Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 12, 1889, Image 4

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the cinm JOLTtML
Oncyuirbymnll. - .
Hlx montliH I)' iniill.
Tnw monlh by mail .
Per nrrh, delivered hya
cntf'L'iT cnritT ritncKKnixns.
Oneyenr by mall SI 'V)
Kit innnlliB hy mall 70
Dim year. If luild In advance I '
Ox mouth, If ld In advance - fit)
.irmllM on I'renrli I'ralrlr.
Plin meutiu nf iiirmlltuiv ..nil...
. .., .-....r. w. r-uiMifjrwA .-viia H' T. ,,... ...I .,,.. ra.u Uiltl .... 1VI.il
I . . ( , rr . f . nwrjf ..... u... ... a . ...
- ,iui- wit wmuiy miwii hiiiiiiik inc.- pnUllon of ll.irCa.e.
children of Victor LnClmiwllo, who , nmI(er ,)f fie trln of j.,at(J
l en four , IIch went of OcrvalR, of 0 w () ,,. ,rar(Wcy
- ? m , !"' J' "-'lien i-mirie. binee me nni , n)WIIol,
- tv ' wiy nun uiru in iiiu iiiuuu uiai'iim."
1'iir advertlKlhi? rates apply at thin oilier.
who do not ci'Ciiru their wiper regularly
will nollfy thin olIkc,j(lrlnir address, and
the flintier will bo attended to lit once.
Ofllce, corner Court anil Lllwrly Htnets
A .Scrloin Aflulr.
Atnhoul hcvcii o'clock lull even
lny Kant Salem wiih thu wene of n
Moody hattloln which Albert Dtiiui,
u lml of Hivcnlcen yearn, liail Ills
hKuII broken hy u club in tlio hand
of NcIhoii Lonjr, a lioy lull oncycai
older. A .foru.VAi. reporter was
hooii on the ground and found
young Dunn lyluir on the
ground on u c j t 1 1 ( which
had I ice 1 1 hroiiKhl for him
He wan lyluu In a wiinolwh
ciiiidlllon. Dr. Kuilth imn in lived
and Hindu an cxniiiiniilion of tin
h.iy'n head. The "kiill I Ihotifthl
to be cracked. The boy whi iniim
dlately convciyed to tin1 lionie of liU
widowed niolher on cast Miul.ili
Htreet, when; lie ii lyluji In a cnlleal
condition. At times he partially
regnliiB coiihcIoii-iichs bill HOOII
hwooiih tiwny, wiyliu,' tlnit a knife I
running through bin head. Tin
inland grew out ofcoini'llilug Dunn
Ih Htiiot-t'il to liavetoilil about Long'"
hIhIlt. It M'enm to have been an old
feud, an uhallcugcH had frequently
been iMHHcd. Dunn N mild to have
H ruck l.oiig over the legs with a
club, at which Iho latter kuouked
Dunn to the ground with a u'ub
about three fret In length and an
Inch and a ijimitcr In diameter.
Long wiihhccii by a.loniXAi. repor
ter iiiimeill.itelv after the light and
before he wiw under arreM. lie ex-
iircrwed great borrow over tin occur
rence ami Mated that he wished the
allalr had never happened, but that
hu could not help it.
Thu preliminary examination of
young Long wiih conducted before
Hecordcr C'oiin ut noon to-day.
Long wan held over to uwalt thu
action nf the grand Jury in bomlHof
:MM), which were furnished by IiIh
Hto-fatlier. The boy Ih now at liberty.
four more incnilK-ri) of tiie family
have been Htrlcken with the terrible
afllctlon and arc at present under
the mine wtrlct quarantine. L. If.
