TOTS 0APITA1 EVENING .TOTJRNAL. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL MONDAY. --JUNE 3, 1889 COMMENCHMENT PRODItA". j..rty-Firth Anniversary of the Wlllnm ctte University. June 4, 8 1'. ". Annual coUcrc prnyer ' June 78 p. lit., Hcunlon of literary so cieties. Juno 9, Baccalaureate day: lfcSO n. m., Baccalaureate f ennon by John Oordon, D. D of Portland; 8 p. in., University ser mon by Uev. Henry llrown oj Walla W'nlla.Waih. June 10, to 12 a. in., l'ubllo exiimliiu tlons before visiting conim Hoc; 8. p. m., Klocutlonnry prize contest. June 11th regents' day: 9 to 12 a.m. public examinations. 9 a. m. nnnual meeting of Board of trustees. 8 p. m. graduating pxercNcs of university aeademy. June 12th nlumnl day. 10 n. m., com mencement of conservatory ot music. 2 p. in., annual meeting of nlumnl. 8 p. in., reunion of nlumnl. . June 13th, commencement d.iy. 10 a. m commcncoment of collego of liberal arts. Address by Hon. M. C. George of Portland. 8 p. m. reunion of conservatory alumni. NOTICES, Art rooms will bo open on Wednesday and Thursday. The announcement of prizes will be nt the close of commencement on Thursday. Too Mncli Dandelion. California has a new grievance the dandelion". Some years ago It is said that a citizen imported from the east the seed of the old fashioned dandelion. He wanted something to remind him of his old home. Like the man who imported the sparrow, he did M-orso than he knew. The sparrow is everywhere, so Is the dandelion. The seed drifts in the wind like that of tbe thistle, the down is built into the nests of birds, andevtry seed which gets a lodge ment on a lawn or grass plot will, in due time, produce a million more. Now the solitary dandelion is very attractive in bloom, and hardly less so when after the blossom the gauze globe appears,- and a few dnys after ward goes sailing off before the wind like a small balloon. But the citizen who is forced to dig up his lawn because a million dandelion roots have strangled, the grass; will utter no benediction over this rich golden-blossom. A 'True Fish Story. Dr.. Abbott of Trenton is a warm admirer of catfish, not so'mucb on account of its culinary excel lence as because the females of the tribe aro good mothers. He has stud ied the habits of the fish long and .carefully, and he knows this to be a fact. He says that onono occasion he captured an entiro brood of little catfish in a hand net,, lettlmr. their mother, who was swimming with them escape. She would not leave the spot where- she had been be reaved, and when the doctor put the fry? into a glass jar and put it in the river where the could sec it she dashed herself furiously against the obstacle that separated her from her young ones. When the jar was drawn slowly from the wa ter she followed it to the surface, nnd then absolutely left the river and wriggled twelve inches up the .., ,.. i .i.i.. v.,. FninHn ofTnrtn to recover her progeny. Albany 'has gone so far with prep arations for a big- Fourth-of-July celebration that Salem has given up the idea of celebrating this .year, on condition that Albany will stand aside next year in favor of Salem. Thn fnuma down the. valley are jammed.ln so close, likesardinesin a box, that there, is hardly, room lor all, and they have to take turns. Up here everything runs on the broad-track principle, and every town runs on Its