jfcj-y WW3r'- J TEC33 OAPMAL EVENING- JOUKNA1. THLCAPITAL jgjjjfflL SATURDAY. -JUNE 22, 19S9 Urlls in History. Bells hnvo a huge place in his toryalmost larger than any other object that could lie mentioned, un less we accept oine or the Iniple meiits of destruction. Their great antiquity, says Lock and Bell, is beyond question. An explorer among the ruins of Niuevali, or some other of those vanished Orien tal cities, claims the discovery of a bronze bell, aud the citizens of Rome came together iu their public places at the signal of bells. But the Roman - bells were elongated pieces of forging about as musical, it is presumed, as a modern cow bell. It was not until medheval and modern times that thobell ring er became iv man 01 v ij maun, guished duties. Who has not heawt of the Sicilian vesper belln, ning in the year 1282 as a siguul lor the death of 8300 Frenchmen, slaugh fred so that Sicily might be free? Who has not heard again, and shud dered as he listened, of the -bells ol St. Bartholemew, the biguul, it K said, for the death of 100,000 persons? And the 8 o'clock curfew bell that rang through all England at the bidding of William the Conqueror, as a warning to his newly made slaves to "douse the glim;" has it not echoed in faint ami still falntei tones through all pages of English history down to date? But it has not been the fate of all bells to be made to give the signal for slaugh ter or oppression. The Philadelphi ons have their fondly cheiished Liberty bell. It is held in such es teem that it was borne half over the continent a few cars ago under the escort of a guard of honor to proreet it from all injury. It proclaimed once from its brazen lips the birth of a now yatiou, aud hence if it be . not made to endure as long as the nation itself, It will be because met al is more perishable than the work ot the Revolutionary architects. An Inventive Career. Geo. Westinghouse, Jr., through out his entire lifo has shown a marked mechanical bent and his mind has constantly run on inven tions, the object of which was to do by machinery what-had previously been done by baud. His father owned and operated large works at Schenectady, N. Y., for the manufacture of agricultural implements, and ho showed his good sense in giving his boys, as part of their educac'tion, practical in structions in mechanics. George, in early days was very fond of playipg ball, aud somotimes his father, on returning to his works would find tho lad absent for obvious reasons. These absences led to interviews. At Inst it was decided that George's work should be arranged on piece system instead of on the time system. In other words his task was thenceforth to consist of a given amouut'of work each day, which he might expedite as much as he pleased and, after it was done, he was at liberty to repair to the ball grounds. Hero was an opportunity for invention, and the lad did not fail to utilize it. With out any previous" knowledge of the now well known disc method of cut ting metals, ho experimented and soon discovered that with a circular dtse and 6oft sheet iron on the high est speed of his lathe, ho could split a file. He quickly utilized this method of completing his task, and repaired so early each day to the ball grounds that his father at first feared that a miscount had oc curred. On watching George at work, however, ho soon enw with Ins own eyes how the remarkable feat was accomplished. A Most Peculiar Death. Milliard Flint, a young man aged about tweuty-flve years met with a very untimely death near Irving, says the Eugene Register. In company with several others ho was engaged in road work aud was hauling gravel out of a Held. After digging down for some distance they struck a spring of water at the