Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 07, 1889, Image 4

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Mi ""
Ono year by mall..-- J J
HI mODtlm by jnnll.. .. f
Thre months by mnll l f
Per week, delivered by carrier 15
One year by mall..-.-.-.- -' 59
Hlx months by mnll .... o
One cnr.lf trnld In advance 00
Hlx mouths, If paid In odance w
For advertising rate apply t thin ofnee.
who d& hot sccur. tbclr paper regularly
will notify thl office, giving address, and
tho matter will be attended to at once.
Office, corner Court and Liberty Htrects
JTjN'E V, 18S0
The tottery of Mf".
An iinnroclutlvo nutlicncc Inst
Illffllt wlttlCKKCtl UlO "rCHCfltlltloll
of the (Iraina, "Lottery of Life,"
iv tin! Chlcauo ciiinnlly coin-
piiuy, nt the tiiwrn hoiiee. 'I'lieie
would huvu heeii u crowded lioiife
hud it not Ihvoii for thu elmrlty liene-
lit, to which muiiy iicoplo felt it
their duly to o mid thus iihl'ii
worth v laitiHc. Tho dr.iinu u en
acted wuh Htronjr, the cuntu of chur
nctcru IkjIiik well taken. The hill
for to-night is "Kilti-n-t'lioren," mid
the ticket huIch to-dny indicate n
heavy iittcndiince. Thin in a good
piny and one in which the cntlie
company nppearH togood utlvat.tMge.
Popular prk-if, reineinlier.
Tills KvftiliiK'" Program.
TIiokc wlio prefer llie theater can
have tho pleaMire of utUindiiur thu
IKjrformauce of the Chicago comedy
company nt the ojiera Iioiimu to-night.
Tho religloiiHly iu.-lined can at
tend the reception to the new pastor
nt tho ChrlHtlan church. Thoo
whoMo tantcH run to literature and
mimic can visit tho Joint kwiIoiih of
cither tho Phlladonlan and 1'lilla
doilannoclutloH or the Alkn-HcHper-lun
and AthcnicinuH at their IiuIIh
Two TrmpiTiiiicn Hums,
Tho Grand I,oilj;e of (1(mk1 Tejnp
lain for thu Mtnte ot Oregon convened
In Salem Juno 1H. It Ih expected
there will ho u largo attendance of
delogatoH and thoHewHlon will ho ono
of great Interest to the order of the
Dr. John A. Hrookx of Mlnsourl,
late vlco-preHldentiat candldato on
tho jirohlhltlon ticket, will bo In Ha.
lem and deliver u prohibition lecture
on tho afternoon of Tucnday,Juno 11.
(loud Kiiiiugd for riilillrutlon.
Ono day, neveral yearn ago, whllo
ii llttlo Huloiii girl who to now n
young lady wan attending the pub
lie Hohool tho teacher iiHkcd tho duns
" wliero tlioy cot wool," Thto bright
llttlo pupil ratoed her hand and thu
riwpoiiHO (julckly follewed: "OfT a
plg'H back."
Another day tho teacher naked
tho puplto who knew what thu
IndlanHcalled thclrhablcH. l'mwiit
ly n llttlo girl ruined her hand and
wild, "I know. Why, tlioy call
them hiuuwmk)hch."
Now nf tlm Itlver.
Tho Occident came up from Port
land, bringing about bcyonty-two
toiiH of freight. Among It wan two
(Mir IoiuIh of wagoiiH for K. M. Wndo
& Co., and tho rout wiih gcneml
uierchaiidlHtf, Blio went on up tho
rlvor to-day, Tholloagand Three
HIhUth eamu up from Portland this
evening bringing a load of merehau
(lino. Tho river to falling tdowly.
Couldn't Help It.
It was thu Intention of thu Jouu
NAI, Inst night to Issue n spcclnl edi
tion of tho Hcnttlu lire, but ns tho
telegmph otUees burned so enrly in
tho coutlngrntlnu it wns not possible
to get a full account of tho great dto
aster. Thto ovunlng, however, tho
telegraph columns contain tho latest
news It wns iMKtMlblo to obtain.
Tti.Murrow .M;lit' t.octuro.
