if THE CAPITAL JOUKNAL. . NEW ZEALAND'S WILDS. What an American Tourist Saw In the Antipodal ITondofLand. When I staVtcd from Los Angeles, about two years ago, says' a correspondent of the San Francisco Call, it was not with tho in tcntlon of exploring in this land of wonders, nor becoming one of a surveying party. TVnat a sjorohouso of curiosities New Zealand is. Boiling lakes of sulphur, of mud and of water, alongside of which, very often separated by a wall of rock scarcely a foot In thickness, aro to bo found pools of ico cold water. Smoking volcanoes, every day earthquakes, as the pcoplo hero call thorn; snow-clad peaks, magnificent water falls, great precipitous mountains, tower- ing thousands of feet into tho air and nearly covorod by splendid virgin forosts of rare and useful wodds. Rich deposits of u gum Known in mo commercial world as a kauri aro scattered over largo portions of tho north island; great flolds of coal, iron, copper, gold, silver, otc., aro lying ready for tho capitalist and tho workman. It struck mo as most singular that naturo , should havo so magnificently favored these t .three littlo islands thousands of miles from civilization and loft its immense island continent neighbor, Australia, so nearly barren. I had always belioved that my own dear country, America, was tho only placo on earth where theso mysteries of naturo reigned supremo, but I havo learned, guessing through telescopes, tho height of tho great Sutherland waterfall, named after tho discoverer, has for tho last year or more been exciting discussion between tho various learned associations of Australia and Now Zealand, and in fact tho " Royal (Jeograpical Society of Great Britain had taken a hand in tho talking and figur ing. Scientific men journeyed all the way from old England, France and Australia to Milford sound situated on tho west coast of New Zealand to have a guess at this re markable freak of nature. Guess, I say, for not one of tho many "wiseacres" could get a nearer view of the falls than sixteen miles. Well, to show how good these men of science were with guessing through the telescope tho answers ranged from five hundred to five thousand feet So exciting uuu Docome iuo solution 01 us height, and so many accidents had occurred to adventur ous spirits in their endeavors to solve the mystery, that tho New Zealand Govern- ment, either becoming afraid of an inter national or intercolonial conflict, got in the other day and spoiled tho fun by sending out a surveying party to get tho facts and figures and cut a track to the falls at all hazards. This was a mistake, for it less ened tho interest taken in Now Zealand which tho dispute has kept at fevor heat for over a year. On arrival at Milford sound wo were met by Mr. Sutherland, tho discoverer of tho famous falls. To tourists and New Zea landors he is known as tho "Hermit of Mil ford sound." Eleven years ago, accompa nied only by his dogs, he located here, where ho has built a three-room cottage, which ho keeps scrupulously clean atid in apple-pie order. The kitchen occupies the center room, his bedroom on tho right and tho other always, ready for any wanderer who may happen along. Around the walls of this curious dwelling are some fair sketches of the mountain scenery, drawn by himself. Bottles of minerals, gold quartz, rubies, etc., are neatly arranged on shelves. Skins of rare native birds deco rate and hide the bareness of the walls, and their beauty is enough to mako a lover of zoolatry envious. Sutherland is a Scotch man and a decidedly eccentric character, but tor all that a fund of information and dry humor. Ho has no love for the city "chaps," calling