i m SUBSCRIBE , i Foil THE CAPITAL JOURNAL: -TI!K- i BEST PAPER IX SALEM, er"You will bo well pleaded ntli lt,-?P VOL. 2. SALEM, O REG OX. MQXBAY, JULY 1, 1889. NO. 104. ijtaatuaagagrgsgaff3gpga?j3aggggpxjaattjjgg: IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT WILL IIK A GOOD INVESTMENT. 49-Tlie Terms nro Most Rcasonable'CS -, CAPITAL JOURNAL. "l"tMgM3ggWBBMBMBMMIMMiwwMiiwHwyMWBWMB3 z From Sew York and Chicago THE FINEST GOODS A lirl k pii ml iiffj i till 1Iiw1j ALIlk VMIUUIIIIp,.! WI 4.. "IIIMD IW k(1.U J VITHUI llilll mlngri, Plaid, Ht.lpeiind plain Surahs, linilds, Plushes, etc, RIBBONS, KID GLOVES AN!) SUNSHADES 7ND PARASOLS. Full and C Beaded Shoulder tie FWi f-A Curtains, CST"A full and complete -Goods. " No. 239 Corner State LUNN &. ' ' 08 ii'-LlAh 01yi)Hl GOODS aMJXOTIONS. - Nice lines of white goodsrtfbo sold at prices far below their actual ' - "J&- value. Wo have new and elegrmh light-weight coats and vests which wo TV FJ W T T "H " r will sell for less than other defierV pay for them. We have cotton llun- P V u$ 3 P I nels, twelve yarfs forl; whhC'goooJi. fourteen yards forl; dressbuttons, ,, ,C4 M 0 N 11 vi f Oc per dezen: dress goods, uspal price NJ. now 85c: houseliniiurs. 3o ner. Ll h I I 1 L. B O H I J yard; lawns 4lc a yard. z "irarirmirTrrT 'TJiQflrfjaussafTastasgaagg.g, ttmi hmt im Liveof Stable.. d. Mocey lma lutefr purclins.L'd the Liv ery ,nnd Feed StaWo (ormerly owned by "WngiierAGermui and now conducts A Ho has Honit of the bent rigs in the city. Give him ncall'aud It will 1 Oiled with great proniptrieAs. ,t DAVID T. WILLIAMS, . l'roprlctoc of 9-()rders li Will receive pron George I. Sayes has been appointed special aeentrtor the abovo laundry and any waMilng left with him will be prompt ly attended to. 3-l'rlces reasonable and worlt guaran tcd. -r - J. J. CULVER, County Surveyor. JAMES WALTON, ToJoftrapher. W. H.tBYA!6. jpvll Engineer. Byars.JnTci'i Walton 9nrveydrs it Topographers, StuSfoys, drafts, plaU lrinaNyui devrlptloiA if yfnd54jiwnlots, and roid", dlli?hsstreet!', su'iri. alleys, ffftvctn-i Jniin mill furnlsliet jfi-nnnable nrlecs. Old Uoht Soia TRAWTconiers and lines re-e-w. u E. ounixt tablUhed from original toY, K.T. fleld notes. Gnidea for dllches, roadH. streets or,f,w' cm. with estimates Airnifhed on appl ca tion. AddreAs County Bureyor oillce. Selcm, Oregon. ESTAnmiiKD nv satio.vai. autiiohitv ttl iid OF . i SALEM Capital Paid up, - - OREGON. 75,000 10,000 Surplas, ' It. H. WAIXACK. FrcaidcnU W. W.-3tAUTIN. J. H. AI.HF.IIT, -President. . Cashier. DIRtCTj Si W.T.'Oniy, r,W.3lurtln, , J. 31. Martin, a Wallace. II. Albert. Dr. W. A.Cuslek. T. M turn. LOAN IvlADH To farmen on neat and other market- able produt conjlirned or m torv. either Stale awi Coaitv Warrants MtU al Par. FIIlSTW--m Salem Stem Laundry. SALEJloitEOON. Pft. sA Stelner's grocery store- jJXsMlC'UtlOll 9kjFwSc ij ThcCapital National Bank COMMERCIAL PAPER )IOif Kopg snd CulcutW. I 'II L U I PTT?,AT AT.P.I IN THE CTY. h -PS:3- DRESS GOODS 'V . flilil K SItif- 4i ttmfnll 111 lrnuti ti i-!tn GLOYIM ALL KINDS stock of Men's Furnishing and Commercial Streets. BROWN. 9 i SALEM. OREtiON. OH. J. itKVNOIjb.S, 'y Kt I.ATITl M'reHldent. Vice President. - - Cashier. JOHN AHJ1K, BANKING, Kxctiangoon poHJand, San Franclhco, Xw York, IJndoiKnnd Heni: Konjr bought and solfl. Htutcvounty and City warninta boulit. Karniexs lire cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. liberal advnneesvjiiado on wheat, woolihops and other property at reasonable Kites. Insurance un ucli se curity can bo obtained at the bank in most reliable companies. