Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 25, 1889, Image 4

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    'M i"T
THE (UPim JOl'MiL.
11 A 1 1. V.
Oncycnrl.yi.mil-.. "2M
Hlx iiionlliM Ijj: mall.- T JK
Tli roc inontlii win ------
Per utk, adhered by carrier
... i
One vrnrhy innll " 2
Hlx month by mall. . '
One year, If paid In ntlviitiie l w
Hlx iimntlin,lr pnltlliunlvimto w
For ndrcrtlKlnK raleo apply at tbln ofllce.
who do not Hccure tbelr paper regularly
will notify thin ofllcc, giving iiililrrKH.iiiiil
the mutter III liomtfiiilnl lo at once.
Olllri', corner Court and Liberty HticelK
..J UN 15 Si, IHSJi
lliillrimil ItiiinorK.
Itlfl riinioied that the Aatorlmt
South coiihI rallroiid Iuih hlgned n
eontraetwith Diindeo Held and bin
luwoelutui for the eoiiatriiftloii of a
railroad from Astoria to miiiic lx'lnl
in the Willamette valley.
JSIr. iteld 'inil IiIh iiHWielatuH are lo
furnish the neces-ary capital lo i'oii
Htruct the road, under the direction
und management of Hie Aslorla
board of directors. The company
reprccnlcd by Mr. Held, to have b
Bliod to It 31,(1.1!) in llrsl iiiorljm e
Imnds and IM i" "K'! I"-'1" "'i,(,i
as fust us the road is completed i.nd
nccepted. The company al-o aniee
to have) the road compleKd to ton
nect wltli the r-'oiithein I'm lib at
Home point in the vullej In two
years, In tunc for (he wheat cnp.
and to build grain elevators and tei
nilual raellitlesat Aslorla. It Is nli
rl-nortwl thai Mr. lb id will be or lias
been elected piesidentof the Astoria
tfc South uonst road in plain of .John
A. Devlin, resigned. Pioneer.
a riii" i : t.i t iiin tiiiti i .
Tliu presentation or the (ioldcn
(limit at the opera house last night
by tho Ueorglo V llhorpe coin-
ixiny wasaieally meiltoilouw pcr
forniance. The opera bouse was pack
ed as It had not been for years b a
theutilcal pciforniance. The com
pany play well together, and every
thing from tho rise oi Hie cm lain in
Its fall moves oil' with life and vim,
Ah Hesslo Fnllfalx, Ueorglo Wooil
thorpu Is unexcelled. The character
of tliu Golden (Hunt us poitr.yed by
II. Uarryniore, was a strong one.
Ills friend .lack Mason, by lion
Wowl, was well acted, and won
much limine, for the peifoimer,
Tlio purl of Hid villain, was carried
hv It. llronson and was nkulydone.
As Hthel Wayne, Ml-s Stover was
Impressive. The company play
"May Blossoms" to night, and will
Imvoagood attendance.
. --
On AiTiniiit nl Tin'.
The city council prohibits thoo
old wooden buildings from being
moved on the grounds near the
water works. These buildings ale
no old that they cannot be moved
without being patched up to stand
the trip. It is a shame and disgrace
ti lids city for such old buildings to
bo moved from one place to another.
Why not tear them down'.' In any
nice city theio am never seen so
jiiiiny old buildings as Salem has.
If a tiro should get a good start In
tho business part of the city hi tbe-e
old buildings Halem would be in
ashes as her sister city Seattle Is.
Tear them out before anything like
this could happen,
A muni; llm i'l Ippli'il.
lllehard Savage, w ho had hi
hand badly mashed, Is Improving
nicely. Mr. Durranee, who mashed
his leg lu his lumber mill, Is able to
walk around, .lames liutchclor,
who has been snU'eilng limn a very
sore hand, Is better to-day. Oswald
West, wlm was hurt by his huro
falling yesterday, Is lmprovlin; nice
ly. Joseph I'vans, the boy who had
his log broken by hl hoio IiiIIIiik,
Ii Improving rapidly. James ltow,
who had the mlsfoituue to brook his
linger, will soon have I he uueof hU
hand again.
