laaumtiuui. M$$ s, JS r. . SU BSCRIBE FOR TUE PAPITAI inilDMAI ADVERriSE IS CAPITAL THE CAPITAL JOURNAL mil. wn. imujuuiiiinu m ) Tin: WEST I'APElt IN SALEM. 3You will he well pleased Willi U.SX IT WIM. UK A GOOD INVESTMENT. rs-'flio Tonus lire .Most Itcasouable-tiw VOL. 2. SALEM, OttEGCXN", ITRIDAY, MAT IT, ISSi). IISTO. GG. foHHEMfirirrriTiW! fTtsdBIVHil IfLS 'C F. E. HOOVER. FAB South. Salem Here Stretches Gut Before You I TRANSCENDENT BEAUTY w Of which enthrall the hohnldcr with bewildering admiration and wonder. In the distance the rugged Cascade Range draws out its serpentine length, while along it at Intervals rise up like grim sentinels all the white and weird SNOW-CROWNED PEAKS ol the great northwest, their heads extending high in the celestial vault. The river goes winding northward "like a silvery ribbon wide," and on every side are elements of beauty. Lovely drives are being laid out and graded through the shady elevation and altogether the site is a grand one for elegant homos. . The Willamette Investment Company Have the exclusive sale of ihls beautiful also nave a largo jisi e: cnoice city aim i.irm property, , iw, z) ami au ucre-iracis adjoining oaiein. jB6J"Money to l.u'.ii on farm and city pr merty, insurance in reliable companies. 245 up-stars, Moores' Block. D j From RECT New York O PQ THE FINEST G00DS,1N THE CITY. DRESS GOODS And trimmings of all kinds to match in Persian trim inlngs, Plaid, Stripe and plain Surahs, Braids, Plushes, etc., etc. RIBBONS, KID GLOVES AND SUNSHADES AND PARASOLS, Full and Complete Lines of Embroideries and -Laces In All Widths. Beaded Shoulder Wraps and latest Novel- rTl ties in Scarfs. JJ FULL LINE OF DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS. -j- CARPETS, o Cu.rtai.ris, Poles, Portiers BSTA full and complete Goods. No. 239 Corner State and Commercial Streets. LUNN & .BROWN PIANOS!! THE ::- BEST, IN THE MARKET -::- For sale cheap for cash or upon the installment plan. Also a good piano to rent. Call upon WJI.S. ARNOLD, No. 367 Winter Street, Salem, Oregon. DAVID -T. WILLIAMS, Proprietor of Salem Steam Laundry. SALEM, OREtiOX. -Order lea at 8tHner'n grocery more will receive prompt ntfentioii George II. Ilnye Uu boen, appolutrd iecULa;ent tor tho above laundry uud any waihlng lett with lilm will bo prum.t Jy attended to. Prleen reasonable and work uuarao 0. II. EDGETT. T IS LOCATED ON addition. Lots will he sold on the, ail Chicago GLOVES OF ALL KINDS '. A stock of Men's Furnishing x ESTAIlMSIIKD 1IY NATIONAL AUTHORITY wl lid (ii va SALEM - - - OREGON. Capital Paid up, . $75,000 - 10,000 Surplus, It. B. WAIXACK, - - I'roaldent. V. W. ilAHTIN, - VIce-I'resldeut. J. II. ALBKUT. r - Candler. DIRtCTORSt W.T.aray, W.W.Martin, J. M. Martin, IU B. Wallat-c. Dr. W. A.CunIck. J. II. Allien, T. McF. 1'ntton. LOANS MADK To Eirmera on wheat and other market able produce, connlKned or in store, either In private craaarleaor public warehoused. Stale and County Warrants Bought at Par. COMMERCIAL PAPER Discounted at reasonable rate. JJralU drawn direct on New yoric,Chlcaeo,Haa Kranclnco, l'ortland, Iondon, 1'arin. Uerllu, Hung Kone and Calcutta. Wright' Hlackberry Cordial an Intall- MOUN TheCanital National Bank blo retneay ror ibhiiiiihji r ... lJlarrUosa and PyenUry, bold by all OnifglrtM. R. P. liOISE, Jr. PARK Higtits a Panorama, 11 installment plan. This Company II Always in the Lead!! Everybody knows that, without any exception, Tho Cap ital Adventure Company have the most couiploto general stock in Salem and we guarantee to undersell any of our com petitors. We have tho hrgest and best assortment of Clothing, Hats' Boots and Shoes for gentlemen, and can please any one either in quality or price. People who have to labor and want tho most for their ' money will And it to their advanlage to trade with us. We always give full weightand good measure We