'-f !: SUBSCRIBE Fon advbr risis IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT WILL UK A GOOD INVESTMENT. 3-The Term lire Moat Rcasonable"C r : THE CAPITAL JOURNAL CAPITAL JOURNAL Tim BEST PAPER. IN SALEM. O-You will be well pleased with lt.- ,CZt!&fiS? VOL. 2. SALEM, OREGON. TUESDAY, JU"LV 2, 1881). NO. 105. x?s?s-r&3?-:-s- .b DIRECT Prom New York and Chicago THE FINEST GOODS IN THE CITY. o DRESS fr And trin IT J mings.F f" etc., etc. minings of till kinds Plaid, Stripe and plain PQ RIBBONS, RID GLOVES AND GLOVES OF ALL KINDS SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS. Full 'and Complete Lines of Embroideries awl Laces in All Widths. Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel ties in Scarfs. FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. u A il CXirtains. Poles, Portiers. 3 B6?A full and complete Goods. No. 239 Corner State and Commercial Streets. -4 LUNN & BROWN. New Livery Stable. J. Macey ha lately purchased the Liv ery nnd Feed Stable formerly owned by "Wagner 4 German, and now conducts A FIRST-CLASS STABLE! He has some, of the best rigs In the city. Give him a call and" It. will be rilled with great promptness. DAVID T.' WILLIAMS, Proprietor of Salei Steam Laundry. SALEM, OREGON. -Orderu left at Stelner'g grocery store will reclvo prompt attention George H. Hayes has been appointed special agent lor the above laundry and any washing lea with him will bo prompt ly attended to. ja-Prices reasonable aud work guaran teed. J. J. CULVER, County Surveyor. JAMES WALTON, Topographer. W. H4BYARS. Civil Engineer. Byars, Culver Walton Surveyor! & Topographers, KnrvnvH. drafts, nlats inapAnd descriptions of lands, townlots, and roadK, dltehe, streets, sewers, alleys, ete. etc., made and turnlshed at reasonable prices. Old Lht Sou TT. corners and Hues re-es-w. itu"trr tabllsbed from original nm, . v. field notes. Grades for ditches, roads, streets orsew ew, with estimates 'furnished on.appl ca tion. Address County Surveyor's oflice. Selem. Oregon. ESTABLISHED BY NATIONAL AUTHOIUTV hi I OK OREGON. SALEM Capita! Paid up, - &,"" Surplus, - - PD It. S. WALLACE, - - lre.Went. W. W. MARTIN, - Vice-President. J. II, ATflSKRT. .- Cashier. OIRtCTORSi W.T.Oray, V.W. Martin, J.M.Martin, It. a Wallace. l)r. W. A.Cuilck. J.H.Albert, T. McK. I"atton. LOANS MADE To ftnner on wheat and other market. ' R"'.ruH, publVe warehouses. .,,,., Mt ui CmdIt Warrants Boukl al ? - df. A Ih TlieCapit COMMERCIAL PAPER , ySorrorttand?Undon T.l&rlln.l fhfMftrl-: GOODS to match in Persian trim Surahs, Braids, Plushes, 9p PETS. stock of Men's Furnishing mli SALEM, OREGON. WM. N, i tmrp - UM.irfAni DR. REYNOLDH, - Vice President. IOHN MOIR, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING, Excliangeon Portland, Kan FranoUco, New York, .London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers aro cordially Invited to deposit unci transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonnrue rates. Insurance on such se curity can bu obtained at the bank In most reliable companies. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor, Corner Ferry and Liberty streets, N, K. cor from Chemekete hotel, Salem, Or. Good accommodations for commercial travelers. First-class rigs always on hand Charges reasonable. CM. LOCKWOOD, SALEM, .... OREGON. Headquarters for tbo Willamette Valley forth celebrated Columbia bicycles aud tricycles; The Columbia arc well known, are the best made, and nave vaiuauie im movements fort ho rear. Those wanting machines will do well to call on or corres pond with me before purchasing, Oflice atUllbeit Hros.' bank, 2J7 Commercial st., salem. DO YOU EAT? If you do, mil at the W. C. T. U. RESTAURANT In the opera house block, where you can get a good clean meulat any llmeof day or evening. . This restaurant U under new manage, ment and satumctlon is guaranteed, hv. erylhlug Is In llrst-class shape. .Mr. and trs. 8, K IIOWAItl), The New Managers, THE HOME RESTAURANT, TTaving been furnished for the especial M accommodation of the public, we nrl if timuiii.iilinnof the the HU.SUKl and sleepy ones to "Our Home" beds, new and clean; good "Home" meals ervea reg ularly