,f THE CAPITAL JOIIBML POUMHIIKD DAILY, CXCKITHU.NDAY, UT THE Capital Journal Publishing Company. (Incorporated.) Kntcrtd nt tho postoirice nt Bulctn,Or.,oii pccofid clam mutter. CURE B.IRVINE, Mantger. K. fourth pm?e for terms of ubcrlp- 'RuprllvincntH to Insure I"'0" .J'0? 'the wmio day) Hlioiild be handed In I.J I 'oi?rre(.ponilcncc containing new; of In tw Jml f!n"M,rtJinui I desired from nil pa Siilnthwlll be paid to anonymous communication. ,.,,.,., v,tsAh h ,rvcd nt their Iioiiimjk enn M f ire It by " til card request, or by word left nt this "splclincn nuinKTii mmiI fre-onnjpllcii- 11 olilt e, corner Court and Liberty BlrcHs. Wednesday .ivxu li 188i)- Ekkoii'IS aro bfliiK mailo to hnvi n icclal wfHlon of CoiiKrc-H calico" to meet in October. A JUyTJitV nmn Ih iipciim-iI of HlnndcrliiKii luwjw 10,ono wtirtli One HhiMltlcre lo think it ho IIlUHt Imvc wtlil of lilm. Tin: lielccllvi"' oiifriigi'il In H" Htmroli for the imirnVriTH of I)r Cronln nro apparently the nanus olio wlio Imvo beoii looking for tlio in mihsIiih of Col. Clayton in A rkinmnn Whi:n thestin wton the vctcn Hliorc of AIiihUii It Is mi lionr arte Minrlfo In Miilne. It win, therefore, truthfully bo fiiIiI of tho Unlti'il HtntoH, iih It hiii of KiibIiiiiiI, that the mm never mtnlii licr ilomlnlonH. , Jim MiGoiuu'HBlu'inot will ftoiincllnu; down tho iikl'h lituiil In hand with iMrn. O'U'iiry'w eow. lie it wiih who upHut IiIh tfhie pot In n Feattto paint hIiop nml Htaiteil the Kie.tt flO,(MH),00 tire. Tin: New York World whleh liiif ntood by Governor IIIH through thick and (lilnfnrllioliiBt foiiryearc now rt'BiinlH hlin iih not tho remotest po-wlblllty for tho prertlduutlal noin limtlon of 18H-', on m-count of bin ex cellenqv'H veto of tho Jiallot lefonn bill. Ci.i:vi:iiANi Hiiyn that tho ileum- emtio irxrty "linn not deceived the , people, with faIKO pioniim,,, .....i ..-. tuiiBt.." 1 fa l M"1'0 ' 't?"1 fronl ",u' polilt of view. The mtV) lefiineil to bo deceived In that niuiincr, iih the retmnn of Uio hiHt election clear ly hIiow. Tin: majority will rule tho next IIouho of Representatives, Messrn. DeinocrutH, and the lepublieaiiH have tho inajoilty. Tho wlwi demociat will llo low and make, no beauts as to what IiIh paity will do, or what It will prevent the ropubllcaiiH from dolnu;, next winter. ONKoflliu valuable mineral of IIiIh country of whleh tho output Is larKelv liipreiiHliiK It tale, or mmp i Ntone. It Ih iihci! for ilrvtwlni: pUIiih, leather (flown and Minllar pinpoM, but ItH Kreatent use In as an adulter ant. Kor thU It Is peeulliiily lilted, on account of Hsl(;htneHi belli),' em ployed iih a tiller ehlelly In tho nmu ufueturoof Hotip pnper, and i libber, mid to ti certain extent as a lubri cant with other niibstance. TiiATklnttofaHoclely that traelici 'boyn and jilrls that It Ih moio become IhK to tlo nothing for a living than to em n It by honest toll, Is totteii to the core and rulnliiK nr country to day .There me many Honsand daugh ter who are helnn educated to pltix the p.Ht of "leading lailj" ami "witlkliiKReiilU'iiinii" In be flout drama or life, who w III turn up In the poor farm or poiilleutlniy be ,10m the em tain diops In the laet act of the piny to which they have hoon educated by their over ludul Kent parent. Tin: jirlo otllnotl by the San KranclHco K.amlner to the pupil of the city K'liools who passed the lnt examination for general escellemv wiih won by MlnsMay A,ers of the Hamilton kcIiooI. The pile Is a two months trip to KuroH, Includ ing the l'arls K.o,IUoii. Mls Ayers will be accompanied by her mother; and the expenses of both will Ik juld by tlietjeuerous donor, lvieh of tho twenty other content uutH will U piVMiitetl with an ap pmprlato medal. Tin: Xew York man has com di tsl lilt famous air bhlp In which