Imrj - "'.IprrTT' ! l 4J THE CAPITAL EVENTXG JOURNAL. w 31 M u B Nil Al fe ll h ; i :IJ J EM ill i 1 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. 'habitual Htudents of (licmwIvcH, 08! Komlel. they confvflH, and regularly instituted " kind fine n io u that niRhi l'UIIMHHKI) DAILY, KXCKITHUA'DAY, ir tjik Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Kntored nt the pootofllce at Baleni,Or.,a second class matter. CURE B. IRVINE, Manager, Sco fourth pnico for term of subscrlp lon. AderllsemcnU to Insure Insertion (for the nnmg Any) should ho handed In by 1 o'clock. Correspondence contnlnlnir-npTrii of In' ((rent and Importance In desired from all pnrtsof the stain. No attention will ho paid to nnonymou communication. ronum desiring- the Capital JoUkxat. served ntthulrhoiiwMcan secure It by in lal card request, or by word 1HI nt thin oMIop. Hneclmen iinmberM sent frie on applica tion! OHlce, corner Court and Liberty Street. WEDNESDAY JULY 3, 1889 NOTICI'. TO NliaSCItlllKUS. The bookn of the carrlcra of the Capital Jouiinal uro being re vlned unil n new force ofYarrlero hart been put on to tlie old. Partlen who fall to iceelve their paper will please notify IIiIh ofllec, UN it If jirobablo HoitieouilKNiotiH may he imule in le-arranglng the Hutu. Tiu:iti: Ih perliniw uh nitieh build ing going on In r-alein In proportion to the imputation iih tliere Ih in any other pun of theeountiy, uud all of the Iiouhch are iuipron-inciit on previouH HtniclurcH. i .. i . Statu and iiiiuilulnul nhould place the eleetrlo nervlee of a city on the IiiihIh of a public Improve ineut entitled to Hpculal privilege In order to Hoeure the service for iiMcm on terniH, and under eeonomle coudltloiiH, best ealculated to prop erly nerve tho IntcrcHtHof all oitizoiiH. nHtcrn Inquisition into their own! dally conduct. Go thou and do likewise. ftrErsY. This remedv U beeomimr eo well . - . .u . When down the lane moon-vcllcd In white, Known anil H popular OS to necil 110 We walked upon the ucwy eras?, A blissful twain, with heart so light. I think we did not reckon, quite Itow kind fate was. inHboz, what? Tick Mississippi Wiley Lumber man nlllrnm that the days of big prices for big sltilt' have gouu by so long aw Washington manufae Hirers find It possible to lay timbers down in Chicago aslargeas 18x18, anil up tol)8 feet In le.igth, forMiiucthing under iO, and p.ty IK) cents rate. Hut that Is what they are doing. A bill of something over 17,000 feet Was hid upon by a iiuiuber of the Washington manufacturers for a lot of timber to be used In the con struction of pile drivers, The tim bers varied In length from CO to (18 feet, and tlie tenders for tlie mater ial laid down in Chicago, were not fur from $10 per M. When the strength of tlie Oregon llr, as dem onstrated in a series of tests, Is taken into consideration It Is safe to say that llr Umbers will come Into pretty general use, even lu the white pluo district, wherever and when ever length sie and strength are desired. The llr Is an easy winner wherever It has become known to the trade, Of course when big stiilf Is wanted in a hurry, the local mills Will Ih) called upon but the mills are rare that van furnish timber much longer than forty feet. There is much speculation Insomc quarters in reference to the election for president lit 189J2; especially is this tho case with a class of demo crats who seem to believe that the nnlv available ninn In the ranks of liiit party Is Grover Cleveland, the late president of the niugwutnps. We say president of mugwumps be cause, although tlie nominee of the democratic party and by the com bined forces elected, Mr. Cleveland, While president, to a certain extent Ignored his party and catered to the Whims of mugwumps. We are prepared to do justice io Mr, Cleveland, giving him proper credit for such of his acts us are de fccrvlng of approbation, but at the same time claims the right to criti cise those! which aie deemed to have been erroneous. One trouble with Mr. Cleveland, and one perhaps which had much to do with his defeat in 1888, was that ho had Imvcii made to believe that lie was a great man greater even than tlie party which' placet! him in ollleo, whereas