SUBSCRIBE ron A. D V 13 14 r I S 13 IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, CAPITAL i THE CAPITAL JOURNAL! tiii: BEST PAPER IX SALEM. 2rYou wilt be woll )Ien-ol with It.-TH IT WIl.t. IIK A GOOD INVESTMENT. 3Tho Terms mo -Most Heusonnble-CW VOL. 2. SALEM, CTREGOX, TUESDAY, 3itAY 21, 1SS9. jSTO. 9. mm: JOURNAL P. E. HOOVER. FAB South - Here Stretches Out Before You mini n M If Of which enthral! the beholder with bewildering admiration and wonder. In" the distance the rugged Caseado Range draws out i(- serpentine length, while along it tit intervals rise up like grim sentinel all the white and weird SNOW-CROWNED PEAKS of the great not th west, their heads extending high in the celestial vault. The river goes winding northward ''like a silvery ribbon wide," and on every side are elements nf beauty. Lovely drives are being laid out and graded through the shady elevation and altogether the site is a grand one for elegant homes. ..The Willamette Investment Company Have the exclusive sale of this beautiful addition. Lots will be sold on the installment plan. This Company also have a largo list of choice city and farm property, o, 10, 12J and SO acre-tracts adjoining Salem. JBfeSMoney to loan on farm and city property, insurance in reliable companies. 245 up-stars, Moores' Block. DIRE Z ftp New York THE FINEST GOODS DRESS CIOODS Ami trhninings of all kinds to match in Persian trim mings, Plaid.'Stripe and plain Surahs, Braids, Plushes, etc., etc. -RIBBONS, KID GLOVES AND GLOVES OF ALL KINDS SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS. Full and Complete Lines of Embroideries and Laces in All- Widths. Beaded. Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel ties in Scarfs, FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. CARPETS. Curtains, Poles, Portiers. figy-A full and complete stock of Men's Furnishing Goods. No. 239 Corner State and Commercial Streets. Z z LUNN & PIANOS!! THE ::- BEST IN THE MARKET -::- For sale cheap for casli or upon the installment plan. Also a gorxl piano to rent. Call upon WM.S. ARNOLD, No. 367. Winter Street, Salem, Oregon. -PAVJD T. WILLIAMS, I'roprlctor of Salem Steam Laundry. ! SALEM, OKEUOX. frders left nt Htelner'ii jrwery MW eive prompt nttentluit Qeorgo II. Hayes lias lioci, appointed; specUl agent lor Ilia iwive liiinuiy unit uuy washing left with him will U? prompt ly attended to. 9-l'rlcs4 return iblo an 1 ir rk curio O. B. EDGETT. IS LOCATED ON S I1TI and Chicago IN THE CITY. " Z z 9p BROWN. E3TAHM3IIKU 11V NATIONAL AUTIlOIUTY a in in u (U U(l UK- SALEM -Capital Paid up, Surplus, OREGON. $75,1)110 10,000 It. S. WAl.LaCi:. - - Piesldent. W. MAUT1N, - Vlee-Piesldcnt. J. II. AMiKRT, -..- Cashier. DIRtCTORSi V. T. Gray, W. W. Jlartln, J. 31. Martin, It. S. Wullace. Dr. W. A.Cuslck. J. H. Albert, T. McK. l'atton. LOANS IvIADE To fanners on wlieut nnd other market able produce, conlgncl or in store, either In prlvutognmurleiior jiilblic warehouse. Slale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at resisonabte rale. Oraru drawn direct on New York, Chit-ago, K.n i Hrunrlsoo, Portland, Uindon, Turin, lierlln,. ; Hong Kong and Calcutta. M'rlnhiv Itliwklxrrv (VirdUl nil lllfull- blorrinedy for the mftobtlnt fdsoa oX. Dlarrha und Dysentury. nW bynllj UftiiBrlsts. alem Hig riieCapita It. P. BOISE, Jr. tits a Panorama, 11 GRANDEUR Always in Everybody knows that, without any exception, The Cap ital Adventure Company have the most cotnplotc general stock, in Salem nnd wo guarantee to undersell any of our com petitors. We have the hrgest and best assortment of Clothing, Hats' Hoots and Slioes for gentlemen, and can plensoumy one either in quality or price. People who have" to labor