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines; Fisher, v Proprietor. Corner Ferry and Llbertstrects. N. E. cor from Cheifh&keto h6iel,8.ilem,Or. Good nccommodatpins nxcommerclal travelers. First-cla4 riga nlvayon hand Charges reasonable M C M. I0CKWC0D, SALEM, ... -OREGON Headquarters for the, Willamette 'Valley forth eelcUrated-vColiiirfbla bicycles and tricycles; TlioColfttnblisiiio well known, are the bcM made, amtfliavo valuable Im provements fortho yJtNw'J'hne wanting machines will do wcliio cinMm or corres pond with mo beforj nurcliafttug. OIllco atnilbe:t Ilros.' b:nli !M7 Commercial ht Salem. DO YOU AT? If you do, W. C, T. U. f the TAURANT In tho oticm hoi where s-ou can get a good clean if evenlnir. any time of day or This restaurant ft. imder new manage. nient and uitUf.ic-Mon Is guaranteed. J-.v. erytUIng Is in flrtA.-las sIiuih- ilr.onilMn. 8. K IIOWAni), Tho New Managers, THE HOME RESTAURANT, 1 Taring been furnljud avlng been lurnlJIed for the osiecIal n n fnltc nocommci niioiir oi uio iiuuiii. c tho alte: f the tho HUNGRY I and sleepy one Our Home" beds, now ana cienn; goou nlnrlv three tim o ' meals servea reg- t'ninwe in the kitchen. Oi bee (or youM If. E. M LAW, Proprietor. tor. Court and High 81., Halem, Or. 1)11. If. SUlTir, DENTIST, i Has a new nrowl by jWHcli lie can ni ' ..i.i of nrtllleT.il Ulbfio lierfectly that l,nBCnu t with tlienell the limt dy u.y rc lnerpd. flute weurnip I'mo onnoyamof them- ; nd get . jj'i j i rivt-d nniicoinrnir.Mi"uiu mi "n ': iiiiMt;iu Annus i JMiiuroKiencs itiiii ra i'H jkfe -,1 J .. .. J IV..! ! i H,ii.L .,' WLL3 tVWMi., HH- BK'iET.'W IVT . tf Th.-'i eIr E1JllIti&4 LW tTV" T"- . - Ifcifces in Alf Widths. t'aw2H;ir!2S "'Wraps and latest Novel- Tl k sin ocariSi vw wi,n,m i :...ii .. J.. ...i 1. ..i...n... s w ni:iuit-jii9t iui-ci t;u uuiut.' ivuii;l:ui hum ;wuiis, Jiieiuuiiig many V novelties In Mimnier nlnrliiniX 3 will soil tlinsii vir nlir;in Pnlass. -R.-. i-i-! .-.- r "" ""' b""' X4- " " '"" . - -- - - i -- v j- v-l-sj. j Ja' i x Nationa Bank catlft m k. i.iTir NOtt ier r i?nu njoiu e-tf a u.0 u at u u cairma gSl,"SSrt Tin rwt.Vk0VwnW. ' Wn,urr", 7 .::'&S3!rr r ITfZkSSi r 5rtn5raffi5E4 Rwas$ rjfft,,si2i.YVMM$rafSM v n m m wrs KUEUf rr mm . ska hm $3iesffiKssaiKfias.! W IH5 m. SK HHW1fffyf5l W'i fl; 7 SE3 1 MMySflKKaaWfrSR -7, 1 ilffi a Wo will sell all kinds of goods at the wvno relative llgures. Call and i rif ifiiiiiirrwi rmir rr nni-n rnn incr tviitia nii.t oiii iiia n inmuioi j Capito! Adventure Company, rJ OPERA. Salem, - A..E.STRANG, No, IMJ Commercial Street, SALEM, - - OREGON. DEALEn IN f STOVES and NGES I'ltifliliiutf, Gas and Fillins. Tinware andVAr, Metal Vork a bBcciaitv j-r. 7 I. tea- Airent for the ;t 'TtUJHAUDSON i HOYNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. ttilillol.nil In HUH lis- New Butcher) Shop AT NO. HO STA'TE ST. ANOKVlE kx IIANSOME. Hn vo opened up n nr dabs butcher shop at the above locatlofl. lcro they will bo pleased to herve therfeopUS itn mo a CHOICEST .fiND UH.ST jqCATS of all kinds thaffho market nffords. Give them a call and bo convinced of tho superiority or their meats. i-Ooods dellveiedfree. WI1EX YOU ARE UUNtlRY Star M 21( Coin u JVhero you can get a first-class lm any price from a nickel up. No Chi oh for namen arecinpioycu. .NOTICE OF ELECTION. VTOTICE is hereby given that thcro will bo IN an election held ut the Alert Hook and ladder truck houso at Salem, Oregon, on Jlonday, July 1, 18SH, between the hour of "o'clock ft. m and i o.rlock p, m. of said day for the purpose of electing a chief engi neer ami nn assistant engineer or tho Sa lem Fire department for thecnijulng year, und thofollowlng pertonsare named nnd n.immiiiir-il .