'. 1f it sObsoribe " THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, iui:- BEST PAPER IN SALEM. 49-You will bo well pleased with lt-S5 VOL. 2. SALEM, OuEGOIST, TUESDAY, MAX 28, 1S80. NO. 75. s jm&&&yJE&fTjVi&'its. ADVUR-riSlS GAPtTftf mSMms lOURMAI- THE CAP'J0URNAL VyJL JLX X X XjL.1 SfflfflHBWPWN I - X VI xjLJLy. a mod investment. '55BiMsiK5 rM"S!!Sffit V i-Tho Tcrmsjiro Most Reasonable- II I I , . I .,, .,. I.....M...I. , .,, ,mim,, , 9 DIRECT -r ic GVnni Mnw Vni'lr niul f!liinnivA H i ffc HfMM V 13 L1UIIL llltf 1U1JV (11 j V. .rt atiks T,u - - l N . r DRESS fr And trimmings of till kinds jvim uiiimuuKoii mi iviiinn hi uiiiiuii iu .reixiuu trim mlngs. Plaid, Stripe and plain Surahs, Braids, Plushes, etc., etc. s RIBBONS, KID GLOVES AND GLOVES OF ALL KINDS (SUNSHADES -AND PARASOLS, T i mlngs, rmici, at ffl ' Piill and Complete Lines of Embroideries and Lnces in .AH Widths. OQ Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel- - ties in Scarfs. FULL-iLINE OP DRY iiS H Qjl CAR Qu.rta.ins, cPples, Portiers. D B"A'fulI niul 'complete Goods. - No. 239 Corner State and J, L,UJN,N & J&Zt. PIANOS!! -THE- :: BEST IN THE MARKET -::- For sale cheap for cash or upon the installment 'plan. Also" a good piano to rent. Call upon WM. S. ARNOLD, No. 367 Winter Street, Salem, Oregon. DAVID T; WILLIAMS, Proprietor of Salem Steam Laundry. SALEM, OREGON. 3-0rders lea at Stelner'sgiocery store will receive prompt attention George II. Hayes has been appointed special agent lor the above laundry and any washing lea with hlnvwlllbe prompt ly attended to. W-Prlces reasonable and work guaran teed. , , J. J. CULVER,' County Surveyor. JAMES WALTON, Topographer. V. H4BYARS. Civil Engineer. Bj'j yars, Culver & Walton Surveyors & Topographers. Surveys, draffs, plats maps and descriptions of lands, tow nlots, and roads, ditches, streets, sewers, alleys, etc. etc., made and furnished at reasonable prices. Old corners and lines re-es- .nhl.ahAft rnmnrlHnnl (joht SOLAS TSAHSTJ. w. a l. e. ausuv ". Weld notes. , Grades for dltch9, roada,' streets or sew era, wltlipgtluuitesk furnished on appllca- tlon. Addr Jliross county surveyor's omce. Wh. T7 ESTABLISHED,. BY NATIONAL AUTUOBITY taupe SO jy SM.EM OREGON. - . $75,000 . - - 10,000 -JM&A:-'. '4- R. a WALJACE, - Iresldent. X V. W, MAltTIN,4; Vice-President. J. U. ALUEHT. ).,, .. Cashier, W.T.Gray, TV. W. Martin, J. M. Martin, IU a.AVallac. Br. W, .Cusick, J. II. Albert. tW T. McF. latton. LOANS IvIADB To farmers too Wheat and! 6t tier; market able produce, convened or la store, either in private eramariesor eft private Eras lie warehoiu jubllc warehouses. St&te asd Crntv WaxrttLs Bougtit at l'ar. COMMERCIAL PAPER IlUcounted at reasonable rates. Drafts drawn direct oa N Vork, Chleaw, San netoo, lVrUand, London, Paris, iterlln, Hong Kosf and Cakmtta. TBm mi n 'u i t -ill ClPaldlip, . r J 111111111 Will,vvvhutj . x N N TH TY. H " " " l j GOODS to match iu Persian trim 9p GOODS AND NOTIONS. PETS. 3 stock of Men's Furnishing Commercial Streets. BROWN. SALEM, OREGON. WM. N. LADOE, -DR. J. REYNOLDH, JOHN MOIR, - ; President. Vice President. Cashier. GENERAL BANKING, Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, New York, London and Hong Kong bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Farmers are cordially Invited to deposit vnd transact business with us. Liberal advances made on wheat, wool, hops and other property at reasonable rates. Insurance on such se curity can be obtained at the bank in most reliable companies. NEW LIVERY STABLE. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor,- Corner Ferry and Liberty streets, N. E. cor from Chemekete hotel, Salem, Or. Good accommodations for commercial travelers. First-class rigs always on hand Charges reasonable. C M. L0CKW00D, SA.LEM, ORBQON. Headquarters for the Willamette Valley forth? celebrated Columbia jblcyclcs and tricycles; The Columblas are well known, are the best made, and have valuable im provements for the year. Those wanting machines will do well to call on orcprres pond with me before purchasing. Office atGllbettBros.' bank, !M7 Commercial Bt., Salem. DO YOU BAT? If you do, call at the W. C, T. U, RESTAURANT in the opera house block, where you can get n good clean meal at any time of day or This restaurant is under new 'manage menPand satisllictlon is guaranteed. Kv. erythlng is In first-class shape. Mr.nndMrs.8.E HOWARD, The New Managers. ) raving been furnished for the especial r'zi..,i.iinn nr ,h nubile, we H ."S?iuJ ".".T'"r .,,; .h'fiiiN'fllA- and sleepy one to ' ' "JStfEM! X.y?hretlm-e "a day." No Chinese" fn the kitchen. Give us a call and see for joursslf. B. M. 1.A.W, Proprietor. Cor. Court and High BU, Salem, Or. Dissolution of Partnership. VOTICE Is hereby given that the partner H ship heretofore existing between JIl Metiger.T. M. Holt and if.G. IIol , .who he bein opeeatlng saw and planing minaWeVrOrl-gon. under tf.e flrai name of Metrger, Holi 4 Co., has by rou- fua" nWnt Sknft-plftJ V o"'? will be continued by T.M. and u. u. . who wW set leall elalwa agatart and col. KinaSeuiU due to the Mr of etsgerloltiCo.- J.K. nHiK, U. O. Hoi.t. riferwMi.Or..riyl8.1(M. WJdAwtw S3Er' e Ume yoErvriyrush wluHTrTrVlt: H"W 'y dnigifts "?""' ! .. .. tr.uik Orxin AnmM off First National Bank Always in the Lead!! Everybody knows that, without any exception, Thu Cap am? i ital Adventure Company have the most complete general stock In, Salern and we guarantee to undersell any of our coni petltors.We have theltrgest and bestossortiueulof Clothing, Hats' Boots and Shoes for gentlemen, and can please any one either in quality or price. People who have to labor and want the most for their money will find it to their advantage to trade with us. We always give full weight and good measure We make a spe cialty of country trade, and farmers will tlnd our prices (qual ity and weight being taken into consideration) lower than the lowest. We handle country produce and pay the highest CASH price for wool. We have plenty of room for nil, and can make everybody feel at home in our store. We oiler you no baits, expecting to make it up on something ehe, but mark our goods at a uniform low price. These are facts in the case, and by calling at the Oper.i House Corner we will show you goods for prices that will prove all we say to be' true. . rt . Capital Adventure Company, Salem, ----- Oregon. Values Coming Immigrants are mm NOWJS THE TIME TO INVEST! $900 2 sightly lots on proposed street railway lino in North S.ilem. Very cheap ana .choice. $600. 75 feet!frqnt on Front street running thrnuirh 240 feet deep to the river bank. For'a week only. $2600. Elegant hard finished house, wltli 2 lots and a good .barn on High street. Very sightly place, and iu good neighborhood. Wortli seeing. ACREAGE t Twenty-eight acres very choice property, adjoining town. Running spring. Elegant meadow on part of tract. $200 per acre. For u short time onlv. Lots in Capital Park addition, ono block from State sheet, ?000 for quarter blocks. $300 and $400 for single large lots. Lots In Yew Park, Queen Anne, Mill addition and University addi tions. 