THE CAPITA!, EVENING JOTJKNAL. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. THURSDAY JUNE 0, 18S9 (Ireat Minos. The most extrusive mines in the world arc those of Frcyburg, Saxo ny. They were Icguiiln the twelfth ccutury, uiul iu 183") the gnlleries, tnki'ii collectively, had reached the unprecedented length of 123 miles. A new gallery, begun iu 1838, had reached the length of eight miles at the time of the census of 1878. The deepest perpendicular mining shnft in the .world is located at Trlz llnini, Bohemia. It Is n lead mine; It was begun inl801. January, 1880, it was 3,280 feet deep. The deepest coal mine in the world is near Tourney, Belgium; it is 3,542 feet in depth, but unilko the lead mine mentioned above, It'ie not perpendicular. The deepest rock salt boro in the world Is near Berlin, Prussia; it is 4, 183 feet deep. The deepest coal mines in En gland are the Dunkirk collieries of Lancashire, which are 2,854 feet in depth. The deepest coal shaft in the Uni ted States is located at Pottsville, Peim. In 1885 it had reached a depth of 1,570 feet. From this great depth 400 cars, holding four tons each, are hoisted daily. The deepest sliver mine in the United States is the Yellow Jacket, one of the great Corastock system at Virginia City, Nev.; the lower levels arc 5,700 feet below the hoisting works. At a station on the Santa Fe, not a thousand miles out of Wichita,the agent over-slept himself one mor ning recently, and as the 4 a. m. mail and express caino thundering iu he sprang from his couch, grabbed his pantaloons iu one hand and the mail bag in the other and started for the platform. Ho was only half awake; the conductor shouted "all aboard," and so out ho bounced just as the train pulled out, threw the trousers in the mail car door, and stood there in the pale, silvery moonlight, -with a dreamy expres sion on his face and aboil on the calf of his leg and tried to get into the mail bag. There is more catarrh in this sec tion of the country than all other diseases put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be in curable. For a great many years doctors pronounced it a local disease aud prescribed local remedies, and by constantly failing to euro with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hull's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitu tional euro on the market. It is taken internally m doses from 10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts di rectly upon the blood and mucus surface of the system. They offer one hundred dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for circulars and testimonials. Address, F. J. Che ney &Co., Toledo, O. Sold by druggists, 75c. ' A PUBLIC BENEFACTOR "Who is H. H. Warner, of Kocho ter, N. Y., whose Safo Remedies, e 'pecially Warner's Safe Cure, have at tained such success and celebrity at home and abroad?" ' The question Is inspired as much by affection as curiosity, since through his instrumentality hundreds of thou sands, in both hemispheres, have been restored to health and happi ness. Hon. H. H. Warner, then, is a loading and honored resident oi Rochester, not only, but a prominent and influential citizen of the United States. On several occasions chosen by his party as a National delegate to nominate a President of the Republic, he has been a member of the Repub' can State Coramitteo nd of its Exe cutive Comtnitteo. Hois a member of the American. Institution for the Advancement of Science; President oftho Rochester Chamber of Com merco ; a successful