them "ashfelters." Tour ists ho has in great contempt, saying they will take any tmngtney can aft; photog raphers, who occasionally visit tho sound, are spoken of as "snadow-catencrs." The first stage of the journey after leav ing the sound is done by boat up the Arthur river. For the next two miles a series of nnnavigable rapids are passed until the fern tree but at the foot of Lake Ada is reached. Again entering our canvas boat, we had plajn sailing for three miles the length of the lako passing through some of the most beautiful and grandest of scenery. At tho upper end of this lako two large rivers enter. Ono was chris tened Walhohepa by tho chief of our party, tho other Poseidon by Mr. Sutherland. Getting out of the lako wo again encoun tered two miles of rapids up to tho 10 by 12 tent. Hero the track follows tho river for six miles to tho birch hut Although now but a milo from the falls, it was a very hard ono to walk. For tho full dtstancoa great land-slldo had come down from the mountain side, completely obliterating tho track. Ice, snow, earth, stones and fallen trees many over threo feot In diameter, some of which had been snapped off and broken to splinters blocked tho path. From a point about two miles below tho falls tho first glimpse is obtained. It is not until you aro close to it that the full height and volume can bo keen, great trees and bushes intercepting tho view. Tho water issues from a narrow defllo between Mount Sutherland on tho right and Mount Hood on tho left. From a littlehill, appropriately named View Mount, ono gets a comprehen sive vlow Of the fulls. Jt is now seen that the water dashes over the cliff in three grand leaps, and, constitutes about one-half of the tn tiro volume of tho Arthur rlvor. The first leap is oven a dizzy cliff Into a rocky basin 815 feet below. Jumping forth again, it makes another leap of 751 feet, and then goes tumbling and leaping in ono wild dash of 838 feet into tho pool at the foot of the precipice. The total height is exactly 1,991 feet, which is claimed to be one of the highest waterfalls yet discovered in the world. The effect of the fall when the sun is shining is indescribable. Rainbows of all sizes hang over Its surface. So immense is the volume of water that at a distance of three hundred yards your voice is drowned by its tremendous roar. Besides the fall a magnificent natural shower-bath, two hun dred feet high, was discovered. This is sup posed to be the highest yet known. t The country around the sound is exceed ingly rich In minerals, several of our party succeeding in picking up a few small gar nets and rubies. A very fine patch of asbestos was also discovered. In ono of ' the rocky defiles a rich vein of copper and another of gold-bearing quartz was un earthed. These, I am afraid, will never be workable. Tho ever recurring avalanches being a dangerous drawback. Two im mense land-slides came down the moun tain sides while we were working by the falls, and the noise and shaking of the earth did not make us feel very comfortable. Five Ways to Stop a Cold. 1. Bathe the feet in hot water and drink a pint of hot lemonade. Then sponge with salt water and remain in a warm room. 2. Bathe the face in very hot water every Ave minutes for an hour. 3. Snuff up the nostrils hot salt water every three hours. 4." Inhale ammonia or menthol. 