Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 24, 1889, Image 4

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Onoyonrbyiiinll.-.. - -;
Hlx month" liy nmll - f ;J?
Three month by mull r ' x'
Vur wcolc, dellvcreil by carrier '
One your liy mnll .-. " J?
Hlx montliN by infill ;
Olio year, If lild In nilvnnro 1
Mix month, if l-nld In advance
For advertising ratt-H apply nt thl olIlc-.
who do not MKiuro their paper rtKulnrly
will notify mi" oMco.KMiiKiKidrcKH.niKl
im miiiliT will be attended tout once.
Ofllcc, corner Court nml Liberty Streets
,..,. . 1M0
uij -' in"J
.MONDAY... -
Oplnoim Will Differ.
The Capital. loi'it.VAh,.wliicli In
some respects Is it capital paper, I n
forms Its readers that there are 1208
convicts In tin- state penltentlar.V
nml (hut "Antorlii is almost certain
to send lirtecn nii-.oiK'is within ii
fi.w davH." This Is all-mistake.
Astoria has no de.-iie to Infringe
upon Huk'iii's prerogative and will
not send fifteen nor five nor one In
itTow flays or week", or nioiitliH.
After cnumi'riKlng nearly a doyn
erlmlniils now lieM "I'd awaiting
trial, (ho Tramcilpt mi.v-i "'l'1,t'
ehnnces are ruvorable for n linii.-i
of residence for a nmiorily of thuin
from Astoria In Salem. 'i'uM.1 thein
away, we have plenty of the same
kind lefl ,
Open lprTii-NIlil
The Cieorgie Woodlhorpe iroiip
jiresentoil "Kiiiielion the (Jileket"
lust evening to a large find delighted
nuillenro. MIhs Woodlhorpe Is nl
lier b-.si as Kuiiclion, displaying her
great talent to advantage In this
part, filie was well susluined. The
company aru giving it week or fine
enlertalniiii-iilsand ikei vellio good
jmlronago (hey receive. To-nlghl,
(heir best play the "Two Orphans"
will bo presented, and the house
promises to be packed. "Cain ice"
was given Ibis afternoon In lino
shape. Albany Democrat.
This popular company open at the
Heed to-night for' a week. Secure
your tickets early.
Tint! Home l'li'lllii.
Hnkuii )im llnu pai Us, good music
and lots of It, eloquent orators
whoso iininu Is legion, fust running
horsis, a haw bull nine, greasetl pigs,
In fuel everything necessary to the
complete celebration of our natal
day. And If wo ilou'l ob-ervoJuly
fourth by a lug homo plenlo It Is bn
ciuiM) nobody Is willing to (nkodio
Inkludvestep in the multer. Hut n
homo celebration must bo hud, since
the Idea of a big celebration has been
'i ii Niiiui' fiiii iii'iiir
Miku Hlieu N a lute arrival at the
ayluui, hailing from linker City.
He is hallucinated with ihu sumo
old story, (hut Homebody is pursuing
him and seeks his life. Over half of
(hose who eomo to (ho asylum hero
lira env.y over that snnio thing. Ho
cut IiIh dog's throat it few days ago
and thought he hud vanquished his
I'lllng "f Town I'liit.
Kuturday ul'teriioou it plat ol the
now town of Uutesvllle on
the Oregon l'm'lllo and Saiitlam riv
er, Ihive miles above .Mills City, win
tiled with the county recorder. The
plat contains six blocks. Tho plat
of Comptoii's addition to Salem was
ulaonlfd. This tract lies north of
Klverslilennd contains ten blocks.
Did Suldlitm I'oolr.l,
Veteiansof tho war of the rebel
lion who attended tho H.lls llros.
circus, uttructcd by the Idea of mv
lug it puunmmlu portrayal of Short-
" dan's rlile after the stylo of the
popular eyclorainns wcro deceived.
No Mich feature Is a part of the pu
gruui of the circus.
A flrrnl I'mopim).
From press notices It would seem
(hal (ho (icorgle Wotdlhoro com
puny which opens here to-night for
it wfek, Is one of the U-st ooiublna
tloun on tho rmd. At Albany they
were. MiivfNtful In plciiblng largo
uudliMiivs which IncreiiM'tl nljjhtly.
Their reportolro consists of good
A I'opulur Itpinrl.
Yfstenlay itlwut (hilly pel-sous
from Baleiu weru ut Mchutim, the
IKipiilttr inountiiln rvwirt. They
bought tho guniey tmul and v njoycil
u day of tliliulflng. They rvturneil
homo Into In (ho evening and ivisut
it moot plcaxaut day among (he
Turner Ciiiimttliig.