I'oiijade Ih the duly authorized tiunr-
autitie officer ntitl Ih doing all In Iiih
lower to relieve their want", provide
medical attention and prevent the
Hprcnd of the disease. CountlcH, un
der the law, have no authority to
act In thin matter of qjmrantlne, but
Judge HIihwIh acting In good faith
in li Ih attempt to have thin dlcae
blotted out.
the proH'cutlon roiled lutt even
ing, liming examined their most
Important wltne-ws. This morning
the examinatioh of witnesses wiih
renu med by the dcfcue. There are
The boiircl or truntpci of the Oregon State :
InxaDe Anylnm hereby Invite oenlcd pro-po-'iifHror
rnrnjlilnnt the aylum;ncar
Hileni.Orcjroh, iho followlos Mipplle for
tllpl.Mlllith1 ijimmcnclneJiily 1. !&:
I 1)M'(M.
scry and wmmi
i e jmrui,
2 11m lltild extract mnrn Mgnula,
'1 lb llnlil cxtmct rhm nnirnutlwi.
1 lb fluid cxtrnctclnilclnittraf.
!n great many to go upon tlientand lib iimd extract iiiciicuannh
..i..l ft.r il. ..i w.u,.i. It Id ..i,l(o,.nri..lii 2 lb fluid extract liquorice.
i li) lluld extmctfc-nnH.
21hi lluld extniet cherrj bflrk
(.'iiiiiiiiniiceiiient UYftk,
TIiIhJh comui6ucenicul week at the
Willamette and the following pro
gram of cxcrclHCH will ho observed.
It Ih the forty-fifth annual com
mencement of the far famed Wil
lamette university which Ih closing
.il'ter a most- Huccensful year:
10 a. Ji. Coiiiinenccnient of eon
Kervatory of mimic.
'2 1'. m. Annual luirlinvs meeting
of the alumni.
8 i'. jr. Iteiinlon of alumni.
Ill A. M. and 2i'IO . ji. Com
incucenient of college of liberal arts.
AddrcHS by Hon. .M. ('. (Icorge,
H r. m. Iteiinlon of coiiHervatory
Kl'hi of Wily C plule.
At it meeting of the hoard of di
rectors of the Astoria and South
Const railroad company and H. 1).
Adair, the matter of right of way
over his land wiih compromised by
his accepting .fO ami a flag stutlon
at Holbrook Hlough. This disposes
of the last remaining harrier, and
(lie right of way in now complete all
along the line. Astorlaii. Now
Salem and MeMlnville should hurry
up and raise the $15,000 necessary to
complete thu survey from the vulley
to the Hea. Wo are resting too easily
on our oars. Something should be
done right away.
ami for that reason it Is quite certain
the' defense will not conclude at
least until a late hour this evening. '
The Jury were given their freedom
lost night, not being placed under
guard and kept In u body tier li cus
tomary Ih juch cases.
The arguments iu this case will be
exhaustive and will occupy coimid-i
, cranio time, so that it may be con-i
! eluded that the case will not be
given to the Jury until sometime to
morrow. The following civil caf-i-s have been i
disposed ef: I
Karrarcfe (,'o. vs. John Lee et al. '
Dismissed as to J. A. irelwood. .
W. Northup et til. v. Fred Jleers.
Bet for trial Tuesday, June 18th. J
W. Xortliup ct ill. vs. Fred An-'
derigg. Kamc as above.
rjarah J. Kberhard vs. Kllzulieth ,
Fbcrhard. Set for trial Juno 14th. :
William Little vs. John Shlels.
Set for trial June 14th.
ytate of Oregon vs. Itob't Krcbs. i
Set for trial Thursday I), a. m. j
John A. .Mann vs. S. I'. Hy. coiu-l
puny, set for hearing Monday, June,
With siieclallles In
Valerian China Tea Sets,
French China Dinner Sets.
2 lb lluld extract amies.
y. in tannic acid.
31b4carlmllcacld crjetnl-.
2 llw bromide or potash.
2II Iodide potash
1 lb Iodide ammonia,
1 lb xiibnlt bismuth, (iilbb.
r, ll)s(,'iim camphor
1 lb pulvncaciu.
10 lbs epsom BalM.
1 lb pyro pliwplmlc Iron.
(Iozm eoncenirated nltrom ether.
Kosoll clove j.
2o7HOll lemon.
2o7.soll hay.
IufJDplI Aloln Co(.McK.A H.)
2X)pll mnngmie'-e blnox (MclC AU2 jr.
200ill phosphorus l-WI.Mc'K A-1.)
:kiu pll phosphorus MOO
3 cloz surKeonu sponges.
