$ THE G1MII, JODROL TKHMH OK HUIISCIIIITIO.N. iAir.r. One year by mall.-, W g Hlx inmilliH by mull...' f ' Three month by mnll 1 f Ver week, delivered by carrier . '' wfkki.y. Ono venr by mnll .... ' 59 Hlx month by mnll .- 75 unc year. Mix munlli (Inn viiir. If imlil 111 adWItlCf1. 1 () "." " -.i i. . i -. UX mUIllIIK. II IIUIU III BIHIIIH.T-- Mi Kor advertising rate apply nt this oilier, AIIHiibKcrlbornUjTjiKCAl'ITAl.JouiiyAl. who ilo not secure their paper regularly will notify thin olllce, KvlriK mMrcnn, "rid tlw matter w III he attended to lit on c. Olllrc, corner Court Mild Liberty Streets WEDNESDAY MAY W, IM Teuipnrury 'li-ntln-rn. Tho U-nclicTH of dm Kiwt Kiilfiii hcIiooI tiro hiivlnir oxiimliiiitloii thin week, ntiil tljfijl!owlMK"Ht,holiirH ak'hiticiniK In (fuelling I in vi' Ink wlilln flinAvxiimlllfitMHI proceed"- John A. lfvfipn liikcHofrH. Griihlw'H lihico, JjlljW fyi WiBiitVaki's lif 8lri(crVvIiico, MJMo1IIo frrulgltton tnkcji),. I'hVflp'H, MlJj 'I'holc lulu Ml'y Mwu'h, Mlwl Myrtli Knight JtiUv M Moorufij, Ml Anna VeutclukwMlw rArcy'H, MIhh CoraLUchllelU tuju-H Alius NordiupV itu1 uh "tlfufo Irt no huIioo! thlH VceJfiiu'iW. KuihIIo'h or Mm Itork'A ruoni tho latter lulu Mr. Meyer'" room' AIiim.kI h I Ins Yetttortlny itflernoon u (Ioiihu miiokti whn hfon comlngotitof ulmrn ImjIoiikIhk ( Clmrles Wootliiril In Kant Hiilem. A hyHtiiinler inn to (ho burn, when twoy-'mttll hoyH, J)Ick Ely and u boy infilled Ilouhin, ran otitoflho door. Ala liiiinediitti ly wont Inijlilu aiiddlncoyeicd that tliuyomiir. 6Jm)h llml alighted Home llHriiuil irtjlHtfiiwoii It, hut thi' lliimi'H were riii'red hufoiii any diunago wimdono. If a llio had broken out thoiolt would have done great damage, as Hiu htiildliigrf hi (IiIh block uru veiy clow together. The boyn Weio old enough to know better and dcwirvo punlHlinient. .miking Alter Wuliir. 'l'ho Fair Mount leal entitle com liany of rjiilom are cmivuhhIiik the xprlngH Houth of Hiilem n nearoh for a Hprlnm of largo enough eapaeltv (o furnlHh vator for MKjIr Kulr Mount udilltlou. ""'hoy lufvc uiiitlu a Hiirvey of the Meredllli urfid M urphy Hpi IngH, three and IwVmlleri hotith of I'alr Mount, re(iHlvely, and it 1m proha able onu oythuther will be pur ehiiMetl. Uy mount of an engine, together ith a hydiaullo nun, they will be ihlt to give Voir Mount the U'Ht water. It will rotpiho nevoial inlk'H of piping, but they will no tloubt lay It. Tim (lliillirn llilif. ThoniaH 1 login i Ih the iiaiueofthe until who Hindu away with Alex. I)n vU' Milt of elolliCH (it luileienileneo yuaterday mornlii. I lo wan given an exaruhmtloiwyYriterday afteriUMin In'fore JttHHvcHiitlvr untl wiih bound tiver to appeurSfore the grand Jury In thu Hiinif IwoWJn default of ball hu will liuiguUh In Jull at Dal ian until tlu circuit court convenes next fall. t'lnucr Huilly Cut, Ynterday nioiiiing whiteH'luw. Welch, it carpenteijVftiM at work on hhiwn house inThe iiortheaNteru pari of IlK.ellyyiri'hlhi'l fell from the it'dud Mt(iryJvllgriilng Ills head, mid Htrtiek Irhii ontTnluhimnil,eut t In vr his linger ne.uly oil". The