-.'34sfr ' f - c. t I fW VF-f t irt(B. " SU13SCRIBH - V FOU THE CAPITAL JOURNAL Tin: . HEyT PAPER. IN SALEM. 43-You will be well pleased with it.-ft A. 13 V 15 K t ISIS IN THE CAPITAL JOURNAL) it wtt.t. in: A GOOD INVESTMENT. ap-Tho Terms nro -Most KcaxoniibtoUt CAPITAL VOL. 2. SALEM, OBEGOiN-, SATUBDAY, 3EAY IS, aSSO. XO. 67. JOURNAL. F. E. HOOVER. FAB ? South. Here Stretches Out Before You TI Of which enthralls tho beholder with bewildering admiration and wonder. In the distance the rugged Cascade Range draws out its serpentine length, while along it nt intervals rise up like grim sentinels all the white and weird SNOW-CROWNED PEAKS of the great northwest, their bends extending high in the celestial vault. The river goes winding northward "like a silvery ribbon wide," and on every side are elements of beauty. Lovely drive tire being laid out nnd graded through the shady elevation and altogether the site is a grand one for elegant homes. The Willamette Investment Company Have the exclusive side of this beautiful addition. Lot? will be sold on the installment plan. This Company also have a largo list of choice city and farm property, 5, 10, '2 1 and 30 acre-tracts adjoining Salem. Bfcy-Money to 1 -an on farm and city property, insurance in reliable companies. 245 up-stnrs, Moores' Block. DIRECT Prom New York THE FINEST GOODS DRESS GOODS And trimmings of all kinds to match in Persian trim mings, Plaid, Stripe and plain Surahs, Braids, Plushes, etc., etc. RIBBONS, KID GLOVES AND GLOVES OF ALL KINDS SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS, Full and Complete Lines of Embroideries nnd laces In All Widths. Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel ties in Scarfs. 8 FULL LINE OP DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. CARPETS. fi Curtains, Poles, Portiers. y J66?"A full and complete stock of Men's Furnishing J Goods. T" No. 230 Corner State and Commercial Streets. LUNN & PIANOS!! THE ::- BEST IN THE MARKET -::- For sale cheap for cash or upon the installment plan. Also a goad piano to rent. Call upon WM. S. .AKNOLD, No. 367 Winter Street, Salem, Oregon. DAVID T, WILLIAMS, Proprietor of Salem . Steam Laundry. SALEM, 0REU0X. 49-Ordera left at StcinerVBrucery turo will receive pronipUUtentloii George H. JIayea lias been appointed ipecUfacent lor the above laundry and auy washing left with liiui will be prompt ly attended to. -Prle reaoaable au J w.irlt gnanin teU. O. 11. EDGETT. VIOIIN IS LOCATED ON Salem Hig 1IT BUBTT and Chicago IN THE CITY. BROWN. KSTAJlLISHCD J1Y NATIONAL AUTH01UTY m VTn; in Kll LUI OK- SALEM - - - OREGON. Paid up, - - $75,000 "Surplus, . - . 10,000 U. 8. WAM'ACK, - President. W". W. MAUTIN, Vice-President. J. H. AI.HKUT, r - Guliler. DIRtCTORSi V. T. Gray, W. V. Martin, J. il, Martin, II. S. Wallace. Dr. W. A.Cuklck, J. II. Albert, T. McK. Patton. LOANS MADE To fanners on wlieat and otber market able produce, consigned or in (tore, elllier In private eraaarleaor rmbllo warehouses. Stale and County Warrant Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rate. Drafts drawn direct on .New prk, Chicago, Han Kranrlsco. Portland, Umdon, Parts, llerlln, Hone Kong nnd Calcutta. uii,'.i lilnLlirrt' ITnrdhil an lnfkll- bio remedy for the most obslliiule case of Capital National Bank uuirruau uuu ji-ui. o.4 dnigln. It. P. BOISE, Jr. TPARK lits a Panorama, MO GRANDEUR Always in Everybody knows that, without any exception, The Cap ital Adventure Comriany have the most complete general stock in Salem and we guarantee to undersoil any ot our com petitors. Wo have the Itrgest nnd best assortment of Clothing, Hats' Boots and Shoes for gentlemen, and can please any one. either in quality or price. People who have to labor and want the most for their money will find it to their advanlnge to trade witli us. We always give