hcaiid n friend eieel to enws the Allmitlo next fall. The ulr chip Is ( half Uilloou and half living ma chine. Thv Kdlooii xirt look), like a biK pIb'T- ! I" "My fivt Iuiik mid forty feet lit diameter. Theiwr, which UMii.H'iuiid from tho Udloou, luw a irtinIU'r whloh will nu, lower or drive forward tho hlp, ami u two-lllliKetl wliK which will Ui oKnitcd ilko a niII. Thure U a rtitl der nt the forward eml of the our, ixiiitniUetl by u n'jv vMoihUiik t" the ivnter of tho blilv. The miu'liliie luu Uh'U putenttsl by mi ulr chip company, with u oapxal lH' of f 10O,(Hi. Thvlr midden trip w III lv l ,w Vork to I'hlladeljihla IX the matter of recent eourt pro ceedings this paper 1ms abused neither Judge, Jury, prosecution, at torney, nor defense. The point we have made nud sustained was done honorably and without resort to abusive terms or menus. That our position has been mado good fhows for itself and that It all Ikih been ae noinnllslied falrlv. the wordw pul- IlshcU by us Htand as mute wltnesH es. In this connection It may be said that the JoL'Jinal is as fearless mm ItlH nmirosslve and nrono-es giv ing the news as It really Is, regurti-n less of whoso dog Is hit. AMiti:i) Tknxykox received ten bliiilings for Ills first poem. The re muneration was given linn ny in grandfather as tho reward of indus try, but not of genius, Hinec the old gentleihan took the slate on which 'I'n.iinrLnn liml u-rltlell lllH 1)1. IHK verse, wiped It clean and bunded his youthful relative the coins with the remark: "There is the fin-t moneyyou have over earned, and 1 supposed will be the last." The poit laureate's next vendue was a volume of vcic written with IiIh brother, published under the title of "rot-ins by Two Itrothcrs. Fxnuit the new ballot reform sys tem the tickets are all pi lilted bythe State, mid the elector receives tin ticket fiom the polling ollleer in blank; lie then goes Into the enclosed space alone and murks his ballot, and folds it and deposits It in the ballot-box. No one is permitted to s.'o ills ballot, nor to electioneer within one hundred feet of the polls. .Should a ticket be mmked wrong by mistake the voter limy return the ticket and secure another, but all the tickets received from the .State must be returned by the election ollleers, either In the boxes or in the hands of tho otlleeis. Provisions are niude for those who are illiterate to have their tickets marked for them. The system bids fair to be come unlveisiil. I thus been adopted by Kentucky, Wisconsin, Indiana and New York. Ciiicaoo public schools are among tho best In the United Slates. Its repoits show that during Hie last year not u scholar was Hogged by tho teacher. Tho News calls atten tion t.. 1 1. 1.. fui.t enntnisting it with tho Hogging leeoid of tho Boston schools during the same ear, which reached .0,oB0, a small number for Hostoii. "A boy Hint has been beaten often enough in Hie public schools when qulto young, Is likely to bo beaten in business, in politico, in love, In lawsuits, and in piety af ter ho tins grown older," says the News. It Is a curious fact that the superintendent of tho Huston schools has recommended that boys under ten years of ago bo exempted from coi)oral punishment. Klogglng in tho public schools should bo abolish ed. It'lHa relic of baibiulsiu which Is very little practiced, although, however, the Salem small boy catches It sometimes. Saw Washington's ran'. William Hurgess of Alexniidila Is olio of the few men now living who have looked upon tho face of Hon. Washington, and It was not gener ally known that he had ever seen tho father of Ids country until ic cently, w hen Mr. Hurgess, who Is a mechanic, and who has been em ployed to lay the foundation for the confedeiate monument to be elected In AloMindilu, said