At tho M, K, church to-morrow
uvenlug Prof. Coindaud (ml In an
other place) will deliver his celebrat
ed lecture on "SnoUnndSnobUiry,"
Ho U u most eloquent platform ora
tor, nnd has received tlatterlug jirchs
notlctM wherxivcr ho has lieon. Hj
lorn to quite mini to give him n largo
Itlrtl Vorjr Sudilriily,
Mis Kvn Rogers died very ud
deuly at thu homo of her father,
George Roger, two miles noith of
I iidejwiulemv, Wcdnewday. She
wns lu her usual health, but In tho
wciilng was prostrated by a hem
luorlmgo ami died after u few iuu
(lUiulrra ami (lU't,
Polk county mvius to tm alike un
fortunate with her horx-s. In the
vlclulty of McCoy wvewl horvn
Jiavo Uvn quiinintluwl, tho dleiiM
being nasal kUx'1, Tho county stock
innpector will kill them, hoping
thu to prevent tho uprend of the
Tb I'nttur! Itrrrpllxil.
Thw evening the friends of Khier
K. H. BlcnfoorH', tho new vintorof
tho ChrUtinti church, will tender
himself and bride a nwptlou ut tin
lirlor of the church, to which
fricudt of t)io church ntv Invlteil to
j Kll'i Alleged Humor.
"Have you wen any more run up
In Oregon?" asked the reporter of
Ell Perkins.
"Yes." said Ell. "I heaid a quaint
little dialogue at Salem lo-day. A
Portlandcr dropped Into the capital a
little, dazed. Stepping up to a 8a
letnlto he inquired:
"What street to thto, sir?"
"J'de know," wid the htrnngcr,
"I Just got here myself."
"Well, what city to It?"
"Don't know that either," said the
stranger with a low tariff look.
"Is It Salem or Albany?" inquired
the Portlandcr.
"I say I don't know," pleaded the
"You don't know?"
"No, I don't nnd If I did I would
not tell you. I "
"Look here, my friend," said tho
Portlandcr, "You arc Just tho man
I'm looking for. I've been looking
for you for years."
"What do you want mo for?"
"I want you to go to Portland nnd
sit on n Jury." Oregonlan.
Capltal' Annual Klrcllon.
Capital engine company No. 1 last
night conducted their regular an-
mini meeting for the election of
oillccrs, with results as follews:
Foreman, T. A. Howard; first nss't,
Geo. II. Hnubertj second nss't, II. S.
Jordan; president, P. II. D'Arcy;
secretary, W.J.Clarke; treasurer, J.
G. Wright; board of lire delegates,
W.J. D'Arcy, Thou. King, H. H.
Jordan; It. II. Price, d river. T. A.
Howard was placed in nomination
for chief engineer of Snlem lire de
Snlriu to til" lli'cnr.
At the order of Chief C. N.
Churchill, Frank Welch hist night
telegraphed to Seattle, stating tliiit
Capital engine nnd hose, with men,
stood ready to respond to the calf for
aid. The telegram was duly receiv
ed and was about the last one to k'
over tho wires before tho telegraph
office burned. Tho following reply
was received at 10 o'clock this morn mern
ing: "Fire now under control; busi
ness portion burned. Ro' crt Mornn,
Hciil Kiitatr TrHimnctlon.
Daily trausferH furnished the
GAi'iTAii JouitNAii by tho Union
title abstract cempany:
Win. Slocum to Adolla
Hndley, lot blk. 1; Owen's
Add. $ 800
II. lllrchberg to Mnry F.
Roberts, r ncres, near Sn
lem. 2.500 00
zo Swart, small tract In 1 1)
2 w. 700 00
A. N. Gilbert to II. F.
Hntcli. lot 4. blk. 10, North
700 00
f.(irntlii tho Itrfuriu Nchool.
Tho lxard of trustees of tho stiito
reform school has about decided up
on the purchase of luud on which to
locate tho reform school soon to bo
established lu Oregan. The land se
lected Is tho Warner tract, nearly
II vo miles south of Salem. Thto tract
contains between three and four
hundred acres. Tho purchaso price
Is flveu at i'M jht acre.
An I'.xcllliiK ItiiuauHy,
Sllverton was thu scenoof an excit
ing runnwny yesterday afternoon.
Tho team of R. Allen, attached to n
lumber wagon,' took a run through
thu principal streets, totally demol
ishing tho wngon nnd running over
a cow that wns resting in thu shndu
of a tree. The cow's Juw wns broken
by tho wngon nnd tho horses weru
entangled In thu tree. No ono wns
- -
lliigm Coin Maker.