inree uiiir u ujr. .?v tuiui ... the kitchen. Olve us a call and bee for i yours.lf. E. M. LAW, Proprietor. ' cor. Court aud High HL, Kalem, Or. DIt. H. SMITH, DENTIST, Has a new procwui by wnicn ne can iii , plates of artificial teeth m i irfectly that .Inecan eat with "' . . '? J ! ,Tf "'".i-mond In the liioutE while i iov nr lnKenea. niww wtnuuR "-t eating', to the great annoyanoa of them- (tlvea and company, should call on Dr. II. jstMffSU S rv i it . i n l a tionai mm S23S1 S&rttSS3" L rn'. tutrne- shop, O.mmerrLI Ut, lem,0r.ion, ' GREAT llHH ill lilnan We have just received a largo invoice of new goods, including ninny novelties In summer clothing. We will sell these very cheap. Nice lines of white goods will bo sold nt.prices fur below their actual value. Wo have new and elegant light-weight coats and vests which wo will sell for less than other dealers pay for them. Wo have cotton flan nels, twelve yards for ?1 ; white goods, fourteen yards for $1 ; dress buttons, 6c per dozen; dress goods, usual price IS?, now 8c; liniiMliuiug, :e per yard; lawns 4c a yard. We will sell all kinds of goods at the same relative figures. Cull and be convinced that we have the best good, and sell the cheapest. Capitol Adventure Company, OPERA HOUSE CORNER, Salem, - A E. STRANG, No. SOS Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. -DKAI.KU IN- STOVES and RANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. jrs- Aireut for the RICHARDSON & BOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces KH- tabllsbed In 184 New Butcher Shop AT NO. llO STATE ST. ANGEVINK & HANSOME. Have opened up & first-class butcher shop at the above location, where they will be pleased to herve tno pcopio wun me CHOICEST AND REST MEATS of all kinds that the market affords. Olve them a call and be convinced ofthe superiority of their meats. 9-Jooas delivered nee. WHEN VOU ARE HCXfiRY (10 TO T1IK U ( . u 210 Coniinercial Street, Where you can get n Jli-st-cliiKS lunch for any price from a nickel up. No Chinamen are employed. .NOTICE OF ELECTION'. NOTICE Is hereby given that there will bo an election held at the Alert Hook and Ladder truck house at Kalem, Orciron, on Monday, July I, !(, between tho hours ofllo'clock it. in and 4 ox-lock p. in. of Mitel day for tho purpose of electing n chief engi neer and nn assistant engineer of tho Sa lem Fire department for thecnsulng year, nndthefollowlug persons lire named and apppolnled Judges of Mild .election t-wlt: j' C. llooth, W. 3. Clark, Walt Iwe, lu fc. Pratt. The following persons are nppolnl ut nn.b. mirlt. M. l KLnrr and A. L. Fraser. lx)neby order of the Hoard of Fire Deleirates of the' Kalem Flro Deiuirt- ment, June 10, MSI. , ., Attest: S. T. HlCHAllIirtO.V, A Pres. II F. D.ri. F. D.' A I. It'lfAUPIt- JWrctiiry II. F. D.8. F. D. - fi-lMIt ATTENTION FARMERS! Illg, little, new, old, nnd-hand. rolling, flat, Improved, unimproved, and In fart all kinds of Farms for Sale, Wni iiiwli I niinini A good drm cheap and crop thrown in Come and see us beforeyeu buy. THOMAS & PAYNE f7 STATE 8T 8ALIJM SALE! Orecon. Oregon House! Corner Mill and Summer Sis., Three Mocks West of Depot, Salpm, Orv PLEASANT ROOMS AND GOOD TABLE. Board and Lodging Per Day, $1. Free transportation of passengers and baggage to and from depot. 11. .1. SHARP, Proprietor. WANTED. WANTKD A slluntlon by u loy H years old, on liirm or htock ninclic. A good worker, can plow or tend stock. Call at the ollicoof the Uamt.w. .louiiMAi, ror'M)." teitl V1 WANTED A gentleiuan of llvo ycais ex ' pcrlcuco in commission business wants a position indoors whciu ha can put In all his time. Has had somenxpcrlenco In real estate and Insurance; is a good hand in a waicliou-e; Is n good mathematician and can keep boohs anil make himself general ly iiM'lul and is not afraid of work, llest of references given. Address "It.," Joun- Nr. ukfick. u-uii roil ItliNT. t IOH HUNT.