"HVZ&vrrWirl 47 ? SUBSCRIBE Fon ( ADVERTISE IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL IT WIM. UK A GOOD INVESTMENT. 9-Tho Terms nro .Most IteasonnbleTt (THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, CAPITAL JOURNAL THE REST TAPER IN SALEM. ej-Yoti will be well pleased with lt.-s i U yoii. 2. SALEM, OTiEGOX. FRIDAY, MAX 31, 1889. NO. 78. 9HHK D REC From New York and THE FINEST GOODS IN THE CITY.' DRESS And trimmings of all kinds mings.Plald, Stripe and eic.,,eiu. pr RIBBONS, KID GLOVES AND GLOVES OF ALL KINDS "4 SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS. -f Full and "Complete lines of Embroideries and Laces in All Widths. OQ Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel ties in Scarfs, FULL LINE OF DRY Cu.rta.ins, Poles, PorLiers. jggyA full and complete stock of Men's Furnishing Goods.- ID f Wn 9Q0 fnnnnn Qfofn M LUNN & PIANOS!! THE ::- BEST IN THE MARKET -::- For sale cheap for cash or upon the installment plan. Also a goad piano to rent. Call upon WM. S. ARNOLD, No. 367 Winter Street, Salem, Oregon. DAVID T. WILLIAMS, Proprietor of Salem Steam Laundry. SALEM, OREGON. O-Ordcrs left at Stelner'a grocery store will receive prompt attention George II. Uayes has been appointed special agent tor the above laundry and any washing left with him will be prompt ly attended to. 3-Prlces reasonable and work guaran wca. J. J.- CULVER, County Surveyor. JAMES WALTON, Topographer. W. rUBYARS. Civil Engineer. Bvars, Culver & Walton Surveyors & Topographers, Surveys, drafts, plats mans und descriptions of lands, townlots, and roads, ditches, btreets, sewers, alleys, etc. et.!., made and furnished at MnannfililA nrtpfMl. Old Light Sou TMNtrf. corners and lines re-es- w. a u t ounuv tabllshcd from original Tor, my, neld notes. Grades for ditches, roads, streets or sew. era, with estimates furnished on appllon- tlon. Address County Surveyor's office. Selem, Oregon. ESTABLISHED BV NATIONAL ADTIIOBITY r - . i L SALW -'-'-OREGON. Capital Paid ofy:, $75,000 - 10,000 Surplus, r V R. p. .WALLACE, - President. ? W.AV. MARTIN, Vice-President. J. II. ALBERT, -" Cashier. W.T.Gray, ' WJ 5 Martin, J. M. Martin, R. 8, Wallace. Or. W. A.Cuslclc. J. IL Albert, T. McP. Patton. LOANS MADE To farmers on wheat and other market able produce, consigned or in store, either In private eraiiarleuor public warehouses. SUte aid CotiQtr Warrant Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable ratei lraft drawn direct on' Nevr Vork, Chleao, Wan Pranelieo, Portland, London, Parts, llerlln, U"ag Koag and Gileutt. tjmr -riicCapital National Bank (jJiicaffo rl 0 r-3F 2 n trim GOODS to match in Persia plain Surahs, Braids, Plushes, GOODS AND MOTIONS. onrl fmnmnniiil Qhmnfn BROWN. ZJ ti SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADUE, : President, Dll. J. REYNOLDS, - Vice President. JOHN MOIit, CasUler. GENERAL BANKING. Exchange on Portland, Han Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit rind transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and 'other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the bank In most reliable companies. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Corner Ferry and Liberty streets, N. E. cor frorfChemekete hotel, Salem, Or. Good accommodations for commercial travelers. First-class rigs always on hand Charges reasonable. C M. L0CKW00D, SALEM, OREGON. Headquarters for the Willamette Valley forthi celebrated Columbia bicycles and , rfi ini..n.kln.iiMiiit.ll Irnnn'M are the best made, and have valuablo Im provements ioruiuyuar. xuu-mj """ machines will do well to call on or corrcs. j .. 