fTMfNT' THE CAPITAIi p.vTCNTN'Cr .TOtrRKAL. !.' 'TO CAPITAL JQBRML TKIIJW QI8UII-ClUITI0N. DAILY. One ear by mull-- , - -Wffi Ml uinritlm liV lllllll .. f Thrro inoiilhtfhy iimll.....-.-. . j'or week, delivered by oirrlcr..... 1 2.". 15 wr.KKi.v. one yrnr liy tnnll. i ?i m Mix month by tnnll... One inr,lf paid In advance I " Six ttionttiw, If paid In advance w Tor ndvertlnlng rate apply nt thh oHlce. AllHillscrllicrU)TllF.OAflTALJoUUNAL who do not Mur their paper nuularly will notify till" olllte, kU line RUdrram, nnrt the matter will be attended to at once. Olilrc, corner Court mid Liberty HtreetH ii. : mifvrlKiV 1TTW. 1H. 188!) lUIWlv-' - - ' All Hi" World Wolidircd. Tin. iMiMti-rn nvoiilc road with nnmzCinent tlie wonderful stories of Oregon's inainmoth fruit and vegc tiililu growths but their greatest ex IM'o'.atlotis meet full leallation wlien then- same peojile come to tlie laud wheie rolls thu'Oie gon and we for tlieuihelvcs thing:, thrlee more wonderful than any "I Which they might h.ie ever dicam ed. In speaking of cherries the JoUiiNAL asks eastern people to noli' tin- lollowlng f"t 'l WIT Tcwliiy nt (hoclieiis when tlie tlmt j had arrived for loading the mg can non, the artilleryman dUcoveied tlmt no balls had I u si'i-uied. I li nt oiil-o sent out mid got -mc Itoyal Anno' cherries, which, alter trim ming down, were forced III the can non's mouth, and tlie peil'onuance was siiccesl'iiliy concluded. -Jim LiniibrrliiK Inti-mit". Tliopiojectlon of the Oicgoii I'a elflc railroad Into the f.irest legions of the Ninth Santlam has awakened great interest in that legion and opened up a country that hasalmost unlimited resources for luinbeilng purposes. Already mills niu in prog 'tchs in Hint section and lively work Is being accoinpllslicd, but only a ooinmuuci'incnt has been iniide. 'i'he bolli-f lias been coimnou aniung the residents of tlmt vicinity that local mills only could be supplied with logs from the timber lands along the liver and In tliuadjacent inouutal.is, but coniK-teiit and experienced men have looked over the ground ami navo eoneiimeii nun wim nine Iniprovonu-nt tho North Sautlain cult bo Hindu an excellent and per- t-dncolidatlon of elicits, menagerie fei-tly safe slream for running logs Lm hlppodromo Is hero to-day in Into the Willamette, to supply all UU Its glory. Tho parade this morn mills below, as well as the local j,, ufL.r u pleastiralile anticipation mills adjacent to the timber, says j 0f HUVeruI weeks, was viewed by tlie tlio Albany Herald. Ilooil Will- fur TmiiiI. Parlies in Balem yesterday fnuii upon tlie Kuullam say that there are more trout there this year than ever heforu and tlmt tlshlug this season when It opens up well will Do boiler than has been known for years. At .Mehania the saw mill men lmvo heeded tho warning and are nrenailng to burn their sawdust Instead of dumping It ill tho stream. Sawdust Is death to tiout. Tlioj .Ioi'unai.'h Informant took tho j t rouble to examine a half doon trout found dead and the gills and stomach of each llsli was llllcd with sawdust. A H'rlli-ii of Siiliur Mr. T. l Hcilly, representing (lie St I'uul Journal of t'oiumereo, Is In Salem looking over tho city and 1 