Xt Hltli'ttitUi Nci'ili'il,
A new side walk should Ik) built
along Marlon square oiit'ommerelal
Htrvot. Ah the lionuU have rutted
away now ones have been pltuvd In
their portion, cau-Ing a shabby ap
pearance. Duo IhmuiI Is now cutinv
ly gone and many more almost de
cayed. This should be attended to
atonui', unless the eltv wUbos to
pay mwiu) heavy d imago to Mime
podcalnrlan who Is Uuud to get his
neoU broke sooner or later or luno
Kome other accident happen to him,
Hun Out 11 Mnr.
This morning 111 the tight o'elooU
(nun wh about one iiillo smith of
the depot it ran over a VHluaulomuiv,
buMklug her by Hitd throw lug her
oil' lu n ditch. A number of alli
um Is have Ihvu Killed on tht. sec
tion of the rtdlrmul, whoiv a gtuit
many uiilmaU ai psslml.
a M ?, 'uiuk.
I'ontraitor ltuwd baswiiniuoncsl
woik tin a iieut flSSLHi tuttago In
Quttiii Anno addltluu, im ritMli
Htiwt. ThU htl.itMiie U tut Ml.
Adams, and will Uiamwt one, as!
well u iK'llig it nliv liiipwveiiioiu
r.irltml rnt.I.lli- ..mu-lni. .. -
:,""' " ' "'
r9.Mll.lU 11U U.-J J II JX I J JW
Tilt: IKMItll OI'TltAIM: TO MHI7T.'
Art" In CoiuMcr Knfhi.iy
I'nctory I'roiifiKlllnti.
Tlio letter nmicntleri in fet'lf-exiilnii-
nlrirvfiiiil Mliriu-H Hint Hid ill III It) of
Rnlem Ih just what h'-r cKissciifl!
'. J . .
ehooM' to make it:
I'AMJiCiTVlrlkUo.,Junc30. line from its present terminus in of the Oregonlan railway company.
Mayor of Salem Dear Sir: At a' Highland avenue to the grounds of , The attachment was made to se
meetfng of prominent citizens and , the Smte agricultural lonrd. 'cure tho payment of the taxes of
business men of Dallas held June 18, 1 The rails were to-day ordered for that company due Mnrlon county
18S9, at Dallas, u committee was up- this most Important extension and j for the year 1888, which amounted
pointed to confer with the business! the work of coiiBtiucting the line to 1077.
men of the city of Salem lu regard to 1 will commence as soon as the ma-1 Alexander McKay, attorney for tho
the feasibility of forming an h.corpo -
ration to construct a hue of railroad
from Salem through important sec -
. .' .... .
llnim 01 I'o ic cnmilv. vm llniui mill
the Lucklamutn falli, to some point
on tlie coast. This conimlllcc con
sists of M. M. Kills, chairman: W.
(. IJrown, J.J. Daly, H. Van Meter
and A. K. WINon. I, its secretary
of such meeting, was Instructed to
introduce our action and dcire to
the notice of Salem by correspond
ing with you, the mayor of Salem.
The committee deshe to Inform you
that they stand prepared at any
time to meet "with the citizens of
Salem cither in a general meeting or
through a committee appointed by
your city to act In tlio mutter.
Our committee arc prepared to ex
press tlio urgent dolrc of this sec
tion of country for tthe enlerpilse
and to show very stionj.' Induce
ments to nil parties concerned to
proceed as soon lis possible with this
move toward needed development
of our natural resources and of your
trade. Trusting that the matter
may claim your favorable attention
and thai you will express the de
sires ofyotiiTell and of your city in
the mutter at your earliest conven
ience, I have the honor to remain,
yours to command,
Mattmi:w Yori'.M, Secretary.