nnd want the most for their money will find it to their advantage to trade with us. We always give full weight and good incisure We make a spe cialty of country trade, and farmers will find our prices (qual ity and weight being taken into consideration) lower than the lowest. We handle country produce and pay the highest CASH-pricc for wool. We have plenty of room for all, and can make everybody feel at home in our store. We offer you no baits,.expecting to make it up on something else, but mark our goods at a uniform low price. These are facts in the case, and by calling at the Opera House Corner we will show you goods for prices that will prove all we say to bo) true. Capital Adventure Company, Salem, .immigrants are Values Coming Up nrc iw NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST! $900. 2 sightly lots on proposed street railway line in Xorlh Salem. Very cheap anil choice. $600. 73 feet front on Front street running throuuli 210 feet deep to tho river bank. For a week only. $2600- Elegant hard finished house, with 2 lots and a go-id birn on High street. Very sightly place, and in good nelghboihood. Worth seeing. ACREAGE. Twenty-eight acres very choice dpiing. JMcgaui ineauow on pari oi JMcgaui meadow on pari oi timoonlv Lots in Capital Park addition, one block fiom State Hlrwt, ?tK) for quarter blocks. S'JOO and 100 for single largo lots. Lots in Vcw Park, Queen Anne, Mill addition and University addi tions. 75x130 near Asylum avenue; J00. , ' ISAAC A. R'eal Estate Broker, 13anlc Bloclc. XJp-Stairs, Salern, Oregon. First National Bank SALEM. OREUON. Wit. N. liADUi:, - mi. .i. iikvnoij1)s, JOHN itOIIl, - i- - - Trepidant. VI io President. - - Cu-dilcr. GENERAL BANKING, Ktctiunsoon Portland, San Kianclseo, New York, Loudon and lions Itnng bought and sold. State, County and City warrants bought. Winners are eordlallv Invited to deposit imd liansael business with us. Liberal advunees made on wheat, wool, hops and other piupertyut reasonnruo rates. Insuraneo on such se curity em bo obtained at the bank In most reliable comp mips. J. J. CULVER, County Surveyor. JAMES WALTON, Topographer. W. H.1BYARS. Civil Engineer, Byars, Cuhcr Walton Surveyors 4 Topographers, Surveys, drafts, plats maps and descriptions ot i nuts. tow plots, and roads, ditches, streets, sewers, nllevs, (Me. ete., made and furnished at lA)LminlilA nfhuiu "111 Light Solar Transit, comers and lines ro-cs-w. a u E. ourlit tabllshed from original t-oy, n. r. Ada otes. Grades for ditches, roads, MieeNorscw es, with estimates tarnished on applica tion. Addiesn County Surveyor's office. SMcm, OKgon, Wright's Hop Celery and I'll imomlle Hitters recommended by tin most em ncnt physicians, Invigorating, Stimulating and not Intoxicating. Sold by II, W. .Cox. the Lead!! Oregon. Arriving and projierty, adjoining town. Hiiiiniui iruct. i'juv per acre. iruci. nw ier acre, i'or a snort MANNING sKiU5vJ1!'mmw-V'V Dai y ! Homes JHOWSJ COMPOUND EXTRACTyl V S ..I,....M..III......J Tho Importance ot purifying the- blood can not bo overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly ccry ono needs a good medicino to purify, vitalize, and enrich thQ blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's Pom ilia I Sarsaparllla. It strengthens rcLUllai anj builds up tho system, creates an appetite, and tones tho digestion, while It eradicates disease. Tho peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation ot tho vegetable remedies used give to Ilood's Sarsaparllla pccul- "r l-fcolf lar curative powers. No " llbCII other medicino has such a record of wonderful cures. If you havo tnado up your mind to buy Ilood's Sarsaparllla do not bo Induced to take any other Instead. It