country, with a view to giving an extensive wilte-up of tho resources of tlio country and advantages of- fen-d to homesrekors, Tho Jouruiil of roniiuen-o Is a widely circulated trade lmpcr of much ciiiuuieielal Im portance and what this gentleman way say of Salem will bo of untold worth. Descriptive letters of the Sound country have already been preimred by him. Whl.U) uikI .MIiioi. Thognmd Jury yesterday oyeulug rj-turned ,ruo bil.s agaii.t twopa, '.tliw-vlui tire ehiirgi-il wth either1 Having soiu or given uiiuor to nit. , nors. Thoy aivJaiiib Itlugmaii of Oervulrt and Kd, Soguln of WihhI. burn. Tho former 1 aroused of bell lug liquor to tho latter, ti minor, and tho latter with giving it to other mi nors, 'these imrtlos wore unvoted and guve IkiuiLs in the miiii of fct0l -M-h for their tipiK-aramv for trial , W Illiln a day or so. m I 1 hit I'lonni; ul Si liool This U the hist wtvli of thu pulilli' soliiHils of Sale in for the sc.imui of 1KSS-0. (It-ui-nil -.iiiuliiiitlotm ru U-lni; roiluotil this week uml the bchool yem will lmvo mi uuspl cIouh cIivm. The teiiohers lmvo In lirenumUon nu eutertidnlm; nro- Krnm to Ih rvudeixsl hv the scholars ' .ttlH.l.uH.u.,Wl.bVMV...... ThU will Ik) public mid to nil u inu dial Invitation will!-extended, that tho jiroirrv of the scholars durlm: t... v....r .....v. 1.. ..i.mI - t "v iwiii. v i vpnuiviin i ft iwr- "TTrr.".'.. .."J , im: the mini's. Ho thinks the futun- Prof Hurry Lorndne, or hctterlf ' ' 'V T U, ' K '' m" lTm, known W Prof, llurrv Hurt. tluV,,m ' ,ml .Um,,H ,,mU " .W fiM,ml nrliuxspf mut'lotiud mu.l iiUis.',,,1 , ' V. 1,,",,V,,W ,w " wvenliiK, Jutui Sl. 'I ho piixsowo riiT ftil!tiV.IIIS,ll i!il!;14'iul",vt , n.n; u u,v uni' ii you ,,pM& lillll. tiV tin- old hOldlel h Kooil iiui Ki-liit-iHxl wiimrvi UUNilfortho ilhWil. 1m and IniitU. imUu-M-Jjou-rf . buu.ll Mint of tw ont.v -llw wm. wVT" 'VUl ,"H,,," w SJ,, U The Ac I nf li CoitHnl. Not paying it word nhout the Joi'ii.val or offering nit opinion itself on (lie Jk-nrdsley cupc, a more or k'.i esteemed morning paper UiroiiL'li fear of result or on uc- count of Hiibiidciico purch.'ied liy the defense at a Iiiindnoinu ligurc hides behind the Oregoiiiau anil r.il .1 . ok,..,,,. .Bii -,.., ...cf.tP.1 thl-. nvnniiiir iivu iiiralilvn Htiitement in i:sffi7iha , "" n -.r-l .v.,.- :..l alleged in the recent trial in which ! H....-.I..I t. ......! Tim lv.ilt editor of the pnpor wasn witness in " .?"!..t.,i." s:"!",tjr. :,::;': itriiniHiuy nun cil-uh-u. - ..-v.... coll)ilu, out win them. The I article claims that on the morning ,,r fl... lslllliwr Mru I'.lxirilwIeV llOW- ". " - """"" ""v. . :.,?,..,. ..,.,. I imi ino icponer a roeit ...;.. ". I'liitmi'il was tin; rock thrown by I'erryman, nnd that it was not like, I in kfnd orsle, the rock produced in court." The wonder is easily explained, when It is stated that the discovery ' was not made until the trial was over that there was a difference in the two rocks exhibited. The stone alleged by the defense to have been I thrown by Perryinan at Peardsley was not shown to the jouk.nal ic- ( S((itu vs ,lk(. j jg,nnll pleads to poiters while on the witJicss stand, i morrow. nor were they asked ir they coulil Identify