Evening capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1888-1893, June 01, 1889, Image 2

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the capital eye:ntntg- journal.
MR. IIOLDEN'S XA KKATIVE. ' l(- ny lho tlmo we l,I1(1 succeeded ( was In light, we exerted our utmost
in getting Into deep water, the na- strength, and Boon liar the patisfac-
i fives hud been to the whip, and were tlon of leaving them at asafodis-
ri)iii.i8iii:iJiAii.y,KXCKiT8UNiAY, j JlomniilJcSio ryof'Slif mrrcrk. .returning with the live muskets tanoo from us. Thev seemed deter-
11V T1IK
. Capital Journal Publishing Company.
Knlercd lit the ixntofllcv nt Hiilcin,Or.,us
ncound-clnmi matter.
Hoc fourth iko for term of uImtIj
AiUcrtlnMiifntii to limire Insertion (for
tlio mime any) hIioiiiii lie minimi in ny i
o'clock. , , , ,
CorrcxiKinili-ncc cuiitnlnliiK '"' '' ;
li-rcl -.nil liniHirtntiru Ik ili-xlrcil from nil
parlH of tlio nlntc.
No iitli'iitloiiwlll ln ild loiiiioiiyinmiii
I'lTKniimKiilrliii; tho I'ai'itai. .Ioi'iijjai,
cprii-ii lit nii'ir noiiM-H cjiii Miuni u uv ii
(jiplivily mid giiffcrini,'.
I'll rainl riiini-Nt. or by word Ii'ft lit thin
HtH-cliiii'ii number M-nt fni'oiiiiiillni-
Olilco, rorwr Court mill Mln-rty Htroi'tH.
.It 'NIC 1, m
Honicc IIoIiIpii Siiliji'dril to I'nlifanl of
.Sufferings Among (lie Kniliiirom
1'elew bdnnuVrs.
wliieh we liad left on board. They i mined not to irart with us, and con
soon passed us with great rapidity, tinned to pursue us. It was with
and evidently with the intention of i the greatest difficulty that we kept
escaping with their booty unharm-j clear of them; nt times it seemed
ed. The enuf-c of their precipitancy Impossible; and In this situation we
will soon be explained. Just at this could fully realize the force of the
time there came In sight a number I scriptural sentiment, "allthataman
of canoes, iierhaps thirty, filled witii ) hath he will give for his life." Find
natives, who seemed no less intent j lug them too near us, and evidently
upon plunder than those with whom intent upon taking vengeance for
It is alleged, and unfortunately
the evidence adduced Is somewhul
conclusive, that Springfield. III.,
contains! gieatcr uiimberof Idiots,
oulslileofan nsyliini, than any olh
ereltv known. The Icsllinony In
HimiMirL of I lie statement Isthat .Mm
I'aullni' King, a colored Winning of
tho "faith cure" species, recently
gathered oiMMollnwi'ix ahoiit her In
lhatcltv and engaged in the experl
mentor turning water Into wine m
(lie proclaimed Instance ofthi' Loid
The company piav'cdaudsiingbcsldi
an eight gallon Jar of w atcr, passed
round its contents at intervals in a
dipiKT in older to discover by "lost
lug" whether the miracle had 'alien
place. TliefoolUlllcrisilue at that
cltv and It I trusted he will not be
far U'hlnd time. -Capital Journal.
witii "nun
What's the matter
cure," J!ro..lotmNAl,Y Have ye mil
read what Jesus said iiulo his dlxci
pies when I hey asked why they could
not euro a certain Individual.' "lie
cuime of your unbelief: for verily I
say unto you, Ifyn have faith as a
grain of mustard seed, ye shall hiij
unto this mountain, Itcn.ovo hence
to yonder place, and It shall icmeve:
and nothing shall be Impos-I hie unto
you." On another occasion Unsaid:
"All things, whatsoever ye shall ask
In prayor,bolloiiig,yu shall icooivo.1
Now If Jesus when at the marriage
feast actually turned into wine the
water contained in "six water
pots of stone, containing two or
three llrklns apiece," should it be
considered strange that believers In
Him should have faith that by
prayer they could also turn into
wine a little measly "clglit-giillou
Jar or water?" What right has tho
JotlHNAi. to call thesu people idiots
orriMils? Fordid iiotCluist tell his
followeiH that "He that believcth
on me, the works that 1 do shall he
do also; and gieater wotks than
these shall hn do; and whatsoever
ye ask in my name, that will I do."