Sherlir '.. Hmwer of Umntilla
county nrrlvcd lu Salem this morn
lug, bringing with him two more
prisoners for tho penitentiary. They
wero Geo. Ray, sentenced to a term
of a year nnd a half, convicted of
passing counterfeit money. Tho
other was Joddlnh llonle, ono year,
for grand larceny.
A luprrattie .NiccmII).
ii Imt puro ulr U to un vmlu-ivltliy local
ity, Mlint tprllifi clcautUK 1 to the nout
hounokecptT, mi 1 IIimuI' B-tixiptirllln to
BNfrylHi.ly, at Oil nudii. The body neod'
tobothoroiu;hly rt'iiouted, thu blood pu
rinrd and ltiillcd,thoK?rm of dUiMino d
troyt'd. Kviofiilu.hfllt rhouiii, and all other
bliKxl dlMirdor uro curtHt by Hood' rUna
purllla. thu uuul popular utul urrtMrnl
prluK iiuHlklne,
Cliemvkrlr'i Sew Onicrr,
Chemoketo l.odgo No. 1 I. O. O F.
at their last meeting elected the fol
lowing oftlccrtt for next term: J. M,
ltoociiuurir, N. CI.; Geo. E. Good, V.
0.; L. E, Pratt, R.S.jJ.O. Wright,
Not (lullty ot Attaull,
Tho trial of Win, Cros, charged
with having commit tisluiuu-wuiU on
L, KrlgUium, wns conducted yer
terday afternoon bv-foro Recorder
Conn, with Jury, Tho trial resulted
lu his acquittal of tho charge.
A t'rvf-Tliouglit t'oiirriiliou.
At Sllverton on Kitimlny nnd Sun-
(lay, Jutio 22-23, will U held the see-
HimlwrKiry of the Sllwrton ",m ,,,i,hl, imir lireimK m uio ty yKUMHiKXtK. I. o. o. v., mu i ,mnww , , a ,. r-rrr.
llinr lllllim UIIU orirtllltulloil of " "" -n....v ....... v rouuuorckil and IVrrv mnVu. iv.rv hi.. .....i .....t: ...... .. "."""."" '"uniy , - Juuuine river, on the cou
.i ..... . . . . Ii.iril.il- iinvwrv f sJ,.nlr.i l,.rM. I. i V " " rvilW Jiail UPklHIr. Corni Am UUU- itnnl.UI ..III, . I" .r.V ;r"": " uuiiuiuau
Wl". ' -MMIW UTtV,i&).m' ... .toM.nll.elV0ftaK-"W,Kh
; .,..7rrT.T ....".tt: . iff. s .uakr ;s?.
,Ki.iii.4. uitmr, . .-nivmij ii iiiiu iiiiintiii iiuiiuia - -. I ktrtvU, - -- " vti.ii.uvirviai i " p uwm um feci in
limrriUUti IUVIIM Wa I llU morn. liavo lii ntvlv-.M Ml .!ul.iit.u-,. Ii. . '.-"V!5' fc. .n. la lieivirt. :S"S"'T.',,V,.r"-.
uniUUM 10 , II, Minn atUl nuu X-arluiUMVihilKtiiri itiom.trv. ivm-Uh JuUocr lUoOawm lnil u-H.htv.. ., "" "aer lo furnish all
... ... .!. ..! . wm,uu,umivHT3 Jiuniur - i -.. v. "."."- ."- n
- ---- ... ---..,- --,,. svvivTai- iaraaawKaaa Via II1HI1I air I M.s.i.kl ..k. I , J ... a 7 ft . I . . I til LIU liirilla II Ml Itl Fl .1.1 aa
Doru HurlmUHM. both nf Tiir. i.. 1 iiw.l h, vvnw iinr... ' ' S ?. ,' .? ffS. --YA "? wuumdwi aw uu Mlable u&iw XS.& " S!T -iH"S.W
Must Itenponil Again.
The charitable people of Snlein
linl-n llnf rnmn1nffil tliplr roll (Timid
for the Johnstown sufferers before
: u dire calamity renders
homele-sJn a ueartoter city.
fl -
scnptlons for aid and relief must nt
once be started In their behalf, and
It to but Justice to say that Salem
will meet the call with a generous
Articles or incorponiiion.