the truth is theie were a great many men In the ranks of that party of greater experience In governmental affairs and of at least equal mental capa city. As to the force of character, moral and political honesty of Cleveland, wo have nothing to say by way of unfavorable comment, but being merely human, that he should have erred Is by nt) means a matter of astonishment. That the mistakes of Cleveland, committed while president, Mere so numerous and so glaring as to cause the defeat of his party lu 1888, does not admit of a Single doubt In the opinion of the witter. A man as president may be Justillcd In com mitting an act amounting to suicide politically, but he has no right, while killing himself, to kill or even to ciipplc the parly which hoisted him into power. These lines will not probably meet tho eyes of a large number of those democrats who si-em so anxious to see Mr. Cleveland nominated for president a third time, but wo beg to suggest to any of such persons that lu ono opinion wisdom would Indicate tlie propriety of abandon ing the Idea at ouco and forever. Tho results ol these elections in his own state, New York, ought to convlnco his friends of tho impro ptlety of any fuither attempts to carry him. Look at the (Igiires 1 ! I For governor 100,000 majority. For president in 18S I 10,0000 ina Jorlty. For president In I6S8 defeated. special mention. All whohavo Used Electric Uiltereslng the same song ;of praise. A purer medicine does J not exist and It fa guaranteed to do I all that Is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver nnd kidneys, will remove pimples, boils, An envious ray sulkcn In your hair And paled the gold'lt could not share; One lock, loosed from the silvery ma,lflnjt fhenm ,, otW affections jiuw mill across fi ciicuk j jnir I proved upon It, then andthere, How kind fate was! Lovo duped uh, sweet! Ijist year jou wed Another man, and I, Instead Of muttering onth in hitler bass. Sent All vcrspooni and as I read, Your brldloeurds, devoutly wild. How kind tiitc was! MAM KNOW TIIVHUI.l'. In times far past it was a custom among tlie schools to lcqulro each pupil to institute a self-examliiatlou of himself before retiring to rest. Those weie praying times and few people ever sought their evening couch without having knelt down and prayed and It wits very com fornmble to this custom that the other ono should be piacticcd. Pri vate praying has utmost gone out of fashion, It is a pity that the excel lent one of Holfx'xainlnatlon should have also cenvd. What an iiitlu cneo for good must Ik exetclsed over tho life of rvery ono who never Hills to ask himself aerlously every night a few questions like (lie follewing: Itow have I sju'iit tills day? What have I done to advance iny-l careless about It, self In thu right way? mVe no doubt it Is all right," Ami contracting any bud habits? I ald the conductor, "but I cannot A DiNgrniitli'il Lulilijist. A lobbyist at Kprlnglleld, 111., Who had been a railroad deadhead for many years, was called to his home about 10 miles from Chicago, by a telegram announcing tho seri ous Illness of his wife. When he leached Chicago It was latu In the evening, and there was but one more train to his town that night. As ho was waiting for the train time he noticed that the conductor was a new man, whom he did not know, and. for the tlrst time he called to mind that ho had left his annual pass over that road lu his room at Sprlnglleld. Approaching the conductor, he introduced him self and told tho circumstances, said that all the old conductors knew htm and lie never had to show Ids pass to them, and so lie had been Cliinpse Comjiositors About once a mnith we register a blood curdling oath on the accumu lated files of the Telegraph to the eflect that the very next time our composltorlal stall' exasperate us by their inconceivable idiotic style of HJKjliing we will appeal to our read ers by publishing tlie paper with all its errors on Its head. We don't know that wc shall not do It some day, but in the meantime we will get even to some extent by reproduc ing, llteratum, a portion of a familiar recitation as "set up" tho other day by a natural idiot with a ijucn and a composing-stick, The