to fi lends with whom he had been cenverging: "I have looked upon the face of (ion. Washington. It was In 18:10, when 1 was an apprentice-employed in building the new tomb at Mount Vernon, w hlch mi many vMlors now come to ms'. I was a lad then, and 1 remember this was about my tlrst piece of work. When tho vault wiih completed I uv.Utcd lii moving tho bodies fiom (he old tnnihtothcir pro-cut resting-place. "It was decided," continued Mr. Hurgev. "(U k!H Washington's eolllu, and when it had Jieen con veyed to the new tomb the lid with rri-cil. A nunilver of people were piiM'iit and stood In 'brent hliws si lci.ee while tho workmen extracted theruty screws. "When tho top of the colli n had been lifted 1 looked In. The body was apparently pvifevtb preserved, the loutuiv-. wore complete, and there was nothing to Indicate the length of time which he had been dead. The ox-kmuv to the air how ever, had Immediate cttccl. In a minute or two tho Uxly Middonly onllupcd mid shrank Into an id moxt uutvcognUahlc form. "Other than tliti.," ropllol Mr. Hurgc, when further iputloiusl, "m, uoollcellonsaro very Indistinct. I do not rvmoiulmr how (ho body was lrttMHl or anything further about II. Tliefealiirenas I recollect theui, were like the pleturvs 1 have MVll." Mr. UurgONS N oer TO jmis of abound has lived In Alexandria tnauy jonr, and (huo who know him well lmo hunnl him relate the story otteu. The grove may not Ik (he gtavs iffl.hlllUt It l the mould of form the tmt Wmnijum " l'oint. Diipnlelitl met n testy friend Wlioso Iswt (rlrl I lind kli"d; Defore I could my net defend He lilt me with hlsJKr Tlie blow was gU on w itli n I m Tlint fnirly mnde tno litntntrr; I ntrled to G'-t back ntlilin lly whljiplngout nt He quickly struck It rroin my linnd And upngiilnut the bars I (lew hend first nnd seemed to tnnd Among ten tliousnnd . Aricrthli fenrful knoeltntxtut I mined n terrible yell, Which I wns mire wns fjulte without A vtcrn I. I lied but fulled to gel nirsy My friends taw with u laugh, In the police court news next riny I filled n . IlufTulo r.pris. "SCItAI'S." The Virgin forest lias never been axed. A sailing ' essul is usually estimat ed by itsspir value. A swallow may not make a sum mer but a frojr makes a spring. Would It bea proper thingto speak of a literary contest as a "skull race?" Hill Toll's boy Is remembered in history beeausa- lie hail an urrow escape. However haul it may be to live on a small salary, It is a good deal harder to die on one. A toothpick factory at Strong, Me., employs 1125 pel sons, and uses eleven colds of lumber daily. Tiie white hoiso is about tho only thing connected with the Cronjn business which displays equine- im- ity. China and Japan arc buying dried apples fiom Maine. Tims does the American industry help to swell the population of the Orient. The New Voik celebration demon strated the possibility of mussing seventy thousand militia in New York within fifteen hours. Tho authorities in Holland have decreed that women cannot serve on a school board. In Sweden it bus been decided that they can. At a recent meeting of the cura tors of tho Kentucky university it was unanimously decided to admit women into tho institution. The Canadian statistician says that since 1810 Canada has made ureal or pi ogress In population rela tively than the unin.il otnio... The sinait young man -aid lie had not been in the drug store long, but he had been at the soda fountain long enough to be a ll..leian. Patron Tills set of teeth you made for me is too big. Dentist Yes, Mr. Sit down in the chair and I will enlarge your mouth a little. It Is sJiid that Kansas will this year have u number of new sugar i'actoiies and that the product is ox peeted to be many times greater than ever before. Appiopriately