1(00 empty capsule, XoJI
y, uroBs corks each '(n 1 toil XX extra
1 cirossplll boxes, JfoS).
l-'l gross ointment boxes I and 2 oz euch.
li gross 2 drachm vials.
1 gross 1 oz 1'hll.i ovals.
' 3 " i i
;," 4 " ,' - " t
V " ij . .i
M ' H H " "
6 gals port wine, Napa valley.
3 mils whisk v. Cl lv center.
U. cloz Davidson syringes, Xo 1.
Js doz black hard rubber syringes,
Z doz " "
yt cloz ear syringe
Thb new plat Just put on the market is the most deslmble now ollere
hi Salem for building lots. They have no equal. The whole plat Is In a
fine stateof cultivation, seeded in clover, with a good turf. Jso grubs, no
stumps, no rocks or gravel, soli good, clevatecland level, has a flue view of
the city, surrounding country,, the mountain ranges and snow-capped
peaks. Pure cold well water. Is twelve blocks south of the Chemekcte
hotel and postoflicc blocks. These lots are ollercd by Jones & A atsoti on
installments. one-tenth cash and one-tenth In quarter yearly payments.
without Interest until paid. These lots are now actually worth m casn
more than the prices named for them on long time without interest. Eev- n ipUnyhQ m Potfprn
eral lots have already been sold on m hid. fine residences will be erected, DUOMI Igl iai 1 1 T dlltJI
and a number more have been optioned. If you want one or more lots v
call on JONES k WATSON, wh j will show you the plat and the lots.
i tp r V A T
jMiimmn M? -- -- J -
17, 1 p. in.
The grand jury has not yet made
a disposition of the Ogle-Havrkliis
case, although they have been ex
amining witnesses all day yesterday
and to-day.
tlrmlimlhig ICtorcUen,
At the University chapel Inst
night were conducted the forty-llftb
anniversary graduating exercises of
the university academy. The pro
gram consisted ef: I'mno duet,
Misses Howe and Foriest; essay,
"I'rustH," May Lilly; oration,
"Weight or Character," Koswell
(,'oniier; solo, Mrs. J. II. Htrlckler;
oration, "The Intellect," J. H.
.Skhlmore; essay, "Distance Lends
Knchantnient," Jennie Cunning
ham; essay, "Los or (lain," Mary
K. Hrown; oration, "In Ourselves
Our Fortunes Lie," Henry I tooth;
Holo, J. A. Him; l'ssiy, "Sometime,
Somewhere," Mabel Janes; oration,
"The Necessity ol Commercial Kdi:
cutlon," O. X. N.-lson; presentation
or the class by MuJ. (iwi. Williams.
The whole was luterpersed vvltli
music by the orchestra. Diplomas
were awanleci by President Vau-
hcoy ih follews: Classical, May
Lilly and J. II. .Skldiuuivj teachers,
Jennie Cunningham, Kiln Hudson,
Mabel Janes, (). N. Nelson and C.
O. Wilson; business, Win. D, Ten
ny, Jo.s. Alkliiwin, Mary llrown, J.
II. Mooth, Hoswell Conner, Lincoln
Miuiii, C. A. Kqiplugllelil mid
Aid 1'iir Ncallli'.
The mayor has called a meeting
for to-morrow night, at which time
steps will be taken looking to the
relief of the HiiflerorH from the great
Seattle lire. Hcattle needs aid
and the response Hhould bo Imme
diate ami general. There should be
no delay. Ah theald Is needed right
now, John Cl. Wright and Oeorgo
Burnett are this afternoon making
a canvass of Hiileui for thin benefit.
Salem will not no behind in the out
come, oven IT slie Ih slow in sending
her assistance to the Htrlekeu sister
Kicked by u (li-ldlng.
Ike Price, who had the misfortune
to fall and hurt his leg about two
weeks ago, this morning about ten
o'clock wan kicked in the Imcl: by a
horse. He wiih urui-cri up consider
ably. Ho was sitting down in the
yard back or Fisher'H livery stable
talking with a crowd of men and
Just as he'r.used up a young gelding
kicked him.
Supreme Court.