is a Tccullar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Ilood's Sarsaparllla Is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Dosos Ono Dollar MANTKI). WANTED A situation by u boy II years " old, on farm or stock mnclie. A Reed worker, enn plow or tend stock,. Call at tho olllco of tho Capital .Iouk.vai. for"l." Mtr Wl WANTED A Kcntleniau nfflvo yeais o ' ' perlenco In commission business wants a position Indoors wheio ho can put In all his time, lias had someexpeileneo In real estate and insuianee; Is iiKOod baud In a waiolioiise; Is n t;ood mathematician and can keep books and make himself uenci al ly useful and Is not afraid of work, llest of lcfercnces given. Address "II.," Joint nai, Okkick. 5-lltf ron ki:nt. IjiOIl ltr.NT.-In n lino locality, soveral 1 nicely furnished rooms, cither with or without bo-ird. Kor paitleiilats call upon Win. S. Arnold, ,1(17 Wlntci sticct. ron ham: LVJU hAl.K. A half-blooded Jeisey eowat I u leasonablopileo incjiilio at .'ttl Win ter stieet, or at the llon-Tou restnurant on stieol. IjiOK sil.E.-A new housa on l'chh! lot, 1U0 xI'jU feet, on liluh Kround In South Salem, houso lents for $7 per month only $(i.10.N. I). .Tones, Salem, Oiegnn. nOll MAI.ti A KAItM OK :U0AClflS II all under leneuaml cultivation. In the best HUI20 count IV of Eastern Oreiron. The best ehauco everotlercil for a man to engage In stock raising, lor particular enlton oi address .v . II. 11Y HS.Halcm, Oregon. rilOl'KSSIONAI. CAltDS. f J. SHAW, attorney at law, Kalem, Ore " gon, Olllco ii-Ktalis In the l'lilton block. r J. .7ENNINOS 1). 1). H.-DETJTIH'I' J Ollleoliitho Now Hank llloek, Com merclal street, Salem, Sign of tnu big tooth. dw PIIYrilOIAN.-MltM.Ifll. l. H. Mlt'OY physician and suigeou. has loejited and taken rooms over Squlrf I''arrar's grocery stoie. Chronic diseases n spec laity. Consultation fiee. 12-21dw W 1. Wlf.lifA.MH, HTENOdltAI'HKlt II, and Typewriter Copyist. Will make lepoits of tilals, etc.; copying on type wrilcr accurately and neatly dono. Olllco with I A, Maiinlni.', Commercial St., Ud tjtnliH, Now Hank llloek. hOOIiri'V NOT1UKM. OlilVKLODOENo. 1R, I. O. O. I', mis 111 Odd I'elltm'H' Hall ill) stall's. Coil els net L'omnicidal and Kerry stiects, every Bat uilayat7::s0ti. in, J. T. (IHEtlU. .IAH. W'AfiTON, Secretary. N. fj A 11,-Hodgw Iclc 1'ont, No. 10, Depart- ment of Oregon, meets every Mondaj1 eeuliignttlio hull over IhoOreKon Umil company's olllce. Visiting eomiadcs urn cordially Invited to attend. A. W. DiiAiomt, roitCoinmiidcr. 11. V. Bouriiwieif, Adjiita it. st?7K in tOKfl v .MONl'Ifean bomade 0 10 CpJU working Jor us. Agents preferred who can furnish ,. Iiorsu and lilvo their whole time to tlm business. Hp.ue moments may bn piolllaldy employed aim, A few Mieancles In towns mid cities. II. K .lohnsou A Co., IW.l Main kt.. Itlclimond, Va. N. II. I'Iiiimi state a-jo and hiHlness ox perlencp. Never mind about sending stump for reply. II, K.. I, A Co, l-tWin-sat Wright's Compound fiynnr of Sarsapar llla n reliable medicine for tho renovation of the blood. Tones anil builds up the sys tem, cures skin"s ete. Sold by II, W.Cox. Post Falls, Idaho, ON THE N. P, R, R Twenty-two miles up tho rher fromSs- kiino rail, water imucr eijual to MliiieaK)ls. K R 3S B ! Ilest sltoin the uorthwest for a I.INSICBD Oil. Ml'liU Oood market. CI.AIti; IIUOl'JIKItS, 1'iMtlalU, Idaho, 6-i:w,t NKW LIVEHY STAJILK. (Gaine, Fisher, Proprietor. Cornef Ferry and Liberty utrvctn, N, K, ctir from Cliciiaktto hotel. S-ilem, Or. Ootst uocoininodx'l in for loinmerelul truvflcrs. J-,lrtsliurU 1 w.j son liunn ClmrKm rwumahle. LATEST BYTBLEGRAPir. Portland Paragraphs. Poim.AND, May i!l. Ten moie of the Alaskan's passengers have