i-ycwrspqw" CAPITAL T!VTCVTyG JOTTItNAL. THIS THE Or!T,lL JOLItittL Ti:itMH Or Hl'IWHIITItttf. HAIJ.Y. ()nirfirUyiinH-. - - H nimilliK y mull. "Ilirfniimiitli" ly tnnll J'it week, ilcllvred by onrrliT. . 1 & . n WHKM. OiiPJcnrbyirinll " 2? Hlx month b) iniill - , ;: One jrar.lf Imld I" wlwincc I Klx iiioiiIIih, If imlilliiailxmicf w ttirniUcrllsliiKrntci' apply at llilrf oilier. AIIKubHTlbcrloTlir.CM-lTAl-.lf"NAI. win) do nut K'-wrv tbi'lr pcr rrgulnrly will notify till Dim c.KUliiB'uldrws iiiul tin- mntt r III bo ntl wl '1 1 '" " OHIco, corner Court nml Utterly Streets. TUKHDAV . MAY if I, 1M. A l.llllc lliirKlnr). Tlu-ru in i-oiiHlilcnilili- petty (liii'V lii;? goliiK on till iirniiiul tin- -)iuiti JtiHt now iiiul it If not to bo exjH-ctt'il that Falun will be ho fiirttiimlu w to cwapf. The iielili-wc of ('hurley IHloy wis tbt! fii-iii' "f H lt'l'.v I)iii7;'lury li.wt rvi'iilnjr. Mi''- "H MIlMlli'H'tlt fioill liotlir, livlMK Koiii tn vlnlt with iiltitlMs imrfr tbc city. When nln IH'I tin Iiom- tin-doom ami viii(loHnuicw,ii('I.vlii',li'ii,li mill a Hindi tor flinyf-y wan uniting forlilin oil tin tlc Aboiil nine o'clock wliciriiiyiuy went home lie w ix Htirpi i--l inlliiil tin- iloi.r- and window nail -itiK (ioioir In'" the li.-tl room evcythiri;; mi li.ni up. The litlicnll ilf.lUiVlrilllVil otil and llit'lrciiiiU'iilKM-iMciulot"! l'" lloor. (IoIiik inlo l lie 1IH1I114 loom lie found IiIh IiiiicIi b..d IkhIiIc voiirvil. Nothing cIm' nilwd. A p.icr b.VHuid Iicmiw n nninjuiiip over (lie b.ii'l; f ni'c nml cwnpe d" 11 thuiillcy, but lie whs n 'I billowed. N nl Hit' lllii Tbo Kovi'iiiiiiciit kiihk bo.it Cor viiIIIh Ih lyiiiK' "I I In' wlinif at Un root of Mill Htivcl. Mic bit1 bi iMi working up abovn IIiiiiIhIhiik, mid wiih I'oinpdliil to abandon work on acroiinl of IiIkIi wider. dipt. Smith Htutes tlml the liver fioiii t'orvallls to Iliiiilsl'iujr fliii-tui Moonvillc doiili Ik now k'iirof n'HolMiue t ioi ih iiikI pciiVclly iiiixIkhIiIo lor all boats. The Occident ciimc Up fioni I'orlliitid lnt evening. hu fun on boaul 11 Koiirt wiij;oof uem riiyticlfrlit torS.ileiu, iiiiioiiiitliiK to wpiii' lllly tons or iiiibc, iiiiiimu; wmrii was a Car load ol baled HliiiwMor V. .). Hurron it sVi and nyar loailoflaths for. I. KliiK'nialtcrrTlii' IIouk wiiiio canuulown the liver with about loll tons of wheat for the Ou'koii City mill", and the Tlum SNIcim e.inie up tlin liver with 11 uood shipment of kimiutiiI uieichaiidise for S.ilciu nml the uper liver. She pioeieded nil up IIiIh morning, 'i'hc iicr is now falllui;nlowly. IliirJli 11II1011I llimril .MiTlliif. The ()VK"ii statu bii.ird or lioitl eiilttue is eoii.luetliiK lis mccoiiiI iiil'l'IIiik In H.iletii to-day, the llrst IiiivIiikIm'cii held at I'ottland heveral weekH ago. The state Is divided Into live hoi' tleulttiial dlntrli'ts, as follewH: Iwt: (shiipiInIiik tln eotinties of Multnomah, ClaeUatuas, Yamhill, WiisIiIiikIoii, Cohimbia, Clatxiijiaud TlllmuooU; Henry 10. Diwch of Hill-dale Is the eonmiissiouer for thlrtdlstilet. L'd: Mailon, I 'oil;.' Iteutou, I. Inn ami Lane; It. N. walliuv of Salem, eoninilssloner. lid: UotiKlas, Jfael.Miu, ICIamatl Joueplilno.Cooy Cuny and