- In u lino locality, Kovenil nicely furnished rooms, either with or without board. For particulars call upon Win. R.Ainold,J7 Wlntei sticet. run s.u.i: nou walk. A I'.vitM oFsafciTfis I' all under fence ami cultivation, In tho best range country of Eastern Oregon. Thouot chance over iiltered for u inun to cngngo In stock ralNlng, For particulars call on or niidrPsH w.II.HVAItS.Hiilom.Orrgoii. hocnnv NOTJOIM. OLIVE 1XJDOE No. 18, I. O. O. F., meets in Odd Fellows' Hall up stalls. Cornet Commercial and Ferry streets, every Kal- urdayal7::sup. m. J.T.UUEOCJ, JAK. WALTON, Ki-cretiiry. N, GA. II. Kedgwlck PiMt, No. 10, Depart ment of Oregon, meets every Monday evening lit the hull over the Oregon Ijuid company's olllce. Vlnltliig eomnides an eonllully Invited to attend. A. W. Diiavokii, PostCoininader, II. F. BOI'TUWICK, Adjula H. Proposals for Hiiffer. flUIE IIOA1U) of Trustises of tho Oregon state I iiMno asylum hereby invite sealed proposals for furnishing at thu iiNyluiii,iMM IKiuuds, inorii or I(h, of butter of best qual ity, to Ik) rurnlshed In such iiuantltlcn uud al null times as reulred, for one. year. Tho right l reject any and all bids Is rc- IlliU'will bo oened at 11 o'clock a. m. Tiiedny.Jiily 1. IM. i ut-Mii r, ,(V,.xrKll PENNOYEIl, OW). W. MclIHIDE, U.W.WEIHI. , in, t Hoard ol Trustees, VM,Mli!l.Y, Clerk of Hoard. Trucks and Drays. MORGAN & MEAD Are now provided with nno now drays ami truck and aro prepared touoall lul lie in tliat line In the blof shape. They give tlielr personal nupervUou to all work, i' irne hint and ('ommelrclal tret- A good story is told on Ualloy Magruor, keeper of a bath house nt Sanford, l"la. A boy npplicti to Him for a bath, but as he had no money, lie was told that ho could not get one. However upon rcllcct ion, llaiiey wild to him: "I will tell you what J will do, if you go and get six other boys I will let you have your bath free." The boy agreed to the proposition, and went out and got the requisite six boys, and all wcia admitted to tho bath i room. Mr. Mugruder told the at Itcndaut of the agreement, and told I him not to charge the hoy anything i for ills bath. After waiting awhile the attendant weilt in to collect fares. What was his surprise to see the six boys perched upon tho bench es watchinij the one boy take his fieo bath. Judge (to tramp) Have you any visible means of support? Botcher life 1 have, Judge. 1 show stranger where they can get drinks and then go into parternorship with them at tho bar. "Stab The Cliler Krnson for tno great sue cess ot Hood's Sarsnpnrllla Is found In tlia article Itself. It is mciit that wins, and tho (act that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what is claimed for It, Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and salo greater than that of any other sarsapa- MpriT WillQ rllU or Wood purl" IVierll VVIIlb ficrlicforo tho public Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Bait Rlieum and nil Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tlrcd Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength ens tho Nerves, builds up tho Wholo System. lIooil'aNnrHi.pnrllln Is sold by all drug gists, gl; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. Ifood f Co., Apothecaries. Lowell, Mass. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Laiiri k Bell Comedy Company Wednesday Night, JulyiM, The greatest or all romeilli'it, THE STRATEGISTS! 'il.,....,l- VLrM Inlv l,in(li iiiiii.-iiiu.i i"b"'i ".' ".) The latest lindon and lloston Hiuvcns, "KATTI," The Family Help, the funniest of nil musical farces. Keats on rnlo at Patton's. (lenernl ailmlHsIon ' and H: IteMTVed T LARS EN, Wagon anil Carriage Repairer, Is vrcp.ired to do all woik In tho lluool making or lepalring Magous, buggies or carriages in flrlclan,stlii and at leason- able pi Ices Hhop sunn hin-ci, near Fiout l'UOFICSSIONAL CAHD.S. I .1. KIIAW.allorney at law, Kalem, ore ' L-oii. Ulllcu uii-stalrs in the I'attou block. Tl7TENNIN(irl D. D. H.-DENTIKT-,) Olllco Iii the New Hunk lllock. Com meielal street, Halciii. Hlgn of tho big tooth. "w llllVrtli'IA.N.-Mllh. Oil. M. E, NltCOV I physician and surgeoii, has looiteil and taken rooms over Miilr 1-arrars grm-ery store. Chronlo diseases a spec laity. Coiisiilliition fn-e, la-'JIdw f V. vfLLfA.rn, KTi:.S0(lllAPlIKH 11. and lyisHrlUrCopyist. Wlllmuko niKirlH of trial, etc.; lonylng pu tyiio urileriicrunitely and neatly done. Olllco with I Mminlng, Coinliierelul HI,, Up stairs, Ntw Hank lllock. Small km for Sale. A number of leii-ncru IracUof desirable laud within one and a half miles iifHalum, ' al prices ranging from tVlloJKM per acre. Apply lo u ..,...... ..,, v.