s. 4 ti 1'HE CAPITAL EVENING- .TOtmtfAL. i !. ?M illi. TITESDAY. JUJA' t, 1889 A Oh-nt Scientist on Spiritualism. "One-half tht.' 'world docs not know how the other half lives," isn common siug; It certainly li true that one-half of the world is pro foundly Ignorant of the opinions and beliefrf of Iheothor. Two-thirds of us. h.ivo no Idea of the purposes made Uy pplrltilalisiii, in spite of the numerous oxjosured made every month. The celebrated scientific scholar, Allied It. Wallace, who has been ranked by his colleagues as the peer oi Darwin and whom Darwin quotes over 11 fly time in his gre.it work, "Origin of Species," and de clares that ho has an "innate genius lj.r solving (Hflleultiey is now alter Borne years of careful scientific i aves tigation an avowed believer in spirit ualism. We quote as an item of news of remarkable interest the fol lowing from his pen, taken fiora thetNew York Mercury: Alfred, It. Wallace, cue of the most Illustrious of liviug tcienthts, in regard to the truth ol Spliitual isin: "After the whole untie of, the phenomena had been before the M-orld ten years, and had convinced skeptics, by tens of thousands skeptics, be it remembeied, of com mon sense and moic than common acuteness Antericausof all lasses, they were confirmed by the first chemist" lu America, Prof. Itobcit Hare, Two years later, they were again confirmed by the elaborate and perseVering inquires of one of the first AmeiicaiH lawyers. Judge Edmonds; then by another good chemist, Prof. Mapes. In France the truth of the simpler physical phenomena was cbn firmed 'bv A. de Gasp irin in 1854; and binco then French astronomeit, mathema ticians, and'Chemists of hfh lank, have confirmed them. Prof. Thury of rGeV?eVa again coiiflrmod them in 1835, In Engldnt', such m n as Profes-.or de Morgan, Dr. Lockhart Itoblnson.T. Adolphus Trolloj c, Dr. Itdbert Chambers, SL'rgeant Cox, Mr. d. F. Narley, as well as tne Skepti cal Dialectical Committee, have in dependently confirmed large por tions of them; and, lastly, comes Mr. William Crookes, F. It. S., with four years of research and unrestrict ed experiment With the two oldest and most remarkable mediums in the world, andagainconllrmsahuost the whole series. My position, therefore, is that the phenomena of Spiritualism in their entirety, do not require further confirmation. They arc proved quite as well as any facts uro proved in other sciences." This was said in 1874; and since then there have been many other confirmations by men of scienco, and others distinguished for their ability and culture. Among them Prof. Zoellner and his associates, of the Leipsic University, dcwivo e special reference. Woman's Wit. He bad never seeu a telephone, and his friend was showiug him how it was worked. It was in his office. He called up lifs house, and the wife carfto to tho telephone. "My dear, Mr. Jones is hero, and I havo asked him to come up to dinner." Thou ho turned to Mr. Jones and said: "Put your ear to that and you'll hear her answer." He did and this was tho answer: "Nw, John, I told you that I would never havo that disagreeable wretch in my house again." "What was that?" spoke out Mr. Jones. Women are quick. A man would havo simply backed away from that telephone and havo said no.moro. She look in the situation in a second when she