Lake; J. I). NVhltinuiyofMeilforil, comiuls- Itli: MiirnAvi Wasco, (illllam, ('riM)kand SUermiui; J. A. Vmney of Tliu D.ille eonmil-slouer. fltli: Uniatllla, ylTuloii, Maker, Wallowa, Malheur, (Jiunl and Har ney; James lleuileritliott.of Cove, commissioner. J. It. Caldwell of l'nillauil is pivsiitent ot tho iiiunl and eoinmIs- sloner for state at large, I '.than W. Allen of P01 Hand Is secretary and it. S. Wullaee of Salem Is tivastner. (jllll'll ll) II Hull, The Dallas Observer tells of tin ex citing scene and narrow M'iipi of being Killed which yeouricd to (lisirge W. S'ottof Luddamnle, the other dayXlu attenriitlng to lead his bull out AT the iAimI tlie animal allowed light inigoivd Mr. Scot t ajalust the feu earing Ids clothes flwirly olf hiu ml brullnir bnu Uillv, having .niuiVdown with no! way of J ,,,, would have btvn sellout injuied, but for , umlergolng n,. ,., worK to-uiorHHvXnormiii:. huw.er un.lwlll.,.u.fn,uSorul L u w . uie uinely asstamv of a oungi ,K " nipuuy piisurnwaini will Dei Miinriiinh iiivwrniMii wiih whloli t iU. llliiti iuir bv. iHinipleted witldrt a fewSilavs. The fr' '"' '. trt i tlHMltvmtowimy - - I matterofa further exten-m'u 10 the Ir"" "',inl." " lco iuUk,. Moil H..ll l.il Hflirtir.. ......1 tdf . , ,.,',. " iMWltllfiH-MUlK )Hir. Tl) till IHH'lll. The IVl.ltal lltlUr mlla nn n,,ll,,,,""u '"' UfWlntloil is l.f tar HiMlkllM cl.slj.lS hit mv'bi.tash,uftime. It may be taken UosoU (I.lVn wtlib the elliillH im ... ... 1 .1.... ..... , ... I l-mm h,r ,,!-. linii iiiii J ..l.t..l..l ,x . . "' '"" UllWIIlHlW lor Ilia MIDI T? i. ul',",uAI- ''"""I'MimuflUotviits. - vRill'(trisitiii down (ho river,' - ImH tliedeiimiul ts far In cuvs- ol A Uum..rt nu. thoMipplv. ' Humors aiv to the cll'ect that the w . 1 . . . - - - tsMtell CtMlllllltV IlilV.t llll-.ai,...v.l A....,,..,,, ,u .. ,.,,,. t nlay sin' .. . - mi. in Crook wunty lina .. iuiik. .kmu- tenllary !'. "liu Hill. IM. vlcttsl ut the ' J .3 , ,r .w liiixvuy of a NlliO ..iil..n l i. .Ji. ......... ..ri. .... i tllV II II m-v iii K """"" ,,,.,. iiiiixi mmir tit ln'jH'iiitoiiiar,v rooii imrsi: yuuvrioN. llio llbl i:ni;llli Vi)rl-ll)n- ri" llm-Ml't Still. Slnco the county coiiiiniIoiii'r.s liavo had uniltT coiiHidcration tho plan of purclialnira larut-r tract of laud to be ii'-ed as a poor l.irm, tne question of the county'H poor lias been thoroughly discussed. An opinion from an unrcllnblc wmrce has been advanced, urging that the commissioners of this county revert to the old-English work house custom. They would have every poor or unfortunate person Immediately consigned to the in liimary. This plan would illy serve Hh pur-I)-c. For Instance: a man, with a lare family dependent upon his dally labor for the necessaries ot IIA;, is taken sick. The family are in want, and by this reasoning would be taken from their lmie and be assigned to the poor Ifotise, thus entalliliga heavy cxpefse upon the i'iiintv On the otliof hand, if the family wVild bo y'en a little as ..1 1..1& -M-l 1111 l' ',) "if' he utility merely to fi'W weeks of ill tide them om fin I line -all V Id be well and the county be n.'Xeil a guod round sum of money That wii' liix-iayi'isij:iy know how these poor ilon.itioumare np jiiopi luted, a siininiiii of warrants Irawn for the month of March, mid allowed at the April term of c airt, I' appended. 