5. Take four hours' exexoise in the open air. A tea-grain dose of quinine will usually break up a cold la the beginning. Any thing that will set the Wood actively ia cir culation wUl do it, whether it be drugs or the use of , a bveksaw. But better than all. If y&r cold is inveterate or seriMi, eeasuli jrr tmXty jAyalekm, M t pw. - Win POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholcsomeness. More economical than the ordlniry kinds, nnd cannot bo sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short Weight alum or nhosnlinte nouMers. Sold nnlv In rani. Royal Baking Powder Co.. 10U Wall .N.Y. A. SEDGWICK, NO. 89 STATE STREET, HAIR CUTTING AND 'SHAVING ! All ktnds of hair work, hair charms, gold charms, switches, puffs, bangs, nnythlng you may desire in his line. Hair Work "Always on Hand. Ho has everything In the hair line for ladles. (Jive film ii eall nnd ha will All your order. Proposals for Supplies. The board of trustees of tho Oregon Slnio Insane Asylum hereby Invite sealed pro posals for furnishing nt the asylum, near Salem, Oregon, the following supplies for the six months commencing July 1, issst: DHUGS. 2 lbs fluid extract enscarn sagrada. 2 lbs fluid extract rhus nronintlcn. 1 lb fluid extract clmlclfug rac. 2 lbs fluid extract ginger. 1 lb fluid extract lpcacunnnh. 2 lbs fluid extract liquorice. 1 lb fluid extract sennn. 2 lbs fluid extract cherry bark- 2 lbs fluid extract nrnlcn. K lb tannic ncld. 3 lbs carbolic acid crystals. 2 lbs bromide of potash. 2 lbs lodldo potash 1 lb lodldo ammonia, 1 lb subnlt bismuth, squlbb. 0 ius gum cniupuor 1 lb pulv acacia. 10 lbs epsom salts. 1 lb pyro phosphate iron. 6 ozs concentrated nitrous ether. 0 ozs oil clove. 2 ozs oil lemon. 2 ozs oil hay. IuOO pll Aloln Co (McK. & U.) 200 pll manganese blnox (McKiScK 2 qr. 200 pll phosphorus 1-50 (Mo, K & It.) 300 pll phosphorus M00 3 doz surgeons sponges. 1000 empty capsules, No 1 , J4 gross corks each Kos 1 tod XX extra long. 1 gross pill boxes. No 30. 1-Jgross ointment boxes 1 and 2 oz each. JJ gross 2 drachm lals. 1 cross 1 uz I'hlln ovals. Z 2 " " " y. " 3 " " ' 17 u j II ii II BftjTEN YOUR HOMES ly veimporlnr r i I dxnr.i'lii. i ur rest. ilence. roi lim'ml m t-si -e iii n rlctj Store, vlme(iiri the i ,at M lc-s nnd pattern In nil 1'npe . 'i rulers nnd Decointlon. Paper tr.iiiiiiiili ivui tli ue. A flno lino of BABY OAKKIAOKS always ou hand, beside, n In rgo assortment of new goods too numerous to mention WM. SARGEANT, Variety Store, Commercial SU, Snlem. TH.E YAnUlM ROUTE. Tho DtnTEHB' GTJIPE is issuad March andBept., each year. It is ency clopedia of uitful infor mation lor in who pur chase the hexuries or the nocessitidp of life. We oan. olotho you and .Airnish you with all the necossiryanoV unnecessary appliances to rldys, walk dance, sleep, eat, fish, huntwork, go to church, or stay at honro, and in yVrious sizes, styles and onantities. Just figure out what is reguirad to do all taese things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fair eBtimstVof the valuo of the BUYEBB' GUIDE, which will be sent upon roceijrft of 10 cents Vo pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD& CO. '114 Michigan Avenue. ChiOago, 111. 5 gals port wine, Napa valley. 8 gals whisky, O K Cutter. K doz Davidson syringes, No. 1. Vi doz black hard rubber syringes. 4 oz- K doz " " " " " f " K doz car syringes 3 gals glycerine. 3 gals grapo brandy. 5 gals sherry wine, No. 1. r gals alcohol. 5 bbls sal soda. 15 lbs Japan wax. 1 lb aq ammonia, cone. 1 lb cream of tartar, Squlbbs. jkflbresubllmatcd iodine 2 lbs rosin. 2 lbs gum osafoctlda. llbaccetlcacld. 2 lbs diluted phosphoric acid. 1 doz Phllllp'scod liver oil. 30 ft rubber tubing, inch. 50 Altering paper, 10 Inch, 6ozsulfonal. 2 doz bot's koluble hypodermic tablets, sulphate hyoscyamine, No 45, 1-00 gr, John WyethiBro. . 