wound was divided and Is now lin ptovltig nUvly. Tim Ordrr l'r'r, Krotu AHsMant Adjutant (ieucial Bheiumn of thetl. A' It. lorOivgon It Is lcarihl tliuf hteps are U'lng tukou to orgah4ei post of that order at JutlcrMinviii tTiWounty. Theiv are niimy !f the old vclontus In that vicinity who are atixlotm to bo iim elated together In a uwt. Hip A)lnm' lluinii, The jwylum'H mtuiU'rof imtlents was raised with t)te arrival of last evening's JraluXv llvo. Two were fmni ('laekNujjwwiunty, They were John Whltirrmd James Miwon, Two werj froiirslMrtlaud, Paul Norden ulid Julia Wilson. One, Will Howe, was from St. Ileleun. ,,. .- All liirlplrnt llhuei. As (he Occident left the Salem wharf on her lat trip, those who were standlug tmfho Kuik of the river iiotlcedNhinies leaping high from the btynt WL (he mimI, The aiarin wairraisou atitva einxl strx-nui of water from (ho vcivkiI'h hoo put4 mil (he ilames, " ' . 7ZZ .".........-TT:..... I 5jWi'mly k'WI yifortnliiinont KtMttluV-lirl In nUilt In tin. i.lmr..li Stii-uiilftv kcKxiI ..ufrint.,.."...,.. i Vrltv or mlmlMkifi forlil w III U , ywn, of v, ton w,,ifc , tTUTlllUltl i uiipniig wiiu jour wim.1 nitiur impure ..., ..... .....,,.,,, ,, .,,,viuv lwr,kiaiiamilUvri.w.M. amlttlialPj )lilulUblol.ilHl,nuliutt b) div. ' but vt ouilf mm Kt iviutnum. mt roady ftjr w ,hiiin and xurmcr .wtti-,l.y UklimllioU. srwirllU It Mtid4 tHWH4kd fur iurlt)in thv u.ki. thh.OU.iC,uaHMrUrlMt.'' jH-Uldu. , I'rilK BUILDING BOOM TIiij CniiKul 'Alive With Song of 1 1 am in at ami nw. FIFTY HOUSES I! COXSTHUCTKI). Fully $200,000 E&iiciTJed in lliiiltling Iiiiiroemrjns Mori Iloiisen ig rlnnnruV Thu citizen of Kalein wlio ha not Utkenla drive over tho city and made comprehensive observations) within tho past few wecku can form no Idea of the Hplrit of Improvement which has taken u firm hold of the capital city. Go In any direction and Iiouboh In course or .erection will greet your visage and the busy hum of hammer and saw will bo music to your ears. The Joi'itNAi. has Just made a tour of observation around the city and npiKMidcd is a result of this lour. Theie aie nearly comtileted or under headway at least fifty buildings, rep resenting many thousands of dollars, ami Indicating a viisl increase of population over previous years. Or. Richardson, new res'denco on the corner of dim ah ami Chenie" kete, at a cost of about frf.OOO. T. J Welch, now d .veiling in I'urrlsli's addition, aj a cost of about mm. -g. O. CJ. Kmitli, f(iiow two story liousoon Winter street, In llolce's addition, cost about HXM). Ray Kaimer, a line two story house on (enter street, cost about MWMI. 0. A. Kiaus-e, a new barn on his place on Court stieot, eost VM). II. Mns-tey, a neiitonestory-cottage In Ninth Salem, cost MO. B. R. Mulr, a ne.it cott.'ge In North Balcni, cost .'i(M). Thos. J. Ryan, small coltngv in Ninth Salem, eout t8li"). J. A. ISean, hotisq In Ninth Salem, cost about $10 J. J. Foster, hotifo In South Salem, ciHt70. Thos. .lory, hoiisuin BoulirSaleiii, eost 100(1. A hiilldlng at the mute school, cost 100. 