y v JVJ: -tJTv. -4 a i i0-" SUBSCRIBE roK ADVlSUriSIJ IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. CAPITAL JOURNAL. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL THE BEST PAPER IX SALEM. IT Wlt.I. UK A GOOD INVESTMENT. 40-You will be well pleased with lt.-t 5-Tlic Terms nre Most Hcasonablettn! Si K TOL. 2. SAiLEtf, OTIEGCXST. SATURDAY, JUNE 1, 1SS9. NO. 79. 54" rtf? DIRECT fi From New York ami CHrago THE FINEST GOODS IN THE CITY. DRESS And triiiiminKS of all kinds mings, Fluid, Stripe and plain Surahs, Braids Plushes. etc., etc. RIBBONS, KID GLOVES AND GLOVES OF ALL KINDS SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS. Full and Complete linos of Embroideries and Laces in OQ Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel- HH ties in Scarfs, JJ FULL LINE OF DRY CARPET z Curtains, Poles,. Portiers. B-A full and complete Goods. Mn 93!) fnrnpr Sfafft hH LUNN & PIANOS!! THE ::- BEST" IN THE MARKET -::- For sale cheap for cash or upon the installment plan. Also a goad piano to rent. Call upon WM. S. ARNOLD, No. 367 Winter Street, Salem, Oregon. DAViDT.' WILLIAMS, Proprietor of Salem Steam Laundry. SALEM, OREGON. 3Orders lea at Stelner's grocery store will receive prompt attention George II. Hayes has been appointed special agent lor the above laundry and any washing left with him will be prompt, ly attended to. 9-l'rlces reasonable and work gttaran teed. 1. J. CULVER, County Surveyor. JAMES WALTON, Topographer, W. rUBYARS. Civil Engineer. Byars, Culver i Walton Surveyors fit Topographers, Rurvevs. drafts, plats mans and descriptions of lands, townlots, and roads, ditches, streets, sewers, alleys, etc. etc.f made and furnished at i-Anannnble nrlces. Old Light Sou Transit, corners and lines re-es-w. AULouRUT tnbllshed from original to,i.t. field notes. Grades for ditches, roads, strceU or sew ers, with estimates furnished on applica tion. Address County Surveyor's office. Selem, Oregon. ESTABLISHED BT KATIOKAI. AUTHORITY I 1 IT ! UK- SALEM - OREGON. al Paid op, . $75,000 io;ooo Surpli Ins, - R. S. WALLACK, President. W. W. MAKTIN, - Vice-President. J. H. ALBEHT. 'r Cashier. DIRECTORS! W.T.Gray, W.W.Martin, J. M. Martin, It. & Wallace. Dr. W. A.Cuslck, J. H. Albert. T. Mcr ratton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market- TlieCapital National Bank either In private graaarlesor ipublle warehouse. Stile u4 My W&rruLs MM at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER DltAnuRtnd at reasonable rates. Urafu && VSSSrtafirtff KraneUeo, PorttaBd. London, Paris, Herim, KOMKeSf nd Calcutta. .a Z 2 trim 4 GOODS to match In Persian $P All Widths. GOODS' AND NOTIONS. stock of Men's Furnishing anil f!nmmpivial Sfppprc BROWN. h K lui til JJCl SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. IjADUE, : President, DR. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President. JOHN MOIR, Cashier. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, Han Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit und transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonaoie rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the bank In most reliable companies. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Ferry and Liberty streets, N. K. cor from Chemekete hotel, Salem, Or. Good accommodations for commercial travelers. First-class rigs always on hand Charges reasonable. C M. L0CKW00D, SALGM, ... - OREGON. Headquarters for the Willamette Valley forth j celebrated Columbia bicycles and tricycles; The Colutnblas-are well known, are the beet made, and have valuable Im provements for the year. Those wanting machines will do well to call on or corres pond with me beforo purchasing. Ottlco atGUbeit Hros.' bank, 317 Commercial St., Salem. DO YOU BAT? If you do, call nt the W. C. T, U, RESTAURANT In the opera house block, whom you can get a good clean mealat any tlmeof day or evening. This restaurant Is under new manage- Mn nH cntlcf.ioHnn I. criiiirnntpwl. KT. erythlng is In first-class shape. Mr. and Mrs. 8. E. HOWARD, Tho New Mnnagers. THE HOME RESTAURANT, Having been furnished for the especial 11 accommodation of the public, we fill to the attention of the the HUNGHA and sleepy ones to "Our Home" beds, new and