Again when l'eter marveled at the
withering of the llg tree which
Juhiih had cursed because It had no
fruit upon it when lie was hungry,
the Saviour said unto him: "Willy,
I say unto you that whosoever shall
not doubt III his heart, nut shall be
lieve that those things which he
salth hIiiiM come to pass, ha shall
have whatsoever he saith. There
fore, I say unto you, What
things soever you desire, when ye
piay, believe that ye iccelve them,
and yu shall have them." 1 1 Is pain
ful to wilues so sad a ease of unbe
lief as that exhibited by the bright
niidcuterptlnlng, but woefully skep
tical Jouiinai.. It has evidently
fallen from grace or has not yet been
Chrlstlanled. It plainly does not
believe that Christ ever spoke the
winks attilbuted to him, or, which
Is much worse, does not bellow that
the Savior spoke the truth. Salem
Is sadly in need of a missionary. -Hosobtirg
Tho brother to the nutli argues
well, lie is willing to accept tho
faith and lnmnlm the cure. If he
should break his arm he would have
tlio fmetuied niemlicr "set by faith."
llewofdd argue with himself thut
hU arm was all right when, lo and
behold tho biokeu Utiles would be
knit, As to tho colored lady's at
tempt tom.iUo wine out of water the
JoriiNAi. Is mute. Thowalerlsstlll
water, despite the earnest prayers
and supplications, lint It Is ierhaps
well that all nowspajHrs are not so
civdulouai. tho I'luliidealer.clso tin
itlltorlal profession nilclit Hnuft the
tasto of water.
JIapiilly, the unfortunate cm
avail themselves of a thousand sour
ces of comfort, which, by thoe in
prosperous circumstances, are either
overlooked or neglected. We were
upon a barren rock, in the midst of
a waste of waters, far from kindred
and friends, and the abodes of civil
ized man. The ship which ban been
our home, and on board of which
we had embarked with high hopes,
lay within sight, a useless wreck.
We succeeded in taking an eel, a
few crabs and a small quantity of
snails. Having our lire-works with
us, we collected a siilllclent number
of sticks, with a few pieces of drift
wood which had indued upon the
rock, to make a fire. Willi this we
cooked our fish and snails, and with
a small allowance ofbiead, we made
what we then thought a sumptuous
repast. After we had finished our
meal, we began to prepare for the
night. We erected a tent of some
of ourelothes and pieces of canvas
at a little distance from tho boat,
and when night came on, a part of
our number kept watch, and tlio
rot soon lost all consciousness of
their misfortunes in sleep. About
midnight those who had watched
took their turn at restlnir. and in
the morning we found ourselves con
sldeiably refreshed, though an in
creased activity of our minds served
only to bring homo a more vivid
picture of the horrors of tho previous
night, and of our present condition,
llefoio sunrise wo discovered a
canoe within a short distance of us,
containing twenty-two of the Inhab
itants of (ho iicighboiing island.
They approached to within pistol
shot of where wo stood, and lay on
their oars for some time looking at
us, and manifesting no small degree
oflear. Thinking It best to bo on
friendly terms with them, we at
tached a shirt toouoofour oar's, and
hoisted It as a token of a wish, on
our part, to regard and treat them as
friends. This had tho deshed elllct,
aud they Immediately rowed up to
tho rofik. Mniiifestlni: treat ideas-
lire, they left their eauoo ami rushed
towards tho place where tho princi
pal part of our boat's crew were
standing, hilnglng with them eoco.i
nulsand a small quantity ofbiead
inado of tho eocoanut boiled in a
liquor 0.t. acted from the trunk of
tho tree. At that tlmo I was stand
ing near the lent, at a llttlo distance
from my companions and was an
anxious spectator of tho scene.
