V t it' SUBSCRIBE roR aTdVkr pise JOURNAL THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, CAPITAL R"HE CAPITAL JOURNAU r-t . IT WIM K A GOOD INVESTMENT. rhl .BEST PAPER IN ,ALEM. 3-You will be well pleased with lt.-ff 3-Tho Terms are Most Rcasonublc"T! ! If VOL. 2. SALEM, OUEGCXN-. WEDNESDAY, JULY 3, 1889. 3SCO. 106. II '.a DIRECT KT Ifrnm Mow Yni'lr aiifl flhiftnirii riviii nun ivin uuu uuiwifti o 1 DIIES And trliiirninas of all kinds mlngs. Plnid, Stripe and plain etc., etc, THE FINEST ROODS IN THE CITY. h RIBBONS. RID GLOVES M GLOVES OF ALL KINDS SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS. - Full and Complete Lines of Enibniirtorics ami Luces in All Widths. Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel ties In Scarfs. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. CARPETS. Curtains, Poles, Portiers. BfflfA full and complete stock of Men's' Furnishing Goods. No. 239 Corner State anil Commercial Streets. IXTNN & BROWN. m Livery Stalk.. J. Macey has lutely purchased the Liv ery and Feed Stable 'lormerly owned by Wagner A German, and now conducts A FIRST-CLASS STABLE! He has some of the best rigs In the city. Give hlra;'tttcall and It will be tilled with treat promptness. - : fc ' , DAVID T. WILLIAMS, Proprietor of Salem Steam r' Laundry. SALEM,OREOON. 49-Ordcrs left at Stelner's grocery store will receive prompt attention George II. Hayes has been appointed ecial agent Jor the above laundry and any washing left wltk him will be prompt ly attended to. -lrlces reasonable and work guaran teed. , J. j. CULVER, County Surveyor, JAMES WALTON, Topographer, W. H4BYARS. Civil Engineer, Byars, Culver 4 Walton, purveyors & Topographers, Surveys, drafts, plats mnlHRnd dosrrlDtlons of lands, ton nlots, and roads, ditches, streets, sewl-rs, alleys, etc. etc, made and furnished at rrauamable nrlces. Old Lmmt 8oum TkamtT. corners and lines rc-es-w.ill susur tabllsbcd from original tmt,.t. field notes. Grade or ditches, roads, streets or sew ers, with estimates furnished on applica tion. Address County Surveyor's office, Selena, Oregon. ESTABMSIIKD 11T WATIQ.VAI, AUTH0UITV TheCiipital National Bank UF- SALEM - OREGON. . $75,000 . . - 10,000 Capilal Paid op, H. K. WALbAUK. - President. V, W, MARTIN, - Vlco-I'resldent. J. II. ALTiFJirr, r - Cashier. DIBtCTORSi W.T.Qrmy, V, W.Martin, J.M.Martin. R. a Wallace. Dr. W. A.Culck, J. II. Albert. T. McK. Ihitton. LOANS MADE To Cinners on wheat and other market- able produce, consigned or in htore, either In private granaries or public warenoute. T-ri- r- 1 f SUte u4 Ciiiir Warrants Bought at Par. .KnIT. SltiZn nwo'w COMMERCIAL PAPER jr-nuUVrrrn KSSSSMS; -- CV.H.merrU. t, MoagKoHgandthnitla. riei,un-s.., r Z GOODS to matcli in Persian trim Surahs, Braids, Plushe, & First National Bank SALEM, OREGON. WM, N. DK, REYNOLDS. . Vice' President. i.ATtrri? - tynniAn, JOHN MOIK, - Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, Snn Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Fanners are cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the bank In most reliable companies. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Ferry and Liberty streets, N. K. cor from Chemekcte hotel, Balem, Or. Good accommodations for commercial travelers. Firscbiss rigs always on hand CaftMfes raijb,fc -T ISBSi&twiilT,..., vi U? iwrLUUKWUUU, M, - - OREGON. rters for the Willamette Valley eelebratdd Columbia bicycles and TOcyclfc; The Columbtos are well known, are the best made, and havo valuable im- fproomentfi rortue year. Tnose wanting mucinous win mi wen i win uu urtmc pond with me betaro" purchasing. Otllce atOIU't'llrp''b8nk, 1W7 Commercial St., Sulem. -rtr' v' -, DO YOU EAT? If you do, cull at the W. C. T. U. RESTAURANT inthnnirfra house block, where you can get a good clean meulat any time of day or evening. This restaurant Is under new manage ment and Kiitifaction Is guaranteed. l.v cy thing I In first-class shape. Mr.nnd Mrs. H. K HOWARD, The New Managers, THE HOME RESTAURANT, TTuvIng been furnished for the especial 11 accommodation of the public, we fhtte the attention of the the IlUNQin