clean; good "Home" meals served reg ularly three times a d.ty. No Chinese In the kitchen. Give us a call and see for yours .If. E. M. LAW, Proprietor. Cor. Court and High St., Salem, Or. Dissolution or Partnership. VOTICE is hereby given that the partner A ship heretofore exlstl-ir between J. 1U Metxger, T. M. Holt and U. G. Holt, who have bcin operating a saw and planing mill at Jefferson, Oregon, under the firm name of ilelrger.Holt 4 Co., luw by mu tual consent been dlssnl ved. The bus hie will bo continued by T. M, and V. a. Holt, who will settle all claims ugaln.t and eel loct all accounts due to the old Ann of jUtxgcr, Holt & Co. J. OjjWB, IJ. u! Hoi-t! Jwfiuwui. Or- May 1. 10. S-HcUwtw ..i .. w.K Trisifti Ridll MiniM Oft TV J "IT J I n l MtMiiia can Always in Everybody knows that, without any exception, The Cap itol Adventure Company have the most complete general stock in Salem and we guarantee to undersell any of ur com petitors. We have the lirgest and bcxt assortment of Clothing, Hats' IJoots and Shoes for gentlemen, and can plcnseguiy one cither in quality or price. People who have to labor and want the most for their money will find it to their advantage to trade with u. Vc always give full weight and good measure We make a spe cialty of country trade, and farmers will find our prices (qual ity and weight being taken into consideration) lower than the lowest. AVe handle country produce and pay the highest CASH price for wool. We have plenty of room forall, and can make everybody feel at home in our store. We oiler you no baits, expecting to make it up on something else, lint mark our goods at a mliform low price. 3 These are facts in the case, anil by calling at tliOpera IIoii'.c (Jorner we will show you good for prices (lint will prove all we s.iv to be' true. 4 i Capital Adventure Company, Salem, Values Comin Immigrants are Arriving and mm NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST! $900. 2 sightly lots on proposed street railway line in North Salem. Very cheap and choice. $600. 75 feet fronton Front street ruhniug thrnuj;h 240 feet deep to the-river bank. For a week only. $2600. Elegant hard finished housej with 2 lots and a good barn on High street. Very sightly place, and in good neighborhood. Worth seeing. ACREAGE Twenty-eight acres very choice property, adjoining town.' Running spring. Elegant meadow on part of tract. $200 per acre. For a short time onlv. Lots in Capital Park addition, one block from State street, $000 for quarter blocks. $300 and $400 for single largo lots. Lots In Yew Park, Queen Anne, Mill addition and University addi tions. 7.rixl30 near Asylum avenue; $300. ISAAC A. Real Estate Broker, Bank: Block, Up-Stairs, Salem. Oregon. A. E. STRANG, No. VM Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON. -DKAI.XK IN- STOVESand RANGES PlaniliiuB, Gas and Steam Filling. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty. JW Agent for the IIICIIAKDSON 4 BOVNTON COMPANY'H Furnaces, hs tabllsbed In lSi New Butcher Shop AT No. 216 Commercial Street ANGEVINE & JIANS0ME. Have opened up s first-class butcher shop At tho above location, where they Hill lm pleased to cr e the people with the CHOICEST AND HIr MKATS of all kinds that the market affords. Ulve them a cull and be convinced of tho suierlorlty of their meats. 7-Uood dell ered free. SOCIKTY NOTIUIIS. f tiuvtUi. n ii. i JAK WAIJON, Secretary. 0l.IVKl.OnOK No. IK, I. O. O. P., meets In Odd Kt-llnwV Hull upstair. Cornet Commercial and Ferry trtU, every Mut urdayal7:.'X)p. in. . A. H.-edgwlck 1W. No. 10, Iepart U. meul of Oregon, meets every Monday eveulugattbe hull over the Oregon uund oomiwny's ortlce. VUltlng (mrude are cordially Invited to attend. Ar. W. Duavokh, l'tt Coinmndrr. Ii, F, SOUTHWICJf , AdjuUi'it, the Lead!! Or ego ii. H MANNING ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Boys and. Girls. The school will open on the IMth of Beptcmber. Thorough liiftnic- tlon In the primary '""' advanced English JBranches. LATIN' AND REMEXTS OF MUSIC In course. TKIIMH and further Information ma, be had on iippllcutlou to ItKV. K. II. I'OHT, Cor. Chemcketa and HtutcMlx. 