(mitre of mini ffleellon lo-wlt: J.U.Ucjotli.W J- Clark. Wult Ixiwc, J.. K 1'rult. The following persona ore HpjKilnt- ..! (Tlprktt. tfiwtl Fraser. Done by order of the Itoard of Fire Delegates of tho1 Halem Flro lx-art-ment. JunolO, IniO. Attest: S. T. lUcil.uinu. Pre. IJ F. 1). 8. IVD. il. u. niarr unci a. i A.I., 1 KAsmt, riecrcuiry H. F. I). 8. K. J). IH 6-1 It ATTENTION farme; lllg, little, new, old.sccon rolllnr. nai.improveu, unit , und In fact ulf KII1US 01 Farmsyror Sale, A good fjnarchenpand croplUcijun n Come and eu before yeu buy. THOMAS & PAYNE j llcan stic i. w yj i.. vV. , g X 9 ftrcial fHreci, IR! . . ilninnd iiiirovu 07 UTATK ST,, SALIiM X. HOUSE CORNER, Oregon. uvneriTTmr rrw TrmtxxxoMtasn ium regon Corner Mill and Su nor Sis., mi tvV larec isicuks ne ioi, iiii'iii, ui. PLEA ROOMS TABLE. Lodgii.Per Day, $1. l-rco transportation or Miassengers baggage to and from depot? and I!. .1. nllAHP, Proprietor. AANTi;i. WANTKI) A Hltimllon by a boy 11 years ' old, on farm or fcloelt rnncliu. A good worker, vim plow or tend stock. Call nt tho ollicool tho CAl'lTAl, .louitNAi. for"U." MtfWl WANTElJABeniTcmiiii nfilvo years ex ' perleuco i l cmiinilhslon business wants a position Indoors wlieto ho can put in all his tlmo. Has had boiiiocxpcrlcuro In teal t't n to and lnaiuruuv; IsukooiI hand in a waiohouke; Ik agotid mat 1 lomut le-Iiill and eon keep lionkn anil innlco himself general ly useful nnd is not afraid of work, ltcst of reierences given. Addiess "H.," Joun kai. Oinci:. 5-lltf roit IlKNT. I70II l!i:Nt'.-Iu a lino locality, several 1 nlwlv furnished rooms, either with or Wit llltllT uouru I''or particulars call upon Win. . Arnold, 7 i win iter street. M..JM i . 1.1 FOIt SAf.i: i;Otl BAI.K.- A Fa KM OF :tST AClfilS 1 all under fuueonnd eultlvailun, la tho et range iuntry of Kastern Oregon. The best ohame ever oifitred lor u man to 1 engage In stuck rals.tuir. For oartlculurs union or iuiureu v.lI.nYAUS,Saloin,Oie80ii. hOClBTY NOTIUIW. aWVKIJDUBNil-l", I. O. O. F iihcIh In OdihFullttws'iIull upstairs. Cornei . .i,Tii(inr.,lnl IviliLjirrv kfr.-.'fll ovitpv Hilt. Nol. I. Com tin. iayai7:wp.rn. T,oiu:(jr. "v J ,.... ..W. . J ...., .v.,, ...r A ,a WAiroN, htcretnry. N. J A. 11. Hedgwlck Pos; ;, No. 10, Depart ilHuwry Monday M. nient or uregon, im eveniiiKHttliii hull uver I ho Oregon lmd comtfl!iy'v.ollle,.'lIIIng uoiurades nri cordially limiixf Toutlend, rd ally IiIYUiif loatlenit. A. Wvfnja.Kii, I'osi i F. HotrTlWIciJ7yjjta H A. W'JntAXt.r.u. Post ComimidtT, II. Proposals for Huffer. fpHB HOAIID of Trustees of tho Oregon i state 1iiwiii'uIiiiii hereby invito sealed proposal for furnishing nt the iuyliihi,JUO iNiuinU, more or It ', of butter of best inuil Ily, to Imi flirulklltMl in such ijimnlltUw and III sucu 1111104 us rciuirisi, lurmm y.-nr. 'Hie ri(ht to rd''i any and ull bids Is ro her'l. . .... lllds will be opened at 11 o clock a. in, Tuesday, J illy ID. 10. HV I.VKHTKlt PKNNOVItlt, OHO. W. MlIllUDK, O. W.WKIIII. Iksird nt TriuU'C-s, Yn. 31UM.V, Clerk of lUmtti. c-aw-w, and Dravs. MEAD new drill's upared to uuall bui- iperru 11 to 'ojll it.firi-litl WK.t . fA I'M W SAT r AMD croao wmm wi mi m wmmMM m " Trucks iVIUbMK(3i 'An nnw idCrijiiJ With fl NUi UV. ....UM.V N .... . ..... ir , .. h-. KM IiniM! Him llllJ'i ' V5' "' '"elf I sSwii ll r .r . '. .