A largo croud wiw present nl (ho
lanipnux'tlng yestoitlay and It U
thought that there will W it btlll
larger ono next Sunday. Therv wan
iiliwi n Ittrgomiwd ut llnwks y-ter
.i.... i.ii ........I..
iinj . ii iinw i.uiiiiiu-villij;i iiiv su
ing on (ho utrvvts of thU c Ity on
Kuiuhtv look louooiuo.
Til htmilr) ll.Ulr.
Tho fiirm f320 iieiv boluiiKUiu l !
thoJuuu. Sttiitloy wlal wan wild xom whu wtiutwl (oi Kniitlils
lyl- Levy, wttHsutor. nt piiblloKilofV,irnutlinn,v.uiieout Igovraby JiAi.
SJtiiixltiy iilUTiiooii. li'yiiillrtK.!iWi,iouviT rtuilwni.il mvui. m
"aiii u li nt in jvrr acre,
TIip Soullierii I'nrlfln Itujn Hip Oregon-,
Ian Myntriil for l,r,IM,00O. ,
It Is learned from enoil authority ,
(lint a Kilo of the Orcgniilnti rail
way company lines (narrow guano
lian been nnule to tlic .Southern In
ctllc Company for about l,r00,00().
This In u consummation which has
been wlthed anil expected for come
time, and will be u great benefit to
the country along the lines of the
Oregonlan railway, which has been
kept buck by tlic troubles ami iiiik-
( forltincM wlilch have hampered the
, rolls (lI(1 obstructed their UK-fulness
I , , i 1
IhIiico they were completed.
gi,orty ftt.r tlc m,t 0f the Orc-
gonlan railway ngnliiht the I). K. &
y, Was decided by tliesupreme court
L'onlan railway acalnst the O. It. &
ioi mo I'lincfi mates niiavoroi uiu
O. It. fe N. ft liquidator was appoint
ed by the Scottish courts to wind up
the nfliilrs of tho Oregonlan com
puny. Tills liquidator sent his at
torney, Alexander Mackay, out here
some time since to examine into the
affairs of the eoinpaiiy,the condition
of tho lines, etc., and to take such
action as he thought best hi the
Mr. Muckuy went toSun Francisco
and talked to Charles 1 Crocker
about selling the pioporty to. the
Southern I'acillc compriiy and was
ivfcricd by hint to C. J. Hunting
ton in New York. Negotiations
we. e carried on there mid on Jmif
flth Mr. Muckuy sailed for Scotland,
carrying an agreement signed by
Mr. Huntington which has since
Ids arrival been approved by the
The properly (o be conveyed to
Mr. Huntington Includes the lines
of tho Oiegoiilan Hallway company
and the property of tho company in
i'ortlaud, consisting of the block
and water front between Madison
uiid .leffcison streets east of Front,
says the Oregonlan. This property
was purchased foriipuKsciigerdenot,
and with the public levee property
gives the Southern Pueilleu water
Montage of 020 feet.
A committee of tho bondholders
has been appointed to close all nego
tiations, and the sale has been lip
proved and now goes to (he court of
M'sslons to bo continued and approv
ed, and us It is not .expected that
there will beany objections this will
probably bo done In a few days.
A llrllills IIkiii.
Saturday evening as Mrs. F. X.
Matlhiuu ami daughter of French
I'rulrlo weio returning from nschool
picnic with nu organ in it lumber
wagon, tliu horses becamo iiniuun
uge.tbloaml ran away.
The team got it way with tho foro
wheels of (lie wagon anil nut down
the hill to Huttovlllc, where they
were captured after receiving it good
many scratches about the legs.
When tho foro wheels left tho
wugon tho front dropped down,
throwing Mrs. Mutthieu nnd Miss
Violet (o the ground. It is suit! tlitit
tho hind wheel of tho wagon passed
fiver Mlvt Violet, and ut llrst It wus
thought slio wus hint internally,
but It Is now thought she Is not
seriously hurl. Mrs. Mutthieu hud
her nt'iii broken In two places be
tween the shoulder mul elbow, anil
received oilier slighter luulsrsnboiu
the body.
A little son of J. W. Long who
h.iw die team coming run for tho
guto to escape, but before ho could
puss through tho wheel caught him
nnd crushed nl thigh against the
fence, breaking tho bono ncir the
hip Joint mill budly lueoratlng the
Mllltlllnl- .S'lllltflltluil,
Tho now steamer of ihoO. H. iv
N., "Modoc," which wus built for
tho upper Willamette Irnlllc will be
placed ou tho route curly In July.
