"TflS" Tt r"' THE CAPITAL JEVJSmOJOUlRNAJj. LJr m CAPITAL J0IM1L PUBLISHED DAIIiY,i:XCi;iT8(JifI)AY, II V THE Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Entered at tlio Htofllce nt 8nlcm,Or.,ns , Dccond-cliiftx maltir. CURE B.IRVINE, Manager. 8co fourth page for term of subicrlp lon. Advertisements lo liisum Insertion (for tlm Kimc day) lioutil be linnded In by I o'clock. . , , . f Tiirr.ikrwitnTpnpn rnnlnltllnfr nRWH OI 111 trrt mill Importance Ik ilculred from nil niirts of tho state. jso iillfiilloii vlll be paid tonnnnyinoti communication. ln,iiililrliitf the CAI'ITAf. .TotmSAI. nerved nt UiHr home him m-cuto It by xm til card request, or by word left at tills HL-cliiien number scut frcooiiuppllcn- vion. ouico, corner Court ami Liberty HtrtctH. A DVIXH SKCT. MONDAY JULY 1, 1880 With ti largo ehiBs of frulls it will often bo advisable' to noil lit home at a llttlo lean price tlmn to pack and fililn toinarkct and run thu rink of Hclllntr l wcll-Btockcd market. Properly managed, fruit run be sold nt n wry low pi ice and yd return a good margin of profit. This English are contemplating na Idea to lay down it poninl lube be tween Dover and C'uIuIh. 'I'be plan Ih to HiiHpend two tilbcu of about n yard each in dlnmeter by meaiiHol HUt'l cable acrot llie eliannel, fort yardH above the level of the sea. The Hteel cables Mill be lixed to plllaib at dlHtauccH of about fcK) yaidi, and in each tube a little railway will urn with earn capable of carrying ISO iioundu In weltiht. No parcel of greater weight Hum (bin will be talton, and (he cowl Ih cbthimlcd at tlm modest llguro of f.'i.iMKI.OO!). Tun trcinchdoim nlrlden which mlcroHCoplcal fcleneo has taken the pawl few yearn Iiiih remilled In 1H coveileM of the gioatctd posNlblegood to tho public. The truth of tiie germ theory that iIImmiho and death are caused hy jiilcro-orguiilwiH Is dopundont wholly upon microscopic InvcwtTgatlou, and tho best iiiliidM.in the litud aie constantly working upon tills great mihjcct. OT HAD AIIVICK. Mr. Mechanic. , If your mind runs to thu Invention of "small, things," as they are often called in unwise contempt, you may lilt upon a "big boiiima." Westlngliouso has made W),(H)0,tK)0 out of tho air brake, It was called id first a "sniall thing," using air In that wav, but it has punned out well. Other "small thlhgs" have lewnrded mechanics well. The lead pencil rubber tip oleared Its Inventor $100,000; the chiunelou top cleared a foi tune; tho "l'lgs In Clover" pil.lo has within one year made ltn Inventor n foituue; thu pencil kliiirpouur cleared a for tune. Hundreds of "small things" liavu turned out well. If you have an Idea, bring t out ami let I bo busy andliiqulsltlvo world see It. Theme, chaiiles who havobcen mulched by llttlo Inventions far exceed in num ber those vvho.have leaped fame and fortune by great Inventions. I'ut on your thinking cap, Mr. Mechanic, and dive, Into the woild of possibili ties. The fortune Ih thcie If you unlv know how to tlud It, (uvi: nvi:i,i.r.us is m i:ko, A dispatch from Demliig, New Mexico, Aiyn: "Lieutenant Sfhwat kit lias arrived hoi e, Mlspaity has beell HiieK'ssfuI beyond expectations 111 thelrexploratlolis, and especially in Southern Chihuahua, wlicio llv lug cllll and cave dwellers were found In great abundance, wild as any of luo Mexican tribes at tho time of Cortex's compiest. The abodes Uiy Hvuln are exactly simi lar to tho old, abandoned cllll dwell Ingrt of Arizona and New Mexico, about which (hero has been much speculation. It was almost linpos- plblo toget near them, so wild and timid Jwero they. I'pon the ap proach of white people, they tlco to their eaves by notched sticks which they placo against the face of tho