Mayor Williams placed the letter
lu the hands of the board of trade,
with this result: '
Notice Is hereby given that a spec
ial meeting of the Salem board oft
trade will be held tit the council
chamber in the city of Salem, on t
Thursday evening Juno -'7th, at 8
o'clock, lor the purpose of consider
ing propositions for a railroad
through l).illas, (he erection of a
soap factory und such other business
ns may coniobol'oio It.
John U. WitmiiT, Pas.
As this Is a matter of the gleatest
Importance to tbobusiueas interests
of Salem It Is particularly desired
that there be a full attendance at the
meeting of the board on this occa
sion. A railroad from the heat t of
Polk county lo Salem and connec
tion with Ihe coast would be of un
told worth to the city.
Aside from Ihe railway proposi
tion the consideration and discus-
don of the following proposition
from an Oregon gentleman will be
"Salem boaid of trade: I am in
infonned that you haveoU'eiedsoine
inducements to anybody that would
build a soap factory In your city. I
am In company with a llrst-class
soap maker and we are looking for
a place lo locate and wo should like
to hear from you, and If you think
Iran object wo will come up and
bring samples and full particulars
about such factory."
tiii: oitv roi'Ncu. Mi:i:n.i.
Ihti'iullni; Mm I.IihIIm-TiIIiij,- tlm
riiiB Iliillillii); I'l.li'llM.
A( a meeting of the city council
last night tliu petition of the Salem
sheet ml I way eoinmnv asking cer
tain cliangcs. In (lie oiilinitnto regu
lating stieel lallwtiys wa read, and
referied to the committee on ordi
nance for the luupiuH' of having (lu
aiueudmeulH made us pur request.
Petition was piesented pmylngfoi
the eoiutruetlon of u II 10 cistern nt
wirnerof t'lieuieketo and t'oiunu
clal stioctH, and aUo aklng (bat the
hydrant and water Kwer of the
pity ixtvlvo u thoixiuith tost. His
feritsl toooiikldemtluu of ooniiulttee
on lire and water.
Petition wan mid asking thnt
Marlon sheet betwtvu lltli nml 13th
In widened hik,! ohiiW up for travel.
Iteft'rri-d to coiuuilttm on street
and ible pimperty.
Thooommltteooii trenU und pub
lie projH'rty wore- onloriHl to allvt
t lo fur Ud for covering ehortlsot
big bridge.
An amendment w a proeenti'd to
the lltv limits ordlnwuce, extending
the (Ire U111IU to iiielude tho Snleiu
wuter works. Thonaawigoof the bill
afor tho usual third r.itdlng wtM.
uiiKiihumi. "Hie ettKt of the his
it;v of this iMiuhthib'iit will U) to
uu' u cowmtii'ii of th- iuniotd of
all t ho til I Uimhlo-dovu fiHiuo build
ings lu town to h'oolt thlrtylx.
Thoo old xlitdkaro itwtlly not wwtli
moving und hiiould U torn down
rather than iviiiovetl tm new sit.' t
rvnialn AnMrape nd i,e.reii.
It U h Ciirliott luvl
TtMl Ih bodi' ' unw uvsra uitlbl to
UMtxOI Rout uirdlt'ln.' lli.tt Ht auy ixlirr
MMMUU. IIiikv lb mimrtaiMtv ... Ukliu
IIikhIV SuvKiwnH.t uov , Mlit'li II nl d.
Ijoutlu 111 ...I Iiitrt.iU V..H.I.1H.1
' l! ) illl lUk .U.til.'l Illilji 111. Il.i . I IV-
' Ul UK till .)') 111. ll4 HVil.J 11 Iv.xi. I
torn o i, w ...,., .u ,.. ,. 1. (v,
UtMd jtu4Hmliii, wincit ircuiir to
A CTIIIJJH ,ui.n-ii i,.mi..t-
' Tin- I.lixto Im Kitf-mlnl on to tho fitntn
I'nlr OroiimU.