own hook and has its own celebration. Like tho old womau who rejoiced that she at last had a funeral In her owu fam ily and didn't have to depend on her neighbors for one, every man in.thlB-oounty will soon havo its own celebration, his owu .newspaper, his own real, estate ofllce, hjs own store or shop, and will have to de pend on his ueighbow for nothing, except grub, digging potatoes and the likerbelng the ouly kind of en terprise thatialent seems to Bhun. Eugene -Journal. BE POIXOWED SUIT. My wife has been under phyidciun cure for . . tnr wht thov called "liver coin- plaint" 8he would get some relief while taking prescriptions, but would toon foil back into tHe same drowsy, luactlvo state. I gother a bottle of "The California Remedy," Joys Vegetable Sarsaparllla. It did her immediate good, and when three bottles had been taken she regained her old accutotnc4 health aut spirits and i now as well as ever. Seeing the benefit she derived, I used it fnr rheumatism with the result that I ara now entirely free from the disease with which . bad suffered for over a year. T35 Turk street, Ban Francisco. It is reported that a valuable ,iic,-or.F nt notroleuiu has been made at Yorktown, South Australia, and that the government has gran ted the discoverer, A. Tocchi, tho exclusive right to search overan area ot 00,000 acres of crown land. They were at LUcj masquerade, i,.r uim hod reooirnlzcd him at ence. "Was it the loud beatiug of my heart, my darling, that told you I was here?" "Oh, no," she re plied: "I recognized your oiooked JfT-" P1 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never var!o. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesomeness. More economical than tho ordinary kinds, and cannot bo sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only In cans. ItoYAi, Bakiso Powder Co.. 10(1 Wall.N.Y Oregon House! Corner Mill and Summer Sts. Tho building formerly occupied by the Boys' Boarding Hall has been thoroughly renovated nnd refitted and Is now-- opened to tbe general public: Board per mr-nl 25 Board and lodging per day SI 00 Board and lodging per week 4 00 Free transportation of passengers and baggage to and from depot. B. J. SHARP, Proprietor. Ol Th'j BUYERS' GUIDE ! issuod Mwch and Sept., each year. It is an ency clopedia of useful infor mation for ail who pur chase the luxuries or the nncuslMnn of Ufa. We can olothe you and furnish you with all tne necessary ana unnecessary appliances to ride, walk, dance, sleep, eat, fish, hunt, work, ro to chuvcb, or stay at home, and in various sizes, styles and quantities. JuBt figure out what is required to do all these things COMFORTABLY, and you can make a fail estimate of tho value of the BUYEEB' GUIDE, whioh will be sent upon receipt of 10 cents Vo pay postage, MONTGOMERY WARD & CO. 111-114 Michigan Avenue. Chicago. 111. Call and See T. J. CRONISE, Salem's Popular Job Printer, A T HIS NEW QUARTERS IN THE JE. State insurance uunaing, ;or. torn.. merclal and Chemekete streets '0-ltf For the Public Good. It Is nn indisputable fact that the hand somest vestibule trains that nro now run on tho American continent nro tho-sq on the Burlington route, leaving from Union depot in Denver, also St. Paul, immediate ly on arrival of all through trains from the west. The first and second class coaches are magnificent, tho reclining chair cars