Alexander Wood, appellant vs. S,
Haybiirn, respondent. Appeal from
Henton county. Former opinion
modllled, opinion Judge Stratum.
The State or Oregon, respondent,
vs. C'hee Oongjointly indicted with I
Cluing Ling and Fong Long Dick,
I gals rlvcurinc
llgals grape brand v.
fi gals sherry wine, Xo. I.
" gals alcohol.
5 bbls sal soda.
15 lbs Japan wax.
1 Ih u.j ammonia, cone.
1 lbeream oftjirtar, squlbbs. .
!, Ibresublluiittcd Iodine. .
'2 lbs rosin. 4,1 ,
'i lbs gum usafoetUlM,
I lb uccetle ncid.
'2. lbs diluted phosphoric add.
1 doz I'hllllp'scod liver oil.
M a rubber tubing, 1 i Inch.
M littering paper, 10 inch.
II 07. stiiroiial.
J doz bot's kolublo hypodermic tablets,
sulphate hyoscyuuiinc, .No i 1-00 gr. John
aWO powder papers, Xo 1(1
i doz soft rubber catheters
:l'i0 lbs yarn, all woel: 2.J0 lbs white; 100
blue .
JiOuyiN Ca'nton Ilannel, Xashua XXX .
rl yds Aluiclles, York .MTg Co checks
BOO yds iKiiisdnlu line sli('ctlng,:ta In
JJO yds Lonsdale fine vlieetlng, t-l
liflKjyaids milliner's UrlpeMAmoskeiig)
NJ0 yds IVqimt sheeting, heavy A, M In
law yds 1'eipiot sheeting, heny, 13 In
1SW yds toweling, red and blue check.
MNlyds calico, American lull standaid.
100 wis table oil cloth, white andheavy
Wi doz kkm)N white lhriad, XnUI, Mfle
l." doz iialn. uspeiiders
12 doz Tin key red handkerchief
11 doz spools olack linen thread, Xo, li'i
01X10 lb. Liverpool salt, tine
l!0 lbs tea, U 8 bland, ronchong.
i"w ins iiiiuicco, itaniuau oraiiii
IliliV 1
Of which we constantly keep a full line
and open stock, enabling us to make up
1 unmet mm itii m-tnui uuj mu, or sell oy
I the single piece. The finest assortment o
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem,
Specialties in Table Lui:i.iries,
Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery
Butter, Cre.am Cheese, etc.
Kver shown In 8nlem.
Ol thelatest and handsomest patterns In
fl-l'lease call and examine our stock.
201 Commercial Street,
Remember the Place and Call.
Salem, Oregon, lmvo received direct
mm foPTnun nnrmn
Peter- .1.
Orth. hlock Sll St. Paul, ami
other lands. iinoo 00
- ' J. . Jones to Fran, l'onl-
Ili'Hlh i.r 1111 Old l'lnnxrr. , scllil, lots 7 & 8 In hlock (i.
Joseph S. TI ill or J)avton, Vain- taylon.
hill county, aged sixty-six years and Vl ;!T" ,l,'r '1, ' '"
six n.onll.s. ,. .; or nun .n,i . X" V' ' " i ,,r-'"' w,
T ' I ' " "" '...-, ...v,.
100 lbs China slur
.JX) llis soda cmctei-s, extra fresh
a lbs raisins, Calllornla Iajeis.
100 lbs (icrmea Hpcrrj 's new pi-ocess
12,XX) lbs sugar, 7000 golden C, .VX grain
.ft) lbs cheese, Cranston i, or as good
imiudhmt A, ..,.! (V,.... f.,W. 1. 1 ?'"."" com mcill, c.o .1 llusl, nesh
"l'l' .,.,.v... lliriu.iiuuillllltilll j g 'OH mi.
county, argued and Hiibmltted. ' :i!J! V.w ''"."i110",?0",1' f,t'1,l' ""
, J-too lbs odlmcal, fresh ginimd,
.. s ... . . T l:K)ll)scoar.so hominy, licsh ground.
Heal Kslntc 1 riiiiMiclliius. 1 10 lbs nilleil o.its(Corinack's patent).
Dally transrers rurnlshed ..ho Kf,,,,,,, c.