1. ... n l.nf,M mii-nhiialnrr ll(illn 1HJUU Willi JJ1U uciuiu i.iuv.iH.n...b, v...v.w ntGIlbeit Jlros. bank, 1X17 Commercial t., baieni. DO YOU EAT? If you do, call at the W. C. T. U. RESTAURANT In tho opera house block, where you can get a good clean meal at any time of day or evening. This restaurant is under new manage ment and satisfaction Is guaranteed. Ev erything Is In first-class shape. Mr.andMrs.8.E HOWARD, The New Managers. nun H living been furnished for the especial .- . -. .. a.. re ,i.a ,tia IIITnif nnd sleepy ones to "Our Home" beds, new and clean; good "Home" meals served reg ularly three time a day. No Chinese In the kllchen. Give us a call and see for yours If. K. M. I.A.W. Proprietor. tor. Court aud High SL, Salem, Or. Dissolution or Partnership. VOTICE is hereby given that tho partner. A ship heretofore existing between J. It. Metxger.T. l. Holt and IT. O. Holt, who have been operating a saw and planing mill at Jefferson. Oregon, under the tlrm name of Mettger. Holt A Co., has by mu tual cXent bSen dissolved. The bus hie. wMI be continued by T. M.and U. O. Holt, wo will settleall claims against and ! ect all accounu.due to the olJtauof atetxger, Holt A Co. J. IL Mctwm. U.O. Hoi.t. Jfferon, OrKy W, UM- J-? Wrlzbvi Myrrh Tooth Soap comes oH eonqulror eveVy time you have a brush wlt2 it. Try". brM druwlsla First National Bank Always in Everybody knows thnt, without any exception, The Cap ital Adventure Company have the most complete general stock In Salem and wo guarantee to undersell any ot our com petitoK. We have the ltrgest and best assortment of Clothing, Hats' lloots and Shoes for gentlemen, and can please any one either in quality or price. People who have to labor and want the most for their money will find it to their advantage to trade with us. We always give full weight and good measure We make a spe cially of country trade, and fanners will find our prices (qual ity and weight being taken into consideration) lower than the lowest. We handle country produce and pay tho highest CASH price for wool. We have plenty of room for all, and can make everybody feel at home in our store. We offer you no baits, expecting to make it up on something else, but mark our goods at a uniform low price. These are facts in the case, and by calling at the Opera House Corner wo will show you goods for prices that will prove all we say to bo) true. Capital Adventure Company, Salem, ----- Oregon. Values Coming Up Immigrants are Arriving and urK NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST! $900. 2 sightly lota ou proposed street railway line in Nortli Salem. Very cheap and .choice. $600.' 76 feet front ou Front street running through 240 feet deep to the river bank. For a week only. $2600- Elegant hard finished house, with 2 lots aud a good bam on High street. Very sightly place, and in good neighborhood Worth seeing. ACREAGE Twenty-eight acres very choice property, adjoinlug town. Running spring. Elegant meadow on part of tract. $200 per acre. For a short time onlv. Lots In Capital Park addition, one block from Stato street, $000 for quarter blocks. 300 aud $400 for single largo lots. Lots in Yew Park, Queen Anne, Mill addition and University addi tions. 75x130 near Asylum avenue; $300. ISAAC A. MANNING, Piea.1 Bstate Broker, Bank: Block. Up-Stairs, Salem, Oregon. A. B. STRANG, No. 'Ml Commercial Street, SALEM, OREGON, -DEALER IN- STOVESand RANGES Pliiniliiug, Gas and Steam Fillin, "B nir Tinware and Artistic MetaT Work a Specialty. 