heard the strange voice, aud quick as a flasl( came back the fleetest kintj of a veice: "Why, Mr. Jones, how do you do? I thought my husband meant an? other Mr. Joues. Do come up to dinner. I shall beso glad to see you." Weird Legend of The Potomne. Te-o are three big rocks In tlio Potomac, just above Georgetown, called tho Three Sisters, after thrco mythical nnidens who perished there in some romantic way centu ries ago. Strange enough they mark tho wuldest part of that beau tiful stretch of river, for it is there the boats usually upset and swim mers usually drown. But strangest of all Is the fuct that on the night before such a death the people liv ing on tho shore can hear the three sisters softly moaning a sound dis tinct from any othor, aud never heard save on such occasions. Wed lietulav nlirht. for exunwle. hist an tho clock struck twelve, tho iiioan-( intr sountli came lidatiug alioro i from the tlireeslstew, mid ou Thurs-1 day noou a shell capsized us it passed them, and its owner w drowned. - ,. ... A l- A ,f.-.tlhi. All ivIihii:P. . ,7, r '.A.i -1....1 J ungui men re inn; i-unw-Mt.., ...n... TTn()h 1 ilnn't knnu- uyway. Hp-om, J lu i kijoh, 7m OOf. RPYAl W fROYALKSVIS J j AKlHJ POWDER Absolutely Pure. Ttusnowder never varlci. A mnrvpl of purity, strength and holc-onieuess. More economical tliun tho ordlmiy Muds, nnd ennnnt bo bold In competition with tho mulUtndc of low test, short v eight nlum or pliosphnto powders. Sold only In cans. ItOYAl, 1JAK1NQ I'OWDEKCO..10UWnll.N.Y. A. SEDGWICK, NO. OD STATE STREET, ILllll CUTTING AM SHAVING ! All kinds of hair wot k, hair charms, gold charms, switches, puffs, bangs, nnythlug you may desire In his Hue. Hair Work Always on Hand, Ho has everything In the hair lino for ladies. Give him a call and he will fill your order. (3T-OVEIt G.OOO.OQO People believe tht It , . , i ' mats best to buy beeda ol tne largest ana most reluble house, and they use Ferry's Seeds D. SI, FERRY ft CO. u acuionieagea to De tee largest Seedsmen in the world. D M.FEEItY&CO'S Htastrated,pescrlp tire and Priced SEED ANNUAL For I BOO win t mailed rnre ta ail nnnlirjinta nrt to l&ftt Tflnr'llfDHtymioni irithont ordering it. Inrtxlu. E-rlieit Cullflower """' 'hoilld Henri fnr It ArtH.. D. M. FERRY 8. CO., Detroit, Mich. -Call and See- T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIS NEW QUAHTEIIS IN THE State. Ihsuranco Iiulldlncr. Cor. Com- raerclal and Uhemekete streets '0-ltf For the Public Good. It Is an Indisputable fact that tho hand somest cstlbulo trains that nro now run on tho American continent mo thoso on thcllurlington route, leaving from Union depot In Denver, nl.o St. Paul, lmmedlnte ly on arrlMil or all through lining from tho wet. The (lrt nnd second class coaches nro mognlllccnt, tho rcc'lnlng chair cars sub in b, tho Pullman sleepers cxticmcly luxuriant, nnd as for tho meals that ate scivuliu thoso raUieo llurlington dining cn- jum yum. Ulio next tlmn you go east to Kansas Cltv, Chicago or ht. Louts, lf:.ou mention to the ticket intent thatou nant j out ticket to lead trom Denver or .St. Paul oer tho Ilurlliurton route, von wlllsol it, and you will alnnsbo glad of it. If jou go la tho Northern or Canadian Puclllc, tho ckgant vestibule tmlns of The llurlington Koute, between Bt. Pnul nnd Chicago, or bt. Louis, will