and upright busi ness man. He has given away for tunes in charities. The celebrated and costly Warner Observatory of Rochester was conceived, endowed, and is maintained by him. His munificent prizes for the discovery of comets has been at once the wonder and delight of tlia scientific world. The yellow fovor scourage in the South, the Ohio floods, the fire dis asters of Rochester and other cities awakened his profoundest sympathies and in each instance his chock for from 500 to $5,000 swelled the several lelief funds. Where other wealthy men give tens and hundreds, he gives hundieds and thousands. His charities are as ready and magnificent as ids enterprises and public spirit are boundless. The world has need of mora such men. An Incident led him into the manu facture ot medicine. Seized some twelve years ago with what the ablest physicians termed fatal kidney dis ease, he was miraculously restored to health by what is now known as Warner's Safe Cure. At once he re solved to make known the merits of so potent a remedy, and the consequence is that to-day he has imnwnse labora tories and warehouses in the United States, Canada, England, Germany, Austria, Australia and Burmah. Sales of his Safe Remedies are enormous, and their power over disease simply marvelouB. . The merit of a production is in ex act keeping with the character of Its man himself, Mr. Warner makes honest and reliable medicines a fact abundantly attested by their pheno toaaaj aflkwey and popularity. Weekly Capital Journal ! B)y c' 1iB "AHH" POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never vnrlei. A marvel of purity, strength and wholcsomeness. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and TJinnot hn Knlri In rmmvwtlflnn nftli Ihn multitude of low test, short weight nlum or I'uusiJimLu uwuere, ooiu oniy in cans Royal Baking PowdekCo.,108 Wnll.N.Y, BRIGHTEN YOUR HOMES By rcpaperlng and decorating your resi dence. For mnterlnl go to Sargeant's Va riety Store, who carries the latest styles and patterns In Wall Paper, Borders and uiH--uniuuu'. i-nper irimmeaireeoi cnarge. A fine lino of BABY CARRIAGES always on hand, besides a large assortment of new goods too numerous to mention WM. SARGEANT, Variety Store, Commercial St., Salem. OTho B PYRES' GUIDE is issuod M-.rch and Sept., each year. It is an ency clopedia of usoful infor mation for all who pur chase tho luxurloB or the necessities of life. "We can clothe you and furnish you with all tho necosssry and unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, oat, flsh, hunt, work, ro to church, or stay at home, und ia various sizes, styles and quantities. Just figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you cau make a fait estimate of the value of the BUYERS' GUIDE, which will bo sent upon receipt of 10 cents mj pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago, IB. -Call and Seo T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, AT HIS NEW QUARTERS IN THE State Insurance Building, Cor. Com mercial and Chemekete streets '0-ltf For the Public Good. It Is an indisputable fact that the hand somest vestlbulo trains that are now run on the American continent aio thoso on the Burlington route, leaving from Union depotln Denver, also St. Paul, Immediate ly on arrival of all through trains from the west. The first and second class coaches uro magnificent, the rcc'lnlng chair cars subuib. tho Pullman sleepers extremely luxuriant, and as for the meals that nre served In those palace Burlington dining errs