public will see what we have to put up with lu thcfollewfiig: The Jturial of Sir John Moon. jN'otu drum was heard notti funer al note as his corse to the ramports. We hlrmcd notasoldur discharged his forewell shot O'er tlie gram when ourlfeao wo burled. Webuiredhlm doubly tit dead of night. Tlie soda with our bayonets turning. Jiy the shughling moon heants miry light and the lontum drinly bulling. No melon collln enclosed his breast not in shut nor in sliorsed wo wound liiin. lint he lay like a wan lor taking him not. Wilt his niiir tirl clock around him. Few ami short were the prayers and said and, we spoke not a word of sonow. Hut we steadfastly gazed on the the fall hat was and we bitterly thoughtorbemoiier.l long Kong Telegraph. .She Hated .Monotony. '"Maude," lie said, with a quiver ing quiver in the vowel sounds, Maude, three weeks ago to-night I asked you to marry me." "Vou did." "And you said 'no.' " "That was my answer." "Two weeks ago to-night 1 asked you the same question." "I remember." "And you made the same reply." "I did." "A week ago I asked you to be my wife, and you said 'no' again." "Yes." "Vou have had another "week to think (lie matter over, and I called to see whether you had arrived at any other conclusion.'' ' Mlin raitliuit iwl n iiiiittwiii fr tiiul lltnii I kviiw hiii,iii I lillIIIVII l (1IIVI IIIVM said gently: "Harry, 1 lecognl.e tho fact that each time I have answered you In exactly the samo way. There bus been nothing In my leplles, m far, to lellevo the similarity." Then, after another paue, slie said still nioie seftly: "Hairy, 1 should hate very much to bo considered monotonous," And Harry didn't wait for any further answer. Too Much I'ii re AK-lioliol. Tlie Drain Echo gives tho follow Ing account of the death of Milton Applegate, brother of Llsh Apple- gate, on tlio ISM of June, at Von caused by impure blood. Will drive maiana iroin tiiesvstem anu nrcveni nu li'nll no iffr. nil viinliirlnl fnvnru I For cure of headache, constipation and indigestion try Electric -flitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money relunded. Price 50cts. and $1.00 per bottle at Dan'l J. Fry's drug store. A San Francisco business man was Inveighed Into paying 58,000 for "a gdd brick," said to be worth $20,000. It was the same old trick but well played, as thechippings lie was al lowed to take from the brick assayed the pure stuff. The sharpers got away. Oregoi) is ono of the most produc tive states in the Union. Its vast mineral regions contains gold, silver, copper, iron, and coal. Its Immense tracts of grazing lands support thou sands of cattle and sheep, and its extensive agricultural regions pro duce nil tho cereals In abundance, the yield per acre being, in some in stances, the largest in the world. Among the useful and valuable prod ucts of the Web Foot State may be mentioned Oregon Kidney Tea, which has proved a boon to thou sands afllictcd with pain in (he back J ami Kidney iliilicuuies. It Is purclv of vegetable composition and never fails. Sold by I). W. Mathews. The ues of electricity are limited only by tho want of intelligence in producing titling apparatus for its application. Tlie demand for such apparatus Is limited only by the want of intelligence on the pait of tho puulle to know how to use it properly. it should be generally known that Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic in sures a hearty appetite and increased digestion, dispels nervous depression anil low spirits, overcomes lack of energy ami wakefulness and will in fuse new life and strength into the weakest invalid. Sold b) D. W. Mnthcwii. The Best Residence Localities fn the city of Portland suid other prosperous towns are those owned by men or corporations who have the disposition and ability to improre them. ADDITION u PU A an n M B "a Ins I La ill H I H9 M wLJP Sfflffl fTABv w B a I & a a I a a a &? IS OWNED BY-- ill I ID WI1 1 r And this Corporation is determined to ale I D mw Alio The Itcv. Dr. It. H. Morrison, the fatUcr-in-Iaw of Stonewall Jackson, died in Lincoln county, North Caro lina, a few days ago, aged 91 years. It was on his account that Mrs. Jackson refused the olllce of post mistress