8-aj.tf Wagon Making and Repairing P. J. LARSEN Is prepared to do nil work In the lino ot inuk I ui? or repairing wagons, buggies or carriages In tlrst-clas style and at reuMm able prices. Hliop 15 stute si., near Kront. 1'KOFKS.SIONAI. CAltOH. t J. H1IAW, attorney at law, Halem, Ore " gon, Olflce up-lalM In tho 1'atton block. r J."J KN'NiKdft t: h." H.-i.nN'TTmC t) Otlloe lii the New Hank lilock, Com iilPrclal street, Kilem. Hlgn of the big to.il h. dw i)HVHfcr.N-3lTW.Ult.K. )!. ItcoV 1 physltlun and surgeon, lins located and taken rooms oer HUlro Pamir's grocery store. Chroulo diseases u spea laity. Consultation free. 12-2ldw gllp m V " T7 Wll.l.lAMri, HTKNOUUAl'jTBn ' ) . and Typewriter Copyist. Wlllinako rciKirts of (rluls, etc; copying on tyrie- I writer accurately and neatly done. Office with I A. Manninr, Commercial HI., 1M dtnlrs, New Hank fllock, T&&; Ms The Chief Benson for MO great Stie cess ot Hood's Sarsnparllla Is found In tho article Itself. It is merit that wins, and tho fact that Hood's Sarsnparllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed tor It, Is what lias given to this medlclno a popularity and salo greater than that ot any other sarsapa- Ma r-it Wine rllla or Wood purI" 1 Vie III Vlllb fler beforo the public. Hood's Sarsaparllla cures Scrofula, Salt lihcum and all Humors, Dy.ipcpsla, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength" ens tho Nerves, builds up tho Wholo System. Hood's Hnrsnpnriiln Is sold by all drug gists. ?l;slxfor$5. rreparcdbyC. I. HooX tc Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. AANTK1. yANTKH A sltuatliui by n boy II years ' old, on faun or slock lanchc. A good worker, can plow or tend block. Call at tho olllcooftbo Oawtai. .iouiinai. for"l)." MtfWl WANTED-A'gcntleinnn of five years ox " perlcnco lu coniiuKstnn lmslne-. wiiiUh n position Indoors whero ho can put lu all his tltua. lias had Nome experience In real cstnto and Insurance; Hngood hand In n waielioiiKo; H a good luatlicmatlclan and can keep books and make himself general ly useful and Is not afraid of work, llo.-t of refeioncoH given. Address "It.," Jouii- NAI. OKFICK. 5-1 Itf rOK HUNT. IJOH HUNT.- In a tine locality, hovcml 1 nleels fuinlshcd rooms, cither with or without board. I-'or paitlculats call upon Win. S.Arnold, 307 Winter street. l'Oll SAI.K IO I WALK. A good, gentle number o riding pony. Inquire nt this olllce. L'OH SAliK. A half-blooded Jersey cow lit 1 iv reasonable prlro. liujiihe at it. Win ter street, or nttno lion-Ton restaurant on Commercial street. lOlt SAlii:. A new Iiouso on good lot, 1(H) 1 xl50 feet, on high giouuil In South Halem, house rents lor il per month only $050. ND.Joncs, Salem, (hegon. nOUMALK. A KAUM ()P :M AOniv! L' nil under fence and cultivation, in the best rango country of Knstcrn Oregon. Tho bcit chance over nll'eicd for a man to cngngo In stock raising. Kor p.utlculars call on or nildicss v . II. 11 YAHS, Siiliim, Oregon. Proposals Cor a Briilgo. )HOrOSAI.8 for building n lnldgo across 1 I'uddlng liver, on the (smut load lead ing from woodburn to Hhucks mill, will bo received by the honorablo county court at thoJttuc(18N9) term thereof. Tlielnldgo will bo about 118 feet lu length, not count ing tho approaches. I'liiiis and estimates to bo fjrnlshed by bldderH. Tho success fill bidder to lurulsh all matcrlalK mid construct the brldgo and approaches complete. Tho Court rescrvos tho right to reject any and nil bids, liy older of the Hon. County Court. GlBtf K. .1. IIAucock, Clerk. AND- LAND COMPANY, Have removed to bullilinghilJolniiiK 'I'lioninvrn'r Jewelry htore on Coiiunereial street. Titles Investigated. Money to Loan. Land for Sale, Houses for Rent. CALL AN13 SISIC US. II. L. RANKIN'S Paint Shop No. itt-U C'oiniiieifiiil SI. JlotPio mill (Jiuritigo I'alntin. Sign wilting, 1'hik.t iKingiiiK anil decorating, Wall tinting ami lal Hominlng executed in the latest stylo. Experienced Workmen Employed. Satisfaction Guaranteed. Call nml see us lielore you let your work. THE 0LI) REWABIjE; lllacksmlth and Wiil-oii maker, John ' Knight Is now fully culithlMud at his new The Salem Abstract ilUHriers on i.mcriy ninti lie um-s uii thu new methodi. In Ills art and mukisa' i siclully of dUt-uscH of horse's feet, ) frank Lynch has churg of the wagon department and does a general