Mtlcles of Incorporation were tiled
with the Secretary of state to-dny as
The Hopkins Methodist Episcopal
church of Pine valley. The proper
ty and money consists of $000 and
the sources of revenue Is the volun
tary oiliirlngs of the people. The
officers shall be president, Vice Pres
ident, Secretary nnd Treasurer.
A Ocnerotn 1'urpoo.
The net proceeds of thu sociable
given nt tiiu Chrlstinn clfurch last1
night for the benefit of tho Pennsyl.
vnnia flood stricken districts will be (
not less than $175. The unsold j
tickets have not yet all been re-1
turned but enough isknown to make
it sale In saying that the amount j
realized from Inst night's social will
nut bo lets than this sum.
Comity Court ProcrcdlllK".
The county comtnis'-ioncrs of
.Marlon county, in session thto after
noon, awarded the contract for build
ing of the 118 foot span bridge on
the Woodburn and Shuck's mill
road. Royal and Rudder are the
contractors, nnd are
bridge for $017.
to build the
The coinmtosioners spent thto
morning in looking up land upon
vhlch to locate tho poor farm.
They have not yet abandoned the
idea ot purchasing u larger tract nnd
milking of thu infiimnry a
self-supporting institution. To-dny
tliov viewed the F. Levy tract of
100 acres five miles south of Salem;
also thu 100 acre plnce of II. W. Cot
tle six miles south of Salem. They
have not, however, decided upon a
location, neither have they fully de
cided to mako a purchase.
Mrs. I. N.
Gilbert went to Port
land this morning.
Dr. McAfee took the morning
train for Oregon City.
Miss Pearl Scott took the after
noon train for Portland.
Mrs. W. II. IiyiiM returned
homo from Oakland, Or., this morn
ing. MNses Lou Tindall and Ikssie
Jackson returned home from their
Linn county visit.
Thos. Caufield, whohns been ut
tcudlng school ut Sun Joe, returned
homo on the morning train.
Miss Nettie nnd Inn Nies went
to Dallas thlsaftcrnoon to meet their
parents who will arrive there from
Montana to-morrow. They come to
mako their homo In Oregon.
For your meat go to Lnfore's
to-dny on Stnte street. tf
Pnlnless dentnl operationsnt Dr.
T C. Smith's, 02 Stnte street.
Remember the Ron Ton n
tnurant Is tho plnce to get n good
meal for 2o cents.
A patent medicine flee musical
concert company will fill tho streets
with melody this evening.
Lost--A purse containing a ?20
bill and somo silver. A liberal re
wnrd to finder nt this olllcc.
Thu Chicago comedy company
will give a lino entertainment to
night. Ue sure nnd nttend.
Sco Cluing, n demented China
man, wns brought up from Portland
nnd olaced lu tho asylum for liwano
last night.
Chus. Henderson left on tho
morning train for Turner to build a
house on thu cauipnieetlng ground
to to uoed as u rcstnurant building.
--Don't you forget that tho Hon
Ton ivstnuraut Is thu only place you
can get n good squaro meal for tho
small sum of twenty-five cents.
11 UK'
tho pipes already begin
much I'rast.
They were successful nt Allwny
twkv, Kugcne onco, Corvallls once,
Suleui onco and are now hero on a
return engagement. Tho Chicago
comedy company. They im gimd.
M. rSImmons has just ivturncd
to tsileiu after an ah?uco of vcrul
years siH-nt In the mines of North
em California, llebringitiuespivl
mens of ipmrtz from tlio mines of
Trinity county.
.. ,. . - , ,
il ii it HKV, irchti groceries, urt
fnilts ill st'ilnlll. or .silli'i- or ti-a nr'u -
snliv. vim nni li-Miiiliif for tlio 1..s.f
plan would lo t.i tnko thin ndvlco
Tim . wiirbd ..viuu.l ,!,. ,i. I . XIjU left, on high grouui
i.tek i.t. .L...i...t. 'prt .1.... ii... ittr. v it t....u ki.i ,
Vi KlJ tr-,l4vit . lyrUilV lllO," ... .'.wiiiil"1,1IUII, UdUU,
lilnerv is ruini ih ii iov ninl I Ii "".."" '"' "' w -
"""'.' l """"h IUCCl, ailll 11 all lliuler fi'iuw anil nlllvMll.ifi
to sliow
-ij. i . . . 1 . ..b. ------ -- -- --"rf --- '' inn i.uuain inrin rail wiftituii . . rtrv itv.ni ii'.. il
Geo II. Ctirrey has bought the
Rogue Klver Courier, the newspaper
nturant 'a 1 Mw.