loot of the bank, which was about five feet h'igh. Flint laid down and took a "drink and then rolled over and jokingly remarked that it was a pretty cool place and he guessed he would stay there. The words wcrescarcely out of his mouth when the bank caved in ou him, covering all but his feet. Ills companions due him out as quickly as possible, but only to find that he was dead. He Struck tlie Right Man. The other day an Important look ing gentleman took a teat beidoa niitot man in an Arkansas railroad carriage and liegau a conversation, j . . r twl . iii. II l. "I'm going "V vu Winn J-uxn, mi said, "to get a pardon for a convict ed thief. I'm not personally ac quainted with the governor, hut he can't afford to refuse me." "la the fellow Kiillty? ' aked the. man. "Of course ho is; hut that makea HO difference, ma ineiraa nave HWdtoslvwJ0?K r pet him out, and the thermometer Is very low when I can't put up a good talk. Where are you traveling?" "Goluc Little Rock." "Do you live there":" "Yes." "Perlia; you might be of some service to me. What business are you In?" "I'm the governor." He wasn't of the least "service to him." The English syndicate has now announced its intention to buy up the large Hour and rolling mill3 of this country, and it is said also to have an eye ou the mining interests of the west. W (LR0YAL?.3S Jk AKlKc POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of pumy, sirenciu ana wnoiesomeness. More economical than tho ord nary kinds, and cannot be sold In comptitlon with the multitude oflow test, short weight alum or phosphate ponders, bold only In cans. Uoyai. II kiko I'owdeu Co., lOo Vall.N.Y. A NOMt.NS MSi'DUKY. "Another wonderful discovery ha been made and that too by a lady in this country. Dtecao fastened its clutches upon her aud for seven years she withstood its severst tests, but her vital ergans wero under mined and death seemed imminent. For three mouths she coughed inces santly and could not sleep. She bought of us a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption and was bo much relieved on taking first dose that she slept all night and with one bottle lias been miracu lously cured. Her nnme is Mrs. Luther Lutz." Thus write W. C. Hamrick & Co., of Shelby, N. C. Get a free trial bottle at Daniel Fry's drugstore. tl'OCll. Tim transition from loucr. lingering and painful sickness to robust health marivs an cpocu in uiu me ui iiieiu dividual. Such a remarkable event is treasured in tho memory and the nnntinv ivlinrf liv tho irood health has been attained is greatfully blessed. Hence It IS tliai so muuu is uearu in nraise of Electric Bitters. So many feel they owo their restoration to imnit'i tn the uso of tho Great Al terative and Tonic. If you are troubled witn any uiseaso oi xviu- .,..o T.lvnr nr Rtomnpb. of lonff or short standing you will surely find relief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50c. and 1 per bottle atDan iel J. Fry's Drugstore. A PUBLIC BENEFACTOR "Who is H. H. Warner, of Roche ter, N. Y., whoso Safe Remedies, es pecially Warner's Safe Cure, have at tained such success and celebrity l homo and abroad?" The question is inspired as much by affection as curiosity, since through his instrumentality hundreds of thou sands, in both nemiBpheros, have beon restored to health and happi ness. Hon. H. H. Warner, then, is a leading and honored resident o Rochester, not only, but a prominent and influential citizen of the United States. On several occasions chosen by his party as a National delejfate to nominate arresidentof tho Republic, he has been a member of the Kepub can State Committee and of "its Exe cutive Committee. He is a member of the American Institution for the Advancement of Science; President of tho Rochester