09- Agent for the KICIIARDSON & 1JOVNTON COMPANY'S Furnaces. Es tablished In mi New Butcher Shop AT No, 216 Commercial Street AXGEVINB & IIANSOME. Have ocned up u. flret-clanii butcher shop at the above location, where they will be plcuxed tonerse the people with the CHOICKftT AND UK-ST MEATH of all kind that the market aiurd. Utvethein u cull am! bo convlnml nf tho tilMrlnrlty or l heir menu. Kfliona dell eral free. SOOII.TV NOTICES. OLIVEllKOBNo. 18, I. O. O. P., mecla In Odd r'elliiw' Hall upstair. Cornet Commercial and Verry MreeU, every Hut urlayat7i'Op. in. J.T.ORKUd, JAM. WALTON, Xecretury, N. GA. H. Kedewlck Pent. No. 10, Dtiwrt- meat of Uiwu, meeu awry Monday i eenlu2Uttho hall over ilio Oregon jnd company's ortlce. VtItlntf oomiudeii ate cordially Invlu-U tcuuteniU A. W. Dkavmkii, I'iB-t (.Viiiuimilcr. II. !f. KOUTIIWICK, Axilla . the Lead!! lines Daily ! ST. PAUL'S SCHOOL Boys and. Girls. The school will open on tho 21th of Heptember. Thorough Instruc tion In tho primary aud advanced English Branches. LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -In coiu-be.- TEHMH and further Information ma, be 1'urt on application to . HKV. V. If. POUT, Cor. Chemekeui and HtnteMts. iMO-tf Wagon Making and Repairing P. J. LARSEN In prepared to do'all work In the lino ot making or repairing wukouh, IhikkIi-h or can-laice in iln.t-cluiui Mylo and ut raion ablo prices, Hhop IS State t., near Knint. I'ltOI'lCSmONAI. CAItDS. I J. KII AW, attorney at law, Haleru, Ore ' eon, Olllco uiKilulrii In the Pattou block. "prJilNKjNdW'liriK'HlTKJffifii t) Ollke In the New Hank lllock, Oini mercial trcet, Halem. Hlgn o( the blf tooth. dw )Iiyrilcf.N.-MTlH.Tlt. M. K. McCUY 1 phyklclan and nureeou, ha located und taken rormM over ttjulre Purrar!! L-rix-cry more. Chronic dUoait-M a it-c mHy. Coiuullutlon free. la-'JIilw 1U 1: WII.l,IAMMrhfJ?N0OltAPIlKTt M. and Tyiwwrller Crpyit. Will make report of trial, eta; tupyinir on tyie wrl ter accurately nnd neatly dune. Oalce With I A JIaunliiif, Coiiimerrlal HI., i;, mir, New liank film-k. Ts Us; Ss The Chief Rrnaon for tno great sue cess of Hood's Sarsaparllla Is found In tha article Itself. It Is merit that wins, and tho fact that Hood's Sarsaparllla actually ac complishes what Is claimed for It, Is what has given to this medlclno a popularity and s.ilo creator than that of any other sarsap.v Mprit Wins rllIa or blooa DUrN IVICIIL VVIIIO tier beforo tho public. Hood's Sarsaparllla cutcs Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired Feeling, creates an Appetite, strength, ens tho Nerves, builds up tho Whole System. Hood's Sarnpnrilla Is Bold by all drug gists. SI; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. Hood C Co., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. WANTED. WANTED A situation by u boy II yearn ' old, on farm or stock raiicho. A good worker, can plow or tend Htock. Knll ut tho oilico of tho Catitai. .louitNAl. for"U." Mtf Wl WANTED A gentleman of flvo yeais ox " perlouco In commission business wnntH a position indoors where ho can put In all his time. Has hnd soinooxpcrlcnco In ronl estato and Insurance; Is n good hand In n warehouse; Is ngood niathcmiillciiin and can keep books and mako himself Kcnernl ly useful and Is not afraid of work. Host of references given. Address "It.," Joint NAI. Ofpick. 5-Htf POIt 11ENT. FOIt KENT.