C'AI'ITAI, Joi'IIXAI, hy the Fllion' brand
III!,, l.lr.,.. ,., IlKIIIISWlBIl,
IIIIVIIU.llHIII Ulll(J,llk , I
u. u jciiarci to
Succes-, in business requires preparation ! Therefore, thoroughly master
Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship and .Business Correspon
dence, Book-keeping hy both Single and Double Entry, the nnUiro and
correct use or Commercial Papers, Commercial Law and Business practice.
Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing, Manifold, and Dictation work.
All these are needed in business, and are thoroughly taught by exper
ienced teachers at the SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE
Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon.
;!."() no '
Sunday morning at seven o'clock, or
heart disease, while crossing the
nioiintaliwon his way to Eastern
Oregon. 'Ho wiih committed to his
tliial resting place at the cemetery
at Zena on .Monday afternoon. Bev.
Heachainp oft he F.vangelleal church
or Dayton olllclatlng. ThuS our
pioneer arc fulling out or the ranks
of l he living and passing' over to
the other shore.
James P. Smith and wire
to Trustees, M. F.. ('lunch,
Mehania, A. Frail near Me
hama. Henry Lyons et al lo.l. It.
WlltardfiO acres In t nnr.1 w. 17.1(1 00
Major' riiicliiimitlou.
In response to the announcement i
that tho people or Seattle are In ells
tress, the result or w rmt KrviU !
disaster hy lire and deeming it expe-j
dlont that some organised ctlbrt be
inado for their assistance, the'busl
uess men or Saleiii a ro, hereby re-'
(piested to meet at the council clmni-'
berouThtiisday evenlngat 8 o'clock,
to lake such iueasuns as are best
Mens ( Iho Kltrr
remung slowly, and navigation for ' ,,,"""i Try it this M-iu-cm
this huiuiner lor all boats except tho!
M'l.... Ul i . .. I
i inn- oisiers, i nampiou unci uie, Tho
A lll.grme lo lint rily.
In the Norlheastern part or the
city Is u swimming hole, known as
the live hole, where tho hojs and
young men go in bathing, naked, hi
broad daylight. There are a great
many houses In that locality and It
In IiiimsmUiIi) for a perMin to step out
without seeing thivHihoysor hearing
their vile Imiguage. A stop should
Iki made Immediately, as tin Mi.
noronro somewhat out ofhuuiiiriiiul ' ''' uo ""f1' wason, The Three
would llketoMHilt Mo)kmI. Hoys I ,sltt,r ! 1 frcim Portland this
rhould take warning, as the nmihalj1U0nm,Kw"n " Kl rgoof nier
Ih the man who entehes fellows mid 'm,l"M, 'l'' t iig genw down this
ho U liable to get you. If yon want ViMiliiis.
to Irntho It U lH'ller to go In the! All ,;, n7.,Tr7;'vi:it.
wuuiry, oral least l.l.lo.Mmriiak.d- F. M. Smith of .Silein, Oivgon.
...-. .. Pi.- l.-Ull'.
Local Nurimil liintllutv.
I'ho annual normal liistltue for the
! teachers of Marlon county will be
held In Salem, beginning July 8th
anil contluulnir for a norliwl of lun
weeks. Pior. Voder expect a lively . l',,,"l'l " lli'k and hearty re
aud Inteiestlng session, us thoatteii. T,"t'! fJ,:o' Wh.i.ia.ms, Mayor,
dance Is made compulsory on tbe' Sll,,.'ue IT, IKSH.
part of the county teachers by tlio iiivt Tli:Km.i.iNii
law. The program will consist I AiilM. nearly every one in the si.ri.i.r
or regular class work. The
will be conducted In the list
il IIIHIl llllllMJl ......
.....-.. n-auii) )loiils to attacks of dlciue. It(xd'
Niiviimriiiu isjusl the- medicine needed. II
ui no, hriHiius
IS do, cans oysters, llliiu Polntx.
lOilozcouccntiated l.e (American).
12 cloz inns coin, Winslow.
ldoz Turkey dustei, JI in. " y
.' do.dust in ushes, .Murphy and I, A Co.,
'.' doz small mlirors, le.il: In.