make a spe cialty of country trado, and farmers will 11 ml our prices (qual ity and weight being taken into consideration) lower than the lowest. We handle country produce and pay the highest CASH price for wool. We have plenty of room for all, and can mako everybody feel at homo in our store. Wo oiler you no baits, expecting to mako it up on something clso, but mark our goods at a uniform low price. Tlieso are facts in the case, and by calling at the Opera Houso-Coruer we will show you goods for prices that will prove all we say to be' true. Capital Adventure Company, Salem, ----- Oregon. Values Comiri Immigrants are Pure law NOW IS THE TIME TO INVEST! $90CV 2 sightly lots on proposed street railway line in North Salem. Very cheap and choice. $600. "5 feet front on Front street running through 240 feet deep to the river bank. For a week only. $2600. Elegant hard fluldied house, with 2 lots and a good burn on High street. Very sightly place, and in good neighborhood. Worth seeing. ACREAGE. Twenty-eight acres very choice proiierty, adjoining town. Hiiunlng fcnritig. Elegant meadow on part of tract. 1200 per acre. For a hliort time onlv. Lots In Capital Park addition, ono block from .Statu 8treo,t, ?0'0 fur quarter blocks. (300 and $400 for single large lots. Lots In Yew Park, Queen Anlio, Mill addition and Unlvcndty addl- t r.. ini - 4 ....I ,v. C'JiA ISAAC A. Real Estate Broker, Banl: Bloclc. Up-Stairs, Salem, Oregon. mwy COMPOUND EXTRACTy ft. linn. li... . i. ........ .i. in. .,..!,., Tho Importance of purifying the blood can not bo overestimated, for without puro blood you cannot enjoy good health. At tills season nearly every ono needs a good mcdlclno to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and wo ask you to try Hood's DoriilIm Sarsaparilla. It strengthens rtJOUIIal anj bunds up tho system, creates an appetite, and tones tho digestion, while It eradicates disease. Tho peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of tho vegetablo remedies used glvo to Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- -t- 1 Caf iar curatlyo powers. No I U llocll othermcdl'clnohassucharccordof wonderful cures. If you havo mado up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla donotbolnduccdto take any other Instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and Is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla Is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses Ono Dollar Wright's Compound Syrup of Hursapur Ilia a reliable medicine tor the renovation of tho blood. Tones und builds up tliiisve tcm, cures skin diseases etc. Sold by II. W.Cox. Arriving and MANNING Hies Daily ! The Lntest Sv hullo. The latest swindle in the peddling line is being worked through the suburban towns in New .Ietey. A man gix.s around to each house with a bottle of medicine, a box of salve, and a vial of "perfumed dis infectant," the whole lot for a dollar. The latter, he idlees, when tho cork is out, w ill dimise a pleasant odor through the liom and will at the same time be osafoijuard against contagion,. He agist : on leaving a bottle aVid ass that it be tried. He will calrVajiln in a few days and if it lias isvI been found satisfac tory ho willimoharse anything for It. llesmis the ewrk in his pocket and loaves the open ITottle to per fume and disinfect the room. The liquid is volatile, and when ho gets buck In a day or two it is nearly all evaporated, whereupon he demands r0 cents for what has been "used." Often he gels it. Wright's Hop Celery unit Chamomile Hitters, recommended by tho must eminent physicians, InvlKnrutlnir, stliniiliitimrmid not Intoxicating. Sold by 11. V. Co. Wright's Myrih Tooth Soip comes oil conqueror every time jou huve. n luiisli with It. Try It. Sold by nil diuc5l"t. "WAN'l'JJn. VANTKD A Hltimtfon by u boy II yeuiN ' old, on fnnii or stoel: runelin. A cood worker, ran plow or tend stock. Cull lit tlie oilier of the t'Aiii'Ai. Jol'UXXI. for"0." Mtt Wl WANTICP A Krutlcimiu of live ycais ox- perlcncp 1 1 commission business wants u position Indoors xrlioio hu can put In nil Ills time, litis, lmil soiiioe.perleiico in rt'.il citato n ml Insurance; is u itood lmml In u wniehouse; Is hkooiI iiiiitliciiintlrlnii mid call keep books ami make himself licnernl ly useful anil Is not nlnilil of work. Hcst of lefeienees glxcn. Aililiess "15.," .Joint nai. DKl'iri:. fi-lltf ron itcxT. IOIt HKNT.