named: "The drug gists Imvo organized a baseball club." remarked thesnake editor. "What's It's name?" asked the hoiso editor. "The Quinine." A "freak" in Philadelphia oilers to wager f 1000 that he can eat fifty eggs Including shells hi fifty seconds. We'll bet WOOD he can't If he'll per mit us to select the eggs. MaudSo yon are going to marry your father's cashier.' Isabella Yes, lii says that If he runs away with tho bank's funds tho money will still bo In the family. Where he was: Lawyer Well, now do you think the prisoner was Insane when he fired tho i-hot? No, ,lr; I am perfectly certain he was In l'at Hnuly'h saloon at the time. Min. N. l'eck-"So von thought I was an angel once, did you?" Mr. N. Peek "Yep." Mrs. X. Peek "Ami you don't think so now, eh?" Mr. X Peck "Nope, 1 still live in hopon that ,mhi miy be, though." I licks (to Hilggs, who has a day oat at target practice) "Did vou lilt tho bull's eye, old man?" Hrigg-, "No; It was a eow, 1 believe. At any rate It eo-t mo $100 to It tip with the follow who owned the crit ter." The sHiutiiini mines were dis-ov-orodln l.sif, or near that time, mid' were worked mid troratelied over for free gold, not knowing anything t of thofllverorvs of to-duy Lntor i they were worked some In tunnels' and open drifts. i Kugeue did not have a good title j tojt c1um1 lot, so during tho pros.- ent vacation nn entorpilsliig fellow JuuiH'l Hint fenced thcsuliool-ynrd, mid the director gave him $iiMl to let them securo a title to It by g. ting a tux deed. Hev. Cookiimn of the Methodist HpliKxilul phtiruli In Xew Yirk City, who Iiuh Joined tho Kpi-eopnl elmreb, a profound believer In udthcurv. llo bus an iniKllineiit uf sloo'h whleh at the beginning of a wrvuv wmie llun-n bolls him loiiBUo-tlisl for a moment, and ofhU fonuvr mrbliioiietv, iwikaiin.niol " mueli reliovel on taking 1 llnl .1.1. i lli.il 1 I. . .1 a ..tl ..!... maliciously, Kiy.. Hint akumit I 1 , ,,i. .11 1 ... .1 1 ' nliei.mik.l.Kttfl.luihlini.t the Ini- iKslhnipil home tlm (r ronterked: 5,l tntl to U troiilileil ttml way, but ' I luie tried iliefalthetm'and Imvo 1'ivn im v e.i-i-t tlrly e iH-eurel." CAPITAL p.vP.XTyG; J0UB2TAL IMUUlUMWmMXIJIM-M"' IM "-, j In loo Oreat Haste. Bang! went tho pistol in the rear of the saloon, and next moment a man in his shirt-sleeves rushed out of the back door of tho saloon, caught sight of n man with a re volver in ids hand, and rushing up to htm cried eut: "You miserable scoundrel! but get out of this, or I'll break every bone in your body!" "Whoa hold on what " "Git! git!" shouted the man, pushing lihn down the alley. Don't you think of stopping for at least ten doors! "I mean that you can.t shoot yourself at my back door. That game has been played on me half a dozen times, nnd its almost busted my business. Go down by the hardware store." "Shoot myself! "Why, I shot a rat! There lie is by that barrel." "Oh, that's it! Well, excuse me, and come In and take a drink. I was a little hasty, perhaps, but bus iness is business. "When a crowd conies to look at a dead body, no one ever dritiks, while the papers always have a shy at the saloon. Must protect ourselves, you know, and excuse mo and conic in. A Hunting Story. An exchtmge tells this: There is an old gentleman in a mountain country who is very fond of hunt ing. Whenever lie walks abroad ills wife always bears him company. Recently he went out to drive the cows. During his walk he discov ered live squirrels up one tree, and also discovered that ho had lost all his bullets but one. He sat down, drew out his pencil and daybook, and, carefully surveying the distance up to the first squirrel he began: If six grains of powder will move n bullet three inches; how many grains will it take to carry it up to Ihesqtiirrcl, adistanee