2000 powder papers, No 10 doz soft rubber catheters DHY GOODS 350 lbs varn. all woel: 250 lbs white; 100 blue EUOOyds Canton fluunel. Nashua XXX 600 yds Mnrselles, York M'fg Co checks -Call and See T. J. CRONI , Salem's Popular Job PrinteX A T HIS NEW QUARTERS IN THE State Insurance Dulldlng, Cor. Com mercial and Chemekete streets '0-ltf For the Public Good. It is an ludlsputnblo fact that tho hand somest vesllbiilo trains that are now run on the American continent are those on theliurllngtan route, leaving from Union depot In Denver, also St. Paul, Immediate ly on arrival of all through trains from the west. Tho first nnd second clans coaches are magnificent, the rceJinlng chair cars suouro. tue x-uiiman sleepers extremely luxuriant, and ns for tho meals that are herved in thoso palaco Burlington dining errs yilmyum. Tho next time you go cast to Kansas City, Chicago or St. Louis, If you mention to the ticket agent that you want your ticket to read from Denver or St. Paul over tho Burlington route, you will gel It, and you will always be glud of If you go via the Northern or Canadian pacific, the elegant vestlbulo trains of The Burlington Route, betv.ecn St. Paul and Chicago, or St. Louis, will carry you along tho euhteru shore oi the Mississippi liver for n distance of 350 miles, amidst bcenery that cannot ho surpassed; or. If you go via tho Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific, and your ticket reads via The Burlington Route from Chovenno or Den ver, you will pass through all the thriving cities and towns located In what Is popu larly known ns tho Heart ol tho Continent, for further Information apply to A. C Sheldon, General Agent, & First street, Portland, Oregon. J-lKddw tt $50. HORSES. . $50. Ono hundred head of brood mares and young horses for sale. Forty or fllty colts expected in tho spring Two fine horses, Clydo nnd Percheon stock, weight sixteen andteventeen hundred; have been with tho band for the past three years. Original stock from the best quality ol mares. For particulars address or see W. H. BYAR8, wit. Salem, Or. OREGONIAN RAILWAY XO. (Limited Line.) CHAS. N SCOTT, - - Receiver. rOn nnd oftcr Feb. 18 18S9.and until farther notice trains will run dally (except Sun day) as follews: east sinn, Coburg Mall From Portland Lv. 11.30 am Ar. 10.WI Lv. 2.15 pm 2S 3.1S 3,31 1U0 3X3 4.03 4.18 135 i.S) 5.80 5X6 6.14 6.21 (L53 7. 7.a 8.-03 8J7 V-.20 10:15 p in Ar Rommutlnn mile on k-ile STATIONS. Tow'rd Port land roilTLUiDMVV FootofJefson.81J Ray's Landing, St. Paul's, Woodburn, Townsend, McKee, ML Angel, Down's, Hllverton. Johnston's Mill' Hnltzcrland. KaktttldcJtmcL, Macicuy, Aunmille, -Westswyton OP Crossing, West Bcio, Crabtree, Hplcei, Tallmun, Plalnvlevf. Brownkvllle, RowUud, Portl'd Mall Ar. 4.40.pm. Ar 1.80 J 2.47 12.00 11.46 11.40 11.21 6.14 J 1.00 10.20 10.16 J0.07 M8 IMS 8.50 8.40 &28 8.00 7-11 T, 6-44 6.18 500 yds Lonsdalo flno shcetlng,30 In 200 yds Pequot fine sheeting, tf-4 1200 yards mariner's stripes (Amoskeag) 800 yds Pequot sheeting, heavy A, !H1 in liwo yas Pequot fchccllng, heavy, 15 In 200 yds toweling, red nnd blue check. 800 yds calico, American full standard. 100 yds table oil cloth, whltoandlheavy M) doz spools white thread, No 3, Mllo End 15 doz pairs suspenders 12 dozxurkey red handkerchiefs 6 doz spools black linen thread, No, 25 GROCERIES G000 lbs Liverpool salt, flno 7J0 lbs tea, U S brand, Ponchong 900 lbs tobacco, Rapldan brand 1G0 lbs China Btnrch 300 lbs soda crackers, extra fresh 200 lbs raisins, California layers. 1U0 lbs Gormen Sperry's new process 12,000 lbs sugar; 7000 golden C, 5000 grain 500 lbs cheese, Cranston's, or as good 2000 lbs corn meal, Go.d Dust, fresh ground. 1S00 lbs cracked wheat, fresh ground. 1300 lbs oatmeal, fresh ground. 13001bs coarse hominy, fresh ground. 