'
M'sstou, on Wednesday evening.
The session throughout was of the
greatest Inlcivst and tho closing ex
oiclwa were of tho same older. The
attendance was all (hut could have
liven oxeeted or desired dmlng the
three days and a vast amount of
valuable work was done.
. Itnllrtiftil .Voir.
Noting tho Into turn of railroad
allalnt, tho Albany Herald Nyn:
"In the meantime the Albany A
Astoria railway company, recently
organized tu thU city, w Ith a capital
block of fto.OW.ooo, Is arnumlug to
put surveyors In the Held at oiuv to
Mirvoy the unite for tho proiod
connection at Allun.v, and will se
cure tho right f way and "tart tho
woik going."
CilUW In (In- rri.
Tho Capital tngluo company of
till city wciil to All any yesterday
morning to take part In tho hose,
contort, which vti b.twecn Iho Al
bany and B i em uigliuvs. Capitals
won, tho record Icing as follews:
Balem, 8 foot hj Inchon; Albany,
U38 feci 8) liielu.
Wor.t tl . tutimriii'vtl,
AntoiielloA DooUgun their Ore
gon Pacific ctntract this uiornlu;.
They have boouivd u plant, Idled
wrnio men und will lcglit itctlw up
eratlouH tit once, Increasing th.dr
fWW M ft M JKfliJe.
Article ol Incorporation.
Article of incorporntloii were.
(II, .l u.llli (l. -,..... ..! r uf.ilr. I.- I
j iiivii Mini iiiu rvMUIIII ... nm., i'i-
iliiv n ioll.iu-H- Thn Woni. ulion.
mill company of Antorin, with J. C.
Trulllng, J. A. Trailing and S. O.
Trailing iih Incorporator. Thulr
busincfi Ih to curry on a general lum
bering IjuhIiichh mid the capital stock
H $100,000, divided into 1000 fihnrcH
of (lie value of $100 each. Astoria
j-yxciianire company ol A-jtoiiii,wiiii
J. 1-'. Haloran.Wm. Ford and C. V
Fulton iih incorporators. Boine of
their business Is to borrow, loan und
Invcstl money. The capital
stock is $00,000, divided Into 000
shares of the value of $100 each.
The JJrldal Veil lumlerlngcoinpaiiy,
wltliT. II.Binlth, K. h. JJrown and
T. L. Palmer as incorporators.
Bomo of their business is to buy and
sell timber lands and to own and
dispose of the same, to erect and
operate saw mills, planing mills and
all machinery connected therewith.
The principle olllce is l.i Jirldal
Veil. Tho capital stock is $100,
00), divided Into 1000 shares
of the value ot $100 each.
TJic I'atton home for the
frle.idless, with tho olllecrs of the
Alblna union relief society associa
tion. The capital stock on hand Is
$J")0, and the souice of Income or
icvcuuo Is to come from the mem
bers and other people. Their busi
ness N lo provide food, fuel and
clothing for the poor. Hunk of
N'owhurg, the object of which shall
be lo sell, exchange, receive, deposit,
b irrow and loan money, deal in
slock bonds and other sccuiitics.
The principal place of buslnesss Is
in Nowhiirir. Tho capital stock Is
County (Join t I'liirofilliiK
Iu matter of tlio location ofa coun
ty load forty feet wide from center
of county road at west end of tho
(Jrccn bridge to point In center of
county road fioni Jcllerson to Balem,
J. II. Porter, John Craig and B.
C'oudlt appointed viewers, and W.
J Culver surveyor, to make view on
Friday, July IU.
In matter of location of county
road from centerof county road from
Jcllerson to (Jervals, to southeast
corner lot III Capital city fruit farm,
petition withdrawn.
In matter of tho establishment of
county road along north lino of
donation laud claim of J. M. ltlack
erby, oidered that road bo cstatilish
cd in accoi dance with survey.
In matter of the location of coun
ty road forty feet wide from south
lino county road leading from Ma
lion to Ktaytou to llrigg's ford, on
tho Bantlam, ordered established.
'I hi, III lilpi nt stii) tun.