and sleepy ones to "Our Home" beds, new und clean; good "Home" meals served reg ularly three times a dy. No Chinese In the kitchen, (live us u cull and bee for yourH.lf. E. M. lTA.Ar, Proprietor. Cor. Court and High Kt, Halem, Or. DK. If. SMITH, DENTIST, Has a new process by which he can fit plates of nrtlnclul teeth so iierftctlr that onerau cat with them well the Hint day they are Inserted. TImm wearing loose !.i..u Kiiiinifiimund In the mouth while eating", to the great annoyance of them- . . t:,.... ......Mini K.ir.11111 mi (in .jr. ii. SAXJS iiOWg. &1HE GREAT ' v .fffffPhhflrfflfrX trtfkkkkkkuHLijif-m CiA rwmm&AfTT fSSSaTfi : tm m RhHHnIik &3SunMlH,a,r' We have just received a large invoice of new goods, including nuuiy novelties In summer clothing. We will sell these very cheap. Nice lines of white goods will be sold at prices far below their actiml value. Wo have new and elegant light-weight coats and vests which wo will sell for less than other dealers pay for them. We have cotton llan uels, twelve yards for $1; white goods, fourteen yards for$l; dress buttons, 6c per dozen; dress goods, usual price 12, now 8Jc; housellulngs, 3o per yard; lawns 4c a yard. We -will sell all kinds of goods at the same relative figures. Call and be convinced that we have tho best goods, and sell the cheapest. Capitol Adventure Company, OPERA -HOUSE CORNER, Salem, A. E. STRANG, No. ;t03 Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON. -DKAI.EIl IN- STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. - Agent for the RICHARDSON & BOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Kb tabllshed In IMS New Butcher Shop AT NO. llO STATE ST. ' ANGEVINE & HANSOM. Have opened up s first-class butcher Rhop at the above location, where Uicy will bn pleased to serve the people wltli tho CHOICEST AND DEST MEATS of all kinds that the market nflbrds. Ulvo them a cull and be convinced of tho superiority of their meats. 49-Oooils dcll cred free. WHEN YOU ARE IICNRIIY OO TO llli: 210 Coiiunci'cinl Street, Where you can get a llrst-class lunch for any price from n nickel up. No Chinamen are em ployed. .0TICK OK LLECTION. NOT1CK Is hereby given that there will be an election held at the Alert Hook and f n.irtfr truck house at Hulem. Oreeon. on Monday. July 1, HWl, Ix-tween the hours ofUo'ilocka. in and 4o,elK-k p. tn.of suld aay lor uie purpose oi ciw-iiuk acnu-icuBi-neer and un assistant engineer of tho Sa lem Flro' department for thocnsulng year, and the following personsaro nauied und ni)iioliited Judges of suld election to-wlt: J. 0. Ilooth, W.J. Clark, Wull ixiwe, i. is. 1'rutL. The loiiowing persons urn npiuim ed Clerks, tewlt: M. C. starr and A. U Fraser. IJone by order of tho Hoard of Fire Delegates of the Bulem Flro Deiwrt ment, Juno 10, UtV, Attest: S. T. RtrilAKIHoN, A I'res. II F. Ii. 6. F. I). Ar&reuyE.!: F. I). H. F. 0. C18-I it ATTENTION FARMERS! lllg, little, new, ..Id, second-hand, rolling, tlathnprmed, unimproved, und In fail all kinds of Farms for Sale. A good farm cheap und crop thrown In Come slid see us before you buy, THOMAS & PAYNE 07 8TATU ST., HAL.ICM Star Liinc 1 Counter, SALE)! Oregon. --. Oregon House! Corner Mill and Summer Sts., Three Blocks West of Depot, Salem, Or. PLEASANT ROOMS AND GOOD TABLE. Board and Lodging Per Day, $1. Fico transportation of piihsriigers anil Duggnge 10 ami noni ncnoi. H. J SIIARI', I'nipilclor. WANTIJO. WANTED A situation by a boy U ycais old, on farm or stock rtuicho. A good worker, eiui plow or tend stock. Call ul the oilteoof tho OAi-irAr. .iouiinai. lor"D." Mlf V1 lVANTllD A gcntlcinun ofllvo jenrscx- pcrlenco la comiiilKslon business Munis a ixjsltlim indoors where he can put In all his time. Has had some experience in real estate anil Insurance; is a good hand In a warehouse; Is a good mathematician and can keep books and make himself cencral ly useful und Is not afraid of work. Itest of lcferences glcn. Address "R.," Joint nai. Opkick. 5-1 Itf ron ri:nt. UOU RENT.