1410 lbs rolled onts (Cormack's patent), 300 lbs dried currants. 144 lbs eflrb soda, C and Co A nnd IK brand. 100 lbs sago. 20 doz brooms. 18 doz cans oysters, BUio Points. lOdoz concentrated lye (American). 12 doz cans corn, Wlnslow. ldoz Turkey dusters, 14 In.. 5 doz dust brushes. Murphy and L & Co.. 7B. 2 doz small mirrors, 10x12 In. 300 gals syrup, extra Golden, American refined. 200 gals coal oil, 50 gal tanks. Pearl brand. 100 gals molasses. Orleans extra, 1 doz qts olive oil 25 gross matches, Metropolitan and Com Co. 12 boxes maccaroul, No 1. 12 boxes vcrmlcllll, No 1, COFFEE. 1800 lbs Costa Rica, 1st tirade. 150 lbs Go eminent Java. 75 lbs Real Mocha. 400 lbs Chicory. SPICKS. 200 lbs black pepper. 60 lbs cinnamon. ' 50 lbs ginger. 30 lbs allspice. 60 lbs mustard. . 30 lbs cloves. 20 lbs mace. 10 lbs sage. 10 lbs uiiground cloves. 10 lbs unground cinnamon bark, fine, CROCKERY. 18 doz tea cups, without handles, w 9. 18 doz saucers, W G. 40 doz bowls, 1 qt, V O J-J doz wash bowls, W G VINEGAR. 400 gals puro elder vinegar, 40 gr FLOUR 300 bbls best roller process, to be delivered as required STATIONERY lOJxixcs 401 UlUott'H pens 2 boxes London Ino Pen Co. No 4geaulno 8(jU Ink; 7 qts Arnold's, lot Stafford's Bit 8 doz Puyson's Indelible Ink 6 reams letter paper, Live Ouk SOAP 2500 lbs Kirk's savon, or as good PAINTS, OIIJJ AND GLASS. 20 gals Pioneer linseed oil 20 gals turpentine 100 pounds white lead, Pioneer 60 pounds putty 4 boxes gluss, 16x20 4 " " 11x20 5 gals copal varnish 2 gals Japan dryer MEATS 350 lbs per day, more or less, oj beef and mutton, as required, In equal parts of fore and hind quarters Samples may be seen at the office of the board of trustees, and goods must be In ac cordance therewith Goods must come tn original packages when possible The board reserves the right to rejectany, and all bids Delivery of supplies will be required within ten days' notlceof acceptunteof bid A copy of this advertisement mu t ac company each bid The name of the class of supplies bid upon must be written on the envelope Eah bid must Include all the items In the speolul class hid upon, nnd must give Items ndd totals In full, with tho exception of ment and flour Auditing omcers are prouiunea ny uw Alien the advertisement does not contain a of from confirming accounts of purchases hen me aavenisemeni aoes noi contain full and coin plcte description of lbs kinds r articles to be purchased Illds will be considered at 10-J10 a m on " ''ovrvlvri'ti ppvNnv mrwmh mi O, W, WEBB. ' jloarri of Trustees. W'm. A,Muiu:y, Clerk of Board. Coburi:. AH LV'l.v 130 am Tickets at ut stutlon Iwocents per havjlng utfeuU. Connection at Itay's and tulquart Landing with Kteamer ''Cliyof Kli " UUAH. N. hOOTT, Receiver. General 0,N WCor. Klrt and line, PertWad, Oregon. GEORG NBY l t I On Liberty i ortn 'win 'nsnp. trnKINS' UUfFPHER SHOP rvt, ncro.fc.ihe bridge in f. A" Hna orvmm Kepi no MTTLK WOJIl.N are ns a rule, possessed of happy tllsixxl tlons but when these sweet dlsposltlons.bc como soured and Irritable, lti consequence of tho long train of distressing features peculiar to female complaints, they arc then not compantonablo to say tho least. It Is theduty, not only of little women, but of nil women so nflllcled, to bring about the subjection, and Immediate icmovnl, of theso painful maladies. This Is easily accomplished by the uo of Dr. Pierce's Favorite lrescrIplioa, tho great spcclUc for "female weakness." It Is a positive cure forthe'most flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions prolapsus or filling of tho womb, weak back, "female weak ness," nnteers!on, retrocrslon, be.irlng- down