At aniertiiiKof Hie (lirectow ami
i flock UolUcrs -J
I tliu Saloni strwt
railway r-onimii.v tlita iiionilnjr it
. .. . ...... ..i i ii.u
1 was decided lo at once exieiiu me
, terlal arrives, which will be within liquidator of the narrow gnugu line-,
. a very few weeks, it is expected to ,,, t the depot here a few weeks
! have the entire line In operation bc-'ago and telegraphed the Sheriff to
, - .. ,..,, .i.i.r..ii ...1.,... l.r,.i . 1.1. v, ir,. tnl,l i.t llisit.
lore iuir tune tint luu. iiuii m-.v.
will lie thousands of people to carry.
This extension is 2,800 feet hi
length and makes the total of street
railway lines here nearly live miles.
Tin' route lrom the nresenucrminus
lu Highland park will be down
Highland avenue and tlfrough the
Jane near the Brooks' propprly,
where it crosses the old stage road,
and on tlie other main road to the
fairgrounds. The terminus will be
at the railway station, where close
connection will be made with all
The extension of the Oregon land
company, from tho Grant corner to
the north end of Highland park,
will be completed some time next
week, when work will begin on the
2S00 feet.
When thece extensions are com
pleted Salem's street car line will
cover a good route. Passengers for
Salem from Portland can save money
and time as well by put chasing
tickets for the fair "round, where u
car will be found that will take them
quickly to the business center. The
line then can have a car at each
depot to meet the same train, which
will be most convenient. There Is
alwaysmore or loss travel to the fair
grounds, especially during the sum
mer season, and this extension is
certain to be one of the best paying
ones yet proposal
Illfill WATiilt .MAUK at tiii: im:x.
Inrn t:onIi'ls Tliau i:t.r ISornri
.Inliiiny .-MiAllNIrr DjIuk.
Tho roster of jirisoners at the Ore
gon state penitentiary to-day con
tains the names of more men than
were ever confined within those
walls nt one time before. There are
now .'tiW, and the highest previous
census was 20!). This was several
years ago under the administration
of Mr. Collins. Mr. Downing bus
been of tlie opinion for some months
that the three hundred mark would
be reached before summer, and ho
seems to have been right, us there
are many criminals now on trial
throughout the various counties.
Four new men were initiated into
the state service yesterday. Tliey
weio Win. Sharpe, for llireo years
for larceny, and It. M. Schnldcr,
llfleen years for rape, both from
Multnomah; and Win. Fletcher, one
year for larceny from dwelling and
J. 1). C0III111, thirty months, for lar
ceny of cow, both from Klahnath
Johnny .McAllister, tho little boy
who muidercd his parents and was
sentenced for life from Jackson
county, is in the last stages of con
sumption nuil his death Is hourly
expected. Ho has been unable to
eat anything 'foi several days and
since yesterday has been too weak to
speak. He Is rapidly Hearing his end
and will go down lo tin early grave
with the secret of his crime looked
ecurelyluhls and only his blvnst.
Several dujs ago tlieattondants, seo
ing thnt the boy was rapidly failing
and must go to his long home soon,
iimde an attempt to learn from him
the truth of the bloody murder, but
wore unsuccessful in gaining the
least Information. The boy seemed
not to real 1 40 the enormity of the
crime mid hoalwujs when mention
ing tun mmI circumstances seemed to
have no oleiir-uuilorstniiding, being
.ippiiivntly In 11 dream. Johnny Is
out fourteen yoansold and luu, spent
nearly two yearn of thnt time in the
tall and iMMiitentinry.
l'li soiillinrn I'lmllU- Will ,mr llullil
Ilmiieh I.Iiiks In Oretcuti.