- In n lino locality, sovernl nicely furnished rooms, either wllhor without board. For particulars call upon Win. S.Arnold, 307 Wiutci street. l'OIl SAr.K L'OK SALE. A half-blooded Jersey cownt 1 a reasonable nrlco Inqulront ;l Win ter street, or nt tho Don-Tim restaurant on Commercial street. iJOR 8aLE. A now houso on good lot, 100 xlSO feet, ou high ground In .South ctalem,honsorcntHforS7 per month only JdJO. N. D.Jones, Hnlom, Orogon. nOH HALE. A FARM OP IliO AOltlis I' nil under fenco und cultivation. In the best rnnge country of Eastern Oicgon. Tho best chance over oll'eied lor a mini to engage In stock raising. For particulars call on or address W.II. I1Y i US, Salem, Oregon. A Tho ChlcngolMnnufnitlurlng Jeweler's' Association nJist respwlfully call your aucnuon w u GRAND OPENING JEWELRY SALE Oh cxhliiltloh at Win. M. Siu'gent's Notion Store, 270 Commercial Htrect. Oticn from K a. m 1 to 10 p. m. I Till" oxhlbltlon conslstslof Koll Oold, Oroide Gold null llomiin OolU fl(Mds, of our own make.suoli as Itlilne-HtQno IJir Drops, Uico Pins, Opara CIiiiIiih, lirVcelcts, lxcli. els, Initial Plijk Plain IIiiikI and llunglu Itlngs.KolId (Fld llaby ltliigs. Coin Kllver IhlmblOK. Murium Oxldl'd White Metal and Amber Hair llrcastplns.Qiud a thou. sand other usrfnl and ornamental articles of Jewelry, imi iiiiincrous U mention. Thesti goods Jwlll bo sold at Hio uniform price of J 25 (Yls for Eiicli AHIclc. Hcinciiiljir uo nro iiilvcrtlKlnj our goods, and th'V'lpre, sell you SI and ttlM) goods for iJiorit In order to lnlroildui tlicm In this vicinity, Threo thousand articles In the llinltd amount J soi.dat an cisn'ps isacm. Call, therefore, early and socilht good bar gains, rireiic limlfiiliw nll'priil In dllr.Vl.. 6i iiml ?2clf.uVtlllOIltS. N. Ill O nut biirgnliis ollfred In Hollil Oold alii Hilver Watches, pliiiiioiids, all kinds of Mexican Mooiihtopcs, ami Flla gree JiAvelry of every iltfTlJtlon. lllg burgalui ollertd In heavy plated sllwr ware. ii(ViuH kiiivi's, forkhf tiililoiind Ica- MMinw. Visclal li.irualnollcrcd In the ceuiy inficrci jiunou uuarir. inn inoniu, New Ooouf-Keteivcd Daily. Proposals for a Hriilge. nltOPOBALH for building a bridge across I Pudding rher, on the county road lead ing from VK)(llmrii Ui Hlmck's mill, will be received by the honorable coiiuly court at theJune(l8X term thereof. Thebrldgo will bo about 1M fxet In length, not count ing the approaches. Plans ami call mates to lo furnished by bidders. The hiucc ful bidder to furnish all inalerluU and construct tho bridge and approaches complete. The ()iirtrcicrvc the right to reject any and all bids. Ily order of the Hon. County Court, fi If F. J. IIaiicock, Clerk. A GOOD CUP OK COFF. K,' Is a great attraction for a restaurant. The corTte drown from Ilcllenbruiul's Pat enl Coireo receptaclo Is one of tho many Great Attractions of his eating parlors. Thousands of cups of his exielleut ootfie are sola every week. Aud a for oyster and meals he cannot be ciiiid In the iie. yx. iff) (Us. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH To liioriulnto Against Yellow Fever. , Pink Hi.ukps, Ark., iSIny 80. Ur. Noisiin, mcniber of tho college ' of nlivbiuiuns nntl surgeons of the j Province of Quebec, imtl Into mem ber of tho stitto board of health ot Puiuuna, read n puiKr tit tho four. . tecnth atitniiil moetlntr of tho stntc inedioal stclcty of Arkansas. Tho ! subject was Yellow Fuvor, and tho result of his experiences extending over many ye.irs in Panama, Colon, Mexico, Cuba and Tampa, which lwd to his bold forecast of tho Jack sonvllle epidemic, was brought out Dr. Nelson, being personally fain" lliar with tho work or these gentle man, boldly forecasts the day when inocculatlons against yellow fever will take equal rank with inoccula tlons a;',iunst smallpox. Senators Dofrntcil by the Italics. Washington, May 30. Tho morning game between "Washington and Cleveland was not exciting. Cleveland won the game in tho opening inning, scoring two earned runs. Score Cleveland 2, in tho ilrst inning; Washington, 1 in tho first inning, llato hits Cleveland C; Washington 7. Errors Clove land, 1: Washington, V. Jlntterics Cleveland, Qruber llemnur; Washington, Oslay and Clark. Umpire, Fcsscnden. The afternoon game was post poned on account of rain. Seattle to Oniintln. Seattli:, May 30.'