carry you along tho eastern sunroof tho Mississippi riei lor a dlstanco of 3o0 miles, amidst scenery that cannot bo surpassed; or, If jou go via tho Oregon Short Lino or Southern PulIMc, and jour ticket leads via Tho llurlington Ilouto fiom "liej enno or Den ver, you will piss througn all tho thriving titles nnd towns located in lint Is popu larly known ns tho Heart ot tho Continent. For further lnfoimatton apply to A. C. Sheldon, Utneml Agent, 8-) First street, Portland, Oregon. -I-lldiVntl $50. HORSES. $50. 0no hundred head of brood marcs nnd young horses for sale. Forty or lllty colts expected in tho spring Two tlno horses, Clyde nnd Peryheon stock, weight sixteen nnd seventeen hundred; havo been with the band for tho past three years. Original stock from tho best quality of mares. For particulars nddies orseo W. 11. UYAItS, wit. Salem, Or. ORHIAN. RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CHAS. X SCOTT, Keceh er. On nnd after I'ob. 18 lSW.nncl until further notice trains villi run dally (except Hun d.ij)as follews: EIAST SIDE. Coburg Jlall il'ortl'd Mall From I'ort land STATIONS. 'Tow'rd Port I lnnd Lv.U.3unm Ar. . I0.W1 Lv, 2.15 pm foi!Ti.AAi)i'Av vAr. 1. lap 111. 'root 01 jei son. bi I llay s landing, I ht. Paul's, Ar 1.80 12.17 ,"U8 Woodburn, 3,ai r TuwrtMsntl, J1.-W McKto, JH1 Mt. Angel, lit! i Down's, liOO 11.10 11.10 11.21 an J 1.(0 J0AM I0.IU 10 07 IMC IMS 8.50 j.io unrcrton. 4M i.n IU8 jolnton'ji .Mm hw itzt'rliind. ttihtidajiinit., naamy, Auinnvllle, Wtfctbmjton (i.11 0.21 720 7,'jy 8,1 MR 120 O I Crossing, WVst tiolb, Crnbtre.?, hptm, Tatlumn, IMnlnvitiir. Jlrownvlle, ItowUtnd, 8.10 8.28 8.00 7JJ1 74t; an 5, 10:15 Cobnnr. Ar p in Alt I.V Lv it 111 JOimniiitlouTlel.fU at tvrocentu pfir nilleoa BMlept .ution auv ing ogenw ' ' OonnecUon nt llay'a and I'uhiwtt jaj52$rm& rrr",2rsTZt i r -w :".:h vv rrf'BKHV V9UH..TAr&3r- vyvevvt'y I i.,mj0g ultu uteamer "cur or ruiin " CIl-VH. N. btOTr, Itler. OenemI0mcwN wcorKiritana Hue, fVrtUnd, Oregon. ' Proposals for Supplies, TllP lnnrit tt tnietivd nf llin Onwmit 3,,1, I IiiMine Aj Hun hereby Incite enlcd pi"o ponlslbr furnlslilnir nt the n.vlu.m. near I Silcin, Oregon, tho follow In? supplier tori tin M months commencing July 1, issii. i ' IlltCO1'.- , 2 lbs fluid oxtrut tem sugmdrt. I l! lbs lluld c-Mnict t hus nrouinttcn. ! 1 lb lluldcctr-.ut clinician? rue. I 21bstluld oxtnict Rincer. 1 1 lb lluld extnut ipciictinnnli. 2 lbs Until extract liquorice. 1 lb tluld exfiu t spimii. 2 lbt lluld extract ehony lnrls 2 lb lluld extract iirnlcit. 4 lb tannic tic Id. ;(ji bs carbolic npid rrvstnU. L' ids oromlile or pot ish. 2 lbs Iodide potash 1 lb Iodide ammonia, . , 1 lb subnlt bismuth, squllib-i. 5 lbs gum camphor 1 lb pith ncacia. lOlbsepsom salts. , 1 lb pj ro phospli He Iron. 0 ozs concentrated nitrous ether. 8 os oil tlov e . 'J ozs oil lemon. " ozs oil li.i.v . IoOOpll Aloln Co (JleK. A IX.) aX) pll mangancso blnox (JleK .tit '2 or. ittlpll phosphorus l-"0(JIe K A It ) :5U pll phosphorus MOO .'I doz surgeons sponges. 1000 empty (apsules, No 1 . gross corks each .'os 1 to (I XX extra long. 1 cross pm boxes, No 30. KJgrosj ointment boxes 1 nnd 2 or each, k gross 2 di nehm v ials. 1 gross 1 ft Phlla o als. y 2 " " 1? ,j i .. .. 