Chamber of Com merce ; a succ esEful and upright busi ness man. He has given away for tunes in clarities. The celebrated and costly Warner Observatory of Rochester was conceived, endowed, and is maintained by him. His munificent prizes for the discovery of comets hasueen at once the wonder and delight of the scientific world. The yellow fever Bcourage in the South, the Ohio floods, the fire dis asters of Rochester and other cities aw akened his profoundest sympathies and in each instance his check for from $ 500 to f 5,000 swelled the several relief funds. Where other wealthy men give tens and hundreds, he gives hundieds and thousands. Ilia charities are as ready and magnificent as his enterprises and publio spirit are boundless. Tho world has need of more such men. An incident led him into the manu facture ot medicine. Seized some twelve years ago with what the ablest physicians termed fatal kidney die easo, lie was miraculously restored to health by what is now known as Warner's t?afo Cure. At once he re solved to make known the merits of so Ftent a remedy, and the consequence is tnai to-aay e iiua iiuiunuoa "-1 tories and warehouses in the United States, Canada, England, Germany, Austria, Australia and Burmah. bales . of his bale Remedies are enormous, I and their power over disease simply , marvelous. , , rru. ..! nt a rirrufiirtfnn lfl in CX- act keeping with the character of Its producer. An honest and reliable man himself, 3Ir. Warner makes honeft and reliable medicines fact abundantly attetted by their pbu iMaal teer and poffigUr the verdict toasimocs. BRIGHTEN YOUR HOMES W.D. Suit, Druggist, Blpnus. Hid., ' DnlUll I LIN I WUH numtO testifies: "I can recommend Electric iiy reporxMins and ilivnintiiur jourrvM Bitters as the verv best reined v. ' dencc. Kor material g t.iaarKo.int's Vn Elbottle sold hays glvlu Ihfn nKi; W MASS eiiTjr wise, uiittiiinu iuuk hia uiHut, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Belleville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine I have ever handled iu my 20 years' experi ence, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimo ny, so that the verdict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all dis eases of the Liver, Kidneys or Blood. Only a half dollar a botile at Daniel J. Fry's drugstore. Proposals for Supplies. The board of trustees of thcOregon State Insane Asylum hereby invito sealed pro posals for furnishing at tho asylum, near Salem, Oregon, the following supplies for inesixnioniiis commencing jniy i, iss: DUUG3. 2 lbs fluid extract cascarn sagradn. 2 lbs fluid extract rhus nromatlca. 1 lb fluid extract clmlclfug rac. 2 lbs fluid extract ginger. 1 lb fluid extract lneneunnnh. 2 lbs fluid extract liquorice. 1 lb fluid extract senna. 2 lbs fluid extract cherry bark 2 lbs fluid extract arnica. V. lb tannic ncld. albs carbolic ncld crystals. 2 lbs bromide of potash. 2 lbs Iodide potnsn 1 lb iodido ammonia, 1 lb subnlt bismuth, squlbbs. 5 lbs gum camphor 1 lb pulv acacia. 10 lbs epsom salts. 1 lb pyro phosphate Iron. (I ozs concentrated nitrous ether. 8orsollcloo. 2 o7s oil lemon. 2 ozs oil bay. IoOO nil Aloin Co (McK. A R.) 200 pil manganese blnox (JIcK AR 2 qr 200 pll phosphorus 1-MHMe, K & It.) HUO pll phosphorus H0O ;t doz burgeons sponges. 1000 empty capsules, No 1 4 gross corks each Nos 1 to 6 XX extra long. 1 gross pill boxes, No SO. 1-3 gross ointment boxes 1 and 2 oz each. gross z uracnm viais. 1 gross 1 oz l'hlla ovals. n 4t it Q tl It II 4 II II II a II ii II Q II II II gals port wine, Napa valley. 3 gals whisky, o K cutter. doz Davidson syringes, No 1. Z doz black hard rubber syringes, i oz- 1 doz " " " " " 1 " t doz car syringes 3 gals glycerine. 3 gals grnpe brandy. 5 gals sherry wine, No. 1. 