yum yum. The next time you go east to Kansas City, Chicago or St. Louls, If you mention to t lie ticket agent that jou want your ticket to lead Irom Denver or St. Paul over tho Burlington route, you will get It, and you will always bo glua of If vou go via tho Northern or Canadian Pacific, the elegant vestlbulo trains of The Burlington Route, between tit. Paul and Chicago, or St. Louis, will carry you along the eastern shore ot the Mississippi river for a dlstanco of 350 miles, amidst sceneiy thatcannot bo surpassed;or, If you 5 o via tho Oregon Short Line or Southern aeitlc, and your tlcuet leads via The Burlington Route from Cheycnno or Den ver, you will pass thiougn all tho thriving cities and towns located In what is popu larly known as tho Hcaitol I be Continent. For further lnfoimatlon apply to A. C. Sheldon, General Agent, 85 First street, Portland, Oregon. MDdAwti $50. ' HORSES. $50. 0no hundred head of brood mares and young horses for sale. Forty or fllty colts expected in the spring Two line horses, Clyde and PerWicon stock, weight sixteen and seventeen hundred; have been Willi II1U UilUVI U lliu F"V n-vw JV....J. Original stock from tho best quality ot ...n-nr. LVh nnrilnidnru ndillOSI (1PLAA """" "' " W. H. BYAJIS. wit. Salem, Or. ORECONIAN RAILWAY CO. (Limited Line.) CIIAS. X SCOTT, - - Receiver. On and after Feb. IS ISSO.nnd until further notice trains will run dally (except Sun day) as follews: EAST SIDE. Coburg Mall Portl'd .Mall From Port land STATIONS. 'Tow'rd Port land l.v 11".,iim POHTLAXDl'AW V Ar. ' 10.00 Koot of Jcrwn.W I.v. ?.15pm i lUiys uinamg, 2J M Paul's, S.10 i Woodburn, :i;::i , Tituuhond, 11.4 J McKte, 3.S1 ! MtnAngcl, 4Ui JHItVIlK, 4.1a Mlverton. JohnstouV Mill' bwitcrl.ind, EutMcleJunct. Macleny, Aunmllle, Wcbt Hmj ton 4.J.3 4.47 5.&0 0.11 an &.V1 7J0 7.l 8.-01 8:87 1-.3U 10:15 p rn O P t:roslng, West Kclo, Crabtrce, Hplcei, Tullman, PUinvIuW. Brou riM Hie, ItowUnci, Coburz. Ar AH Giinimtillan Tickets nt twoeenU per mile on vile ft .tallons limine Agents. ' Connection at itar's nnd I'ulqtinrt 1 Landing with McawcrfCltynf HMem General oaices, N V Cor. First ana Pine, I Portlna;,Omson. Has Been Ki iVnd Greatly Improved ami Now Is The CHEAPEST NEWSPAPER IN OREGON! THE BEST FAMILY NEWSPAPER IN MARION' '- ,!- ; "- , Read Our Reduced Terms! WEEKLY, one year, 1.60. Now Read Our Discount -for Cashl WEEKLY.Jone year, 11.00. WArJ THERE EVER ANYTHING EljUAL TO IT? NOW ROLL IN TiIE NAMES, AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OK, OUR ONE-"HIRD 0FF FOR CASH. . Our Old Subscribers' Now In urreaw tire urged to Like udvaiitaRO of our IIk dlwouut, by act tliuR old uccountH und joining the grand throng of one dollar MibscrlbmT THIS IS NOT A SPECIAL OFFER I5ut4u;wild. pcrmmwiit roductlo'i. Wm Imve como to tay TO ONE AND ALL We nay, send u your names. If you want to take advantage of our "one third otr for cash," and are not where you can get pofetnl notes of other convciiiont method of remitting, Band ua your name and xtuto tLat yi.u will remit at lint opportunity. ThU will ensure your Mug placed on the iollrtrllt. Enlarged " l ,"" - 'W GOUNIVYt . ,..,-5 WEEKLY, six months.