1 'an1 Annie Heuliuc Lie!; (in en. medicine Tin: lj-17 00 0 75 8 (!8 25 0!) . r, 05 8 75 1(1 :J5 . 8 0(1 15 120 '2 00 . 112 00 . 0 00 5 00 I.'! 50 5 125 V. It. (bile, giocenes . .. Long fainil,, hlekiif-s.. Lmia t Cnle, mciliciue ,lis. KnlU-, " " " firoceries. " milk '1 mil. " I'oiiii, gioieiies - Long, wood - ... ills. (fide, lent -. . - " Ktcwail, tent.- -. " I!. union, washing T. K. Tucker, groceries Medleiue, r peison -. siri TiU Another item of heavy e.pene Is that of llio county pensioners those who cm he assisted out of the poorfaimto better advantage and for less nionev than if consigned to the poor I'm in as chaiges. The list embraces the follewing: Daniel Itlggsaud w lie, Silveilonj! oil Cal Ituckcr, Stayton .- . 8 Maltimoieboy .. HO Peter Clcarv, St. Paul 10 ItaptiHt (lobin, . ... 8 L. Itionsou, Turner 15 1 1 illicit l'etit.St.l'aul 10 Mis, I''oII(h, Salem 15 Jack (lieeii, Salem . 110 Hank Itced 8 N. I. Mack, Not lb Salem . - 8 Theresa Crainrr, Mt. Angel S Mr. Kelly, Cheniawa . 10 Michael Kiuucgau, l'"aiilleld (I Maigaiet Dubreille, (iervais 8 Total per month $181 To make tlie list complete the ex pense of the poor farm for the month should be added. It as fol fel fol eows: Dry goods .- & (15 Siloes . 1 75 (Irocerles . ... Ill 10 tSiiigiciil operations; .. 10 no Tools 7 50 Hoard I!! patients 12 w- - . 712 50 il! " " (l(i 00 (liubbing and fencing 150 00 -Medicine . 50 Total for month . ;j-:s:27 50 The three accounts above show how exery cent for tho county poor for nne mouth was expended, ami alter a due and eaiefuleonsiileration of the matter, the conclusion Is reached that It Is better, by far, to atl'oid a temporary lellef and aid In needy families, than to at once designate iheui as lit chaiges for the poor farm and consign them to that Institution. Chmlty is the. founda tion stone upon which the thin stiueluresofsoeielv and ebilstlanllv ,..,... ....i. 1...1 ...:,i 1. 1.1, .... .....r......,.!. .111., ,1 1) 1111)11 I H'tUI charitable act to commit thee tern- poiaril.v distiev-ed people to the home for paupers, 1 Tlie poor we have always w 1th Us, 'and their commit must bo looked to. , Thus it will be seen that tlie total ;aiiioiiui cxpcuncii miring uie month of Mjucli, for the aid and laix of the dlsjiessed ioorof Marion county was flliiS.OH. l l'lii'ii i;fiiriliiii. As now completed to Yew park 011 tliesouthaiul Ulversidoon the north, the Salem sheet car lino atlords i!iom In search of an "outing" ai most pleasing one. llio track Is all, '" ii'ieeomimon ami the Mrs make Tlu-exlNlu.. tb.l. '""" l,i,rk ,oxv "fnUjxftili' grounds Is . - . V . . V i "!.,rT",.K ,"A, rWo . " - ' " ' ;' ", llio llaui-liii' nvlllj nl .1 OfMilu i tonluy ttiotr mo o ---' .i l.vttt. (IV UUUUITHM1 ,ttU,MjC ,; .if til. ...Ill " .Mlll,.llll,. II....... .. ... ', "HIIHIII k in uiu woe, wi'i i rillNvjllllluli ir ' ' itiv jiium iihw IHVI1 i nil - - 1.I1.J iiiia aik.! .(.. ...... i . . ... m . i uuii iiw iiiun imiu ihvii mi loilu. iviiiiiviiit . l.nl ,!,. ..., i.. . liul tli.tftn.tu I.. v tlltpimim uol'iiow IhIk. ol.ti.ln.xl ... .,,. ,-...