' Tiiirty-nvc acres ai lunu uujumme.
laquina uuy was recent
j Albany, Corvalltonnd aqulna men
ai u per ncre
The presldentyestcrdav appointed
' .". v. ttunt oi saiem, uroguii, wm-
mWsioner for the district oi aiusku,
i . -
, to n-sido at Ounalaska, in place of
Robert Anderson who declines
Salem has organized a strong club
for the purpose of improving the
public parks. They will no doubt
be successful In doing much good to
ward beautifying the parks.
William Martin, who lives eight
miles southeast of Pilot Rock, Uma
tilla county, wns poisoned from
'poison oak" recently, and died
I Wednesday from its effects
The state teachers' .association
will be held in Salem, July 2d nnd
.'!d. Tho teachers will then start to
the National educational association
to be held in Nashville, July 10, 17
and 18.
Witli a box factory, woolen mills,
cigar factory, Ice works and other
untcrprtocs proposed, as wellas a rail-
I road to the sea, Salem will make a
wonderful srowth within the next
few years.
A good many papers persistently
speak of Washington Territory as
the state of Washington. This to
just a shndo premature. It to just
possible that the great men who will
compile a contitution will do it in
such fashion that the people will
knock it to smithereens. If the peo
plo do tills, it will be Washington
Territory for some time.
Ill), l- UllllKOl
Persons attending circuit court
l next week bhould remember Ii. J.
i Sharp's boarding house, on corner of
Mill and Summer streets, is the
place to get good board and lodging.
Free bus to nnd from curs. Give
him a call nnd you will be well
Is n great attraction for a icstnuniut.
Tho coffee drawn fiom Ilcllctitimnd's Put
ent Coffcii reoeptiiilo Is ono of tho many
Great Attractions of his eating parlors.
Thousands of cups of his excellent- coll'eo
nrobola every week. And .is for oysters
nnd meals he cannot bo equaled In tho
Htute. if.
Wright's Hop Celery and Chamomile
Hitters lecoiniiiendfcl by the most eminent
phjsielaiiK, Invigorating, Stimulating nnd
not Intoxicating. Bold by II. V. Cox.
Wright's Myrrh Tooth Soap conies oil
conqueror oery tlmo jou have a brush
with It. Tiylt. Sold by all druggists
residence of the bride's parents In
Amity, Yamhill county, at 12 p.
in., Thursday, June (J, 18S9, Eld.
K. II. Sicafooe of Salem nndMi&a
X. E. Mulkoy of Amity, Rev. D.
M. Doty olllclating,
Klder Slcafooso is the new pastor
of the Christian church in tills city,
where his future homo will bo made.
Tho newly wedded couple arrived
In Salem early yesterday evening,
and were in attendance at tho char
ity benefit nt tho Christian church
last night, where tlioy received the
congratulations of many friends.
.stkayi:ii on stolkn.
OTUAYKI) Oil STOLKN From tho Geo.
" Watt luikture, ono mllo wist of tho depot
on Turner road, a dark buy volt, ono year
old, with w hltu btar In forehead. A liberal
reward 111 be paid lor return of colt or In
formation leading to Its recovery, irn
Adams at Chcmekcto hotel.
AVANTi:i) A situation by a boy 14 years
' ' old, im farm or stock rancho. A good
worker, can plow or tend stock. Call at tho
oilleoof tho Capital Jouiinai. for"D."
ou wi
rANTKIK-AKCiitlcinaniif tlo"yc:irsTx
" perleuco Ij commllou busluos wants
a position Indoors wliero ho can put lu all
his time. Has had somo experience In real
C'hitu and Insurance; Un good hand In a
wnrcliouNC, Is a good mathematician and
en KiH'ii books and make himself general
ly useim nun is not airaiu ot work
of references glen.
Address "H.," Joi'H-5-Ulf
s.vi. urfi('K
rtlll KliT.