5 gals alcohol. 5 bills sal soda. 15 lbs Japan wax. 1 lb aq ammonia, cone. 1 lb cream of tartar, Squlbbs. Jilbresubllmated iodine. 2 lbs rosin. 2 lbs gum asafoetlda. 1 lb accetlc acid. 2 lbs diluted phosphoric acid. 1 doz Phillip's cod liver oil. 30 ft rubber tubing, H Inch. CO Altering paper, 10 Inch. Oozsulfonul. 2 doz bot's soluble hypodermic tablets, sulphate hyoscyamlnc, No 45, 140 gr, John Wyeth & bra. 2000 powder papers, No 16 doz soft rubber catheters BUY GOODS 350 lbs yarn, all wool; 250 lbs white; 100 blue 2000 yds Canton flannel, Nashua XXX 500 yds Marselles, York MTg Co checks 500 yds Lonsdale fine siieetlng.SO In 200 yds Lonsdale tine sheeting, 9-4 1200 yards mariner's ptrlpes (Araoskoag) 800 yds Pequot sheeting, heavy A, 30 In 1200 yds l'equot sheeting, heavy, 45 In 200 yds toweling, red and blue check. MX) yds calico, American full standard. 100 yds table oil cloth, white andheavy 00 doz spools white thread, No JO, Mile End 15 doz pairs suspenders 12 doz Turkey red handkerchiefs C doz spools black linen thread, No, 25 GHOCEBIES 6000 lbs Liverpool salt, fine ' 720 lbs tea, U 8 brand, Ponohong, 900 lbs tobacco, Hapldun brand 100 lbs China starch 300 lbs soda crackers, extra fresh 200 lbs rnlslns, California layers. lfaOlbsUermca Bperry's new process 12,000 lbs sugar: 7000 golden C, 6000 grain 500 lbs cheese, Cranston's, or as good 2000 lbs- corn meal, Go.d Duit, fresh ground. 1.J00 lbs cracked wheat, fresh ground. 13Q0 lbs oatmeal, fresh ground. l.WOlbs coarse hominy, fresh ground. 1410 lbs rolled oats (Cormack's patent). 500 lbs dried currants. 144 lbs carb soda, C and Co A and H brand. 100 lbs sago. 20 doz brooms, 18 doz cans oysters, Blue Points, lOdoz concentrated lye (American), 12 doz cans corn, Wlntlow, ldoz Turkey dusters, 14 In. 5 doz dust brushes, Murphy and L A Co., 7U. 2 doz small mirrors, 10x12 in. 300 gals syrup, extra Golden, American refined. 200 gals coal oil, 50 gal tanks. Pearl brand. 100 gals molasses, Orleans extra, 1 doz qts olive oil 25 gross matches, Metropolitan and Com Co. 12 boxes maccaronl, No 1. 12 boxes vermlcllll, No 1. COFFEE. 1800 lbs Costa Itlca, 1st grade. 150 lbs Government Java. 75 lbs Heal Mocha. 400 lm Chicory. SPICKS. 200 lb bluck pepper. fjOlliscinii iinoii, 60 lbs ginger. 30 lbs ullvplcc, 60 lbs mustard. :jo lbs cloves. 20 lbs mare. 10 lbs sage. 10 lbs uuground cloves. 10 lbs unground cinnamon bark, fine. CUOCKERY. 18 doz tea cups, without handle, w9, 18 doz saucers, V O. 40 doz bowle. I qt, W G i doz wash bowls, W G VINEGAR. 400 gals pure elder vinegar, 10 gr FLOUR 300 bbls best roller process, to be delivered as required STATIONERY 10 boxes 401 GUlotrs pens 2 boxes London Ino Pen Co, No 4geau!ne 8 jts Ink; 7 qts Arnold's, 1 qt BuifTord'n Hit 8 doz Paywn's Indelible. Ink 6 reams letter paper, Live Oak SOAP 2500 lbs Kirk's savon, or as good MEATS 350 lbs per day.jnore or Jess, ol beef and mutton, as required, In equal parts of fore and hind quarters Samples may be seen at the office of the board of trashes, and goods must b In ac cordance therewith Goods must come tn original packages when possible The lioard reserves the right to reject any, and all bids Delicr of supplies will be required within ten days' notlceof aeceptanceof bid A copy of this advertisement mu t ac company each bid The name of the clan of supplies bid uixiii must be written on the envelope Each bid must Include all the Items In the special clou bid upon, and must give Items and totals in full, with the exception of meat and flour Auditing ortlcen are prohibited by Itw from confirming aroountu of purchase when the advertisement does not contain a full and complete dtTlpllon of the. kind of article to be purch.ued Hid will be coiuldered at 10,10am on Tuesday, July 