MU g.llSKVrllll. etrn llotlll.ll. Aiirrli-n
....I.. ...I ' " " - .V...I
I llUIII'll
JliOgaU co.il oil, SO gal tanks. I'earl bmnd.
i ll gals molassi.s (,, leans extni,
0l) III) 1 diw 'lis olive oil '
I Bi gross matches, .MctroiHilltan unil
, Com Co.
IJ Ihiics iiiaccaronl, No 1.
lsnoibs Co.ta Hlca, 1st ginde.
l.r0 Ihs Cioverniuent Java.
200 lbs black spper.
.si ids cinnamon.
.Vi Ihs ginger.
:t0 lbs allspice.
oOlhj miistiird.
:)lls eloM's.
'JO lbs uiuee.
10 Ihs sage,
lo lbs uiigmund cloves,
10 lbs iingrouud cinnamon bark, fine,
100 00
session ! ' '", N u'm l",, '"K bt-come mvusloined to ) '-! -it London I m lVn Co, No 4
s , !llibrnelngalrofxlnter, Is weakened hy in,'''" ,nkS7lt. Amours, I c,t 8
thewarm dajsof theehauglng season,nn'd j s do I'ayson's Indelible Ink
IS doz tea cups, Itlmut Imudles, n st .
Is cloz saiuvrs, V (1.
40 iliu liou In, 1 qt, V o
ldoir washbowls, W (1
ignls pure cider vinegar, 10 gr
;0 bills liest roller pkkvsk.io be delivered
as required
n mixes inuiillolts iiens
lVn Co, No4ceiiuiiu
Slalllird's i
en to For
One Mile from Aimisville mill Ten Miles from Salwn.
Several fruit urowers from the enst Imvn iloninri ti..i.. i.,i..u..
locite with us and there is room for several more. Sample No. 1. "0 acres
The Finest Ijlno of
which will bo sold nt
Prices and Termsto Suit All!
ty Are,
These goods Tare tlrst-clnss and as their
stock Is very large, a person can find what
they may wfsh. Their warehouse on 8tate
street Is completely rilled, and they have
another car load en route now. Ixikout
lor them: something fine
lllrtro nr nhu lilirli l.nwl .rM.tl.. ....ill.... .l. uii. ...
i , ! y s .; . ' !.""' '"k, "eep ncu reci so , nil under mow
suiilcient fonee. Price 40. Sample No. 2, 20 acres, mdre or less, Sy
under plow, partly covered with willows, gently Inclining and level land,
both red and black soil. Price 22'. to $30. "",
' IllllAy wtl.l l.nh.l.. .. . . . .
I'ho water, of the Willamette are and idVo' e H ; 2:3
VIwitii or Siilein,
Cm well
o reams letter iviner. I.lt Oak
liVX) lbs Kirk's 8.1M111, or as gmid I
IBd lbs iHTd'iy, more or 1cm, ol bwt and i
inuttonas nsiiirl, in csiual jiartu of fore I
and hludiiimrtcrs
li.. ,,,i,. ....... . o i r... : , . .. ,
. .1.1.....SH., i-., ,,, o ,.,- L.t.m, imoresi on nait tor live to seven vears
hroiii Salem take train to Turner and thence to Auinsvllle on TRoiim
J. J. HARDEN, Stayton, Oregon.
Only Genuine System of Memory Training,
Four Books Learned In one reading, ff
Mind wandering cured.
Every child and adult greatly benefited,
Great inducements to correspondence
Prospectus, with opinions of l)r. Wm. A.
H?nin"nd. theworltt-fomcd Specialist lu
illnd Discuses, Daniel Ureenlenf Thomp
son, the creat Psychologist, J.M.Buckly
p. D., editor of the Christian Advocate
A. J ., Hlchard Protor, tho scientist, Hons.
W. V. Astor, Judnh l. llenjamnn, and
others, sent post free by
Pror. A. I.OISKTTK, 237 IiftyAve.,NY
Je-lS-8S. dw
Sjinntlts iiiuv 1. .A,., ... .t . . . s
.t. M.,i'i..-.. ..i vi .v.. :vi "".":." ' '""' 01 me
ti,m-yU.i ..r i.m i .1. v ... - " ,v -"- piioiii- ;"-:" .V.V""'; "" B"""' ""' m ac
wtH will iierhaivi Ihj able to ply dm-' vlcWH thlrlllir ... ..,, ,1iri ' "l " - ,MWW,M U' r,sM ,0 !