the stone. There should . t i... ..,..,.. r. ... tii.n.tiiliiK ft II t HMII'I in: J iM III I It" W'Hluti. iiiiiii.i.iH,iiMM:iiiMi i-akir. Kvery chilis that travels Is fol-1 lowed closely by numberless hands of ganibleis, burglars, eonlldeiice iiu-ii, pickpockets ami lihl flngeied gentry of dlifei cut kinds. The cir cus to-day is no exception to the general rule and for this reason the Joi'liN.M. admonishes householders to giurd their piemises closely or el-e not get excited because of a bur glary. It might also bo well to oiler a word of advice about getting in a crowd mound the circus and conic out after losing your wat'eli or pock etlmok. The pickpockets are a shrewd set and the best of their tal ent Is no doubt present. Then, too, there are the swindling gambling games which mo being coiiilucleil ' near tho cheus-theso slick fellows j who roll greenbacks up In packages j and sell you 10 for $. 'I hey are , deft with their lingers and the man th.it bites at their games generally, gets bitten. v .,,, (!,,., lin,i i-amdi- t0iH jjios. and Jiarrctts' great hundreds who had congregated upon tho streets. Tho parade was a tine ouu and apparently tho foroiunner of an cMpiislto pciforinance. When tlio Sells Pros, conducted a little wagon show and played in small country towns they were good and now since they are backed by mill ions of dollars tho entertainment must bo simply grand. Tho tent Is tilled this afternoon. 'I lilt Mil) Ion llildj'. Thu county court of latin county ailveitlse for bids lor tlir Stay tun bildge, bids lotuniabloJulylld. The advertisement says sealed plans, specillcatlons, strains, diagrams and bids will be iccelved for building a bridge across tlie North fork of the Santlam liver about -00 feel below tho Stay ton feny; said itiidge to bo 010 feet long and Hi feet wido in tlio clear, liers tohoorsutlliient hlght to bring tho bottom of the tloor beams at least "-feet above low water mark. llt'iil i:lnli 1 iiiiiirllon. Dally transfer furnished the O.umt.u. Jornx.w. by the Union title abstract cempany: liiomas llnlnmu to II. A. Thomas, lots I ami U in blk -Ill rorth Nilcm. N. Whltuov to K. ( Ha- KlT, -M HCIVs ill t 0 S r 1 W. ..; ,'f FoHansliy to N. It. lhlX Wright, part uliu-k lis, Sa- UXHMl -Mil) 00 I I 100 00 ' lem. ItOOO 00 JasiH-rCoiiuitou toSamuel Coinptou, Lit acres adjoin I iug Ninth Salem. 1 00 IXril Ilillii- II... Hi. At last the not unexpected news has reached hen-. Yesterday Mr. F. J. Striker of this city received a lottor from his old homo at Johns- town, fa., tho scene of the teirlulo Hi urn hi Miiy he wen-swept down to death in the j tiw ful flood, Kmuuucl ritmyer. uu i other tvlutlvo, is tuniini; HicnivihI. i""- u- .viiur.. ' J- W.SIu.n..ker of the uitlum mlnlns tuiil mlnenil iMinpjiny hus pxietothe iMiiimn, 's claim upon thoS.uitlnm anil williitoiuvenwiuo I., n... ....iii-.....u.n.i... r ,i..i. .1... . .. llll'IV III fii-ii ill.llllllll 11 III Don't vuu foruut tlmt tho Hon khI dieter, in whleli tho lufor-i J-T I'-H.u-ym .uiiunoiimii, weii'ilg,;;" utloil wusi-iinvevill to lllll thilf l'i " lueii.vium nisi mni. , ifniuin uimuiii ensiuccr or mo s.- ' lillll II r ll.t 1 ! 