2,1 SYLVESTKH PKNNOYKU, OB ,V. UcllJtlDK, lloerd ofTnisteex. Wx.A.JIWUV Decoration. IVtpcr tilinincilfrroot charge. Antic line oi BABY CARRIAOES nlwnys on luiml, besldoo large assortment of now goods too numerous to mention WM. SARGEAjS'T, Variety Store, Commercial St., Salem. MTTLK Oil EX nro as a rule, possessed of happy disposi tions but when theso sweet dlsposltlons.bo conio soured nnd Irritable, In consequence of the long train of distressing features peculiar to female complaints, they arc then not companionable to say the least. It Is tho duty, not only of little women, but of all women so ntlllcled, to bring about tho subjection, nnd Immediate removal, of theso painful maladies This Is easily accomplished by tho use of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription, the great specific for "female weakness." It Is a posltUo cure for the most flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions prolapsus or foiling of the womb, weak back, "female weak ness," nntoverslon, retroversion, bearing- down sensations, chronic congestion, la flammatlon nnd ulceration of the womb, Inflammation, palu aud tenderness In ovaries, nnd kindred ailments. All drug gists. THEIR HUSINKSS B00MIM1. .Trobably no ono tiling has caused such a great revival of trade at Dan iel J. Fry's Drugstore as their giving away to their customers so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade is simply enormous in this very valuablo article from tho fact that it always euros and never disappoints. Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, Croup, nnd all throat and lung dis eases quickly cured. You cau test it before buying by getting a trial bot tle free, largo size $1. Every bottle warranted. Ol i Tho BUYEEB' QUIDS is iisuad M.vch and Sept., each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for all who pur chase the luxuries or the necessities of life. We can clothe you and furnish you with all the nooosstry and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, go to chinch, or stay at homo, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fait estimate of the value of the BUYERB' QUIDS, which will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents Vu pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago. 111. Call and See T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIS NEW QUARTERS IN THE State Insurance Building, Cor. Com mercial and (Jhcmoketo streets '0-ltf For the Public Good. It Is an Indisputable fact that the hand somest vestibule trains that are now run on the American continent nro thoso on the Burlington route, leaving from Union depot In Denver, nlso St. Pnul, Immediate ly on nrrlal of nil through trains from the west. The first and second class coaches aro magnificent, the reclining chair cars suburb, tho Pullman sleepers extremely luxuriant, and as for the meals that are served In those pa'aco Burlington dining errs yum yum, Tho next time you go cast to Kansas City, Chicago or St. .Louis, If yon montlon to the ticket agent that you want your ticket to lead from Denver or St. Paul ovor tho Burlington route, you will get It, and you will always be glad of If you go via the Northern or Canadian Pacific, the elegant vestibule trains of Tho Burlington Route, botween St. Paul and Chicago, or St, Ixnils. will carry you along mo eastern snore oi mu Mississippi river for a distance of S50 miles, amidst scencrv that cannot bo surpassed: or. If you go via tho Oregon Short Line or Southern pacific, ana your ticaei reaus via inc Burlington Route from Cheyenne or Den ver, vou will doss throucn all the thriving cities and towns located in what Is popu larly known as the llearl of tne continent. For further Information annlv to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, 85 First street, Portland, Oregon. 