clllls, If steep, although thoy can as cond vertical stone faces If then are thu slightest crevices Tor their lingers uud toe. "These cllll dwellers arosiin wor elilpers, putting their new-born children out In the full ravH of thu sun the lUst day of their lives, and showing nuuiy other forms of devo tion to thu great lnuiiiiary, They nro usually tall, lean, and well formed, their hUin being a blackish ml, nuieh nearer the eolorof anegio then thu uphihmIoiyiI Indian of tho United Ktateu, "Buhwat,Ua claim that heretofore nothing has Uvn known about tiee ixxiplo except by the lialMiiillaii' luountaln Mexican, and thlnUi llvtnl noar t'um, ltilnvtMlpitlonvlll lKMiriiniiien.so'8mH'v,,'lu tovvlojuiis the rtnet TIic r.eonomflfs Who lionoiinccil Mar riage Forever. The surviving remnant of that fjuecrscet known as the J'couomltes Is busy preparing to celebrate the annual "Harvest Home" festival which takes place near PI tu bing In a few days. Jt was In 180.5 that a German farmer and weaver named (Jeorgu Ilapp, and a mnall religious sect, numbering about 1000, who had chosen hlni as their spiritual leader, fled from JJavarla to this country to cf-capo iwrsecutlon, and to seek a place where they might worship Uod In their own way. They pur chased 0000 acres of land In Jiulksr county, twenty-five miles noith of ritteburg, and I here on I-cbruary 10, 1800, they solemnly organized themselves Into a thcoietlc religious society upon tho principle of com munity property. All they possess ed was thrown Into a common stock, in which all were to have an efpial share. From that lime to the present day they have perpetu ated, in the land of their adoption, thu drefcs and al tho social and religious customsof their forefathers, and tho celebration of tho "Harvest Home" is one of tho cpininlest and iimsL Interesting of their observ ances. When they built the placo .many ofthcincmborsdesiredlhnt It should be called Ilaimony, but "Father Itapp," as they called their venerat- eo leader, suggested Keonomy as the name of their new town, and It was lluallv adopted. From this circum stance tiieir ncighbois called them Eeonomllc.i. by which name they are geneially known, though they still call themselves Haimonists. Tho greatest event that ever oc curred hi the history of the com munity since tho celebration of the Hist harvest home, was tho adop tion In 1807 of tlio rigid practice of celibacy. Prior to that time, and during the (lift two yea is of the siciely's oxlstenco, marriage was encouraged among tliem and a num ber of weddings look place, all soleinnled by Father Itapp himself, including that of his own sou John. Hut in the year above mentioned .they experienced what, they still ca'l a fresh revival of lellglon. They were possessed of a deep conviction of and a general senoof worldllnoss and backsliding. Theie had always1 been a tendency tonseetlclsni in their views, and they now llxed upon the Indulgences of tho mauied stale as nut being consistent with that per fect purity of heart and Isolation from tho world. Kid her Iiappstrong ly encouraged and advocated this ascetic spirit. I In urged tho.oof his people who were yet unmariied to continue so, and those who had wives lo be as those who had none. Iln practiced what he preached, and pinny prominent members followed his example. Koon all ho were married abandoned the conjugal state. No more man luges weie solemnled, ami It became establish ed as a law of the society that mar liagewas Incompatible with mem buiship. Thus tho most sacred of earthly ties was forever abolished among them, and thu chance ol their society's perpetuity destroyed. A .New Motor. W. (1. MaoL'iughlin, the inventor of tho chemical motor, has