Their appeaiauco excited my aston
ishment, and I was filled with hor
ror by tho sight of beings appaiently
human, and et almost destitute of
tho ordinary maiks of humanity.
ihey weie entirely naked. Kacli
one was armed with a spear aud tom
ahawk; some had battloaxes. They
were fantastically tattooed on dl'f
feiviit parts of their hod led. Their
hair, naturally ooarso aud black, hko
that of tho Indians of America, was
very long and hung loosely over
their shoulders, giving them a sin
gular and filghtfUl appearance.
Their tooth weie entirely black;
rendered so, as we afterwards
found, by chewing what they call
"alsHik." Tho reader can Judge
of our reeling!, on finding our
selves in tho hands of beings of tills
du-eilptlon. Our confidence in tlioi
honesty of our visitors did not im
prove on Author acquaintance. Xo
sooner had they laudld, than thoj I
commenced their depredations upon I
tho lew m tieles which at (hat tlino
constituted all our eaithly riches.
Tho nautical Instruments, tho I
musket, and a part of our cloth-'
wo had alrariv formed a disagree
able acquaintance. Their language
was to us entirely unlntelllglblc,but
wo could gather. from their some
what significant gestures, thntithey
most of all desired lo possess them
selves of fire-arms. They beckoned
to us to go with them, and seemed
quite atixlotiM to avail themselves
of our assistance; but we were not
less so to escape; and with the hope
of being able to do so, we continued
to row towards the island. Some of
them remained near us, while the
rest made for the ship. At length,
all except those In one canpo, lelt us,
and joined their companions. These
seemed particularly fond of our
eonipaiiv, partly on account, as we
afterwards learned, of their sustiect
lug that we had something of value
concealed about us, and partly
for the purpose of making
us their prisoners, aud in that
way gaining some advantage over
the others. After a while they of
fered, with an apnearance of friend
ship, to render us son.? assistance by
towing our boat; and after some de
liberation we concluded to tlirow
them a line. This greatly facilitated
our progiess, as their canoe, being
made very light, skimmed over the
water with incredible swiftness.
No sooner was tills arrangement
completed than a chief, and one
other of tho natives, left their canoe
and took their station with us; the
the chid with a somewhat offensive
familiarity seating himself in the
stern ol tho boat, near the captain.
We were not long in doubt concern
ing the motive which had led them
to this act of condescension. Our
bread was contained in a small
chest, which had been placed In tho
bottom of tho boat; this seemed to
have excited their curiosity to the
highest pitch, as they kept their
eyes almost constantly upon it, and
endeavored to pursuado lho captain
to give them a chance to examine its
contents. Ho declined gratifying
tliein. thinking it bettor to keep
their anxiety alive, rat her than to
expose to them lho com
parative worthlessness of the
little that reui'ilued with us, of
either tlio comforts or necessaries
of life. Probably owing to thlsshow
of resistance on our part, when wo
had approached to within live or six
miles of tho Islands, at a signal
given by the chief, the sail of their
canoe was suddenly dropped; and,
sollug our powder canister, lie
Jumped overboard and swain to tho
canoe. His compiulon, following
tho example of tho thievish chief,
sel.ed a bundle of clothing and was
making oil with It; whereupon Mr.
Nuto, who had not yet become en
tirely reconciled to tho fashion of
going without clothes, Hko our new
acquaintances, and conceiving that
It might bo well to insist upon hav
ing tlio rights of properly respected,
caught hold of tho bundle and re
tained It. Upon this they Imme
diately hauled us alongside, and
sel.ed upon our oars; hero again wo
had occasion to offer some resistance
to their supposed right to plunder us
and wo succeeded In keeping posses
sion of these; tho only remaining
means or saving ourselves from pre
mature death aud a watery grave.