11 ill fiiii I lia.itiLliln.i an.io s llj;tsl mint, the wldovo of h. ' mid Hit-follow iiik pen-imsim- imnud nnd j nr mi-iiv..i- ul" l.iliiwliivv-n uml -i-iiin. . ..in -r iiihiiiiu'ii jiaiv-e oi kiih eiei-non lo-vvil: orMrnjor of Johnstown, uml, ., ,.,,.. .,, ,,,,.v. u.,-. J.r..n.wth. J rurk. WuiiUiwe. u K r three iluimliters mid one son .., . . . ' ..... ' - '"".' -1 ",uv iiu: pomon n- npiHiint-1 111 " iii,ilivii. nun "ill. "'" I. ....i,. I.,,,. Vii,i,iiiMMi..iiilii.l i.ll l.-rk I.IUII M l .,,. ..ml 1 I A SI'KCI.M. TIJIIM nil! IIAWKINH. .Tui-diiii Vol Orlllj llnnl for fuuiilillnc Ollit-r l-roci-i-dlngi. John A. rtmu vs. s. P. Ry.,jry render verdict for defendant and judgment for iW.W. State of Oregon vs. Willi .Ionian, uttering a forged writing; the Jury i returns a vcidlet of not guilty. fi'l 1 t...... Imii IJirno llflt. " .,.. i.iiu fotinwHs o...i .... r... -v' iv.nif neaniili. OIIUU IB. im. ' '.&) - j-lfntn I'M. ,"'' ith ,i ,li,"croutfl .. . i.i. .. -i ,..... weapon. c-. ..... .... r ,...!.. lUmmmffn ic-saiilt nunc vn uuiim niiiimi," n.,t (( (ia,rt.ros weapon. stmov j..i.i. oiebie.-, uuii with a dangerous weapon. j. j. Hrown et nl vs. ElUu JJrown . . ,. ., i ,.ln,l .,.,.,r. CI Ul, U. r. iwueei .-u....v... B"... i in,,,,, r Mnrlnn K. UeGecr. ,,,," "" -- " a minor. A. Grant, to-1 Jj. I'elt.vioiin vs miii-mu- nt 1) o'clock for trial. Farrar vs I.ee, for trial Thursday at 0 o'clock. ' .State vs Win. Atkinson, gambling, arraigned, pleads guilty and flneil 10 and costs in each cae. State vs Hd Scguin.ple.ids to-mor- gtate vx. Win.Sliroedor.giinililing, ' nie(, J1() )U( (.(M am0linting to' ' q ,,r Statu vs. W. !:. Hawkins, motion for 11 continuance, special term call- ed for July l.'dli when the case will be tried. Aillil'-H ill Inroriioi-iitliiii. Articles of incorporation were tiled with tlie secretary of state to-day, as follews: Washington cornet band associa tion of Hillsborough, with J. S. Wilkes, Van Meade, and Geo. Shul imieh as Incorporators. The capital stock is WOO, divided into shares or W.OO each. Their business Is to pur chase band Instruments. Polk county bank with P. F. Stanley, K. 1). Waller,.!. W. Powell, 10. Iteilwell and I.ynion Damon as iiw.iri.iufitniM. Tln ivmltiil stock Is i i IIII.WI iniiiii'i... .... ... .- , -)0)0o(i, divided in shares of $100 ; WMjhi The piineiplebusiucs.s place is , Mlimol,u,. ! .... I W.ilHlcrilll t;iiriii-. Mr. J. M. i'ayno hasasinall cher - ry sprig on which cherries have j grown so cloc together the branch j is likened unto a bunch of bananas. The stick is but six Inches long and on every side cherries hang as thick jus it would be possible for them tojio Was not much utility going on do. There aio 125 eheriles in Unit small space and from appearance there is room for not another cherry. They aie of tho Black Itepuhliean variety and are niot delicious. 