-.,,.,. fM iitv iikiei in sam:m dkcouation cim. 'i in- .iiiiiii ny i.)Mii"B ' ''' "" lirliiK r Hit I'al k. This society, which has for its aim and purposes, list the impnnc ment and beautifying of Wilson Avfinm. nml (Iks state hoii'-o and court house block, met for the second lime last evening at the residence of ex-Oov. Moody and thoroughly per - fected the organization by the adop - Hon of constitution and by-law.s and &.,....r election 01 an us ouiccr-. Some forty members were pies - cut and the repoits of conimittce.s appointed at the former meeting were very encouraging, as giving evidence that by united etl'ort much good will be obtained in this direc - tion. Any citien is entitled to nieniberslilp, and all me cordially invited to oin tlie club and unite with them in theircilbrtsto beautify , Supt. 13. J5. McElroy was c.lled the public grounds of the city. The (() j0rtltuicl this morning, on seliool price of member-hip was placed at uUSJiiiess. . lifty cents and monthly dtiths at j$cv. J. Jlowerslix left thisniorn twenty cents. nj, for Seattle, to be gone a week or Mis. Moody tendered the tn-c of ten days." her residence for meetings of the , n. 11 K.l.n-tt i.rtbo A illainette ciul), until further ar.ingements llivcst,uent company went to Port could be made, wjilch dnd invila- jaml t,js morning. tion was thankfuirv n'cptcd. ' Futlier Metayer, of Albany was It is trusted the will be sirj- j ccssful, and it is hu s meil tli.u our cltl L'lfifly yissNt in this ... . ens will elicel verv laudable uiilcrtaHiut Permanent omeerswerc elected at tile meeting lat night and are as follews: President, K M. Waite; vice-piesident, Lewis Kulin; serc- tary, C. ary, C. I!. Monies; financial seere- tary, W. . Mai tin; trcasiuer, er- ncrI!re.vinan;boaid ot dircctois, .1. J. Murphy.i T. M. Patton, Mis. .Moody, Miss.leunie Cray and Mis. in. JMiglann. Tlie club will meet legul.ltly 1C thiid Monday of each mouth. It will not be long befote active operation will oe iiiauguiatcii, as, the club has the piomi-e of aid Irom the Salem city council and also ' from Secretary of State McUride. 'llin Vt :.'!. IJ. Mffllni; Thc eleventh annual convention of the Woman's CJhiistiaii 'l'emper anee Union will convene at the Methodist chinch in Uiis cily 011 May 1212 12."-iii. The opeijing session will be Wnlneiday, al 8:'iO a. 111. At 7:110 p. 111. the audience will be addressed by Mis. Anna it. Itiggs, state pi esliltMit. r Thuisday al"i:;!0 a. 111. an address will be delivered by Mrs. Narci-si Kinney. Friday at 7:110 p. 111. the Y. W. C. T. U. gives an enteitainnient. The public cordially Invited to be present thioiighout the ession. lit'iil llxtiiti I'tati'-ii'iliiii'), Daily transfers furnished the C.vi'i'w, JofitNAi. by the Cnion title abstract cempany: Julius Van Viisko and wife to Tomis Smith, :il S. W. j Sec. i!(i T. 7 S. 11. 1,'l-SO acii j.'!l20 00 lleo. Mellce'ct el to Jl'nomiis It. Ityan, lots rSkC It. 15 Not III Salem. jr M.J. Cospeio.I. .k.Laek ey, lots 4 lOCity of Salem. Mary Iav'is to Fori est Da vis, lOOaeiesin T. 11. S. It. 1 W. 1200 00 no on in 00 T't'llj (iiiluti'il. This is the opera in which the Cecil Ian operatic conipiny will ap pear in Salem-sooipJt K a beauti ful piece lull of aoiid hmnor and lino itfmd iiftinoraiid lino idillncr Abe sopiauo and Mr. (S-aiidall is a music. Mis is iiueiiualedii slipeib tenorl Salem wfll ulvotbem a good audiemsUlJltlr perfoi niance Is given In beautiful costumes. 