Mmluiiu U the gentleman represent I 'thin ten dlv illaioniccvnmna.orbhi "' '" ""' f')r "- "J'
laiiveami Is doing very tine work Usm.Viy ,"!ch bid" 'r e"u,n, mu ,ncu,
ftr those who want It, Their views I 'n,e '"' r bo riM or suiiiiii.s, km .
ofthe prinel,vil building, uiveml.rara
.r':!1. w '.".." sue '
llilllin.f .irtl.. .... . .
s.iihs itii-'i iiri' itroiiiiiiiii ii ! iitijiii i i l-
to-. f'.1". ""Ulrniliic iHvnuntM of purcUiasen ' (1
ineiil cliK's not isintaln i
Fire! Fire!
Have moved to 47 nnd
nneru cney nro now
49 State street.
for work. All
our old patrons and friends nro Invited to
milium bee ns m oar new location. We
are better prepared for work now than
ever having secured more room. 10-1-tf.
Klre iluiln
eal her.
One Mure Intuitu,
i ne Mierm oi wasco county
KUeusa IlieillllV will, liikt. wimlt. l..v l.r....l.i i i, n v . .. ' ""V. "'"uiviim
- - . - ---.-. .- . ft'11'tlL.lll IB. I 1 1 II 111 I ll.l i U III I I ull.l.km.i.l . .
T TT-- Mrs! i. ......i ... i... .. ... ... . . f . ?." . ' -" " ",v..." ,". '"V"'i"iieiiecri nionorilioRIius
.irni.inS ia)., i . ' " "' ,,,w'w u (isyuuii. llelsaliout h rtv veitiior 111.1111 i ,,IIX'.I,?MM.
AdveitUIng m the l),v. Darrln ' '" "". Hvlnjs ten inlltw north l,.gy, and Is.i mIImi.I englnWr x III ' I !iiiV.J,MvJaTii!al,,r't'd " lm m ""
of Portland h, well that down lu f iW. " U'tt heie h, M7 rorjIiiNinlty follow tluHMininMon hV W:,a3;SMiViuk'oykh' I
llentou county a Mianvr has taken thohtuttfof Orepui, thenalerritory, 1 a crime. Hckivs the iHon!oantry. w.wkiui. '
Iiih Mack of coin b ivurtntlne which Mate hasrliuvUvn his houm. : Inu to kill blm n,.i ki.r..r fts i.iJ wm.a.mi x,.w lUt,wX tmiif.
lieckoflkvinl. j
- - ....... .
. I
fiiiisiirp teinst
the lv,t
hluiss'iraHone of (Iiomi gentlemeu. ,,0"'f's''K"l,H.vlntlnmrkrstleUislon
j ie snows uieir iuieisinicuts and , "vy umiHTiitiyiug grown upsliuv
ilocsa giKl hu-lnciv, jo. tla uvult of I'1 It'l here, forty-two yean ago.
thclniMMir prlnlen.' Ink, m.vh liiis)rvKiu.Mrt.) Seiilluel.
leader, " ' ... ". --
m IMplillieiU tin llnnrll I'rwlrle.
viii orjuniir mi i,,rr j Tlu'r am ii few isimw of diphtheria
.Sileni has Mime e.iuiidpriifensloiial'1'" N'onli Howell prairie. Monday
Ii.im Isill talent. '1 he lKiyfc have " flxlivn-ywirUl mui of C. 8. ami
ubotr aunp'etol U.elr iermtiiienl ' IVIm-IUh Morgan dUM of this drvad
or.mnlwillon of nnlne. Ttiev uuvt i l He wtw buriitl hut uhrlil
during the uftciuiKiui. for practice. mldulfiht. A little daughter In
. iii.i.,.i.i..r....ii., 1.. ....... t . .