75x130 near Asylum avenue; f300. ISAAC A, MANNING, Real Estate Broker, Bank: Block. Up-Stairs Salem, Oregon. A. E.STRANG;; JA 'o,V Cpjnmerclal Street, I SALEM, - OREGON".v -deAlkh in STOVESandRANGES Plumbing, Gas and Steam Fitting. Tinware and Artistic Metal Work a Specialty, Agent for the RICHARDSON A UOxtilXil oiarAKin ruroutM, tabllsbed In 18tt Es- New Butcher Shop AT . No. 216 Commercial Street .. ANGEVJNpTllANSOME. Have opened up ft first-clans butcher shop at the above location, where they will b pleased to sen e the people with the CHOICEST AND UEHT MEATS of all kinds that tho market affords. Give them a call and be convinced of the superiority of their ineaU. 47-Goods delivered free. SOCIETY JfOTICJM. AUyKLODOBNa III. O. O. F., meets U in Odd Fellows' Hall upstairs. Come, Commercial and Kerry streets, every Hat- Ti'&SSSi jAawAivroN, G' A. n.-iedgwlck I'ot. NaTlO, Depart- ment of Oregon, meeU every Monday evening at the hall over the Oregon Land company's office. Visiting comrade are cordially Invited to attend. A. W. Dka voitK, Iust Com mader. It. F. HOUTHW1CX, Adjutant. Arriving .md St PAUL'S SCHOOL Boys and Girls. Tho school will open on the 21th J of September. Thorough I nM ruc tion In the primary and advanced English Branches. LATIN AND ELEMENTS OF MUSIC -In ooiirhe.- TRRMH and further Information mnj be bud on application to HUV. K. II. I'OHT, Cor. Cheintketu and HlatcHU. ,R-aMf Wagon Making and Repairing F J. LARSEN Is prepared to do all work In the lino ol making or repalrliiK waitons, lnij,'iile or carriages in tlrstw:lHM style und at ri-ni-on. able prices. Shop 45 Stale nt., near Fmtit. 1-UOFKvmONAI. CAltllM. f J. HI! AW, attorney at luw, Kalein, Ore ' eon, OmtM ui-fctalrs In the I'utlou blocU J J. JKNMNtJH 1. II, H-di:ntiht Ortlceluthe New Hank Mm It. Com inerctul strett, HaJtin. rllgn of the big tooth. dw r)liysi(JfXN7MTw. t!K. if,"K7'HcUy I. physlelan and surKeou, has locuteil and taken rooms over Squire Farrur's grocery stores unronic aiseates u spee hilly. Cnnsullatton free. li-21dw WP, WILLIAMS, HTKNOIIUAI'HKU . and Tyiewi1terCopyit. Will make reports of trial, etc; eonylrig on typo writeraecuratelyand ncwtly done. Olllco with I A. Mannluff, Cufniuerilul St., Ud stairs, New tiank filock. lies Jaily ! Tho Chief itrnson for tno great suc cess ot Hood's Sarsaparilla Is found in the artlclo Itself. It Is merit that wins, and the tact that Hood's Sarsaparilla actually ac complishes uhat is claimed for it, Is what has given to this mcdlclno a popularltyvind salo greater than that of any other sarsapa- Mprit Win5 rllla or blooa purl IVIOrlL Wlllb nerbeforo tho public. Hood's Sarsaparilla cures Scrofula, Salt Rheum and all Humors, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Biliousness, overcomes That Tired reeling, creates an Appetlto, strength ens tho Nerves, builds up tho Wholo System. Hood's Narnii iinrllln is sold by all drug gists. $l;s!xfor$5. PreparcdbyO. I. Hood t Co., Apothccailcs, Lowell, Mass. AANTCI. IVANTCD A situation by a boy 11 yours ' old, on farm or stock lunchu. A Reed worker, enn plow or tend stock. Cull nt tho ollkoof thu CAi'ii.vii .luuitNATi lor"D." 5tf Wl VANTHD A gentleman of Il o j curs ex '' pcileuco In commission business wants n position liKloois whera ho can put in nil Ills llmo. Hih hud homo experience In real Ostuto and Insinuate; Is n good hand In a wmoliouso; is n good matliumatlclan niul can keep books and make himself gonoial ly uelul and Is not afraid of wink. UcM of icfeienecs glen. Vddrcss "It.," Joint- vat. fit viniv w S-lltr .vai. Oi fioi:. 5-1 ltf run ItUXT. fOH RKNl'.