Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 22, 1889, Image 2

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Capital Journal Publishing Company,
Kntercd nt tlio imMoftlco nt Hnlcin,Or.,u
secnnd.rlnwt mutter.
Sec fourth piiRO for term of sulncrlp-
Advcrtlsemcnts to Inttiro Insertion (for
tlio miino day) should bo handed In lf I
CorrcHlKindcnro containing new; of In
tercut mid Imiwrtiinco l desired from nil
nirtxof t lie elate. , ,
No attention will l ld lo anonymous
Pci-mm dt-xlrliiff tlio Caittai. Jowk.vai.
nerved nt tliclrh'iiiKP rnn Mviire It by Jk
til curd re(jurMl, or by word lull nt Hub
Hpe'clmcn number sent frceoiinppllcn-
Olilco, corner Court mid Liberty Htrc;t.
AQirisiutt piiporwiyn that tlio vol
tinio of iiiiniUrrntlnn from tluit prov
ince to tlio Unllwl Statu Uiih vcar
will rciich over 11X1,000, and It wuntH
to know If MMiicthliiK can't lu done
to prevent It.
Tin: treatment of mental dlwitut
by color Is revived. Meliincliol.
reipiirc rod; noiitc mania, bine.
Tlio voiiiiK love yellow, the color
nionf coniluclvo.toj,'rowtli, while old
"HI prefer the warm red my.
(JovKHNoit (lii.W of Indiana If
now in WuhIiIhbIoh Territory, where
lio lniH decided to niako v.ilmihlo real
oHtato lnventiiieiitn. He li not the
only Knulcrn man (hut liawbeon eon
vlnced that tlio bent opportunity- in
thf cotinlrv for making Hare Invent
inentHof monov exlnt In thin wild,
rushing Wcsl. Oov. Alger of Mich
man many yearn ago applied a round
mini of hlsHurplut einh in the lum
ber and Huw-mill limine on I'ugol
Hi:ui;ntIiY VuhiivIiih Iiiim beeh
nioro active than umiul. Numerous
convulsion in the Interior resulted
in (ho rending and then the collapc
of the Ihh( now eouoiit. tlio top of the
mountain. "Wo aro m lined,"
JS'uplert correspondent Hiiyn, "to (huso
changes a( the extreme nuinnilt thai
It la no now thing (owe from Naples
that the point of I ho active crater
hat) fallen In, and the top of the
mountain him been reduced to the
flutter slmpo which Ih Km normal
form. On thin oceanlon, a stream of
luvn Issued from the cast side of the
cotio, and wiih (Iiuh Invisible from
Naples. It run about ono-thlrd of
Iho iIIhIuiico down tlio entlio mount
ain." imi iiii: TDACiimts iti:Ai.'
Aro all tlio tfaclicis llllng to ad
mit thoy toad the dally and u eekly
papers of their locality? If not, why
not? Teachers live too much In their
to.xt-bookn, and not enough In the
hlgbiiHy world around them. The
world is iiNchool and a grand one.
Teacher are ongugud In llttlngthulr
pupil to tinier school, and how
iiiuqIi better for that duty In ono
who known something that Is going
on OiitHldc of the school -room where
hd is called to preside.
Newspapers are the grout eiluea
torn of the manses, and they educate
teauhoiH as well as other classes In
Hoelety. Heading the curront his
toruuiH, tlio press of the luud, will
widen tlio range of thought, ami
prevent the dogmatical assumption
of miporlor knowledge which over
taken many teachers at that critical
ago of "stand still" middle life,
when It Is generally believed that
tlio pedagogue begins "to go toseed."
CniiHhiiit association with Infer
ior and submissive minds brings
about this eonselousne of self-sat-Ufiicllon,
mid renders him impious
tiutly assuming, If not altogether
oblioxlotis to practical bust hops men,
111 tlio realm where his sword in
law, and if ho poiocm the eeein
of his subjects, holds sway over
mliidaud character, ho Is author- (
lly upon all matters of luteiest,
The pupil leaves the school room
to act in (lie great drama of life, and
awakens to tho fuel lu tho future
that his instructor, who wuh oiuv
his Idol, was a iiarrow-iuluded man.