It dntws but thirteen Inches of
water, with full cargo, and there is
no doubt but that she will bo able
to run without Interruption from
ono year's end to another, This
will bo a boon to shippers and the
success of tho experiment will de
termine further movements hi tho
Mime direction.
Ki'tiiiitW of .Mi'lll.
A custom was adopted in tho high
grades of die public schools In which
all scholars who weio nellhur (nrdy
nor absent nml hud a grade of eighty
per font or above lu weekly Maud
lug wore entitled to prizes. The'
following named were sucv.-.sful this'
yeur: Juslo Hivyinnn, Maiy Mat-'
(hows, Myrdo Knight, Maggie'
KvmiH, Clam Wiley, Addio Howor-I
sox, Alum MoMiihlors, Kugcno Ton-"
noy, lXdla 1'ityno, Fnnl Drau'gcr uiitl
llnrvoy Coltlo.
II l it liiirlou. t'iii'l
Tlmt t lie Uly U uor nioroiiMVpllldo In
Ik'uciH iYmiii medtelUfi Ihuu tit tiny oltwr
m'mu. lltiuv tlit lmorlitiiM til liiklim
IUvhI' tkirMtlurllUt now, wlun ItwllUlo
you tho tiivxt KtHM. It u itxtlly Miidrtil
flirimrtO'lUK Jiul viirU'lilnx llio lilo.nl, r
Ulliig Mil pH'tlti, Htut lilMUK n tuvdlli)
tout to tht hole )Um. l un to k
IIikkVh irMntrlll, wlilolt U lfilUr U
llldlpclldIU' rkm III.
Tho circus vAA IndojH'iidoiuM a
vUlt hut wivk uiul muiio of the oltl.
Kt then) elivu kfttiiu h liiuno
Kcroveriiis h'lrely.
Capt. Jtabcock was nble to be out
a few hours to-1ay, after an Illness ,
of -i week. He will boom bo at his
old post' of fluty nunlii, ills many
friends hope.
Im lied to Denver,
Uovci nor 1'cnnoycr of Oregon has
received an invitation from tho May- )uring low tides a large amount
or of Denver, Colorado, inviting of tJ)c coa m the j)0Id of the Yaqul
lilm to attend the 1th of July cele-j ,)ft uay coui(j mvebceu removed If a
bratlon of that place. crcw bad been put to work, says the
ti.p sfcr'nearter.. Itepubllcaii. At lour tide there was
The scries of new National read- only a few Inches of watcrand liaril-
whlch has been
ailonted for use
the state,
may now
book stores.
public schools of
has arrived anil
be obtained at the
Orders for Salem Can
be filled at l'atton's next week.
lliturpctl nml tVpdilcil.
A marriage license was this after
noon issued to Edward lironkey nnd
Mrs. Chrhtlna Winch. Tho
bride was but Lift week n
party In circuit court to tho pro
ceedings of Christina Winch vs
Adolph Winch. She applied for a
divorce and wusginnted fine.
A I'.ltf l.iiuil Sale.
The Alfred Savage farm of 115
acres, which lies about two miles
eut nnd it little north of Salem, was
this morning purchased by a gen
tleman liy the name of Seers, who
recently arrived here from Nebraska.
Tho purchase price was $125
per acre, making u total of $18,125
paid for the tract. This is the laud
the state tried to buy as a site for the
reform .chool, before locating It on
the Turner road.
A SIIkIiI Aiildrnl.
About H :.'!() this morning Oswald
West was rifling u horns near the
evaporator. The cars moving scared
the hor.-e, causing it to jump and
full, bruising Mr. West's left foot
badly. He was conveyed home In a
cab, vhicli was near ut band. He Is
now resting well.
J. II. I'lttly of Turner is in (he
-J. 0. Wilson left tills morning
for I'ortlund.
15. 0. Norton left this morning
for I'ortlund.
Mclvinley Mitchell of Gcrvnis is
in the city.
John Hnyes went down toPort
lnutl this morning
Mrs. I). C. Howard left this
afternoon for Eugene on n visit.
Miss llerthn Towiiscud look the
train for Cumby this mhrniug.
Mrs. C. IJ. Woodard anil Mrs.
Applegate took the morning I ruin
for I'ortlund.
Judge It. I'. Uoko went to Al
bany to-tiny, where circuit couit
commenced thU afternoon.