repairing I bukliiess. TIk gtntluiiieu Mo too well i , known for us to try and reoiuimend them I Mr. Knight has been here forlS years. I LATEST BY TELEGRAPH SWEPT 11Y A FLOOD. .lolmdowii, I'ii., Destroyed- ami Hun tireils of Lives Lost. DlUiKY, Pa., May 31. A Hood of death swept down the Allegheny inotintdini tills afternoon. To-day and to-night almost the entire city of Johnstown is swimming about In a rushing, angry tide, dead bodies are Moating about lu every direction, and alniiM every piece of movable timber is carrying from the doomed city helpless humanity, drifting with tho raging waters, God know.! where. The disaster overtook Johnstown about six o'clock this evening. Pittshuho, May 31. The Hood nt Johnstown has resulted In an aw ful catastrophe. It Is said that the reservoir above the town broke. about t o'clock this evening, and an Immense volume of water rushed down to the city, car rying with it death and destruction. Houses and their occupants were swept aw.iy and many people drowned. There is no communication with Johnstown, but tho telegraph opera tors in the Pennsylvania railroad tower, twelve miles this side of Job nstown, say that at least seventy five bodies have lloated past. The wires arc all down, and no trains are running east of JJlalrsvllie, which is about twenty-live miles west of Johnstown. There Is no way to go to the scene of tho disaster, and full par.lculars can hardly be obtained to-night, although every oli'ort is be ing made to do so. Ni:v FiiOmixci:, June 1. After a long, weary ride of eight or nine miles over tho woist of country roads, tho associated press cor respondent arrived in New Florence, six miles nearer Johnstown, and along the scene of the awful dis aster. Tho details at tills hour are rather limited. Everybody seems to be dazed, ihocalamity seeming to over whelm tho natives. Tho roailbcd between tills placo, and JJolivar is washed out In many places. Track men and wrecking crows are work ing with all their might on tho most dangerous portions of the road. The reports at tills point substan tiate wilder teporls than have yet gone out. The last man from Johns town brings Information that scarce ly a house remains In the city. Tho upper portion above th" railroad brldgo has been completely sub merged, tho water dammed up against tho viaduct by tho wreckage and debris finishing tho work that the torrent had failed to accomplish. After night settled down upon tho mountains the lionow of tho scene was enhanced. Above tho roar of tho water could bo heard piteous ap peals from the unfortunates tus they were carried by. To add also to tho terror, a brilliant illumination lit up the sky. The location can bo plain ly seen from this place A message received from Sang Hollow, a few moments ago, states that tho light comes from a hundred burning houses that are piled up on Johnstown brldgo. A supervisor from up tho load brings the information that the wreckage at Johnstown Is piled up forly feet above tho bridge. The startling news ulso conies in that nioie than 1000 lives have been lost. This cannot hosuhstantlaU'd. It Is known by aottial count that HI) people weio seen flouting past Sang J follow beforo dark. Forty seven weie counted parsing New Florence, and tho number had diminished to eight at Hollvar. This will give an idea of the terrible fatality. Darkness coining on stop ped further count, and it was only by the agonizing cries that rang out above the roar of the waters that It was known that human beings were being carried to death. Tho M'cncs along tho river are wild In tho extreme. Although at this hour the water Is gradually subsid ing, still as it dashes against tho wieckagu that tills the narrow chan nel of tho Coucmaugh its spray is carried high up on tho shore. As pieces of houses and wrecks strike the locks, it carries with it vividly tho Idea that another tuufnrtunato has met his fate. Hern's u iltale of Tiling. London, May 31. A cable tils patch has Im'Cii received from Gen eral Hypollte, tho Insurgent leader In Hayti, saying that ho has defeat ed President Legitime, captured Port Au Prince and proclaimed himself An Atlantic. Tornatlo. " Maktinsiiuho, Va., May 31. A tornado struck a section of this coun try about ten miles cast of here this afternoon, and after demolishing n vast amount of property passed down tho Potomac river, uprooting trees, oucrturning stalls and playing havoc generally with small buildings near the banks of the stream. The storm traveled over an area ot ten miles and. then passed out to sea. Very few trees were left standing on ihe banks. Thugo that were left were twisted out of shape. Albany Points. Ai.hany, Juno 1. The contract for the construction of two cars for tho Albany street railway lino has been let to A. J. Anslyu & Co., of tills city . 