Head tho. paiers, fellow touchers; !
tliey will awaken new thought, ,
nroniioii your education, increase
your Hillary, give you a In-ttor social
position mid make you a more suc
cessful teaoher.
Willie tlie foivgolinj lefxrs cololy
to nowiqwipor reaillnp. lei us apply
till question to t lit reading of edu
cational Journal. How many loach
enlV) thorn are who never read a
paper that Is dovotcu to the cmiM in
which they aiv engaged. Would
Kilch ncglig'MHohe tolciutwl luaiiv
other profetloir.'
MM.... . .. il . . in. .....
.-.., ,., . nNtHiio wiiiiiiik. .
Wlll thcrv III Ik. no phie,' fouuii ;
In tlu'ranUof tho tiviclilni; priav..
Kiou for Mich ilwarfinl and UIkvImI
t .Nr u i,r a time in ,o IlW.
swj hi. .ii, i, uvii inn nniiwiHiii oi
Ihu jHHipIo wa- n.Mrtvlng mi mucli
UIP. talcii and monov uH in lviu.
A M 'I'll., llil.. ill... .i.t .....I. I I. ...I.. .. ..... 1.. 1.1. I... 1...1... .
um n.u ,.ch of" ; ViMi'a. v'".T.r '","",,",,v,r '.v... j,,,,,.s' . .,u: ""t- tu. ,w,.ri.t.n. h
tho 3-i.ulH. and folly m h7 ' l",l"T"w i i.u igs w m pm.. , . ' ' , rauaniitscnmivem,
'they iiuiM iipwanluill. mul on. i m Winm ,M " "a,, w S8' , ' "J " Kei""' . "V, ,u,uuw lMI:,r ftTu,,y
ward, whu would kivn alinHut of Hon. Yumiluu llatbor iitcana bl.tok I WrUht' Mrh iwiti com, oil . ..Wc,?r ,.n?.6,rUlof
lrulli.',-.Aitorl Plomvr. ImrU.r. Tlio muii wn millss. 1 S.?r.ryi'W.'..!?J!i.!,',,, -d.?? J'MlY: W
' i - ".... ., fij . p.( ..j mi iru4ia 'iii or i'niiruii.T.v.
' "'s
UltoinaiitlcSlory of Shipwreck,
CnptirHy and Suffering
Horace Holdcn Siilijcctnl to I'nlieanl of
Sufferings Among the Ilarliarous
I'clcw Islamleis.
Hy this time tlio iiatlves had be
come nearly as anxious to part with
us as wo hnd over boon to icavo
them; and being naturally desirous
to be rid of each other's company,
we lost no time in preparing for our
Our object now was to get into
the ojioii sea, with tlio hope, of full
ing in with some vessel on Its pas
sage to China orelsowliere, and thus
bo able, after awhile, to find a con
veyance to America.
The natives of this island had fur
nished us with tlio means of sub
sistence, and with comfortable lodg
ings, and for the purpose of enabling
us to return homo, had been nt great
expense in fitting up a craft, such as
they thought would answer to con
vey us wherever we pleased to go.
Situated as we were, we did not feel
ourselves' at liberty to expostulate
against tlio obvious unrea-'oii.ible-ness
of their demands, We were,
in truth, indebted to tli'-in for our
maintenance while among them,
and for the assistance they rendered
us in fitting up our craft; and, as a
suitable requital for thco favors,
and to leiuunerate them for their
hospitality, we solemnly asstued
them, thai, should I'm tune ho far
prosper us, as to enable usonceinoro
to reach our native, country, we
would send to them two hundred
muskets, leu casks of powder with
. .......w..iiiiiiitr Mimiiiitv of Imllu
.1 eoriespond ng qui i llj or halls ,
and flints. Hosides tliN, wo gave
llieni iiH-iurunces of having several
articles of ornament, such as beads,
belts, combs and trinkets of various
On (ho 27th of October, 1832, we
set sail, having the boat in which
wo had escaped from tho ship and
which we bad repaired as well as
wo were able and (lie canoe which
hud been constructed by tlio natives
especially for our use. It was agreed,
that inreo oi our nuiimer, vi wuvis,
Meder and Alden, should remain on i
tho Island as hostages, and that
three of tho natives (two chiefs and
one of the common class) should ac
company us, to seo that tho agree
ment iniulu with them should bo
faithfully executed.