perfected a still cheaper, more simple, and cipnilly eU'eetlvo motor. This- now motor Is a little simple machinery piopelled by air and water. An upilght cylinder Is partly lllled with water and the upper part with compressed air. Tho pressure of the ulr upon the water gives the power through connection with the piston, which, by cog-wheels or belt-pu'ileys, connects with the thing to be moved. When the machinery Is once In motion it is entiiely automatic. The air-pump continues thu supply of air, and tho very slight waste of water by evaporation Is as continuously sup plied, Should, by any possibility, tho cylinder burnt, no ono near It would experience anything worse than a welting. Mr. Mael.aughlui claims that the jKiwer Is applicable to any purpose. It will i tin street cars, rallway-cais, dynamos anil eluvators. It will, If ho Is correct, ruyoliitlonUu (he motive power of the country, Tho exhibition was by thu urudust ami most Imperfect appliances, and yet the remits wont truly astonishing, and stUlleiuut to dvo nvurauco of perfect ucees wjth machinery iccially adapted and constructed for the purjev Omaha Republican. A Nt'U Itanium I'loKI. A New Yolk tlriu has soured an wIimv lhe have They Were Circumspect. Ho held licr hand w hy should he not? The mnld did not object, They were nlone, the light wn low Thcj ljolhere circumspect. He prenced It too of course he did; What tnortnl man would not? She ml fiultestlll, she dirt not scream, Ur llee the hated Bimt He bunt his hend nnd she bent hers, And llmt which then befell Thlsyoulliful pair you'll hno togucs Fori ilinll never tell. "SGltArS." Pnner bus long been made from wood pulp, but It Is now manufac tured from sawdust refuse of mills. When tarred and dried It lliakes an admirable sheathing for houses. .Jcllerson Davis lcceivcd numer ous telegrams of congratulation from European countries on the occasion or his birthday, all of which have been replied lo hy letter by Mits Winnie Davis. Once more the statement is being passed around that water gas can be furnished for fuel at thirty cent.; per thousand feet, and for illumina tion at forty cents. Then why Is It not thus furnished? Tho four territoilc, Washington, Montana, North and South Dakota-, will not become full statesunlll they vote on and adopt state constitu tions. This they will do on the first Tuesday in October. It Is estimated that lion Is now coming on the market at tlio rate of nrarly V.OOO.IWO tons per year. Tho use of that metal in buildings is in creasing at a rapid rate. It is grail Pally displacing.wood for many Im portant purposes. A speaker at the Pennsylvania stale dairymen's association said: "A milch cow can eat almost any thing hIio likes without injury to the milk. What she lequhcs is good food In variety, leguJar and enough of It. Feed succulent food for milk and dry food for beef." George (Jould is said to have made a rule manv years ago to which lie. still adheres, never to spend a cent If it can bo avoided. Put it should be icnienibered that George is tho son of a poor, hard working man, and has no expectation. There was a man in our town who thought 1dm wondrous wise: he swoieby all the fabled gods he'd never advertise. Hut ho did adver tise ero long (and thereby hangs a tale,) his ad was set In nonpareil and headed "SherilPsSale." Prof. Seelyio of Amherst O., boasts that he "'as once elected to Congress at a cost of live cents. The live cunts were spout lor a postage stamp, a sheet of paper and an en velope with which to accept tho nomination. Times have elraugod since then. Tlio Pan Francisco liulletiu says thu Makalis ate the only Indian tribe on tho coast that have saved their laud and accumulated money. They