of thiity feet? made his calculation, put in the required amount of bowder, just enough to kill the squirrel and for the bullet not to pass tliiotigh. He banged away, and down came bushy tail. lie took out his knife, cut out tho bullet, loaded up again, and fired until he killed the live squirrels with one bullet, nnd loaded with it the sixth time. In Illinois, us In many other st-ites there Is a law which provides that a railroad company rannot in made to pay moro than ?",000 for killing a person, though there is no limit to the amount for which a company may 'be sued for merely maiming a poison. One day Sena tor Henry II. Evans, who likes a J okc better than a meal, was telling one of his lural constituents about that law as (hoy were riding to gether fiom Aurora to Chicago. "Waal," said tho granger finally, "it's a durn sight cheaper, then, fur 'em to kill a man than to cut oil' his arm or his leg." "Of ooun-o It is," Miid.thc Senator; and then lowering his voice to a whisper he said in the granger's ear: you see that axe up there?" "Yes," whispered tho constituent, looking at the tools carried in tho car for uso in cti&uof need. "Well," said the Senator, "they carry that to kill nion with in oac tliey aro hint in an accident." "Waal' I snuni,"sald tho granger, "that's tho awfullcst tiling I ever heard of." mm J HP Absolutely Pure. nottiUr mer vnr'os. Ainnnetof pnrli,liviis ih nml w lioWime in-. lon tsMiiimi. 111 mi itio orl nnrj klmls mut iiui mil ! k. it In iMinix llltou Mltli tlix iiiiililliuUollovtit,hiorl wolKht nlilinor llivipiiil pou id rs. tvilil only In rtiiu. ltO M. lUK.NU lMMllKUtM..llXVllll.N,Y A W0MWS MM1IUKY, "Aiiotiier woiulerful dKtivery ha been made nnd that too bv lady in thU iMiintry. I)Uao fastenel Its "Another wonderful ditiv oiutone ujHin ner tuul Tor nivcii yeai-Sfhe withstoixl lt.Mven.t tests, hut her ltal orLtuis were iindei- mined, nnd dwitli kvhh lninilnent. ' For thiH uionths lw eoiiehedlniw MUitlv aitd eould imt bleep. Sho iHlUllIlt Of lis 11 Iklttlf llf Dr. KlllirV I tfWtPfell me'Now Dlboovtrv fur ('iiiimiiiilliin '"'' " "' J" ' ""I ' 'K' nd with one Uitilo has Uvn nilraeu- tulslv curv,,, Her WW ,s Mn l.tUhar I.utz." Thus write W. C. lluiurlik & ti., of Shelbv, X. C. Uetn fn trial bottle at'D.inlel Fry V dmptoro. . - The Best Residence Localities have the And TI Mate T l ! , .i tmmqomiiloved and SSnmS!l,friS iEeX StMff lami I nddltions'an.l around Highland Park ut? TTTTTr nRivE IN X JTX J-V i. iA - Of Oregon. T lots will be inoi' TI-IR Lois in Mbuid Adlon arc n""w - The s is black and rich. . cIS called "inside lots." Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three And let some other fellow pay $1000 for an inferior lot not so well located, build a beautiful cottage, or put it out at a rate of interest that will Duj y dekctivovcrv year. RANKIN'S ai No.a.i41 Commercial St. -O- IIousu and Currino Painting, Sign writing, Paper hanging and decorating, Wall tinting and kul sonnnlng executed in the latest style. Experienced Workmen Employed, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call and see u- betore you let your work. "0VEn 64000,000 K2fc"!rffi aisJ of tno Urgeet and meet relub's bouse, and they cao Ferry's Seeds D. M, FERRY 4 CO. aro acknowledged to be the Largest Seedsmen In the world. D M.FereyACo'j Illustrated, Descrip. tire and Priced SEED ANNUAL For 1880 WHlbatnftilAdrRrr to aJl Bimlicjiita. and yr to last rr'fl enstomen 'without orderinir it inrau. In (XlttestC. I .hould send for It. Address O.M.FERRY&CO.,Dotroi(,Mlch. 7.1? 1NSI'U.::C'K C o la p n n y . I'lro mut Mu rine. j 11 uimui JOS, AUIKUT. A cent, . Salem, Oregon DR. JORDAN'S Ml'SKl'M OF AXAT031Y 7ol Mnrkot Kt.S.m Kmndsoo I'ALIKOHNIA. do mut learn liow to nolit itUi'.i.