- In iv lino locality, Mivernl I nleely lurnlshed rooinn, cither with or without bun nl. l'or purtlciiliiiH will upon Win. S. Arnold, "l!7 Winter street. ron SAM-: 17011 SAIiK. A linll-hloodcil . Jersey cnwnt u iciisoniililoprlei) Inquluiat :Vil Win der stieot, or ut tlie lion-Ton rcstiiunint on Coniineicinl street. JJ'trH.H IiH. A new houso on jrooil lot, ICO " xlfi1) feet, on IiIkIi ki'ouihi In South Snlcni.housu vents for $7 per month only 5fi.")U. N. I)..Iones,Snloni, Oresui. l.lOTThAl.K. A KAH.M OI' .'M) AUlU'M I' nil under fence and cultivation, In the best liuiBO. country if i;aslern Oiefton. Tho best chanco over ollVieil lor a man to (.'imago In stoclc ralshitf. Kor partlcularH call on or address v. II. 11V US,S.i1(!in, Oregon. lUOKi:S')ION.VIi C.VltllS. I .1. SHAW, nttoiiicy at law, Satem, Ore- gun. Olllio uisstalfi In the I'atton block. f J. JKNNINOS" J). I).""H. DUNTIHT ) Olllco In tho Now Hank lllock. Com inerclal Ntrect, Salem. Sign ol tho big tooth. dw nllYSIOfAN.-MltS. i)f. .M. II. MCCOY I physlelan and surgeon, has located and taken rooms oxer Squliii KurrarV grocery store. Chronic discuses a spec laity. Consultation free. lS-lildw U 1'. WILLIAMS, KTKNOOIlArill'lll . and Typewriter Copyist. Will mako reports of trials, etc.; copying on typo wrlteriicLMirntcly mid neatly done. Olllco wltli I A Manning. Commercial HI., Ud jtalrs, Now llnnlc lllock. SOQIl'.TV XOTIUKS. Ol.IVKI.ODflKNo. 1, J. (). O. I'., mcjts In Odd bellows' Hall upstairs. Cornei Coiiiinerclnliiiid Kcriy streets, overy Sat- urdavnt7::i0p. in J.T. UllliUli. Scerotary. .IAS. WALTON, N. n A. It. Sedgwick Post, No. 10, Ocpait U. inent of Oicgon, meets ox-cry Monday evening at the hull over tho Oregon liiind company's olllco. Visiting comrades am cordially Invited to attend. A. W. IiitAX (ii:it. Post Conimndcr. 11. V. SoorilxvicK, Adjulii it. (71 ctOKH 'V'ONTII eaiihoinado vj)t) 10 b.DJ fl-orklng for us, Akoiiih piefericd who can furnish ,i horso ami glvo their xvhololliuo to tho business Rpmo moments may be prolltubly employed iibo. few vacuncles in tow ns and cities. II, l .Johu-on it Co., ldOil .Main St., Itlchmond, Vu N. II Pl( asp state iigoand biialncss ox. pcrlcncc. cv(X, iiiinu iiuoui sending F., llllllll IIUOUI. SI'lllllllg Tjl. K. .I.ACo, 1-lWJlil-wit kifntnu fill rnitll'. . ,..,,- ..-. . ,-, Post Falls, Idaho, ON THE N. P. R. R., I'wciity-two miles up tho river fioniHpo- llano Kails, xvnlcr power ciiial to Mliiucnijiills, R R, S S ! Host slloln the northiiest foru 11 N S 15 15 JJ Ol U M I UUl nwidiiitirkftl. CI.AIti; DUO I'll KIIO. Q.IIMH -t Pint 1'iilU, Idaho, first National Bank SALEM, OltF.dON. WM. N, ItADl'K, : Preslilmil. 1)11. J. ItHYNOUM, - Vtm PniKldiMil. JOHN MOIII, Ciwlilur. GENERAL BANKING, HxMiiaiiK-wou Portland, H,iii I'ranojMO, Nvw York, JiiiiIiiii mid Hong JCmig Isiught uild Mild. HUlle, County and City warrant Umyhl. Kuriiiurn aru mrdlully InvlUHltl (IbIMmII Villi iKIIlSfltt iHUHlOHS with ox. I.llieiiil uitrun'tM mado on wluiit, xnol, hiu uud other properly at rttismli'no nito. 1'i.nniuio on inch n ourlty cm be obi.ilii'sl nl Hie bank In iil'Mt ri'llahli C:npiuli LiVTBSTBYTBIiBGRAHr. I'ortlniitl ranisi'nilis. I'oiiTi.AND, May 17. Yeslerday forenoon tho startling news was re ceived hero from Astoua, that the Oregon Ihiilway it Navigation com pany's niagnlllcent side-wheel Iron steam