'Ili liinnd I.oiIki. Quite a nuniber of dcegutc to the Orand Lodge of IJood TeniplurH lmvo been arriving in the city to day, to attend tlieStato grand lodge. Tho work this morning was that of receiving tlie delegates and attend ing to tho work of looking up tlio ciedentials. Tho session will con tinue until Thursday evening, closing at that time with a grand banquet at tho lodge looms. Capi tal lodgo of Salem two preparing this banquet, which wltl no doubt be an all'alr of no little pleasure. Theio aro already ipilto a number of dele gates In the city. A Wi;i-o right. All amusing light took place at the depot this morning, between two negroes who work with the cir cus. They fought with their !lsts,Mar ens of Qucoiisbury rules, until they w eio about iit-ed up, then they went I at It with their heads, like goat, tin I til one of them gave it up. A largo I crowd witnessed tho tight, and all I liaimrd it was very amusing. , ' 's I roll nt l'roln. Circus day lu Salem this year one to lie lomr lemenihriisl. ICnrlv 111 the illuming the town began to ll" "P with people and by the time of the parade at eleven the streets wore one living mass of people, ' ' ' -,",.," "" MnrrliiKti I.Ui . l.iiinises to commit uiatrhnony ( have been granted to Uracil (J. I ,, ., 1 ... 1, . Hall and l.aura fc-. htewait: also to 'Win. M. Cllno and Mrs. 1 K. ! White. 1 "- " , ! . . . . '". .. V ". .,"",,", ' 1 May Mu-.miI Washington count v, , ... . . vuuain impiey 01 roruunu ami sfHi-i.u Hiuce ny tne city i-ouiu-ll to-, .l.i- i.. ...r. ,. tvl.n.. ii... ir.,... i i...... . . ..... . ... ""' '" " ' ' v l "' "' '" """ ,Uter;- "l :,""', )-,,mv '. lV' IZIrnffi 1.11.111 u-imb iimnkmi. vu : mrsMivi m" 'm.-"HUJi and utrwHcili. pur I'I1,u.h.iii.. IIUo Uml . n vvtitt nctf Inr dlgwlion. nil by taking tli.il uuwlnr and IssHillar miilltiiui HisHl'tKirMiiikriUH. I WUIIt PVWjlHhlj III ir)' It IflUsOdMIH." II l sold by nil druwlcu. lll Imtntivxl ttiM on diilUir.- Wivlil Mirfh Tooth f-oxii wn idt iHWitt(vr vwry Umo yu luiv a brush XV,U " 1'r " t- " ijl PURELY PERSONAL l)i Moodcl of Allmiiy '" tlie city. Jim. K.Miller went to Portland to-day. O. T. Wright of Portland is In the city. Hugh Hurri-on of Jefferson t.. 1 w. i.lli H l'"-"' -Tho. Hubbard left this morning . for Portland. ' mi tt .. ......i. .i... i.mriiitifr - -"VU.Jimert took the train for Portland. Jtev. Tower took ...nrnlnu - the train for Portland. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Trimble left this morning for atrip to Portland. Mrs. Win. Itennle took the n.ba I aiiurnooii nam lor ii u.i .-... 1 i -G. E. Aitken returned irom , Turner, where lie has been on busi- ncss. , Jtcv. Simpson, secretary of tlie j grand lodge of Cood Templars, is in the city. Albert Jiltclifleld came over from La Grande to spend a few days in this city. .Mr. Knox, grand chief templar, of Albany, is in this city on business connected with the lodge. I.OCAh SUMMARY. J. W. IJiiteiielor is suffering from catarrh in his hand, which hns been with him for about t,wo week. T. A. Lord lias been appointed postmaster of Woodburn, vice Oliver Bourctt, removed. -Elder W. Welborn will preach at the Baptist church to-morrow evening at the usual hour. All arc invited. Tho newspapers arc talking about some kind of a sugar bill. They must have reference to the national ilower, Sweet William. Painless dental opcrationnt Dr. T C. Smith's, iW State street. Officer Lake arretted Nicholas Moore and Tiios. Williams for being ilriink nnil dUnrdeilv and irave t hem ! ---- r --n-- l two days in tho lock-up. A large crowd came in on the morilIlg train to attend the circus, -,,,,, ,1 e,,r. i,...ns came in from ...