-o, ulut liou womlerful ly ,on nre miute, OniMUtn. lion ami trvttinieni per on iillj or by leiter or wi-.ik nee ami nil dlseasxc o men. teiul for liook. l'rlvnte iitnen 211 iieary utreet. For Bargains IX mv i;Mlhfn? IIm,;,!,,,, l:i, rj. . i'i',' "itfumo iiviiiviiiiuiu lilt., CIO IX) THOMAS l.UIUtOAVS, Coninioroliil trvot, S11I0111, Or Coiin.ry pnvjuwof U klndj MMiiji on liaud. If )ou li4enol Irtulil ih me be. t"T: l TrPiruuv Mlett a trial believing I wn .nit on both in prlcw and quality. hop ysps SGRWsm mfigm V&4.&&&M mwiftiizfAtEm wv'A'un uruivKii vwikNv v aii r. . irr- a"c .-rt?ix 1 y wnic nro those owned by men or corporations who disposition -IS OWNED BY- this Corporation is determined ! LAND Attractive THE ' - i , . ... rv,mv.n-i- riiim tlirmi",Ii MOST POPULAR RESORT ABOUT THE CITY OF SALEM". High and Dry anil Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage o SEE HERE! If there is anyone in the whole state of Oregon who wants to return to the east he should read this advertisement: I Bargain For Somebody ! ! TolKxehango for m m 1 , T A GOOD CHANCE S-Kor particulars call at thl office. 7R n ORfl AMONTII can be made DiJ 111 f.UJ working for us. Agents ... '"."T " n lurnisn ,. liorws and yn o uifir wnoie lime to the buslnei. Bnaro i V.".;:ri mu, iirontabiy employed uUo. .J?cS??'e.'llton.sanlc'.,'e?- II. K.' loi,.,' rvc VXx . .. . """"" . Johnson A Co., 10B ilalu i.t Hlchmond, v 11 ih... .. . . rrlVnT vi? state age andVu.lneM ex. K?i!n7b Jver nilnil about sendin uwp for reply, B..P,JUV -MA mm PROPERTY! ULYLWJ , TION GOMPANT to the contemplated improvements have "' l Hih" STATE the middle of this addition, and no Hundred Dollars, With tho diil'erenco of 700 you can on nearly two inousauu street car JOHN F.STRATTON& SON I Imnnrfprq nnd "Wholesale dealers In I MUSICAL MKUCIIANDI9E. Now York. 1 1 nnd 43 Walker St. Jolin 1 htratton's Celebrntea lUi slan Out Violin strings, me Finest in the Woild. Our Oimraiitec If a dealer receives a complaint, (which ho believes to be honest) from any musician to whom lie has Bold any of these strings, lie is authorized by us to give him another string without chaige,andall such loss will bo made good by us to our customers, without quibble or question. (Beware ol iHittatlon,) Dealers will ple.iso bend lor descriptive catalogue. Trmf ) supplied nt lowest price. ST. PAUL'S: Boys and. Girls. The cchool will open on tho 24th of September. Thorough instruc tion In the primary and navtinced . English Branches, ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -In course. TERMS nnd further Information may be had on application to . HEV. P. H. POST, Cor. Chcmeketa nnd State Sts. 8-20-tf Northern Pacific Railroad. GREAT OVERLAND ROUTE. TWO FAST THAIN8 DAIIA' ! ,.. NO CHANGE OK CABH SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO And all points .East via St. PAUL, nud MINNEAPOLIS. The Northern Faciflc railroad Is the only line running lasscnger trains, Second class sleepers (freo of charge) Luxurious Day coaches, Pullman Palace hleeping C&n. l"alace Dining Cars, (meals 75c) from Port land to the east. tee that your ticket read via the Northern Pacina railroad and avoid the change of cars. Invo l"orland atSn. m.nnd 8:10 1... daily nrrUe at MluneapolU or St. Paul at teQ p. in. Pacific Division. Trains leave Iron! nndU fctrtrt dally at 11A3 a. m. and &W 1 p. 111 Airlveiit Tiieoiua nt 7:10 P in -ism a m arrlvo iitle IteHa in nnd 9.36 p. 1 p. in.: AirlNoiil Tiu-oma ni 7:iu P 111 " Tlirouch Pullman Palace Weeping d;r, elegant day coaine. llnest palace dining riegani uay OKit'nee, nnrsi iuihw utM.fc care between Portland, Tacoma and Swttlu I direct. Dalb service, A.D.CHARWON Akt. Oeu hi, Agt, 121 Kiri bit., tofi VIKlllUglOIIOl., IWWB9,UH a, Depot corner Fim WW b'WHi e .1-M. W. v . (if ?5s2