...s.r,.,v ...,...,., 1. irrj- iow wiuiuie iiiK- tliei.aine of Hon. Til. Konl ui-
IKiuie uiHMMi. iiuuiojh are enter- ivared as 'nifi,nl-n grlevoiw eV.
iimci oi ner recovery. r. but tinayoldnhle.
VKIi'lri mI liis.irHirtloii.
Artlcliw of liieorporatliin or the
Portland laundry company of Port
laud Mer to-day Hied with thoio
rtary of Mate. The capital slock U
f'JO.tVKInud the lucoriiorutors atv II.
F. McCully. j. w. Ilvlm and M. l,.
A liOcltl IIP iw isii-l-hl.
U it isreitl atlmetlon for a nslaumm.
ciraiuiates students in
Classical, Literary, Scieniilic,
Normal, Business, Law,
weft f ,w,rulnB la the North-
tNilem, Oregon. ,
I "lllaekhmlths, havo removed thelrshopto
, theeornerofConimerelal nnd Chemeketo
. "i'.'lSf0 ,llc" uro ready ,to serve the
public. They are now prepared better than
ever to do h11 kinds of ft neon nnd carriage
inaklng and lepalrlng; nil kinds of black
Miuililng nnd repairing, nnd a general
lifiieshcHing.buslneh.s. They have all kinds
rhhoo,steol,trottlng, handmade, tc.,nnd
I tlt them In n scientlllc manner. Hpeclal
attention given to tho construction of wag
ons and c.trriaKes. ltomember the place
opposite State J ruuronce bulldlnsr.
1 nd iwiw imn from lleiieiibrnntr. JMt 1 '" '' Vrttleof IWiUnd. omtn of 1 w
entCitlrt-rtHvpiaeleUono of tho many ffttem,"f Umdont U10 (Verina-
urnti Auntellon, f ),iN ctlnir iwrlor.. Mm.. ..,T...'.'? " ""T..V.
m IV11
.-.Hint- iv.ri.tr. : V" '"r. .V." "'"v-..auiumirir Fire Iiu
u... -" I""! ! fllll II 111- I1II1IIV1I1 IOJ h.ltB. ....
inouMii4..ir.Miioriiu r.x.s.n..i .. r.i..nrw.:t.r.Vi?v.,.'.'r,,,",K iuhui
. " ".s- -- ,...
ntx'Mila eerv week.
nnd im-iiU lr rnmiut
Ami n for oytor
ln tsuialM in u,e
I rucks and Drays.
iimi nU. ln. ,he 8ta,c- Lower rate than
ii?ilf?n.c1, Teot mock Legal Illanka lu
r,r?V.a.e,n..d bS?et discount. Bend for
Price list cjf job printing, and catalogue ot
legal-blank. fc. M. WAITE.
Steam Printer Salem Oregon.
................ .... ...,.v'
mul will lie ready for khI work by j
till Kourlh. 'The ImlUrv nml
e: iifjein CMvjitloimily lino.
! ni ..X'r.1 .. ' "''..SW" "" v-hamomlie ,
In yesterday' yor, ,11XKVcU. rl .u rKuiKuS!1
-. H. Of II, , t.(X.
uMiS truck P!VU,M, u,u n,lu dniys ,
.."a ssLvnm ,.vffl?ir2j-5::: tm mhM iini yt
urner htnto Rii(l(VimmoiK.i.ki .-.n.?. "" wB
Mnhlluvl CrtwcniiM n.t.w...di...i -..
lYUllt rll
DIVA a !... t.
Ilia '?iLti??W fyn'P or Harsapur-
k POSIT! VP lor ! m maxwmi
CURE !J??f2!f "??riC&
bu-TiTTri "' unwwMwmurH'.rwi,
!TVi'!iltHjUtMn4. ll.wUbliT.ui
KlMttWa w.... r4.b4 OrtM tm ruucflMf.
taTMlri tnm J tolrTrrrriartn fitiltmUmtUtm.
.wllh It. Try It.
-m t. mi dr,j,,K" "
V?STx. " etc. ts,ild byiU
.1 i.ft& ifitlllMifa: '
"' -iiemdjU-J ..