The county courts of Marion and
I. inn counties met at Albany on the
evening of July.'ld for tho purpose
of openlhgiindeonsldoilng tho bids
solicited for the coiistiuction of
a bildgo acioss tho uoitli fork of
the Bantlam river about -00 feet be
low tboBtiiyton feiry. The bildgo
will cost a trlllo above $18,000 and
tho counties have decided upon
building the bildgo jointly, each
to pay one-half of the cos) of con
struction. Tho bildgo is to (110 feet
long and sixteen feet wide iu the
clear. Piers to bo of sulllclont
height to bring the bottom nf the
Hour beams at least twenty-two
feet above low water iiiuik.
Contracts will bo let soon ami
woik will be commenced at as
caily a date as possible ami tho
bildgo will bo completed as soon as
tho woik can bo done.
An Oprn Mfrllni;,
The young women's foielgu inls
slomiry society will glvo an open
meeting Sunday evening at tho
M. K. chinch, commencing at 7:l!0
o'clock. A collection for tho benctlt
of the soelct v w 111 w made, I'ollow
lug Is the pregiam:
I'm) it.
Atlthi'lil . - . .Clinl!'
lUvllulloa . .... Kuy Itaiiille I
VihHil Nlu
. Mr. J. ii.iioks
.Mm A 11 WllBlit
MUh Mulii'l June
Ititv Win Itolllns
.Hon n
Hui'trM ! 1 1 i-K',
Ax tho Ith of July has pacd the
farmers will now Ik busy cutting
their grain, which Is rliHUilng rapid
ly. Wlllard Mat tin of S.ilem prai
rie has begun to cut his tract of
sevoniy uorvs, ami a lew lanners on , tir.ni u.ntio
Howell pmlrlo have Kgun to cut j KmiiiuwU iiw n in iiu luinnu i
their grain, making thro-hing tliuoieai. i h ilouuni m luipun' bUsi trio
near at hand. ItoipUn iotory mw tito tHuuiiuition, n
, ruin linUih.it itnur vU'tluuto Un k'ntn
.Muivmy Wliral. A innsl r4litlli liltHtleliiv Ilk Hihh1' Kir-
l.at fall tho MoMlnvllIo lUvglstor MrMuU tlu-wwimu will. hleh lo de-
...iii ii ..n ... . .. ...i.. .i fi ml iii Wf, Url tlw ditaiHiroto enemy
published mi Item concerning tho ,.,.,,,,,, .Um, ,H,1W Blui Usi-
inuuutiy wheat, the oxpeiluiontor tuwiu. ,. nMa. or. To ihNjwui
IteliiK the editor, Tho wheat Uuenti- UmtnlWii".
Ino und tho grain wore found In
Iho wnipplngs ofa n.ununy which
was u-tlliMted to U nt toast 2000
K.uiru itf.l 'lK. nisitliki iktiittl.v.l iiv.,
,,,,n ...... ...v h ......... ...v
gn,vl,.g und Its growth M
' - -
.Sei ul (fi ltlir.
The linlluit Chlff own up ftsun
I'ortluud list night, IH-Illjjlllg iimiixu
of tiUnit seventy toil Sho wllli
rx'turn on tho down ir!, It) t'.iy '
inoruliu. Tho river I unite low.'
but iikhi wi. miviiptv it wrfiy. 'ssbttw?!!? A:;uVu;u,.;"-"f.he,,.ddeU,t,.
I'lliKliY I'KKSOXAh.
Mrs. Adair left this morHlng for
.-, ,
Geo. Aiken returned homo to
day from his (rip lo Portland.
Miss Mary Luwience took the
afternoon train for Iter home in A
Mih Mabel Adair took
K.k the
City, on
morning train for Yiuultui
a visit.
I'M. Croisan and wife, who
have been visiting up the road,
came home this morning.
Mr. Joe Playtcr and wife, who
have been visiting at the residence
of Mr. James Aitkcn,lcfton the after
noon train for their home iu the cast.
Lafayette is going to have a
weekly newspaper again and will
no doubt give It substantial support.
Don't you forget, that the Hon
Ton restaurant Is the only place you
can get a good square meal for the
small sum of twenty-five cents.
A correspondent wishes to know
the pronouneliitlnit of the name of
Yaqtiina Bay, It Is a woia that
bothers most strangers. It Is pro
nounced as follews: Yiih-quin-ah.
Painlcps dental operationsat .Dr
T C. Smith's, U-2 Stale street.
Sheridan, Yamhill county, Is
now to have a newspaper. A.
Clark of tills city Is to be editor and
F.d. Oiltuer left yesteiday forSt.