111 HIT lllllllltl (l)-. Smith llitier, whose piclimlnary examination for obfaiuing money ! ... ,,!... r. 1... .,..,1 '.. ..fit... n ....... k-r....-. ... ...s. oeai.y was iHiiKluttaLVelwiv JuMlee tiood ell this mormiig; await the acfton of TKe uimihI lurv His bonds un llM'd$i200, whicii, being unable to give, he wa lodged in Jail. I IIITKilli: III ll'llciMIII, Holt Hi os. haveyhcon unite siie-ec-slul in fccuriu good boom-, ot logs for their saw mill at JcU'ei-son They rafted lltdown theS.intlani, the waters of jvhiHswiiv at a much better logging stage Thyi tho-o ot the Luckiaiifute wlileh supplier Sa lem. A ir).a, , UmilmmU goinS on in UiolmminMi, fwti ,p,,, ' "" """ nnimw duhm triM. "jBli-iirWuKnwKT.HS a m Mbibiv uiMiioiue uu ilkhJ'. s,ir- iS -, t mti mhui,wi , ,i.i,i, '"svi inn, n nnM Hna croiv, au in . ,u.,k, xtMu "- ."".wT.tmiirr, NWir rwlkirill wv,w- K"- h urn.- u hiiMumi r u vn UmiuIkhI .hJUr iluMMiimn., fair Urn mui .niuy m u.uuihmy. (1h f """' ? "mt rrilin"lul' s,y ut Illlh ItMiHIIiiii.eikSl lllrhtsirlukkl uii.l ........ ....' "MmwMI HBll " TV. . "I'VKW im.. bUrmut fkriuUluHirmiii)r wuitu Utl tArh. lkiii'i iiitutt vidi. i ... . t --.,, niiiiv n p, WriiuiiMiM nut yuu mHl.livs u4u Hill ,iisii),M m4shtMi.xiU unliubitHl I Am4 Mint M fws Vtif nr . w m " ..m.w, rur titH-tiur iihiiii rtui.iii j iLu ia ...... - " 'wwwiiir, rue itiniiurt nv il... il.tk.. vlurlloUiawi.ii . j wi:ur..s.ilUi.. "' ""w. ii i(tiiiskon,Nilt)iii ....... JoiiM' HoiiKHiviy. . -. -dliii MTHIlhY I'llltSOXAL. C. A. 1'tof McCoy is in the city. S A. flies.v V'ent I" Hubbard this mil mug. --it. Sheltonlif Jordan is a visitor in the city. ' ( ,,, lJl , (;,( ,k .j,. a ,Usine.s trip 1 ((( j()nall(1 ttnlay. 1 rjoV i.itiic!5-tr went to l'ott- 1 im) ,h,s j,,,,,. Kx-Gov.H.RijL'liiKlw ick came up flom Portland this morning. I 1 Jiul-o Inl flnived in the city J j mn p0ti(lleton tills morning. j. j. Muker nml S. W. Pauley, 1 0f Albany arc in the city to-day. Mr KHii&er-of the Klinger & , ij,,,.i. ,roW(S-y. is ill Portland to-day. I s. J. Jones oflOakland. Or., is .'njyn o-day looking up his af - ' f ... .' j 11 the city this morning, visiting Father White. Mai tin Cook, with his wife, are up from Newbury, tlfegucstsof their -on 15. P., of the Oregon laud com pany. I Mis, Lena Kiiiukt. d.iuirhter of 1 j. S. Kuiulit. has i returned from Oakland, California 'where she has bwn Undying art. ,' (.lmre4 jirow; a banker of 1 si,L.i(in, Iowa, is in Salem looking j uroml(1( with u view to establishing a uank Homcwiieiein tlie valley. T."1 irmrliiiu rvmimil VnrlluV(ul. ern agent for Uie Jiusell machine company, vaiii the city last night ,,1,,,, connected with his com pany. UlUAIi sniMAKY. A number of delegates of the W. C. T. U. are arriving in the city. Already cheap summer excur sion rates are being arranged to Newport, the picas int seaside re sult. Painless dental operationsat Dr. T C. Smith's, 0i2 State street. The