Undo Hunter, who has been
visiting in the city for the past few
dnys, returned homo to-dny.
The following Indies from Sale.T.
arrived to spend thobuninier months
at this peint: Miss Mattlo 1;. Hun
see, Mrs. Prof. Van Seoy anil two
children, Mrs. N C. Ilansec, Miss
llelleShuart and Miss LIlllo Muyo.
Thny lmve routed cottages on Nye
creek. Newport Itepubllcnn.
I.tlt'.lh S11.MM VliV.
Fritlny wus the longest' day of
tho year.
Tho regular meeting of tho W.
C. T. IT. wllloccurnt 2::) p. m. to
morrow. Tho steamers lloug and Uondy
arc oil' (ho liver routo now, and mo
tletl up at their docks at Corvnllis.
Painless ilentul opemtionsnt Dr.
T C. Smith's, 02 State stix-et.
Variety Is tho spice of life, but
for good live spices, pure coffee, A 1
leu, llrst-class groceries and fruits
anil vegetables In t-onson theplucoto
go Is to the tdoro of Squlro Fiirntr it
Co. Their ileullngs are honest nnd
fair, Farmr, falro-t.
For your meat go to Lnforo's
tihtlny tin Stato street. tf
Cnpltnl engine conipniiy are
having their engine houo painted
lnlile, which makes the room linik
very uwit. A great many visitors
visit die ongluo house to w,t! how
the lunges tiro (ntlniHl mid to tee
the engines.
-Don't you forget (hut tho Hon
Ton lYstunnint N tho only placoyou
cm got a goinl sqtiui-o meal for tho
small sum of twenty-live cents.
Wrlnht'k IImI lYuNtCuiv unooiuil.-il riir
nvuiifuiitU'liruitieixiiiKh. ima ivliN, m
uii irritubtuiy of nu air iihiiw. som
Wrliilu' .Myrrh Tooth Stun miiim on
tvutliitwr ory ttiuo you htiw u lruh
with II. Try It. Kld by all druciWU
WrUhrk llliicklK'rry rurdlul nti hif.ill
ttriudy tiirllioiiUtaioliMttmtti cuu nl
nml lj .ciliary. s.U.I b l ,
A OOOl) CUl' llh" IVIr't'lttt
fh H irvtl iillniit litt ft a i n nlii imni
Tlw culw dwwil irvim HelWiibruiul's fat I
nrurr --i
rinw.uiaiiraiiwor. hM MwlUnt wllV 1
mMiaerxifh. .iu for u.ir
mimI nitwit ho txuiiut bo iiiimIhI lu llm
V.dt Willi imui iv that Iho
KIMltint pluruiuio ofhU nld uu 1
Ikvii' In ro-prutiig the tuvli
C tries UlokoiiH,
At lUILsboro thrcehorses were shot
last week by order of the state com
missioners. They were aflltcted
with nasal gleet. The fMe veteri
narian 'is makiiiK every effort to
stamp out this disease before It gets
nHtrong foothold
lv any sand over the coal.
There Is one important oftlce that
should be created under the city
government nnd that Is a health of
ficer. It Is strange that an educated
people as there Is in Baker City, says
the Democrat, will tolerate ns mnny
filthy nuisances nnd health destroy
ing ngencies as here exist. If the
present state of things continue
sickness nnd death will be prevalent
in die extreme.
Railroad building in Oregon
within the next three years will be
lively. There is the Oregon Pacific
going cast, the Astoria road to Til
lamook and Salem, the Eugene road
over to Siuslaw, the Grant's Pass
line on down to Cresent City, the
Southern Pacific's branch from
Turner to Mehama, tho O. P. from
Salem to Sclo Junction, the narrow
guuge from Luckiamute to Salem
nnd the Salem and Silvcrton motor
line. Lots of railroads!
Hop growing is yearly becoming
a more important industry of the
state. If the capital invested and
die interest taken in this business
continues to grow in the same pro
portion that they have during the
past few years, Oregon will soon be
come famous as a hop growing coun
try. Indications point towards this
end, and the reasons why Ore"gon
hops will become famous are strong
and simple. In tho first place, hops
give u better return on the capital
invested thanmatiy of the cereals
and fruits to which our land Is now
planted, and therefore capital will be
attracted toward this staple of trade.