-At a meeting of stockholders of the Scat llo& East ern construction company, tho cap ital stock was raised from $1,000,00(1 to ?:i,000,OCO. Four-lift hs of tho stock was represented, and tho notion was taken by a unanimous yote. Thislncrcascot capital stock means finally and without doubt tho con struction of a northern branch of the Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern rail road from Seattle to u connection witli tho Canadian Pacific at Mis sion. A Mormon Excitement. Tuscola, III., Mav .'10. A party of male and female- Mormon mis sionaries is creating great excite ment In this vicinity. They havo broken up families, sop.irated hus bands and wives, and induced several young lad lew to travel with them. Ono of the preachers was knocked down with a stone by Samuel Davis for having liis two daughters locked up in church late at night, and Davis soundly thrashed another preacher on tliu street. Heavy Snows in Michigan. Detp.oit, Mich., May SO. A heavy (all of snow for tills season of the' year is reported front several parts of tho state to-day. At Schoolcraft tho snow is four Inches deep aud still falling, whllo at Portland Flint the avciage depth Is two inches, but, owing to tho heavy wind, It has drifted to n much greater depth. The damage to tho crops Is very great. (Icorgo Washburn Demi. Junction, Or., May .'10. Judge George H. Washburn died at 11:115 p. in., at tho residence of his father In Junction City. Oklahoma is Safe. St. Louis, May !10. Dispatches from Oklahoma report I lie finding of rich iron mines within a short dis tance of Guthrie. Ahsotir.liun (Iuiim-h. l'liii.AiMW.i'iiiA, .May :;o. Morn ing game Athlcl.'s, .'i; Cincinnati, 0. Ai'lsmooii gallic Athletes, fl; Cincinnati 1. No truer words were ever writ ten limn the following from an ex change: "Every growlngambllloiis town is composed of thivo elements. Those who work patriotically, vlg oroiisly and Intelligently for lis advancement; thoso who are in a Hlate of apathy or lii(IH'uivnce; aud those who take a ciifiius delight ill discouraging the uTortH of others by ridicule, by-uiiurslsfciit denial that any progress jrmjT has Ih;cii accom plished, mm by jjoastlng of every other towMi besides tliblr own. The last class nro called croakers, but they are really something worse, for their opposition docs notarise sim ply from despondency, but from that unenviable spirit which will neither act Itself tioY sufler others to act." Gypsy Kiiiitif Is the name ot an ivungbllt whn Is at iidiicllug a rc vlvul lirHynlnnall. J lo Is said to losscss as iiTIhJi power as Sam Jones without any origin's slang, A fow years ago i-mllh was u l uder of the R9'iiiys, ADDITIONAL IiOUAIj NEWS. PUKBIiY PKBSONAb. Henry Uarendrlck of Jeflerson is hi tho city. FA. Cnttcrlln tooli the afternoon train forlWland. Hev. Alderson took tho after noon train for Portland.). Mr. Aj T. Ycaton nmden busi ness trip to Portland to-day. Mrs. fJamcs Coirew left this morning for a visit to Portland. 