full weight and good measure We muke a spe cialty of country trade, aud farmers will find oar prices (qual ity and weight being taken into consideration) lower than the lowest. Wo handle country produce and pay the highest CASH price for wool. We have plenty of room for all, and can make everybody feel at homo in our store. We offer you no baits, expecting to make it up on something else, but mark our goods at a uniform low price. These aro facts in the case, and by calling at the Opera House Corner we will show you goods for prices that will prove all we say to bo' true. Capital Adventure Company, Salem, - - - - - Oregon. Values Comin immigrants are mm NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST! $900. 2 sightly lots on proposed street railway lino in North Salem. Very cheap and choice. $600. 75 feet' front on Front street running through '240 feet deep to tho river bank. For n week only. $2600. Elegant hard finished house, with '2 lots aud u good barn on High street. Very sightly place, and in good neighborhood, Worth seeing. ACREAGE Twenty-eight acres very choice property, adjoining town. Kuuning Miring. Elegant meadow on part of tract. $200 per acre. For a short time only. Lots in Capital Park addition, one block from Stute street, $000 for quarter blocks. $300 and $400 for single largo lots. Lots in Yew Park, Queen Anne, Mill addition and University addi tions. 75x180 near Asylum avenue; $800. ISAAC A. Real Estate Broker, Bank Block:. Up-Stairs, Salem, Oregon. First National Bank SALEM. OREGON. wm. n. JjAiiuk. rresincni. I)H. J. RKYXOIiUS, Vice President, IOHN MOIU, Oixlilcr. GENERAL BANKING. Exclianso on I'ortlnnd, K.in Francisco, Now York, lnudon nnd Hour Konij bought nnd sold. State, County nnd City warrants bought. Farmers nro cordially Invited to deposit mid transact business with us. Liberal advances lundo on wheat, wool, hops nnd other property in rensonnoio rates. Intir.inee on sueh se- mirlfv ,iin l,n ollhllm-il nF tin, lul tl if 111 most rellublo companies. J. J. CULVER, County Surveyor, JAMES WALTON, Topographer. W. H.IBYARS. CMI Engineer, ltyars, Culver k Walton Surveyors & Topographers Surscys.drnfts, pints maps nnd descriptions iiflnmH InwnUit, and roads, ditches, Mrcets, sewers, alleys, etc, etc., jnmle nnd furnished nt 1'iiniitiiilkli, lirlitjic lllil Lioht Solar Transit. COrners nnd lines rc-cs-w. a u E. ourley tahllshed tiiiiiiorlellinl t.ot, .y. Held notes. Grades for ditches, loads, (.tracts or sow ers, with estimates furnished on applica tion. Address County Surveyor's ollleo. Seleni, Oregon. Wright's Hop Celery and Chamomile Bitters recommended by thfl most eminent physicians, Invigorating, Stimulating and not Intoxicating. Sold by H. W. Cox. the Lead!! Arriving and MANNING J Daly ! m COMPOUND EXTfUCT 4sPaAA Tlio importance) ot purifying tho Wood can not bo overestimated, for without puro blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every ono needs a good mcdlclno to purify, vitalize, and enrich tho Wood, and wo ask you to try Ilood's p-p..!!-,. Sarsaparilla. Itstrcngthens r tJOUIIcU ami builds up tho system, creates an appetite, and tones tho digestion, whllo It eradicates disease. Tho peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of tho vcgctablo remedies used glvo to Ilood's Sarsaparilla pecul- "T".-. If c a If lar curatlvo powers. No Hoc IT other mcdlclno has such a record of wonderful cures. If you havo mado up your mind to buy Ilood's Sarsaparilla do not bo Induced to tako any other instead. It Is a Peculiar Jlcdlclne, and is worthy your confidence. Ilood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by nil druggists. Trcparcd by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar HANTI3II. rANTU!) A situation by a boy II yenrs " old, on rurm or Mock mui'liu. A good worker, run plow or tend Mode. Cullut the Olllcoof tho iMl'U'AT. .lomtXAi. for"!)