sensations, chronic congestion, In flammation nnd ulceration oftho womb, Inflammation, pain nnd tenderness lu ovaries, nnd kindred ailments. All druggists. wee (ly Capital. Jojiroa -4l ,il . " i,H,. t "'f Has Been Enlarged THEHl M'blNESS r.OOMIMi. Probably no ono thing has causal such a great revival of trade at Dan iel J. Fry's Drugstore as their giving away to their customers so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's Now Discovery for Conbiiniption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuable article from tho fact that it always cures and never disappoint. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Jlronchitis, Croup, and all tliro.it and lung dis eases quickly cured. You can test it before buying by getting a trial bot tle free, largo size $1. Every bottle warranted. LOST IN THE STORM. One of onr local editors clipped from a leading magazine extracts from a vivid description of a westorn blizzard which we havo tnkon the liberty to publish and at tho sama time suggest to II. II. Warner & Co., the proprietors of the celebrated War ner's Safs Cure, the feasibility of tak ing therofrom an extract for the intro duction of ono of their telling adver tisements. The following is the des cription : "At the close of a dark day in January a solitary horseman wends his way across tho open prairio in one of our weBlorn territories. He passes at long intervals tho lone cabin of the bardy frontiersman. Two or throe old settlers, of whom ho has inquired the way, have warned him tlint a storm is approaching, and eho of thom, with true western hospitality, urges him to find shelter in his cabin for the night. But he 'declines the IirofTered kindness and urges his tired torso forward. The sky grows suddenly .dark. Ho decides to seek shelter. Tbs storm in creases in its fury. The rider dismounts to warm his fast chilling limbs. Can scarcely breathe. Blindness comes on. Drowsiness steals over him. The end is near. He is lost In tho blizzard." There is no doubt that the terror which seizes the bewildered traveler is similar to that which overcomes one when ho loams that ho is suffer ing from an advanced Kidnoy Dis ease, and is informed that he is in the last stages of Bright's disease. At first he is informed that he has a slight kidney affection. Later he begins to feel tired. Slight headache. Fickle appetite. Failure of tho eye-sight. Cramp in the calf of the legs. Wake fulness. Distressing nervousness. Rheumatic and neuralaic pains. Oc casionally pain in the back. Scanty, dark colored fluids, with 'scalding sensation. Gradual failure of stronuth. Any of the above symptoms signify Kidnoy Affection, but be is told that ho is all right. His physician troats him for symptoms and calls it a dis ease, when in reality it is but a symptom Oi Kidney trouble. He may bo troated for Khoumatic or Neuralgic pains, heart affection, or any other disease which he is most susceptible to. Finally the patient has pulling under the eyes, slight bloating of the ankles and legs. His physician may inform him that it is but the accumu lation of blood in his ankles for want of proper exercise. The bloat continues and roaches his body. Thon he is informed he has dropsi cal troublei, and is tapped once or twice. Ho notices it is difficult to breathe owing to irregular action of the heart, and finally is informed that he lias a slight attack of BrHit's Dis ease. Soon his friends are notified that his is an advanced ease of Bright's Disease, and that he can live but a short timo. His honorable and ' dignified physician asks for counsel. It is too late. Still he sticks to the old family physician, and the physi cian