1. II. Ilenoil, a resdeucu in Albett's addition, cost lo00.' Ooiranco Bros. Twostory house in Capital l'aik utldlliou, cost about huoo. ; J. O. Oeiiham, a one-stiry house lu Capital Park addition, eost about $ioo. ; K.J. Gold thorp, a one-story cot tage, on Penitentiary avenge, cost about $100. W. T. Rlgdon, a two-story house in Capital park addition, eost $1",00. Mr. Krl.ell, a two-story house on his lot on Summer stieet, eost $1000. Mr. Holmes, cot(ago In l'arrlsh's addition to Salem, cost about $600. Judge O' Donald,' cottage on High street, eost i'S'M). Thos. Van Bcoy, u two-story house hi Queen Anne addition, cost $l!i00. Peter D'Arcy, in residence on Church stieet, cost about :t500. M. V. Rork, a cottage on the cor ner of Chenieketonud Cottage, cost about frlLIX). Mr. l'olly, a cottage on his lot on Winter stieet, cost About SUIX). Mr. llranson.a residence In River side addition, eost itjunit $o(H). Mr. Payne, hoiisojn Riverside ad dition, eost MOO. Mr. Frown, hou-ojlii Riverside tul- i 111 trill i.wt k'.ltll. ' ' t Norrls Hrown, coUage lu Albert's aildiUon, cost JtllHl. , Mr. Bliuons, reslduiicelu Riverside addition, cost f(i00. j T. J.Cronlse. icsldence in River side addition, cost idJHH). Mr. Needham, hoitse lu Riverside udilltlou, eost tSOO. I Mr. Chandler, hoiwe lu Rleildo addition, coat f 1LU). 1 A new warehouse for the Oregon plekle company, civ-1? $-.000. A new brick block .(corner of Com mercial and Chcmckctc, at a east of nearly ftiO.OOO. 1 A new brick buililfngof the State Insurance eomiutny mi Commeivlal street between Center .nd Chemeke (o, at a cost ofalKiutlfl'.OxH). A ow brlek bullillng u (o be con structed by Rroymiui, on Commer cial htrvot, U'twevn State and Court, also one by A. Rush, corner Com mercial and Court. The llguivs for thcoo buildings have not vet boen made, but they will bo line utruo turws and will cust iiutuy thousand dollars. E. II. Rollluger, txsldemv Capital Park.iwt fl.StKI.. Kllugor & Rvk, building lo bo U w Uvumnufuclory, wt $1,200. Audio from llio nUivo thorw tv uiittiy liulltlliiirs for which jilatts um Mwlrtrnt Ion. a.v U.aK prv-lvirv,l A T "" M ' Imvo ulrculy I HIH' i mui ,,m, now iKVU lum oIilvmi n tiUi.iiiiiiii.irv. ,,.,.,., J.,u.Viyli .n i. . ,. lltO tlOXt IOWMVKWlll Ik- Jinn llllo In tho UttWc uf iviifut'ii. for tin, I bullllnB of uTmiv ril.lo.n whtoh ' Mr,. ,., ,., . . . ..... , utv ,U) nt" Uuiwl. Jv'Vvntl W WW,, " HlllUlHl U.Ul IUvirUlol,urkNItlnn.Hiun)iiilM Krer jn lyfi w'ii m .y YKH to -&! and otllOrdjIltlons Iiottl few. Ver- lly, SaleiiiTHmaklfig substatidal progress and Kmmd to improve greatly in the next few months and years. Come to Salem anil live! i:XAJIINATI).V OI' TKACIIKItS. Many Want to Tenrh Vm" I,,ea JJfMV Iff ,-7IMMHi The quarterly examination of aj pllcants for county (cachers' certifi cates was commenced to-day at noon by Prof. Voder in the circuit room. The examination will close Satur day morning. There are thirty-five persons undergoing the examina tions. Of these, twentv-one are women and fotirteenVure men. Of the entire number, all have had ex perience in.teaching except two. The