which 1'iesident Harrison tendered her. A SsCltAI' OpTmU I.ltK. It was just an ordinary scrap of writing paper, but it saved her life. She was In the last stages of con sumption, told, by physicians that she was incurable and could live on ly a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a niece of wrapping paper she read ol Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a Hample bottle; It helped her. she bought a large bottle, It helped her nioie, bought another and grew bet ter fast, continued it'iuseand is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh ing 1 10 pounds. For fuller particu lars send stamp to W. II. Cole. Dnmgist, Fort tenilth. Trial bottle! of this wonderful discovery fieo at I Dan'l J. Fry's drug store. A Give Away She All extreme ly bright men are awfully conceited, anyway. He Oh, I don't know;! I'm not. This is the season of tho year when the raw, cold winds mvatesad liavoe with the hands and complex ion. Soft wlilto hands and a clear "peachy" complexion cm bo as suredly preserved by the frequent application of Dutard's apeeille. If nibbed into the skin well it leaves no greasy surface. Tlie skin absorbs it. Sold by D. W. Matnews. IluckliMi's Arnica Salvo. Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles To the city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have scarcely begun. It is intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through Riverside and High land additions and around Highland Park THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE-" Of Oregon. The line of the Salem Street Hallway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no lots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the near future be THE IvIOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM. Lois in Highland Additon arc lligli and Dry anil Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage The soil is black and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches in this addition, and a numberof residences are soon to be built. Buildings only of tlie best class will be permitted. Residence lots within the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over $1000. We can sell you better lots lu High land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on the line of the street railway they aro practi cal not ha t so far from the public, buildings and tlie business part of the town as the majority of the so called "liiaide lots." J Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, Ami let some other fellow pay $1000 for an Inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of 700 vou can buhl n beautiful cottage, or jnit it out at a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand streetcar tickets every year. - I-I. P. RANKIN'S Paint Shop see-herei No. liVU Commercial St. -()- Houso and Carriage 1'alnting, Sign wilting, l'aper hanging tiiul decorating, Wall tinting and kal .sontinlng executed In the latest ; style. Experienced Workmen Employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. i Call and see in betoro you let your work. ' l Vllljilltnin, (urn jrw.-7.hi .IJ ,l. .; J II ii n i calla: "Ho had been drinking1 or no my required. It is miaranteed ' heavily of pure alcohol three or four 1 1 Klve perfect satisfaction, or money n ev,ot days, and his mind had become so i roS.l",,",1- ,!!lr,R,1ii?.H,UiC bV?,; , SppJuSo. worked up that he evidently knew ' Jf N,' hy ,m,t'1 J" 1ry' dru-. .. not what hmvtw ilolnj;. (loluu into the kitchen, he told his wife that he , o..lMo or o,.,crle. 1 of the" ynhM;T"Jti": If )im hne n tlltdmrgo from the note. Tb' DOYKl.S'OUIDEU inaujd M'.rch and Sept., each year. It is an ency clopedia of uaoful infor mation for nil who pur chase tho luxurios or the necessities of life. Wo oin clothe you and furnish you with nooosszry and unnecessary uncoi to rido.wnlk, danco, sloop, hunt, work, co to chmcu. nt home, and iu various sizes. stylos and quantities. Just llRUro out o What kept? Am l Ki'l'h'K under any lUieiuvit? Have I been very careful to gunid kind of company have I evil In-1 carry you." "Hut," said the geutlenhui, plead ingly, "my wife Is very III. I mut go homo on tills train." "I am