- Ill a line locality, several " nicely lurnlsiied rooms, cither with or wltliout iioiiid. for p.irucuiars can upon Win. i. Arnold, !OT Winter street. ion sai.i: lOll WAI.i;. A FARM OK .1JU AURKM l1 nil under li-nco and cultivation, In tho best mngo country of Eastern Oregon. The best chance ewroltercd for a man lo engago In stock nilslng. For iartlculiirs call on or address W, II. IIYARS.Hulem, Oregon. FARM MiaiKTV NOTIUKM. OUVKLOIKinNo. 1, I. O. O. F., meets In Odd Fell.iWH' Hall upstairs. Cornet Commercial mid Ferry streets, every Hat- itruiiyui7Siup. m. J.T.OItKUO. JAH. Hecretary. WALTON, N. fi A. R. Heilgwlck I'ost. No. 10, Deiwirt ' ment of Uirgon, meets every Monday evening ut tho hall ocr the Oregon Uind company'., otllce, Vlsltliig itunrades an cordlully ln Ited to nttenil. ' A. W.Dhavokii. I'ost Coniiiiader. II. F Boutiiwick, Adjula it. Proposals for Ituffer. fl'HK HOARD of Trustee of the Origmi state tiisiuio us; lum hereby invltes.iilcd proposal for furnishing at thfiisyluiu.ii'W itounds, more or less, oi hiilUir of Iiet.(juol Ity, to le furnished In such iiuiiitltli; und at such times as reiilred, for onn year. The right to reject n uud all bids Isio wneil. Illds will b oM.-iii'd at 11 o clock u. in. Tuesday, July Itf. iwi. am. w. Mciiuiiii:, (J. W.WKIIII. lloiird otTrilKtces, W'M.Mt'NI.i. Clerk or llHird. ' H-akl-w. Trucks and Drays. MORGAN & MEAD w now mo ided with fine new drays One heavvgcldlng, one young mure with 1 1 Home, and fall of welng the Pope. I Fi Ult Is ripening rapidly now, A and truck auduro p-red to uonii busi-1 oung iri,lVt?.Ji?,lI1wVV!i.Vtl Tliut Is what u tour to Oregon with, few apples and jieachcs are now rlpo -Thv ri VMiiMuWrS. to &tXffiftS&,MMuM out seeing fhe capital city amounts ami the fruit yield will I fmmeni ' ;'," I" tu and "..nmelrclHlj 1., l-cft JiHI&'.J., to, llllHMWM, The Chief Rrnaen far tno great 109 eess ot Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In th mrtlclo Itself. It Is merit that wins, and the fact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually a eompllshcs'what Is claimed for It, Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and salo greater than that o( any other sarsapa- MaH Ainej rlIla or Wood pu.rt IVieril W 1Mb fler DOiore tho public Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt Klicum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appotlto, strength ens tho Nerves, builds up tho Wholo System. Hood's Nnranpnrlllu Is sold by all drug gists. $i;slxforS5. Prepared by C. I. Hood ti Co., Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass. UueiMi Victoria Can Smile. One of tlio American girls who was presented at tho (iiieen'a, draw ing room, was so embarrassed that she made, quite a faux pas. Slio wholly Ignored tho queen until af ter he had saluted tho Princess of Widen, when sho suddenly turned around and astonished her majesty by baying. "Oh, I bog your pardon, madam," grabbed her royal hand, kisxed it, and then hurried along tho lino. Tho queen, who Is a great stickler about matters of etiquette, at first looked an,?ryj then catching! sight of tho amused siuilo of tho Princess ot Wales, sho burst into a pleasant laugh and scut tho discom fited debutante away with a few kindly words. Philadelphia Itccord. NEW TO-DAY. John Hughes, Dealer in Groceries, Painis, Oils und Window (J lass.. Wall Paper and Uorder, Artists' Jin terinls, Lime, Hair. Nails and Shingles, Hay, Feed and Fence Posts, Grass Seeds, Etc, dw REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Lauri k Hell Comedy Company Wednesday Night, July 3d, The greatest of oil comedies', THE STRATEGISTS! Thui-sdny Night, July Fourth, The latest Iomloa and Huston Huccess, "KATTI," The Family Help, the funniest of all musical farces. Heats on inlu at l'uttou's. Oeueial ikIiiiIhsIoii -') and COe. seats ""jc, Unserved 1J. J. LARSRN, Wagon and Carriage Repairer, Is prepared to do all work in the linuof maldng or rcuilring wugous, buggieji or carilug)' in nrsK'nissiyio iiuu iu i rctuon. ublu prict-s Hhop Vi Ktato street, neur Front t'ROFKSSIONAI. CARDS. .1. J, SHAW, attorney ut Iaw,Hufcm,Ore- iron. Oliuv iitsstuirs in uiu i-uiwin block. rjr.lHS'S'isVifi" i. b. H.