r Alaskan had fouudered when oil' Cape Blanco, and that a number of those on board had perished. The news was brought to Astoria by the steamship Colum bia, that arrived t there from San Francisco, bringing tlie captain of the Alaikan,ytue ihf.t olllcer and nine of thcerexv, who had been transferred' to the former steamer from thetiig Vigilant. Frank Jachetta appeared before .ludgeSteariisyesterday for sentence. Ho was convicted of manslaughter for the fatal shooting of Charles Ol son alius "Crawllsh Charley," and given time for moving for a now trial, but Wednesday ho told his counsel not to make such a motion, stating that he was piepared to re ceive his sentence. The court reviewed the case brief ly, stating that there were some features connected witli it which were against tne defendant's cause. Jachetta shot tho nititi he was con victed of killing in the heal of passion from tho brutal treatment he received; but Judge Stearns said ho was not satisliodthatlhe prisoner committed the act wholly in self defene. lie then sentenced the prisoner to throe .veal's' conliueiuent in the penitentiary at Salem. Tlie AIunKiiii Fmiiiilt'i'i'il. I'oitTiiA-N'D, May 1(1. Tlio news has just arrived hero that the steam er Alaskan, owned by the (). It. & N. Co., had foundered at 'sea. Last Monday, while en route to San Fran cisco for repairs. Sho foundered oil' Cape Blanco. Captain llawcs and eleven of the crew were picked up by tlie tug Vigilante. The fateof tho remaining twonty-lhi'eo of the crew is still unknown. The steamer Alaskan tuCk down with her about 2o0 tons of coal for fuel, which is about the same amount taken by tho regular ocean steamers on that route, but as sho could not make more than eight or ten knots per hour at scu, It is thought not alto gether improbable that she may huve run short of coal. Her hull was very foul, which condition would of necessity have retarded her speed. Sho left out over the bar last Saturday noon. Albany Points. Ai.HANY, May 17. James IJan noii, tho Lebanon bank robber, who escaped fiom Jail in this city tho first of tho week, xvas i.ceu about Leban on Tuesday. lie stopped at the farm residence of Jesso I'arrlsh for breakfast and afterwards called and got his supper. Ho xvroto a nolo to Mr. Jtecd in Lebanon, stating that he would bo in Lebanon, but as yet bo has not been seen there. Our home-made street cars will bo about twice the Hi.o of tho Salem cars and will lie of an Improved model, capable of being propollsd either by electric motor or by horses. Therols talk of startlnga tannery in tills city. Such an enterprise Is needed and several business men liuvoslgnllled a willingness to lake stock for lis establishment. 'lliui'iitlykcs Itici) licail. Ni:v Yoiik, May HI. Allen Tliorndyko Wee, editorofthe North American Itevlew, and new minis ter to ilushia, died here this morn lug, lie waslo have sailed for his post yesterday. Ho xvhh suH'ering from soie throat on Monday and his physician I'oiblil his starting un til lie was better. Tlio dcceaHo rap idly developed Into malignant tousllotls, resulting hi his death. No serious icsult had been antici pated up to last night. The attend ing physician says tho glottis swilled suddenly and stopped his breathing. Death occurred ut .'i o'clock a. m. Tim C(iiicr .Mine CoiilVrpiiiT. Nl.w Yoltic, May 1(1. Tlio repre sentatives of tho copper mines have (Kiicludod their conference, Tho only result appears to be the llxlug of tho price of lake copper at It! cents pur pound. It Is staled that no stops were mado toward tho accept ance of any proposition Irom the European stockholders In tho cop pur syndicate. All hopes of n com promise aio abandoned. SoUllrJirii, '.MiiiUU'i' to Turkty Wahiiimjton, May 10. Tho presi dent to-day appointed Solomon Illrnch of l'ortland, Oregon, lo be minister to Turkey. Deadly Flumes. ()iti:nix May 10. A disastrous