'i he ears will bo 18 feet long outside and 12 feet in the clear, being large enough to be propelled by motor power If desired. Tho con tract price for tho cars is $9.j0 for each. The first 7U feet of the street rail way has been aceeptedbyihee.ini pa ny and that portion of (lie road paid for. Dead ami Drunk. Ni:w VoitK May 31. One or the most revolting case that ever eaiuo to the notice of the police is that of Urldget Ilnnromnn, who was found dead in her bed lu a tenement house at.'lll) East Sixtieth street tills after noon. She had apparently been dead a week or ten days, while iter son John, a young ninn eighteen years old, had occupied the same mom with tho corpse in a drunken condition ever since his mother's death. Hits the Nail Squarely. Tills "don't publish It" business Is getting to be something of u chest nut. A man will give you an item of considerable Import pcrhnps, with request that you don't publish It, another wants you not to publish the real estate transfers, because someone might get onto his scheme. Dixit publish tills, and don't publsh that, Ih dliig-doiii.'oil in our ears twenty times a day. News belongs to tho public, and It Is entitled to have It and shall have what the editors deem proper to publish, re gardless of tho "don't publish" ciowd. Astoria Transcript. Tho brother is striking a popular chord and the next fellow whoso team runs away while he Is out riding with ids girl must take the Consequences or show reason why tho court house should not fall upon him. Speaking ol'lliiNtles. Not long since tho friends of a popular matron decided to give her a surprise party. Her husband was lot into tho secret in order that mad am might bo gotten out of tho way whllo her friends took possession of the homo. "My dear,'sald hubby on tho overling lu question after stipiier, "lot's take a llttlo walk." "No, I can't," said madam, think ing at onco or her personal ap pear anco. "I haven't my bustle on. Never mind," she added, on sec ond thought, "I'll Just put It on over my dress and under my cloak, ond no one will know the dlflei ence." So they started on their walk. When tho proper tlmo had elapsed Mr. Husband led the way home. Oh arriving Mrs. Wife was becom ingly stipprised, ami her thoughts immediately Hew to tho enjoyment of her guests. Apologizing for her absence, she threw oil" her cloak, and there was hcrhiiMtlo. Of course everybody saw It and laughed, and tho mean things never told her what they laughed atl When all had gone, and tho wife and other half of the firm had gone to their room, slio congratulated herself on tho merry tlmo everyone had had. "Wasn't It nlcol" sho exclaimed. "Tliey all enjoyed themselves so much!" And then sho saw the bustle! I'uriii fur Sale, Wy acres, 7 miles southwest of Halem, near rMieci Hill, nil fenced and eiopn feiued. 111 In cultivation, 111 seeded to gras, balance, timber, plenty good spring wutor, go il o-room Iiouso all finished near a seven hundred dollar school-house, fair barn ami other out buildings. Good grulu, gnissuud fruit lands. Sightly anil healthy location, good neighborhood uud good ro.ul to Halem, Can bo divided Into smaller fruit farms with pure spring wutet on inch, Don't monkey with the real esf Lite agent's buzz-su w.but coins right to tho lurni (It will tout you nothing to stay all nlglitj.soe my neighbors, get the unlntlated facts and save fee. I'rlco $10 er acre. Terms reasonable, i''or isirllculurs seo Cburlle Robertson, fJrungn store, Halem, i!.. m f ! n ' JR. to i M I j 'i m v. w; jt SI ' , ) l M ; i. eooquiror ev&y time you have a brush wliti ItTTrj-it. Hold by all awW president, John I', iMiKUTWi Wuim. i . 4b(2i-