-. - c- all directions this morning which made a large crowd in the city, This is examination week at the Salem public schools, but the faculty would not permit the pupils to wit ness the citrus parade. Of course while tho bands were playing and all was excitement and noise with out. Elciihoitec, tlie man whose head was caved in by striking a cattle guard along the railroad near Wood burn, while the cam were in swift motion, has recoveied and gone to liU claim up lu tho mountains. His was a narrow escape. Circus day and Fourth of July are here or will soon be. Picnics are all tho go, but groceries, nice and fresh, such as can bo found at Squire Karrar & Co's. are alwayB in de mand. Fruits in season and every thing always the best and purest, ltemcmber this advice. Hiehard Savage, who had the misfortune to mash his finger very bydly in Pols county on Saturday afleiuoon, K improving nicely. Ho was loading a large rock to be brought to tliis city and as lie threw it upon tlio wagon his linger -vas caught by tho rock and badly mash ed. Tho doctor says ho can savo it from being cut oil. Mr. Savage has been su tiering very much from tlie eHeets. For your meat go to Lafosr'c to-day on State street. tf - A HOOD ('! OK COl-VKK. Is Kivnt iittnictlon for n restaurant. The roller drann fuim Ilellenurand's 1'aL ent Culli-o it-wiitai-lo Ik ono of tho many (liviit Attractions of Ills eating iurloi. Thiiivn.Noioupsof hi-. e.M'ellent eullee nruMilu every wci-k. And n- for oyMrni tl.lll III..I1I- III. .1.1.1.. I 1... Iblltlltll 1.1 lllll stair. jr. ... , ,.7' . """,7 . . - v ilcht a Hitl Cnw-sCuru unequuloil for rtivut undohroiiU'iMiiKhH nnd voids, and l lrrltalillltj of llu- nlr.lviksiiHes. slil iy all iiruiwMs 0 ..,Yrlm's l,l,i iviory uml t'hainoinllo lUlten, nHsjininendt-d by thu 1110.M eminent niukiriiiii. lnvii:mtini;.Miiiiiitatiiii;and iu intovUiiting. ,sni by 11. v. nx. - . NurtlT 01' lUCTIUN. '() '"l'K - ''' l,y Kl '' l't there will be lA niirln-tloii In Ulaitht- Alert Hook and ladder lriu-k Imiix.i nt snlein. l)r.M,in (m Mmutio.Jiib i.Ksy.iK-tee the hour ..t n..'. 1. v.. 1 .1 .. .... t .. ..t 1. . ..t 1..-VI. t-.F.iv .i unii'r ill !.... - ....... ... .. Km- ih-Ii-kmun i.r ih tsilom inent, Juno 10. li tha.lUi.ird of riro IViuri- Alti'l: S T. UirilAHiVMiv. Pn-. 11 K. I). S. K. 1). i-ix-n-tar.v IU P U.S. I it. H-IS-IU A.. S 13 1X3 WICK". I NO. OO STATIC STUUET, In the 1-aoJnoof IMrlland, Qm-en of l.lv- leriHwl, Northern of Loudon, the Oernui lillll ni-WlVi 1 'i fiiiimi-M . 1 . or xha -H'mibiirg-AiaKdeburg Klre In. II, Mil II III Mi MI.WIAI.I . . . ,.,.. iiiii, villi I lilll All klmUm luilr Muck, liHlrvli.inns void ebariiw, .livU.. mtf,. btuw. aujUUnz )o imiy iti-lrvlu h.sUiv , ,,. .I, ... ,, , : GEORGE WILIdiM' -Ha.r Work Always on Hand, :x;oL &$$& HollUM OVHTl thin, It lft l.l. I1A Av. itK Ue him a mil ami iu alii ttll This new plat Just put on the market ''-'ira , Salem for building lot. They have no e, J n0 line state of ciiltivai ' i ..- w-.M'u rf 8lUIIlI-, "" '"""'" th0 clty, surrounding peaks. Pure cold wel imtni nun nosiuiueu uiuv ? . . . ,..i l.l.... I ' i insta inicnis, ohu-iuiui. 