Fearing that tho natives residing
on the tuner pun oi uio isiami
might come upon us and prov nt
our going, we took our departure in
tlio night. Wo soon found that our
boat leaked so badly that it would
bo next to madness to proceed, and
wo returned In tlio course of (be
night. Our unoxpeoled return
gave great oU'eueo; but wo Insisted
that to go to sea in that condition
would bo certain destruction. They
at length consented lo assist In re
pairing the canoe and boat, and to
HuU'eriN to remain long enough to
complete our arrangements more to
our mind. We were detained by
these operation about a month,
and then again took ourleayo of the
sput whore wo hud remained
ho long against our will; though we
would not conceal the fact, that the
rudo kindness of tlie natives had so
entirely overbalanced (heir faults,
that, on parting with them, we ex-
poiionood emotions of regret, and!
welo quite ovrpowered with a sense j
of our obligations to them for the
many favors which thoy laid be-'
; stowed upon us. Thoy Had loganl-i
ed and treated us us beings of a I
higher order than tbemsolvisj and
our conduit had Inspired them with
a veneration and coulldeiiio almost
unbounded. As a proof of this,
throe of their number wore-committed
to our ivuv, and were entirely
willing to place theniH-lvcs at our
Seven of our mmilieriiow took the
iUUW VU., Uouskot, Seldon, And
-- .. ...--.. ...... ,
IVWS, Unlet and the tluw unlives, you promised. 1 had UUsUo many jircscrlp
Citptalu llaruurd, ltolllu, Mute and "ous that l had come to kHcm iiottiing
IllVkA'lf Prepared the shhiV bout, t
We weto ueooiuiuulotlnn oitrpii.NS.
ago the llrst day by a larao nuinber
of tho native!.. At night, as we had j
then biicoeodotl lu getting beyond
the uvf, they loft us, ami wo eon-
tlniUHl our course,
(T MWllNriM'iU NH.U S.Ul'IIIU.l
Tlio .Vamp Ynqnlna.
IVrkliiH MiBia'sloil tho other I
I ... .1.. it i
- wmh me name ui ian.uiua iwy
HhoiHd Iv CaiiKOil to tliat'of Orvon .
llailtor or Divp Harbor. Ho did
not like the iiamo Yiupilna. It niv-
Ulsl tiHHUUch of lndl-lll ItONild
,ri! .LXtVi an'lnln;
mm onu' oi uio pivtllCfl naillvts nil
the I'aclllo ihmiI wnuc fhini tho In-'
dlan ltuiimnnxi. Kll lVrkliw !.:. n..
Kll lVrkln Im no
scuts an almost Inky color, its umck-
. . .. . i.
,,U i.itiir nHrlhtitnlilG to the large
depots of ca
stream in the vicinity of aqulnu.
I Coal prospectors along uie iu;
I (luina river have recently found pure
coal in the bed of the stream, ami
, , ,. . ,,, ilor
expert coal miners state that there
nro vnliinble coal denoslstfl in tlie im-
iiiediatevlclnltv of tlie port. It is
only a question
coal fields will be
In v cw ortliesciaciHineminiu i -
(pjina" is very appropriate, and Eli
Perkins is very rcspcctluny asKon
to inform liimself liefore Inaugura
ting u "kick" at our pretty names,
derived from the Indian tribes whose
Interesting and romantic history is
intimately connected with the early
settlement of the states oftho Pacific
coast. Albany Herald.
A Lesson for Young Men.
Only a few months ago Clinton
Pennington, but little pasttwenty
ono years of age, athlcctic, vigorous
and strong, left his homo In Nebras
ka and, as thousands of young men
have done, sought u broader Held of
action In the great commonwealth
of Oregon. On the 28th day of last
May in tlio heat of passion, young
Pennington shot and killed Chas.