They had by this time become so
exasiorated that we considered it
altogether desirable to get ourselves
out of tlio reach or their war clubs,
spears, and battlo-axcs, and we took
measures accordingly. We were
still held fast to their canoe, aud
so completely within their roash
tho crime we had committed in at
tempting toescape,thotigh our ward
robe had been reduced to a few nec
essary articles of clothing, we resort
ed to the expedient of parting even
with these, by casting one thing at
a time upon the water, rightly judg
ing that they might be detained In
picking them up, and hoping by this
management to Jteep our distance
from them. After they left us
we continued our course, which was
directly Into the open see, until
about suiifcet, when we discovered
land ahead, apparently at the dis
tance of forty miles. We continued
to row on till about three o'clock in
the morning, when we found that
wo were In shoal water, and near
breakers. Wo contrived to throw
the bight of a rope over a point of
rock which was about eight feet un
der water, and we there remained
until daylight. We then let go our
hold and pulled for land. At about
four o'clock In. the afternoon wc suc
ceeded in landing on a small island,
distant, from the main land about
hair a mile, and drew our boat upon
the beach. By this time our
strength had become much exhaust
ed, and we were suffering beyond
description from the want of -water.
Our first efforts were made to find
some mean for quenching our thirst;
and toour inexpressible joy, we soon
found a spring, which, in that ex
tremity of our suflerings, was of
more value than a mine of gold.
llucklcn's Arnica Salve.
The best salvo In tho world for
cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt
rheuin, fever soies, tetter chapped
hands, chilblains, corns aud all skin
eiuptions, and positively cures piles
or no pay requited. It is guaranteed
to give perfect satisfaction, or money
reluuded. Price Uu cents per box.
Foksu1o by Daniel J. Fry, drug
gist. Lemons were used by the Itomans
to keep moths from their garments,
and in tho tlmo of Pliny they were
considered an excellent poison.
They are natives of Asia.
KITM-hi. .
Tills remedy is becoming so well
known and so popular as to need no
special mention. All who have used
htcctnc Hitters shig tlio same song
of praise. A purer medicine does
not exist and it is guaranteed to do
all that is claimed. Klectric Hitteis
will cure all diseases of the liver and
kidneys, will remove pimples, boily,
salt rheum aud other aflectious
caused by impute blood. Will drive
malaria fioni tliesysteni and prevent
as well as cine all malarial fevers.
For cure of headache, constination
--.: . . -.
The Best Residence Localities
In (he cltv of Portland and oilier iiroiioroiis towns are those owned Jy men or corporations who
have tho disposition and ability to improve them.
And this Corporation is determined to
Attractive Altai
To the city of Salem. They have at this time fifteen teams employed and the contemplated improvements have
scarcely begun. It is intended to make the drive leading from Commercial street through Riverside aud High
land additions and around Highland Park
Of Oregon. The lino of the Salem Street Railway Company runs through the middle of this addition, and no
lots will be more than two blocks distant from the line. Highland Park will in the near tuture be
Lois in Highland Ailriiton are lligli and Dry and Well Located; Most Excellent Drainage.
The soil is black and rich. From all points a fine view is obtained of the public buildings aud our highest
mountain peaks. Arrangements are already being made for the location of two churches in this addition? and
a nuinberof residences are soon to bo built. Buildings only of the best class will bo permitted. Residence lots
within the limits of the city of Salem are worth on an average over $1000. We can sell you better lota In High
land addition for one-thud of tho money, and being directly on the line of the street railway they are practi
caliw! "Inside toli ? buildings and the business part of the town as the majority of fheso-
Buy a Lot in Highland Addition for Three Hundred Dollars,
Ami let some other fellow pay 61000 for an inferior lot not so well located. With the difference of $700 vou can
ilcketsverj year ttage' or JHlt out at a rate of interest that will buy you nearly two thouaud street
and indigestion try Electric Bitters
Entire Mitisiaction guaranteed, or
money reluuded. Price fillets, and
tfl.00 per bottle at J)an'l' J. Fry's
drug store.
One would think that spiritualistic
mediums would prefer Knook.svllle
as a nlaeo of residence.
-. - - .