suburb, the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuriant, and as for the meals that are served In those palace Burlington dining errs yum yum. The next time you go east to Konsas City, Chicago or St. iouis, If you mention to the ticket agent that you want your ticket to lead from Denver or at v.,il m-Ap Ihn Tlnrltnerton route. VOU wi'il iTP.t It. and von will always be glad of If you go via tho Northern or Canadian Pacific, the elegant vestibule trains of Tim unrllntrtnn Route, between St. ram "ffitf fc'l tTMsWl river for a distance of 350 miles, amidst river for a distance of 350 miles, amidst scenery thatennnot bo surpassed; or, If you go via tho Oregon Short Lino or soutnern Pacific, ana your ticitei reaus viu jluk Burlington Route from Cheyenne or Den- laffioSa!hearlSthTeI,SonXn,: for farther information nprily to A. C. to A. nt Rtrt aueiaou, uuuuiu Portland, Oregon. Sheldon, General Agent ,,..".". "rti-w - --- - :t bo rirai Bircei, MOd&Wtl $50. HORSES. $50. 0no hundred head of brood marcs and young horses for sale, tortor fltty colts expected in the spring two nno horses, Clydo and Percheon stock, weight sixteen nnd seventeen hundred: havo been with the band for tho past threo years. Oricinal stock from the best quality, ol mnrres. r or ,..-.---.-- w4t. Halem, ur. MAN RAILWAY-m Ilollli II i 1 VVI (Limited Line.) GIIAS. X SCOTT, Receiver. OnandafterFeb.l81SS.nnduntllfurther notice trains will run dally (except Hun day) as follews: EAST SIDE. Coburg Stall I'ortl'd Mall From Port land STATIONS. Tow'rd I'ort land I l,'am Ar. I0.W' I,v. 2.15 pm ii-oitTi-ASKi-iw ViAr. i.ftpm I'oolofJcrhon.Ht lUiy's Ijindlnu, Ar 1.W St.l'aulV, l- 1 z.- .'lid :i;l 11.11 Wooiiiiurn, Tow(ieiul. Mflvto, liw n.w 11.40 I1.1M (111 II.IU 10.V0 1U.IU low IMS 3.1 Mt.Anse), S. , jKiwnV, KM hllvcriiin. 4J I Joliiuloii'n Jllll j rti I Kivltnrlntld. l!t7 ! K.iittSlduJunct. 6.S0 o.'J .Miulniy. Aumivllle, Went Htnyton 0 1 Croiklnif, Went Solo, Crabtree, Hplcer, Talluuin, l'lalnvlew. Ilrownitvllle, 1 lowland. B.11 fl.21 03 7J0 fffl 80T7 9:30 10:15 sin H.0O 7.31 7ii 0-1S B.I3 Cobure. too a m Ar n in All JA I-V CommutlonTickeU at two cent perl tatlon liavllne aeenU mite on :. at lUy'n and Fulquart liSdUur with Kteamer-Cliyof waln GeaerulOfflc,: WOor. Flrt n Hi of waitiiii er. lie, THE RELIABLE KELLER Corner State and Liberty Streets,. Salem. Specialties in Table Luxuries, Fine Tea-, and Coffee, Creamery Butter, Cream Cheesej etc. o WE LEAD IN CANNED GOODS. Remember the Place and Call. E m TO SUCCESS ! FOUND! Success in Business requires preparation ! Therefore, thoroughly master Commercial Arithmetic, Business Penmanship and Business Correspon dence, Book-keeping by both Single and Double Entry, the nature and correct use of Commercial Papers, Commercial Law and Business practice. Learn, also, Shorthand and Type-writing. Manifold, and Dictation work. All these are needed iu business, and are thoroughly taught by oxper ienced teachers at the SALEM BUSINESS COLLEGE Griswold's Block, Salem, Oregon. H. P. RANKIN'S Raint Shop No. 254J Commercial St. House and Carriage Painting, Sign writing. Paper hanging and decorating, Wall tinting and kal somining executed in the latest stylo. Experienced Workmen Employed, Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call and see us before you let your work. IN8UKAHCK Company. Fire aud Ma rine. . JOS- ALBKHT, Auent, - - Salem, Oregon For Bargains . jN Family Groceries Provisions, Fruits Etc. " OO TO THOMAS BURROWS, Commerolal Street, Salem, Or Country produce or all kinds nlwuys on hand. If you have not traded with me be- lure, l ri:Bi:tniij n...v v..