- ii, i. in . i. .. ..,...,, C-'JU-.lii Opera Hoiim; lllock """".. HflRSr S Kin S ALL. , .w..w ... One heavy gelding, one young inaru wllh young colt, Eiigllh siilrt-, on-j maru wllh fuil by KiiMbawjiinlnr, one two-vtai-old colt, Johnny Hull, line Irotler. Call on trSVWM Kola, Polk i"Ounty(yr, LATEST BY TELEGRAPH The Sluggers Nr.w Ohlkans,.! nly 1. Although It Is true that Governor Nichols' proclamation did not stop thu tight between Sullivan and Kltraln, It has nevertheless had an etl'ect up on the plans for the event and some what diminished their seopo. Thero will he no elaborate amphitheatre as was llrst intended. The ring and hurroundings will he only such ns can bo prepared within a few hours after midnight, yet they will bo so ananged as to furnish the best pos sible accomodations for tho largo number who will witness tho light. The ring will bu laid out ami stakes driven by James Fly tin and Dennis Hutler, the former being the man who attended to like details at Miss issippi City for tho meeting of Sulli van aud ltyan. The discussion as to tho probable victor in tho light continues warm, and is as far from being anything llko mi agreeing of opinion as ever. Thu betters, tiro in clined to wait until they see tho men In tho ring. Persistent Mormons. Wheeling, W. Vn., July 1. The persistency wiMi which the Mormon missionaries aro carrying on their work in some parts of West Virgin ia is beginning to excite a great deal of indignation aud thero is likely to bo trouble soon. Well county at present is a scene of most active operations. Two elders havo been Killed and others havu taken up quarters on Indian creek. Theiu is quite a large congregation uud meet ings aro held weekly, at which polyg amy was not only openly preached, but an attempt Is being nmdo to carry the theory Into practice, at least one convert having takon unto him a second wife. In other parts of the same county like success has attend ed tho etlorts of tho missionaries, and In all thero aro fifty full Hedged Mormons In the county. No effort tiro made to trausport converts. I'ortluntl Points. Pohtland, J.uly'U.- Frank Jarvls, who was convicted of Incest last week, was sentenced to tlireo years in tho penitentiary, tho full extent of thu law, by Judgo Stearns yesterday. He was ullowed ten days to fllo a bill of exceptions. Tho cose will bo taken to tho supreme court. Judgo Stearns regrotlcd that thu full penalty for Incest was only three yems. Ho said It was wholly Inadequate to tho crime of which Jurvls stood convicted, and that Justice could not be done to the of fender. A Cave or Silver. Kansas Citv, Mo., July 1. A large cave near the Hermosa mining camp, sixty miles from Las Cruccs, N. M., has opened up and tho In terior is said to bo lined with veins of almost pure silver, it had for years escaped the eyes of old pros pectors, because there was nothing about the cavo to Indlcato mineral. It Is now thought that the ouvo will exceed In richness tho famous Jlrhlal chamber cave at Sniiko valley, N. Jf., from which over f.VKi,(Kl(l in silver was taken. Sweep of u Hut Wuve. St. I'aul, July I. Very hot w.ather Is just now prevailing nil over the Northwest, and the signal service olllceis predict no cooling chuiige. According to their reports tho mercury In this city reached ninety above zero, while tho ther moini'turs on the streets recorded from (I to 8 degrees higher than that. Similar reports come from Minne sota, Dakota, Manitoba and Mon tana, although at Helena and a few other points there aro Indications oi a break In tho hot wave. Eight llloiks-lliirned. DHNVKit, July 1. A special from Dmaiigo, Colo., niys: This after noon lire broke out in thu southern part of the olty,iuid In an Incredibly short tliuo thu Humes, assisted by u strong wind from thu north, spread In every direction, leaping from building to building, until ut this writing (ut 1 1 1. ni.) jialf the town Is In ashes. The Work at