IJ. Jlalcom, a former friend while in
Nebraska, and the only one to meet
him with a friendly greeting upon
ids arrival in the far west. Precise
ly three weeks from that dale, Pen
nington listened to tlie sentence of
death which cuds Ids earthly career
on August 2d, a little over six
weeks from date of sentence. What
a train of events this young man has
crowded into (hat brief space of
time! And howdillerently ho might
have shaped his course. His mur
derous weapon, as exhibited
in tlie court room, was what
most young men would pro-
. .....
, ., , i
)()t ,() ,(mvy HS tho holK,flt IllllloriB
niiiineo "a oeauiy." Ji was
pick or shovel nor so eunioersome
as the wood chopper's axe: It was
silver plated, with an elegant rub
ber stock and it tit (ho wearer's hip
pocket so nicely. Hut, for all that,
it Is not the proper Implement for
any young man to use in carving
out a fortune for liimself in tills
country. Hotter a thousand times
does the smooth ash bundle of the
pick or shovel lit the young man's
hand in this work-a-day land of
()1ly u,.,ler lmlslc au(l i,cUcr ro.
M)N f()llmv (l0 ,.ngg strokes of
,, ...(lllllm.m.ri .lXL. hi thoo tirand
i - -
old forests of ours than over ema
nated from the handsomest "Ilull-
I dog" tliatevr sounded tho death
j knell of a you u sr man's hopes. As
for Pennington, tho luture holds
nothing more between Mm and the
grave, but for the young man yet
uixMiiiiauiuiuiiii UI.-U1I ii:iiii i"
-..!.... .1. ...... I I..... l .... .
bo learned from his untimely fate.
Haker City Kevielle.
Don't patronize quack doctors.
Don't go away from homo to trade.
Don't let the moss grow on your
b.iok. Don't bo afraid of a few cents
1 r tho public good. Don't try to
tako advantage of a new corner.
Don't charge a dozen prices for a
thing. Don't let your youngsters
run on the streets nights. Don't be
a clam. P. S. Don't let the man
with tlie noieexploslvo article for
kerosene lamps take you in. It is
N. G.
A Missouri grocer advertise that
any man who takes two drinks of
whisky a day for a year at a cost of
ton cents each can have for tlio
sumo money at hlsstoiv, thirty sacks
or Hour, 2.'!0 pounds of granulated
sliotir. seven v-t wo iiuiiiuls nf iim. i
codec, and save $2.fil as a premium
for making the exchange.
r--- .- ----- ,-- ... 0......
A Kltt-llliii; llimliifx Ii-oolllon.
When Mr. Fowler, of 827 i:ilU Mivet, top
pod In nt n lemlliiKi'lty druggUfj to ink wlint
ITtct "Tho CulKornlu Ui-meily," Joy'i Vege
table SnrrajwMft. would lmve lu cac of
dyiij0(la nnd lck lu'ndnrlic thf wa assur
ed It w owM rtllcTO both. Sho n as so liicrod
ulous Hint tho drueulst Ko her a bottlf,
uot to Im jald for unless It cfl'ectcd n cure.
Tho follow Iuk Is tho oouvIucIuk cuurluslou.
8au Frauclsco, Fobruary 8, IfSS.
Pkah Sir Notwithstanding my mlsglr
tnes. Joy sVeirctabloSannnarlllnill.l nil that
wimwiwioic my uy.pepsia and sick head
actios, but I tmo not had a return ol cither
since. I believe I am pcrmaueutlv cured.
ftlP A Mmn.1l- Ittdl tl1l m.M ,ls...,...l. .! '
MY VCnt lick hcaJarhft nh.nil.1 u r.M,ir,1H- i .
Vuown. itoMH-cttuliy
. K. . A i
WAA. MsJ &r4 .-To. I
y, r r(j, is v svv t-t,
S Kills sttwt I
. .., ,,. ,v I
ls m, '' " Kuanintivtl t; lulng
I l-l 111 L.III llllltlll(l riWllll 1VH (.
of fMiillw .. lvlun. fin,rvl,SiW nrliv.i
1 ' dlll?ltlUtVJI 1 tT'HIir1! i in
cms.' i
On' ,.lf, ntali ..V VWffi
our mlvcrtlMHl drtiKuUt a bottle ufi
l)r' '"K s ?tw ,)1lX)VJ'rv ''r t'jni-'
"''"I'""", 't ish""." iwui.i iinng
'SZ TilS? & 1 1
'iuii fucu as iMiifiiiiiiiui, imiam-1
mat,ti i of luns, bronchltU, Hdimii,
, "!' '". mi S kZ 'L :..'." .