been rescued, as tho following telegram from W. M. Hoag to Manager Smith of the O. It. & N. shews: "A pat ty dine in fit m ANesi bay last night and reported that ono of the boats from the ill-fated steamer Alaskan came in to Cape lYrpctua early yes terday morning with ten of the wrecked sailors. They report hav ing drifted near ono of the life rafts front tho Alaskan with two dead men on her. The men are now at Alsea and report no news of tho other boat, but gave news to Captain Winant, of the steamer Mischief, of their location and direction, when last seen, and the Mischief at once put to sea in search of them. The sailors saved me in good condition, and strong hopes are entertained ttiat CautiUn Winant will pick up the missing hunt, which is supposed to contain eighteen men." Mrs. Annie Suead, charged with stealing $&5(l from 'the Hlverside hotel, had an examination oefote Justice Mayo of East J'oi tcrday and was held in $500 bail to answer before the grand jury. She admitted she was in the hotel when the money was taken, but denied taking It. It was shown that she went into the room where the money was ami thai no one else went into tho room until the money was missed. Alliany I'oiilts. Ai.iiANV, May 121. Wm. M. Hoag, vice-president of the Oieou Pacltlo railroad, is now op his way from New York and will turive here tlu latter putt of the present week, when it is announced work on the road eastward will at once com mence. L. W. Clark, who committed sui cide at 1'orlluiul Sunday, was for merly n well-known photographer of this city, and less than three moil (lis ago was married to Mrs. Mary Moore, also of this city. The members of the Albany Pres byterian Sunday school havo ar ranged for a picnic to bo given at Marion on Friday, .rune II. Tho Sunday schools of Salem, Jellerson, Lebanon and other places will join in tho picnic, and tho various Sun day schools of all denominations inj tins city nave neon mviteutoaiieiui, I'alf-furu rates havo been secured on the railroad, and a large attendance is promised. A basket dinner will be held in the grove. A Crank's Lean. Ni:w Yomc, May 120. Stove Rrodie, a bridge jumoer, Jumped from Passaic Falls this morning and came out without damage. For tho past three months Jlrodie has en tertained the idea that it was neces sary, in order to preserve Ids record asa jumper, to rival the into Sam Patch by jumping from some of the places from-wlilch the latter jumped. About March 18th Hrodio went to Rochester to Jump from tho Genesee Falls, where Patch lost his life, but was dissuaded as tho water was only five fuel deep. The scene of to-day's lump is one ol the places where Patch jumped. Miinlercil In Culil liloinl. Ni:w Voitic, May 120. Advices from Rua Tan, an Island oil' Hono lulu coast, bay that Rev. Hobbs, a Baptist minister, and Ills wile ami child were lion ibly butchered with knives bv unknown persons while asleep in their home. The object was robbery. A sailor named llur rell was aricsted with some of the stolen money on his person. Iiiiiurtant if True. Ottawa, May 120. -A report Is current in olllclil clriles that a British mmi-of-war will soon sail from Victoria, JJ. C, for Rchrlng sea to inquire into the seitue of British vessels by A nierlcau revenue cutters. Ttwi I'lriii ('liuiiuco, I). W. Matthews has sold his drug store on State street to (J, W. Put nam, u substantial famierof Atims-l vlllo. Mr. Piitnaii was foimerly engaged In. tho dm business. I)i Matthews w short ret for the U'litllt i health, but It is pri'stimcil will H--c ,e lu business in Salem soo Mr. Tillan has retired from the firm of Foisiucr, Tlil'any it Co, Tho firm name will now bo Furtucr A Co. Mr, Tlfliiny will continue lu tho