following will bo found to be f. complete ll4t of the participants, together wlth'lthelr ages and post ofllce addressed: Anna AldeMon, Salem, 17. Edith AlderJU, Salem, 20. David WariioV, Mills City, 21. Ida Esson, GeVvais, 10. Georgia Thoril. Balcni, 2.1). Margaret J. Ctfeper, Stlem, 20 Florella Phillips, Salem, 2 Frank L. Moorel Sulem, 23 Win. W. HenderVin, Salem, 20. Abble Ii. Mills, Sllverton, 18. F. N. Mills, .Silvcrlon, 2a. Dean R. Meyer Salem, 10. Flla L. WelehSaIen.'!3. Iil..ie Klrty,?Saleni, 20. J. .1. Fitzgerald, Salem. 22. J. IC. Ilnir, Sllverton, 4.'i. Jessie North'up, Salem, 20. Kalo J)earbbrn, Salem, 21. Salllo M. Newton, Salem, '.'l. M. F. D'Arcy, Salem, 20. A. D. Leach, Sllverton, 21. Chits. P. Strain, Salan, 20. Geo. II. Urtice, Turner, 21. W. L. ICelleiiberger.Aunisville, 2j. AllleM. Milieu, Salem, ii. Flotla E. Catterlin, Salem, 10. Mis. S. G. Grubbe, Salem, .'10. Theo VanWagiier, Salem, 20. May Lilly, Salem, 21. C. W. Hair, Auinsvllle, 2.1. Mattle MeNary, Salem, 28. Kale Ij. Haynes, Sllverton, 10. Rertha Cunningiiiini, Salem, 21. Antouette Pillett, Monmouth, 21. Mary Tuck, I ndepeiidence, 24. .Military Order. llKAiHi'rs.2NillHrr., Init.O. N. fl.) SAi.hM, ()i:k;o.m, .M jy l!S, 1K.M1, Special ortler No. 0. I. Companies A, Rand I, Second Regiment Infantry Q. N. G will parade armed and equipped at Ba lcni, Oregon, as 'escort loSedgwlck Post No. 10, G. A. R., on Meiuorhl day, fttltli Inst. II. Jlattallon Vill be foriAetl un der command or Major Sinnicl L. Lovell on Lllxlrtv street liikfroiit ol R. eompauy'sj armory atfl2i0 p, in. I I III. The regh dental stair will re poit to lajor Lovell inouiitoiyat R eonipany's amiory at 12:2o p. in. The non-eoniinissloued stall' vill le poit to the adjutant at thJsame time and plaif. l Majo Lovell will' repot t with his cpmmaud to tlni colonel coininandliig on Commerelal street at Marlon squaic not later than one o'clock p. in. Ry order ol''oi,. T,C. Smith, Comdg. 2mrfnfty. O. N. G. Olllclttl, Gi:o. II. RimxKTT, 1st Lieut, and Adjutant. -- Arlleleii of liieiirporatlnn. The followingartleles of Incorpora tion were to-dav tiled with the sec retary of State: Sam Vup companyof Portland 'lhclr business is totlud employ inont for the uuenioyed, to assist the sick hnd to do aiyaud all deeds, and acts of charity lhe source of its levenue luenie Is ly titles and assessments Its members. 1 mining Co. of The Kootenury Portland. Cap divided Into t we I stock Is $000. yNhurcsat fieaeh. y Craw fiirdvlllo Klge No. IW, r. O. iss, E. X. McCaw, O. F. W. R. C Geo. Tin ley tr stees; the object of this corporatitin shall bofy extend the principle (of benevolence and ehailty In tho manner practised by Hi., i ( n i.' i 1..1...0 .,..,.... i vumpany; capital stiH'k $,(XX), each sliarc shall ln $100. The Coming Mate I'ulr. The Oregon State Fair for IKMl will U held at Sa'om during the boKiuuliigSopteitiborliith. me pni-Hvts are inni tne coming one will bo lhe most MlccVsfttl fall festival, haicst home, Jtuid nice i)tii-M In tluVicrl 01 iwv.fi f (Ito tisso- i cmutiii, wiiiti IOy' tlilVs work r will U'l-oiimu' Joiifiublx(y now -(II to I O UOVMpl tho lioriinf 1 tin' fiK-wl ring w ill U win. Mrm-loiliicur tlio r. ok, tlioidoit tivlnt; to Ktvp tlullllo , X mt, M bnuiolies UtiirlinoiXiii nwtrlv H.yUU. Sva'luryOix'L'i; v- :. " :rl::vr. "r""11 .." i. rx),Hrtor tliut It ,U,W,K- "'n ZZ ; , 7 ,' liiolii.t.