-.0 I caii suit you both In prices and quality. BRIGHTEN YOUR HOMES Hy repaperliitf and decoratlnn your resi dence. For material to toSnrgeants Va riety Store, who mrrlea tho latest styles and pittcrns in Wall Taper, Borders and Decorations. I'apcr trimmed free of charse. A tine line of BABY CAKRIAG1SS always on hand, benldesa largo assortim-nt of new goods too numerous to mention WM. SAROEANT, Variety Store, Commercial St., Rilein, DR. JORDAN'S OF ANA 7fil Market nt.Saii KraneUoo CA1.IKOKNIA. Goand learn how In avoid rils'iM nhd how uonderful ly you are made. (Ainmiltu lion anil tmituienl per on ally or by Inter or vrak ncieit nnd all illneimMi o men. Kcnd for IhioK. l'rl vnte Mill 2H tieary i.trert. ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL roii- Boys and Girls. Tim uhnnl will onen on the IMtli of September. Thorough Inntrue- tlon In tho primary nnd advanced English Branches. .LITIS AND ELEMENTS OF -In coure.- I ... ; I TKHMHandnirtber Information urn. bel Imdonappllcatlaiitn ! UKV. F. 11. Itttsl. 1 fVr.CheinekewndlHlMIi. I S-SVtr , NEW ZEALAND Q GROCERS, I rf-um 6.000.000 vvh "o 'SiLK w wmwwww MTgbegt to bujr Seeds of tneUfgoet and most relitble home, nd they nao rerrys seeas M, miuii uu. are bcknowleded to be the largest Seedsmen in tne worm. ' n M. VntsT A do's i nioBtrited. DtKrfp. ' tire and Frioed SEEO ANNUAL tri i ana win hmiiwi rftrr .11 nnlU.n. m.A W tolutrearBcastomen rU U( BUUUVBUMl Ul s,u.rt omuujw. , I bftfiSPK5S?SSK In txliUnts. l(houldHndforit Address O. M. FEBRY CO., Datrolt. Mich. SEE HERE! If there is anyone in the whole stale of Oregon who wants to return to the enst lie should read IhiH advertisement: A Bargain For Somebody EASTEKN PROPERTY! To Excliiinga for- A GOOD Oh! A NOB B Jr. For itfirtleul.'imdill ul this nflU-. d"7C OKnAMONTIIconljemude J) ID 10 IpZOU workimr for uu. Aeeuu preferred who can furul'ii home and til ve their w hole time to I lie IuihIiicks. Hire iiiKiiitiiU may be profititbir tm ployed abii. A few vncnncie hi iowjisiuiu cine, n, r. jimUja a Co ., 1W Main t.. Hlchmoiid, vu. 4 ;. li llniMiaUtteoxeaudbuklnMul ex. wrlcnr. rr mind about wndlng .lamp for rej'ly, II. K,. I, A Co, 444iii-mI SONS irfiKriigni WLW&mmm J)S9biZxtiiKEHt Wl UpI iSi "" fU"K VilSUl-f'lt'rJBV The Towcrii Jlnsloiloii of 'Fouled Shows ! SELLS BROTHERS Tlirot'-llinu; Circus, Royal Roniiui lUppodromo, Elovntoil Slago and 5-Continciit Monagerio, NDW IN PERMANENT CONSOLIDATION WITH S . H . Barrett' s Universal Menim-orio, 2-Riiia; Circus, Racing Carnival and tlio (Jrout, World's Fair WILL KXUI1UT IN SALEM, IIAQOQ I UVOUtAJ jiuiiu s5 Two Performances, 2 and 8 P. An extraordinary iinillealion of the two leading Shown of America. Per fecting by their fcllcltuus conHolldallon the most voluiiiinoiiH and Vast Amuspinent Organization That mind can conceive or capital produce. In each and every depart ment the consummation of a perfect Show, wonderful In extent and variety, multitudinous in choice and acceptable at tractions, and presenting each act and leature with htyle, method and elegance, appreciated by patrons and commended by