Importers and Wholesale dealers In
ji nnd 45 Walker St John F. Stratum's
Celebrated Italian Gut Violin strings, the
llnpstin the World.
A good digestion watts on appe
tite aud a good annetito is ono ol the
surest signs of perfect health. If
vou aro low spirited, irritable, bil
lions, or liavo an irregular appetite,
then wo advise you by all means to
take J)r. Henley's Dandelion Tonic.
It will make a now man of vou.
Sold by I). W. Mathows.
Itlur 1 1 iti v Imittiulhtlttl v iiiYikftftiirt.ti.i.1
totholr'owu lieuolli. Knit.iiuiii.lv i ,KV" n,l,Kh l 'V io prevl
Gen. Rosccrans will get $4,125 a
year for tho remainder of his life.
"in intuit .or iu nt."
Millloquiml the melancholy J)ane.
A i-ea of troubles odimmoiI. h
shrank before them; ambition lav
dead. Life, as he viewed it, rested
under a yellow cloud, tlneed with
green. Hamlet, to niynilnd, was bll
Ioik Tho blood, diseased, carried
through the natural gate and allevs
oi uio laxly, made life a burden: and
I tllil 111. .if tli.. I....1 itl.. 1 I.
tl..,t i..i ....... it.. i ...iiiouiHiiMnm, iimxuilicii ill a
...... .i ...puiiAi inn ii iiiuu courage' umioui degree his other ills. Purify
to maki any attempt to leave them; " blood, give new life mid action
but Mr. Xule, who-e resolution had i )'.' .1W yj.um, take Dr. Pierce's
wiuucii .ucuicai uiscovery. am vour
This new plat ju-t put on the market Is the most desirable nowollercd I
In Salem for building lots. They have no equal. Tho whole plat is in a
lino state of cultivation, seeded In clover, with a good turf. No gi ubs, no
stumps, no rooks or gravel, soil good, olevatulaud level, has a fine view of I
tho city, surrounding country, the mountain rang.s and snow-capped!
peaks. Pure cold well water. Is twelve blocks souih of the rhomokete)
Itttitl unit n,wil..fl.. 1.1 .!. rni ..... 1
..w.. ...... F,.si,mj iiiouks. rnese lots aroo lored hv .l.im .t Wntc..., ,
apfunlK Wfirlli in inc..
un iiiuu mo prices name.l for them on long time without interest. Sev
eral lots have already been sold on which lino residences will be erected
and a number more have been optioned. If von -m,t , ,... , .. '
call on JONES & WATSON, win will show you tho plat and the lots.
"""""; .'i.-uftn. iiicsu mis areouorod ny Jones & Watsi
Installments one-tenth cash and one-tenth in quarter vearly pay
without interest until paid. These lots aro now actually wortli in
m Ten to Forty Acres,
Oite Mile from Aumsvillc and Ten Miles from Salem.
. . ... . - ""... .... .--i-i.u iuiii-i..
Our Guarantee If a dealer receives a
complaint, (which ho believes to be honest)
rrom any musician to whom ho has sold
any of theso strings, he Is authorized by
s to give him another string without
charge, and all such loss will be made good
uy us to our customers, without quibble or
.ln,t',on (Beware ol imitation.) Dealers
'rJiHPlcase ?.en.d lor descriptive catalogue,
i radj supplied at lowest price.
more or less, high land gentl
Minicieiii ience. 1
under .ilow. narilv
both red and black
Sample No. 1,20 acres
l.oMHix, with an a tea somewhat
Indefinite, is tho laige.t olt, hi the
world. Her o.tal dlsliiels oNloud
over a Msipo of U I sqtiaio miles; that
of tlio HIUv over liml miiiiuv ntlU.
Tho imputation In 1M wa Mime
thlng over I.UHMHki. It tnmU on
four comiUc, covering the hum uf
each, It hint l,,VM,tto foivlgucis
from every quarter of the glolv, and
U Ktld jo have more Catholic (linn
omo neiK'il ana more Jew than
nil Palestine. Within tho limits of
tlio city there U a birth every live
IIIIH I .1 h. .....!.. .. 1 . I-
i MMnipiiir. i:ii'K in mmnirt oiiiiii ine,ii..i ,..