-i 11i,w"llnu,yon Tor this fair nngnl:tr uiwuiKM nil ,.. iii.,. ,.,.. ,,. f tliotllrwtors to MVtmi ........ .-...... .,.lv., ,, Mnl. ' "" iviiimi, hu ivini- I'hMr Jum, . Ilv kvh IiuIIcuIIoiih ..,,, J. , . , ' "' '" " " ,yl ." mJ,"' '""I ter- 1U"K UU U,,! "' , .. Tim, mltlvniut enkv untl every. thlllK IlkV Vol, Will iliul t tllO SL ivr Mow of Kutln' Jlirnir Co, THE CAPITAL TaviaTTiyQ- JOURNAL. TIIK OHEGON STATK O.HA'OK. rnrppitlnicK of the Second Hay "f the : Sixteenth Annual Session. xj,e public reception yesterday nfternoon was largely attended by tj10 public, and the exercises were of (l mmt interesting, instructive and entertaining character. The annual address of State Mas- her If. R Haves of Eugene was full of sound nrjjument. He said six teen years had sped their course since the organization of the Grange in this state, nlid as they were called together agal lint this, their annual session, they coild glance over that period of time Und mark their ad vance, step by step, with no incon siderable degree f interest and grati- flpiiflnn. V ( The address of welcome by Gov ernor Pennoyer was a happy effort, as was also the response by Mrs. I T,. Hlllpiirv. ! In behalf of the Salem grange Judge It. P. Holce made ajf address of welcome, which met with an elo quent response front Vv. A. Sample of Umatilla county The exercises werelntersperced with delightful music furnished by nnmi of Salem's loVnliladies SfTIie session this mbrnlng ojened .. . . ...il r..ll n4nn.1. in secret session wiiju " iiu" ti'iice of memliers arid visiting mem bers. The worthy chaplain, the assistant steward and theadyTasslstant stew ardess made valuable epor(n which were ordered prfuled In the proceed ings of tlie session. The committee on woman's work in the Granc made a report on that subject, showing that a great amount or work had ieeu per formed. The committee on resolutions brouglitin one upon the subject of assessment and taxation which was dlscussurd and on motion made a special order forThursday afternoon. A resolution recommending the in crease of power to the railroad com mission so that exact justice could be accorded both railroads and the people was adopted. Glnndei-H ami (ileet. The state veterinarian was in Sa lem yesterdav, examining the dis eased horses which county stock inspector Herren had under quaran tine. He pronounced tho disease to bo glanders and ordered the ani mals killed. His ordrs will be en forced to-moVow, imless a change for the betterlsapparent in their condition. MrA,Herren has dis covered a third axi.se in Salem. The symptoms are, exhibited by a horse in South Salem, not far from the agricultural works. It will probably be dispatched with tho others to-nionow. A l'rolmblo Clmiie. The Cumberland Presbyterian con- gtcgadon