all. Mv)jCfe5l Tuesday, June 18, 1889. The Largest Tents "Whose miglity ma.eHof canvas canopy nioro Hpuce and enclose more novel and prominent features than the tents of a dozen coteinporary exhlbl. tlons. A limtClllCHH Ifijipodroinaticaljioological, Kqucstritiii, Spectacular 'Wilion. To witncfH which thoutuiuds conic dally many leagues. A PARADE WITHOUT A PARALLEL In gleamlnj,' glamor and impressive spectacular grandeur, pro-enting BUinptiiotis scenes, thrilling surprises and gorgeous ellccls never hefoie witnessed on tho pulillc streeis. The Children's dream of I'alrylaiul, ti delightful episode of the niagniliccnt Kreo fitrcet Pageant. I m)Jra VS. WVCNvY irtrKJlWTi wmmiu ys ELEOTBIFYING 1IIPP0DR0MATIC SPORTS! Realistic Oladutorlal Contests, excltlirg Chariot and Hiiiinlng Itaccs and thrilling trials of sliced. The poetical liUtorlcal, dashing and uvcr- inenioralile SHERIDAN'S RIDE Vividly, artistically and realistically reproduced cm our imuumojli Hip. podroine Track. The most comprehensive and exhaustive zoolog leal col lection ever shown Under canvas. The largest and best trained Herd of KleiihantH, two Immense) Hippopotami, fifty golden, statue-crowned ami Humptuoiisly adorned Cages (Hied with the strangest objects known to natural history, monstrous I'ythous, AiiacondiH and Hoa-coiiMrlclors, huge African aud Amazonian Hatiriaiis and Ite)tlles, multl-hucd 1 Irds from the tropics anil rare and curious limits from every laud ami clime. A new and salient revolution In tented entertainments. Also cxliihliH In JHiigcno Clly, Jim 17; Albany, 1!); Corvallls , 20j ImlptieiMlriire, 21; McMliuivlllo, Kj I'ortlimrt, 'U nnd 35. yrsp 18 '89 r- ?rU Tuesday, June 18, 1889. Ever Constructed, TUANSrOItTATION. TH.E YA0UINA ROUTE, OREGON PACIFIC RAILROAD And Oregon Development company' steamship line. i miles shorter, 'JO hours less timo than by any otlici loule. Klrst class through passenger nnd freight line irom niruanu unu nu points in ino nil' lamctto vallov lo nnd fnim San Francisco. TIME SCHEDULE, (Kxrept Sundays): Leave Albany ........ 1:00 I it Leave CorvnUls 1:10 I'M Arrive Yiuuilnn ....... 5::toi'M Leave Yaqulua fttlAM Lcavo Corvallls 10:3.) A M Arrive Albany 11:10 AM O. A C. trains connect at Albany and CorvnUls. Tho above trains connect nt YAQUINA with tho Oregon Development Co's Line it Steamships between tuqulun nnd' Sou Krunelsco. SAII.lXa DATES. 8TKA51KIW. FltOM YAQUINA Wlllametto Valley Thursday Mav 21 Willamette Vnloy ...Snturday, June 1 Wlllametto Valley, Sunday " STKAMKltS, KHOM SAX KltANXISCO Wlllametto Valley Sunday, May 111 Wlllametto Valley Tuesday " 28 Wlllametto Valley Wednesday Juno S This company reserves tho right, to chango sailing dates without notice. ' N. 11. rassengers from Portlnnd nnd all Wlllametto Valley points can mako close connection with tho trains of the YAOUINA 110UTK nt Albany or Corvallls, and if destined to San Francisco, should arrango to nrrlvo at Ynqulnn tho evening beforo dale of sailing. I'awencer ami Krelctit Kates Alwais Hit tawfst. For Information apply to .Messrs IIULMAN & Co., Freight and Ticket Agents 'JOOnnd LM Front st., Portland, Or. or to C.C. HOaUK, Ao't Gen'l Frt. A l'ass. Agt., Oregon 1'aclllo It. H. Co.. Corvallls, Or. n H.lIA8VKIili,Jr.aen'l Frt; A l'uss. Agt. Oregon Development ' Co., 501 Montgomery St.; San Francisco, Cal' T1MK TABLE 1UVEU DIVISION. Thoelcgantly