9 II II II II I? " 0 " " 4 " 8 " " " o gals port v ine, Napa v alley. ilgals vhlsky.O K Cutter. Ml07 Davidson sjrlnges, No 1. y, doz hlatk hard l ubber s 1 luges, y. 07- do " " " " " 1 " y, do, etr syringes 3 gals gljcerlne. !1 mils irnine brandv. 6 gals sherry wine, No. I. 5 gnls nlcohol. 5 bbls stl soda. 15 lbs Japan vvn. 1 lb uq Aiiiiuonln. cone. . 1 lb cream of tartar, txiulbbs. V, ibiesuoiiiinteu Iodine J 2 lbs rosin. . 2 lbs gum usaroctida. 1 lbnccetloacld. 2 lbs diluted phosphoric acid. 1 doz Phlllip'seod liver oil. :w rt mbber tubing, Inch. 60 littering paper, 10 inch. , Gorsulfoual. 2 do bot's solublo hypodermic tablets, sill phnte hj osoj .iliilne, No -15, 1-C0 gr, John Wjcthillio. 2il00 powder pnp rs, No 10 yt doz soft rubber enthoters DRY GOOPS .tMlbsynrn, all wool; 250 lbs white; 100 bluo ujj j ds Canton flannel, Nashua XXX COO j ds Mursclles, Yorit .UTg Co checks 600 ds Lonsdalo Hue Kheetlng,'-v0 in 2X)jds Pequot lino sheeting, in lJOOjards mnrlncr's stripes (Amoske.ig) KiOyds quot sheeting, hrnvy A, SMI in 1'JOu j ds I'njubt slice ling, heav y, -lo in 200 j ds toweling, red and bluo check. 800 ds cillco, American full standlrd. lllO u!i t.ihlp nil 1 loth. hlln nmllltpiiw (1O dr7 spools vNhlto thic.id, No oO, Alilo End 1 uoz 11 ills suspenders 1J doz Turkey led handkcrch.cfs 0 do7 spools blnctl linen thread, No,2o UHICUUIIS WKX) lbs J ih ei pcMil s lit, lino .UlDSlO'l, u B Ul.Ulll, 1'OllClinilg tHiO lbs tobacco, Itapldan brand 100 10s Liuim siartn KOO lbs soda crackers, exti.i fiesh 200 lbs raisins, California luvers. 100 lbs (ieimea bpcrry's new piocess 12,000 lbs sugar, 7000 golden C, flOOOgiain 500 lbs cheese, Cranston's, 01 as good 2000 lbs coin meal, Go d Dust, iresh gnund. 1 .00 lbs cracked v he it, fresh ground. 1 n lbs o.it meal, fiesh ground, 1 JOOlbs eoarso hominy, lrcbh ground. 1110 lbs rolled o its (C01 mack's jiatenl). .WO lbs diled currants. Ill lbs curb soda, C nnd Co A nnd II brand. 100 lbs sngo. 20 do blooms. 18 do cams o steis, ltluc Points. lodo. concentrated lv 0 (American). 12 do cans coin, Wlnslow. 1 do Tin key dusters, 1 1 in. 5 do dust brushes. Mm nhv and L it Co.. 711. 2 doz small mirrors, 1012 In. 800 giLssyiitn. extia Uoldui. American ro'lned. 200g.ils coal oil, COgil tanks. Pearl biand. 100 gals molasses. Oilcans c.xtm, 1 do qts olive oil 21 gross nintches, Metropolitan mid Com Co. 1J boes maccnrunl, No 1. 12 boxes vermlcllll, No 1. coffi:i:. 1800 lbs Costa Itlca, 1st grndc. 1C0 lbs Government Juvn. u 71 lbs lieal Mocha. lOOlbsChlcoiy. 8PICI B. 200 lbs black pepper. fiOlbsclnniimon, CO lbs ginger. M lbs allspice CO lbs mustard. m .0 lbs cloves. v 20 lbs mnc,o. 101bss.igo. 10 lbs uogrouud 1 loves. 10 lbs unground cinnamon baric, lino, CIIOCKEIIY. 18 doz tea cups, without handles, vv9. 18 doz saucers, V O, 10 doz bow Is, lqt, WO yt doz wash howls, W Q VINLOAll. 400 gals puro cider vinegar, 10 gr FLOUK 800 bbls best roller process, to bo delivered ns required STATIONKItY 10 boxes 101 filllott's pins 2 boxi London I in Pen Co, No I gonulne 8 qts Ink; 7 qts Aruold'u, lqt Stullord's II II 8 do Pnyson'H Imlclllloink 0 icaim letter paper, Live Oak SOAP 2100 ibs Kirk's savou, or ns good l'AINTM, OILS AMI fll.VsS. 20 gals Pioneer linseed oil j 20gnlsturpeutlnc lOU jioundH white lend, Pioneer CO pounds putty 1 boxes glass, 10x20 i " ' HxJI C gals cop.il vnrnish 2 gals Japan dryer MHATS .VjO lbs