knows and has known from the beginning that the patient has been stricken with death for months, for he knows full well that the profession acknowledge they have no remedies for the cure of Kidney Diseaie. At last the patient suflb.ates is smothered and dies from dropBical tremble. Or perhaps tho disease may not take the form of a dropsical ten dency, and the patient dies from apoplexy, paralysis, pneumonia or heart trouble. Or it may take the form of blood poisoning. In each form the end is the same. And yot he and his friends were warned by the proprietors of the celebrated remedy feaown as Warner's Safe Cure, of the larking danaeri of a slight Kid ney affection. The newspapers have published the dangers. Columns of facts have been printed of men dying from advanced Kidney Disease or Bright's Diseaso. Ills friends and physician look around with horror and regret for seeming neglect, but he Is lost, lie did not heed tue warning that a storm was approaching. lie declined the prof fered hospitality, and recklcu ' went forward into danger. He struggled manfully for a time, but his strength fallod, ho grew gradually weaker nnd he was lost to the world. Not In a blizzard, but from tho terrible malady which is almost daily occurring in treer community, and which Is doc tored aa a symptom instead of what it is, a mortal dUease unless prop Mrfy treated, ind Greatly iiipi'opl and Now Is The ' . ' .,' ' CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN OREGON ! , THE BEST FAMIbnEWSPAPEB - l ' IN MAHION COUNTY L S 1 w tt ' M t II- 1 ' ' "' ' P , , I ,t . ' ," P L Fpd Our Reduced Terms! . IS WISJSKIA', one year, ?U0. WKEKIY, hIxIuioiiIIih,.. -J0.75 ' .1 , Now Head Our Discount for .Cash ,., , . ll f Mi,. y ' - WEUKIA', one year, H.Ofl. WKKKIA', six uimitliH 0.60. WA8 THERE EVElt ANYTHING EQUAL TO 1TV NOW HOLL IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAOIO OF OUIt ONK-"'imiI) OFK FOR CASH. '1 u , , , f ' ' '4 ' TTT-tfc ' ' p .:"" t " " , ' f t.t .' ", i" Our Old Subscribers ' ' i Now in arrears ure urged to tuko advniitiiRi) of our big iliHcouut, by Hft tlliiK old accouiitH nnd Joining the grund throng of ono dollar subscribers' THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER lint it solid, jxTiuanont reduotlou, Wo huvo ciini) to '-lay TO ONE AND ALL ! ! OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company' Meainsiiiii Hue. ' miles tiliorler.'Ju lioure I losttltnc tliiin by nny otlici itmte. First clics tlmaiRli puoxencer nnd freight lino " frrtltl lVirllnml llllll fill tulr.t In .l.n M.1. ... ... w.. .. ....... nniliq in IUV I, II' j latnetto Millov to nnd from Snn Kraticlsci. TIME SCHEDULE, (Kwpt Suntinys): ljroAlbnnr im I'M lirnoCirvnllla ....... . i:ioi' M Arrho Yii(tilnti OJWl'M lcno Ynqnlnn ...... .(fctjAJt Lenvo CorMillU 10:35 AM An ho Albnny 11:10 A Jt O. O. tmlns connect nt Albany nnd Corvnllls. The ntiovo trains connect nt YAQU1NA with tlio Oregon Ueelopmont Uos lAne M'Ntent.itlilp between Ynqnlnn nnd Snn h raif;i--o. SMUNG HATES. STKAMKIt-S. FltOM YAQUIKA JVtlJiimctto Valley Tuesday Jnno 18 V I amctto Valley. Wed ncMlnr Juno 2(1 Ulametto Valley, ..rrlrfny July 5 STKAMCKS, rilOM SAN FItANClSCO Wlllnmetto Valley .TInirsdny, Juno 13 Willamette Valley S.ituriuiy, June 22 Ulametto Valley Sunday so Tins company reserves tiro right to rhnnco salllnjr dates w ithout notice. ,.'. I'nf'jonKers from l'ortlnnd nnd nil Ulametto alley pulnt.s tan mnko close eonneotlou with tho trains of the YAOUlNAItOUTKnt Albany orCorvnlllB, nnd lr destined to San Krnnclsco, should nrningetonrrKont Ynqnlnn tho ovenlne before tlato of Milling. l'Apiigcr nml Krfleht Kates Always thp '.'