Dealers have already established
mnrkcts not only nt tho East, but
also in England, where hops from
the Pacific const are preferred to
Gormuii hops. The trade with Eng
lund Is increasing. Tho amount of
exports to England depends of courso
greatly on the English crop, but the
normal business is a healthv and
growing one. About fifty per cent,
of die Pacllic coast crop now goes to
Preset) I, In Lancashire, a town
long famous for its watches and
wnteh tools, hits been losing its trade
of lute, and when it was clear that
something would have to be done
there was a meeting in tho town hall,
at which it was resolved tostart watch
factories on the American plan, with
improved machinery mid processes,
A company wus formed with .100,
000 eapitnl.
Hotel call boy "Madam, you must
liuiry if you would save your life.
The hotel Is all on (Ire. This is the
third time I have warned you."
Ladv guest "Well, tell tho fire
men to keep tho Humes under con
(rol until 1 hike out my curl papers
and frizmy hair. Ijust know there's
it great crowd of men dowu there."
A "poor man with a largo family"
has written from Philadelphia to the
superintendent of prisons nt Albany,
N. Y., offering to bo n victim to
scionco by testing the efficacy of
tho npparatus to catiso death by
olectrlelty, provided that .55000 is
paid to his family in ense tho ex
periment succeeds.
Allays City (Kan.) paper prints
tho following remarkable card of
thanks: Mr. and Mrs. Gartland
wish to express their thanks to tho
friends and neighbors who so kind
ly asslstotl at tho burning of their
hotel last Monday night.
Tho total loss ut the Johnstown
anil Concmaugh Valley disaster is
computed by Uradstrcet's nt f 30,000,
000; nnd tho total loss (Including
this amount), by recent tloods In N.
Y., Pa., Va., mid Mil., nt $44,250,000.
A correspondent wishes to know
"about tho broker's board." Well,
dear, dip broker's bored when your
margin Is small nnd your orders nro
few. When business Is good the
broker's board Is champagne nnd
sweolbrend. When it Is bud, beer
nnd n sandwich.
'pi.. ft...,....t ...... . i
, .", -""""" ""v.wo roun uus
decided that pokerplayingforinonev
is not gambling. It U probably rv-
, .... . .. J
BnUM uy Hie court fts n UliUllOllltU
leal bcleiuv.
It is reported, ivs an evldeuco of
l,nl times In tho slmli' ilomliil.ui
It lint men who had n dozen wives!
i have hait to reduce the number to
,m? or fur.
y i. p
1V""S l'i is ui
down at the heel,
iP.Vrr Y- NASll.-At tho residence 1a!- " &ZZ TiTZ-T. fi 3 K? " :" ?.
uwf wlier..m, Al. 3Cali. In Salem, ' """ , nighti.scymyneigibott.gettheuninlfatSi
fP Mlllilny, JunoSJ, IbStl, at 4 l. in' 3 right' HP Celery and Chamomile cu Bud wve fee. Irtca toO per acre.
,,fl .Mr. It Pattv ami Kir 1 ,.vlml Bi.mnendbythmteuialnut Kt"",? wiwiaWe, Kor particular !,
1 'll, h.v v hiii i .. Pbjrjtelan lnvUoUng,stlwuiitina b1 i chrito Holjf rtn, Orange itore, BaiVm.
-ah, nor, . Itolllu r-ffJcU lx l lniosletin7 Hold 6t h $ f, na ., Jots J. RobbSSw,
This new plat just put on the market is the n,U lujj - -
lem for building lots. They have no equal. J J c hole p
ln Salem for building 1
in mucin .w. - o --- - . - ,
flue state of cultivation, sect.cu in
no rocks or gravel, sou goou,
the city, surrounding countrj-, the mom. uu J bo" chemekete
peaks. Pure cold well wnter. Is twelve blocks south uw
Eel and postofllce blocks These
instnllments, one-tenth cash and one-tc. h in miarttr jen j P
eranihave alUdy bee. sold on which fine oUJS
and a number more have been optioned. If ou e r "
call on JONES & WATSON, wl , will show you the plat nud the lots.
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem,
Specialties in Table Luxuries,
Fine" Tea, and Coffee, Creamery
Butter, Cream Cheese, etc.
Remember trie
Success in Business requires preparation I Therefore, thoroughly master
Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship and Business Correspon
dence, Book-keeping by both Single and Double Entry, the nature and
correct use of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law and Business practice.
Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing. Manifold, and Dictation work.
All these are needed in business, and are thoroughly taught by exper
ienced teachers nt tho SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE
Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon.