iH.'r.day, moio or loss, ol beef and mutton, as required, In equal parts of fore nnd hind quia tors bumplcs inuy bo seen nt thoollltc of the board of trustees, nnd goods' must bu In ac cordance therewith Goods must como In original packages when possible 9 Tho board reserv es tho right to rejectnny, mid nil bids Deliver of supplies will bo required within ten ilnyit' notlceof acccptnncoof bid A copy of this advertisement mu tno company each bid Tho name iff the class of suppllw hid upon must bo written on the envelope iuiclililil must Include all thcvltonuln the special cIhm hid uimiii, unit miutKUc Items nnd totals In full, vrlth the oxoeptlon of m out nnd Hour Auditing olllccrs nre prohibited by law from continuing accounts of piirehas when the ndvertlsemunt Uoeg not contain h fullnndcoinpletedcwcrlntlouof theklnds of unifies to t purchiMed Hid will be ciiruldeiVid nt ltUXJnmon (Turodny, July 2. 1M) tKYLVKSTKIt PBNNOYKIt, OK .W.MellltlDK, U. VV .-VV HUH. Hoard orTruktcev. Wm, A. MystLry, Oferk of Ikkard. GEORGE WILKINS' MISW BUTOIIBH SHOP Ou Uberty street, hc-mh the bridge lo North vsnleiii, Alt Hindu of meatu kept 00 hand. ft-SOtf Y0U3 HQMFS VntH l ; and i1 i ii i n't ml ,, ti ,' wlu chj 1 h 1 ml .ye!u. tn S .(!' ' , 1 1 1 in 'hi ' !; ir ' ' 1 1 ' 11, . it HAIlY CAKKIAOl.S ,il is on hnnd, betldi .larirensorliiunt of new gooAatoq nninennt to mention WM. SAHU1UNT, VMty Stoje, tommerclnl St , Salem. MTTLK WOJIFA nre ar a rnle, pocd of hnppy dlsotrt- tlons but vr hen thee sweet dlsposlllnnS,bi ooma poured and Irrltnble, In xneisiuei)eO of the lonjt train of dlstreaslne umttiixxi peculiar to ttomal eomptnlutft, tlioy aro then not eomfjanlnnntile to say Iho least. It Is tlicdutj, not onl of little women, but of nil women eo ailllcted, to bring about tho subjection, nnd Immediate lemoval, of these painful nutlHdtes, This Is enslly ncconipllshed by the use of Di. Plerco's FnvOrlte Prwcrlptlou, tho great spcclllofor "feninlo weakness " It Isn positive cute for the juost Mowing, p tlnfut mensthiatton; unnaturnl supprewslims prolnpsus or falling oftho w'onib, wenk back, 'fenmlo woak- lioss," nnteverslon, retroversion, bonrliu- dovvn scnsntlon, chronic congestion, In tlnmnintlon nnd ulcenitlon oftho womb, lnllniunintion, pain nnd tenderness In ovnrJes,md klndieil ailments. All cUug gists, ' TIIL1U llll&IM&S HOOJIIVI. Probably no one iliinr htm caused bitcli ft great levlval of trade at Dan iel J. Fry'aUriigstoU'as their giving n,vay (o tlicir ciistcuiiera so many free trlul bottles of Dr. -King's Xcw Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from the fact that it alwtijs cures and never disappoints. C'ouihp, Colds Abthnia, Dronchiiis, Croiin. and all thio.it nnd lung dis- enfaes, ijuiekly cured. You Can tc-t it before buying Ly getting a tilal bot tle fieo, large sio . livery bottlo warranted. LOST IN THE STOKM. One of our Jocal editors clipped from a lending magazine extrauts from a vivid desci iption of a weatorn blizzard which wo havo tnkou tho liberty to publish and at tho aamo timo suggest to II. II. "Warner & Co., tho propriolois of the celebrated War ner's Safo Cure, tho feasibility of tak ing therefrom an oxtractfortho intro duction of one of thoir tolling adver tisements. Tho following is the des des cripteon: "At tho close of a durk day in January