5. i Mrs. I. A. Manning left on tho morning jralu for Oregon! City. -T. MI Keeno has gouo.to Golden dale, Wtwli., on a tour of lnspecllbrj W. jLltwell rclurneij home to Kingstown, Now Mexico,jthlsmom ins. I Mrs a. W. Owomj' and two ehlldrcif returned homo tMeMinu vlllo to-(lay. W. T. SIa(?r goes to Eugene on a visit to-nlsht. Mrs. Sater is now at Eugojie, aud ho goes to join her. C. H. Whitcomhanfl wife, form erly of Salem, camo upmt tho morn ing traili from Califoriia, dn a visit to Mr. Edcs and family. MI Graco Parrish, M.lss Ileta Lownsqale, Miss Josld Parrish, and Miss JJaura Mlnto A-otumetl this nieruliil: front Oakland, Cal., where tlioy hijvo Ixen attetldlng tho semi nary, j J Mrj. E. A. Dclllon and daugh ter, Mils Aggie, aro visiting at tho rcsidento or It. ll.i Price, Thoy will rcllirn to Portland to-morrow. Mrs. IMUion Is tho mother of press- ,, man Hellion of tho Orcionlan. II. V. Matthews and family of this city nro this week oSitertalnlng thoir gufcsts and relatives, G. L. Matthuwsuuid wife of (Jhicago, and S. Reed aiwl wife of A'uburit, Now York. They aro pn an extended tour ot tho ijnonlc' coast and have now just arrived from California, where tho most important places wero visited by tho party. LOCAL SUMMARY. For your Paints, Oils, etc., go to Gilbert Patterson's. tf , For your meat go to Laforc's to-day on Stato street. tf Painless dental opcrntlonsat Dr. T. C. Smith's, 02 Stato street. Tea, cofl'co and splco. and every thing nice you will Hnd at tho gro cery store of Squlro Farrar & (? Spring Is QyVr and according to tho ahhatujjSrwtKyiay look lor some warm weuthcr. There wllPliiui lccturont tho M. E. clutch onXho eve of June 8tli by L, 1?T 0iiu1aiid. ItobiM-tson has been nn- polntedmhWirrof Independence, vice Jollii T. ForilTrUnioved. Atth teacher' picnic to bo held at WoodCnjyifext Saturday, Prof. MoEln,illscrdWcr an address, aa ' will also Profs. LamVojid Van Scoy. Prof. Yodcr is prcsldont of tho day. ..Tho httlp girls who represented the dlllerciittutcHln yesterday's proccnstoiinru rcuunttcil to bo at Cherrlniwn'8 galjjfy to-morrow morning ufJJtrtoo'clock to have their pictures taken''. Tho lire teams have been worked by the streefcclmunkslonor within tho past feAv days uloiijij Commercial street nearUho north Mill creek. A hill lias bcerKiun t (I cdrio w 1 1 and tho road greatly Improved. The lino of teas, cofl'ees and spices at Squire Farrar & Co's Is al ways full and complete, consisting of (ho latest and most choice brands. Their goods aro all llrst-class and fresh. One aero o,jiruuuJtrees near Su lem, last ycrfr, yielded 4(fyj pounds of dried prunes, yet you au buy live acres of tlwlest nriiiuland In Ore gon :i mlleflSllt.lLwr'naleiii for t:i7fi of the Oregon land company. Ciiancim Foil bpkcui.ation aro yet plentiful and we can show you some "soft snaps," both in farm and city proitcrty that will make you rich. Take hold early. Como and be convinced. Duncan it Room. WJ, SUto 6t Wright's Ited CnmCuru uncqualcd for recent and clironle coughs und colds, and all Irritability of lliu ulr-Miiges, Hold by all druggists Wright's Hop (Vlery anil Clminomllo Hitters rccoiiiiiuiulnil by thohiouieinlutnt' lihyslclaiis, Invlgonitlng, Htlniuating uud not lutoxlcatlng. Hild by II, W. Cox. Wright's (oiiiMiiind Syrup or Hansaiwr lllaii relhihlu nicdiclno tor tho renoMitlou nr lliu liliwul Tiin.u .. (...n.i.'T... i loiiesund builds, mi IIiiimvk. teiii.ciir W.Cox. uni, cures skin illkcuv.'s etc. Hotd by 11. . Wright Uluekberry Cordial au lufall ble remedy for the most obstinate cases ot Dlarrliuu and Dyseutar'. Mold by ull ariurglsH, ' !- 1? 'I m liiJiiiiiftfi r ' u ,j,&MZm ltt. tt