-In a lino locillty, socml 1 nliLly luinlslicd rooms, cither with or without boaid. For putlculais call upon Win. S.Amold, !JW Wintei sticut. rou sam: F'Olt SAI.U A hnlf-bloodud'Jerhoy cnwnt a. icasonabluiirUo Inqulro at .131 Win ter stiect, or nt tho lion-Ton restaurant on Commercial stiect. IfOl t 8 vl.i:. A now house on good lot, 100 1 xl&O foet, on high ground lu tSoulli .Silein.liouso icnts for$7 per month only $l"i0. X. I).Juncs,S.ilcm, Oiegiiu. J.IOIC SA1-K.-A FARM OP !!J) AORF-S I' all under funconnd cultlMitlnn, lu tho best iiingo tountry of i:astcin Oicgiiu, I'ho best clinncoowrolleicd lor u mini to cngago In stock uilsliig. For particulars cation or aildriss w. II. IlYARS.Salcin, Oicgon. X IrJl Tlio Chle.igo Manufactuifng JcwnleiV Association most lespeelluUy call youi attention to a GRAND OPENING JEWELRY SALE On exhibition at Win. M. .Sargent's Notion Store, 270 Commerdal Street. Open irnm 8u. in to 10 p. III! Thl" exhibition consists of Roll Gold, Oinldo Ooldiind Roman GoliKIonds, ofoui ow n make, such us Kliluo-Stoiiu Far Drops, l.atu I'lns, Opcia Chains, Mracclets, lock cIn, Initial Fins, l'lain ilaiul anil lUngle ltlngft, Solid Gold Ha by Rings, Coin Kllur thimlilch, Moxlcuu Oxldlcd White Metal and Amber Hair Hicastplns, and a thou sand other useful and ornamental nrtlclcs of Jewelry, loo numciniis to mention, 'lliesc good will bo sold at tho iiulfoim price of 25 (VntM for liich Artlclo. Itc'iieinber wo lire iidertl-liig our goods, and therefore, m.11 joutl mid HM goods foi-i'jK'iiU In order to liitro'llKti llieiii In this iflnlly. Tlirco thoinaud artldcsls tlio llmlti'd niiioiiut SOLD AT i-'G OI5NTS 15ACII, Cull, tin refine, ourly and secure good bar gains. flrent bailing oilend In oin !, Sland C!limrUiiintii. N. It. Or. lit lurgalns ofTnrcil In Solid GnlJ und Silvci vut;hcfl, Dlumoiida. all kinds of Moxluiu Mooiislouis, and Fila gree Jewelry of every description. Hlg biignlns nllviwl lu huy idaleil silver ware, imch us knives, forks, tabid and ten. sixiomi. KH-dal b.irg.ili.H ollitred In the row1 dh.Mni'retl Inmli Quart ilia mondri, Niw (Jooils Ileei'ircil Daily. Proposals for a Uriilgt. )lt(Ji".)3AI.H fur building u lirlduu across I'uddliigrher, on thuiwiiut road lead ing from vvoodburu hi Shucks mill, will buiicchcd by the honorable uuty court at thuJui.otlMV tCrnillii.TLOf, 'Ihebrldito wlllbu nljout IMfvel In length, not count. lligtliouMiro.iclics J'liiu uiiil estimates tolie furnished by bidders The smevs Ail bidder to furnish all materials and construct tho hrlduo and iipproncheit csmiplctc. '1 ho Court recro the right to reju t any and all bids. II) order of the Hon. Cognti Court, SSilf F J HAiicTOcif, Clerk "A GOOD CUF OF COFF- K. Is a great attraction for u rcMlnurunt, The rolho drawn from Helleubrond's J'ut vnt Coffee receptacle Is oni of thu n lanv k 25 u ' Ortat Attractions of his eating j-arpiT klQ Bins JllKl Ut'll llllirrllil to a Ulll Thousands of ciis of his excellent ohWo neo Htorolttt'lier, Her rylutlvtu took aresola every week, And a. for oysters t, K,r, WM un,j tl0 Mil liiuiltitl and meals he cannot he cijiiultd lu lliel., . , . ., , , , slate, if. IMircitteiieutoyet Iwrliuuk. LATEST BY TELEGRAPH. Wanted His Money. llAiriMOKK, Md., May 27. Mr. ivuium oiuiui in iiaguisunvii, nni., was startled by tho return ot hei husband, who disappeared nearly twenty years ngo. Soon after their only child, a (ftuiKhtcr, was born the couple quarreled and separated. The husband went away ami nothing more was heard of him. Ills child grew to womanhood believing her father dead. Several years ago tho missing man's father died, leaving an estate which Mrs. Smith