- -?0.76 WEEKLY, six iuontliBl....0.60. ',- The Towerini Maslodoii of Tented Shows SELLS BROTHERS Three-Ring Cirrus, Rojnl Roman Hippodrome, Elevated Stage and 5-Conlinenl Menagerie, NOW IN PERMANENT CONSOLIDATION WITH S. H. Barrett's Universal Menagerie, 2-Ring Circus, Racing Carnival and the Great World's Fair WILL EXHIBIT IN SALEM, Tuesday, June 18, '89 Two Performances, 2 and 8 P. M. An extraordinary unification of the two leading Shows of America. Per fecting by their felicitous consolidation tho most voluminous and Vast Amusement Organization That mind can conceive or capital produce. Iu each and every depart ment tho coiiHiimmatlon of a perfect Show, wonderful In extent and variety, multitudinous in choice and acceptable at tractions, and presenting each act and feature with style, method and elegance, appreciated by patrons and commended by all. Tuesday, June 18, 1889.5 rWwi gf fr II - M V J i S& I The Largest Tents Ever Constructed, Whose mighty mazes of canvas canopy more space and enclose more novel and prominent features than tho tents of a do.en cotempomry exhibi tions. A matchless llippodroiiiatical, Zoological, Equestrian, Spectacular Exhibition To witness which thousands como dally many leaguos. A PARADE WITHOUT A PARALLEL In gleaming glamor and inipresslvo speeta'sular grandeur, presenting sumptuous scenes, thrilling surprises and gorgeous ellects never before witnessed on the public street. Tho Children's dream of Fairyland, u delightful eplsodo of the magnificent Free Btrect Pageant. ELECTRIFYING HIPPODROMATIC SPORTS! Realistic dladatorlal Contests, exciting Chariot and Hunnliig Itaccu and thrilling trials of speed. The poetical historical, dashing ami ever- memorablo SHERIDAN'S RIDE, Vividly, artistically aud realistically reproduced on our mammoth Hip podrome Track. The most comprehensive aud exhaustive zoological col lection ever shown under canvas. Tho largest and best trained Herd of Elephant, two Immense Hippoisitaml, fifty golden, statue-crowned aud sumptuously adorned Cages filled with the strangest objects known to natural history, monstrous Pythons, Anacondas and lloa-constrictora, huge African and Amazonian fjaurlans and Keptllcs, miilti-hucd Hlrds from tho tropics and rare and curious HeastH from every land and clime. A new and salient revolution iu tented entertainments. Also exhibits in Eugene, City, Juno 17; Albany, 10; Corrullls !W; Independence, 81; XcXJHnville, j 1'ortlHiid, ?4 him Tuesday, June 18, 1889. THANSronTATIOf. TH.E YAnUINA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD A till nrrrrm DnvlnrtMnf fMtnnnnw'i stcnmRhlp line, ill) inllcs shorter. 'JO hours icssiimo tnnn Dy any othct loute. First cIhm llmniKh rmwenccr ntnl freight lino iivfiii iiitiiiiiu unit nil iuiilll, in luo Wli lnmctto vnllev to nnd from Ban Francisco. TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxccpt Bunanys): LcavoAlbnny 1.-O01' M Lcnvo Corvnllls 1:40 P M Arrlvo Ynqulnn - &30PM Leavo Ynqulnn (l:i5AM Lcnvo Corvnllls 10:35 AM Airho Albany 11:10AM Ci. it n. tnitna pnnnivt nt Atlinn.. wl Corvnllls. Tho nbovo tmlns connect nt YAO.UINA with tho OrORon Dovclonment Cos Lino jfatcntiishlps between Ynqulnn nnd Ban Francisco. SAIUNQ DATES. STKAMKlia. FROX YAQUIKA Wlllnmetto Vnlloy. ...Thursilny Mny 21 Wlllnmctto Vnliey Saturday, Juno 1 Wlllnmctte Vnliey, Bundny " 9 STKAMK1W. FItOV SAN FRANCISCO Wlllnmetto Vnlley...8undny, Mny 10 lllnmctto Vnliey ...Tucsdny " 28 Wlllnmetto Vnlley....Vcdncsdny Juno S TUn eomiwny reserves tho right to child to KalliiiR dates without notice. N. I!. Passengers from Portlnnd nnd nil Wlllnmetto Vnliey points enn mnkc close ronncctlnii with tho trnlns of th YAOUINA ltOUTK nt Albany or Corvnllls. nnd If destined to Snn Francisco, should nrrunge to arrive nt Ynqulnn tho evening bcfoiu ilnto of snlllng. . I'morncrr nd Frflcht Kitfs Alwars tit liowrst. horlnformntlon apply to