VOll KK.NT.- In n lino locality, sovcnil
1 ntrvlr furnished rooms, either with or
without board. For particulars call upou
Win 8. Arnold, 3o7 Winter street.
roic sai.i:
LXUT S7T.TIA bukI, gentle number ono
1 riding puny. luquirual this olllce.
new liouso on
guodlot, UO
I In South
4 xia
h only
Ill til.
..' ","B" cuuuiry oi Kisteru urcgon.
1 ho Ik1 eluineo o cr ottorml for u man to
engngo lu stwk raising. For particulars
call on or address
. II. 1IYAKS. Salem, Ort-gon.
1... . .. " . ...... ...fc
I J. hHAW.ntloinvyanw,S.ilem1On
' son. oilUv ujvstalrs In tho llittou
I j. ji:m.mSus 1). I. '..-iUSt1-;t-il
Ulllco lu tho New lUmk lllock, Com
nuTi'lul ktrvvl, .Nilv'iu. sign of the blr
tiwlli. ,,
nllYsti tAS.-SHts.T)UTM. X STifuV
1 phslclan and surgeon, ha Uxiiied
and takeu rvKims oer fviuiro Farrar's
Kixccry storp. Chronic disease n spec
laity. Oousultatlon (Kv. l2ldw
r i Wti.rn-.Mis. si'ILN'otiHAi-aWT
'' . , IT- "... ..-j .... ., ll hiakc '
11 . mm
T ii.iv. rlLir fNinvi.t 11111 .....I... I
viu in irmis, eic.; ninyins on tyin-
ralelv and neatlt- ilmm onl..
HHw, Nw lUuk lltock,
. Manuing. Couuuercial St.. lt
Ifviiem.nousorcuts forST ixr nioni
m i S.
This new plat Just put on the market to the nifet desirable "goffered
, Sdemfo; building M, They have no equal. The -hole plat to a
- .., ,.f i.i,.nnnn. cpp,lod h, clover, with n good turf. No grubd, no
gtump, rocks or gravcI soil good,
the city, surrounding countrj, .""" ,- --- - v (
... t. ..t.i ...n ,,-ntor T twelve blocks south of the UieincHeit
rmn uu run; iinu ni.il iimw. k - - ..
iuictuiu .... ......
: . .., iit! t.ii.o Ttinn
without interest until paid. These lots are now actually wortl iln cash
morcthnn the prices named for them on long time wlthou in erest. Gey
e nUotsbave already been sold on which fine residences will be erected
am! a number more have been optioned. If you want one or more lots
call on JONES 4 WATSON, wh j will show you the plat and the lots.
Corner State and Liberty Streets, Salem.
Specialties in Table Luxuries,
Fine Tea, and Coffee, Creamery
Butter, Cream Cheese, etc.
Remember trie
Success in Business requires preparation 1 Therefore, thoroughly master
Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship and Business Correspon
dence, Book-keeping by both Single and Doublo Entry, tho nature and
correct use of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law nnd Business practice.
Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing, Manifold, and Dictation work.
All these aro needed in business, and are thoroughly taught by exper
ienced teachers at the SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE
Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon.
. HI 10
One Mile from Aumsville and Ten Miles from Salem.
Several fruit growers from tho east have declared their intention to
locate with us and there Is room for several more. Sample No. 1 0 acres
more or less, high land gently rolling, deep rich red soli, all under plow,
sullleient fence. Price $40. Sample No. 2, 0 acres, more or less, partly
IlllllIM -ll.lll ii.ihM.i A ..., in,l ...ill. ...Ill .! 1 .. i '
umiiri ,.iU, ii u cmuiuii wiiu wiiiows, genuy inclining nnd level land,
both red and black soil. Price ?22 to 30.
Purchasers can pay 8 per cent, interest on hnlf for fivo to seven years
From Salem take train to Turner and thence to Aumsville on Thomas
Bros', hack line, and call on the owner, Mr. Win. Shaw, one mile north
ot depot, or for finther particulars address
J. J. HARDEN, Stayton, Oregon.
And Saturday Matinee. Heappeumnce of
the faorltej,
u l1
Tliursclsiy, June 6, 7 ami 8,
In change of play nightly.
Thursday evening The Lottery of Life.
J rlduy evening F-rln-a-Chom.