Ca'pital national bank is 1111 dergoing sonioyttihstmilial improve nients. The wulis being adorned witli pilaster work and tlie building will be heated by steam. One acre of prune trees near Sa lem, last ear, yielded 41100 pounds of dried prunes, yet you can buy live acres ot t lie best prune laud in Ore gon ."3 miles south of Salem for $:75 of the Oregon land company. Fruit will ripen very fast if we have a few nice warm sunshiney days. And Sipiiiv Fnrrnr will be tlie Hist in the city to serve home grown fi nit to 'his customers, to gether with as line and select stock of groceiies and provisions as is to be found in the valley. A (JUl)l) 11 r OK COI'K. 1:. Is 11 (jieiit attraction for a ro-tnurnnt, TI10 oofloe ilnurn lioin Hellenurnncl's l'at out Ciilli-o lei-viil.ii-lu Is 0110 of tbo many flicat Atlnii'tlnns of his cntlng p.ulors. TlioaviiKNofciniior his oxccllent coirco are sola o cry wevU. And ns for oysters nml incuts ho cannot bo equaled In the "tlltC. ;. 1'or snpi.r, To-niglit at the Hon Ton restau rant you cay haV ice cream and strawbenicsf for sujipcr. Also do not forget Unit tliolJoa Ton have the llncst coTTl" eoTTeo receptacal in the city. IncrciiMi or Ciipitiil Slock. The Oregon barrelcompany have tiled supplementary articles of in corporatioihHcmislng their capital stock to $lS,0()t)IJSid placing the par value of each Tiare aHlOO. rllit s Hi-ij Cm euro uncqiinlcil for rcccaiiuidcliroiilcitHiKlis nml eolds. and till IrrltnbllUj in iho nlr-pi.MJiBes. Sold by all ilriiBglsu WiIkIiIs Jljirh Tooth Soap comes oil conqiicior i.t tlnio nu lmo a brush with It. Try It. s-old by all ilrawlnU. SALEM OPERA HOUSE. O110 Night Only, May 28, Cecilian Operatic Company! In the Opera ItoutlV, PRETTY GALATEA! MI8SSCAHOI.INK.MUJ.7.NKH, .v.U. K. 1) CKANDAI.U Mil. I'.tS. 1I.MU.I.S, miss mn.HN JirnsoN Mr. t'mnd ill U a S.tcm Imi- by ulrth nnd uniruwiiiul'rmUiiccvi In the cast, win iiiuKo hU ilvlait heiv. Itewwx tHl m-ciU il, Kr N,0 at IMtton's. MAOXtlflCBNTCOSTUMES Wagon Hating nnil llepairin I'Aksen Mil work in llirt llii. .. I 1. J. l lifvinirtnl in d.i n !...!.- i.. ... ii !! "llrJs n?v. buS or ul iirtcw Miup t smto si., 1UMr Knuu. ' C M. L0CKW00D.. . , i . . M - - OU12CON. Uwd.iuiiH. - r. ftr th V.ll...... v..n.... RF"1. wK,i,' lolmnbU bicycle iiid '...Ti. r ."' vMU,u,,ltt ' known. un Uw Ihi iiwd.;. una haxe valuable In .' imiirnwnu Mr I lie yt w,'.i Mr the -mr. ... .. . ' lluwo vmutlns ffu:,.,,!iji,w .K,or 'iw.iir"r uSK ",:S".m?.1,,1u H inai - uini - inao ttvll tomllon n,V.' iiu..l.i. .... i. .." ita.iiti uiih m.i i.. i .: v ':' I ( i i Teas A I A er I C A S -- ' ' I Our Steck: in nPeas EqaaJed l)f Few and Excelled THEV AUK IMPORTED DIRECT AND MARKED IN CUR OWN RRANDS. Use None but the Best C COFFEE, COFFEE, COFFEE, We Carry None Purest 'A FULL LINE OF They are known everywhere American Biscm is the cause of it -o- Lemon, Vanilla Orange, Chocolate, Ginger, Jelly Wafers, Snowflake nnd Cream Biscuits are the latest nov elties manufactured in this line and sold hy us. Ask for THE ALBERT BISCUIT IN TINS o- AMONG THE POPULAR SPECIALTIES WHICH WE CARRY AND CAN RE NAMED IS A FINE LINE OF Smoking and Chewing Tobaccos, i Pipes, Cigars and