The dispatch announcing that tho
Southern Pacific eoinp.iuy had
bought the narrow guage lim of
liioUreguiiIan rnilway oompauy In
trvgou was oonllrnijd at the gvner
l ofllw of tho SouUiorn Paeifte
otiuiHtny In Sau Franehwo ht
I'lie general uiuWrtrf4iidlug there
Uthut fu'lowlnir thht Wto nurohutsJl Don t you forget that tli
theouiitvuiiv will build two litiinrt'rou restaurant Is the only pit
itnt liRiui'Uo to iviunU'U' their
ml n. Mem. One th.it the eJttcotb of
till' KIIIIIUII llHVtMllMtlkMHl fiirtmuio
liut p.-i fan lir.iut'li from tirvl-I-
tliroii:!) M miw t. .liniitlm
ttlluT t'l.lll. 1 W.ll l
.1 'I !l
1 It
'!v tll.tll ;t lllu lit
. 111 I'.ni -t it: v.. t ilu
I' 1! I'- ll I '' 1 mi-ou
chvti Mttuvt'ullli: llio rouil.
' II H .(. ItlMt It tw i
.ll 1 c lll.i' t.i III.. -' ..
k.-' 1 1 m 1 1 ,u.! ' .
t ' rK.t , ..
'i. ... 1 . . 11 -a tl
tK !'. I t I nil !. r lint 1.
tn ai-
1. 1 i.t
f tll
.SlwrllT Crnlotn I.rvlci on I,ocoinoth",
Cam, nml Tool J'or Tnxe.
i At one o'clock this nttcrnoon
Sheriff C'rotmn returned from iwj s,
Landltiff, where lie had gone to at-
.i. ,..,. ..tii....i,.,.l.-....1 nrnnertv
tacu Home rouiiigsiocKuim piiv
, ,iU;l.-l nnn. m. .-...v.
...111. liu ra.u ..v. .....
I time that the taxes for 1883
would be forthcoming, but as they
failed to coino Sheriff Croisan
I thought best to secure them while
there was yet a chance. According'
ly, ho went over to Pny's Landing
and attached one,locomotlve,(which
was then in the repair 'shops),
one passenger coach, live box
cars, together with tlio tools
and machinery to be found
about the round house and
shops. This is all worth several
times more than the claim and un
less the taxes are paid by July 1st
the property will be sold under tho
hammer. Much more property
could have been levied upon without
Intel fering with the U. S. mall, but
sufllcicnt was seized to satisfy iill
"Wni. -Hay was appointed' deputy
s,herifl and will have charge of the
attached goods until a disposition is
made of the matter.
Articles ot llniirpni'illliiil
Articles of incorporation were filed
with the secretary of state to-day as
follews: The Land and real estate
company of Portland, with capital
stock of $10,000 divided into shares
of 100 each. Geo. Lyons, W. G.
Steel, W. G. Itcgesloy and Ii. It.
Peebles arc the incorporators.
ruiiEhY ruitsoxAh.
Irwin Putnian of Turner is in
the city.
Ij. Uilyeu of Eugene is in the
city on business.
How B. V. Moody took tlie morn
ing train for Sclo.
M. C. Wire camp im from Port
laud this morning.
Gen. Odell came up from Port
land this morning.
A. Ileoker and w ife are in tho
city, on a shoit visit.
Dr. W. W. Gicsy of Aurora was
in tlio city yesterday.
Mrs. Ed. Croft left this morning
for lirownsvilloon a visit.
A. T. Yeaton left this morning
on a business trip to Portland.
Win. Shrouder started tills morn
ing for a month's visit up the road.
Prof. MeElroy returned homo
this morning, from his trip up the
Thos. Strang, father of Gus.
Strang, arrived in the city from
Montana this morning.
Secretary Mclirldc, Governor
Pennoyer and Prof. MeElroy took
the morning train for Corvallis.
Mrs. Foreman, formerly of this
city, came up from Portland and is.
visiting Mis. Miner of North Salem.
l.Ol'Ah Sl'MMAUY.
The D.ivid-011 Jlros. are here
this nfternoon and are giving their
tight-rope performance on the street.-
The Occident came up tlio river
from Portland this morning and
will return today. She brought
some general merchandise and a
threshing machine to this place.
Painless dental operationsut Dr.
T. V. Smith's, i2 State street. .
A marriage license was this after
noon granted to Kred Miller mid
IOllji Kinsey.