1 without Interest until paid riiP. tirPrlecs nlfortl,e,n more eral lot; ijii1?.. i." - ,ts have already been sold on wh.cn .me ---"""-,,- ,ot ' . and n nu i ..,nr Imvo lvn nntlonCU. Jl "" " "" , JONES 4 WATSON, wh will call on THE-REUABLE GROCERS Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem, Specialties in Table Luxuries, Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Crea.m Cheese, etc. WE LEAD JN CANNED GOODS. Remember tlie Place and Call. 1 J KRY 1 MSsf eri! FOUN Success in Business requires preparation ! Theiefoie, thorouglily master Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship and Business Correspon rciai Aritnineuc, isusiness i.-eumaiiiup mm ju-'iiis-j uuuwi Sook-keeping bv borh Single and Dnublo Kntiy, the nature is,, nf ('nmineieiiil Pnnoi-s. Commercial Law and Business pracl dence, Book-Keeping v uorn single aim iinuuio j-uuy, iuu uumm nu nnrrnct us,, nf ('niiiiiici rial l'nnors. Commercial Law and Business practice. Learn n. also, Shorthand and Type-writing. Manifold, and Dictation work. these aio needed in business, and are thoroughly taught by oxper d teachers at- the SALEM: BUSINESS COLLEGE All lonpoil One Mile from Amiisvillc ?ni Too to Forty lores, Several fruit growers from the east have declared their intention to locate with us and there is room for several more. Sample No. 1, 20 acres more or less, high land gently rolling, deep rich red soil, all under plow, sufficient fence. Price j-10. Sample No. 1', 20 acics, more or less, partly under plow, partly covered with willows, gently inclining and level land, both red and black soil. Piico.?22Uof:!0. - Purchasers can pay 8 per cent, interest on half for five to seven years. mi Salem take train to Tinner and thence to Aumsville on Thomas Bros', hack line, and call on the owner, Mr. Win. Shaw, one mile north of depot, or for fuither particulars address J. J. HARDEN, Stayton, Oregon. i , WILLAMETTE hre! hire! university Ixik out for los by Klre ilnrlns the hot weather. Insure Apis n WITH ISAAC A. MANNING HANK HLOCK (UP-STAIRS,. "V'.i.'.Kt """.".""" il'rt-cnuiiB million "i ii.niiirs imui of dollars Mld iipeaplial. l-OMBR SHOP On IJbertv stnvt-'ai-nw 11... 1..11.. 1 v.;r.v . "Y.Jir?' the bridge In Nil 1 g i L. La ZT igoo devatedaudleveLbasntlnevlewo graLi, Mn b . .. mill miow-canned pountrv. tlie inouiiiui" i county, in Chemekete 1 water, as i. "',, :mna ,. Wnton on ks These loti ore oiieien u, "-- - ,KS. IIJIV. nnvniniltS ...i. ...i nuiUniitli in (itinner .-"". i"v- lotmire now actually m """"" i ..! tit ..noil on long time out h.terest ,ev; show you the plat and the lots. Griswold's Block, Salem, Oiegon Jffi vzrttsrtararTVfimxi-j ximausniga and Ten Miles from Salem. (initliiutex btiulenti. in Normal, Business, Law. AN1) MEDICAL COURSES. It i the olde.t, largest and least oxpen. , blve Institution of learning in the North vrot. School opens nrt Monday in September Send for catalogue to THOi. VAX 8COY, 1 , President. S.ilpm, Oregon. Pariu for ale n!?ra S?& bSSSSM'XS&riPu oomSSJ? falrbarn and other out bulldtngs. Good' grain, grass and fruit lands. Sightly and smaller fruit farms wlih mirAnri,.r..,i. OllCllll. IWlll'l mmibuv irlth il.A .. inn. nnVniv T..,:..i :.J.. " ".." V". i".'