Cigarette Holders, Pocket Cutlery, Combs and Tirnslirve FRENCH'CANDIES O, -O- & Cox 240 Mtil r m WW S. this Line is -o- V fc?cl 1 CX Teas by Noire. COFFEE, C O F F E E , COFFEE. but the Best and Grades. -o- NOVELTIES IN THE and their Superior Excellence Cos.' Goods " "v" Itasketsand Woodenware, Peoria Stoneware, Toilet Soaps. Boggs, A FULL LINE -OF- Crockery and Glasswnt! Wlth.speclnHles In Valerian China Tea Sets, French China Dinner Sets. s KII)G WAY'S FAMOUS Buckingham Pattern -OK- ROYAL SEMI-PORCELAIN Of which wo constantly keep a full n and open stock, cuabllnu us to make an Dinner nnd Tea sots of any size, or rpii K; the single piece. Tho finest assortment, - CHAMBER SETS Ever Shown In Salem. A FUL STOCK Ot tholatest and hnndsomest patterns In Glnswnre. 3-l'lense call nnd examine our 3tock. WELLE R BROS., 201 Commercial Street. ttoiuiii ra Tho Finest Lino of CARRIAGES, PHAETONS, SPUING WAGONS,, STAGE COACHES, MOUNTAINWAG0NS SKELETON WAGONS, DOG CARTS and OTHER VEHICLES which will bo sold nt Prices and Terms to Suit 111! SCRIBER & m, Salem, Oregon, have received direct ifiinm llncifmin FnnininAo These goods 'are first-class and as their fe stock Is very lurge iv person can find what they may wsh. Their warehouso on State street is completely filled, nnd they have another car load en route now. Lookout for them: homethlng flno MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Only Genuine System of Memory Training. Four Books Learned In one reading. Mind wandering cured. Every child and adult greatly benefited. Great Inducements to correspondence Prospectus, with opinions of Dr. Win. A. Hammond, the world-famed Specialist in Mind Diseases, Daniel Greenleaf Thonip son, tho creat 1'sychologist, J. M, Bucul D. D., editor of the Christian Advocate N. v., Richard Proctor, tho scientist, Hont V. V. Astor, Judah P. Benjaman, antT others, sent post free by ProfvA. I.OISETTK, 237 Fifty Ave., Nt Jc-im dw PRINTING. QNE OF THE LARGEST ESTABLISH; ments In the State. Lower rntee than . ortland. Jjireest stock Legal Blanks U the State, a-'d blgeest discount. Bef! price lUt of Job printing, and catalopjeol legal blanks. Ifc. M. WAITE, Steam Printer Salem Oregon. BUCKSMITIIING and HORSESHOEING." II ) Hdvo moved to 47 nnd 49 State "fl our old patrons nnd friends are Invited .to call and seo us In our new location, n are better prepared for work now J" over having secured moro room. !(" BUCKSMITIIING and lOIIX HOLM, THE OLD RELIABLE J Illncksnilth, has removed his noP,J? the corner of Commercial and Chem eto streets, where he is rer.dy to se public. Ho is now prepared better t&w ever to do all kinds ofwagou andcarri milking nnd repairing; all kinds of tiift". smithing and repairing, and KR'1?: horceshoelng business, lie lias all ku" of shoiMteeT.trotting, hand made, et&j"j fits them In a scientific manner, oyeeau attention given to the construction or ww ons nnd carriages. Remember tne pui opposite State Insurance building. . . -. . -- r.n.irv hv ihC WANTED essss I perlence not noccssarj'- I'ermaneni p nuns, uoou jMiy, tvrno at ""ST, "i Vji work "OW, while It 1 eay to sell ftnl " rttory unworked. ,, . SRIIRdP Ml 1. ' V COMMBRCIAL ST., SALEM.