claimed for her daughter. Tho Washington county court, under tho seven years' absence death law, declured tho daughter to be thu legal heir. Smith, on his re turn did not seek a reconciliation with his wife or recognize Ida child, but after engaging a lawyer to prose cute his claim to his father's estate, left us suddenly as ho came. llur Modest Request. New York, May 29. Tho Una. favor Mrs.'Sadlo J. Core says sho ever asked her husband, Francis II. Core, to grant was a most extraordi nary one. Tho modest request was for permission to marry another man. Thiawas the way sho put the question to him, in a letter: "I have an oiler of marriage from a man whom I have thought a great deal of for a long time, so what I write la to either glvo you a divorce, or j;et line from you, for that Is the only way I will ever bo happy, and If that does not happen I shall only go from bad to worse. Yoitulwayssaid you would do anything in the woiil to make mo happy, and now Is your chance. This w tho Hist time I have ever asked you a favor. What Is tho use of being lltiked, to a woman who etnes nothing for you?" Tlio Cronin Murder. Chicago, May 27. Tho mystery about tho murder of Dr. Cronin deep ens. At present tho status of nfinlru may be summarized thus: Cronin, a sympathizer with tho Irish Extrem ist party, disappeared from his resi dence iu Chicago, May 4th; then followed a"week or two of rumors, including a suppositious Interview with tlio missing man, telegraphed by ft "fako" correspondent In Toron to; Cronln's body found, chiefly through the Ingenuity of rcporterf, In asowcrbaaiit in Chicago; n strnugo talc, not subsequently vcrllled, that Cronin had been murdered at tho instigation of English Tories; and now dlupatclies continue the thread of tlto mystery. Hatlier Mixed Kinship. Wimton, W. Va., May 27. A novel and quite singular marriage lias Just been brought to light which was celebrated In Now York. Tho disparity of their ages as well as the near relationship existing between them hits occasioned no little umuse ment among friends. Tho groom Is a wealthy old bach elor who hus seen not leas than ?ov-enty-llvo summers, while tho bride Is a handsomo blondo of twenty live. Tho gullautloverls tho great uuulo of his youthful spouse, and his mar riage to her makes his wife the aunt of her futher, the great aunt of her sister ami tho diiughtcr-ln-law of her father's grandfather. Shu Is her own great aunt by muirlage, thu mint of her own mother and her first cousin's great aunt. Allmny Points. Amianv, May 28. Hon. M. C. (Jenrgo will deliver tho oration hem on July Fourth. Captain J. C. Lovell Is vlco presi dent of iho day for Haletn nt AI bany's celebration. The Chicago comedy compiiny will return here for three nights the first of next weak, Thev go from heie toHitlem for three nights also. Tlir Nicaragua. Caual, Ni:w York, .May 27. Oayly tltessed In bunting from stem to stem, tho steamship Alvepu sailed fur CJreytown, having on board u force of forty-seven engineers, and other employes for the Nicaragua ship canal, and many tons of pro visions and mat ;rlu!s for that great enterprise, A (jlrTlte-nueo. J'hii.aiiih.I'HIA, May 27. A 15 year-old girl, missing for several days, was discovered after a long search In Chinatown, She said sho had tried to CHcatie. In the ineun- " Merit Kccoguized. Paris, May 27 Tho French Academy has awarded Marlon Crawford tv prize- af $200 for his two novels iu French written bv himself and entitled "Zaroastre" and "Le Crucltlx do Marzlo." ADDlHOXAh UKAh NEWS. Indian wr Veterans. Pursuant to a call of Capt. John Q. Wright, Bonnet camp No. 8 of Indian war veterans mot at tho court houso at 11 o'clocln.'ni. to-dlty for tho purpose of etollm; ofljfeera of tho Jcanip, thisueingtUe aununl election.