lire broke out early this morning in St. Sauveur. The Haines spread with great rapidity through the wooden district, and tlio houses on Valler, Cliencl, St. Peter and St. Marie streets were burned. Help was asked from this city, and Que bec engines were quickly sunt, but owing to the lack of water, their , force was crippled. Uattery Jl was llnullv called out and rendered valu ab'eassistanee in lighting tho Humes, at seven o'clock the lire had destroy ed over 100 buildings. "While the militia xvas preparing to blow up houses, to check the Haines, a pre mature explosion took place, killing Major Short and Sergeant Wallace, of Uattery 11 by burying them in the ruins. The loss xvas $150,000. Tho Oalilo Komi Trust. Sax Fiiancisco, May 10. A dispatch from Los Angeles yester day stated that C. II. Holmes, head of the cable roads of that city, St. Louis and Chicago, backed by a wealthy syndicate, xvas about to commence a series of operations looking toward the ultimate forma tion of, a gigantic cabicfuifroad trust company. Tho object of the trust, so the dispatch stated, xvas to build or buy up tho cable roads in ex-ery city in tho United States. IhuiiuTPil cabinet Clinngrs. Washington, May 10. It is re ported that tho president has decid ed to Hll the vacancy on the supremo bench caused by the death of Stan ley Matthews by the appointment of Attorney General Miller. I As a result of this appointment Secretary Noblo will be made attor ney general, and Assistant Postmas ter General Clarkson will succeed Noble as secretary of tho interior. Applications For Pensions. Wahhixoto.v, May 10. Applica tions for pensions tiro beginning to come In at tho pension oftlco from tho windows and dependent rela tives of thoolllcersand ineii who lost their lives In tho recent naval disas ter at Samoa. A 'Itig Strike. PiTTHiiiTiw, May 1(1. Tho em ployes of IhoNationul tubowoiksat MoKee's pit have struck for an ad vance in yoges of 10 per cent. Two thousand men are out. The em ployes ot the galvanizing and roll ing department threaten to Join tho strikers. Six thousand men are em ployed In this plant. "Will Shut llowii. Sax Fhancihco, May 10. The Pioneer woolen mills, which were started In IMS, ami which havo a paid-up capital stock of ono million ono hundred thousand dollars, xvlll soon cease operations, owing to un profitable business. I'oitlaml to Seattle. Nnw Yomc, Mnv 10. President Adams, of tho Union Pacific, Is re ceiving estimates for a parallel lino to the Northern Paclllo from Port land to Seattle. The Title is Turning. When tho tide Is running out It looks as If it would always run ono way, but nothing Is more certain than that It will turn and run In again; and so It Is with commercial tides. For two or threo years It bus been ebii tide, but the signs are ac cumulating that 18801s going to be a good business year. American Grocer." A lllllll'll'OllS (,'uss. The mall carrier up Gray's river, Mr. Illinium, said ho saw a floater in the bay last Tuesday when ho xvas 'coming in. It xvas floating gracefully along with Its face turned up to tho moon and a crawfish fast ened to Its iio-e. Harry says lie hasn't lost any crawfish, so hu didn't tow It hi. Astoria Transcript. Tho rock on which tho proposed salt trust will split Is a rock of salt recently discovered in Kansas. It is threo hundred miles long, twenty flvo miles xvldo and tour hundred feci thick. A trust In seashore sand Is about ai piactlcahlo a trust ns in salt, A young lady at l'ortland, Me,, lias worked up a new business In which sho Is said to bo doing well that of reading to old or disabled people. There Is no reason why such Instances should not ho com mon. When a man conveys to you In n loud tone of yoke, and the language of slang, profanity, and bad gram mar tho Information (hat ho Jh a gentleman, it U w wmitoof time tq doubt hm, r T , I V r ? M (MO, I&4