have in contemplation (ho removal of (heir church in (his city to a lot in Highland paK which has been donated (Mheiuruy (he Oregon laud company, lHg(vkled a church is placed upon trVfJlie idea would be (o make u tfiiion church of It, as the C. P. congregation! not largo or strong enough to retain a pastor for themselves. A llrokeu I.linli. J. (J. Evans, Jr., who resides with his parents lu East Salem, had (ho misfoituiie to break his leg last even ing. Ho was driylng tho cows, when his linKrfuimbletl and fell, throwing thuSfoy to the ground, breaking UK right leg above tho knee. Tho fractuNul member was set last night, anil tlibiboy is getting along nicely to-day. lor StH, liif 111k i:r On, A civil suit, W. A. Ctislck vs. S. C. Hardcnbrook. is being heard this afternoon beforeVustico Goodell. Tho aellmrb ivSiilt for a S10 surgical fte. HardonVfook is tho young man whoso cut waXeut nearly oil' bv a IsjK at tho niw iVUl a few days ago and the $1(1 bill lsr sewing It on. HEED'S OPERA HOUSE. Monday Evening, June 3, Grand Concert Hy the ti'acliiT mid )niilU of tli Tonserratorv of Music ! coming; t' Mivi itiorm rrenunn.ervatory and unU wtty ,Alluy Ml Ualllo llirrUli, prima ..w..t. Kiimiu, ill Frmklo Join', mvo lVWuWt.nmWiipiiMMnent rxtrtumtlnaryof Mnklrr JlllfcliT AliriHl Illl nr IMrllnnil Vlrtii.-w.i . Yli VlolliiUt. .Miuter Holt tin indntM vrou 11.1'""! l,rofl,,'eny " wtUtnt etltirt ou ill II ifiiriillA Itll ltll11l HlltlfMf .111)1 1. Ilk.s tlft.K .-.... 1 -& - A. i-.A. - .. . ...I. I.IV KIVHirftl HrilMIiillllllllll llisirumt!!!. Hlrevtor. .. 11 Purxllt; HnvntvtnUt, MIm J . um ciiiiiu. Aitinllou 50 iviitu, gallery 25 cents; i. wrxiM mxiU nt Pntlou'it Mlthout extru i rharstt. NileorM-utu llt Uvlu Wvdue-1 day, .May 2Mh, . k. h. smith, dentist. ," '- b which h-cwm WtM or auiucijt twin rf.niy that onxuttih them well the tlret dax- lluv aiv mo-ih. lu. ,,. ,n tt Tuolt, wrurlujc Iooj vX.)'e '" a.oimdlu the moutG while wniljf. Ilu jiiywI iauo-niof tUeui. r'T?'?JV"if i ?.'''": wf&&unKMxh?MnJw mu"1 aero Uw tiwl o. lwrbonT Vi"1.','.,,1,1 wwk " VuJtS XCff$. SSSu o.ST ,U,ls ,w,luwvW JJTt B- S5!S!?5! JHHB3B Teas Teas Teas Our Steck: in Few and THEY ARK Equaled by IMPORTED DIRECT AND MARKED IN OUR OWN 15RANDS. Use None but the Best. C C O K F E E , C O KK E E , C O E K E E , We Carry None Purest A FULL LINE OF American feci Cos.' Goods They arc known everywhere and their Superior Excellence is the cause of it yJi 'Ih i -o- Lemon, Vanilla Orange, Chocolate, Ginger, Jelly Wafers, Snowllake and Cream Biscuits are the latest nov elties manufactured in this line and sold hy us. Ask for THE ALBERT BISCUIT IN TINS AMONG THE POPULAR SPECIALTIES AVHIOH WE CARRY AND CAN RE NAMED IS A FINE LINE OF Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, Pipes, Cigars and Cigarette Holders, Pocket Cutlery, Coinlis and Brushes, Uasketsand Woodenware, y K JFRENCH . -O- .f OC Cox 240 COMMPKOIAL ST., SALEM. r 1 tcl S. this Line is Excelled k None. -o- 1 3cX Teas COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE. but the Best and Grades. -o- NOVELTIES TN THE o- Peoria Stoneware, Toilet Soaps. CANDIES. 