Saturday 'enlng....Ttcket-of-I:iviMan.
Saturday matluw,2p.in...V(5rand Illll,
Popular Prices, 10, 20, 30c,
llittonV0 fcW'U w,,ho,It tx,ru "-tiarge at
Trucks and Drays.
I nun
clevatt.land level, 1ms "'JJJ
- -
,.w(. nil
iota nrooiicreu uvjuuw' """" w"
Place and Call.
Uraduntcs Students in
Classical, Literary,
Normal, Ilusiness, Law.
It Is the olde.t, largest nnd least exiwn.
klve .Institution V learning In the NeEh
KcllOOl Onens first Mnn.lr.,. In c. ..
Send forcitalogue to ' " "vi-c.oer
Salem, Oregon.
Proposals for a Bridge.
brldse across
ntv rojid ii-nii.
Shuck, mill. will
ruble count muri
thereof. Thebrtdze
length, not count-
ann estimates
The uvo-s-
niatcrlala nml
and approaches
ty Acres,
Crockery anil Glassware!
With specialties In
Valerian China Tea Scls,
French China Dinner Sets.
Buckingham Pattern
Of which wo constantly keep a full nne
nnd open stock, enabling us to make up
Dinner nnd Tea bets of nny size, or sell by
the single piece. The finest assortment o
Ever shown In Snlem.
Ol the latest nnd handsomest patterns In
fiS-IMease call ana cxainlne our stock.
201 Commercial Street,
Salem, Oregon, have received direct
fmm mmm V
The Finest Line of
which will bo sold nt
Prices and Terms to Suit All!
These goods Tare flrst-claKS and as their
stock Is very large a person can find what
they may w sh. Their warehouse on Stat .
street is completely filled, nnd they have
another car load en route now. Look out
for them; something flno
Only Genuine System of Memory Training.
Four Books Learned In one reading;
Mind yvanderjng cured.
Every child and adult greatly benefited.
Great inducements to correspondence
Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Vm, A.
Hammond, the world-famed Specialist lu
Mind Diseases, Daniel Greenlenf Thompi
son, tho great Psychologist, J. M, Buckly
D. D., editor of tho Christian Advocato
N. Y., Richard Proc;tor, the scientist, lions.
V. V. Astor, Judah P. BenJnmaU, and
others, sent post free by
Prof. A. I.OISETTK, 237 Fifty Ave., N Y
J6-1&-K). dw
Have moved to 47 and 40 State street,
where they aro now ready for work. All
our old patrons nnd friends are Invited to
call and see us In our new location. We
are better prepared for work now than
ever having secured more room. 10-1-tf.
'Illui'lsMnlt lis, have removed their shop to
the cornprnf Piiiini.i.i.fiil nnd Phpineketo
su., where they nro ready ,to serve the
iniuMc. ineynro now pi-cparea Dcuer im
ever to do all kinds of , neon nnd carriage
int.L'l.ii rrn.l vamII ..ll l.lc nf l.1nlr
....ni.it, uuu li.-i.llllll;, 1UI Aliiua w. m.
smithing and repalnnff, nnd n Beneral
mnCT,uoeinc.uusiness.xuey nave an kwuj
ofshocs.steel.trottlne, hand made, etc.,nnd
Uts them in n bclentino manner. Hneclal
mention slven to the construction of wag
ons and carriages. Remember the place,
opposlto SUito Insurance- building.
menu In the State. Lower rate than
Portlaud. Largest stock Legal Ulanks-in
the btate.n'd biggest discount. Bendfoi
nrlep list of Job printing, and catalogno ol
legal blanks. e. M. WAITE,
Steam Printer Salem Oregon.
riTTTJ Vetkneucf Body Kii(fcSU
an pohle,
Btr vo)ltr
---- - --- --' --- - - - "i'M" hiMUfi i iiii-niiitiiiHiu nil iii-vi uiniieiui. tr ii.i.i.. , i
, vlvnuof ttu tUxxt.
A. VV hutii.k lVwt rttit.ku..-
tern, curtw kln dlv. h'
wtlal Ii- II Iinil INkimlt- ... r " '" ?
, llpu lMinty Oiurt.
. U r. j. n
.. . 1.0 .
abcotk, Clerk.
I.-.V7h" bKvtinVama1lbldr,Snrr,,i