- Uv uIh klf'x U Out of r.iilli-tuli Into Flood. "I cscnpoil but left my clotlic.. I was not very prooiitiiblo, but my wife thought I could explain after ward. I hud gone homo and was taking a bath, I was In tho tub when ehu callud mc that the Hood was coming, and ho frightened wins she that I jumped out, realized tho situation in u moment, and with only tho bath towel for a covering I started for tho hills with her. Wo escaped, but mv clothes went with tho house and all I pososscd down tho river. It was somewhat awkward but I guess my wife was right. I can apologi.o or let her do it for mc. They'll believe her, per haps, even if they wouldn't believe me." Johnstown Letter. Knew lie Was of Age. A. U. Marsh was judge at demo cratic primary. Monday. A young smooth-faced follow offered his vote, and Marsh asked him if ho was old enough to vote. "Yes," says the fellow, "lam 21." "How do you know?" "Well, I hsivo had tho seven-year-Itch tlireo times," was tho re- HpailHC. An American traveler in Trinidad, tho island that Columbus reached and christened after his long and anxious journoy of 1408, says tho asphaltum lake there that supplies tho world covers nlnty-ntne acres and contains millions of tons of pitch, which is renewed as fast as taken out. Trinidad is the place where oysters grow on trees. The bivalves aro raked oil' llko fruit from the root of tho mangrovo run nlni; through tho cliff's Into tho water. Ta&s. Tlic Chief Ilrnion lor tno groat SUO cess ot Hood's Sarsaparllla la found In taa artlclo Itself. It Is mcilt that wins, and tilt fact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually a compllslies what Is claimed for It, Is what has given to this medicine a popularity and salo greater than that of any other sarsapa ! I -...: Alnp rllla or M004 purl iVlcNI Wins flerbeforo tho public. Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Blck Headache, Wllousncss, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appotlto, strength ens tho Nerves, builds up tho Wholo System. lloo.l'n Miirnmrlllii Is sold by all drug gists. ?t;slxfor?5. Prepared by C. I. Hood (cCo., Apotliecailcs, Lowell, Mass. REED'S OPERA HOUSE. Lauri k Bell Comedy Company Wedncsdny Nighyvul' 3d, The greatest of nlfeomcdlts, EGISTS! Fourth, (Slon Huccess, , Main l I IIU I Ulllll Y I IKII.M fio funniest of all musical farces. Heats on tale at Pattou's. Oeuontl adiiilkslou '.'' and fA', scats 7fi'!. Ileerved CllOI'IWslONAI, (). 1(1)4. I J. HIIAW, attorney nt luw.Malem.Oie- j " gon. Ullleu iiit-siairs 111 1110 ruuon block. "i J. JIW.s'ImVJTT isiTfTTIhT:. .1 imii-n lii llii-WVi- Hunk Illnck. Coin meri'lal striJrfT'.ileihsrllgn of the big tooth. "" iiw DHYBftfAiV-SflW. filOl. it. McCoY I iihyslclaiivHiid uirrrou, has located una iukcii ver Houlro Furrars grocery store tile diseases u sneo la uy. Coustiltation free. 12-'Jldw r wiTj.rAStH. Ki-iofooTiA pirufi WTT ml Tyrmwrltcrfjopyist. Will iiiake reiHirls of trJaT.fc.; opylnif on tyiio wrltcruecunitUnnd neatly done, (nilca with I A 3lnrfnlnif, ijmmerclul Ht., Up ktulrs, NuW'fSunk Illwk. or mic. A millibar o re tnu-t nf desirable Iuud within Vl a half mlliMof Halem, iVm j.x)u,iwtrucie. ui .irck VJVO ti 1 1 acHamubum.v, (irmSiciu! jwK, Wli Sm thHtrat Tliunsduy NfgitL Jul 1 ho latest Jumdon aiuFW 'It-ATJI II 11 o n 1 airJarnjM uiiji 4taii jfl I fl f -1 1 I , LATEST BY TBCEGRAPH A Itieh .Mining Discovery. lU.AciciooT City, Mont., Juno30. Grave fears aro entertained of n general uprising and wholesale butchery lit tho Oro Fino mining district, on account of claim jump ing by two brothers named Moore, who have taken cowboys In their employ. Saturday one of tho Moores, In sinking an artesian well, uncover ed what is supposed lo bo the richest vein of goldj and silver bearing quartz in tho territory, and they jumped the whole townsito of Cham pion, near Deer Lodge, under the mineral laws. Dozens of claims