equipped steamboats. Win M. Hong, Cnpt. (leo. llnnlie; tho N. S. llcntloy, Cnpt, J. Jl Coulluii tho Tlneo Misters, Cupt. W. I. Short; nro In service for passenger nnd freight tmtllo between Corvallls nnd Portland and Intermediate points, making threo round trips each week us follews: NORTH HOUND Loaves Corvallls Jlon day, Wednesday nnd Friday nt 8 n. m. Arrives nt Halem Monday, Wednesday and Friday at!) p. m. Leaves Halem Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday Jit (I n.m. Arrives nt Portland Tues-dny, Tliundny nnd Sntur day st:i:.T0 p. in. SOUTH HOUND Leaves Portland Mon day, Wednesday and Friday nt (1 n. in. Arrives nt Salem Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday at 7:lli p. in. Leaves .Salem Tues. day, Thursday and Saturday at U it. in. At rives nt I'orvullls Tuesday, Thursday Haturday at IKK) p. in. For fi eight and paf-hcngcr rates apply to tho captains nnd pursers of tho icspeetlvo bouts, or to W. M. Darling, agent, iSKI nnd 303 Front stieot. Portlnnd; Ullbert ltros. agents, Mnlom; I. M. Adair, agent, Albany ('. A. Mlller,ngent, Conalllsjor Inllie gen eial lVelght and passenger agent. Corvallls. 0. & 0. trains connect ul Albany nnd Corvallls F. W. IIOWKN, Superintendent. Win, 1KIAO, (leneral Maiuiger. Overland to California VTA Soutliftrii Pacific Company's Line, THE MOUNT SHASTA ROUTE. Time liotttcpn K.ilem nml San Franclfra Tlilil)-ilx HuiiiN. CALIFORNIA KXl'lllSSH TKAINr-IIIIN DAILY. iii'.twi:i:n i''h anus. k. "Tloiith. ' i""NSrnrr l:() p. m, I Ia: I'ort liuiil (1:11 p. in. IjV. KiiIuiii 7: 1.1 . in. I Ar. Hun Knin. Ar. l.v. i-v. 10: I'm. in. 7:5:1 a. in. 7,-oop. ni. LOIIAli AS,41:N(liat tiiain -CK1T HMNIIAV). (1IAII.V KX. 8:UI ll. Ill, 11:10 a. in 2:10 p. in. I A'. 1'orlluiiil Ar. I .'kin p. in. I,v Halem l.v. li!:W p. in. Ar. Kukc'Iio' l.v. I .U n. in. PULLMAN BUFFET SLBEPBIIS. TOURIST SLEEPING CARS For iKK'Oiiiiiiodittion ol kccoikI pahKciiKui-H nttuclii'il to ozprosH traliiH, XhoH. 1. iMiinpuiiy'H fi'rry miikrs con ncctloa with nil tho rct'iiliir triimn onth Kant Kido DIvIkIoii nom loot ol V Btreo Portland. iVcst Side Division, Between Portland and Corvallis : 1IAII.Y (KXCKIT StlNDAY). HXTiiTuu n7vTi ortliiiid ' VI:'S in. I Ar. CoA'ulllw ATT' l.v. "ffiMTiTiiT. h'lop. in. At Al Ininv nml L'orvull 1h connect wilt rulntioroii'Koii rncllli) ltittlroad. 'IhroilKh tlrkulHtuall hiIiiIh hontli and list via Citlironila K. t'lCKSHTIlXlW (IIAII.YKXCi:iTSUNl)AY.) iTr-oiirinTT Hvrn winriTirr7rcj(nirm'. H:W p. ill. I Ar..Mc.Mlillivlllol.v. I ftlSn. in. Through Tickets To all SOUTH nml HAST VIA California. lor lull iiiloriiiiit ion iccardini; nitcx, unii. 'lc.,iipily lo Hit! Coiiipiiny'H iifi'iit, Sali'in, Ori'Kon. K. 1'. HOCIKIIH. AhxI.CI. K.iilld l'aiiM.Ag't. it. KOi;il I.Kit. MnnuKur. Oregon Railway and Navigation COMPANY, "Columbia River Route.' I'niliiH for tho cuxt leuvo t'ortlund at 7;iS tin and IH'M pin dully. Tlu tin to and from principal iMiIats la tlu Untied Htalen.Oin tduiuid l.urow, ELEGANT TULMANN PALC CARS KmlKruiit Hleopini; Curs run throuy - on uxprt'KH tn Inn to OMAHA COUNCJU, 111,1 FK U 111 81. 1'AUI Free of Charge ami Wit ou Cliauge, Connection! ntl'nrtlaiidforHait 1'niii livcoaiid l'Ugtt Houiut Klu1. For further lutrtlvularM iiildris any UKi'iit of lliu compuny, or A. L. MAXWELL, 0. 1'. T A l,J,9MI'ril,ifci.,l Alanu6r,Vrlluua, r, jVrtWud,Ofon.