-. Tl follow lap persons wore chose) ati Cant: N. It. Doty, nt; E. H. riper, se Putenaht: T. Shaw, Towusen derl jKjicrgcniit W. 5f. 9arf sergeant; E, J. CI tarer: J. H. Elirln. t tin Savage corpora tho which the dele- gate fate cncamnmenWio ujclat Portia Jjnio next: T. Shaw. on tho1 14th day of U. Walt and T. C. Tno More Insane. Two unfortunates consigned to the insane asylum were brought up from Clacknhivs county to-day. They were Andrew Dingier, agd thirty nine years. He at tnus tries to kill himself. Tlrsotbir' was Michael Brot, agod thljuolght years. He was In tho auiinsNmonths about seven yefs ago. HoNHjstnntly points rfjld looks upward, Is very noisy at times nnd goes to bed with his clothes on. Aiiiomr the Slek. Peter Phillips, who hnflN en quite sick with lung fever. sported better to-day. Miss Alma MoMasters who had hot- ankle badlv sprained Saturday by a hack overturning, and Miss Purvlni who was badly bruised, aro belter to-day. Charles Scoville Is also patter to-ilfty, Mrs. Wallace McIutIrcJSNrtio has boon sick tho past few days, is ablo to Liu out again. Those Chineso I'heasants. F. S. Mattison, a taxidermist who resides at Aumsvillc, wrltufl tlio Journal f that "tho fucrrier near Marlon Is rlirht aboiitJapan PhcnH ants eating oatasfcan testify by positive (UssocfMtL of crops this sprlug. Tholilso crilargo quanti ties of gooseberries, ctirjauts, etc. Oregon Isundoubtcdly about to ro pcat the English sparrow folly, just to please a few shootlsts." Articles of Incorporation. Articles Incorporating the Oregoiii refrigerator und fruit evapffatlng company at Ashland, Jaoirloii county to-duy were Mm whyrtho Secretary of State. The iMJajoratora areG. W. Snow, I)f Id F.FSW.W. Can lard and W. J. Johns. CT capital stock is 150,000 divided intooOOsharcN Q of the par value of (100 each. Another Jllg Finnic. Woodburu is to have a grand a teacher's picnic on Juno 8th. It is expected many of Uxleachers of Marlon us wijlj of Clackamas county, will btvflNUtondance. It Is expected threo or fobs bands will be thein and a general big time Is promised. With I'urmital Consent A marrlago llrciisu vff this ulter noon granted Ui$yfi Loughary, aired twenty, auoMks Dolllo Hen- JuiiiIii, aged eighteen. Ciiancim for si'ccui.ATioK are yet plentiful and we can show you somo "soft snaps," both in farm ami city protierty that will iniiko you .rich. Take hold early. Como and bo convinced. Duncan & Uooth. 09, State St. TIIKIK UL'hl.NESS H00MI.V. Probably no ono tiling has caused such a great revival of trade at Dan iel J. Fry'ri Drugstore us their giving away to their customers so many free trial bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. Their trade Is simply enormous In this very valuublu article from the fact that ft alvvuyu cures and never dlsuppoints, . Coughs, Colds, Asthma, llronchitis, Croup, and all throat and lung dis cuses qtilckly'cured. You can test it before buying by getting u trial bot tle free, lurgo size $1. Every liottle wurrunted. A Great llattle Is continually going ou lu the human sys tem. The demon of Impure blood strives to kuIu victory over the constitution, to ruin health, to drag victims to the grave. A good reliable medicine like Hood's Bur saparillals the weapon with which to de fend one's self, drive the desperate enemy from I lie field, and restore peace and bod. Iy health for man yeurr, Try this pecul lur medicine, 1 1 Tl i .