."Rf.1; ."rlnrarmatlon apply to Messrs UL'Ij.MAN A Co., 1'ielght nnd Ticket Agents L1X) nnd SiM Front st., l'ortlnnd, Or. or to O.C. HOOUK, Ao't Gen'l Frt. 1'nss. Agt., Orrgou l'ncltlclt. H. Co., OJI.lIABWr.LU.Jr.arnTO"0'" Piim. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 304 Montgomery pt.; Ban Fninclsco, CnlJ Hcmetnber tho Oregmn lticlllo'ri popular summer excursions to Ynqulun. Iv,rute tlekets nro now on wile, good cvory cdnevlay nnd Snttudny lixim Albnny, Connlllsiind l'lillomnth. Yours trulv, o. o. iioan:, a.h. i'. Agent We say, hciuI um your namew. If you want to take advaiitiiKe of our "oitu ' third oil' for audi," nml aio not wlicro you ran net dohIuI noten of othor convenient method of rciiiittlii(r, hoiiiI iih your iiiunu nnd Htuto tl.at you 1 will remit nt Hot opportunity. Tlilx III ciimirn your k'lii placctl on tho dollar lint, i VlA-i- Soiillmrn Fndlic Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time lit'tui'fn S.ilem anil San Frauclsro ThtUJ.Klx llouri.. CAI.IFOHNIA KXl'ltl.SH THAIN HUN DAILY. JnjKtyiMrri,AriANiiHM- Monili. I ' " "NortTiT" 4.00 p, in. I J,v. l'ortlnnd Ar. 10; 15 n. in. U:llp. in. I l.v. Hnlciu l.v. 7.Ma.in. 7:Ijii. in. I Ar. Han Fran. l.v. 7.tX)i. in. LOCAL l'.MvSI.Mil It ritAIN - CIUT HUN11AY). -(DAILY KX- 8.00 a. iii. ll:I0 ii. m 'J: 10 inn, 1 . v. l'oitland Ar. J :tM.ri p. in. l.v Salem l,v. li!.fi2 p. in. Ar. Kugeno liv. u.oo a. in. PULLMAN BDFFET SLS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS Kor uvominotliition ol uocond cI.iks iiim.ciikuin uttiW hud ti crjircsH tntliiH. 'I 111) H. I, f'flllllmnv'u tit ft tn ii Ut a nn V' .1 t iiisrv J t ho regular trains on th V.aH Kldu.DlvlHlon fiom footol 1 streo rortlaml. Ycsl Side Division. Between Cortland and Cervallis: DAII.V (KXCKl-r HUNDAV). 7::k)ii. in. l.v. PorlfiiTiil ATT rfl.ao n.'m'. Lv. 1:.W ii. m. IMp. m. 1 Ar. At Albany nml Corvallis connect wltu trains of Oiegon l'aclllo llnllroml. Through tickets to nil points south and east via California KAI'KKHMTItAIN (TlAll.V hXCKI-rHUNIIAV.) tm p. in. r;TnrniirmdA7rn"'0(nri 8.00 p. in. I Ar.MeMlnnvlllol.v. G:(.Fn. i , in. . in. Through Tickets ' Toiillpoll.ts ' SOUTH and EAST VIA California.. Kor lull intormntion recanting rntes, limps, etc., apply to tho Company's ngent, Haldlii, Oiegiiu. i:. 1'. lUXIKUH, Asst.U. l'.niid 1'nsv.Ag't It. KOi;ill,i:it 1 Munuger. Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY. 'Columbia River Route.' Iriilus for tho east Havo l'ortlnnd ul7:i& am and U. Wpiu dully, 'llu its to and from prluelp.il iHiluts, In tin Dulled Hlutttf, Call udiinud l.uropc, ELEGANT rUtMANN PAL CARS Kinlniiit Hleeflni: Cars run lhrouy'' on oxprehs ttt Ins to OMAHA COUNCIL I1M.V1'1 II ml HI. VAUL Fre of Chui'o ami It ou L'lmiigo, Connection at rurtlnnd forHmiKritr I'lseonnd l'UL'ot Hound polntt. Kor larther pnrtleulani addres nny iiKent of lliu coin jiiuij or A. L. MAXWELL, O. 1'. A T A U..I. HMlTII.Uoi.'i Mnungur, Portland. - - - - - w A WOMAN S MSiOVMtV. "Anotliur woiulerftiltllHcovery lm lii-iiii iimdo and tliut too by ti lady In tills country. Dihcusu faHtoiiuil Hh cliitclicH upon her and for wjvoii ycaiHHlio wltliHtootl ItH hovt'inl, tt'HtH, hut litr vital wj-KtiiiH wt'io niulei iiilni'd and di'ittli HL'cint'd liuinliifiit. Kor tliau inontliHHliu uotigliedluceri Hitiitly and could not hIl'oji. Bho holism ofiiHii bottloof Dr. KIiik'h Now Dlncovcry for (.'oiiHiunptlon mid wihho iniicli ruliovcd on taking tlrxt tliw that xlic Hlupt all night and with ouu hottlo luia Ik'fii inlrauti loiiHly ciiK'd. Jlcr iiimio U Mrs. Luther Liu.." TIiiih wrlto V. 15. Haiurlck it Co.. of .Shelhy. X. O. (id u Trio trial hottlo at lUnlol, I'ry'H ilrugidorc', m i i l. 3