.. .....i ..r.... ..i.-ii.i i i. contest, tool; a Knlfoauddi IborainK i Mniuiiimw ...n ,n.' i.'.i V: .7 :J i,....' .r.w'"vMI lMJ "percent. Interest mi lmir . n.. i
..,-........!.. ...M..uiS, ml, innwicr, , ., ,, , ;.;.. " siiii, mm iiiciiin, rrom ;a I'll take train in Tiii-kiii. .....i ii : . '"-i" euveu years.
and lho cutlass we had Mi.twh, '' ,l ,,U,",U'-I (,ur "-dou was to I n ,1 doiwrl, as the morning misU Urn,', hack line and 1 oi.tleow r M?"wm '""vnie on Tllomw
lu .MUra.lluK in a ervvlco of ,,o " ,T,,?.,T?WIVU,,,,',9l!&ofS; '" ,le,,,, r fr ft",,,or U$fohir' "U Wmw' ,,e '" north
r.H-k. Taking with then, ,helrb,K,v, ; "0;1" ttX , rlMBlof n! "a go's (ffil. &, ? 5 o I l nnriw rx
they pru.lpl,lcly go, into theh wV .' M """j'" ' 'l fro... cents. IC,,,,t"' -. J, J, HARDFN. Rtfltfin Hrnn-nn
" - " I t. .. V L l 1 I . M U 1. - I I I I
J w o1
iHKMind, Ui-koulng to us, evidently ' m "l. l "' lVv Uwm ,ur"
...I.I . .wit ... tlhU Ntllllil ItttHl iMMIllfkVMklitlir tl.,.,.
Willi ii vimi' nT itiitiiitiitii iu ,. r..ii .... ---i - " ini'n'i imv in iiiiiii . . ...
'"" ' ..."hs ui ium i ,...., ., . , , ,....... . . ile.u at Warn n H.i w,u jawi i,. .k.i
unit in niiuiiiii; iicir MHira uiihiiiiiir. ""v "" ""
In North Salem
House and lot corner Marion and
l.ith streets ; extra farm eight miles
from Salem; eighty acres .rloli-laad.
seyen miles from SaIom,?17:pei
acre ; four hundred acres eleven
miles east of Rniom u nf ty. Koit-
improved in the county. ,$30lper
acre. For sale by , vSf jT
07SntoSt., - - - Salem.
Ontho person of Sulllberger, found
them, thoy sUcrvd directly for Hie ,
wiKk. Their llrxt itpiHHiramv, and
tl.U ntrviug i..a..llvlatiii of their
thlovNh dii position, Mtiar fixxu In
clining u to cultivate their aiHimiu.
taiuv any flirtlier, had given us an
imNtll.lo Inclination to aold
them. Ourmiudft wore not louir In
iMi.ilug io the ootioluMoti (hat an
oiK'iiM-a, with Heaven to protect us,
would tv far pixfeniblo u ohmuv
kkilikkil.i uii.l .. .1 ...tl. ... . I t ...
......... ...... n iki,,i, vvery eigiiiamougiviugs hko the.,-. Atwrd-
inlnutw, day and night. Kaoh y,r, limly, with the Ica.t Hibl0 delav
adib,UiOtotliok)pulatloii. There latiuehrtl our Uwt, and putting
am 7,000 miles of tivU and l.AXl' lutolt biich thills of value a w
iulli of ntnvt railway within the had mivwl, uuii) umrr, uriouudiM
dty llmltN luieh ywr an average by new lllllcultlc and danger,
of 3d iuIIm of now lhvlarooK'tiwl. , committed ounnivi. to tho ntervy of
IngvlcthiK This we h,h " vyivor, and it Is Bald tho 11 AMTTTr
amunpllshlug; mi however with.' ;l'r" tuoeoroner'sjury was that, VVILLnlYlLI I L
out tho expotc-o ofiuueh toil, and , carrying eon-
sonic blows, wiiluh lluv dealt out at . W , ww,w,",, ",ul l wtu K.