a solitaiy horseman wends bis way across tho open praicio in ono of our western territories. Ho passes at long intorvals tho lono cabin of tho hardy frontiersman. Two or tlirco old settlers, of whom ho has inquired tho way, havo warned him that a storm is approaching, and ono of them, with truo western hospitality, utges him to find sholtcr in his cabin for the night. But ho declines tho proflerod kindness and urgos his tired horso forward. Tho sky grows suddenly datk. He docidos to sook shelter. Tb? storm in creases in its fury. Tho rider dismounts to warm hi fast ohilling limbs, w Can scarcely breatho. Blindness comes on. Drowsiness Eteals over him. Tho ond is near. lie is lost in tho bliz7ard." Thero is no doubt that tho terror which seizes tho bowildeicd traveler is similar to that which ovorcomes ono when ha learns that he is suffer ing from an advanced Kidnoy Dis oaso, and is informod that ho is in tho last stages of liright's disease. At first ho is informed that he has a slight kidney affection. Later ho begins to feel tired. Slight headache Fickle appetite. Failure ofcfUbo oye-sight. Ciamp in tho calf of tho legs. Wake fulness. Distressing nervousness. Hhoumatic and ncuralaic pains. Oc casionally pain in the back. Scanty, dark coforcd fluids, with Bcaldinj suiiBuiion. urauuiiiiuiiuro 01 strength. Any of tho abovo sj mptoms signify Kidney Affection, but ho is told that ho is all right. His physician troats him for symptoms and calls it a dis ease, wnon in reality it, is out a symptom 01 Kidnoy trouble Ho may bo treated forltheumaticor Neuralgic pains, heat t affection, or any other discaso which ho is most susceptible to. Finally the patient has puffing under tho eyes, slight bloating of the ankles and legs. His physician may inform him that it is but tho accumu lation of blood in his ankles for want of proper exercise Tho bloat continues and reaches his body. Then ho is informed he ha3 dropsi cal troubloj, and is tapped onco or twice. Ho notices it u difficult to breatho owing to irregular action of tho heart, ami finally is informed that bo has n slight attack of IlrHit's Dis ease Soon his friends are notified that his is an advanced case of Uright's Diseaso, and that ho can livo but a short timo His honorable and dignified physician asks for counsel. It is too late Ktill he sticks to tho (' family physic ian. and the physi ciun knows and has kuovrn from the beginning that the patient has been stricken witli doath for months, for he knows full well that the profession acknowledgo they have no romodiei for tho euro ol Kidnoy Disease At laBt tho patient fiuffb.atcs is emothorcd and dies frdm dropsical trouble. Or perhaps tho disease may not tako tho form of a dropsical ten dency, and the pationt dies from apoplexy, paralysis, pneumonia or heart trouble. Or it may tako the form of blood poltonlng. In each form the ond is the same And yot ho and his frionds wero warned by tho proprietors of tho celebrated remedy b.iown as Warner's Safe Quro, of tho lurking danger of a slight Kid ney affection. Tho n 'wspapers hftvo published tho dangers. Columns of facts have been printed of men dying from advanced Kidney Insoase or Wright's Disease His friends and physician look around witli horror and legret for neeming neglert, but he is lout. IIo did not hoed the