Xiessrs HU1..MAN A Co., Freight nnd Ticket Agents aw aud 20a Front st,, Portlnnd, Or. or to C.C. 1IOQUK, Ao't aen'l Frt, 4 Pass. AgU, Oregon l(clflo It. II. Co.. Coirnllls, Or. fl H. HA8WEI.b,Jr.Gen'l Frt; A Pnss. Agt. Oregon Development Co., 301 Montgomery St.; Snn Francisco, Cni; TIME TABLE-KIVER DIVISION. Thnelegnntly equipped btenmbonts, Wm M. Hong, Cnpt. (Jeo. Itnnbc; tho N. B. llentley, Cnpt. J.;i. Coulter; tho Thrco Bisters, Cnpt. W. P. Short; nro in scrvico for pnsengcr nnd freight traffic botweon Corvnllls nnd Portlnnd and Intermediate points, mnklng thrco round trips each week us follews: NORTH HOUND ves Corvnllls Won dny, Wednesday and Frldny nt 8 n. m. Arrives nt Snlcm Monday, Wednesday nnd Frldny nt.1 p.m. Leaves Salem Tucsdny, Thnrsdny nnd Snturdny nt fl a.m. Arrives at l'urtland Tuesday, Thursday nnd Satur day Rt 3:30 p. 111. MOUTH ItOUND Leaves Portlnnd Mon day, Wednesday nnd Frldny nt 0 n. m. Arrives ntSnlcm Monday, Wednesday nnd Frldny nt 7:15 p. in. Lenvcs Salem Tiimh dny, Tlutrsday nnd Snturdny nt 0 n. m. Arrives nt Corvnllls Tuesday, Thnrsdny Snturdny nt 3::W p. m. For ft eight nnu passenger rates npply to tlioenptalnsnnd pursers of tho respective bonts, or to W. M. Darling, ngent, 200 nnd 'JW Front street. Portlnnd; Gilbert IlroM. ngonts, Snlom; I. M. Adnlr, ngent, Albuuy C. A. Miller, ugent, Corvnllls; or to the gen eral freight nnd lmssongcr ngent, Corvnllls. O. A trains connect nt Albany nud Corvnllls F. W. I10WKN, Superintendent. Win. IlOAOj General Manager. -VIA Southern Pacific Company's Line, TUB MOUNT SHASTA KOUTIi Time between Salem and Sin Fnnclsei Tblrtj-slx Hours, (JAI.U'OUNIA KXl'ltKKS TIIAIN KUN I1A1I.1. ntrrWKKN I'oitri.AFD amiih. r. South. "Kortli. ' 4;w p. m. (1:11 p. m. 7:45 11. in. I.v. Portland Ar. I.v. Salem l.v. Ar. Fran. I.v. 10:45 u. m. 7:5.1 a. in. 7:00 p. m. I-AHSKNCIKU TIIAIN ( DAILY' ! CKIT HUMDAY). h.00 a. m. 11:10 n. m 2:40 p. m. I.v Portlnnd I.v Salem Ar. Kugene Ar. I 8:45 p. m. I.v. 1 12:52 p. in. Lv. U:0U u. m. x PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For accommodation of second class passengers attached to express trnlns, TlioH. P. ooinpnny's ferry makes con ncctlon with nil the regular trains onth Kant Bido Division from foot of F strcu Portland, Ycst Side Division. Between Portland ami Cor vail is: 1IAII.V (KXCKIT BUNDAY). 1:M a. m. I l.v. Portland Ar. Corvnllls I.v. D:20 p. in. IJ.aip. in. I Ar. i:au p. in. Af Alttiiftif niifl 1 'iipwiilllii fwmnjvif wltTi inlnsofOregou Paclno ltallrond. '1 hrougli tickets to all points south and cast via California M'ltfaw TltAIN (IIAII.Y KXCK1TBUWUAV.) "f Wl i. in. hv. Portland AT 00 , in. 6:41 a. in. MOO p. m. Ar.McMlnnvlllel.v, Through Tickets To till points SOUTH anil EAST -VIA- CaliforniA. I-or lull information regarding ruten, diiiK, etc., apply to the Company's agent, sali'in, Dngoii. K. P. IUXI1.IIH, Aswt. U. V, nud Pass. Ag't. It. l)i:HI,i;U, Munuger. Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY, " Columbia River Route.' Imlns for the eiut lcnvo Portland at 7:S m and 0.: inn dully. Tla its ut nud from prlncliMil imliitH Iu tin United Htatcs, Can sdu und Kurojie. ELEGANT rULMANN PAL'.C CARS Kmlgnmt Bleeping Cars run tilrouy'' on uxpreis tu Ins to OMAHA COUNCIL 111,1 VV 11 llll 61. PAU1 Vttf of Charge and Wit on Uuaage. Connections nt Portland forKan Fran ctsco und Piiget Hound points. For lurthcr imrtlouluin uddrcs any uguut of tho cuiupuuy, or A, I, MAXWELL, 0, J', T. A ' Ml M IV. 1 J 'I "J 1 I f' jj I. I'M :,'i fr4 . rr '. II rl r t? rr "