lulling, with so mucliVeerlly, that "Xl,, U ,0 ,,u wy.-Mmtiili..
wo shall not siam lose the n-olK.rvr'
iionoi ineir iMiriianms etniduct to-1 thvgou Kidney Tea is put up in
wertH t
.ii.iii.... .i i .. ..
iiiiiiM'i iiii'v iH-ai nun uiimrivinniv
sr.Nu. Mr. Nute, by his Intro-'"flight tin Uisw which prvervo' . , , ,
dlty, mviiimI to have rendered i 'XV.m !l,,,,?r in?,,wU m,',Hr iftWil ilOMPV nimilifin
...self an object of their particular, !&ASSSr Sl.'KaS l,IUdl J M,C,
i.io; uioy wu iiimuniiH'remi v. i also put tin In llmii.I form
for his resolution in retaining tlio x,IU,n,rn,0l struct. Your drug
bundle of clothes, and sundering t ni!."""'?10 w3U0l, o
thconly .ml that .K.und ustoou" di'TelKi?; fc
lumifiitwiK by I). Mathews.
I rucks and Drays.
m!a ,llr?,'L.,'rov,ll,(H, w "ae new drays
all vrnrL-En?vUll'lr Fnal Uervlson to
?."w?.ri" Corner fetate nnd iLm.Mii
tint'is, ..v.
Noilhern Pacific Railpd
And aUpoinU East via
I i i t.r ,; ,i:,v""l
a inni iiiii iiii in iiniiiii i.trni n, n . ..
tyntratoil extract. Your ttrtig- Aorilllll, IltlSiueSS, LiUV
ltllVlllil.llllltM.v.v... ....
niii-u iwi, inir pnigrtj,
was by no means h nnl.i ,w ..
A woman In Southern
iittervvof . .r " " """" " "T"' . ;: .'w,""' "" ,"v..,"?.?",i'rni w.4 iut .
'thowttv.. Th.i U1h.,.i iw.r.i. .;...... wu' vo tlwiixHlj but ivrwlvlnif "0Uivlo the public that aa wVu,"u,,on w ,wrolu ' the Nort i.
xmuw iiiwuarvK wiu at wllego IIoiuhI Ulug now tlUtlticttv visibly "?, , "
(i riHiKW w vm.VHiKfii diirl. M e .t.vJ Into a dilution toward ami know
igolng ag.dusl tho wind wo herhiisbaudUa tlnikaftl,jiublerJJ;f?30P'ariMooity In SxPtemir
lwVr,nSr,0f,0Ur,;ursu,'' ?UJ no Bu,Kl family, l,o will noaA,rcU4,06UT,V vvvscJv
.owing that our only Kifcy lonr i W.,wbk.for .h debl, I l7l 3
Itl'Uheoldejt.Urv.'.t an.l i,. I IBtCITlUr For Lo.t .7t .m. -3 ??Lf-5
V , J. ' V c.Orm I MJ err D.hilitTi
OTnl Vukuuilui.iV.r.u,7l
iiL ,uer? Idnc raHroad U the onlyi
Il2?tS2n!?B denser trains, Second cla
Sf fJi? of cl'aree) Luxurlou Day
lSiSV..I.VUD??n 1"a&co Hlepinc Care..
laand?oVnel?.arS(me,a8 75c ro r-
See thittJflUr "P.kPt read via tho Northern
i"aclno railroad and avoid the
chance of can.
diii?r,iIvrU.a?.'Jat8a- nirind &) p. m.
Sffi. in. atMlnnPoll or St. Paul at
1'Aririo nrisin..i .. .
iVio,mrix..?.tTa90nant 7:10 h mu4
eSS. f& u,,man l"ace Weeping &n.
oShJiSy cIi,cft1e "Best pftliae (Ufila
d Ir2ii?VCn5 "TwaaBdBjaiae
Bltw, Orson,