4-llmswt! $50. HORSES. .$50. nno hundred head of brood mares and W. young horses for sale. Forty or fltty colts expected in the spring Two fine horses, Clyde and Porcheon stock, weight Mxteen and seventeen hundred; huvo been with tho band for the past three years. Original stock from the best quality ol mareM. for particulars auurtva urneo W. If. BYARH, wit. Salem, Or. OREGONIAN RAILWAY CO. ' (Limited Line.) CHAS. N SCOTT, - - Heeelver. ! On and after Feb. 18 188'J.and until further notice trains will run dally (except Hun (tay)as follows; BAST SIDE. Coburg Mall Pnrtl'd Mall From Port land STATIONS. Tow'rd Port lanq Lv.ll.3u am Ar. I0.W) Lv. 2.15 pm POUTI.ANDP4WV Ar. 4.40.pm. FootorJefson.Sl Kay's Landing, 8t. Paul's, Ar 1.80 12.47 i.a AM 8,31 ll.W 3.53 J.U3 4.16 4.35 U8U 4.17 5.S0 Woodburn, Town send, McKee, MU Angel, Down's, Wllverton. Johnston's Mill' Switzerland. 12.00 11.46 11.40 1UI 0.14 11.00 10.20 10.18 10.07 !. CIS 8.60 IlantHldeJunct., jiacieay, Auinsvllle, West Hlayion MA .U 6.21 tija 7.30 7.S 8.-03 6:37 M0 10:15 OP Crossing, West Hclo, Crabtree, Splcei, lullman, Plain view. Brownsville, Rowland, 8.40 8.2 8.00 7,11 7.22 (1-44 8.11 6J Coburg. 430 t a m i Ar P m AR LV'Lv Cornmiitlon Ticket at two'eenU per mile on aulejal totlom liavjlng agent. Connection at lUiy' and Pulrjuart Landing wltb Wieainer"C!tyof HaUin " CliAH. N. BCOTT, Itocetver. OearalOeet, MWftr, Pint and lint, Wee Capita ii! i Has Been M Greatly Improved and Now Is The CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN OREGON! THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN MARION COUNTY v Read Our Reduced Terms! WEEKLY-, one year fl.Wl. Now Head Our WEEKLY, one year, tl.00. WAS THERE EVEH ANYTHING EQUAL TO IT? NOW UOI-L IN THE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OK OUIt ONE-'"HIKD OFF FOR CASH. Our Old Subscribers Now in orrt-arx aro urged to take advantage of our 1 discount, by act. tlliiK old iiccountN and Joining the grund throng of ono dollar HubucribcnT THIS IS NOT A Hut a wild. iMiruurunt reduction. We bve come to ty TO ONE AND ALL We nay, bend u your namew. If you third on" for cash," and ore not where you can get portal notea of other convenient method of remitting, (tend iu your name aud Btate that you Will remit At flmt opportunity. Tbi will eruwr your btlsg pUqed on.Uie ourna n Knlaiged WEEKLY, ttix montha,. --0.7fi Discount for Cash WEEKLY, nix months,. f0.60. SPECIAL OFFER want to Uke advantage of our "one TKANSrOItTATION. TH YAnUINA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And OrcRon Development company'! Rteamihlp lino. 25 mllea shorter, at hours leoatimo than by any other toute. First elans through puwieneer and freight line from Portland nnd all points In tho Wil lamette, vnllcv to and from Han Kranclnco. TIME SCHEDULE, (Except Hunaays): Iave Albany l.-OOP-JM Leave Cor vail In 1:40 1 M Arrive Yaqulna &30 I'M Ieave Yaqulna- ...... .6:45AM Iavo Conallls 10:85 AM Arrho Albany 11:10 AM O. A C. trnlus connect at Albany and Corvollld. Tho obovo tnilnB connect ot YAQUIKA with the Oregon Development Go's Mne ifsteamslilps between Yaqulna and San Kni n clsco. SAIUN0 DATES. STKAMKlUf. mOM VAQUINA Wlllamctto Valley... Tuesday Juna 18 Wlllitmetto Valley. Wed nesday June 26 Willamette Valley, Friday July 5 STKAMKRS, ritOM SAN THANCISCO Wlllamctto ValleyThursday, June IS Willamette Valley ..Saturday, Juno 22 Wlllamctto Valley Sunday ' 80 This company reserves tho right to change Hailing dates without notice. N. It. l"niHonKCrn from Portland nnd all Willamette, Valley points cau make close connection with tho trains of the YAOU1NA HOUTE nt Albany orCorvallls, and If destined to San Francisco, should