.v ivir.ii. ii. ,UM: " ,,u the .B'i .-!..; ."-".'-. vv " "mj um mu noining 10 slay mJu'undoin'flwXra in rwtauble. for pi.lculun, see riiurl.e n..i.n... .n!.. w.i."' i I D I ctatai uiy. sd-BniscRIBEIlAPOHlB 1 ItBVJ acres. 7 miles kouihwi ..r s,,i,., ! horseshoelng.buslness.1 .. fc... . , ln..,.i.m .... t.u, , . ... " orshoes.steel.trolting.lian fenced l'u in V l.'vA, lv . "".SC ?"? L? eKWq. A FULL LINE -or Crockery and Glassware! 1 "With specialties In Valerian China Tea Sets, French China Dinner Sets. KIDG WAY'S FAMOUS ' , . , . rx .. bucKmgnam -OF ROYAL, SEMI-PORCELAIN Of which we constantly keep a full lino nnd open stock, ennbllng us to make up Dinner nnd Tea sets of nny size, or sell by tlieslnglo'iiieee. The llncst assortment of CHAMBER SETS Ever shown In Salem. A FULL STOCK Oi thelntest nnd handsomest patterns In Glnsswnre. rff-1'lcnso call ana examine our stock. WELLE R BROS., 201 Commercial Street. Salem, Oregon, lmvo received direct From Eastern Factories Tho Finest Line of CARRIAGES, ' PHAETONS, SPRING WAGONS,, STAGE COACHES, MOUNTAIN WAGONS SKELETON WAGONS, DOG CAJITS and OTHER VEHICLES which vvJU bo sold at Prices and Terms to Suit All! Tlieno goods 'aro flrst-class and as their stock is very Uuroii penon canllnd what they may vi h. Their w arehouse on State street Is cuinplctely. lllled.nnd they have anothPi- ear load en route now. Lookout for them; fcomethlng lino MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System of Memory Training. Four Books Learned In one reading. Mind wandering cured. Every child, and adult greatly benefited. Great Inducements to correspondence Classes. Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. wm. A. Hammond, tho world-famed Specialist In illnd Diseases, Daniel Oreenleaf Thomp t.on, tho great Psychologist, J.M.BucKly I). D., editor of the Christian Advocate N. Y.. Richard I'routor.thesclentist, Hons. W. v. Afetor, .Tudah I. Benjaman, and others, bent post frco by I'ror. A. I.OISETTK, 337 Fifty Ave., N V Je-13sS9. dw NTING. ask nv Tltte T.ATlfrt.T ESTABLISII- Uments In tho State. Lower rates thau Portland. Largest stock Legal Blanks lu rgest liltrirc icouni. oeuu iui and catalogue ot . M. WAITJE. price list of Job printing Steam Printer Salem Oreeou. HORSESHOEING. 1 Have moved to 47 nnd 19 State street. where they aro now ready for work. All I our old patrons nnd friends aro Invited 10 1 call and m.-o us in our now location, w e 1 are better prepared for work now than ever having secured niuro room. 10-I-tf. BLACKSMITII1XG and WAGONMAKING. HOLM A- GLOVEK,TIlK OLD RELIABLE Blacksmiths, have removed their shop to tllBrornprnf r.itnmprf-liil and f!hemeket6 j sis,, where they are ready ,to serve the pauiic iney are now preparea ueuur " ever lo do all kinds of Vinson nnd carriage making nnd repairing; nil kinds of black smithing and repairing, and a general manner, bpeciai ' o'l0B,ttt fwumnce building. - - ' - ITSLIhiS fiBmE-WW IIIILI. '' W U AHVMW ym " ftlfUall.SocnerlBd Mimwi BiMHyi 1TTOT,v'ikllo'B,,1y,,i,lvl" CUBE ftSLii UnminKni, ij.ii.iOTtm4rrtlj. iil,.t,.i.m.. u. I.i.i.aiuli4 - i . SUJUBBB, ffi rllli, BLICKSMITIILNO and Bsr"- Wj- M. -Ba .J&SBtmSffiBm