Helens, where he was to Join apaity
to iniiko thi aeeut of St. Helens,
Washington. This Is Kd's favorite
The Balem real estate and land
-'ompau5' to-day sold to X. J. Day a
line lot on Capital street. Mr. Day
Is lately from Mls-oml and will buy
other property in this section.
Declaration of intention to be
come a citl.en of these ('lilted States
was yesterday Hied by Alexander
Muidock, a former subject ol (Ircat
"Salem Is Growing" Is the way
the big ad of the Salem hoard of
trade is headed. Those words are
full of truth, as the many evidences
on every hand would indicate.
Harry Dunn and one St. Clair
were arrested yesteiday on charges
of being drunk and disorderly, and
were given four days iu limbo. They
were celebrating the Fom that homo.
The great ot July In over and
tho hoarse bellow of the cannon is
hushed after proclaiming the llllth
anniversary of fieedom. Oncemoio
tho world will settle down to good
hard work, until another holiday
-Dr. J. H. Phelps of (Jttlney,
III., Is in Balem looking around
and has about decided upon a loca
tion hero, llohas looked the coun
try thoroughly over and has con
cluded that the work in trying to
find a more desirable home than Sa
lem Is labor lost.
When you ate preparing your
picnic lunches or dinners for tlslilug
parties, hunting outfits or general
outing parties you will want the
best groceries, titled mcatS canned
goods, etc. You will want tho
choice and to all looking for such
goods Squlto Fnrrur's Is tho place.
Yesterday evening about boven
o'clock tluce horses that were
hitched to r. w.igon ran away, start
ing on asylum avenue and running
down IVntor-stieot to tho Willam
ette biltlge, crossing- into Polk
county and were captured by a lady
ami gentleman. It was learned
that the team belonged to F. C.
Casebar of this city. A few minutes
after the horses eroscd tho bridge
three or four wagons crossed but
luckily there was no one mi the
luldgo'it the time.
llir .iiliitiri.
Salem was quite well roiuv.-onted
h,t .Mo.MlnuvUle yoMordav, the oc
casion being a foot race between
.Miller of Salem and Cameron. The,
latter won without any trouble, and
tho consequence Is not a IKtlo Salem
money Is U'lng hoarded in .McMluu
vllleasa iv-ult of tho termination
of tho contest. Miller is quite a run
ner, anil til- backers don't exactly
uudcrxtaud how Cameron won with
hiiohti little cltort.
" " "" " " ,
u . lu.-i . u'uiuniui.
iim amwn mm HrtUnibruiuV u
.... .. .. . .... . Likiid tt lltA in nit
.. . -.-r.- ..w " "
Mtiowy ..vk. Ana iw iiif
aii.uir.i. uv.niu Iw -.im.ii in u.
tl iu.
.. ' ,
v. . .i.i - . i . httem imtl a lubts ,
) I in1.
. ." ..i iJSSNw. st S-
Origin Mj..'nli .M wmw oil
ruiiu it
C. W. Kurr is oft" for n two weeks'
trip to tfie Lane county mountains
with his invalid mother.
Farmers In Waldo Hills are cut
ting grain now. Fall grain looks
well but the ftpting grain Is a little
light owing to the drouth.
. Mr- Whltcwho came near getting
killed In turner last neck, is gctt ng
.,.-.,,,,., i , . iiiuuK..i, iMrieakH. Pure cold well water. Is
is' I ll iiriituii nrtf.t iv tmii - ll
wit li proper care he will get well. I
Putnam, the sectarian speaker,
delivered nn address at the Masonic
hall Tuesday eve to a very small
audience. The people of Turner are
getting very pious since the camp
meetings began, and bo many ac
cidents happening here too, it makes
them think that the fatts are frown
ing on them sure.
Harnett Simpson of Balem and
ids brother Jim of Waldo Hills went
to the mountains Sunday on a bee
hunt, Intending to stay ten days or
two weeks, but Tuesday night while
falling a bee-tree a stick struck Har
nett in the eye, coming near putting
it out. Wednesday it was so painful I
that they had to come home for
medical treatment.
A Yamhill youth was recently
married to a girl who had refused
hint eighteen times. He wishes
now lie bad asked her but eighteen.
There is a tree at Hrunswick, ,Ga.,
known as tho "lovers' oak," under
which more than a hundred teams
can find shelter from tho sun's rays
at a time.