own three scaling schooners and run tho only store in tho whole country. During the sealing season mod of thu bucks go as hunters, getting from three to live dollars for each skin. Two new winds to tho English lan guage, aru pioposed. One is "typo- script," to express the product of tho. type writing in, iclilnc. For thetypo writing machine itself he proposes tho jiamu "graphotype," leaving the Word type wilier to bo applied to the pretty girl who runs tho ma chine. These new words are needed, because they stand for now Ideas. Mrs. Hetty Green of New York enjoys an income of $3000 n day, and her totirl yearly expem-es ale said to lie less than fOOO. J Ier fortune at present Is estimated at it0,00i),000, and it is climbing at tho rato of mure than $1,000,000 a year. Mrs. Gicen has proved on sundry oe'ci slous that she is amply able to tako care of herself and tills big hunk of money, Pasteur's agents complain of tlio treatment thoy received in Austra lia. Everything that could lie done to Inconvenience them and tend to discredit tho doctor's processes for exteuninailng tho rabbit post was d.mo, and even Pasteur's letters for Institution to them were opened by tho colonial government. Tho Kivueh luiihnisndor In l,umlon will iusilluteau liupilry into thuelivum-utauccti. rrPEPST. This remedy is becoming so well ! known nnd so popular as to need no I snecial mention. All who have used JvlcctriePltteresIng tho same song of -praie. A purer medicine docs not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that Is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the liver nnd kidneys, will remove pimples, bolls, alt rheum and other affections cained by impure blood. Will drive malaria from theystcm and prevent us well aft cure all malarial fevers. For cure of headache, constipation and Indigestion trv Electric lUtters Entire satisfaction "uarunteed, or money refunded. Price OOcts. and $1.00 per bottle at Dan'l .1. Fry's drug store. The women of Colorado have taken to stock-raising. At least 1000 of them are said to be engaged In that" business. Oregon is one of the most produc tive states in the Union. Its vast mineral regions contains gold, silver, copper, iron, and coal. Its immense traets of grazing lands support thou sands of cattle and sheep, and its extensive agricultural regions pro duce all the cereals in abundance, the yield perncrc being, in some In stances, the largest in the world. Among the Useful and valuable prod ucts of the Web Foot State may be mentioned Oregon Kidney Tea, which has proved a boon to thou sands afllicted with pain in the back and kidney dilllculties. It is purelv of vegetable composition and never fails. Sold by D, W. Mathews. The opium habit has been largely Increased in Maine and Massachu setts by reason of the prohibition of the liquor tralllc. It should be generally known that Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic in- suicsa hearty appetite and increased digestion, dispels nervous depression and low spirits, overcomes lack of energy and wakefulness and will in fuse new life and strength into the weakest Invalid. Sold by 1). W. Mathewo. 06 d Gas J ff esidence Localities es- n ,, r mu eftEfuKK 0" C0'WaU0"9 ADDITION IS OWNED BY- LAND MFM And this Corporation is determined to Male x D 1 M km nve Mli Shoe and leather facts: More than one-half tho "morocco" leath ere used in tho United States are produced In the factories of Phila delphia. UMSUNT it hast. Kr n yunr t wiw tfixthi! with r'a 1 1 WJ lm. V ui.t I4, uud h4.!ios tl fv J of llMf nu. U.luoy trouble. I u i:mV, to Joy's Yfgowbl rturstparUla ' llu tr: liny tiiiuuuli lu itu jM it ad iiiM. Mat w pmrtlral I vra luOii el to I l Vnw lu ttkit iv It vroi mU v. '-. Is wuuM hi nay rate lo u bam it a :o.: ( PMtk hiMtlto u4 aflr iho t,v-u4 U4tl ) point a.l ,lw UU4PKM! .,4 t Ml IUiwwiuq. ltafcUomnrharmur.t i i mtmi uoujat la uy nutlt)' lu v . . .11... ....u ...... 