-KN'flH'iC .1 inlf in tin. New Hunk llliH'k. (Join inerclal street, Halem. Hlfc'il of tlio big KmiIIi. .. dw )HVrllClAN,-Mltrt. Dit. Si. K. MCCOY nhysli-Ian and smgeoii, has located uud ti.kvii nsmis ier Mulro Furrurs gnxery store, ('liionic (iiseuse a spec lull)' Coiisullallon free. ia-2idw j f. wtixtawh, HTi:N"o(jifAi'in:n ) . and Typewriter Oipyist. Wlllliiako rci orts of trials, etc.; copying on tyiw urlteraixiimtely and neatly done. Olllco with I A Manuliiif, Coliiiuerclul Ht., Up stulis, New Hunk lllock. Small Fans for Sale. A number of teiwirra tracts of desirable land within one und a half tulles of Hulem, ut prices rouging from f.V) to f llO per acre. Apply to WJJ ,H A CjAMIiF.RMN, b-i.;m Opera House lllock HORSES FOR SALE. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH fc Dead and DylnR. Astoria, July 12. Mrs. Susan Wirt and Miss Lizzie "Wirt went riding iu a huckboard on the sea shore yesterday pfternoon. Toward sundown the horses came dualling home,dmvlngtheeinptybiicki.oard. Search was made for the ladies and they were found on tlie beach, one sitting and the other lying on the sand, almost submerged by tho tide, and both uneoiiHcloim. They wore couvcyed home. Mrs. Lizzie Wirt died this morning, unconscious to tho last. The old lady is unable to give- a coherent account of tho acci dent and Is still In danger of dying. It Is supposed that tho horses ran away and throw them out. Albany Points. Ai.uany, July 8. Albany Is assuming a holiday attire for the Fourth of July celebration to-morrow. First street Is handsomely de corated from one end to the other, Bomo of the business houses being adorned in a beautiful manner. Every effort has been put forth to accommodate the great throng there will be hero. Tho committee on muslo for the Fourth ot July havo received a formal reply from tho superintend ent of tho Chemawa Indian school, stating that the Indian band from that place would furnish musio in this city at the celebration to-morrow. "Undo Johnny" Hanks. St. Louis, July 1!. "Uncle John ny" Hanks died in Illinois, near St. Louis, in his 88th year. He was a cousin of Abraham Lincoln and a warm and conlldential friend of that statesman. When Lincoln became President he summoned "Uncle Johnny" to Washington and offered him a federal otllce, but It was de clined. No man, probably, knew Lincoln so Intimately and confiden tially as Mr. Hanks. The deceased was n member of Gen. Grant's old regiment. A llig (lathering. London, July 2. The world's Sunday school convention opened Its session to-dity. Thero were 000 foreign delegates present include hfg over MOO from the United States. Lord Klunard delivered the address of welcome. Count Hern- hcroll of Berlin, and Hoy. Culyor of Brooklyn, responded on behalf of the delegates from Europe and America. Itnilwuy Cutastroplte. LYNciriiuno, Va. July 2. A fear ful accident, by which several lives were lost and a large number of copIe injured, occurred on the Norfolk & WcHlern railroad this morning, one mile above Buxton's switch and thlrty-ouo miles above thls'clty. Affairs at Panama. Panama, July 2.Everythliig re mains at a sUiudstill since tho stop page of work on the canal. Tho machinery is being stored, and the country and villages along the canal aie nearly bare of Inhabitants. The Sheriff's Orders. Moiiii.k, Ala., July 3. Hherlll" Holcomb this morning received a telegram from Governor Gay, dliect lug him not to allow the Sullivan Kllralu prize light to take place In Mobile county. Hold at Itockford. ItoCKKoiiD, W. T July 2. Gold has beeudfscovuicd In the cistern of the water works. Intense excite ment followed the announcement of the llnil. Mlululng claims am bo- lug staked everywhere.. MICA I, S1IMMAKV. The Strategists. That funniest of funny plays. is At the the oiera house to-night. The latest ntnong the dally pa- Hereof Oregon Is tho East Portland Vindicator, for which tho (JaI'ITai. Journal predicts a brilliant future. To-morrow is the great national day for tires, accidents by toy pistols, premature explosions of rockets, etc, Halem should bo care ful about fire und bo Iu readiness to fight It. A G'limiee to Advertise, The Press Association of Nebrus' a will