arrange to nrrlvo at Yaqulna tho evening boforo date of Mailing. I'Asfuefr oJ Freight Kites Alwiri the liOWfst. Vor information apply tn Messrs UU1.MAN A Co., Freight and Ticket Agents 200 and 202 Front st., Portland, Or. or to O.C. IIOaUE, Ao't Oen'l Frt. A Pass. AgU, Oregon Pacltlo It. IU Co., Oorvallls, Or, O It. HABWEL1., Jr. Oen'l Krt; A Puss. Agt Oregon Dovdopment Co., 301 Montgomery Ft.j Han Fmnclsco, Col TIME TABLE RIVER DIVISION. The elegantly equipped steamboats, Wm M. Hoag, dipt. Oco. Itaabc; tho N. 8. Ilentley, Cnpt. J.:i. Cmlten the Three HlBters, Oupl. V. P. Short; aro In service ror passenger nnd freight tniftlo between Corvalllsand Portlaud and Intermediate points, making three round trips each week as follews: NOHTIt HOUND leaves Corvallls Mon day, Wednesday and Friday at 8 a. tn. Arrives at Salem Monday, Wednesday and Friday at3 p. m. Leaves Salem Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 0 a. in. Arrives nt Portland Tuesday, Thursday and Hntur dayst.'MWn. in. SOUTH IIOUND Leaves Portland Mon day, Wednesday nnd Friday at 6 a. m. Arrives ntSiilem Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 7:15 p. m. Leaves Salem Tuck day, Thursday and Saturday at B a. in. Arrives at Corvallls Tuesday, Thursday Saturday at 11:30 p. in. For ficlght and passenger rates apply to the captains and purucrsortho respective Ixiats, or to W. M. Darling, ngent, 00 aud 202 Front street, Portland; Gilbert Ilros. ngcnts.Salcm; I. M. Adair, agent, Albany C. A. Miller, ngent, Corvallls; or to the gen eral freight and passenger agent. Corvallls. O. A C. trains connect nt Albany and Corvallls. F. W. HOWKN, Superintendent. Wm. IIOAU, General Manager. -VIA Southern Pacific Company's Line. THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time Uttwrtn Salem ami Kan Francisco Thirty-nix Hoars. CALIFORNIA KXrllBMM TKAIN UUN DAII.1. HBTWKKW 1-OKTI.AFl) ANI H. F. South, j Nortli. 4.00 p. m. 1 Lv. Portland Ar. I 10:45 a, nu 6:41 p.m. Lv. Salem Lv. 7:5.1a. in. 7:45 u.in. Ar. San Fran. Lv. 7:00 p. nu LOUAI. I'AHUKMIKll TUAIN ( IIAII.Y XX- CK1T HUNIIAY). 8.uu a. in. I , vl Portland Ar. I fl:45 p. ml 11:10 a. m Lv Salem Lv. 1 13:52 p. m. 2:40 p. in. Ar. Kugnuo Lv. H.00 a. III. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For accommodation ol second class pasKCugor uttuchod to express trnlus. TheS. 1'. company's ferry makes con nectlon with all the reguiur trains onth East Bide Division from footol F stree Portland. rYd Side Division, Between Portland and Cervallls: IIAII.Y (KXCKIT HUNIIAY). TIBOu. m. I Lv. Portluiul XrT 12 25 p. m. Ar. Corvallls Lv. "&20"p7nT. 1:30 p. m. At Albany uuil Corvallls connect with trains of Oregon Paclrla llullroad. Through tickets to all points south and eastvla California EXt'Ulwi TKAIN (IIAU.Y KICKITBUNPAyT) TIM i. m. I Lv. Portland Ar. I BDOa. in. s.uup. m. Ar.Mcaiiunvniei.v. o:aa. m. Through Tickets To all points SOUTH and EAST -VIA- CaliforniA. For lull information regarding rates, maps, etc., apply to the Company's agent, Sulcm, Oregon, K. P. HOdttllH, Asst.U.F. and Pass. Aft U. KOKHLKH,! Manager. Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY. "Columbia River Route.' Trains for the east leave Portland ut7;t4 am and tfcJO pin dally. Tlo ets to and from prlnclpul points In tin United Mates, Can ada aud Lurope. ELEGANT rULMANN PAL . CARS atralgrant Hleelng Cart run ttirouf s on eipress tn Ins to OMAHA COUNCIL VLXYV and ST. PAVI Vttf of Charge ni Wit oh Chaige. Connections ot Portland for Ban Krar Cisco and Puget Hound points. For lurtber particulars address any Moot of the company, or A UiUlllVII . m a Iai iisiaaaii.il u, y, man V, T, VMITK.9'! MftMftr, mtlMf i l f,'J'.M f t-w 1 f . Ajth&tet isot v j . jflfejfcsLA. -tJtt J,V. J. V. ,JB