One .Mile from Aunisvillc
Several fruit
rowers from tho
there is room for
locate with us ant'
more or less, high land gently roiling, deep rich rcti soil, all under plow,
sufllclent fence. Price $-10. Samplo No. 2, 20 acres, more or less, partly
under plow, partly covered with willows, gently inclining nud level land,
both red nnd black soil. Price 221 to $30.
Purchasers can pay 8 per cent, interest on half for five to seven years.
From Salem take train to Turner and thence to Aumsville on Thomas
Bros', hack line, and call on the owner, Mr. We Shaw, one mile north
ot depot, fir for fuither particulars address
J. J. HARDEN, Stayton, Oregon.
r. . . ,
hire! Fire!!
1-ook out for lcs .by Fire during the hot
Insure Against Loss
It) the lSlclfloOf IHirtlnml fli.r. nr r I..
nxxl, Northern of Umdon, tho Ocrma
nla or the HamburK-Magdeburs Klra In.
xx mm
ffJSL SSSiyK' ?? renovalSS
... v v..... ...,lcv Mm uuiitu un inn it'
'"' ffitff !'?2 '?. renoVaiTou
So grubs, no
."" . . ,. a flne vkw of
.... amv-cunned
Place and Call.
and Ten Miles from Salem.
east have declared their intention to
several more. Sample No. 1. 20 acres
CJranuules Students in
Classical, Literary, Scientific,
Normal, Business, Law,
It U the i oldest, largest and least expen
slve Institution of learning In the North-
Bchool opens first Monday in September
Send for catalogue to
,. lresldent.
Salem, Oregon.
Farm for Sale.
IKX acres, 7 miles southwest of Salem,
.eiro15fct. Hn,i nU fenced ! crops
renced. iu tn cultivation, 10 seeded to
grass, balance timber, plenty good spring
rater, giod 9-room bouse ail finished
near a seven hundred dollar school-house.
fair barn and other out buildings. Good
grain, gnu and fruit land. Sightly and
heultny location, good neighborhood and
good road to Salem. Cun bo divided into
smaller fruit farms with pure spring watei
on each. Don"t monkey with tlm mi M
.,.,,,, nn, tun.
to forty lores,
Crockery and- Glassware!
With specialties In
Valerian China Tea Sets,
French China Dinner Sets,
Buckingham Pattern
Of which we constantly keep a full line '
and open stock, enabling ub to make up
ninno. nn.1 Ton aof a rf nnv bIva rtf nail t.!.
the single piece. The finest assortment of
Ever shown In Salem.
Ot thelntest nnd handsomest patterns In
GS-Please call ana examine onr stock.
201 Commercial Street.
Salem, Oregon, have received direct
onm HocTmin Hqptaiv
The Finest Line of
DOG CAriTS and
which will bo sold at.
Prices and Terms to Suit 111!
These goods 'ore first-class and as their
stock is very large a person can find wnal
they may vsb. Their warehouse on Btsw
street is completely filled, and they have
another car load en route now. Lookout
for them; something fine
Only Genuine System of Memory Training.
Four Books Learned In on raiding.
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adult greatly benefited.
Great inducements to correspondene
Classes. . , .
Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. wm. a.
Hammond, the world-famed Specialist la
Mind Diseases, Daniel Greenleaf Thomp
son, the great Psychologist, J. M, BacKiy
D. D., editor of the Christian Advocate
N. Y.. Richard Pro-tor, thescientlst, Hon.
W. V. Astor, Judah P. JJenJaman, ana
others, sent post free by
Prof. A. LOISETTK, 237 Fifty AveWi
Je-1M9. dw
Uments In the State. Lower rates than
Portland. Largest steck: Legal Btanks u
the State, a-d biggest discount. Bead m
price list of Job prlnUng. and taloroe 01
legal blanks! M. WAITR
Steam Printer Salem Oregon.
Have moved to and 48 State street,
where they are now ready for yor.,. ,5
our old patrons nnd friends are Invlteo,,??
call and see us in our new location. w
aro hotter prepared for work nw,,,
ever having secured more room. wu
Ulacksmlths, have removed tnelrPJJ
the corner or Commercial and Chemewjj
su., where they are ready .to serve, w;
public They are now prepared betlrJSS
ever to do all kinds of agon n(lcfSS.
nutklngaud repairing; all kind otov
smithing and repairing, and a Jft?,?!,
horseshoelngrbuslness. They have aU"TT
of sboesteeKtrottlng, hand made, S25
flu them In a sclentlUo manner. "
attention given to the construction o'r"
ons and carriages. Remember tne p""
opposite State Insurance building.
iere They Are
mmtuM ww ti . t,umm
i pwm