sorry," replied the conduct- iny tongue iromiittcring any slander 'or, "but I cannot carry you." or anything that may lower mo lii "Is there, anybody 'around hero tho esteem of decent people? i authorized to Umio a pa? Anybody lf'vcry ih'I-miii, young and old, ) who can and will glvome oneV" were to subject hhnself regularly to The conductor knew of no one a system of relf.c.aiuluatlou tho around the depot who had that an custom would have .a tremendous tlionty. effect for good In the promotion of "Then," said the lobbyist, In character. It Is noycr tin late to n. j despair, "l shall have to drive out form. Hut he who glides throuuli thercand I don't know th rmil. .. , , ., . ....... was iroltlir to kill himself, and walk-' M'iitor macll, tnsteor hearing. ww urn-' 'lug Into tlie next room he dellber- ti,ri"Kirk,fwiduUordebiiitiucii,ii.iiii '...!.. ... i. .. mm., i . .. . or pressure la tliehend; tako cold easily, ! jidely took ii Winchester rlile eon-',.ou;nm). ros, MUIVll liat ,oll ,mvo V.t uniting in earirnige.-, piaccu tlie I tnrrh. TlmuwimWwr iumm Mutually-. mUIi- , llliuxlu against tho lett side of his ' "" iimnliesttiiB half of the above hyinn head JlM alwvo the ear, pulled the , aMH ,or""n, " consumption and end ..t .- .. .i . . i , . .. Inthei:nie. No dlMtit Ih so eoniiiuin, tilgfcvr and tho cartridge instantly ,, .icm , u uudemtood or nw spinl on its fatal course, wining out I iinsmvrNirullr imitrd by nhyslcinns. The at the erowu of the head." muiufticiurvror Dr. Sage' Cutnrrh Itrin-! Hly hnve, ;rir lanuy years, mitred a htaiul- TIlO following is from a Portland , ine re"r of S.'xi for a ease of Nutal Cn- .. . . '....!. 1...... I....I .... .. t I - tumvr: "A M le lllimn mnti mnv lu.r.. '""" """t ' "" "r ' w '"K as-scrls (hat there are luntunerable tMy id by drunruu m m nt. ijuarieiv.ections yet to Ik? locateo t on our coast, which lu ten COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair estimate ot tho value of tho BUYERS' QU1DE, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents w pay postace, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-111 Uichigan Avonuo. Chicago, 111. If there is anyone lu the whole state of Oregon who wants to return to the east ho should read this advertisement: A Bargain For Somebody JOHN F, STRATTON & SON' Importers nnd Wholesale dealers in MUSICAL, IIEKCUANDISE. New York. J3 and 15 Walker St. John F. Stratton's Celebrated Umslan Out Violin strings, the Finest In the World. ' EASTERN PROPERTY! IO m rigijiTNi A Our Guarantee If a dealer receives a. complaint, (which he believes to be honest) from nny musician to whom he has sold nny of these strings, he is authorized by us to give him another string without cbarg?,nudall such loss will be made good by us to our customers, without quibble or question. (Beware ot imltntlonj Dealers win please send lor descriptive catalogue. Trad j supplied nt lowest price. -To'Exchange fpr mai rn n uvu JOS. ALII KltT. Ageut, - INsUItAUCK. C n m p n n . i Klre nnd Mo- I rlne. Kilem, Oregon I Heat- 111 m AM UU w m ST. PAUL'S SCfiOOL, - roB Boys and' Girls. The school will open 'on the 24th of September. Thorough, Instruc tion In the primary and nav.inced English Branches, LATIN AND EEMLMS OF MUSIC In course. k!111513 ",n1 farther information may be bad on application to ItEV. F. H. POST, Cor. Cbcmeketa and HuteSU. 8-30-tf I Itiillu k till oiuilil.itil ...! ........! . ' fill. . I.. . . . ik.. .v-mi KtiiKuuo nun ii'iiiiiiaiioiis tue coiinucior was ai last touched ...... .... . . ,. . ... that yearly ben-l his way. I by the lobbyist's prvdlcament, and: ' ' " ,W "" "' yw,W . i no lmmeiiiate svmiitoiim or iiva. years. iuisla. or Imlk'itfnn. urn n ilUtri. from now w 111 each Ik a fortune to ! lng sene of weight, opprclon and i their holders, lie avers that what ' t'llnes iu tlie stomach, heartburn, S now tine of .Mlclilgan will In J ,f VlK'Ute' fuul b'"i1lwW-i , , ,. ,, ', lug, llatuleney, natiM'rt pains in tlie, Menty .cars do rvalUed here-tlm- hiiuldeis ami breat, lr. Jlenlev's MiUiir.. wiiiiiviii,in.. i.i... ic ..i.i iii . i ,i. ' " ' nunii cm per iimusuiiti iu ii e i I'.iuiieuou loiiid promotes neaiiiiv ii. if . J M!,rvhl,, l'lf im U will lnko me nil night any ,,, , trvV Tho lllora, of n ,hU diction and remove all unhealthy liable to fall by any one of ten , way." I , . ,' ,,,,"""..... ... ymtoii. S.M by I). W.Mathews. 