"."""I'"5 ."".. "'.' '';
,.,..,.. ., ...,.,...v ... ...,., ,.. .- ,
of time When ricll aim liiuigcsuon iry wrauu. . "V J..
" ' . I I'nllrn cntlofnnllnn rriinmil ml. Or
fo wen
.,,. lf ou tn ticou 110
nuinuuiiusu ijvMuit. " -" .
8pecai meution. All who Have useu i
Kicctnc Uittersslnt' the samo song,
nU t)mt Jg clllImcdfe EiL.ctric Bitters
WJH cure nil diseases of the liver ami
kidneys, will remove pimples, boils,
" y U"'" u.m w iT.irivo
caused by impure blood. w.lliume
maarJll from tli8.VHtem and prevent
...nii na rr nii mnlarial fevers.
(For cure of headache, constipation
isi.no ner
drug store
Many Sioux Indians are signing
the agreement, notwithstanding the
opposition of pome chiefs.
Oregon is ono of the most produc
tive states in the Union. Its vast
mineral regions contains gold, silver,
copper, iron, and coal. Its immense
tracts of grazing lands support thou
sands of cattle and sheep, and its
extensive agricultural regions pro
duce all tlie cereals in abundnnce,
the yield per acre being, in some in
stances, the largest in tlio world.
Among the useful and valuable prod
ucts of the Web Foot State may be
mentioned Oregon Kidney Tea,
which has proved a boon to thou
sands aflllctcd with pain in the back
nnd kidney difllcultfes. It is ptirelv
of vegetable composition and never
fails. Sold by D. W. Mathews.
Disastrous rains have fallen in
Germany, accompanied with thun
der, doing much damage to crops
and stock.
It should bo generally known that
Dr. Henley's Dandelion Tonic in
sures a hearty appetite and increased
digestion, dispels nervous depression
and low-spirits, overcomes lack of
energy and wakefulness and will in
fuse new life and strength into the
weakest invalid. Sold by D. W.
Herman Meyers of Fresno, Cal.!
charged with killing a boy who was
stealing eggs from him, has been
It was just mi ordinary scrap oi
J b t , fa i1,,
hiio was in the last stages oi con-
sumption, torn ny pnysic ans tiiai
she was incurable and could live on
ly a short time; she weighed less
than seventy pounds. On a piece
of wrapping paper slio read of Dr.
King's Ne.w Discovery, and got a
sample bottle; It helped her, she
bought a large bottle, it helped her
more, bought another and grew bet
ter fast, continued iti use and is now
strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weigh
ing 140 pounds. For fuller Particu
lars scud stamp to W. H. Cole,
Druirglst, Fort Smith. Trial boftle
of tills wonderful discovery freo at
Dan'l J. Fry's drug store.
It is stated from Baltimore that
Cardinal Gibbons will publicly de
nounce the Clun-na-Gacl society if
it ear be shown that it In any way
countenanced tho murder of Dr.
I Croniu.
This is the K'uson of tlio year
M'him tlin ivnv pnlfl v iwla irpntr :nl
. r.. .. . : . ....
luivoc, witn the hands aim conipiex-
'ion. Soft white hands and a clear
"peachy" complexion can bo as
suredly preserved by tho frequent
application of Dutafd's Specific. If
rubbed into tlio skin well it leaves
no greasy surface. The slcin
absorbs it. Sold by I). "W. Mattiows.
An actor's luck is illustrated by
tlio tcrriblo accident nt Johnstown,
where a company played, and being
too late to catch tho train for the
next town, hired wagons to trans"'
port them just in time to escape cer
tain death. 1 n spite of the fact that
actors travel more tlinu nuy other
profession, none seem over to get
hurt in any kind of accident.
Ilurklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo lu tho world for
cuts, briiicst sores, ulcers, salt
rheum, fever sores, tetter chapped
hands, chilblains, corns and all skin
eruptions, mid positively cures piles
" ""!" v. ....... nm bi.wi.v
toglvo perfect .satisfaction, or money
refunded. Price 2T cents per box.
For s;do by Daniel J. Fry, drug-
"Miss llrouo would bo u clinriulni; girl,"
1 hoard n j oung man vj ,
,'lfll0 had a Hood imiiiiiIcnIoii nnd thoK
siHits would go nwny;
Hut they (.poll her lootts completely." If
MI-h ltiowu would only tnl;e
Dr. l'loreo" tioldeu Medlnil DUeovery
wlint a hnppy change 'twould make.
It would drlvo out nil tho humors from
her blood iiml make It pure,
And tho hlomlxhes comphilned of dlsnp-
lor, boery-Mm
TliU iiusllrlne Is the grtt purUleroflhe
Imtd, niut dUllgurlng eruption nnd
blotches will MHtn vnuUli vrlicn It U used.
Tho immediate svmntoms of llv.
ljt-sia, or Indigestion, aro n distres
sing miio of weight, oppression and
"'"? " " stoiuacn, ncarintini,
lK '
m of amot(tea foul breatli, boleh
shoulilors ami breast. Dr. ileiilov'fl'
ir. iiiiiuit'iii'V- liniioMi tisitna in tiw. '
E1.1; "" .. ," ?.. 'lu,J!!! &.
dleestion and removes all tinhcaltbv
symptoms. Hold by D.W.Mathews.
100 HtWARll. 100.
The rnuler or ih i.iimim.i .(ii iv
i'IcamMiu iMirn that tlicro Is ntWst
tlrrmUst dlsrtie tlmt M-U'tu-o luu beu able
,..l,7i, wJ " "" .V.r:.".-.:.
VSTuTJ !? SiS '
run uow known t tho uiniimii-miprrf '
cutnrrh boms wu.titutionai diea a-
tiulnxn mu.lUullount tmitment. All'
SW .' &$? T '
rnctt of th n-m, thervl.y dratMiluir
ttiofimn.utKmor tuo difae, nnd KivinS
"" "T"?'. ? l',a" '.' "
,,.u,,numiii nn.. avMnttiir nature in iii.uit .
tire in amine
.we k iniirh
that thry otU-r
cao that II
. i ( i if a . T.i.,nii itirroru
developed there. ' Tctunlcd.-rtic! GOcts. and
il.. ... II V.i . . .. . - T T -T
bottle nt IJairi .1. rr,y
The Best
r i i
In the city of Portland J;V,t
Male It
, ,, , rni ,. i,,. nt ti.ia limp fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have
llwWtuU intSled to maKhe drive leadiiij from' Commcrcia. street through Riverside and High
land additions and around Highland Park
Of Oregon. The lino of the Salem Street Hallway Company runs through the middle , of this addition, and no
lots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park v, ill In the near tuture be
Lois in Highland Aldlioi are lligii mi Dry ami Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage
The soil Is black and ricll. From
mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for tlie location oi two cnurcucs m una miumuu, uuu
a numborof residences are soon to bo built. Buildings only of the best class will be permitted. Residence lots
"..,.:.. i. i:...t, r i. ,.st f Q..iQ.v. nm xvnrth nn nn nvormrn nverSlOOO. We can sell you better lots lu High
land addition for one-third of the money, and being directly on tlie line of the street railway they are practi
cally not half so far from the public buildings and the business part of tlie town as the majority of the so
called "Inside lots."
Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars,
And let some other fellow pay $1000 for an Inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 you can
build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thousand street car
tickets every year.
Paint Shop
No. 254 Commercial St.
Houso and Carriage Painting,
Sign writing, Paper hanging and
decorating, Wall tinting and kal
somtuing executed in the latest
Experienced. Workmen Employed,
Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Call and see us betore you let your
rf-Ovm 6.000.000 Poople l"Ueva tint It
of tn Urgtst tad meet rallitJehonaa. and they n
Ferry's Seeds
D. M, FERRY ft CO. sx
owledstd to ba the
Largest Seedsmen
In the world.