Johnstown' Johnstown, IM., July 1. Oov- ernor ileuvnr Is hero and expresses himself as satUllo I with tho work done. He thinks the pcopio here I will soon Ikj self-sustaining. Tho ' cleaning up lln Coneniuugh i from tno Hunt to im U.iutlor steel works started tiwlny According to the new directory lust pulillsiiiMl Chicago has about ItOlM) Miiula(ioi FOUND A WATKKY GRAVE. A Woman anil Children Drowned in the Ulvernt Kngcne. Kuoene City, July 2. Lato last evening M. H. Hubble, a fnrmer, wlfo and two children, attempted to ford the Wlllanietto near hero and were swept Into deep water where the wagon was overturned. The woman and children wero drowned, and the bodies have not yet been re covered. Albany Points. Aliiany, July 2. Tho new cow law, which went intoellect Monday, prohibits all cattlo from running at large within tho city limits of Al bany. A young man named Kllppel worked a forged check for $23 on Otto Salinger yesterday. He escap ed. CONDENSED DISPATCHES. A parcels post has been establish ed between the United States and Salvador. Nothing now wiui 'developed in tho grand Jury Investigation of tho Cro- nin murder case at Chicago. Ofllelal notice has been received lu Now York that tho English yacht Valkyrie will not coiupeto for the American cup. Tho mayor of San Francisco has signed tho ordinance requiring all street cars to adopt safeguards to prevent accidents. Tho reason given by tho govern ment for purchasing 500,001) enam eled brick of Knglish make Is that no maker In America put in a single proposal In answer to advertised bids. A Machine in Typo Setting. Machinery has entered Into nearly nil the manual trades and lu some of them It has almost superseded hand labor. Typo setting Is one of the few trades that have hitherto escaped innovation. The method to-day is substantially the samo as lu Qutteubcrg's time,, aud tho reason is Unit typo setting Is dis tinctly tho operation. It requires thought and discrimination ns well as delicate manipulation on thu part of thu setter. Itut modern in vention has revolutionized this ancient craft. Tho Linotype has come to push thu compositor from his stool, abolish his frame and his font of typo, and intiku a complete change lu thu system of printing newspapers. This vonderful ma chine has been set up in tho com posing room of tho Now York Tribune, and that paper ,is now set up exclusively by machinery oper ated by keys like an upright piano. All thu other great newspapers of the country will of course adopt the now method of typo setting, and It will gradually take thu place of thu old system hi every department of printing. "" " """ llutterinilk as u Medicine. With thu rapid growth of recon structive medicine opportunely the reiutroductlun of old uud well known domestic remedies, among which buttermilk demands, a re sjmctablu place. A young Judy patient of tho writer was sulleiing from a sevcro coiiHiimpthe cough. None of the usual antispasmodics, expectorants, etc., seemed to do any good, simply because her stomach was too weak to bear enough mediclnu to effect the puriMme. Finally I suggested to her mother thu usu of hot butter milk. It was adopted at once. Her llrst night's experience was ono of comparative freedom from cough and pain, and a pleasant slumber for hours. It was continued for u long time with an unvarying relief of all her previous distressing symi toms, and an almost jierfect freedom from cough for sovural hours after oich draught of the hot buttermilk. Lingering at ono time for weeks from an attack of coujestlvu fever, doted with calomel uud quinine ulinostbeyond endurance, tho writer began todeslru buttermilk to drink, Thu phyfllulans "didn't believe lit humoring tho whims of pationtH,"iw he expressed It, besides, ho contend ed that a single drink of thu ob noxious lluld might produce death, as acids aud calomel were Incom patible dwellers In tho same stom ach, Hut I was a good persuader uud my mother was a susceptible subject. Tho buttermilk "fresh from the chin n" was procured and drank. No evil resulted; Instead ojino inspiration and speedy re covery, - Dr. , l liimdrey, I ijwl . ,:i 1 ii Cj IW U ftj t 1 II ; linn Wliin, '' JLe.