." MtfWl WANTfiD- A irciltleiiliin offlvo yenrs ox " perlenco l'i voninilsslon IjiiMiichh wniits u podtlon Indoors where ho can put hi nil his tlmu. litis hud Mime oxporlenco In real o-tnto and Instiiiincc; Is a bckmI liMUdlun wnrohmiM; H n Kood nnitlieiiiiitlrlnii mid can Keep nooiCH nun iinu;o iiiinsoii L'onci'iu ly usciiu mm H not niniiil ol won:. lloit of refoi cures given. Addiess "11., Joint. 5-Utf nai. im rici:. l'OIS HUNT. LiOH UKNT.- Ill a lino locality, hovrnil ' nicely lurnUlird rooms, cither with or without board. I'or partlciiluis call upon Win. 8. Arnold, R07 Winter Mivrt. I'lllt SAl.i: VUH hAI.K. A liiin'-blnotlod Jeoey rowut 1 n leiisonnhloprlrn Iniiiho ut :KI Win ter btivet, or nt tho Ilnn-Ton lPdtiiiirniit on I'oinmeicliil htrect. IX) R s vI.K. A new Iiiiuso on Limd lot, KM 1 xliV) feet, on IiIkIi iriiniiiil In South Villein, house rents lor S7 prr month only 5(iri3. S. l)..lones,Halein, Oresrnn, PDIl SAI.H. A FAItM OK iCll ACItlOS V nil under I'ciicomid riiltivntlon, In tho best imiiko country of Kastein Oickou. The best ehiiuru over ollcicd for ii man to enaajjo In Htnrk ruIMii!. l-'or particuliun call on or nddress . If. 11Y HS.Snleni, Oic'on. I'ltOrKsSIONAI. GAUDS. I .1. H1I AW, attorney ut law, Siilem, Oro ' koii, UIUlc. iiihhtuirs In the l'ntton bloc! k. I J. .lr.sXHWM.rt 1). 1). H. IlKNTI-s'l' J Otlleo In tho Now l.unlc Work. Com inrrclul Mreot, Haluin. Mlgn of tho big tooth. dw nllYHIOIAtf. JfTlM. lilt. M. If. M( toV I phyMclun nnd NiirKeou, bus Iornted iiipl taken tooiiim over Hijulio Kiirrur'h iiroecry More. Cliionlc dUeat-es n sped lnlty. Consiilliitton free. ljXililw T I. WIl.niAMH, HI'KNOdllAl'lIKTi II , and Ty)ewrllerCopyiM. Wllliuuko rcjiortH of trials, etc.; conylm; on Tyiie- licriieeuriiieiyunu nriiiiy iiiinv. uiiiru with I A. .Muniilni;, Commercial Ht., Malrx, Now Hank lllock. Ud KOflliri'Y NOTIUI'N. OIJVKl-OIKlKNo. 18, I. (). O. K meets In Odd 1'VlltiWK' Hull upMalrH. Cornet Commercial and Kerry Ntiiets, every Hat urdaynt7:."0ii. in. .1. t. UUKUd. .IAH. WALTON, Hccretary. N. O A. It.-Hrdwlcl; Post, No, 10, Depart " ineiit of (iri'iron, liiertri oveiy .Mondiiy ovenlujjiittlie hall nvrr the Oregon biiuil company's oilier, Vlltln;( uiiumdeH nro cordially Invlied toiittcnd. A. W. DiiAYiiKii, I'ost (,'ommader. II. K. KoiTllwicic. Adjiita it. t"7K (TOKfi MONTH imii bo Hindu vP 0 10 sDZOU woiklna lor uh, avcihh prrferreit wlio iiiii funilsli .. Iiurxo iind Hlu thclrwholntlmc totlirlnixliiiiMi. Bp.un moments may bo piolltably employed iil'o. A few vacancies In towns and cities. 11. K. .lohiiaon ikCo,, KM) Main Ht.. Hlelimoncl, Vn. N. 11. Plense stall-iiKoand biulness ox perlenie. Never mind about mmuIIiik hlamp for reply. II. !'..!, it Co. HHim-Mil Wrlulif). (.'iiitipoiimt Hyriili of Hiirwiiar llluii irlliibloiiii'dlclnofor the renovuiloii nfthublooil. Tones ami Imlldn nil Itio kj -turn, cures Kklll iIImmih-js elr. Sold by II. V. Vox . Post Falls, Idaho, ON THE N. P. R. R I'wuiity-two mlloi up the river fioiiiKK- kauo I'n I In. WMler poxrvr upial to MlniiOMpolls. K R B JS ! lsl alto lu llionortlivio-t font I.INII(D OII Mll,ll (lood niiirltot, L'bAItlv IIHO III KIIH, I'ost liilU, litiilio. SlWit SVAY LIVKKV STAIILI-:. Gaines Fisher, Proprietor. Comer Perry and Liberty ulroetw, N. K. isir from CJieinckcte hotel, Rilem, Or. Oooi ucwimiiuil i In for coiiimerclul traveler', l'irt-cluiirii, ulwiyson hnnd Charvex reuMiiiubie. LATEST BY TBLUGRAPII. Alliany I'oinls. Ai.hany, Alny 18. It is stated on good authority that a telegram has been received by the XDivgon Pacific company at Corvalis from Vice Pres ident and Manager Wm. M. Hong, who recently went to Xew York city to consult with President Hogg, to tho ellect that he would leave that city at once for Oregon, and that arrangements