H)ou arrive In Oregon on un ex-, (union "out West." They should be Invited to pay a visit to Salem. ' They should not be permitted to go ADDITIONAL LOCAL NEWS. Those It. K. Commissioners There was nothing for the board of railroad commissioners to do but to transact the routine business and look after tho corresponde'nec. The legislative board is tho only one receiving recognition now, siuco tho supremo court has sustained the opinion rendered by Judge Boise. Governor I'ennoyer, however,, is not satisfied with the turn matters havo taken and sludlouly refuses to ap prove tho bonds of the commis sioners constituting tlio board. At this they of course feel indignant and havo under consideration the commencement of a new action to havo themselves declared tho right ful commission. Governor Pen noyer has decli'ied upon making the action a icrsonal matter, defraying till the expenses of the prosecution ordefetiBo of a suit from private funds. In the language of the im mortal Mikado tho' governor nud each Individual member of the board sings, ''I'm right, and you'r right." How this matter will terminate Is not to bo conjectured. The Dallas Hallway Scheme. J. J. Daly, M. M. Ellis and N. G. Yocum of Dallas were in Salem yes terday and met with the members of the Salem railway co.i.mltteo last night. The scheme of building a Hue of narrow gauge railway from Salem to Dallas and tho Falls was more fully discussed and tlio im pression prevails that property own ers along the projected lno are favorablo to tho enterprise. The prime movers of the Hue hi Dallas and on the Lucklaiuute are In earn est and are bound to have an outlet to Salem. Salem, oi the other hand, stands ready and only too willing to assist them. J. II. Albert of Salem and M. M. Ellis of Dallas were ap pointed a committee to prepare articles of incorporation, ' appoint sub-committees, and attend to tho details of the organization of the company. They will confer soon and another meeting will bo called in a few days. Ilnverly's NtrHteglsts, To-nlght Lauri it Bell's company will produce at Heed's opera house Haverly's world-famed comedy, ''Our Strategists,' which they have played throughout America and at tho Opera' Comlque, London, for eight weeks, receiving the encomi ums of the American and European press and public as tho best laughing medium In the world. This compa ny will oelubrato the 1500 perfor mance of their Strategists In Port laud on Thursdtiy, July 12th, which they will make a grand souvenir night, presenting each lady with a beautiful laco fan. A most wonder ful coincidence, tho souvenir Is the birthday of Miss Nash, making an occurence that never beforo hap pened iu tho annals of tho stage. Go see the Strategists, as this Is Uh only pcrfortuaiico, as they broduco to-morrow night, "Kattl, tho Family Help," for tho llrst time hero. i ' Ooes Kit for Ills Family. Joseph Gohn, who arrived iu Sa lem sovcral mouths ago from Johns town, Pa., started on tho return trip to-day after 11h family. This gentleman canio uut by Mr.Strayer's excursion and has decided upon a permanent location here. His na tive city was the scene of the recent great Hood dlsuster, but as fortune would have it his family are among the saved. He has letters telling him that many of his Pennsylvania neighbors think of returning to Oregon, tho laud ot promise, with him. The CunuUlan Thistle. A gentleman of this city who has been riding through tho country u good deal this season reports that ho has seen a few acres of tlio Canadian thistle, known all over the world as the meanest thistle that grows. If these tire not killed K'foro tho seeds ripen this country will be taken with them. The right step toward killing them out should bo taken Immediately, for, If they once get a good start, they are tho greatest pest known. Mr, White Home Hotter, Mr. White, one of tho victims of tho Turner runaway accident of n 1 few days ago, was reported as living a trifle better lust evening. His re- ' covery, however, continues to Ik a matter of serious doubt. Tim Fruit Season. Xffii i 11 1 ? tell "I jl 4, fl I I fl i .'I t ir w M ,v r