have been staked out on the lead by jumpers, and a messenger has been sent to Helena to enable them to re tain possession of the property. An old -miner, who saw the quartz, says It Is richer than that of granite, and estimated it to bo worth 5,000,000. Colorado Itnnlc lloblicrs. Di:nvi:u, Col., June 30. A special from Tellurlde, Col., says: Deputy Sheriff' Kuouso and Sherill' J. Love, brought in two men accomplices of the bank robbers. Thoy were shad owed nnd found carrying ammuni tion and provisions to tho robbers, who nro hidden in tho hills between the Dolores und Maucos rivers. Ho says lie Is sure that Jicrt Madden, Hob Porter, Mat Warner and Tom MeCarty committed the robbery, and that they havo been preparing for this for some Imo. They aro still In tho hills, surrounded for miles with a heavy growtli of brush, ami no trails havo been seen except at tlmos on tho outskirts. Some twelve or fifteen men aro still in pursuit. Transcontinental Travel. s San Fkan'cisco, June 30. Travel to tho east Is very quiet, and first class travelers aro few and far be tween. From tho east, however, travel Is better, and the Pullman tourist cars seem to hit the mean be tween first-class sleeper and immi grant very happily. During tho last week arrivals on this coast by the Phllipps excursion, using tour ist ears, wero twenty-two for Port land, llfty-four to this city, nnd thirty-eight to Los Angeles. Tho outlook hero is said to bo very good font heavy fall and winter travel to this coast. A FI001I nt Hong Kong. San Fhancisco, June 30. The steamer Itlo do Janeiro arrived lute to-night from Hong Kongand Yoko hama. One of tho most destructive rain storms In tho history of Hong Knng occurred May 21) and 30. The total rainfall for thirty-three hours was twonty-nlno and a half Inches, nt times tiie fall measuring nearly three inches per hour. Hong Kong papers do not venture to mention the losi to private property, such us realdenecH, stores, etc., hut places tho estimated loss to public property nt about fcJOO.OOO. Clan-Nu-Uiiel. Philadelphia, Juno 30. Dr. Peter MeCaliey, acting for Clan-nu-gael hore suspended eight camps of that order, compilslng the Sullivan faction, for refusal to contribute t76 each to aid In the prosecution of (he Croiilu murderers. It Is apparent that serious iiMU'rouccs have arisen between members of tho Clau-na-gacl proper and the Irish nation alist faction, which will result In tho expulsion of the latter element from the order In this city. About 3000 members aro In tho order here In good standing. (loyalty ami halior, liuuH.ici.H, Juno LHJ. The shah of Persia made a visit to tho works of the Zurli.g to-day accompanied by King Leopold. A delegation of worklngmeu wnlted upon the king, His majesty shook hands with them and addressed them, saying: "You work In your sphere ami I In mine. A II workcis are members of thesame family and should Join hands. Tell your comrades my feelings nro In be hulf Helgliiin, of union mid strength. " Noillicrii l'ucillu I'lmiN. St. Paul, Juno 30. T. F. Oakes, president of the Northern Pacific rallwuy, in an Interview In this city, denies emphatically that his com pany prop'Msos to withdraw from th fir Canadian relations. He says they aro building rapidly through MnnlMiin. mill nilmllu Hint m.ir.illn. ., ' , ... ... I tlons aro underway turning to the juurchuio of the ?sortlivrn Central ' rallwuy, Terrified Negroes. Uaivtimoke, Juno 30. Tho ne groes of Southern Maryland are paulc-strlcken over meteoric displays seen In that section during the last two nights. Reports were received from Prince George's county of a large meteor