warning that a fctorm was approaching. He declined tho prof fered hottpitahty, and rookies '' wont fornard into daiifcer. Ho struggled manfully for a time, but bis utrtngtli failed, lie grew gradually weaker end lie was lost to the world. Not in a blizzard, but from the terrible malady which is almoHt daily ooeurrlng in erorv community, audnhieh Is doc tored as a symptom inttatd of what it Ib, a mortal difetuo unless prop trly treated, 1 BRIGHTEN 1 I ' i- .nr. .li. fi..... mm y mm Has Be'en v-' V i I t ) Ami Greatly Improved and" Now Is The j tf s ,. dlBAPEST NBWSPAPBR-IN OREGON! V 1 1 TUB BUST-FAMILY- NBWSPAI 't-4 vji. . , , t J - "s ' 1 ' 1 1 1 ? v. , I MARION IK ?ij it", A' i t Read Our Reduced Terms! WlSIOKhY.nnc" year,, r 1 $.1.ri0. I Now Head iSiir WHHKh',toiii' year, $1.00. WAH TJIiaitK J5VKH ANYTHING J-:(JAh ri'0 I TV NOW HOM, IN TIIK'XAMICK, AND TAKK AttVANTACll': OK OUU ONI'V'IIIUH OKK KOIt (JAHII. -TV ,5 N" Our Ol" 'Subscribers Now in iirienrniiiu urged (o (alto iMlvaiilngo of our'blg dlseoiiiit, by Fet tling old iiccniiiitH iiikI Joining Hie grand Huong of mm dollar rmlmriribcrH THIS IS N0TA Jlut 11 soild. ieriiiuitnittrc(lii!IIpij. V Imvu cdiiio to lay i'O ONK AND ALL Wv (diy, wind us your imiin. If you wnut to lake mlvuiilugti of our "ono third oil for ciimIi," nnd 111 o not wlituy you ran get potul noton of othur ociivtttilunt method of reinlttlng, wad us your inwiio mid ntato thitlyou 1 will remit at ilrst opporliuiily. ThU will unsure your bclug plawd 011 the i dollar Hut, Journa nlai-eecl 1 1 1 . t ' Iff 1 W Mu n COUNTYj i' .'- W rr, rf J(jl. e & WKKK1Y, six mon(hHl-1,.f0.7r) Discount for. Cash WJOKKhY, aL niniilliB,.-..0.C0. 'T, ,'.w i i SPECIAL OFFER TH-E YA0UINA ROUTE. OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD urn inoiron IHvokinincnt nrnmnnv 1 Mfanish ! Hue. I(1S mi nine esHliortor. SOliciurs linn hy tltlV flftini Lilian 1IlI il'is tnniugli tiaHfjonge, mu! iroig'ht line i,, . uiiiiiiiu nuu nil iiuiius 111 1110 V 11 Iniuotre vallov tti anil noiu Ban I'muohc-c. TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxoent Sundays): .mvoAlbunv ---..... lrooi'M l.iv c corvhllh - - . . -1:10 I'M Yrrlvo Yiinulnn ....... fi-mi'M UlMU llqUllll) ((HAM Iasiv-o (-nrvnllls i lO-TSAJI AlTlvo Albany ....... 11:10AM ,.' 'H,.0, l"s connect in Albiny nnd Corvullls. TllO llt0 ( tllttQ raititindt .it V'Anmvt fultli tho Orcxoil lUwlnpmpiit (.'oh IJno y.StniMhliwbemocii YiKiulun nnd hnn ' SMI.I.0 IlVTtS. Si KAMM. l hoM AQIMNA m!!'u,10!!p ,V".llnv Tucsdiiy June. IS Wlllunutto Valley,. L'rlilay .lulj ft STII VHF1ES, I Fltovt 8 VN FltANClSCO Wlll.iuiptlo yiilley.-'lliurHiloy, .luno 11 .. i.inui p ,u ej suuuluj, Juno Wlllmnetto Valloy Sunilnv k'Hlloy Sunilny 1 lus coinimny tosmen tlio right olimiio snlllnc tlntes vv Ithout nnticn u.Vr11,-J?u,;n.F,Nnximi,ortiniia una nil llliiinpttn Vnlliu ixilnts enn iiuiUo close rminwtlrtn with tho trains of tho AU Y iA Oi;rn 11 1 Alum., or Con alll, anil ir ilt-vtlm-il lo s.ni l'nuirlscu, should i,Art","S,,.,,"'Ut:.,Jt V'llluv PvclilUK ueftiiculutpof Milling, B lsM-iict;i' ami Iieifflil liitrs Vln.ivs tlit ll'fti"!! .1 "r iMliiriiiailon npivly li .-Messrs ill'li.MAN W Co, rrelulil nnd Tlbket AeiiuaiauaaDs rix.ni Bf., iv.riinnd, of. CO. IIOOUi:, Ae'l (len'l Tit. .