had been made for the immediate resumption of work on the line eastward srom this city. It has been expected Unit this road will be completed into Eastern Oregon this summer, and tho early resumption of work on the road would certainly indicate thai this much and more will bo built this year. Mr. Eckleson and a party of surveyors have been in the Held be yond the summit for several weeks. In c.vuntnlng the foundation of tlte warehouse at Muddy Station yesterday to see if auy repaiis were needed there was found be tween the joists a satchel containing a first-class kit of burglar tools, con sisting of eighty pieces, all lu the best of order. Archie Hammer, who was injured falling from a seafIoldiug,is in a pre carious condition. He continues out of his mind most of the time, and just how tho ease will terminate can not bo foretold. Thirty-live sacks ol gold ore went through Albany from Kiddles, bound for San Francisco, via Yiuiuiim. Autopsy Held While Alive. The wife of Washington Frying llishop, tho deceased mind rc.u.ci, stoutly tililrnis that the autopsy "recent I J" was made while Fllshop was in a trance. Shu characterizes the autopsy as a horrible butchery. "Do you mean that he was alive when thu autopsy was made?" she was asked. "I certainly think 'so. lTo hud a cataleptic attack once in Malta, but It lasted forty-eight hours and. he ivus given up for dead. FFo lias told me hundreds of time never (oleta knife touch liim until he was decom posed, as ho hal a horror of being buried . alive, and I consider that autopsy to have been ncruol, shame less outrage, to say the least." "What motive could they havo had?" They wanted his brain, and seeing him insensible, wanted to be the first to lookaf it. It is'horrllile! horrible! Olii-rokro Matters. St. I-ouih, .May 17. Latest infor mation from thu Cherokee nation is to tho cfl'ect that Chief Mays has taken no action in thu matter of furnishing facilities for thu transac tion of business by tho Cherokee commission, which Is- expected to meet tliero on the 120th Inst, to ne gotiate for tlio purchase of Indian lauds. He refuses to call a national council to consider thu matter, but says he will submit to thai body at its regular session in November any proposition thai the commission nuiy make. A Disiisl rous Storm. Kansah City, May 17. A heavy rain storm passed over this section to-day, doing a greal deal of minor ilainago lu tliis cily and In Iiuiiih City, Kns., where several streets aud sewers were badly washed out. The railroads nre all badly demor alized, and not a road has sent in a tr.iiu exactly on time to-night. Disastrous 1'mt. Council Hi, urns, In, May 17. Ono of tho most disastrous fires for yen is visited Council ISIuM's this morning, destroying the steam meat packing house, continuing' one million pounds of meat. The lo-n is 200,000. Klfclrlr I'iro Kiiiuo. ISiiMHJPnitr, Conn., May 17. An Inventor has discovered a plan for operating lire engines by electricity, lie proposes to huvo the engines rigged with elect no motors, and take power from elcctrio light dynamos. Sir-iking Miners. Kl.'ltl.lN, May 17, Negotiations between the mine owners and strik ing miners looking to the settlement of their disputes, have been sus pended owing to the Krabler iiilne owners declining lo negotiate. I Tlio Intt'i-ntuli) Commission. j Wahhinhton, Mry 17. Tho In-, ter-st ite commerce commission bus Issued a circular to the labor organi zations of the country, soliciting In formation concerning tho question of fo lerul legulullons oi the safety pplleiiieonf railroad. Portland l'nrngraplis. Poim.AND, May 18. Tho German song birds have arrived. They came in on a delayed train lato Thursday evening, and were at once taken to thu Exposition building wbgreevery preparation for their comfort had been made. The reception