Tho convulsion of August .11, 1880,
by which Charleston, B. C, was
paitially destroyed, caused a loss of
several hundred lives and 5,000,000
iu property.
Two companies have been formed
In Nebraska for the manufacture
of beet sugar, and tho machinery
for their factories is being pur
chased in Oer-many.
I'itiglish capitalists are looking
with envious eyes upon the Watch
factories in this country, which,
thanks to tlio bounteous aid of tariff,
Dave prospered beyond measure.
June 1 1, 1777, congress passed a
resolution prescribing the form of
tho national Hag, and so far as
known, this Is the first recorded
legislation action on the subject.-
Kato Field's name is ordered
stricken from tlie list of speakers at
tho Chutauqita assembly on account
of tho part sho took In tho antl
prohibltlon campaign in Pennsyl
vania. The Swiss government has in
augurated a movement looking to
ward ti universal reproduction of
hours of labor for workers ill fac
tories and on farms.
Kire-proof buildings are becoming
more and more common, but an
earthquake-proof building is a
novelty. Tho San Kranclsco Chron
icle is erecting a now abotlo for which
both of these advantages is claimed.
Cheney (ianu, known as
"O runny Clrcshani," an old negress
of Marietta f!a., has in her poos
sion a bill of sale by which she was
once transferred as a slave, showing
conclusively that her ago Is 111
Mr. Hush who was the pioneer In
are electric lights, was a roiorter on
a Cleveland newspaper at 11 ft eon
dollirs a week less than fifteen
years ago. Ho still lives In Cleve
land, where ho owns a S1,0R),000
A Kansas City couple were mar
ried in Nebraska on a train running
foi ty lulled an hour. The chances
tire that In a year Ironi now the ro
mantic couple will bo looking for a
train running sixty miles an hour to
take them some place where they
can uctu lightning express divorce.
A gentleman addressing the schol
ars of u largo school ob.-crved among
tho decorations about tho mom an
American flag, and bald: "Children
can unv of you tell mo why that ting
was hung up there?" "To hide tho
dirt!" quickly responded one sharp
Ixiy, who agisted In making tho
preparations for the ooealou.
Tho Sportsman'! club which own
ed the lake above Johnstown was
supposed to liuve executed a bond in
tho sum ot fc!,(k)0,000 as security
against lo of property In cao. the
dam gave away. It now transpires1
that tho boud was never executed.
Had it Iveoii otherwise, tho terrible i
dUa-ter would noM-r have hnppenwl. I
V I CK I NS.-1 n Salem, Friday morn
ing, July 0, it three o'clock, tho
young Mm or iTotiorieK riokins,
tii: cd six years
The little hoy was subject to tlU
,d yteritiiy aer.uu ho wits fvl J
unit yotonliiy tinernoou ho wits roe -
lug very well and wnuteil lo take a
Mrm ear ride. Afierrx'turnlngfroni
j,s rj,i0 J,0 u,kel U uncle
ivmg a
dnuk of water and after drlukl
lit came on, from which ho lie
wvenM. HU mother and father
iwero Iu Albany and wea nt the
deiKt 111 this city bofbtvtliey himrtl
This new plat just put on the market is the most desirable now offered
in Salem for building lots. They have no equal. The whole plat is in a
Hno citnfnnf rilt Ifntlnti uuvlr.il 111 flnvop. with n irood turf. No Crul)3, 110
Hlu no rockB of hM
clty BUrroun,ullK country, the
hotel and postolllco blocks. Thee
installments, one-tenth cash and one-tenth In quarter yearly payments
wlMiniit. Informf. nnfll nnlil. These lots are now actually worth in cash
more than the nriccs named for them
eral lota have already been sold on which flue residences will bo erected,
and a number more have been optioned. If you want one or more lots
call on JONES Sl WATSON, wh J will show you the plat and the lots.
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem.
Specialties in Table Luxuries,
Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery
Butter, Cream Cheese, etc. ,
Remember the
Success In Business requires preparation ! Therefore, thoroughly master
Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship and Business Correspon
dence, UooK-KeepM; hy both single anil Double juitry, tlie nature ana
correct use of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law and Business practice.
Learn, also, Shorthand und Type-writing, Manifold, and Dictation work.
All these are needed in busincHs, and are thoioughlv taught by exper
ienced teachers atMho SAL KM BUSINESS COLLEGE
(JrKwoM's Block, Salem, Oregon.