30ggS, A FULL LINE-! -or- rnmr IWJ (UIU Ultti With ppeclnltles In Valerian China Tea Sets, French China Dinner Sets. HIDG WAY'S FAMOUS Buckingham Pattern -OK- ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN Of which we constantly keep a full line and open stock, enabling us to make up Dinner and Tea sets of nny size, or sell by the single piece. The finest assortment o CHAMBER SETS Ever shown In Salem. A FULL STOCK Ot thelntest and handsomest patterns In Glassware. F-I'lcaso call and examine our stock. WELLER BROS., 201 Commercial Street. Prics and Terms to Suit All! These coods 'are first-class and as stock is very large a person can And they may wfsh. Their warehouse on street Is completely filled, and they another car load en loute now. Lookoi for them; something fine MARVELOUS EIPRY DISCJOYERY. k&SS Only Genuine System of Memory Training. Four Book Leaned In one . reading. , MljU wanderjng cured. . y Every chili and adult l. greatly benefited. Great Inducements & correspondence Classes. PrOSDerflla. with nnlnfnn nf llr Win. A. Hammopd, the world-fanieA. Specialist In N. ., Richard Proctor, the scientist, Hons. V. V. Astor, Judah P. Benjaman. and others, sent post free by Prof. A. tOISETTE, 837 PIrty Ave.Mj Je-lWS. dw BLACKS3IITHING and HORSESHOEING. Have moved to 47.nna49 SUte street, w here they are-B6w"reftdy"fbr work. All our old patrons and friends are Invited to call and see ua In our new location. We are better prepared for work now than ever having secured mure room. 10-1-tf. BUCKSM1TI11XG and WAGONMAHNfi. IIOLM A GLOVEIt,THE OLD RELIABLE "lllacksmlths, have removed their shop to the corner of Commercial and Chemekete sta., where they are ready ito serve the public They are now prepared better than ever to do all kinds or wagon and carriage -making and repairing; all kinds of black smithing and renalnncr. and a general upr.etioelng,buslness. Thoy have all kinds iii iiiH'siei,trotting, handmade, etc, ana flu them In a scientific manner. Special attention given to the construction of wag ons and carriages. Remember the place, opposite State Insurance building. PRINTING. nan OK THK LARGEST ESTABLISH. UtatA awad mlai than I Umenu In the Bute. i firryrau afKest stock Legal Ulanka w I ,h.a SUte, a-d biggest discount. Bead for Pil5fllof Job printing, and analogue of legal blanks. t M.-WAITE, ! Steam Printer Salem fOrego. fflTblre "SCRIBERl PIUfE, Salem, Oregon, havAreelved direct From EastemC Factories The Fittest Lme of CARFtlAttES, PHAETON, SPRING WAGONS., STAGE COACHES, " MOUNTAIN WAGONS SKELETON WAGONS, DOG CARTS and OTHER VEHICLES i wuicn wm oe som at ll.At.. wJial Bttte have SCRIBER & POHLE , 7 t $S( A MONTH can be made 1 OI v IU vDJU working for us. Ageata preferred who can furnish horee aad give their whole time to the business. Spar l "JienUmay be profitably employed alo. A. few vacancies In towns and etUw. B. V. Jolinton 4 Co., Km, Main u lUchBioad, ,JS- B Plaakrfttate aceaad boria ex. pwleoce. cvrr mind abwit w4liw .UmpferTvlr. H.r,V.WJK9. i ' 3SL A