D M.Fxhbt&0o'i
For 1880
Will b msviiM rnrp
ta ill annlieant niT
La IkJtt b nt smM
wltlinat nrtlAi-lnsr l vln
Eulltrt C4ll&owsr I r."' '" 'fir KreTJ"00 "lof
iFliSSiiTi" Ouden. Ivid or lhower Seed
u txuuut. I should tend lor It Addnu
D. M. FERRY CO., Datrelt, Mich.
I Fire and Ma
rine. JOS, AU1F.UT. Aiicul, Salem. Oretron
DR. JORDAN & Co.'s
"51 Market sUSan Francisco
Admlfeton 35 cents.
CiOatUl loilril lunv Id nvr.1,1
dUease. Cousullallon and
treatnient pcrMnnlly or by
letter, on fcpermatcrrhoca
orgenluil weakness, and nil
uUmw-eofmen. Send for c
Imok. l'rlvnte otllco 211
Consultation free.
oy it.
For Bargains
P.m'.. p. . , n , ,. . r ., p.
no to
'""l.Ui 1IUUU0W8,
Commarolul Stroat, Sulem, Or
h?Vu;f,"luc,'t,f "" k,U(U on
I m ,ul, VSJ-eSl, hT prirVin'ilT,'.',
VT if KiAfi SraSP
i jL
vi qy
Residence Localities
.. i.wiMrnns towms are those owned by men or corporations who
i1ln'ove 1,iran-
this Corporation is determined
all points a line view Is obtained ot
If there Is anyone in the whole state
of Oregon win wants to return
to the east he should read
this advertisement:
A Bargain For
-ToIExcliange for-
-For jwrtlcularscall at this offlce
$7 tn fcOKnMXT"canbeinade
plO IU DJU working for us. Acenu
pirI,'.r.r1 w;t"? can wrnUh lmro und
Kte their whole time to the bulnc. Spare
inunieuu may be profitably employed ulo,
A Tew acaucle. In towns nud cIIIm, H. K.
Johnson & CU, low Main st Ulchmond
ii,.n,I?ls sUte o'l business ex
Pittic cvr mind about wndlni
tmp for wply, n, r, J , A-V. WwtUl
ttractive Addition
tno ptioiic uiiuuiiigs ami our uiguesi
Importers nnd Wholesale dealers In
41 and 45 Walker St. John P. Stratum's
Celebrated Hu slan Gut Violin Btrlngs, the
Finest in the World.
Our Guarantee If a dealer receives a
complaint, (which he believes to be honest)
from any musician to whom ho has sold
any of these strings, he ls authorized by
us to give him another string without
charge, and all such loss will bo made good
by ii9 lo our customers, without quibble or
question. (Beware ot imitation.) Dealers
will please bend lor descriptive catalogue.
Trad j supplied nt lowest price.
Boys and. Girls.
Tho school will open on the 24th
of September. Thorough Instruc
tion in the primary and
English Jfranches,
-In oourse.-
TERMS und further Information may be
bad on application to
Cor. Chemeketa and State SU.
Northern Pacific Railroad.
And all points East via
The Northern Pacific railroad ls the only
line running Passenger trains, Second cla
sleepers (free of charge) Luxurious Day
coaches, i'ullniau Palace Bleeping Cars,
Palace Dining Cars, (meals 73c) from Port
land to the east.
eee that your ticket read via the Northern
Paciltc railroad and avoid the
change of cars.
Leave Portland ot 8 a. m.and 8.-J0 p. Hi.
dally arrive at Minneapolis or HU Paul t
".-03 p. in.
lUciric Division. Trains leave Front
andO strvetdHlly at HAS a. m, and &
rum.; Armeat Tueomaat 7:10 p mand
1.-JJ u m arri v -cattle fc-JSa m and fc p. ni
Through Pullman Palure Sleeping cars.
elcitnk day cu:k m, tineht llaee dining
cars between Por itind.Taooniaaod tjaUU
direct. DalN senUo. A.D.CUARLTOX
Ajt. u.n 1 Wis. Agent, 131 Flrrt tn CPft
ashlngt.iii i IWltand. Ufswos.
lfH luf FIM mlU 3fti,
lit I jmSjmv- f ti
!.- ,