1 . . !.. IV... ' JiUkJkV u. K.i ,,!. ..- It .-I.l .L umiiropoiuicai and arehiwloeUI ' ,,,,"is vur wu iumiih e nmii t y iw wn mo mvt ...ln I I.....I1.......... ,i. . ..n. i .. iSlntiw. Sumo of I ho IiiiiiiiIkm hi., ' lAt-'t KSWlti. i.n fmm :i ooi t.i t itu in .,.,,. ,i... vim uearlv ah laro as Hour barrels. ' J.- .?cmi iirinedonlv with bow am,W .,, ,.i Tliu plantation is 10 by 5W milt In ' rikr. fa tu, -hk sn-iKm NtouohntclietH.,,t 'itrw. Hallwuyt. tmwrao Itsousio rrr- - I .,.ll. II... t'. ..II ... II... .1...M.. .....III...' I III!-, IIIV llllll 1(1 lll PIIU1V. UII1I llll A SUtAI' OF I'Al'EJ: SVVLS Ill.lt MFC. Tt was just an ordinary scrap of writing paper, but it saved her life. She was in the last stages of con sumption, told Tiy physicians that she was incurable aud'could live on ly a short time; she weighed less than seventy pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she lead ot Dr. King's New Discovery, and got a sample bottle; it helped her, she bought a large bottle, it helped her moii", bought another and grew bet ter fast, continued it i use and is now- strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh- ing iiu puuuiis, a' or inner paiucu lais send stamp to W. II. Cole, Druugist, Fort Smith. Trial bottle of this wondei ful discovery free at Dan'l .1. cry's drug store. A S:fn Francisco paper says that men go in tho garden of life and pluck the sweet ripe peach while women must stay back and take the canned goods. This is tho season of tho year when the raw, cold winds create snd havoc with tho hands and complex ion. Soft white linnets and a clear "peachy" complexion can be as suredly preserved by tho frequent application oi uuiarirs bpeeuio. il rubbed into the skin well it leaves no greasy suilace. The skin absorbs It. Sold by I). W. Matiivws. One of the most prominent resi- uenis oi mo preity town iJirel-ln- Iland, Pa., is Colonel Bush. Tho colonel would be a very happy man if it were not for the fact that every smart Aleck he meets gets oil' thu proverb about a bird in the hiuid be ing worth two in tho bush. Itiirkh'ifs Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in tho world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped hands, chilblains, corns and all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles or no pay roquireu. it is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money reliinded. Price L" cents per box. For sale by Daniel .1. Frv, drug- gM- If you hsm a di-.eh.inre n-om tho nose, oltuiislM) or otherwise, pat'tlnl loss of the wiiio of binell, tiibto or hcnrlnir, "yes wn torIliKOfHXiU, feel lu!lorUelIIIMted,ulii or jnesiiroln the head; tako cold easily, yo;nuiy lost assured that jou hnvo on lurrh. TIioiimiiuU of eases tiummlly. with out innulfealtiig half of tho above' symp toms termumto la consumiuioa und end In tho grave, Xo disease is o common, morodoveptlve, U. imilerslood or more unsUivomnilljrtriMteilby iih)sieluus. Tho muaufuetuiorsnf Dr. Sago's Catarrh Hem dy lmve, ,ror many j our, oiloreil a. sUmd Ins reward or JX) for n rasoor'asui cv tnrrli, no matter how bad or of how long fctuadlngiWhleh they cannot cure. Hour oily sold by druggists nt 50 cents. gi Tho immediate symptoms of Dys pepsia, or Indigestion, aro a distres slnif seiwe of weight, onnnvslon mui jiillnej-s lu the stomach, heartburn. I osa oi appetite, tool breath, U'leh-j nig, uaiuieiiev, unusen iaius in tho shoulders and bivast. Dr. Henley's I llni.l.. I.... fl..I. ... isaiiui-iiuii i uuii' promoies