employ of the linn as salesman, hut has no Interest In the hu.oiicss, AMUTIONAl, I.0U.U, XI1WS. ,- Till: IV, C. T. IT. CONVICTION. L Seventh Annual Session oT tti Mhlto Itlblinn Older of Oregon. Delegates of, tho State W. C. T. V. me beginning; to arrive In the city to be present at tho opuning exercises of the seventh annual convention of the State union to-morrow morn ing. Tills afternoon tho state executive committee is conducting a hiisines-s meeting at the Union hall on Court street. They meet again this even lK. ' The session proper opens at S:.,0 to-morrow morning at the M. E. church, with program as follows for the three days : WI.IINIiSDAY, A. M. SESSION. 8:150 o'cleck: Devotional exercises. 11:00: rJeadlni: of minutes of ex ecutive committees. Appointment of committees. f)::)0: Hcpoi t or t lie committee on credentials. 10:00:. Report tof the eoire.-ponding secretary, Mrs. H. Smith, Al bany. 'f 11:00: Ueportiof treasmer, Miss inn oelotejKiaiK.t1 Irvine, Albany. Reports tlaiul yes-1 f strict piesidents. Al'TCltNlJox SPSSION I :,'() o'cleck: Devotional exercises. Music, Mrs. Ml. I. Shane, Portland. Scientllly tcmpoianeo Instruction, Mrs. Mary S. Kinney, Astoiia. 12:.'!0: Motheil' meeting, In chargo of Mrs. li. P. Ijnind, McMinvllIe. .5:,'10: Legislation and petitions, Inez Parker, Astotia. Kindergar ten, Miss Mary Acme. 1:00: Parlor nieelingsy Mrs. Lou Hatch, Salem. Flower mission work, Miss Hattio Uushnell, Eu gene City. KVKNINU MISSION. Mits. M. M. Hlauij Presiding. 7:!!0 o'clevk: Address, Anna Itlggs. TIIUItSDAY A. M. SCSSION. 8::!0 o'cleck: devotional exercises. 0:00: Hygienic Reform and lleie dity, Mrs. Dr. Aduir, Astoria. Narcotics, Mrs. Nellie Ross, As toiia, Sabbath Desecrations, Mis. W. A. Swick, Rosehurir. Work in Sabbath Schools, Mis. Nora Williams, Monroe. 10:00; Report of Refuge Home, Mrs. Multlo Townsond, Portland. Discussion. , AlTIIItNOON SCSSION. I iJlOj jjevotional exercises. 2:00! Conferqnco with Inllucntiiil bodies, iMis. N2 l Walltrce, Salem. Juvenilo worjc, Mrs. L. R. Thomas, Hood River, i ;i:00: TenipOranco and Labor, Airs. Ii. H. Adjlison, Corvallls, Rcjiorts of committees. i:vknino hi:h.sion. 7:.'l0: Devotional exercises"; reatl Ingot" mluutcsji'anniialaddicss, Mis. Narclssa Klnnoy, Astoria. I'ltlOAY X. cM. HKSHION. 10:00: Union Signal, Airs. L, A. White, Erkluvjlle. Lecture bureau, Mrs. JJcllu W. Cooke, Salem, . State department, Mrs. Anna 10. Hell, Newburg.r ll:lri: Whita, cross work, Mrs. Julia L. Snyder, MoMlnnvlllcii Evangelistic work, Mrs. Smith Fieiich, Tho Dillles. Pilson and Jail work, Dr. Clara 11. Chatltou, Portlijnd. AITIMIN.OON SlISSIONj"..' 1 :.'!() Devotional exercises. ly 12:00: Readlngmiuules. Wink at fairs,' Mis. C. JO. Shfploy, Oswego. Work among foreigneis, Mrs. A. 1). Miller, Portland. , it:00: lJnfermeTitcl wine. Mis. R, T. Rankin, Portland. lulrodiicthuf of teiuperaiico Into colleges and A'inluariiis, Mis. (J. F. Condon, Eygene. MiseellaueoiiK bttsliiits. v. w. c. jr. ir, i:vi:mk(i mission. Annual Leport, .Mlsfi 10. W. War- ""' ron, Slat'i Hupt. ofYtmhg woman's work, Astortfty Papers ami recitations by young ladies. -.-- .Miialu III lleiiliinil. The Capital city band Is in leeulpt. of a telegram fr.mi ytho Portlaiul Fouth of .lulYinuslo c.iinniltteo asking them notLcoiitriict for their sen lees on tHo Hr-alli until thoy hear from Pnrtland. As tho boys will bo governed by tho move--mentsof Co. Ji, they will no doubt havo to go to Albany. A Tuiivliurs' Ilmiiiiliuttloii, Prof. Yolor will toujuct an ex ainlnutlon of jdiool taehers at the, court hotibo, bcgTrmhlij on Wednes ilay of next veek. yTnuToaiJona are that there will bo many applicants, for certificates, I . t . '.! M m i 1 J 4 K ! FJ