One 3lilc from Amnsvillo
Several fruit irrowcrs from the
k to TO
locate with us and there is room for several more. Sample No. 1, 20 acres
more or less, high land gently rolling, deep rich red soil, all under plow,
sulllciont fence. Price $40. Sample No. 2, 20 acres, more or less, partly
under plow, partly covered with willows, gently luclining nnd level land,
both red and black soil. Pilce?22Uo $U0.
Purclui'-ers can pay 8 per cent, interest on half for five to seven years.
From Salem take train to Turner and thence to Aumsville on Thomas
Bros', hack line, and call on tho owner, Mr. Win. Shaw, one mile north
ot depot, or for Anther particulars address
J. J. HARDEN, Stayton, Oregon.
wm m uh m
l,ook out for los;ty Klre during tho hot
Insure lipid Loss
tc .. n . mmhu-.
I...I.A lh..llt... IL.IkJ t . ....
i vrixx)!, Northern of Loudon, the Genua. I
....ii- . i.w.ii' ... iiuiiauu. iut-n ill i.i-s
l r' Ihe Hamburg. ...agdeburg Kir In" '
.. ,.
. i I
it.... ..i. ... .,.. .. t
imierrf.iimJn.tUyit1 m.i.uViVlnTut1
,srncuWKrr,V,u4 - n,M..
hire! hreFLLAMETTE
(.Ievutuhuia level, has a fine view of
mountain ranges and snow-capped
twelve blocks south of the UlienieKCie
lots.are oil'ered by Jones & AVatson on
on long time without interest. Gev-
Place and Call,
and Ten Miles from Salem.
east have declared their intention to
Graduates Students In
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Norma, Iiusiness, Law,
?. van sa,v
... Tresldent,
,,s Salem. Oregon.
.. ..
'JU!, llrow would be a charming girl," lit
I heard n young mansay, '
oU would go away.
But they xill her looks completely.
ju uroun would only take
Dr. lterre-s Golden Medical l)l.eottT
i urr uiulhi ana make ll pure.
A! he blemUhea complained of dUap.
Tu'uMleluulthe great pqrlrleroflhe
Crockery and Glassware!
With specialties In
Valerian China Tea Sets,
French China Dinner Sets.
Buckingham Pattern
or which wo constantly keep a full line
nnd open Mock, enabling us to mnke up
Dinner nnil Ten sets of nny size, or seU-bv
i the single piece. The finest nssortment ot
Kver shown In Halein.
Ol thelatest pnd handsomest patterns in
O-Plense call nnd examine our stock.
201 Commercial Street.
R &
Salem, Oregou, have received direct
From Eastern Factories
The Finest Line of
which will be sold nt
Prices and Terms to Suit All!
These goods Tare first-class and as their
Btoclc 1 very l.u co u person can and what
they may wsh. Their wmehouse on State
street Is completely flllet,und they have
another car load en route now. Lookout
for them; something fine
Only Genulm System of Memory Training
Four Books Learned In one reading.
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adult greatly benefited.
Great inducements to correspondence
1'rospectus, with opinions ofUr. Win. A.
Hn"!"JLon1' tl10 world-torued Specialist In
Mind Diseases, Daniel Greenleaf Thomp
son, the great l'syehqlogist, J. M.Buckly
H'S-'F,"1101- of tne Christian Advocate
;;tIlchardl,ro-torIthe scientist, Hons.
. . Aslor, Judah 1 Benjaman, and
others, sent post free by
Tror. A. LOISETTE, 237 Fifty Ave., NY
Je-19. dw
Unieuts In tho Stale. Lower rates tlian
l'ortland. Largest stock Legal Blanks Id
tho btate, n-d, biggest discount. Send for"
price list of Job priming, nnd catalogue ol
legal blanks. fc. m. WAITE,
Steam Printer Balem Oregon.
Have moved to -fl nnd Btate street,
whero they are now ready for work. All
our old patron und friends are Invited to
call and see us In our-jiew location. We
nro better prepared ffi work now than
ever havlug secured niuro room. 10-1-tr.
public, Theyare now prepared better than
eertodo all kinds ofVagonnd carriage
'?.'w nKBnd repairing: all kinds of black-
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sehoelng.bulnes3.Tuey have all kinds
hoieel,trotting, hand made. stcand
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IPiTJiiTS EkflFAl Hill Wl
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