We lutve eltihjy-six acres in a
good state of cultivating luljolnlng
the thriving town of Cjervais, at JG0
per acre, or choice of forties at the
winie price. Thirty acres of timber
near by at $30 per acre?-" raro bar
gain. Dl'.NCAN l' llOOTlI.
Variety Is the eplee of life, but
for good live (-pices, pure entice, A 1
ttm, tlret-ela grocerlus and fiuilts
and vegetables in seifeim the place to
go is to the store of iulro l'nrmr &
Co. Their doallngi nr honet and
fair, lrntr, fairest,
For your meat go to Lafore's
to-lay ou talo street. tf
Don't you forget that tlio Hon
ice you
lo-11" 8t kooiI amiuro meal for the
hlun,, M,m of twenty-tl ve cents.
rtght H.-d CTt- Citre unnqtuilcd for
iWMutaudi'iiuiiilc intuitu mill ixtkts nnd
all trrlutiiMj or ;li r imfemp. Sold
liy nil dnmu-.n;.
Wrlntal Myrrh lv.o 8.U vme ott
nwdiH-mr vvfr) mm? jou Uitvo 11 linnh
Willi It. Trylt. fv.ia bVMUttrus'jIaU
Wrlft.i ltt. WiKiry liirUUiJ nn lnfnll
1 !. rrniHl. Mriliemotobtlmite rimh o
1'ijtiIu awl 1 Military. SaM by nil
V l.l Kill
ll .
1 i a .v.
i . (
fi v Of tPi;r.
ittothtu Rr i rotaurant.
u (rum Itailcnbrand' lnt
-! woiuv of Ih many
i of hU ctktlujc lvtrlora.
. u Ut ;nj.ffLIit cotliw
lu Ana ai for ovalrni
lllld IWtfitU hr nnnnl lu '......ill i .k
This new plat Jurt put on the market Is the met desirable nowolfcred
BmcmS building lots. They have no equal. T ho whole p at is n
fine tate of cultivation, .-ceded In clover, with a good turf. No grt ibs, no
."IS, no roclcor gravel, soil good, elevatedand level, has a fine v to of
the c,, surrounding country, the mountain range an ' nJ g
peaks. Pure cold well water. Is twelve blocks south .or the Chcmckete
hotel and postofT.ee blocks. Thee lots are of bred by J & , ntn
Installments, one-tenth cash and one-tenth in W""
without interest 1 nun unit.. t, '" "' , "r." c wltll0t intcrest. Gov
10re than the prices named for be on lo g til lie d
eral lots have already been sold on which linen m deuces au
.,.! o .,..,l,nr innro hnvn bPOIl OntiollCd. It J Oil V. lllll. OI1L ui uiu.t
,vin,n..t interest until mil. Tliese
,,. iv ..u..i. . '"-": -" ',..,.
,,,,,......... .. - - --- .
mll on JONES & WATSUN, whj win
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem.
" Specialties in Table Luxuries,
Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery
Butter, Cream Cheese, etc.
Remember tlie
Success in Business requires preparation ! Therefore, thoroughly master
Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship and Business Correspon
dence, Book-keeping by borh Single and Double Entry, the nature and
correct use of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law and Business practice.
Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing, Manifold, and Dictation work.
All these uro needed in busine.s, and are thoroughly taught by exper
ienced teachers at the SA LEM BUSINESS COLLEGE
Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon.
Pram Ten to forty Ire,
One Mile from Auiiisvillc and Ten Miles from Salem,
Several fruit growers from the east "liavo "declared their intention to
locate with us and there is room for several more. Sample No. 1, 20 acres
more or less, high land gently rolling, deep rich red soil, all under plow,
suillclent fence. Price $-10. Saiuple No. l!, 20 acres, more or less, partly
under plow, partly covered with willows, gently Inclining and level land,
both red and black MI. Pi Ice ?22Wo$;iO. j '
Purchasers can pay S per cent, interest on half for five to seven years.