( 1'Ubs. ArI., Uirtspu 1'aclJIo It. It. (U. i. it ,,,0,,.,,,. . Corvnllls.Or. (1 It. lIAVKI,l,,.!r.Giu'l l'rt; X I use. Aut. Oiccon Dcvclonment Co., ,101 .MDnlKoniery st.j San rruiiclsco.Cul! Heuiruiher tho OiegBii ruellli''n noimliir Hiimtnor otottrsioiis lo Yiiqulnu. Ixjvv mto vk.lH ',"!' "''' twilo, kooiI nvery filluigiln.V mid Siturilny Irom Albnnv, CorvtilllKiinil I'lillmuuth. ' tuns tiul.v, c. c. iibotTi:, v. (i. i acoiu Ortml !to Cslifoinia VIA . i Soiillimi htk l,omiiaij',s Lino, THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. linn.' la t rin Salem mill Sna HauiHiu '1 111 1 1 j -six Illllllt.. (UI.iroltMA 1 M'ltVSH IltAIN HUN tlAMA "inrnvnt .v loin i, vi it ANniR. v. Hliiiih, 1 - fMoitii. ' f rim) 1 1. in. Cillli. 111. 7.1i7fi. m. I'ortlHnil Wllll'IU Him mm. Al. A, IA. Hi: 1.1 n. in. 7.n.t a. in. 7.1KI p. lu. f VhHI.MII It Til 1N . ci.i-i hOmdwi, ( DAI1.V"TV. SCO 11. 111 Ia. KirtuTnir Ait nTS'i). 1a Hiiliin l.V. I i v: Ji, Al. I.uttiuo l.V, 1 1K.K) n, in, 111. lu, nun a. in .'.J0 . Ill, I PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS I'm mcoiiiiuoiidiiim of hUomt oiAhs linsociiHilSutlnilii'd IovjuMh tnilliH, 'Ilinri. ', couiiiin's (uiry iiinkiiM ism iiocllnu vvllb i.il thti loitui 11 iniitiN 011 th I'jul Mltliv nivlHlim limit TcniI ol ! 'stioo I'm (Intnl. W Siilo Dhision, Between Portland anil Cervallls: itiA (j xuiarBirJiiAi) 7SDii. 111. Ia. I'nrtliiml AiT liUTi i. III. Au JiiNlKJL!xJ 'Ji' l:)i. 111. At AHmiiy'"iiiid (toi illllit iciimk'i t nin 1111111H01 ciiiKOii I'm lilt! Itiillinuil, lluoiiL'li tk Id 1h lo nil noliUH kouIIi mill (IIHl ill ClllllOllltU ii I I 1 -A t .1 i.xi'uuaa iiiaiw (j7aiTT.uH Htut.uAv.) tti jirmrriA itttiuuii 7i7 S.tX)p. 111. Ai.MeIIiiivlllulA. '0T(xln. in, r.Hn. 111. Through Tickets To all point SOUTH aiitl EAST -VIA- O AL'I K O RN I A . lor lull information ri-uiuilnu; iiiUh, liuiiw, iilei.,iipil to II10 Coiujuiuy'H nt'C'iil. Sali'iu, (jimmi. K. i'. KOflllUH, AHKt.d. r.iuiill'iiHS.AK't U. KUlOIII.r.ll.l .Miiiiiiu'cr, Oiegon Railway ami Navigiiiion COMPANY. 'Columbia River Route' 1 ntliiH for thu naxt Kitvo I'urtlaiiil t7:i5 mi unillUlOiiiii iliillv. 'lie itHio itiitliroiu lirluuluil iiolittA In tin Uullc.dHlittQii.CiiC jtilaitiltl Kiinii.e. ELEGANT TULHAHN PALC CARS Kiiilfruiit 8lciejlna Cum run Ihroui''' en tupruM tn Ion to OMAHA u COUNCIli HMjI'1' ailll 81. l'AUl 1'rci' of Cliiii'o uuilUit On Change. Connt'otloiiiHit l'ortluiHlforHiui 1'iui unuxHiud l'UKt feounit HliitM. I'or lurtliur Mirilculm-x nilclrcwi any gentorilmuoiiipAny, 01 A. L, MAXWELL, O. I'. Ai T A U. .1. 8 JI nil, (Ibli'l Muiiuuur, l'lirtlaild. WOMAN S llSl(ll.l:. "Auutlu-'r Momloiful dlbfovuiy hu liocu iiiuilo nud Unit too ly a t(ly in llilw (siuntry. DIwjw rimtonoil IIh C'lllttlllr llK)ll llff nnd lor SUVOII ycMra hIiu u ILltHtuoil It suvuint testH, imt lur vital wrniiti vvcio mulct mined itml death M'uiiiud lininliicnt. l'or i lu cc tiiontliHtiliucuiijflicdiiiLis nuiitly and could not wluop. Hliu lioinjiitof UK a Iwltluof Dr. KIiik'b iw UiiHinvury for ('iintiiii)tloii anil wan mi iniiuli ivl loved on taldiiK Unit dims Hint hlie wlept all nilit Mitd with nnu Iwttlc luu Imhui niinum loimly (urvd. Ucr nainu In Mrs. Luther Jaiu." TIiuh write W. ('. Ihiiiullilt & C?., or Khulby, N. ('. Oct a I no trial bottlo al l)uuk'l Fry'a druK ntoro. ih ' I! a i v-Jl (. H w ii tu M 41 i HS ,r 1 '51 VI ;iss.r'