100 laWAUD. too. The rvuder of the Jouiinai, tlll be lettel In loiiru flint llirre 1 nt UmsI oue dreadetl iIIhxim) Hint clomv has been able n euro In all It ntnvv-t nnd that Is mtnrrh. lUU'kl.'utariaU I'urv is the ouc' vialttvit eurv tuiw kn,ui to tbeinisllral fruteru1' iHtdirli ik-iii n viutltutluimt dli-nti" a lilnvn ixiutliutloiinl tivntiiu-ut. MI- Ii urv i tnWen luleriMlly, uetiug di rwity iikui ilu IiKhhI tind mucus ur lue.ii j th t'ui, iberaby dtrtolug tit. iMiuiiU.i.tii.if me iImmm und glMng Hi. pwu.-nt MrMigiti, by tmlMlut up tin - uikiauiioii and tivl.ilug nature lu doing liMfk. (lie prriior hte su mucli hitli in lWoirullv loiwem, tliat they oltrr lne ItuudreaiVJUr tVirauy cute thai It (UU in car '. hud Air IUI of tvtlmouUls. Addiv K.J. CHUNKY. VO, Tole1o. O, 84il by lniRlls,75o. 1 sflii DR. JORDAN 4 Co.'s . Ml'SEl'M OF AXATOMY 751 Mnrket t.Snn Krnnrkm , AdmUMoit 'JTiivnU. i (ionnd learn how to nild dleie. Oaisullntlon and I trentiacnt iH-rxmnlly or by letter, on perm.-m'rrhooH I or genital M'kne. mid all dUeiiitse of men. send lor h ' tioiK. rriviiie oitiro sn ileary tivti. lVniiltnilon free, V GOOD. CHANCE The v Im1 man of atitliiulty tit- tcnnl this liumurtal saying, "Know thyself." It bus Uvu hatubil dow u for thmiKiinUof yai. How K one to know hlninclf tuilcHS lie cimw iUCsiliiii hluiM'lf dally',1 Wlm i(hs llr Alas, the art U toM, Such II. Kdd: I can't carry you for nothing, but I will advaucvyou the money If- - " "Thunder and lightning!" ex claimed the luliyM," Mulling all over "I'vu got I,IHHI light licrcin my IwH'Kct," and hn ran oil' in im When he iviiik- Uic he lUhtrious chamolem as StH'ratcs, , a llcket. tiiiullltls, the unbuilt cJtlren of Mid; Jtomc, twhv tlie m lor of hi. emu- Conductor, If ,.ai hadn't nun try, and Cato, the man of Mini tinned iiioiuc,' I ihiutid never hae Vlriue, were foiiiuM h lfcMimlii .lliouglit of wyliig my f.irv, I h d iitlnii. And tho three mil lllu, in. f,lf..,j could ImvcI on uii.Mliluu ous iiivii of uuhIcmi tlnusi, Withhiug. (vn, JelVrwii mid I.lncolp, wcris nil but u W!," I IN fun UK HKXT IT KAHT. "ur a )tr 1 trvmUcl with jxuut tu tay bcl uJ lJo and tiMdauhe. the reull ot Ih r ud llduo) trouUl. 1 wn attracleil to Joy's Vegetable Srirltl by the itart Hag lestlttionUt la tho iMipcrs and i hlch seouievt to rcUct I uluJiuvd la try It, muwiug nisi a Wkl purely tvgvlable. II would st say isio do no lurui It acted at a Kull Uittlve nl alter the txoud bottle my jvaliu aud ache dlajjvsrt aud I felt Me a uovr man. II did o much Ivir m that 1 seat witnu Umlc to tay tsrully tu yw Jcney, who alto took It with the mott utle urtory txMUlts. Vsrvt4itii MsitM Cut, tcvt Pf Clsy itrwt fo rro- j For Bargains IN Family liwteries 1'wisiws, Fruits Hie., , OH Til tuomas mm nows Contniuroliil Siruot ?-IAi-Krtlrii)uiiiilii nil, miv. Northern Pacific Railroad. GREAT OVERLAND RuTITR i TWO KASTTItAINS DAILY! NO C'HANUE OK CARS SHORTEST lInTtO CHICAGO And all points East via St. PAUL and MINNEAPOLIS. lin'K1 Vtlac "road Is the only Ii?J?.!2nn ?B nKer trains, Second elaii sleeper tine of rharse) Luxurious Dor ,hl ?our Sket Kai v,a " Northern l"aeine railroad und avoid the chance ofears. Kt iv.,1 .! row t'otm.rt .....1.... ..r j.i w-7.7 .i .' -"-. MUU " II 1AKI 11.1 M' 11,11 Ini.UI u ,,k .... .. : . ....... .T --". "..,. ii,.- u.' inr i orrr v iitii.,. .. ,.i n - I M h 1 s --i sui in- Hi.iur S'ih.i... .. . fre.Y 1fJ"1,,,JS?R5.fc'f T H't MUn., iV'dVl. - . K..1 VlwlhrVfhulellmet..ill.,r.i,,.rw..."u. '.'-.", S A., -ei.l' -"'k J1 ...... . --, --., viBr.(a i'Ltll - l.ll.k.. . ..iii.i.wu,prmbiyoii in. mi;,,; .,r"'"i'.'''. , - tHnre m uwn Mild vupV. ILK l. V:. 1" u,,m"n . Jouu U A IU. luu, .i i .ft... l. r rL-.-nni day i10. K KIUHYU nil . . " '" " -IilltUli r.T. Isrttti-A. .. t.. x. Trains leave Front fUiiiluaut TrlO n m nnri -rUlelfciiu m and&n. m iiuac hiwpiDff Our, . Ullttsl Isttlarrt illnlnsr . -""Ml linililin IHnnB nnl UutiU t.u JM,a,u 1rl .!dv,i?.imv1j;4r;:t'!Aa-,, ce,, ..,.14., m,v, oi,,,r fiMandO ftrfitj. . l. . ,t. mH. . . iw -