From S.ileni take train to Turner and thence to Aumsville on Thomas
tiros', hack line, and cull on the owner, Mr. Wm. Shaw, one niilo north
ot depot, or for fiuther particulars address ,
J. J. HARDEN, Stayton, Oregon.
Look tint for loss Jiy Fire dm tug tho hot
Ill lb PkHlflruf lHMll.llli1 lln.um ,.r T I..
rp..., Nwihwn of LquiIoii. ihe nrin
nle. repwSSrtiiif WBUons '
irv Mm I..
.rfiHlir iil
l wpuni. ,
Vrtui' OntnikiMUil Syre
UU rt-IUbW iMltrlH &.
if HwbUkHl. Tuitw and build
F y
11 1 i
lots are now iiciiumj -----
snow j .ur
Place and Call.
mm !
Gnuiuates Students1 in
in mr
til .
I '
Normal, Business, Law,
It is the oldet, largest nnd least oxnen.
IvelMMUitlon 'of laming in the SfiStg:
School oiHns first .Monday in September
Send for catalogue to ' w
Salem, Oregon.
Turin for Sale.
Ita acres,
lncres, "miles southwest of Salem "prfliwlng.buulnese,
fratTr. SVUSEfrI.Sl,:.llaPn?
. V ". ........w.i, 4u ktviieil TO '
1 iienr uheven hundred dollar hif.i...S'
,.,,; -- ,:"'T. '.r?.' "'J . nnea
iitiruirnund oilier out bulldlm. i5nn.i"
gntlu. gms, nud fruit la'sVlhtlynd
healtnv locution, mni i.i..i.iT.:.S I1??
Crockery and Glassware! .
VltU specialties In
Valerian China Tea Scfs,
French China Dinner Sets.
Buckingham Pattern
Of wltlch wo constnntiy keep a full line
nnd open stock, enabling us to make tin
Dinner and Tea sets of any size, or sell by
tlie single piece. The flnest assortment ot
Kver shown In Salem.
Ot thclntest pnd handsomest patterns la
49-1'lease call and examine our stock.
201 Commercial Street,
Salem, Oregon, have received direct
Tho Finest Lino of
which will bo sold nt
Prices and Tens to Suit All!
These goods 'aro Ur.s.t-class and as their
stock Is very largo n person can And what
they may wbh. Their warehouse on 8tat
street Is completely tilled, and they have
another car load en route now. Look out
fortheni; something tine
Only Genuine System of Memory Training.
Four Books Learned In one reading.
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adult greatly benefited.
Great inducements to correspondence
Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Win. A.
numinond, tho world-famed Specialist in.
.Mind Diseases, Daniel Grecnleaf Thomp
son, tho great Psychologist, J. M.Huody
D. D., editor of tho Christian Advocate
N. Y., Itlchard Pro -tor, thescieutlst, Honfc
V. V. Astor, Judah P. Henjaman, nnd
others, sent post freo by
Prof. A. LOIsETTE, 237 Fifty Ave., Nt
Je-lWO. dr
ments In the State. Lower rates than
Portland. Largest stock Legal Blanks 1
the State, a-d biggest discount. Send for
price list of Job printing, nnd catalogue 01
legal blanks. Ti M. WAITE,
Steam Printer Salem Oregon.
Ilnvo moved to 47 nnd 49 State street
where they nro now ready for work. AU
our old patrons and friends are Invited to
call and bee 11s in our now location, we
uro better prepared for work now thaa
ever linvlng secured more room. 10-1-tf.
1 Mllncksmitbs, have removed their shop to
the corner of Commercial nud Chcmckete
ttS.. Where tllPV urn rpnriv .fn RPrve the
public. They are now prepared better than
I ever to do till kinds orwngon nnd carriage
1 milking nnd repairing; all kinds of black;
miming nndTepjiInng, nnd a genenu
uoreitiioeing.buslncss. They have nil kinas
, hand made, etc., an a
flo manner. Sneci&l
attention given to the construction of wag-
csirrlages. Itemember the piaca
wI,P0,"e siato l nsurauce building.
SCRIM 4 PfflU,
wW jlttif.
I Hum in Orvgqu,
lie. " """""