ne.utiiv digestion and lenioves all unhealthy symptoms. Sold by.D. W.Mathews. To the city of Salem. Theyhavc at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have scarcely begun. It is intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through Riverside and High.: land additions and around Highland Park THE FINEST DRIVE IN THE STATE Of Oregon. The line of the Salem'Strcet Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no lots will be more than two uIocks instant irom tne line, .nigiiiuiiu ruin, win iu wo uou nuum uo THE MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT TIIE CITY OF SALEM. ; Lois in Highland Additon are High and Dry and Well heated; Most Excellent Drainage The soil is black and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings and our highest mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for tho location of two churches in this addition, and a mimberof residences are soon to bo built. .Buildings only of the best class wilPbe permitted. Residence lots within the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over 1000. We can sell you better lots in High land addition for one-third of the money, nnd being directly on the line of tho street railway they ara practi cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of tho town as the majority of the so called "inside lots." i Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars, And Inf. khtik .tlinr follnu imv SlflOfl fnr nn Infarlnr Int. tint, an tvnll lnnntnrV With tho flHrnrpiiPfl nf 31700 vnn nan build u beautiful cottage, or put it out nt a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand street car ra tickets every year. ' ,- J "S3 I-I. P. RANKIN'S, Pa Shop SEE HERE! No.iiJlJ Commercial St. -0- Jlouse and Carriago Painting, Sign writing, 1'aper lianging and decorating, Wall tinting and kal- sominlng executed iu tho latest style. Experienced Workmen Employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call and see us before you let your work. Th'j nuyra s guide is isujd M xch and Sept., ouch year. It is nn ency clopedia of useful infor mation for nil who pur ch&30 tho luxuries or tho necessities of life. We can olotho you and furnish you with all tho nocosscry nnd unnecessary nppUancos to ride, walk, danco, sleep, ent, fish, hunt, work, go to chinch, or stay at home, uud in various sizes, stylos and quantities. Just iIruvo out what is required 10 do all those things COMFORTABLY, and you can make n fair estimate of the valuo of tho BUYERS' QUIDS, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents io pay postago, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. Ill-Ill Michicau Avonue. Chicago, 111. If there is anyone in the whole state of Oregon who wants to return to the east he should read this advertisement: jdHNF.STRATTON&SON Importers nnd Wholesale dealers in MUSICAL MEKCHANDISE. New York, 13 nnd -15 Walker St. John P. Stratton's Celebrated Ku slan Out Violin strings, the Klnestlntho World. A Bargain For $100 KtU.Ull). $100. The nwiters oj ilia Joviwai. will be 1IwimI to lini tlmi thoisj nt Uxut one ttrvntded itlMSiko mm sclem-o lu been ublo Ucun In all lu ttti Hti,d that U catarrh, UtiltNitVtJirmli urn- U the only posltlv o i nuw knoxni to thoiiUMlloul fratcra' OiHrrh belot n fuumtloiml dln-a. a uuirvn MUaiiiutiuual tnutmeut. aII' P. .!.. n . - ! Uiurrli eurv U tku mtf a illy, actnu; ill- rai!IH lirOCCrlt wuj ujshi iu ii.oa him nttietu ur- mc r lUe )kwi, thereby lU-.tnijIii; UH' HMII1IWIIU11 MPUr7BLlTJATn ih immiw JOS. ALpCUT. AseiitV Klil 3E .MLSKl'l Im IpIV. Henry elnvt. IXSURAIIRl.; C o m p n u y . Flro nnd iln-rlue. - SnlPin, Oregon DR. JORDAN & Co.'s OF AXATOMY 751 Market st.8.m rmuclsco