seen. The information comes that hundreds of superstitious negroes in tho lower counties aro so terrified that they will not work, nud are spending their time In pray er and singing hymns In tho belief that the world is coming to an end. Accident to a Sleep-Walker. San Ukknahdino, Juno 30. Ear ly this morning Mrs. Samuel Cun ning of Cucamonga, who has beea hero for tho past ten days, stopping at a private hospital, walked In her sleep and Jumped from a three-story window, breaking her arm and Jaw, and injuring herself internally. She lived about six hours. Mackerel Growing Sraree. Chicago, Juno SO. People who like mackerel will hnvo to pay big prices for them next winter, for this summer's catch is almost a complete failure. Old fishermen think they havo crossed tho Atlantic nnd thcro seems to bo some grounds for believ ing so, as mauy mackerel nro now being caught ofr tho Irish and En glish coasts.. ADDITIONAL LOUAL NEWS. Article of Incorporation, Articles of incorporation wero tiled with the secretary of stufo to dayas follews: Tho Mineral min ing coinpnny of Portland, with B. P. Cardwell, J. W. Mluto nnd C. P. Church incorporators. Their busi ness Is to buy, sell, hold, lease, own and work mines. Katates In Probata, In matter of tho guardianship of M. Veazy, u spendthrift, Frank Uuskey appointed guardian and files bond in sum of $850, which Is approved by tho court. John C. Booth, Ed. N. Edes und L. H. Tarpley aro appointed appraisers. In matter of tho estnto of Henry Steiuhauscr, John Calvert, adminis trator, llles application for final settlement. Ill TrltU Postponed. The trial of James McClovelund, for drawing a revolver on Ike Ford 011 Inst Saturday night, was post poned until seven o'clock this even ing. McClovoland Is the young mnn who has bcon employed oh waiter at Hcllenbrand'H eating parlors, and tho charge against him Is that of drawing a revolver on young Scott, whom he met walking hvlth a party friend. Scott escorted the birdie home and at once put the officers on track of McClevcland. There will bo four street cam at the Capitol to-night when the oxor clses close, to furnish transportation down town for tho many. A Knock-down Argument. " Weel, John, how aro you to-day?" said a Scotch milliliter t ono of his parishoners on meeting him on the roud "Gey weel sir: goy wool," re sponded John, cautiously, "gin it wasna for the the rheumatism in mo rlehtleg." "Ah, weel, John, bo thankful, for thero is no mistake you uro get ting old llko tho rest of us, and old age, you know, doesn't come nlond.'; "Auld age, sir," returned John, I wou'er to hear ye! Auld ago bos uacthlug to do wl't. Here's my Ither leg Jlst as auld, an' it's quite sooud and sooplo yet." Attention has been culled to the Httle-appreelated value of soupstoiio as a protective disintegrating Influ ence of the atmosphere. It ha long been used In China to keep sandstone and similar materials from deterioration, and perisliablo obelisks havo been preserved in that country for many centuries by a paint made from powdered soap stone. The substance Is said to be csjicclally adapted as paint to pre vent the corrosion of Iron and steel. The American pany hau been execution com lucorKrated in Chicago, Its object being to exeeute criminals sentenced to deuth. Tho Idea Is to employ hangmen and open correspondence with all tho United States with a view to execu ting criminals "with neatness and dispatch." An exchange which oflered a prite lo any ono who could make two words signifying "not enough" out of tho single word 'enough' says that tsovernl of Its ludy reader hm t)ie, wrq "ope uijr,'l Si 1 I . 02 I U v PI h