coninilttco of the pioneer association for Mariou coun tythe celebration of which associa tion will be at Portland on June 18th consists of Mrst. E. M. Wnite, Mrs. F. N. Gilbert, Mrs. W.ILOdell, Mrs. George A. 1'Mes, Mrs. Z. F. Moody. Complaint is mado of the danger ous way In which the little steniners Alarm and Cyclone arc run. livery trip is u race, and run in a most-reckless manner at that. Hope Nearly Gone. Astouia, Mav 17. The Manzanll la, which arrived lu this afternoon, reports leaving the Coiitillle river at 1:0 yesterday afternoon. When eleven miles oil' shore she passed large quantities of wreckage and picked up a life preserver of the Alaskan. There was no sign of any of the boats. Captain KIchardson reports terrific weather all through tlio trip, which was made to supply thu Southern Oregon coast light houses vith supplies aud put down buoys. Poisoned by lee Crciiin. Nnw Yonic, May 17. A New Haven special says: " South Glaston burg hint been having a May festival in the interest of St. Luke's Episco pal church. Last night there was tho lorgest attendance since the fair began, aud tho many quarts of leu cream, particularly vanilla, that disappeared was both surprising nnd pleasing to the managers. After returning from the hall to their homes over n hundred persons who had eaten ice cream at tlio festival wtre taken 111. Coiifi'raii'u of Sugar Mvi'dinntK. Tuii:sti:, May 17. A conference of Austrian and Hungarian sugar merchants was held to-day and res olutions were adopted urging the government to withdraw from the London sugar bounties convention. lliiynrd's Kiigngcincnt. VAMiiN(iTON,Muy 17. The Even ing confirms tho rumored eugnge ment of ox-Secretary llayardto Miss Clyiner, daughter of Dr. Clymer of Washington. The wedding will oc cur early in the summer. COXDENSKI DISlMTOIIIiS. The New York legislature killed thu dressed beef bill. Strikes are spreading to an alarm ing extent in all parts of Germany. Manolia Hermann of Oregon has been appointed chief of division in thu pension olllce. Tho emperor of Germany Is again troubled with his head and fears are entertained tliat it will become seri ous. Secretary Jtlaiuo said lu tin In formal way that President Harrison will govern In a non-partisan man ner. ,, Tlie Shah of Persia, Journeying from Teheran to St. Petersburg, Is inccliug with a grand reception in Hussla. l-'iiriu for Hair, Midlines, 7 iiiIIim Hoiithwuit of Hnleiii, near Prospect Hill, nil fenced ami a ops fenced. HI lu cultivation, III seeded to criixs, balauco timber, plenty cimmI spring water, koi id D-room house, all nutshell lie. 1 1- uhuveu hundred dollar school-house, fair b.irn nnd other out hulldliiits. Good Ki'iiln, ki'iikh and friill lauds. Hlulitly and lieiittiiv location, irood nclihborhood mid Kood road to Salem. Can be divided Into smaller fruit farms with purupilui; watei on each. Don't monkey with the. real es, lutn iieeiil's biiz.-siiw.but coins rluht to the lai m (It will cost you notliliiK to stay all nli;hl), see my nulKhhors, net the iiiilnllutcil fiiels and mivii lees. Price. 810 her acre. Terms reasonable, I'or particulars see Charlie itobcrlson, iirai!K store, isalcm. .Iomn P. Koukiumon. WMIlin If you want some Marlon county dirt cheap, look at this: Two -ID-ueru tracts live miles south at fci!0 and irj per acre. I'lnofHiiu of 5Jl!t acres on French pralrio at &!0 per acre. (under blocks under new fence In Capital park for $500, and city prop erty In all purls, Improved or vacant. Come and see us and get into posses sion early. Duncan it Mooni. a Fruit will ripen very fast if wo have a few nice warm sunshiney days. And Kqulro Farrar will bo the llrst lu the city to serve home grown fruit to his customers, to gether with as fine and select stock of groceries and provisions as is to be found lu tlio valley, A i ' It '8' , M