c.oand le-arn how to avoid dlsp.ise. CoiiMiluuinn .and trratiueat (icrvonallv or by letter, on kHniMterrhmi ircenltnl weakness, nnd all dNitisso-of men. isoiul for n Ixiok. I'rliile Ortleo 211 fonkultntlon free. MM PROPERTY! Our Guarantee If a dealer receives a complaint, (which he believes to be honest) from nny musician to whom he has sold nny of these strings, ho is authorized by us to give him nnother string without charge, and nil such loss will be mndeeooa by us to our customers, without quibble or question. (Beware ol imitation.) Dealers will please send tor descriptive catalogue. Tradj supplied at lowest price. . ST. PAUL'S Boys The and Girls. school will open on -To.'Exchange for- OR WON LAI For Bargains jf v the 24th of September. Thorough Instruc tion in tne primary ana na v.nced English Branches. LITIS AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -In course.- 'liHtMtf und further Information may be bad on application to iu:v. v. a. post. Cor. Chemeketa and HUtoBts. 8-20-tf Northern Pacific Railroad. A GOOD CHANCE ( ilia dUnksOv ami iMvIik- HAtsnris r-nn . r- Ih.-ikillnt .i .,n, l i...u.,,.... ' 'PUnjWlC ... ... lJ fill V 1 V-" I fill I.' J I I . -. - -- ... uj wit-.iki uii . it. , klUU&Alt t Auemgau iiuaru win, four (cot i ennw now maturing on i.iVK) aertw nwiiirii Ttln rAI r . .oluihHuu umtui.ii- ,,,, i.i..i,...' J In tJilekneiMt, that ,lcld gold to the I U Uixi.oOO bunohw. HoginniiiK u wufk- Tb v'prwi nve w much c-,,, ronsions, Fruits Etc.. . --, l HlllOllIlt llf f.10.lKX) tolbl) tllll Is III., 'ullll K..I,l.u,,U.rtl.Ull... ,m.uw.u ,,. . IH. t.mXJjfiaUnf, i..... "......ii..:.ui .I...I.. hi ..".." ' .".w . -" ::r - v."". """"r " r"" ". .itsiw ... ...... ......... ,...,. ,t ..ill .Mini. , l.lllll l llliTII III .11MV lliri VV1T.V (HIV. WI k'.i-V bbly lKllllKVvslbIe to loc..lo olllsldo Tlio limuiinl nf iiiuiu v nti.-iifv if Imaulnutloii. ( jH'nd.il on llie laniatl.in In ftkii.iKm. SSikllAU. I.llll. o'w. 4i, JoJumj Hull, due , nue youru nxra with ' lleurile jkiHcrv, that thy oiler ixlorHwfc'id 0u,,a'-r..r.y cae that tt UiWt cru x i v la, ilk ixmuty," 3r. AilJnwt'.J.rlOAi'vuvi .i.i.. Md by lru:UU,Ti. , Cjri Hand utows, rotul Stroot,3ulom. Or . a.ry produce of all ! J J-Fnr rtieularscnll at this office. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. TWO FAST TRAINS DAILY! NO CHANGE OK OARS SHORTEST. LINE TO CHICAGO And all points East via St. PAUL aud MINNEAPOLIS. Tho Northern I'uclflc railroad Is the only line running F-assencertralus.-Second class kleeers (rree of charge) Luxurious Day couches, l'ullman lalace Hleepinif Cant, Palace 1)1 ul ag Cars, (meals 75c) froui Port laud to tho east. eo that your ticket read via th Northern iaclno railroad and avoid the change of cars. $75 tn 'r.QRO "NT" can be made )PJM lU'OA'Jw working tor u.. Aireuis V. .... ...in .m.) i. . - preft rrcd Leave Portland at 8 a. m. and 8:40 p. in. dally arrlvo nlMlnnmnnlls or HL Paul at tfctti p. m. Pal'uio D i visiojr. Trains leave Front audO ktnet dally at ll a. m, and &M ktndkihray on ' Viv t ilvot hHr wl ola Ii... tii,i..rtJI'I't'- "na ' l- ? Armenli-ucomaat 7:10 p mand A f"w?ao "nciwl U?wnsand i aif p' L.1,,rouSu 1u''"" "w Weeping -Am.. nnon iCo., IIU) Main U Itleliiuoinl, uu iwieiuii irult wuh me bo. i N. it.-ii. ..a -.... ., - .-. . r VH...,v VA- keudlnc 4-6-(nai na'.ssvss; aula ,j,6si?y? i i r . .... ,H -,, ,v. nuu ...In.. nl.n... II... I kt....n.. -'-. M.M HUUUI .. . ..... iur iTfiiy. Jl, . J , "o. nisi, tlmt nalacA cars between l"urii..iid,'racouiuand KatU uirvvi. iniiy kerviti A. u. uilAKUiv Ak. Ufnl'-is.Afceat, 131 First HC, Cer. HiMtlliituilbt., Portland, Oregon. IWjxi oriu r First uodU Wra, l a vSu.. t , .. .i-j. i '.j. M.' Jti,ij.:it-